BBA Main Project
BBA Main Project
BBA Main Project
Submitted by
Assistant Professor
(Department of Management)
(2020 – 2023)
(2020 – 2023)
This is to certify that the dissertation titled “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION
work done by Mr.NIKHIL MATHEW LALU in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Mahatma Gandhi University, during his
studies (2020-2023)Department of Management Studies at Musaliar College of Arts and
Science .
Prof.Dr.Vilzon Koshy
( Vice Principal)
I Mr.NIKHIL MATHEW LALU , bonafide student of Musaliar College of Arts And Science, I
here d o declare that the project “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AT
partialfulfilment for the requirement to the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION is my original work under the supervision of Ms. Marina Thariyan (Asst.
Prof.) Musaliar College of Arts and Science,Pathanamthitta. The findings in this report are
based on the data collected by myself. I further declare this work is not partially or wholly
submitted for any other purpose andthat the data included in the report collected from various sources
and true to my knowledge.
If the words are considered as symbol of approval and tokens of acknowledgement, then the
following words play the heralding role of expressing the gratitude...
First of all, I thank my God almighty who showered his blessings on me.
I acknowledge my heart-felt gratitude to the Principal, Prof. Dr. Vilzon Koshy for providing
all the facilities to carry out the work.
I express deepest gratitude to Vice Principal Asst.Prof.Dr. Anju Elizabeth Cherian for the
sincere assistance and direction throughout our academic career.
I am thankful to Asst.Prof.Dr.Balagopal M.K, the Head of the Department and the members
of the faculty, for their constant support and encouragement towards the project.
I extend special thanks to my project Guide Asst.Prof.Ms. Marina Thariyan for her
continuous and strong guidance at every stage of the project process.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the company “CAMINO INFOTECH PVT.
LTD, KALAMASSERY” for their kind permission to undertake this study in their concern.
Last, but not the least, my hearty thanks to my parents, all my teachers and my friends for their
financial & moral support, encouragement, suggestions for constant prayers and keen interest
in making my project a successful one. I hereby take this opportunity to thank all those who
helpedme to make this project work into a reality.
Management's basic objective is the effective utilization of human resources for the
achievements of organizational objectives. The personnel management is concerned with
organizing human resources in such a way to get maximum output to the enterprise and to
develop the talent of people at work to the fullest satisfaction. Motivation implies that one
person in organization, context a manager includes another, say an employee to engage in
action by ensuring that a channel to satisfy those needs and aspiration becomes available to the
person. In addition to this, the strong needs in employees and harness them in a manner that
would be functional for the organization.
Employee motivation is defined as the commitment, the energy levels, and the creativity that
the employees bring to their job. Even though employees’ motivation doesn’t directly influence
organization’s growth, it is like a necessary pre-condition because lack of motivation among
the employees can have a detrimental effect on their performance.
Elements of Motivation
The Individual- Every individual in an organization is a unique being, both top level and lower
level management. They may differ from one other in terms of their age. sex, education,
experience, heredity and education and social and cultural background. It will determine the
needs and attitudes of the individual. They will also determine how each individual will react
to motivational devices such as monetary and non-monetary incentives.
The Job - Different requirements are necessary to perform every job. Routine jobs are not liked
by many workers because of the monetary involved doing them. sometimes even challenging
job may not hold attraction for some workers. This means there will be rarely be a job which
will be regarded as a source of enjoyment and pride by one and all.
The Work Situation- The environment within which work is to be performed also creates
motivation. It includes organizational goals type of technology used, leadership style, salary,
promotional prospectus and participation in decision-making.
Role of motivation
To study the important factors which are needed to motivate the employees.
To study the effect of monitory and non-monitory benefits provided by the organization
on the employee’s performance.
To study the effect of job promotions on employees.
To learn the employee’s satisfaction on intrapersonal relationship exists in the
To provide the practical suggestion for the improvement of organizational performance.
Every management tries to coordinate various factors of production in such a way that their
contribution is maximum in achieving organizational goals. The performance of non-human
factors like machines, etc will depend upon the level of technology and the competence of those
who use them. To improve the overall performance in a business, it becomes essential to
increase the efficiency of human beings. The performance of persons depends upon two factors.
i.e. (i) ability to do a work (ii) motivation. Both these factors taken together will increase the
efficiency of human beings. If a person does not have the capability or ability to do work then
he cannot increase his efficiency. On the other hand, even if a person has got the ability but is
not properly motivated even then his performance will be low.
Motivation is an important factor which encourage person to give their best performance and
help in reaching enterprise goals. A strong positive motivation enables the increase output of
employee but negative motivation will reduce their performance. A key element in personnel
management is motivation.
Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's
workers apply to their jobs. In the increasingly competitive business environment of recent
years, finding ways to motivate employees has become a pressing concern many managers. In
fact, a number of different theories and methods of employee motivation have emerged, ranging
from monetary incentives to increased involvement and empowerment. Employee motivation
can sometimes be particularly problematic for small businesses, where the owner often has
spent so many years buildings a company that he/she find it difficult to delegate meaningful
responsibilities to others. But entrepreneurs should be mindful of such pitfalls, for the effects of
low employee motivation on small business can devastating. Some of the problemassociated
with un motivated workers include complacency, declining morale, and widespread
discouragement. If allowed to continue, these problems can reduce productivity, earnings. and
competitiveness in a small business.
On the other hand, small business can also provide an ideal atmosphere for fostering employee
motivation, because employees are able to see the result of their contribution in a more
immediate way than in large firms. Besides increasing productivity and competitiveness, a
highly motivated work force can allow a small business owner to relinquish day-today,
operational control and instead concentrate on long-term strategies to grow the business:
From the very beginning, when human organizations were established, people had tried to find
out answer of "what motivates people in the organization most".
