Fuzzy Quantification of Knowledge

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Till this point, we have only quantified in an abstract fashion, the knowledge that the human expert has about how to control the
process. Next, we will show how to use fuzzy logic to fully quantify the meaning of linguistic descriptions so that we may
automate in the fuzzy system, the rules specified by the expert.

6.3.1. Fuzzy Logic

Knowledge is structured information and knowledge acquisition is done through learning and experience, which are forms of
high-level processing of information. Representing and processing knowledge hold the keys to all intelligent systems. When it
comes to logic, knowledge representation is done by propositions and its processing is performed using reasoning, by applying
various laws of logic, including a suitable rule of inference.

The focus of fuzzy logic is on linguistic variables in natural language, wherein the objective is to provide foundations for
approximate reasoning with imprecise propositions.

In classical logic, a proposition is either TRUE, denoted by 1, or FALSE, denoted by 0. Consider the following propositionp:

‘Team member is female’

Let X be a collection of 10 people: x1 , x2 , …, x10, who form a project team. The entire object of discussion is,

X = {x1,x2 ⋯ ,x10}

In general, the entire object of discussion is called a 'universe of discourse', and each constituent memberx is called an
'element' of the universe (the fact that x is an element of X, is written as x ∈ X).

If x1 , x2 , x3 and x4 are female members in the project team, then the propositionp on the universe of discourse X is equally well
represented by the crisp (nonfuzzy) set A defined below:

A = {x1,x2,x3,x4}

The fact that A is a subset of X is denoted as A ⊂ X.

The proposition can also be expressed by a mapping μA from X into the binary space {0, 1}.

μA : X → {0, 1}


such that,

0; x = x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10
μA = {
1;x = x1,x2,x3,x4

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That is to say, the value μA(x) = 1 when the element x satisfies the attributes of set A; 0 when it does not. μA is called the
characteristic function of A.

Next, supposing that, within A, only x1 and x2 are below age 20; we may call them 'minors'. Then,

B = {x1,x2}

consists of minor team members. In this case

1; x = x1,x2
μB(x) = {
0; otherwise

B is obviously a subset of A; we write B ⊂ A.

We have considered the 'set of females A', and the 'set of minor females B' in X. Is it also possible to consider a 'set of young
females C'? If, for convenience, we consider the attribute 'young' to be same as 'minor', then C = B; but, in this case, we have
created a sharp boundary under which x2 who is 19 is still young (μC(x2 ) = 1), but x3 who just turned 20 today is no longer young
(μC(x3 ) = 0); in just one day, the value changed from yes (1) to no (0), and x3 is now an old maid.

However, is it not possible that a young woman becomes an old maid over a period of 10 to 15 years, so that we ought to be
patient with her? Prof Zadeh admitted values such as 0.8 and 0.9 that are intermediate between 0 and 1, thus creating the
concept of a 'fuzzy set'. Whereas, a crisp set is defined by the characteristic function that can assume only the two values {0, 1},
a fuzzy set is defined by a 'membership function' that can assume an infinite number of values; any real number in the closed
interval [0, 1].

With this definition, the concept of 'young woman' in X can be expressed flexibly in terms of membership function (Fuzzy sets
are denoted in this book by a set symbol with a tilde understrike):

μC : X → [0, 1]


such that,

1; x = x1,x2
⎪ 0.9;
μC = ⎨
x = x3

0.2; x = x4
0; otherwise

The significance of such terms as 'patient' and 'flexibly' in the above description may be explained as follows. For example, we
have taken μ C(x3) = 0.9, but suppose that x3 objects that 'you are being unfair; I really ought to be a 1 but if you insist we can
compromise on 0.95'. There is a good amount of subjectivity in the choice of membership values. A great deal of research is
being done on the question of assignment of membership values. However, even with this restriction, it has become possible to
deal with many problems that could not be handled with only crisp sets.

Since [0, 1] incorporates {0, 1}, the concept of fuzzy set can be considered as an extended concept, which incorporates the
concept of crisp set. For example, the crisp set B of 'minors' can be regarded as a fuzzy set B with the membership function:

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1; x = x1,x2
μB(x) = {
˜ 0; otherwise


Example 6.1

One of the widely used instances of a fuzzy set is the one that consists of tall people. In this case, the universe of discourse
is potential heights (the real line), suppose, 3 feet to 9 feet tall. If the set of tall people is defined properly as a distinct set,
we may consider people with height beyond six feet as officially tall. The characteristic function of the set A = {tall men}
then, is

1 for 6 ≤ x
μA(x) = {
0 for 3 ≤ x < 6

Such a condition is expressed by a Venn diagram shown inFig 6.1(a) and a characteristic function shown in Fig 6.2(a).

