Eucharistic Prayer Book

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January 2022

Dear Adorer,

We all have our

favorite prayers and
well used favorite prayer
books. Herein is a compilation
of classic Eucharistic prayers, benediction
hymns and intercessions gleaned from the
best within our Catholic tradition, and found
in the public domain. We wish to offer them
to you and the many adorers who storm
heaven with their prayers in our Eucharistic
chapels around the archdiocese. We thank
you for your prayer life, your vigil with the Lord
remarkably present to us in His Eucharist.

In the Lord always,

Bishop Joseph N. Perry

Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago

Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament ............................................................. 4

Prayer before Mass by St. Thomas Aquinas ................................................ 5

Food for the Journey .................................................................................................. 5

Litany of the Holy Eucharist .................................................................................... 6

Prayer before the Holy Eucharist by St. Ambrose ....................................... 8

Anima Christi ................................................................................................................... 9

Act of Spiritual Communion ................................................................................... 9

Sacred Banquest ......................................................................................................... 10

Hymns ................................................................................................................................. 11-12

"Oh Lord I Am Not Worthy" ......................................................................... 11

"Oh Jesus We Adore Thee"......................................................................... 11

"O Salutaris" ........................................................................................................ 12

"Tantum Ergo" .................................................................................................... 12

Prayers with Recitations ............................................................................................ 13

Intercessory Prayer #1 .................................................................................. 14

Intercessory Prayer #2 ................................................................................. 15

Consecration Prayer to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament ............. 16

Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament by St. Thomas Aquinas ......... 17

Prayer for the Priests Who Serve Us ................................................................... 18

Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood by Cardinal Justin Rigali ..... 19

Daily Prayer for Priests by St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus ..................... 19

Prayer for Priests by Cardinal Richard Cushing ......................................... 20

Angel's Prayers at Fatima ........................................................................................ 21

Support for Families .................................................................................................... 21

Adoration Prayer ........................................................................................................... 22

Aspirations Recitation ................................................................................................ 23

On Bended Knee Recitation .................................................................................... 23

Prayer of Adoration by Desire ................................................................................ 24

Eucharistic Holy Face Chaplet ............................................................................. 25

Divine Praises by Pope Pius VII .............................................................................. 26

Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament

Oh, Lord Jesus,

I believe that You are as truly present here in the Holy Eucharist as
when You walked in Galilee where You ministered to the sick, the
lame and the blind. Your ears of mercy were ever open to listen to
the cries of the sorrowing and wounded, and Your lips ever ready
to speak words of sympathy, comfort and encouragement to
those who trusted in Your power to help them.

As a sinner, conscious of Your mercy, I come before You now to

spend some moments in communion ‘could you not watch one
hour with Me?’, and too long have I neglected to respond to You.
Now, at last I come to You, Jesus, my patient and faithful Savior,
to whom I can open my heart as someone who fully understands

Oh, Jesus, You know me better than I know myself. You perceive
the innermost secrets of my heart and see there my longing to
be totally Yours. Deep down within me I want to love You but at
the same time I am aware of the promptings of my sinful nature
drawing me away from You, and the unselfish service which I
should render to You. Jesus, I have asked and now ask You again
to grace me with a total love for You in spite of my weaker self.
Fill each day of my life with acts of love for You and make me
realize what Your love really means. Enlighten my understanding
that I may clearly see that to love You means wealth beyond
measure, and to serve You, reward without limit. Sweet Heart of
Jesus, I implore that I may love You daily more and more.

In these privileged silent moments, to be here before You Lord, is

all that matters. To shut the eyes of my body; to shut the eyes of
my soul and to be still and silent; to expose my soul before You
who are here exposed to me; to be here before you, the Eternal
Presence through means of prayer. Empty me of all ideas, of all
images. In the darkness here I am, simply to meet You without
obstacles, in the silence of faith, before You, my Lord and


Prayer before Mass by St. Thomas Aquinas
Almighty and ever-living God,

I approach the Sacrament of Your only begotten Son, Our Lord

Jesus Christ. I come sick to the Doctor of Life, unclean to the
Fountain of Mercy, blind to the Radiance of Eternal Light, and
poor and needy to the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Lord, in Your great generosity, heal my sickness, wash away my

defilement, enlighten my blindness, enrich my poverty, and
clothe my nakedness.