The starting was made by Frederic W. Taylor and his followers in the form of scientific
management and more particularly "differential piece rate system". This system was concerned
with using financial incentives to motivate people in the organizational context. Then came the
findings of human relation which emphasized security and working conditions at the jobs
besides financial incentives for work motivation.
Abraham Maslow, a famous social scientist, has more sophisticated classification ranking the
various needs in a definite order. He suggested that every individual has a complex set of
exceptionally strong need and the behaviour of an individual at a particular moment is usually
determined by his strongest need. According to psychologists, human need have a certain
priority. As the more basic needs are satisfied. the individual seeks to satisfy the higher needs.
If the basic needs are not satisfied, efforts to satisfy the higher needs will be postponed.
According to him, there are five type of needs, which induce any man to action, depending on
the priority, which he accords to each of them. These are psychological, satisfy, love, esteem
and self-actualization.
Physiological needs- It includes bodily needs comprising of hunger, thirst, shelter. air
and other necessities of life.
Safety needs - It includes needs such a protection from danger, threats of violence and
other protective measures to safeguard the satisfaction of physiological needs in the
future which may be unpredictable.
Social needs - It includes emotional needs such as love, affection, warmth and
friendship. It can be satisfied by being in the company of friends, relatives or another
Esteem needs - It concerned with self-respect, self-confidence, recognition,
appreciation, applause. prestige, power and control.
Self-actualisation needs - It is the need maximize one's potential, whatever it may be.
This is related with the development of intrinsic capabilities which lead people to seek
situations that can utilize their potential. Maslow defines these needs as the 'desire to
become everything one is capable of becoming
Hygiene factors- there are some conditions of a job, which operates primarily to dissatisfy
employees when they are note present. However, the presence of these conditions does not
bring strong motivation. These factors are called as maintenance factors. Herzberg found ten
maintenance factors. These are follows.
Technical supervision
Interpersonal relations with supervisor
Interpersonal relations with co-workers
Interpersonal relations with subordinates
Company policy and administration
Job security
Personal life
Working conditions
Motivational factors- these are some job conditions, which, if present, builds high level of
motivation and job satisfaction. However, if these conditions are not present, they do not cause
dissatisfaction. These are called 'motivational factors. Herzberg five motivational factors.
These are follows:
Possibilities of personal growth
Responsibility and work
According to Victor Room, people will be motivated to do thing to do achieve some goals to
extent they except those certain actions on their part will help them to achieve the goal. Victor
Room's model is built around the concepts of value, expectancy and force, it is basic assumption
are that the choice made by a person among alternative course of action is lawfullyrelated to
psychological events occurring contemporaneously with the behaviour. His concept of force is
basically equivalent to motivation.
VALANCE- valance means the attraction of an outcome to the individual has preference for
a reward valance is the strength of that preference. The valance is something subjective and
varies from person to person. Valance is deemed to positive for an individual if he prefers
attaining the outcome to not attaining it. Valance is zero, if the individual is in different towards
the outcome and the valance will be negative if the individual prefers not attaining the outcome
to attaining it.
Equity Theory
Equity theory of motivated is based on the social exchange process. This theory has been
around just long as the expectancy theories of motivation. Basically this theory points out that
people are motivated to maintain fair relationship between their performance and reward in
comparison to others. "Equal pay for equal work" principle is based on this theory.
According to Adams, equity theory is based on the simple assumption that people want to be
treated fairly. Many employees are concerned not only with satisfying their own needs but also
compare what other receive. The theory defines equity as the believe that we are being treated
fairly in relation to others and inequity as the believe that we are treated unfairly in relation to
others. Employees feel satisfied or dissatisfied with comparative observation of their friends,
neighbours and colleagues. Whatever the employee feels that he is lacking in some way in
comparison to others, he tends to work hard to reach the level of others. People are motivated
by the inequity and note with others. The equity theory helps in understanding both the causes
and likely consequences of feeling of inequitable treatment among organizational members.
Goal-Setting Theory
Edwin Locke proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of work
motivation. Goals tell an employee that needs to be done and how much effort to be put in.
Specific goals increased performance. Difficult goals when accepted result in higher
performance than do easy goals. Moreover, feedback leads to higher performance than dose
There are four factors influence the Goal-Performance relationship. These are:
Goal commitment - Goal setting theory assumes that an employee is committed to the
goal, that is, he is determined not to lower or abandon the goal. This will more likely
happen when the goals are made public, when the employee has an internal locus of
control and when the goals are self-sets that rather than assigned.
National culture - Goal setting theory is culture bound. It can apply in countries where
the employee is reasonably independent, where both managers and employees seek
challenging goal and where performance is considered important by both it will lead to
desired performance in countries where opposite condition exist.
Clayton Alderfer reformulated Maslow’s need hierarchy theory. The ERG need theory
developed by Alderfer, condenses the five needs given by Maslow into three needs. The ERG
word is derived from the letters of each of these levels of needs.
1. Existence needs - The existence need combine the physiological and safety needs of
Maslow's model. The existence needs are satisfied by material incentives. These needs
include the basic survival needs of human beings, needs for physical and psychological
safety from threats to people's existence and wellbeing.
2. Relatedness needs - The relatedness needs include Maslow's social and esteem needs,
which are derived from other people. These include relationship with other people we
care about. These needs are satisfied by personal relationship and social interaction.