Figure 6.1

For our example of universe X of heights of people, the crisp set A of all people with x ≥ 6 has a sharp boundary: individual,
'a' corresponding to x = 6 is a member of the crisp setA, and individual 'b' corresponding to x = 5.9 is unambiguously not a
member of set A. Is it not an absurd statement for the situation under consideration?A 0.1″ reduction in the height of a
person has changed μA from 1 to 0, and the person is no more tall.

A crisp set of all real numbers greater than 6 may make sense as the numbers are part of an abstract plane, but when it
comes to real people, it is not logical to consider one person short and another tall, when the difference in their height is
only the width of a hair. However, if this type of distinction is not sensible, then how can the set of all tall men be rightly
defined? Just like our example of 'set of young women', the word 'tall' is like a curve describing the level to which any person
is tall. Figure 6.2(b) depicts a possible membership function of this fuzzy set.

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Figure 6.2

Note that there is inherent subjectivity in fuzzy set description. Figure 6.3 shows a smoothly varying curve (S-shaped) for
transition from not tall to tall. Compared to Fig. 6.2(b), the membership values are lower for heights close to 3′ and are
higher for heights close to 6′. This looks more reasonable; however, the price paid is in terms of a more complex function,
which is more difficult to handle.

Figure 6.3 A smoothly varying membership for fuzzy set A


Figure 6.1(b) shows the representation of a fuzzy set by a Venn diagram. In the central (unshaded) region of the fuzzy set,
μA(x) = 1. Outside the boundary region of fuzzy set,μA(x) = 0. On the boundary region, μA(x) assumes an intermediate
˜ ˜ ˜
value in the interval (0, 1). Presumably, the membership value of an x in fuzzy set A approaches a value of 1 as it moves
closer to the central (unshaded) region; it approaches a value of 0 as it moves closer to leaving the boundary region of A.
So far we have discussed the representation of knowledge in logic. We have seen that the concept of fuzzy sets makes it
possible to describe vague information (knowledge). But description alone will not lead to the development of any useful
products. Indeed, a good deal of time passed after fuzzy sets were first proposed, until they were applied at the industrial
level. However, eventually it became possible to apply them in the form of 'fuzzy inference', and fuzzy logic theory has now
become legitimized as one component of applied high technology.

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In fuzzy logic theory, nothing is done at random or haphazardly. Information containing a certain amount of vagueness is
expressed as faithfully as possible, without the distortion produced by forcing it into a 'crisp' mould, and it is then processed
by applying an appropriate rule of inference.

'Approximate reasoning' is the best known form of fuzzy logic processing and covers a variety of inference rules.

Fuzziness is often confused with probability. The basic difference between them is that fuzziness handles deterministic
plausibility, whereas probability deals with the possibility of nondeterministic (stochastic) events. Fuzziness is one facet of
uncertainty—it is the vagueness found in definition of a concept (weak implications in rule-based systems, for example),
and/or ambiguity in meaning of linguistic terms. However, the uncertainty of probability usually pertains to the occurrence
of phenomena, not their ambiguity. For instance, 'There is a 50 percent chance that he will live' is a very uncertain statement
because of inherent randomness. On the other hand, 'she is a young woman' is a statement with uncertainty in definition of
'young woman'. Therefore, fuzziness is the description of the vagueness and ambiguity of an event, while randomness
describes the uncertainty in occurrence of an event.

We can now give a formal definition to fuzzy sets.

6.3.2. Fuzzy Sets

A universe of discourse, X, is a collection of objects all having the same characteristics. The individual elements in the universe
X will be denoted as x.

A universe of discourse and a membership function that spans the universe, completely define a fuzzy set. Consider a universe
of discourse X with x representing its generic element. A fuzzy set A in X has the membership function μ A(x) which maps the
˜ ˜
elements of the universe onto numerical values in the interval [0, 1]:

μA(x) : X → [0, 1]


Every element x in X has a membership function μ A(x) ∈ [0, 1]. A is then defined by the set of ordered pairs:
˜ ˜

A = {x, μA(x))∣∣x ∈ X, μA(x) ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜


A membership value of zero implies that the corresponding element is definitely not an element of the fuzzy set A. A
membership function of unity means that the corresponding element is definitely an element of fuzzy set A. A grade of
membership greater than zero and less than unity, corresponds to a noncrisp (or fuzzy) membership of the fuzzy set A.
Classical sets can be considered as special case of fuzzy sets with all membership grades equal to unity or zero.

A fuzzy set A is formally given by its membership function μ A(x). We will identify any fuzzy set with its membership function,
˜ ˜
and use these two terms interchangeably.

