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Y8 Unit 3 Workbooklet

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Year 8 History

Booklet 3

This booklet contains:

Unit 3: Why wasn’t World War One the war to end all wars?

Unit 3: Why wasn’t World War One the war to
end all wars?
Lesson 1: Why did Germany lose World War One?
Core - Key words (write your own definition in). You can search for a definition online if
you are unsure.
Hypothesis: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Core - Task 1
You are going to hypothesise why Germany lost World War One. Don’t worry about being
wrong! Just make an informed guess!
Hypothesis 1: I think Germany lost World War One because
Recap – the pre-war Alliances

What changed during World War One?

Core - Task 2
Based on the new information you have found out, you are going to make a second
hypothesis about why Germany lost World War One.
Hypothesis 2: I think Germany lost World War One because
Core - Task 3
Study the following factors that helped contribute to Germany’s defeat. Decide if they are
factors that Germany could have controlled or factors that are beyond Germany’s control.

Factor that Germany Stretch – which factors

could have controlled were long term causes of
or factor beyond Germany’s defeat and
Germany’s control? which were short term?

Germany’s plan for war in 1914 was called the

Schlieffen Plan. Its aim was to avoid Germany having to
fight a war on two fronts (against France and Russia). It
failed and Germany had to split her troops to fight in
the east and the west.

Britain successfully managed to blockade German

ports. This meant that the Germans could not import
enough food. By 1918, there were severe food
shortages across the country.

Germany used a tactic called Unrestricted Submarine

Warfare. This meant that German ships would attack
any ships that entered British waters, even if they were
from a country that was not fighting in the war. This is
one of the main reasons why America joined the war.

The Americans joined the war in April 1917. By the

summer of 1918, nearly 2 million US soldiers were

fighting in France and Belgium and 10,000 new soldiers
were arriving every day.

At the start of the war in 1914 the British, French and

Belgium troops put up more resistance than the
Germans expected, slowing down German progress.

Germany’s allies were weaker than her. Austria-

Hungary did not have a powerful army and the Italians
failed to support their pre-war allies. In April 1915, the
Italians swapped sides and fought alongside the British,
French and Russians.

Core - Task 3
Do you think Germany lost World War One because of its weaknesses or because of factors
beyond her control? Use PEE to help you explain your answer.


Can you make links between the different reasons for Germany’s defeat?


Core - Task 4

You are now going to hypothesise which country you think suffered the most during World
War One.

I think ___________________________
suffered the most because………………….
Core – Task 5
Read the information provided to fill in the table.


Choose one of the following questions and answer it below:

What other information would you need to find out in order to judge which country
suffered most?
What statistic is most useful in finding out how much each country suffered in the war?
Explain your answer.
Core - Task 5

Which country suffered the most in World War One? Explain your answer.



Core - Task 6

There can be no winners in war. Do you agree? Explain your answer.


Lesson 2: Why was it so difficult to make peace at the end of World

War One?
Core - Key words (write your own definition in). You can search for a definition online if
you are unsure.

Core - Task 1


Core - Task 2

Choose three colours: one for Britain, one for France and one for the USA. Colour code what
each country wanted out of negotiations.

Stretch - Which country had the best plan for peace?


Core – Task 3
Now make a second judgement about whether Germany needed to be harshly punished.

Explain your reasoning below.


Here are the key issues that had to be dealt with at

Core - Task 4
To the left are the key terms of the Treaty of
Next to each statement, write if Britain, France or
the USA would be happy with it. Remember that
some terms may please more than one country!
Which country do you think achieved most of their aims at the Treaty of Versailles?
Explain your answer.

Core – Task 5
Now make a third judgement about whether Germany needed to be harshly punished.
Explain your reasoning below.


Core – Task 6
Study the cartoon below.

Answer the following question using the structure provided on the next page:
Source A opposes the Treaty of Versailles. How do you know? Use the source and your
own knowledge to answer the question.

The source opposes the Treaty of Versailles.

Content: What can you see?

This is shown by………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...



Own knowledge: What DEPPS/facts do you have about this topic?

This is about……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….





Provenance: Who made the source? Why did they oppose the Treaty?

The source was made by…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

They opposed the Treaty because………………………………………………………………………………………



Core – Task 7
It was impossible to make a fair peace at the Treaty of Versailles. Do you agree?







Lesson 3: How did Germany react to the Treaty of Versailles?

Core - Key words (write your own definition in). You can search for a definition online if
you are unsure.
Core - Task 1
An easy way to remember how the Germans reacted to the Treaty of Versailles is the
acronym UBRAT: Unfair, Blame, Reparations, Army, Territory.

Read through the explanations of how the Germans reacted to the Treaty of Versailles and
link them to the correct word from UBRAT.


Based on what you have found out, do you think the Allies had ‘Double Standards in how
they dealt with Germany? In other words, do you think they applied the same rules to
themselves as they did to Germany?