3. Growth needs - These needs are similar to Maslow's self-actualization needs. This need
involves person making creative efforts to achieve full potential in the existing
environment. These needs will be satisfied only if an individual involves himself in the
activities of the organization and searches for new challenge and opportunities.
Douglas McGregor introduced these two theories i.e., Theory X and theory Y., based on two
distinct views of human beings. He proposed, at opposite extreme, two pairs of assumption
about human beings which he thought were implied by the action of the managers. Theory X
deals with one extreme, based on set of assumption and Theory Y deals with another extreme
based on another set of assumption. These theories are not based on any research, but according
to McGregor, these are intuitive deductions.
Theory X:
The average human beings inherently dislike work and will try to avoid it, whenever
As the employees are lazy, they must be controlled, coerced, threatened with
punishment to achieve goals, to which they are indifferent.
Average employees will try to avoid responsibility and seek formal directions.
whenever possible, because they have relativity little ambition.
Theory Y:
This approach assumes that managements by direction and control is a questionable method for
motivating such peoples whose physiological and social needs have been satisfied and whose
social esteem and self-actualization need are becoming more important. This theory makes the
following assumption about people:
The average human being does not inherently dislike work. He can view work as natural
or enjoyable as rest or play.
Employees will exercise self-direction and self-control in the attainment of the
objectives to which they are committed.
Given proper working conditions, average person can learn to accept and given to seek
Theory Z:
William Ouchi, proposed Theory Z in early 80's. the letter Z does not stand for anything. It just
to donate the state of affairs in organization and human behaviour as has been done in case of
theories X and Y. Ouchy come out with this theory after making a comparative study of
American and Japanese management practices. It is an integrative model, containing the best
of both American and Japanese practices. It takes into account the strength of Japanese
managements e.g., social cohesion, job security, concern of employees, as well as American
managements e.g., speedy decision making. Risk talking. individual autonomy, innovation and
creativity. Theory Z is a mixed US-Japanese management system for modern organizations.
Decoene and Bruggeman (2006) in their study developed and illustrated a model of the
relationship between strategic alignment, motivation and organizational performance in a BSC
context and find that effective strategic alignment empowers and motivates working executives.
Likewise, Malin and Selto (2001) conducted a case study in one corporate setting by using
balance score card (BSC) method and found out that organizational outcomes would be greater
if employees are provided with positive motivation.
Thomas (2009), pinpointing what motivates each individual employee is regarded as the main
challenge in the workplace taking into account each individual difference. The management
must be aware of what exactly encourages the employee to perform; monetary rewards can be
an essential determinant of employee motivation and achievement which, in turn, can lead to
important returns in terms of firm level performance (Bawa, 2017). Naldöken et al. (2011)
examined the financial incentive application on the motivations of employees at a state hospital
in terms of their performance. It was established in the study that the medical employees, who
benefited from these financial incentives were positively motivated by this application.
Mulema (2019) carried out a study in Information Technology Support Service Companies in
Kampala, Uganda. The study aimed to determine the impact of employee motivation on
organizational performance. The three selected IT support services companies were Iwat
Solutions, Mercury Group and Sky Hi Technology. The intention of the study was to evaluate
the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance, to analyze the
relationship between employee motivation and employee commitment and to outline the key
factors that increase employee motivation. The study’s main findings indicated that there is a
positive relationship between motivation of employee and organizational performance.
Muze (2014) also carried research on motivation and its impact on employees’ performance in
goal attainment. The intent was solely to investigate the standards which are being used by
organizations in motivating their employees; to evaluate the problems that companies face in
motivating their employees; and to examine the effect of motivation on employees’
performance. Muze’s study findings clearly indicated well the impact of employee motivation
on organizational efficiency, it failed to acknowledge several indicators of employee
motivation such as recognition and empowerment.
Another study conducted by Ng, et al. (2010) as cited in Singh, et. al. (2012) sought to study
the expectations and priorities of young employees. They found that this category of workers
rated opportunities for career advancement as the most desirable work-related attribute
followed by good people to relate to and opportunities for good training and development.
According to these researchers, surprisingly, pay, benefits and job security were ranked in the
middle behind career advancement.
According to a survey carried out by the United States of America Career and Qualification
Principles in 2005, it was determined that the most important element motivating boththe
employees and employers were job satisfaction and personal satisfaction for bothgroups.
According to the results of the study, it was observed that non-financial incentives aregiven
much importance than financial incentives (Coşkun & Dulkadiroğlu 2009)
Tausif (2012) as cited in Haider, et al (2015) conducted a survey in Pakistan among public
school teachers and found that non-financial rewards were essential in developing employees’
job satisfaction and motivation. Likewise, Barton (2006) found that employee recognition is
the most important factor among non-financial rewards in enhancing job satisfaction and
motivation. Furthermore, Yousaf et al (2014) argue that the importance of a motivated
workforce cannot be underestimated in boosting the organizational motivation. Besides the
financial rewards, the employee expects recognition and appreciation for his efforts
Information Technology (IT) enterprises in India have performed a key function in placing
India on the worldwide map. IT enterprise in India has been one of the maximum massive boom
participants in the Indian financial system. The enterprise has performed a massive function in
reworking India's image from a sluggish shifting bureaucratic financial system to a land of
revolutionary marketers and a worldwide participant in offering international elegance era
answers and commercial enterprise services. The enterprise has helped India remodel froma
rural and agriculture-primarily based financial system to a know-how primarily based financial
Information Technology has made feasible statistics get admission to at gigabit speeds. It has
made a splendid effect on the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals who are poor.
marginalized, and living in rural and a long way flung topographies. The Internet has made
modern adjustments with possibilities of e-authorities measures like e-health, e-education, e-
agriculture, etc. Today, whether or not it's submitting Income Tax returns, making use of
passports online, or railway e-ticketing, it simply needs a few clicks of the mouse. India's IT
capacity is on a consistent march closer to global competitiveness, enhancing protection
abilities and assembly up power and environmental demanding situations among others. The
IT-ITeS region in India, with the primary recognition of growing generation adoption, and
development of new transport platforms, has aggregated sales of USD 88.1 billion in FY2011,
even as producing direct employment for over 2.5 million people. Out of 88.1 billion, export
sales (along with Hardware) reached USD 5.9 four billion in FY2011 even as home sales (along
with Hardware) of approximately USD 2.8 eight billion.