Membership functions characterize the fuzziness in a fuzzy set. However, the shape of the membership functions, used to
describe the fuzziness, has very few restrictions indeed. It might be claimed that the rules used to describe fuzziness are also
fuzzy. Just as there are an infinite number of ways to characterize fuzziness, there are an infinite number of ways to graphically
depict the membership functions that describe fuzziness. Although the selection of membership functions is subjective, it
cannot be arbitrary, it should be plausible.
( )
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To avoid unjustified complications, μ A(x) is usually constructed without a high degree of precision. It is advantageous to deal
with membership functions involving a small number of parameters. Indeed, one of the key issues in the theory and practice of
fuzzy sets is how to define the proper membership functions. Primary approaches include (1) asking the human expert to
define them; (2) using data from the system to generate them; and (3) making them in a trial-and-error manner. In more than 25
years of practice, it has been found that the third approach, though ad hoc, works effectively and efficiently in many real-world

Numerous applications have shown that only four types of membership functions are needed in most circumstances:
trapezoidal, triangular (a special case of trapezoidal), Gaussian, and bell-shaped. Figure 6.4 shows an example of each type.
Among the four, the first two are more widely used. All these fuzzy sets are continuous, normal and convex.

Figure 6.4 Examples of fuzzy sets: (a) Trapezoidal (b) Triangular (c) Gaussian (d) Bell-shaped

A fuzzy set is said to be continuous if its membership function is continuous.

A fuzzy set is said to be normal if its height is one (the largest membership value of a fuzzy set is called the height of the fuzzy

The convexity property of fuzzy sets is viewed as a generalization of the classical concept of convexity of crisp sets. Consider
the universe X to be a set of real numbers ℜ. A subset A of ℜ is said to be convex if, and only if, for all x1 , x2 , ∈ A and for every
real number λ satisfying 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, we have

λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 ∈ A


It can easily be established that any set defined by a single interval of real numbers is convex; any set defined by more than one
interval, which does not contain some points between the intervals, is not convex.

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An alpha-cut of a fuzzy set A is a crisp set Aα that contains all the elements of the universal set X that have a membership
grade in A greater than or equal to α (refer to Fig. 6.5). The convexity property of fuzzy sets, as said earlier, is viewed as a
generalization of the classical concept of convexity of crisp sets. In order to make the generalized convexity consistent with the
classical definition of convexity, it is required that α-cuts of a convex fuzzy set be convex for all α ∈ (0, 1] in the classical sense
(0-cut is excluded here since it is always equal to ℜ in this sense and thus includes – ∞ to + ∞). Figure 6.5(a) shows a fuzzy
set that is convex. Two of the α-cuts shown in this figure are clearly convex in the classical sense, and it is easy to see that any
other α-cuts for α > 0 are convex as well. Figure 6.5(b) illustrates a fuzzy set that is not convex. The lack of convexity of this
fuzzy set can be demonstrated by identifying some of its α-cuts (α > 0) that are not convex.

Figure 6.5

The support of a fuzzy set A is the crisp set of all x ∈X such that μ A(x) > 0. That is,
˜ ˜

supp(A) = {x ∈ X∣∣μA(x) > 0}

˜ ˜


The element x ∈ X at which μ A(x) = 0.5, is called the crosspoint.


A fuzzy set A whose support is a single point in X with μ A(x) = 1, is referred to as a fuzzy singleton.
˜ ˜


Example 6.2

Consider the fuzzy set described by membership function depicted in Fig 6.6, where the universe of discourse is

X = [32°F, 104°F]

Figure 6.6 A fuzzy set: linguistic 'warm'

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This fuzzy set A is linguistic 'warm', with membership function

0 ; x < 64°

(x − 64°)/6 ; 64° ≤ x < 70°
μA(x) = ⎨ 1 ; 70° < x ≤ 74°


(78° − x)/4 ; 74 < x ≤ 78°
0 ; x > 78°

The support of A is the crisp set


{x|64° < x < 78°}


Example 6.3

Consider a natural language expression:

‘speed sensor output is very large’

The formal, symbolic translation of this natural language expression, in terms of linguistic variables, proceeds as follows:

i. An abbreviation 'Speed' may be chosen to denote the physical variable 'speed sensor output'.

ii. An abbreviation 'Xfast' (i.e., extra fast) may be chosen to denote the particular value 'very large' of speed.

iii. The above natural language expression is rewritten as 'Speed is Xfast'.

Such an expression is an atomic fuzzy proposition. The 'meaning' of the atomic proposition is then defined by a fuzzy set
XF a˜st, or a membership function μXF a˜ st(x), defined on the physical domain X = [0 mph, 100 mph] of the physical
variable 'speed'.

Many atomic propositions may be associated with a linguistic variable, e.g.,

‘Speed is Fast’
‘Speed is Moderate’
‘Speed is Slow’
‘Speed is XSlow’

Thus, the set of linguistic values that the linguistic variable 'Speed' may take is

{XFast, Fast, M oderate, Slow, XSlow}

These linguistic values are called terms of the linguistic variable. Each term is defined by an appropriate membership

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It is usual in approximate reasoning to have the following frame associated with the notion of a linguistic variable:

⟨ A,L A,X,μL A⟩
˜ ˜ ˜


where A denotes the symbolic name of a linguistic variable, e.g., speed, temperature, level, error, change-of-error, etc. ℒA is
˜ ˜
the set of linguistic values that A can take, i.e., ℒAis the term set of A. X is the actual physical domain over which linguistic
˜ ˜ ˜
variable A takes its quantitative (crisp) values, and μ L A is a set of membership functions which gives a meaning to the
˜ ˜
linguistic values in terms of the quantitative elements of X.