May I receive the bread of angels, the King of kings and Lord of
lords, with humble reverence, with purity and faith, with
repentance and love, and with determined purpose that will
help to bring me to salvation.

May I receive the Sacrament of the Lord’s Body and Blood, and
its reality and power. King God, may I receive the Body of Your
only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, born from the womb
of the Virgin Mary, and so be received into His mystical body
and numbered among His members.

And now as I am about to receive Your beloved Son under the

veil of this Sacrament, may I one day see Him face-to-face in
glory, Who lives and reigns with You forever.


Food for the Journey

O Jesus, present in the Sacrament of the altar, teach all the
nations to serve You with willing hearts, knowing that to serve
God is to reign. May Your Sacrament, O Jesus, be light to the
mind, strength to the will, joy to the heart. May it be the support
of the weak, the comfort of the suffering, the wayfaring bread
of salvation for the dying and for all the pledge of future glory.

-Pope John XXIII 1958-1963

Litany of the Holy Eucharist

V. Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.

V. Christ, have mercy. R. Christ, have mercy.
V. Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.
V. Jesus, the most High, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, the holy One, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Word of God, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, only Son of the Father R. Jesus, Have mercy on us.
V. Son of Mary, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, crucified for us, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, risen from the dead, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, reigning in glory, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, coming in glory, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, our Lord, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, our hope, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, our peace, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, our Savior, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, our salvation, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, our resurrection, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, judge of all, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Lord of the Church, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Lord of creation, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, lover of all, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, life of the world, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, freedom for the imprisoned, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, joy of the sorrowing, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, giver of the Spirit, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, giver of good gifts, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, source of new life, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Lord of life, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, eternal High Priest, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, priest and victim, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, true Shepherd, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, true light, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, bread of heaven, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, bread of life, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, bread of thanksgiving, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, life giving bread, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, new covenant, R. Have mercy on us.

V. Jesus, food for everlasting life, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, food for our journey, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, holy banquet, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, true sacrifice, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, perfect sacrifice, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, eternal sacrifice, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, divine victim, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Mediator of the New Covenant,
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, mystery of the altar, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, medicine of immortality, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, pledge of eternal glory, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Lamb of God,
you take away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Bearer of our sins,
you take away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, Redeemer of the world,
you take away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Christ, hear us,
R. Christ, hear us.
V. Christ, graciously hear us,
R. Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer,
R. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.

V. Let us pray
Lord our God, in this great sacrament we come into
the presence of Jesus Christ, your Son born of the
Virgin Mary and crucified for our salvation. May we
who declare our faith in this fountain of love and
mercy drink from it the water of everlasting life. We
ask this through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen

Prayer before the Holy Eucharist by St. Ambrose
Lord, Jesus Christ,
I approach Your banquet table in fear and trembling, for I am
a sinner, and dare not rely on my own worth, but only Your
goodness and mercy. I am defiled by many sins in body and
soul, and by my unguarded thoughts and words.

Gracious God of majesty and awe, I seek Your protection, I

look for Your healing. Poor troubled sinner that I am, I appeal
to You, the fountain of all mercy. I cannot bear Your judgment,
but I trust in Your salvation.

Lord, I show my wounds to You and uncover my shame

before You. I know my sins are many and great, and they fill
me with fear, but I hope in Your mercies for they cannot be

Lord, Jesus Christ, Eternal King, God and man, crucified for
mankind, look upon me with mercy and hear my prayer, for I
trust in You.
Have mercy on me, full of sorrow and sin, for the depth of
Your compassion never ends. Praise to You, saving sacrifice,
offered on the wood of the cross for me and for all mankind.
Praise to the noble and Precious Blood, flowing from the
wounds of my crucified Lord, Jesus Christ and washing away
the sins of the whole world. Remember, Lord, your creature,
whom You have redeemed with Your Blood.
I repent of my sins, and I long to put right what I have done.
Merciful Father, take away all my offenses and sins; purify me
in body and soul, and make me worthy to taste the Holy of
May Your Body and Blood, which I intend to receive, although I
am unworthy, be for me the remission of my sins, the washing
away of my guilt, the end of my evil thoughts, and the rebirth
of my better instincts. May it incite me to do the works
pleasing to You. and profitable to my health in body and soul,
and be a firm defense against the wiles of my enemies.
Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, fill me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within Your wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from You.
From the malicious enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee
That with Your saints I may praise Thee forever and
ever. Amen

- 14th century

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus,

I believe that You are present

in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.


