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2 Newenterpriseb1plus Test8a

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TEST 8A (Unit 8)

IMIĘ I NAZWISKO ............................................................................................ DATA .....................................

KLASA ……………………. WYNIK _______ / 50 punktów (______%)


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery teksty dotyczące sposobów rozwiązywania problemów społecznych. Do każdego tekstu
(1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające mu zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo
i nie pasuje do żadnego tekstu.

This text shows:

A. how a community can support its members.
B. that raising money for charities can be a problem.
C. how one community can help another one.
D. how an individual is changing other people’s lives for the better.
E. that sports events can help people in need.

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4


Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (1–4) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie
(A–F), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

A. When completed, those projects will provide over 13 million people with clean, safe drinking water.
B. He was shocked to see thousands and thousands of people waiting in a queue every day for medical attention.
C. The founder of this NGO was a New York City club promoter for ten years.
D. He had a great job promoting nightclubs and events.
E. Instead of gifts, he asked his guests to donate money to his new charity.
F. In 2007, Harrison also contacted several tech entrepreneurs for assistance and advice.

Making a Difference: a little water at a time

Did you know that one person dies every 15 seconds of a water-related disease or that about one billion people in
the world live without access to clean, safe drinking water? Scott Harrison didn’t.
About 20 years ago, Scott was living in a fancy flat in New York City and driving an expensive car. 1. ______________
Life was easy and fun for Scott, yet he felt very empty inside because his life had no real purpose. So he decided to do
something about it. Scott volunteered on a floating hospital with an organisation called Mercy Ships, which offers free
medical care to the world’s poorest countries. Doctors and other technical staff from around the world leave their jobs
and work for free helping thousands of people who need medical care. Scott went to Liberia, Africa, where he took the
position of photojournalist. What Scott saw there changed his life. 2. _______________ Some of them had very serious
medical problems. What Scott realised in his two years of voluntary service with Mercy Ships was that about 80% of all
the diseases they encountered were due to unsafe water and poor sanitation.
Scott returned to New York City with a mission: he would form a charity to provide clean water in poor countries.
Scott founded “charity: water” on the night of his 31st birthday. He threw a huge party. 3. _______________ He raised
$15,000 that night, which went to fixing and building wells in Uganda.
Scott used his natural talent for promoting things to turn “charity: water” into a very successful humanitarian
organisation. Since its beginning in 2006, with the help of more than 1 million supporters worldwide, this non-profit
organisation has raised over $557 million and funded over 78,000 water projects in 29 countries. 4. ________________
But Scott’s plans don’t stop here. His final goal is to end the water crisis in the developing countries. Why do all this?
“Guilt has never been part of it,” according to Scott. “It’s the excitement, instead, of presenting people with an
opportunity – you have an amazing chance to build a well!”

Po przeczytaniu tekstu i uzupełnieniu luk odpowiedz na pytanie (5), z podanych odpowiedzi wybierając właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B lub C.

5. The intention of the article is: A. to encourage the readers to donate money to: “charity: water”.
B. to show how one person’s efforts can improve others’ lives. C. to give an example of how to set up a NGO.

© Egis & Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 New Enterprise B1+

TEST 8A (Unit 8)

III. GRAMATYKA | GRAMMAR (10 x 1 = 10 pkt)

Uzupełnij zdania 1–6, wpisując czasowniki podane w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie.

1. If the world’s population ________________________________ (keep) growing, there will be 10 billion people on
Earth soon.

2. People would live in a healthier environment if they ___________________________________________ (not/drive)

their cars everywhere.

3. If I were a millionaire, I _________________________________________ (start) my own charity.

4. When we vaccinate people against flu, the number of cases _____________________________________ (go down).

5. I would have lent him some money if I _________________________________________ (know) about his problems.

6. Unless we start taking climate change seriously, we _________________________________________(not/save) our

planet for future generations.

Do podanych sytuacji (7–10) ułóż zdania z wish/if only.

7. It’s a pity they didn’t get vaccinated. If only they ______________________________________________________.

8. I regret you aren’t at the eco-camp with us. I wish ________________________________________________ at the
eco-camp with us.