Example 6.4

Consider speed interpreted as a linguistic variable with X = [0 mph, 100 mph], i.e., x = 'Speed'. Its term set could be

{Slow, M oderate, Fast}

Slo˜w = the fuzzy set for 'a speed below about 40 miles per hour (mph)', with membership functionμSlow,
M ode˜rate = the fuzzy set for 'a speed close to 55 mph', with membership function μModerate,
˜st = the fuzzy set for 'a speed above about 70 mph', with membership functionμF a˜ st.
The frame of speed is

⟨Spe˜ed, L Spe˜ed, X, μL Sp eed⟩



L Spe˜ed = {Slo˜w, M ode˜rate, F a

X = [0, 100]mph

μSlow, μModerate, μF ast are given in Fig. 6.7.

˜ ˜ ˜

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Figure 6.7 Terms of linguistic variable 'Speed'

The frame of speed helps us to decide the degree to which an atomic proposition associated with 'speed' is satisfied, given
a specific physical value of speed. For example, for crisp input

Speed = 50 mph
μSlow(50) = 1/3
μModerate(50) = 2/3
μF ast(50) = 0

Therefore, the proposition 'Speed is Slow' is satisfied to a degree of 1/3, the proposition 'Speed is Moderate' is satisfied to a
degree of 2/3, and the proposition 'Speed is Fast' is not satisfied.

An extension of ordinary fuzzy sets is to allow the membership values to be a fuzzy set—instead of a crisply defined degree.
A fuzzy set whose membership function is itself a fuzzy set, is called a Type-2 fuzzy set [94]. A Type-1 fuzzy set is an
ordinary fuzzy set. We will limit our discussion to Type-1 fuzzy sets. The reference to a fuzzy set in this chapter, implies a
Type-1 fuzzy set.

We have observed that a fuzzy set is completely characterized by its membership function. Widely usedcontinuous
membership functions have been illustrated in Fig 6.4. In the following, we give most general form of these membership
functions. Note that all membership functions given in Fig. 6.4 are specific cases of these analytical forms.

We also define here discrete and singleton functions that we will be using later in this chapter. Continuous Membership Functions

Triangular: A triangular membership function is specified by three parameters (a, b, c) as follows:

0 if x ≤ a

⎪ b−a
if a ≤ x ≤ b
μ(x) = ⎨


if b ≤ x ≤ c

0 if c ≤ x

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The parameters (a, b, c) with a < b < c determine the x-coordinates of the three corners of the triangle (Fig. 6.8(a)).

Figure 6.8 Triangular membership functions

The two membership functions shown in Figs 6.8(b) and 6.8(c), defined at the corners of universe of discourse, are special
cases of Eqn (6.12).

Trapezoidal: A trapezoidal membership function is specified by four parameters (a, b, c, d) as follows:

0 if x ≤ a

⎪ b−a
if a ≤ x ≤ b
μ(x) = ⎨


if c ≤ x ≤ d

0 if d ≤ x


The parameters (a, b, c, d) with a < b ≤ c < d determine the x-coordinates of the four corners of the trapezoid (Fig. 6.9(a)). Note
that trapezoidal membership function with parameters (a, b, c, d) reduces to a triangular membership function when b is equal
to c.

Figure 6.9 Trapezoidal membership functions

The two membership functions shown in Figs 6.9(b) and 6.9(c), are special cases of Eqn (6.13). These functions are inherently
open right or left and thus are appropriate for representing concepts such as 'very large' or 'very small'.

Piecewise linear functions (generally either triangular or trapezoidal) constitute the simplest type of membership functions. As
we have observed, these may be symmetrical or asymmetrical in shape.

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Gaussian and bell-shaped membership functions display smoothness, due to which their use for specifying fuzzy sets is

Even though the Gaussian membership functions and bell-shaped membership functions are smooth, they do not have the
ability to specify asymmetric membership functions, which are significant in some applications. Sigmoidal membership
functions are either open left or right, and are used for synthesizing asymmetric and closed membership functions.

In the following, we describe Gaussian, bell-shaped and sigmoidal membership functions.

Gaussian: A Gaussian membership function is specified by two parametersc and σ; c represents the center of the membership
function and σ determines the width. Figure 6.10(a) shows a plot of general Gaussian membership function, given by the

− 12 ( x−c
σ )
μ(x) = e


Figure 6.10

Gaussian membership functions have the features that they are symmetrical, smooth, and non-zero at all points.