Core - Task 2
Study the cartoons below. For each cartoon note down the following:
What can you see in the cartoon?
What is the message of your cartoon?
How do you think the cartoon would have made Germans feel?
Cartoon 1:
What can you see in How do you think
the cartoon? the cartoon would have made
Germans feel?

What is the message

of the cartoon?

Cartoon 2

What can you see in the cartoon?........................................................................................

What is the message of your
How do you think the cartoon would have made Germans feel?..........................................

Cartoon 3

What can you see in the cartoon?........................................................................................

What is the message of your
How do you think the cartoon would have made Germans feel?..........................................

Cartoon 4

What can you see in the

What is the message of your
How do you think the cartoon would have made Germans feel?..........................................
Core - Task 3
Describe two reasons why the Germans disliked the Treaty of Versailles.
Firstly, the Germans disliked the Treaty of Versailles because…………………………………………….
For example……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Secondly, the Germans disliked the Treaty of Versailles because………………………………………
For example……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Core - Task 4

Now make a judgement – do you think the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on

Germany? Mark your thoughts on the target and explain your reasoning.


Lesson 4: What were the strengths and weaknesses of the League

of Nations?
Core - Key words (write your own definition in). You can search for a definition online if
you are unsure.
Core - Task 1 - Recap

If you cannot remember the answers to these questions, use your notes!

Which country wanted the League of Nations to be set up?

What was the purpose of the League of Nations?

Core - Task 2

Judgement Point 1 – Over the next two lessons you will be making a number of judgements
about whether the League of Nations was always going to fail. Fill in your thoughts in the
table below.

Core - Task 3

Study the diagram of the structure of the League of Nations below.

What are the strengths of the League of Nations?

Can you identify any weaknesses in how the League of Nations is organised?
Core - Task 4

Judgement Point 2 – Return back to the table on p. 20. Make a second judgement about
whether you think the League of Nations was always going to fail. Explain your reasoning.

Core - Task 5

Why were unanimous decisions a problem for the League of Nations?


Core - Task 6

Judgement Point 3 – Return back to the table on p. 20. Make a third judgement about
whether you think the League of Nations was always going to fail. Explain your reasoning.

Core - Task 7

Read through the table on the next page with other weaknesses of the League. In the
middle column, explain why it was a problem for the League.

Then place the weaknesses in order of importance, with 1 being the biggest weakness and 4
being the smallest weakness. Explain your reasoning.

Core - Task 8

Judgement Point 4 – Return back to the table on p. 20. Make a fourth judgement about
whether you think the League of Nations was always going to fail. Explain your reasoning.

Core - Task 9

Study the cartoon and answer the questions that follow.

Who designed the bridge?

What is missing from the bridge?

What will happen to the bridge because of this?

What is the message of the cartoon?
Core - Task 10

Judgement Point 5 – Return back to the table on p. 20. Make a fifth judgement about
whether you think the League of Nations was always going to fail. Explain your reasoning.

Lesson 5: Why did the League of Nations fail?

Core - Key words (write your own definition in). You can search for a definition online if
you are unsure.

Core - Task 1

You have a bonfire with four different sized logs.

Label each log with a one of the weaknesses of the League of Nations:
• N

• No American membership
• Unanimous decisions (everyone has to agree)
• Meets once a year
The bigger the log, the bigger the problem!!

Can you think of any other weaknesses that are not mentioned above?


A map of China showing the location of A map of China showing the location
Manchuria Abyssinia

Core - Task 2

Use the following website links to fill in the information about what happened in the
Manchurian Crisis and the Abyssinian Crisis.

Manchuria: https://www.johndclare.net/league_of_nations6.htm
Abyssinia: https://www.johndclare.net/league_of_nations6b.htm

The Manchurian Crisis

Who was involved?

What happened?

How did China respond?

What did the League do?

The Abyssinian Crisis

Who was involved?

What happened?

How did Abyssinia respond?

What did the League do?

Core - Task 3

Judgement Point 6 – Return back to the table on p. 20. Make a sixth judgement about
whether you think the League of Nations was always going to fail. Explain your reasoning.

Core - Task 4

Below are six different reasons why the League of Nations failed.

1. Weak powers
2. America was not a member
3. The League's structure/organisation was inefficient
4. The more the League failed, the less authority it had
5. Its own members betrayed it and let it down
6. The League faced aggressive countries

Which of these factors contributed to the League’s failure in Manchuria?


Which of these factors contributed to the League’s failure in Abyssinia?

Core - Task 5

Judgement Point 7 – Return back to the table on p. 20. Make a seventh judgement about
whether you think the League of Nations was always going to fail. Explain your reasoning.

Core - Task 6

Your task is to choose one of the reasons why the League of Nations failed and draw a
cartoon in the box below explaining how that cause led to the League’s failure. For
example, you might choose to draw Britain and France choosing to protect their own
interests instead of supporting the League.


Can you draw a cartoon that explains more than reason why the League of Nations failed?

Core - Task 7

My cartoon shows ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Judgement Point 8 – Return back to the table on p. 20. Make an eighth and final judgement
about whether you think the League of Nations was always going to fail. Explain your


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