9. Dave failed his maths exam. If only Dave _______________________________________________ his maths exam.

10. She can’t run in the charity race. She _________________________________________________________ in the
charity race.

IV. SŁOWNICTWO | VOCABULARY (12 x 1 = 12 pkt)

Przeczytaj podane opisy problemów społecznych (1–5) i podaj ich nazwy. Pierwsze litery nazw zostały podane.

1. the condition of being unhealthily overweight o__________________________

2. the situation in which a large group of people suffer from lack of food f__________________________

3. the inability to read and write i__________________________

4. a serious problem at schools when older students tease or hurt younger ones b__________________________

5. the state of being jobless u__________________________

© Egis & Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 New Enterprise B1+

TEST 8A (Unit 8)

Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne
zdania (6–9).

6. The Borgen Project is a ________________________________________________ (pozarządową) organisation with

the mission to end extreme poverty.

7. Unless we deal with the problem of ___________________________________________ (bezdomności) soon, it will

get worse.

8. Will electric cars reduce __________________________________________________ (zanieczyszczenie powietrza)?

9. This factory was accused of using _________________________________________________(pracy dzieci).

W zdaniach 10–12 spośród wyrazów zapisanych tłustym drukiem wybierz i zakreśl ten, który pasuje do kontekstu.

10. I don’t understand why the government is not going to take any action / acting / activity to help refugees.

11. Eating pierogi remembers / reminds / recalls Michał of his family home.

12. It was another normal / ordinary / common day in the life of volunteers at the animal shelter.


Do każdego zdania (1–5) dopisz zakończenie w formie krótkiego pytania (tzw. question tag).

1. You often have a shower in the morning, _______________________________?

2. Let’s try volunteering, ______________________________?

3. Sophie won’t do it again, _________________________________?

4. That’s the refugee camp, _________________________________?

5. I’m giving a presentation tonight, __________________________________?

Przeczytaj dialog, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz w każdą lukę (6–10) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie
(A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.

A. So, what do you suggest?

B. That’s a great idea!
C. I see what you mean.
D. Besides that, they should give financial help to start-ups.
E. I can’t agree with you.

X: You won’t believe how difficult it is for young people to get a job nowadays.
Y: Yes, I’ve heard of that. Maybe they don’t have enough qualifications.
X: 6. _____________________ A lot of them are well qualified, for example my friends. I think the system is wrong.
Y: Perhaps you are right. 7. __________________
X: What about job creation schemes? The problem is getting access to the right jobs.
Y: 8. _______________________ For example, the government can offer grants to companies for new job creation.
X: Good thinking. 9. __________________ This way more young people could open their own businesses.
Y: OK, but what shall we do about it?
X: We can suggest these ideas to our local councillors or even MPs.
Y: 10. ___________________ Let’s do it.

© Egis & Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 New Enterprise B1+

TEST 8A (Unit 8)


Obok każdego zdania (1–3) napisz wyraz, który ma znaczenie przeciwne do znaczenia wyrazu zapisanego tłustym

1. This is a major issue in our modern world. ______________________________________

2. We hope to reduce this number. ______________________________________

3. The situation is worsening. ______________________________________

W zadaniach 4–8, wykorzystując wyrazy podane tłustym drukiem, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach, tak aby zachować
sens zdań wyjściowych. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

4. In my opinion, you ought to ask them for help.

WERE If __________________________________________________________________ ask them for help.

5. My friend didn’t pay his bank loan and therefore he lost his home.

NOT My friend ___________________________________________________________ his home if he had paid

his bank loan.

6. Paul had an argument with his sister about who should help their parents.

FELL Paul _____________________________________________ his sister about who should help their parents.

7. Unless we tell everyone, they won’t know about our charity action.

SPREAD Nobody will know about our charity action if we _____________________________________________.

8. Simon regrets bullying Jeremy when they were at primary school.

WISHES Simon _______________________________________________________ Jeremy when they were at

primary school.

Przetłumacz na język polski zdania 9–10.

9. It is estimated that almost 45% of Ethiopia’s population lives in extreme poverty.


10. Animal abuse is the treatment of animals that causes physical or psychological damage.


© Egis & Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 New Enterprise B1+

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