Bell-shaped: A general bell-shaped membership function is specified via three parameters (a, b, c), where the parameter b is
generally positive (IF b is negative, the shape of the function becomes a reverse bell). Parameterc seeks the center of the curve
and parameter a depicts how wide the curve is. Figure 6.10(b) shows a plot of generalized bell-shaped membership function,
given by the expression:

μ(x) =
x − c ∣2b
1 + ∣∣∣ ∣
a ∣


Bell-shaped function given by Eqn (6.15) is symmetrical, smooth, and non-zero at all points.

Sigmoidal: A sigmoidal type membership function can generally be open to the right or to the left. The former type is commonly
used as activation function in neural networks. The general expression of sigmoidal membership function is given as,

μ(x) =
1 + e− a(x− c)

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where c determines distance from the origin and a determines steepness of the function. If a is positive, the membership
function is open to the right whereas if it is negative, it is open to the left. Figure 6.11(a) illustrates sigmoidal function open to
the right.

Figure 6.11

Symmetrical or asymmetrical but closed (not open to the right or left) membership functions can be constructed by using either
the difference or product of the two sigmoidal membership functions described above. The membership function formed by
the difference between two sigmoidal membership functions is defined as difference-sigmoidal, and the one formed by the
product of two sigmoidal functions is defined as product-sigmoid. These are shown in Figs 6.11(b) and 6.11(c), respectively.

A sigmoidal function depends upon two parameters a and c:

f(x; a, c) =
1 + e− a(x− c)

Difference-sigmoid depends upon four parameters a1 , c1 , a2 and c2 , and is the difference between two of these sigmoidal
functions (Fig. 6.11(b)): f1 (x; a1 , c1 ,) – f2 (x; a2 , c2 ).

Product-sigmoid again depends upon four parameters a1 , c1 , a2 and c2 , and is the product of two of these sigmoidal functions
(Fig. 6.11(c)): f1 (x;a1 , c1 ) × f2 (x;a2 , c2 ).

All the membership functions in sigmoid family are smooth and non-zero at all points.

The list of membership functions introduced above is by no means exhaustive; other specialized membership functions can be
created for specific applications. Available software tools provide a wide selection to choose from when we are selecting a
membership function for the application in hand. It may, however, be noted that exotic membership functions are by no means
required for good fuzzy inference systems for most of the applications. Discrete Membership Functions

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A discrete fuzzy set A of a universe of discourse with finite number of elements x1 , x2 , …, xm , has membership function

μA(x); x ∈ {x1,x2,… ,xm}



This fuzzy set may be expressed as,

A = {x1, μA(x1)), (x2, μA(x2)),… ,(xm, μA(xm))}

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜


An alternative representation of fuzzy set A is,


μA(x1) μA(x2) μA(xm)

A={ ˜ , ˜ ,… , ˜ }
˜ x1 x2 xm


where ˜ represents a tuple, not a division.
xi Singleton Function

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Quite often we use a fuzzy set A in space X with the membership function defined by

1 if x = x0
μA(x) = {
˜ 0 otherwise


Any fuzzy set with this form for its membership function is called a 'singleton'. Fuzzy singleton may be graphically represented
as shown in Fig. 6.12.

Figure 6.12 Fuzzy singleton

Note that the discrete impulse function can be used to represent the singleton membership function. Basically, singleton is a
fuzzy set representation of a crisp number x0 .

6.3.3. Fuzzy Set Operations

There are different kinds of fuzzy set theories differing from one another on the basis of the set operations (complement,
intersection, union) they use. The fuzzy complement, intersection and union are not unique operations, unlike their crisp
counterparts; different functions may be suitable to represent these operations in various contexts. Not only membership
functions of fuzzy sets, but also, operations on fuzzy sets rely on the context. The ability to establish suitable membership
functions and meaningful fuzzy operations in the context of each specific application, is essential to make fuzzy set theory
really useful.

The intersection and union operations on fuzzy sets are often called triangular norms (t-norms), and triangular conorms (t-
conorms; also called s-norms), respectively. The reader is advised to refer to [94] for the axioms which t-norms, t-conorms, and
the complements of fuzzy sets are required to satisfy.

In the following, we define standard fuzzy operations, which are generalizations of the corresponding crisp set operations.

Consider the fuzzy sets A and B in the universe X.

˜ ˜

A = {(x, μA(x))∣∣x ∈ X;μA(x) ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜

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B = {(x, μB(x))∣x ∈ X;μB(x) ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜


The operations with A and B are introduced via operations on their membership functions μ A(x) and μ B(x) correspondingly.
˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ Complement
The standard complement, A , of fuzzy set A with respect to the universal set X, is defined for all x ∈ X by the equation
˜ ˜

μA¯¯¯(x) ≜ 1 − μA(x)∀x ∈ X
˜ ˜

(6.20) Intersection
The standard intersection, A ∩ B, is defined for all x ∈ X by the equation
˜ ˜

μA∩B(x) ≜ min [μA(x),μB(x)] ≡ μA(x) ∧ μB(x)∀x ∈ X

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜


where ∧ indicates the min operation. Union
The standard union, A ∪ B is defined for all x ∈ X by the equation
˜ ˜

μA∪B(x) ≜ max [μA(x), μB(x)] ≡ μA(x) ∨ μB(x)∀x ∈ X

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜


where ∨ indicates the max operation.

