2 Newenterpriseb1plus Test8a
2 Newenterpriseb1plus Test8a
2 Newenterpriseb1plus Test8a
A. When completed, those projects will provide over 13 million people with clean, safe drinking water.
B. He was shocked to see thousands and thousands of people waiting in a queue every day for medical attention.
C. The founder of this NGO was a New York City club promoter for ten years.
D. He had a great job promoting nightclubs and events.
E. Instead of gifts, he asked his guests to donate money to his new charity.
F. In 2007, Harrison also contacted several tech entrepreneurs for assistance and advice.
Po przeczytaniu tekstu i uzupełnieniu luk odpowiedz na pytanie (5), z podanych odpowiedzi wybierając właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B lub C.
5. The intention of the article is: A. to encourage the readers to donate money to: “charity: water”.
B. to show how one person’s efforts can improve others’ lives. C. to give an example of how to set up a NGO.
1. If the world’s population ________________________________ (keep) growing, there will be 10 billion people on
Earth soon.
4. When we vaccinate people against flu, the number of cases _____________________________________ (go down).
5. I would have lent him some money if I _________________________________________ (know) about his problems.
8. I regret you aren’t at the eco-camp with us. I wish ________________________________________________ at the
eco-camp with us.
9. Dave failed his maths exam. If only Dave _______________________________________________ his maths exam.
10. She can’t run in the charity race. She _________________________________________________________ in the
charity race.
2. the situation in which a large group of people suffer from lack of food f__________________________
4. a serious problem at schools when older students tease or hurt younger ones b__________________________
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne
zdania (6–9).
W zdaniach 10–12 spośród wyrazów zapisanych tłustym drukiem wybierz i zakreśl ten, który pasuje do kontekstu.
10. I don’t understand why the government is not going to take any action / acting / activity to help refugees.
11. Eating pierogi remembers / reminds / recalls Michał of his family home.
12. It was another normal / ordinary / common day in the life of volunteers at the animal shelter.
Przeczytaj dialog, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz w każdą lukę (6–10) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie
(A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
X: You won’t believe how difficult it is for young people to get a job nowadays.
Y: Yes, I’ve heard of that. Maybe they don’t have enough qualifications.
X: 6. _____________________ A lot of them are well qualified, for example my friends. I think the system is wrong.
Y: Perhaps you are right. 7. __________________
X: What about job creation schemes? The problem is getting access to the right jobs.
Y: 8. _______________________ For example, the government can offer grants to companies for new job creation.
X: Good thinking. 9. __________________ This way more young people could open their own businesses.
Y: OK, but what shall we do about it?
X: We can suggest these ideas to our local councillors or even MPs.
Y: 10. ___________________ Let’s do it.
Obok każdego zdania (1–3) napisz wyraz, który ma znaczenie przeciwne do znaczenia wyrazu zapisanego tłustym
W zadaniach 4–8, wykorzystując wyrazy podane tłustym drukiem, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach, tak aby zachować
sens zdań wyjściowych. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.
5. My friend didn’t pay his bank loan and therefore he lost his home.
6. Paul had an argument with his sister about who should help their parents.
FELL Paul _____________________________________________ his sister about who should help their parents.
7. Unless we tell everyone, they won’t know about our charity action.
10. Animal abuse is the treatment of animals that causes physical or psychological damage.