After the economic reforms of 1991-ninety-two, foremost fiscal incentives were provided using
the authorities of India and the State Governments, like, as liberalization of external trade.
elimination of duties on imports of statistics generation products, relaxation of controls on each
inward and outward investments, and forex, putting in place of Export oriented units (EOU).
software generation Parks (STP), and special financial Zones (SEZ), has enabled India to
flourish and accumulate a dominant role in international's IT situation.
To relieve and sell Indian IT enterprises, the Government of India installed a National Task
Force on IT and Software Development to take a look at the feasibility of strengthening the
enterprise. Venture capital has been the principal supply of finance for software program
enterprises across the world. In line with the worldwide practices, norms for the operations of
task capital price range have additionally been liberalized to reinforce the enterprise.
The Government of India is also actively providing fiscal incentives and liberalizing norms for
FDI and raising capital abroad
While the underlying subject matter of 2010 became that of consistent recuperation from
recession, way to the improved recuperation in rising markets, global spending in IT services
and products improved appreciably in 2011. In 2011, India's increase has contemplated a new
call for IT items and services, with the main surge with inside the use of personal and public
cloud and cellular computing on several gadgets and through a selection of recent software
program applications.
The high influx of FDI with inside the IT zone is anticipated to keep in the coming years. The
influx of massive volumes of FDI with inside the IT enterprise of India has now no longer
handiest boosted the enterprise however the complete Indian economic system in the latest
years. Foreign direct investment (FDI) influx rose via way of means of extra than one hundred
in step with cent to US$ 4.66 billion in May 2011, up from US$ 2.21 billion a year ago, in
keeping with the modem records launched via way of means of the Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion (DIPP). This is the very best month-to-month influx in 39 months.
Foreign era induction is likewise advocated each thru FDI and overseas era collaboration
agreements. India welcomes buyers in the Information Technology zone. Greater transparency
in regulations and approaches has made India an investor-pleasant platform. An overseas
organization can keep fairness in Indian organizations up to 100%.
Under the Income Tax Act, a 150% weighted deduction for internal R & D expenses has been
introduced to support domestic R & D and encourage start-ups focused on technology and
innovation. In addition to existing funding programs, a variety of R & D projects are being
funded through new programs such as International Patent Protection Support in Electronics
and IT (SIP-EIT) and Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS).
The government has set up an open technology centre by NIC to give the country an effective
direction for open technology in the areas of open source solutions (OSS), open standards,
open processes, open hardware specifications, and open courses. have started. Goods. This
initiative acts as a national knowledge facility that synergizes across open technology
components around the world.
Globalization has had a major impact on the formation of India's information technology
industry. For many years, industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications, insurance,
banking, finance, and more recently retail have been the growth drivers for this sector.
However, it will soon become apparent that future growth in IT and IT-enabled services will
be driven by climate change, mobile applications, healthcare, energy efficiency, and the
sustainable energy industry. As more and more service providers in both India and the world
target new segments and provide their customers with cost-effective and flexible solutions, the
share of technology spending in the Indian IT industry will increase significantly shortly. Is
By 2015, the IT sector is expected to generate $ 130 billion (NASSCOM) in revenue, which
will have a transformative impact on the economy as a whole. IT spending is expected to
increase significantly in areas such as automotive and healthcare, but the government is focused
on electronic governance and will continue to spend large amounts. The main areas for IT’s
growth are;
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will continue to be a major
focus area in IT. The development of AI algorithms and ML models will help businesses
automate processes, improve customer experiences, and make better data- driven
2. Internet of Things (IoT) will become more pervasive, as more and more devices get
connected to the internet. This will create new opportunities for IT professionals to
develop and manage IoT applications and services.
4. Cloud computing will become even more important, as businesses continue to move
their operations and applications to the cloud. This will create a demand for IT
professionals who can design, develop, and manage cloud-based solutions.
5. Blockchain technology will continue to evolve and gain wider acceptance, as it offers
a secure and transparent way of recording and sharing information. This will create
opportunities for IT professionals who can develop and implement blockchain
6. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) will become more common, as businesses
and organizations find new ways to use these technologies to improve customer
experiences and enhance training and education. This will create opportunities for IT
professionals who can develop VR/AR applications and services.
Overall, the IT industry is likely to continue to grow and evolve, offering many exciting career
opportunities for IT professionals with the right skills and expertise.
Cybersecurity and quality control are some of the key areas of today's information age." To
address these concerns in today's global IT scenarios, more and more ITBPO companies in
India are focusing on quality and global standards such as ISO 9001 (for quality control) and
ISO 27000 (for information security). Is to be adopted. Today, India-based centers represent
the maximum number of quality certifications achieved in a single country.
India has set the goal of transforming India into a truly developed and competent society by
2020. However, to achieve this growth, the sector must continue to reform itself and strive for
more miles through new business models, global delivery, partnerships, and transformation.