The min and max operators are not the only operators that can be chosen to model, respectively, the intersection and union of
fuzzy sets, but they are the most commonly used ones in engineering applications. Popular alternatives to min and max
operators are algebraic product and algebraic sum: Algebraic Product

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μA(x) ∧ μB(x) = μA(x) ⋅ μB(x)∀x ∈ X

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

(6.23) Algebraic Sum

μA(x) ∨ μB(x) = μA(x) + μB(x) − μA(x)μB(x)∀x ∈ X

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜


There are many more classes of t-norms for intersection and t-conorms for union which have not been listed in this Chapter 3[ ,

6.3.4. Fuzzy Relations

Consider two universes (crisp sets) X and Y. The Cartesian product of two sets X and Y (in this order) is a set of all ordered pairs
such that the first element in each pair is a member of X and the second element is a member of Y. Formally,

X + Y = {(x, y);x ∈ X, y ∈ Y }


where X × Y denotes the Cartesian product.

A fuzzy relation on X × Y, denoted by R or R(X, Y), is defined as the set

˜ ˜

R = {((x, y), μR(x, y))∣∣(x, y) ∈ X × Y , μR(x, y) ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜


where μ R(x, y) is a function of two variables, called membership function of the fuzzy relation. The degree of membership of
the ordered pair (x, y) in R, associated with each pair (x, y) in X × Y, is a real number in the interval [0, 1]. The degree of
membership indicates the degree to which x is in relation with y. It is clear that a fuzzy relation is basically a fuzzy set.

If X and Y are discrete universes of discourse, a relationR on X × Y can be presented in the form of a relational matrix, or
graphically as a discrete set of points in a three-dimensional space (x, y, μ R(x, y)). When the universes of discourse are
continuous sets comprising an infinite number of elements, the membership function μ R(x, y) is a surface over the Cartesian
product X × Y, not a curve as in the case of one-dimensional fuzzy sets. A relation defined on the spaceX × Y is a binary relation.

A Cartesian product can be generalized for m universes of discourse X1 , X2 , …, Xm . A relation defined on this space is given by

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R = {((x1, x2, … , xm), μR(x1, x2, … , xm))∣∣(x1, x2, … , xm) ∈ X1 × X2 × ⋯ × Xm,
˜ ˜
μR(x1, x2, … , xm) ∈ [0, 1]}



Example 6.5

Let X and Y be two given sets

X = {1, 2, 3}, Y = {2, 3, 4}

The relation R: 'x is smaller than y', may be presented in the form of a relational matrix as follows:

The elements of the relational matrix are the degrees of membershipμ R(x, y), i.e., degrees of belonging of a specific pair
(x, y) to the given relation R. For example, the pair (3, 2) belongs with a degree 0 to the relation x' is smaller than y' or the
possibility that 3 is smaller than 2 is zero. This relation is a typical example of a crisp relation. The condition involved is this
relation is precise one that is either fulfilled or not fulfilled.


Example 6.6

Let us now consider a typical example of an imprecise relation R: 'x is approximately equal to y'. The degree of belonging
μR(x, y) of pairs (x, y) from the Cartesian product X × Y to this relation R can be any number between 0 and 1.
˜ ˜
For continuous universes X and Y, given by [3]

X = {x ∈ R|1 ≤ x ≤ 3}, Y = {y ∈ R|2 ≤ y ≤ 4}

the membership function μ R(x, y) of the relation 'x ≃ y', is a surface over the Cartesian product X × Y, shown in Fig. 6.13.

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Figure 6.13 Membership function of the relation: "x is approximately equal to y".

The relational matrix after discretization by a step of 0.5, is as follows:


Example 6.7

Consider an example of fuzzy set: the set of people with normal weight. In this case, the universe of discourse appears to be
all potential weights (the real line). However, the knowledge representation in terms of this universe, is not useful. The
normal weight of a person is a function of his/her height.

Weight, kg
Body Mass Index (BMI) =
(Height, m) 2


Males with BMI values that range from 20 to 25 are members of the healthy set. Males with BMI values greater than 27 or
less than 18 are not members of the healthy set. BMI values in the range 18–20 and 25–27 represent a fuzzy situation.