The Sacred Banquet

Loving Lord Jesus,

who came into the world
to bring the life of grace
to those who believe in You,

and who foster it in daily communion,

we humbly ask You

to pour upon us all

the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

May those who have neglected You

turn to You
and long to receive You

in Holy Communion,
and may we,

who today receive

Your Body and Blood,

learn to approach

your Sacred Banquet

frequently with devotion,

where we will receive

the remedy for all our faults,

and be so nourished
with the life of Your grace

that we may come at last

to the happiness of life with You

at Your eternal banquet.


"O Jesus We Adore Thee"

[refrain] O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving Be ev'ry moment thine!

O Jesus, we adore Thee, Who in Thy love divine, Conceal

Thy mighty God-head, In forms of bread and wine. [refrain]

O Jesus, we adore Thee Our Victim and our Priest. Whose

Precious Blood and Body become our sacred feast. [refrain]

O Jesus, we adore Thee Our Savior and our King, And with
the saints and angels, A humble homage bring. [refrain]

O Jesus, we adore Thee, Come, live in us, we pray, That all

our thoughts and actions, Be Thine alone today. [refrain]

O come, all you who labor In sorrow and in pain;

Come, eat this bread from heaven,
Your peace and strength regain. [refrain]

"O Lord I Am Not Worthy"

O Lord, I am not worthy

That Thou should'st come to me;
But speak the word of comfort,
My spirit healed shall be.
And humbly I'll receive Thee,
The Bridegroom of my soul,
No more by sin to grieve Thee
Or fly Thy sweet control.
Eternal Holy Spirit,
Unworthy though I be,
Prepare me to receive Him
And trust the Word to me.
Increase my faith, dear Jesus,
In Thy Real Presence here,
And make me feel most deeply
That Thou to me art near.


"O Salutaris" "Tantum Ergo"

O salutaris hostia Tantum ergo Sacramentum

Quae caeli pandis ostium Veneremur cernui
Bella premunt hostilia Et antiquum documentum
Da robur fer auxilium Novo cedat ritui;
Uni trinoque Domino Praestet fides
Sit sempiterna Gloria, supplementum Sensuum
Qui vitam sine termino defectui
Nobis donet in patria, Amen Genitori genitoque
Laus et jubilatio,
(English Translation) Salus, honor, virtus quoque
Sit et benedictio
O saving Victim
Procedenti ab utroque
opening wide
Compar sit laudatio. Amen.
The gate of heaven
to all below,
(English translation)
Our foes press on
from every side; Humbly let us
Thine aid supply voice our homage
Thy strength bestow. For so great a Sacrament;
All praise and thanks Let all former rites surrender
to Thee ascend To the Lord’s New Testament;
Forevermore blest What the senses
One in Three fail to fathom,
O grant us life Let us grasp
that shall not end through faith’s consent!
In our true native land Glory, honor, adoration
with Thee. Let us sing with one accord!
Praised be God almighty
Amen Father Praised be Christ,
His Son our Lord;
Praised be God the Holy Spirit;
Triune Godhead be adored.


Prayers with Recitations

“You have given them bread from

“Having all sweetness within it!”

Lord Jesus Christ,
You gave us the Eucharist as the
memorial of Your suffering and death.
May our worship of this Sacrament of
Your Body and Blood help us to
experience the salvation You won for
us, and the peace of Your kingdom
where You live and reign with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, one God
forever and ever,

O Sacrament most holy;
O Sacrament divine
All praise and all thanksgiving;
Be every moment Thine!

O Sacrament most holy;

O Sacrament divine
All praise and all thanksgiving;
Be every moment Thine!

O Sacrament most holy;

O Sacrament divine
All praise and all thanksgiving;
Be every moment Thine!

Intercessory Prayer #1

V. “I am the living bread come down from heaven; anyone

who eats this bread will live forever,” Alleluia! Friends, Let us
pray to Jesus Christ, the bread of life, as we joyfully say:

R. Happy are those who are called to Your heavenly banquet!

V. Lord Jesus, Priest of the new and eternal covenant, You

offered perfect sacrifice to the Father on the altar of the cross;

R. Teach us to offer ourselves with You!

V. King of Justice and peace, You consecrated bread and

wine as the sign of Your offering;

R. Unite us as victims with You!

V. True worshiper of the Father, Your perfect offering is

celebrated by the Church from the rising to the setting of
the sun;