Coordinated efforts by all stakeholders are needed to ensure the future growth of India's IT-
ITeS sector. We face new challenges and must make dedicated efforts to provide our customers
with more and more end-to-end solutions to maintain momentum.
India today is one of the largest IT capitals in the modern world and has the presence of all
major players in the world's IT sector. HCL, Wipro, Infosys, and TCS are some of the well-
known names of Indian IT companies. There are many challenges in IT (Information
Technology), and some of the most significant ones include:
3. Data management: With the increasing amount of data being generated and stored by
organizations, data management has become a major challenge. IT professionals need
to ensure that data is properly stored, backed up, and secured, while also being easily
accessible when needed.
Camino is a leading global information technology, business process, and services company.
The company employs the power of hyper-automation, robotics, cloud, analytics. and emerging
technologies to help clients to modify the digital world and make them successful. Together, it
discovers ideas and connects the dots to build a better and bold new future. Camino is a bunch
of technology enthusiasts, and fun-loving people, with happily growing customers and staff,
building advanced tools, services, and interfaces for data. The organization always believes in
three important factors which are quality, value, and time.
Join their team and you'll take on projects that continuously sharpen your technical skills. your
talent for solving problems and your entrepreneurial spirit. They are a team of qualified, well-
trained professionals who are always up to the task. They are aggressive and competent. And
they respect deadlines. Unless extreme conditions prevailed. they never cross a deadline or
lamed an excuse which is rare with Camino infotech.
Camino infotech is the best business process outsourcing company in Kerala. Camino infotech
is one of the best business outsourcing IT companies in Kerala which makes its operations and
earnestly caters to the requirements of organisation clients to provide them immense support
by adhering to international standards. As a business outsourcing company, it ensures that
companies customers get delivered properly and satisfied accordingly.
Camino Infotech private limited has some sister organizations also, they are;
As the world is moving towards the digital age and more and more universities are trying to
maximize the use of technology in education, one must consider both the advantages and
disadvantages of doing so. Although the use of technology in the field of education has
revolutionized the way we learn there are still some downsides to relying completely on
technology to learn.
Udyog Consultants is a preferred talent acquisition partner to multinationals and leading Indian
businesses. This combined with the company's role as a trusted consultant for Indian
professionals translates into the core capability Building Careers. Building organizations. The
company's mantra is: to analyze, identify, advise, and execute. The company's mission is to
create relationships, not transactions. The company's team is a group of accountants, analysts,
advocates, and strategists that thrive on sharing our experience and knowledge to help to make
a success of the business. The service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps
and opportunities, a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines and
milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. They also offer a suite of quality products that will
help to get there quickly and smoothly. That's how they ensure success.
The company has a well-established, conventional, and steadfast name in the Construction
Industry serving the customers with the timely delivery of the assigned projects keeping the
check of high-quality controls in the most assuring manner for a decade. They offer an end-to-
end client experience that includes seamless communication, budgeting. staffing, on-site
Sorganization, and solid, quality handiwork every time. The company works with architects
and designers to produce beautiful, functional structures. Budgets are of the lowest costs, stay
on top of schedules for timely delivery and work closely with the design team to create your
vision. Working with trusted subcontractors, the company keeps them accountable throughout
the entire build. The last step in any build. This phase includes site clean-up, systems training,
final inspections, and move-in coordination
Branch of
Software development , testing
& Quality control
The vision is to become the strategic IT partner for our customers worldwide; a one- stop shop
for all technological support required for our client's business needs. We aim to become a
globally renowned corporation with a highly competent and passionate team delivering best-
in-class, reliable, and scalable IT solutions for businesses.
The company believes in four pillars of influence that drives their growth. It is engraved in
every activity of the organisation. From their hiring practices to their work culture. Camino is
a quality-based company not a fear-based company
• Customers
• Peer
• Society
• DevOps
Dev stands for Software Development, and Ops stands for information technology operations.
Adopting DevOps aims to reduce the system's development life cycle and provide perpetual
delivery with high-quality software. Moreover, it helps to fix business objectives and keep the
features and updates frequently in close alignment. It helps build cross-functional operations
and supports various tools. It evolves and enhances products at a quickening speed. The
organization speed gets better with DevOps software and offers more effectively in the market.
The DevOps toolchain is a compressive tool that improves the system in the development life
cycle. Modifying the software consumes time because of multiple tools, dynamic changes,
technologies, practices, etc. The impression is larger than other software development. It
provides a reliable environment with faster collaboration between operations and developments
• Robotics
• Internet marketing
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service?
Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
• Embedded technologies
New location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to
yourself, let folks know.
• Cloud services
This includes general information on cloud computing, and a variety of learning paths dealing
with big data, security, and networking. Students will learn the fundamental technical
knowledge of AWS Cloud computing and its supporting infrastructure, AWS services and how
to utilize existing, or develop new core business solutions.
• Marketing plan
Every business needs a sound marketing plan in order to survive. Starting from an
understanding of your target market, the company will develop a plan with easy to follow steps.
• Startups
Support woman to come out of poverty (women empowerment) to set up enterprises and
provide support until the enterprises stabilize and self-employment opportunities with financial
assistance and training in business management and soft skills.
• E – Learning
Camino E - Learning Application consultation, the company can get you on the right track of
programming, computation in mathematical skill developments using live video presentations
and hands own trials.
• Tutoring
Our experts will make you furnished to fill the gap between your dream and success. We can
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strategy is a plan of actions that fit together to reach a clear destination. That destination is
dictated by a set of decisions that sets the organization apart from its competitors, derives from
the organization’s unique characteristics, and is hard to emulate.