Suppose we wish to express fuzzy relation R: 'healthy male adult', in terms of height and weight of a person. We consider
the range of height (cm): {140, 145, 150, …, 180}, and range of weight (kg): {45, 50, …, 105}; denoted by x and y, respectively.

x ∈ X = {140, 145,… , 180}

y ∈ Y = {45, 50, … , 105}


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Membership values for the set 'healthy' may be calculated from the following function:

0 ; x< 18

(x − 18)/2 ; 18 ≤ x ≤ 20
healthy (x) = ⎨ 1 ; 20 < x < 25

(27 − x)/2 ; 25 ≤ x ≤ 27
0 ; x> 27


A membership value of 1 is healthy; a membership value of 0 is not healthy; a membership value between 0 and 1 is the
degree of membership in the healthy set.

A relational matrix R(X, Y ), obtained using Eqns (6.28–6.29), is given below (relational matrix (6.30)).


Each entry in the matrix, μ R(x, y), indicates the degree a person with a corresponding height and weight is considered to
be healthy. For instance, the entry corresponding to a height of 160 cm and a weight of 50 kg has a value 0.77, which is the
degree to which a person will be considered a healthy person, i.e., μ R(x, y) = 0.77 for x = 160 cm and y = 50 kg.

The relational matrix in this example is actually a surface over the Cartesian product X × Y (Fig. 6.14).

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Figure 6.14 Membership functions μ R(x, y) of the relation R: 'healthy male adult'; x is height in cm
˜ ˜
and y is weight in kg. Composition of Fuzzy Relations

Fuzzy relations in different product spaces can be combined with each other bycomposition. Note that fuzzy sets can also be
combined with fuzzy relations in the same way as relations are also fuzzy sets. A composition is also a fuzzy set because
relations are fuzzy sets.

Let R and S be two binary fuzzy relations in product spaces X × Y and Y × Z, respectively. The composition of the two relations
˜ S ˜
R and is a relation in product space X × Z, denoted as R ∘ S (the description that follows can easily be extended to relations
˜ ˜ ˜ ˜
defined on Cartesian product of m universes; m > 2).

Composition of R and S is the result of three operations:

˜ ˜
Extending each relation so that their dimensions are identical

Intersection of the two extended relations

Projecting the intersection to the dimensions not shared by the two original relations

The extension operation extends the dimensions of R and S to X × Y × Z. The projection operation projects the intersection of
˜ ˜
the two extended relations in product space X × Y × Z to X × Z. Extension and projection are dual operations. The former
extends the dimension of a fuzzy relation while the latter reduces the dimension of a fuzzy relation.

Typically, we apply cylindrical extension to the two fuzzy relations R and S so that they have the same dimensionality in order
˜ ˜
to apply set operation: intersection (in sub-section 6.3.3, we described set operations on fuzzy sets defined in the same
universe of discourse). The projection operation, as the name implies, projects a fuzzy relation to a subset of selected
dimensions. This operation is often used to extract the possibility distribution (membership functions) of a few selected
variables from a given fuzzy relation.

A mathematically rigorous treatment of extension and projection requires extension principle of fuzzy set theory, which is
beyond the scope of this book. We will instead give basic description of characterization of the principle in terms of cylindrical
extension and projection, with respect to our focus on applied machine learning.

Later we will see that while making a fuzzy inference (obtaining new knowledge from existing knowledge) a composition of a
(one-dimensional) fuzzy set and a fuzzy relation is of practical importance. Since our focus is on applied machine learning, we
consider in our discussion the composition of a (one-dimensional) fuzzy set and a fuzzy relation. The concepts directly carry
over to the general case of composition of two fuzzy relations.

Let us define

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X – universe of discourse for variable x

Y – universe of discourse for variable y

A – fuzzy subset of X; A ⊆ X
˜ ˜

A = {(x, μA(x))∣∣x ∈ X, μA ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜


R – Fuzzy subset of X × Y

R = {((x, y), μR(x, y))∣∣(x, y) ∈ X × Y , μR ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜


A is a fuzzy set in space X, and R is a fuzzy relation in product space X × Y. The composition of the fuzzy set A(X) and
˜ ˜ ˜
relation R(X, Y ) is a fuzzy set in space Y. The composition operation can be viewed as a combination of cylindrical extension,
intersection, and projection of fuzzy sets.

Cylindrical extension is a step for extending fuzzy set A(X) to the product space X × Y. This step enables us to take the
intersection of A and R (intersection operation requires both A and R to be defined on the same space; Section 6.3.3).
˜ ˜ ˜ ˜
Intersection of the extended relation (fuzzy set) with in the product space X × Y, for matching A with R.
˜ ˜ ˜
Projection of the intersection on space Y; this results in a fuzzy set B in space Y, induced by the composition.
Cylindrical Extension: The cylindrical extension of A (a fuzzy set defined on X) in X × Y, denoted ceA, is the set of all tuples (x,
˜ ˜
y) ∈X × Y, with membership function equal to μ A(x), i.e.,

μceA(x, y) = μA(x) for every y ∈ Y

˜ ˜


Figure 6.15 shows graphically cylindrical extension of a fuzzy set A in X to a fuzzy relation ceA in space X × Y.
˜ ˜

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Figure 6.15 Illustration for cylindrical extension

Intersection: The intersection of the fuzzy sets (relations)

ceA and R in X × Y is given by the following equations.