R. Unite in Your body those who partake of the one bread and
the one cup!

V. Manna from heaven, You nourish the Church with Your

Body and Blood,

R. Grant that we may walk strengthened by this sacred food!

V. Unseen host of our banquet, You stand at the door and


R. Come to us, stay and share life with us, for the day is late.

V. Christ Jesus, our Bread of Life. We long to adore You and to

receive You each time we come to the Eucharist. Your Body
and Blood renew us, sustain us, and open for us a deeper
hunger for the coming of God’s reign. May we return often to
Your table, entering into the mystery in order to be sent forth,
hungry again. You live and reign with God the Father in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,

R. Amen!

Intercessory Prayer #2

V. Christ invites all to the supper in which He gives His Body

and Blood for the life of the world. Let us ask Him:

R. Christ, the bread of heaven, grant us everlasting life!

V. Christ, Son of the living God, You commanded that this

thanksgiving supper be repeated in memory of You;

R. Enrich Your church through the faithful celebration of these


V. Christ, eternal priest of the Most High, You have commanded

your priests to offer Your sacraments;

R. May the sacraments help them to exemplify in their lives the

meaning behind the sacred mysteries which they celebrate

V. Christ, bread of heaven, You form one body out of all who
partake of the one bread;

R. Refresh all who believe in You with harmony and peace.

V. Christ through Your holy bread You offer the remedy for
immortality and the pledge of future resurrection;

R. Restore health to the sick and living hope to sinners.

V. Christ, our King who is to come, You pleaded that the

mysteries which proclaim Your death be celebrated until
You return in glory;

R. Grant that all who die in You may share in Your resurrection.

V. Lord Jesus Christ, We worship you living among us in the

Sacrament of Your Body and Blood. May we offer to our Father
in Heaven a solemn pledge of undivided love. May we offer to
one another a life poured out in loving service of that kingdom
where You live with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God,
forever and ever;

R. Amen!

Consecration Prayer to
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

Most Holy Lady Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our
Mother we thank you for surrendering your will to the
Father’s plan so that Jesus might become for us the
Bread of Life and the Cup of Eternal Salvation. Because
you wish to lead all of us to His Eucharistic Presence,
from which flows the font of God’s mercy for the
forgiveness of our sins and the sins of the whole word,
and because you are present wherever Jesus is
honored and adored in this most holy mystery, you
wish us to also invoke you under the title of Our Lady of
the Blessed Sacrament.

We then come to you, O Mother of the Blessed

Sacrament, and this day consecrate ourselves to you,
individually and communally, so that through your help
and intercession our hearts may be disposed for Jesus
as was yours. Make His Eucharistic presence be more
powerfully felt in our lives, in our families, in our religious
and parish communities, in our Association established
for the promotion of Eucharistic Adoration, in the
Church and in the world, so that the triumph of your
own Immaculate Heart may lead us to the promised
reign of the Eucharistic Heart of Our Lord, He who
together with the Father and the Spirit, is God forever
and ever.


-1996 Fr. John P. Grigus, OFMConv.

Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament
by St. Thomas Aquinas

Lord, Jesus Christ, I believe You are as truly present in this holy
Sacrament as You were when dying upon a cross for our
salvation or as You are now enthroned in glory in heaven at the
right hand of the Father.

You said that You would give us Yourself as the bread of life,
which if we eat we shall live forever (John 6:25). I believe this
truth because You are truth itself. With confidence in Your loving
forgiveness therefore I have approached Your altar conscious
that my unworthiness to receive You is outweighed by Your
desire to be united to my soul.

You desire to nourish my soul on its earthly pilgrimage until the

day when I shall be with You in the eternal banquet to feed on
the unveiled beauty of Your Presence forever.

May this Sacrament of Your Body and Blood which I have

received be to me the cleansing of all my sins the
strengthening of what is weak within me and my sure defense
against all the perils of this world. May it bestow on me Your
forgiveness and establish me in Your grace. May the holy
Eucharist be to me the medicine of my life the abiding memory
of Your Passion and death my stay in weakness, the Viaticum
and sure supply of all my life’s pilgrimage.

May this wondrous Sacrament lead me as I go, bring me back

when I wander, receive me when I return, uphold me when I
stumble, raise me again when I fall, strengthen me to persevere
even unto the end, and bring me to Your glory.