It’s a unique position the organization adopts that concentrates efforts on a single, well-defined
A business strategy is a business document that describes a course of action to help leaders
achieve organisational objectives. The detailed plan defines business needs to guide the hiring
process and inform the allocation of company resources. It provides a clear direction for
different teams to pool together their talents to support the company's goals. As a result,
businesses secure a competitive position in the market, improve customer satisfaction and
mobilise their business operations.
A business strategy is important because it creates a vision for the whole organisation to follow.
You can lead and motivate your co-workers more effectively when they have clearly defined
roles and responsibilities. A strategy gives large groups of people a shared purpose. It ensures
that no individual loses sight of the organisational mission.
A business strategy allows decision-makers to identify trends and opportunities for future
growth. For businesses to remain competitive, they require to adjust and reevaluate their tactics
frequently. Thus, it is a dynamic resource that businesses can modify and develop to address
social and technological changes in the market. It safeguards them from complacency.
Companies set prices according to what the market will bear and to make a reasonable profit.
Some pricing strategies of companies are more permanent in nature, while other pricing moves
are used temporarily. For example, a clothing store will usually offer a regular retail price on
items, but reduce those prices before a seasonal shift. Companies also use different pricing
strategies when introducing new products.
A company will sometimes use a price skimming strategy when introducing a new product,
especially when the product is a newer technology. The objective of price skimming is to set a
high price initially to help recover the costs of production and advertising. The extra money is
then reinvested into producing more product. Demand for the product must be relatively
inelastic for a company to use a price skimming strategy, according to That is,
customers cannot be sensitive to the price of the product. A small company introducing a new
type of cell phone is an example of when price skimming may be used. Technical companies
can usually count on certain customers, those who always buy first, to purchase their new items.
Strategic management is the ongoing planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all
necessities an organization needs to meet its goals and objectives. Changes in business
environments will require organizations to constantly assess their strategies for success. The
strategic management process helps organizations take stock of their present situation, chalk
out strategies, deploy them and analyse the effectiveness of the implemented management
strategies. Strategic management strategies consist of five basic strategies and can differ in
implementation depending on the surrounding environment. Strategic management applies
both to on-premise and mobile platforms.
• Strengths: The characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over
• Weakness: the characteristic of the business that place the business or project at a
disadvantage relative to others.
• Opportunities: The elements in the environment that the business or project could exploit
to its advantage.
• Threats: The elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or
Identification of SWOTs is essential because subsequent steps in the process of planning for
achievement of the selected objective may be derived from the SWOTs. First, the decision
makers have to determine whether the objective is attainable, given the SWOTs. If the objective
is not attainable a different objective must be selected and the process repeated. The SWOT
analysis is often used in academia to highlight and identify Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities
and Threats. It is particularly helpful in identifying areas for development.
• High integrity
• High staff turnover Poor funding for new technology Infrastructure scalability issues
• Stiff Competition
There are two basic approaches to research: quantitative and qualitative approach.
In the quantitative approach, the research is based on the measurable quantities. project
the method used in quantitative approach. Therefore, data, in this approach, are available
in the quantitative form. In this concern project the method used in quantitative
Universe is the whole population in the specified research location. In this research work
the researcher consider the entire employees at Camino Infotech Pvt. Ltd. as the universe
for the research work.
A sampling frame is the list containing all items in the population. A researcher has to
prepare a sampling frame. It is from this sampling frame that the items are selected to
form the sample. For conducting the study the used sample frame is employees of the
This is the element or set of elements considered for selection on the stages of sampling.
The number of sampling unit selected in this particular study is 50 respondents from the
entire employees in the organisation.
In research design, population and sampling are two important terms. A population is a
group of individuals that share common connections. A sample is a subset of the
population. The sample size is the number of individuals in a sample. At Camino
Infotech Pvt. Ltd. there are about 100 employees and from that I took only 50 employees
for the survey.
1. Probability sampling
2. Non-probability Sampling
1. Probability sampling:
which sample and the probability that each sample will be selected. The following are
the sampling methods
Systematic Sampling
Multistage Sampling
This is similar to national lottery. If the "population" is everyone who has bought a
lottery ticket, then each person has equal chance of winning the lottery (assuming they
all have on ticket each). Random Samples are the best method of selecting your sample
from the population of interest.
b. Stratified sampling;
The researcher identifies the different types of people that make up target population
and works out the proportions needed for the samples to be representative. A list is made
up of cash variable (eg. 10, SEX etc). This might have an effect on the research For
example If we are interested in money spent on books by undergraduates, then the
subject Studied may be an important variable.
c. Cluster Sampling;
Cluster sampling is a sampling technique used when natural but relatively heterogeneous
grouping are evident in a statistical population. It is often used in marketing research. In
the technique, the total population is divided into these groups. (Or cluster) and a random
sample of the groups is selected.
d. Systematic Sampling:
e. Multistage Sampling:
2. Non-Probability Sampling:
The following sampling methods that are listed are the types of non-probability sampling
that should be avoided:
Voluntary samples
a. Voluntary Samples:
b. Haphazard Samples:
Haphazard samples are a non- statistical technique used by auditors to stimulate random
sampling when testing the error status of accounting populations. Our study compared
the properties of haphazard samples selected from control listings with the properties of
random sampling.
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
When the researcher himself is trying to collect the data for his particular purpose from
the sources available, it becomes the primary data. Therefore primary data are those
collected by the investigator himself for the first time and thus they are original in
character. And they are collected for a particular purpose
Secondary data are those which have been collected by some other person for his
purpose and published. So a researcher is said to make use of secondary data if he make
use data already complied by some other person. Secondary data are usually in the shape
of finished products.