˜ ˜

μceA∩R(x, y) = μT (x, y) = μceA(x, y) ∧ μR(x, y)

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜
= min{μceA(x, y), μR(x, y)}
˜ ˜
= min{μA(x), μR(x, y)}∀x ∈ X,∀ y ∈ Y
˜ ˜


Product operator

μceA∩R(x, y) = μT (x, y) = μceA(x, y) ∧ μR(x, y)

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜
= {μceA(x, y), μR(x, y)}
˜ ˜
= {μA(x) [μR(x, y)]}∀x ∈ X,∀ y ∈ Y
˜ ˜


Projection: The projection of T (a fuzzy set defined on (X × Y)) on Y, denoted proj T , is a set of all y ∈ Y with membership grade
˜ ˜
x {μ T (x, y)}; ' x ' represents maximum with respect to x while y is considered fixed, i.e.,
equal to
max max

x {μ T (x, y)}
μp roj T (y) = max
˜ ˜


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Projection on Y means y0 is assigned the highest membership degree from the tuples (x1 , y0 ), (x2 , y0 ), …; x1 , x2 , … ∈X, and y0
∈Y. The rational for using the max operator on the membership functions of T comes from the extension principle (many-to-one

Figure 6.16 graphically illustrates the projection step.

Figure 6.16 Illustration for projection

Composition Operators: The three operations: cylindrical extension, intersection, and projection, involved in imposition of fuzzy
relations lead to many different versions of compositional operator. The best known one is the MAX-MIN composition. The
MAX-PRODUCT composition is often the best alternative.

Let A be a fuzzy set in space X, and R be a fuzzy relation in product space X × Y.

˜ ˜

A = {(x, μA(x))∣∣x ∈ X, μA(x) ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜


R = {((x, y)), μR(x, y))∣∣(x, y) ∈ X × Y , μR(x, y) ∈ [0, 1]}

˜ ˜ ˜


Max-Min Composition

The MAX-MIN composition A ∘ R is given by the following equation.

˜ ˜

A ∘ R = {y, ma
x x [min (μ A(x),μ R(x, y))] x ∈ X, y ∈ Y }

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ∣


Max-Product Composition

The MAX-PRODUCT composition is given by the following equation.

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A ∘ R = {(y, ma
x x [μ A(x),μ R(x, y)]) x ∈ X, y ∈ Y }

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ∣



Example 6.8

This example will facilitate the understanding of three steps: cylindrical extension, intersection, and projection, involved in
composition operation.

We wish to know the possible weight of a healthy person who is about 160 cm tall. InExample 6.7, we obtained fuzzy
relation R: 'healthy male adult', in terms of height x and weight y of a person. For the ranges, X and Y, of height and weight
given in Eqn (6.29a), a relational matrix R(X, Y) was obtained, giving μ R(x, y)∀ x ∈ X and ∀ y ∈ Y . This relational matrix
˜ ˜
is given in Eqn (6.30).

Assume 'about 160 cm' is a discrete fuzzy set A in X, defined as,


0 0 0.4 0.8 1 0.8 0.4 0 0

[ , , , , , , , , ]
140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180


The 'healthy male adult' fuzzy relation R on X × Y product space is given by the matrix in (6.30).
Cylindrical extension ceA of A in X to the product space X × Y (relational matrix (6.37b)):
˜ ˜

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The two fuzzy relations ceA(x, y) and R(x, y) are defined on the same product space X × Y. The intersection of the two
˜ ˜
relations gives

ceA ∩ R = μceA(x, y) ∧ μR(x, y)

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜
= min[μceA(x, y), μR(x,y)]
˜ ˜

The result is given in the matrix in (6.38a). We have used 'min' operator for the intersection of two fuzzy sets. As said earlier,
a popular alternative is 'product' operator.

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The projected fuzzy set gives the weight possibility distribution of a healthy male adult who is about 160 cm tall. The result
is given in (6.38b).

0.4 0.8 1 1 0.8 0.64 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0

[ , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105


If we know the exact measured height of a male adult, say, it is 160 cm, then we should first transform the 'crisp'
measurement of height into a discrete fuzzy set. It is a fuzzification process that converts a crisp value into a fuzzy set.

Height x is a singleton at x0 = 160; therefore (Eqn (6.18), Fig. 6.12),

1 if x = 160
μA(x) = {
˜ 0 otherwise


This gives

A= [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
˜ 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180


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Figure 6.17 Cause-effect relationship

The possibility weight distribution for the male adult to be a 'healthy male adult', can now be calculated.

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