O Jesus, may the blissful presence of Your Body and Blood so

change the state of my heart that it may never again find
sweetness in anything but You alone. Let my heart love no other
beauty, seek no unpermitted love, desire no consolation, admit
no other delight, care for no honor but Your honor, stand in fear
of no enemy or suffering in this life. You are my God, forever
and ever. Amen

-St. Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274

Prayer for the Priests Who Serve Us

Lord Jesus,

You have chosen Your priests from among us and sent

them out to proclaim Your word and to act in Your
name. For so great a gift to Your Church, we give You
praise and thanksgiving. We ask You to fill them with
the fire of Your love, that their ministry may reveal Your
presence in the Church.

Since they are earthen vessels, we pray that Your

power shine out through their weakness. In their
afflictions let them never be crushed; in their doubts
never despair; in temptation never be destroyed; in
persecution never abandoned. Inspire them through
prayer to live each day the mystery of Your dying and
rising. In times of weakness send them Your Spirit, and
help them to praise Your heavenly Father and pray for
poor sinners.

By the same Holy Spirit, put Your words on their lips and
Your love in their hearts, to bring good news to the poor
and healing to the brokenhearted. And may the gift of
Mary Your mother, to the disciple whom You love, be
Your gift to every priest. Grant that she who formed You
in her human image may, be her intercession, help to
form them in Your divine image by the power of the
Holy Spirit, to the glory of God the Father.


Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood
by Cardinal Justin Rigali
Father in Heaven,

We give You thanks for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, into the
world to be our Lord, Savior and High Priest.
We believe that, in the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus won for us
the gift of eternal life by His Sacrifice on the Cross.

We believe that Jesus renews this Sacrifice in the Holy Eucharist,

through the ministry of His priests. Father, we earnestly beseech
you to raise up holy priests in Your Church.

Grant young men the strength to accept generously the call to

the priesthood. May they joyfully give their lives so that all Your
people can receive Your holy Word and Sacraments, especially
the Holy Eucharist, the great gift of the Body and Blood of Your
Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior and High Priest, in whose name
we make our prayer.


The Daily Prayer For Priests

by St. Therese of the Child Jesus
O Jesus,

I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; for Your unfaithful and
tepid priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in
distant mission fields. for Your tempted priests; for Your lonely and
desolate priests; For Your young priests; for Your dying priests; for
the souls of Your priests in Purgatory. But above all, I recommend
to You the priests dearest to me: the priest who baptized me; the
priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose
Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy
Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the
priests to whom I am indebted in any other way.

O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them
abundantly in time and in eternity.


A Prayer for Priests to Be Recited by the Laity
by Cardinal Richard Cushing
O Almighty, Eternal God,
Look upon the face of Your Son
and for love of Him,
who is the Eternal High Priest,
have pity on Your priests.
Remember, O most compassionate God,
that they are but weak and frail human beings.
Stir up in them the grace of their vocation
which is in them
by the imposition of the bishop’s hands.
Keep them close to You,
lest the enemy prevail against them,
so that they may never do anything
in the slightest degree unworthy
of their sublime vocation.
O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful
and fervent priests;
for Your unfaithful and tepid priests;
for Your priests laboring at home
or abroad in distant mission fields;
for Your tempted priests;
for the lonely and desolate priests;
for Your young priests; for Your dying priests;
for the souls of Your priests in purgatory.
But above all, I commend to You
the priests dearest to me,
the priest who baptized me,
the priests who have absolved me from sins,
the priests at whose Masses I have assisted
and who have offered me
Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion,
the priests who have taught and instructed me
or helped and encouraged me,
and the priests to whom I am indebted
in any other way.
O Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart,
and bless them abundantly in time and eternity.

Angel of Peace Prayer at Fatima

Most Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit -

I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in
all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the
outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences whereby He is
offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most
Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of
Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

Pardon Prayer at Fatima

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee!

I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore,
do not hope and do not love Thee.

Support for Families

O living bread, that came down from heaven to give life

to the world! O loving, shepherd of our souls, from Your
throne of glory whence, a hidden God You pour out Your
grace on families and peoples, we commend to You
particularly the sick, the unhappy, the poor and all who
beg for food and employment, imploring for all and
every one the assistance of Your providence; we
commend to You our families, so that they may be
fruitful centers of Christian life. May the abundance of
Your grace be poured out over all.


-Pope John XXIII (1958-1963)

Adoration Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ who for love of us remains night and day
in this Sacrament full of kindness and love awaiting, inviting
and welcoming all who come to visit You. I believe that You
are present in the Sacrament of the altar. I adore You from
the depth of my own nothingness and I thank You for all the
graces which You have granted me.

I thank You especially for having given Yourself to me in this

Sacrament; for having given me Your own most holy mother,
Mary, for my advocate and for having called me to visit You
in this sacred place. I pay homage this day to Your adorable
heart and desire to do so for three ends: firstly, in
thanksgiving for this great gift; secondly, to make reparation
for all the injuries which You have received in this Sacrament
from your enemies; and thirdly, I desire to adore You, through
this visit, in all the places on earth where Your sacramental
presence is least honored and most neglected.

My Jesus, I love You with my whole heart. I am sorry for

having offended Your infinite goodness so many times in
the past. I resolve, with the help of Your grace never to
offend You any more for the time to come; and at this
present moment I consecrate myself completely to You. I
give to You withholding nothing, my own will, my
inclinations, my desires, everything that is mine.

From this day forward, do with me and with what belongs

to me as it shall please You. All that I ask and desire is Your
holy love, final perseverance, and the perfect fulfillment of
Your will. I commend to You the souls in purgatory,
particularly those who were most devoted to the Blessed
Sacrament and to Mary, your holy mother. I commend to
You, too all poor sinners.

And now, dear Savior, I join all my desires with the desires
of Your loving heart. I offer them to Your Eternal Father and I
beg Him in Your name, and for Your love to accept them
and fulfill them. Amen.


Aspirations Recitation

O Sacrament most holy,

O Sacrament divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine.
O heart of Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament,
burning with love for us,
inflame our hearts with love for Thee.
May the heart of Jesus
in the most Blessed Sacrament
be praised, adored and loved,
with grateful affection
at every moment,
in all the tabernacles of the world,
even to the end of time.

On Bended Knee Recitation

Let us adore forever the most holy Sacrament.

O praise the Lord all you nations;
Praise Him all you people.
For His mercy is confirmed upon us;
And the truth of the Lord remains forever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning is now and
ever shall be, world without end.


A Prayer of Adoration by Desire

Lord Jesus Christ,

Although I cannot, during this hour,
approach Thee physically in the
Sacrament of Thy love,
I would approach Thee
by desire and by faith.
Transport me, I beseech Thee,
by the lifting up of my mind and heart,
to that tabernacle in the world
where Thou art, at this hour,
most forsaken, utterly forgotten,
and without human company.
Let the radiance of Thy Eucharistic Face
so penetrate my soul
that by offering Thee adoration
and reparation,
even as I am busy
doing ordinary things in an ordinary way,
I may obtain from Thy Sacred Heart
the return of at least one priest to the Tabernacle
where Thou waitest for him today.


In Sinu Jesu (pg 219)

Eucharistic Holy Face Chaplet by the
Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
O sacred banquet in which Christ is received, the memory
of His passion is renewed, the soul is filled with grace,
and a pledge of future glory is given us. Alleluia.
My soul is thirsting for God, the strong and living God;
When shall I enter and see the face of God?
It is Your Eucharistic face, O Lord, that I seek;
hide not Your Eucharistic face from me.
Behold, O God our protector, and look upon the face of Your
Christ. Through Him, and with Him, and in Him, in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours, almighty God and
Father, forever and ever. AMEN.
Father, glorify the Eucharistic face of Your Son,
that His Eucharistic face may glorify You.


Salve Regina
Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and
our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To
thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this
valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes
of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the
blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet
Virgin Mary.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ

Concluding Prayer
Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, who by the working
of the Holy Spirit didst prepare both body and soul of the
glorious virgin mother, Mary, that she might deserve to be
made a worthy dwelling for Thy Son, grant that we who rejoice
in her memory may, by her loving intercession, be delivered
from present evils and from lasting death, through the same
Christ our Lord. Amen.

Divine Praises by Pope Pius VII

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ,
true God and true Man.

Blessed be the Name of Jesus.

Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus
in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.

Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her Glorious Assumption.

Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.

Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.

Blessed be God in His Angels

and in His Saints forever.

May the heart of Jesus,

in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised,
adored, and loved with grateful affection,
at every moment
in all the tabernacles of the world,
even to the end of time,



Prayers Compiled by
Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry
Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago

For private use by

The Saint John Paul II Eucharistic
Adoration Association of the
Archdiocese of Chicago


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