Project report
Types of Questionnaire:
A questionnaire can also be divided as the follows depending on the nature of the
questions therein:
Used in making intensives studies of the limited number of case o Merely an issue
is raised by such a questionnaire.
c) Mixed questionnaire
d) Pictorial questionnaire
Used in studies related to the social attitudes and the prejudices in the children
Interview method is a direct method of collecting data. It is the verbal method of securing
data in the field of survey. It is the method of social interaction. This is mainlydone to
extract information that was left out n the questionnaire. Opinions and suggestions were
asked for the betterment of the project.
Record search is the search of relevant record for collecting the information.
Percentage analysis is used for the analysis of primary data collected. Percentages are
special kind of ratios that express the relationship of one variable in comparison to
another percentage analysis formula.
A table is a systematic arrangement of statistical data in rows and columns. Rows are
horizontal arrangement, whereas columns are the vertical arrangements.
One of the most convincing an appealing way in which data may be presented is through
charts. A chart can be taking the shape of either diagram or a graph.
The software tools used for the study are MS word and MS Excel. .
Table 6.1
Opinion about the support and guidance from HR department
Satisfied 10 20%
Dissatisfied 5 10%
Highly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.1
support and guidance from HR department figure representation
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
From the above table and graph, we can find that 70% employees are more satisfied, 20%
employees are satisfied and 10% employees are dissatisfied with the opinion about the support
and guidance from the HR Department.
Table 6.2
Types of incentives motivate employees more
Both 5 10%
Figure 6.2
Figure representation of types of incentives motivate employees more
Financial incentives Non-financial incentives Both
From the above table and graph, we can find that 30% employees are having financial
incentives, 60% employees are having non-financial incentives and 10% employees are having
both the types of incentives to motivate them more in their work.
Table 6.3
Satisfaction of present incentives scheme
Satisfied 10 20%
Dissatisfied 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.3
Satisfaction of present incentives scheme figure representation
10% 10%
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
From the above table and graph, we can find that 60% employees are more satisfied, 20%
employees are satisfied and 10% employees are dissatisfied and 10% Highly dissatisfied with
the satisfaction of present incentives scheme.
Table 6.4
Company ensures job security
Yes 42 84%
No 8 16%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.4
Company ensures job security figure representation
From the above table and graph, we can find that 84% employees agree and 16% employees
does not agree with the job security provided by the company.
Table 6.5
Performance appraisal activities helpful to get motivated
Always 40 80%
Sometimes 8 16%
Never 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.5
Performance appraisal activities helpful to get motivated figure representation
Always Sometimes
From the above table and graph, we can find that 80%employees state always, 16% employees
states sometimes and 4% employees states never given the performance appraisal activities to
help the employees to be motivated.
Table 6.6
Factors motivate employees most
Salary incentives 2 4%
Recognition 38 76%
Promotion 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.6
Factors motivate employees most figure representation
80% 76%
10% 10%
Salary incentives Recognition Promotion Fringe benefits
From the above table and graph, we can find that 4% employees gets salary incentives, 76%
employees gets recognition, 10% employees states promotion and 10% employees states fringe
benefits are given to the employees to be motivated the most .
Table 6.7
Career development opportunities adopted by the organisationsis helpful
to motivate the employees figure representation
Figure 6.7
Career development opportunities adopted by the organisationsis helpful
to motivate the employees
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 50% employees strongly agree, 30%
employees agree and 20% employees disagree with the career development opportunities
which is helpful for the employees to get motivated.
Table 6.8
Good relations with colleagues
Figure 6.8
Good relations with colleagues figure representation
0% 0%
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 90% employees strongly agree and 10%
employees agree for the good relations with the colleagues
Table 6.9
Employees years of working in the organization
10-15 years 3 6%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.9
Employees years of working in the organization figure representation
10% 6%
0-5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years More than 15 years
From the above table and graph, we can find that 80% employees responded 0-5 years,14%
employees responded 5- 10 years and 6% employees responded 10- 15 years of working in the
Table 6.10
Level of satisfaction without working culture of the
Average 10 20%
Dissatisfied 8 16%
Highly dissatisfied 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.10
Level of satisfaction without working culture of the
organization figure representation
20% 16%
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
From the above table and graph, we can find that 60% employees are highly satisfied, 20%
employees are satisfied,16% employees are dissatisfied and 4% are highly dissatisfied with the
level of satisfaction without working culture of the organisation.
Table 6.11
Top management is interested in motivating the employees
Agree 10 20%
Disagree 10 20%
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.11
Top management is interested in motivating the employees figure representation
20% 20%
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 60% employees strongly agree, 20%
employees agree and 20% employees disagree with the interest of top-level management in
motivating the employees
Table 6.12
Top management involve employees in decision makingconnected
to your department
Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%
Occasionally 0 0%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.12
From the above table and graph, we can find that 80% employees agree and 20% employees
disagree with the statement of top-Level management involving them in decision making
Table 6.13
Factor motivate employees at workplace
Figure 6.13
Factor motivate employees at workplace figure representation
10% 6% 4%
Job profile Company policy Work environment Others
From the above table and graph, we can find that 70% employees suggest Job profile,
20%employees suggest company policy, 6% employees suggest work environment and 4%
employees suggests others as the factors to motivate them at workplace
Table 6.14
Employees encouraged to come up with new and better waysof doing
Figure 6.14
Employees encouraged to come up with new and better waysof doing
things figure representation
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 50% employees strongly agree, 30%
employees agree and 20% employees disagree with the statement of encouraging employees to
come up with new and better ways of doing things
Table 6.15
Employees promotion at work in the last six months
Yes 35 70%
No 15 30%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.15
Employees promotion at work in the last six months figure representation
From the above table and graph, we can find that 70% employees are agree & 30 employee
disagree employees promotion at work in the last six months
Table 6.16
Employees nominated for training and development programmes
for last six months
Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.16
Employees nominated for training and development
programmes for last six months figure representation
From the above table and graph, we can find that 80% employees agree and 20% employees
disagree with the statement of employee’s nomination for training and development
programmes for the last six months.
Table 6.17
Employees think that appropriate work is given to him/heraccording
to their skill and potential.
Agree 20 40%
Disagree 5 10%
Figure 6.17
Employees think that appropriate work is given to him/heraccording
to their skill and potential figure representation
40% 40%
10% 10%
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 40% employees strongly agree, 40%
employees agree, 10% employees disagree and 10% employees strongly disagree with the
statement of dividing work according to their skill and potential.
Table 6.18
Delegation of authority to encourage juniors is quite common inthe
Figure 6.18
Delegation of authority to encourage juniors is quite common inthe
10% 10%
0% 0%
Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 80% employees strongly agree, 10%
employees agree and 10% employees disagree with the delegation of authority to encourage
Table 6.19
Employees feel that his/her getting maximum pleasure fromtheir work
Opinion No of respondents Percentage
Agree 8 16%
Uncertain 3 6%
Disagree 2 4%
Strongly disagree 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Figure 6.19
Employees feel that his/her getting maximum pleasure from their work
figure representation
20% 16%
10% 6%
4% 4%
Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 70% employees strongly agree, 16%
employees agree, 6% employees state uncertain, 4% employees disagree and 4% employees
strongly disagree with the statement that the employees are getting maximum pleasure from
their work.
Table 6.20
Employees think that there are right opportunities in the
organization for their personal growth and promotion
Figure 6.20
Employees think that there are right opportunities in the
organization for their personal growth and promotion figure
0% 0%
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table and graph, we can find that 90% employees strongly agree and 10%
employees agree with the statement that there are right opportunities in the organization for
their personal growth and promotion.
Majority (70%) of the respondents were highly satisfied with the support and guidance
from HR department
30% of the respondents said that financial incentives motivate employees more
Majority (60%) of the respondents were satisfied with present incentives scheme
Most (84%) of the respondents were sure about their job security
Majority (80%) of the respondents said that performance appraisal activities helps to
get motivated
76% of respondents said that recognition factors motivate employees most
Half (50%) of the respondents strongly agree that career development opportunities
help to get motivated
Most (90%) of the respondents strongly agree that they had good relations with
Most (80%) of the respondents said that they have been working for 5years in the
60% of the respondents were highly satisfied with the working culture of the
60% of the respondents strongly agree that top management is interested in motivating
the employees
Majority (80%) of the respondents said that the top management involve employees in
decision making connected to your department
70% of the respondents said that job profile is the factor which motivate employees at
Half (50%) of the respondents strongly agree that employees were encouraged to come
up with new and better ways of doing things
Majority (70%) of the respondents said that employees had promotion at work in the
last six months
Most (80%) of the respondents were nominated for training and development
programmes for last six months
80% of the employees think that appropriate work is given to him/her according to their
skill and potential.
Most of the employees agree that the performance appraisal activities are helpful to get
motivated, so that the company should try to improve performance appraisal system, so
that they can improve their performance.
Non-financial incentives plans should also be implemented: it can be improving the
productivity level of the employees
Organizational should give importance to communication between employees and
gain co-ordination through it.
Skill of employees should be appreciated.
Better career development opportunities should be given to the employees for their
Motivations have a big influence of people in all aspects of life, and consequently also play a
significant role in work. Alongside their individual abilities. employee motivation is a
significant precondition for performance. As such, it can therefore be important to motivate
employees to work towards the primary objective of corporate success by making the benefits
for them and the company as great as possible.
Long-term incentives such as opportunities for promotion, along with other like incentives, are
beneficial in influencing more overall productivity. Also short-term financial incentives could
give motivation to only do what has been successful in the past and not to be creative. While
employees find their pay to be an undeniably vital aspect of their jobs, it cannot stand on its
own as the sole incentives provided by the company. Though important, financial incentives
were actually found to be less motivating than the employee simply gaining proficiency at their
job, or the employee's work having a noticeable effect on the company. Where financial
rewards might be excessive, inappropriate, or un affordable, being praised or personally
thanked can facilitate the employee's desire to have a greater, more meaningful effect on the
1. What is your opinion about the support and guidance from HR department?
Highly satisfied
Highly dissatisfied
Financial incentives
Non-financial incentives
Highly satisfied
Highly dissatisfied
Salary incentives
Fringe benefits
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
9. Since how many years you have been working in this organisation?
0-5 years
5-10 years
10-15 years
10. Rate your level of satisfaction with the working culture of the organisation
Highly satisfied
Highly dissatisfied
11. Rate the statement “Top management is interested in motivating the employees”.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
12. Does the top management involve you in decision making connected to your
Job profile
Company policy
Work environment
14. Are you encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
15. Have you been promoted at work in the last six months?
16. Have you been nominated for training and development programmes for the last six
17. Do you think that appropriate work is given to you according to your skill and
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
19. Do you feel that you getting maximum pleasure from your work?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
20. Do you think there are right opportunities in the organisation for your personal growth
and promotion?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree