JSA Any Opration

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operations Potential Hazards Possible Solutions

• Working in unstable or slippery • Inspect the route in
conditions on the lease advance for adequate
road/drill site. vehicle access and
• Striking fixed objects such as satisfactory surface
power line poles. conditions.
• Contacting electrical service • Ensure adequate driver
lines. training.
Transporting Rig • Being involved in vehicular • Ensure proper vehicle
accidents. maintenance.
• Getting caught between the rig • Establish and follow a
and the wellhead. specific procedure for
• Being struck by a moving rig. positioning the rig.
• Being electrocuted by overhead • Use a ground guide
power lines. while backing the rig.
• Keep all personnel clear
of the moving rig.
• Identify all electrical
hazards and maintain
adequate clearances.
Slips, trips, and falls as a result of • Take appropriate

unstable or slippery conditions. precautions to mitigate
• Exposed to an electric power slip, trip, and fall hazards.
shock • Make sure to take safe
• Being caught between the mast distances from high-
and mast cradle or being struck pressure towers for
by or caught in guy electricity and make sure
Lines and cables when mast is that all sources of risk are
Rigging Up Service being raised. isolated before carrying
Rig • Being struck by a toppling mast if out any operation
the carrier shifts. • Stay clear of the unit
• Being sprayed with oil if the while the mast is being
hydraulic cylinder or hoses fail as raised, lowered, or
mast is being raised. telescoped.
• Twisting and falling of the mast if • Uncoil and visually
a guy line or anchor breaks or inspect all cables before
fails. starting to raise the mast.
• Receiving strains and sprains. Stand to the side
• Getting hand, finger, and foot Of lines and cables as the
injuries during rig up. mast is being raised.
• Getting the climbing assist • Inspect the well head and
counterweight tangled in the set additional foundation
materials as appropriate.
• Inspect all high-pressure
hoses and fittings.
• Ensure that the unit
operator assesses the
wind speed and direction
to determine if the mast
can be raised safely.
• Allow no personnel on
The unit, other than the
operator working at the
controls, when raising or
lowering the mast. All
others stand clear.

• Being struck by or caught • Install guardrails as

between equipment. required, Recommended
Set Up the Work • Receiving strains and sprains. Safe Procedures and
Area • Getting hand, finger, and foot Guidelines for Oil and
injuries. Gas Well Servicing.
• Slips, trips, and falls. • Inspect equipment
• Failing to properly install derrick integrity such as slings,
emergency escape device when tongs, and hand tools.
Train crew to select and
personnel may be expected to use the proper tools for the
work in the derrick. job.
• Getting burned or exposed to • Instruct workers to stand
respiratory hazards due to clear of suspended loads.
ignition of flammable liquids, • Use a tag line to guide
vapors, and gases equipment into position.
• Inspect hoses and
connections before and
after attaching to the
• Connect hoses after the
tongs have been
• Properly install derrick
emergency escape
device in accordance
with manufacturer's

• Damaging buried • Perform a site

pipelines and cables. line location survey.
• Unpredictable weather • Plan for hazards due to
changes can create unpredictable changing
unexpected hazards. weather.
Leveling Site • Uneven ground may • After weather changes,
cause bulldozers to roll conduct inspections for
over new hazards.
• Provide overhead and
rear canopy guards on

• At a newly prepared • Make sure that the

drill site, the soils may access road and drill pad
not be compacted at the drill site has been
sufficiently to properly prepared before
support the attempting to drive on it.
incoming load. This Drive slowly; alway
Transporting Equipment by could cause the load • s being cautious of
Truck to become unstable. shifting weight.
• The load may not be • Loads should be tied
secured properly, down with proper
devices and inspected
operations Potential Hazards Possible Solutions

• Being struck by the • Instruct all workers in

crane, load, truck, or safety procedures and
forklift tipping. ensure that they are
• Pinched fingers when knowledgeable about
assembling equipment. job hazards. This can be
• Burns from cutting and done during pre-job safety
welding on the drilling meetings or JSA briefings.
nipple. • Instruct workers to
Temporary eye irritation stand clear and keep

from welding light flash. hands and other body
Setting Up the Falling from heights. parts away from pinch
• points.
• Wear proper long
sleeve clothing to
protect from burns.
• Wear proper welding
eye/face protection.
• Avoid looking
directly at the flame or
arc when welding.
• Wear fall protection
when working from
• Falling or tripping • Install, inspect, and
during rigging up. secure stairs and
• • Falling from rig floor. handrails.
Being struck by • Do not use guardrails
• swinging equipment. for anchor points or for
Being struck by falling lifting or supporting
Setting Up the Rig Floor • tools. loads.
and Mast or Derrick Being crushed or • Use fall protection
struck by equipment when installing or
due to failure or removing guardrails.
overloading of • Use a tag line to guide
hoisting equipment. equipment, rather than
• Getting entangled in positioning yourself
lines during raising of under suspended loads.
the derrick or mast. • Check the derrick for
• Failure to properly unsecured tools before
install derrick raising it.
emergency escape • Allow only the
device. operator raising the
mast to be on the rig
• Uncoil all lines so that
they are clear of all
workers when the mast
or derrick is raised.
• Attach safety lines to all
tools hanging from the
• Keep a safe distance
from moving
Install derrick emergency
escape device properly in
accordance with
•Falls from ladders. • Follow established
•Falls or slips from procedures and best
ladders and stairs work practices.
due to damaged or missing • Instruct workers on
rungs or steps. proper procedures
• Slips or falls on for using and installing
walkways due to debris ladders.
or uneven surfaces. • Use only ladders in good
Installing Handrails, • Falls from heights. repair that do
Guardrails, Stairs, • Falling into the mud pit not have missing rungs.
Walkways, and Ladders or mixing tank. • Do not install stairs with
missing or damaged steps.
Repair them before
installing them.
• Keep walkways clean and
free of debris and tripping
• Use proper fall protection.
• Place guardrails in place
prior to working in
elevated areas.

• Tripping on power cords • Keep all cords and hoses

and hoses. orderly and clear of
• Slips and falls on slick walking spaces.
Installing the power walking services. • Clear and clean all
system • Getting caught in pinch walkways and walking
points. surfaces of slipping
• Exposure to chemical hazards.
hazards. • Use caution around all
• Being shocked or chain and belt pinch point
electrocuted. areas. Install all guards.
• Use proper PPE when
working with chemicals.
• Use proper

• Getting struck or pinched • Keep a safe distance

by, or caught in between, from equipment that is
Installing the Auxiliary tubulars being loaded coming together.
Equipment onto racks. • Use a tag line to guide
• Having feet pinched or the pipe racks and
crushed when setting up catwalks into position.
the pipe racks and
• Being struck by • Keep all non-essential
wireline, lubricator, workers out of the
sheaves, or other immediate work area.
equipment. • Inspect wireline, rope
• Getting caught in sockets, and cable heads
Pinching hands and for defects before use.
fingers. Wireline. • Operate the wireline at
• Getting sprains, strains a safe speed.
or suffering from • Use an appropriate
overexertion. method to determine
• Falling from a height. the end of line location.
• Receiving burns or being • Inspect all slings, chains,
Wireline Operations pins or other
exposed to a respiratory
hazard due to a fire. attachment devices
• Being exposed to an before lifting or
unexpected release of suspending
pressure. tools or equipment.
• Toppling mast or boom. • Minimize manual
handling of lubricators
and other equipment.
• Use proper hand
placement and tag lines
to avoid pinch points.
Use proper fall protection.
• Position the unit
properly with respect to
wind direction and
distance from potential
gas or vapor sources.
Install a pressure release
valve in the lubricator
• Bleed pressure from
lubricator sub before
breaking connections.
• Check for an unusually
tight connection that
may indicate that
pressure has not been
• Install foundation,
outriggers, and guying
according to the
• Being exposed to •Keep non-essential
radiation. workers away from the
• Getting injured due to rig floor and marked-off
an unexpected release areas where radiation
of pressure. • hazards may be present.
• Wear appropriate
personnel protective
equipment (PPE).
Well logging
• Allow only authorized
and qualified logging
company personnel to
handle the logging tools.
• Report any damage to
radioactive logging tools.
• Check for the presence
of trapped pressure
before opening the tool
• Surface detonation of • Keep all non-essential
explosives. personnel out of the
• Being struck by moving immediate work area.
vehicles. • Post warning signs and
• Being exposed to prohibit the use of radios,
telephones, or navigational
potential ignition and
respiratory hazards.
• Shut down non-essential
• Overexerting, or getting
electrical systems during
sprains and strains. gunarming operations.
Being exposed to pinch • Perform operations
points (for example, involving explosives
Perforation of casing and hammer union wings and under the direct
formation hammers, pump supervision of the special
services supervisor.
• Report any suspected
remnants of explosives to
the special services
• Preplan equipment
locations and use a
spotter(s) to position
equipment out of fall
lane of the derrick and
upwind of vapor and gas
iron and racks). • Use proper hand and
• Being hit by flying body positioning.
Cementing particles. • Wear proper PPE
• Falling from heights. including fall protection
• Slips, trips, and falls. and respiratory
• Being struck by falling protection where
equipment. appropriate.
• Being struck by high • Conduct a pre-job
pressure lines or inspection to identify,
unexpected release of then eliminate or
pressure (due to, correct hazardous work
mismatched or excessively surfaces.
worn hammer unions, line • Require all non-
failure). essential personnel to
• Being exposed to stand clear. • Secure all
chemical hazards (such elevated lines. Direct all
as, silica, toxic liquids, non-essential personnel
and gases). to stand clear.
• Being exposed to high • Require pump operator
noise levels. to stay by the controls.
• Slips, trips, and falls. • Conduct adequate
• Overexerting, or pressure tests on
receiving sprains and pump(s) and lines
strains while handling before pumping.
materials (such as sacks • Hobble high-pressure
and buckets). lines properly.
• Being struck by moving • Use proper equipment
vehicles. inspection techniques
• Being exposed to to include hammer
potential ignition and
• Wear proper personal
respiratory hazards.
protective equipment
• Overexerting or
(for example,
receiving sprains and
respiratory, skin, and
hearing) as appropriate
• Being exposed to pinch
for the hazards present.
points (such as, hammer
union wings and • Conduct a pre-job
hammers, pump iron inspection to identify,
and racks). then eliminate or
correct hazardous
• Being hit by flying
work surfaces.
• Use mechanical lifting
• Falling from heights.
aids, proper lifting
• Slips, trips, and falls.
techniques, and team
• Being struck by falling
lifting where
equipment. appropriate.

• Loss of well control. • Use appropriate
Fire, explosive, or equipment, rated for
respiratory hazard from the expected pressures,
leakage or venting of oil to shut in the well.
Swabbing or gas from tanks, lines • Inspect lubricators,
or lubricator. swages, and unions for
• Being struck by a defects such as cuts,
pressurized line. corrosion, and thread
• Being exposed to a high- damage before use.
pressure connection • Adjust oil savers by
failure caused by remote control with a
mismatched or hydraulic pump placed
excessively worn safely away from the
hammer unions. wellhead.
• Being struck by • Train all personnel in
pressurized fluids or the emergency evacuation
lubricator when procedures.
removing the lubricator • Place fire extinguishers
from the well. in accessible positions.
• Getting strains and • Move sources of
sprains from handling potential ignition (such
the lubricator. as, open fires for
• Pinching fingers melting of babbitt) to
between swab assembly designated areas at a safe
and lubricator when distance from the wellhead
changing swab cups or or flammable liquid storage
mandrels. areas such as the swab tank
before swabbing.
• Make provisions to
contain spilled
flammable liquids.
• Monitor the oil saver for
wear and potential
• Remove all spillage of
flammable liquids from
equipment, cellars, rig
floor, and ground
area adjacent to the
• Wear proper PPE,
including respiratory
protection, as required.
Avoid approaching, walking
over or standing near
pressurized lines.
• Securely anchor
Pressurized lines to
prevent whipping or
bouncing caused by
pressure surges.
• Use proper equipment
inspection techniques
to include hammer
• Close the shut-off valve
and bleed the pressure
from the lubricator
before removing it.
• Use a lubricator that will
allow removal of the
swab or other tools with
the well shut in (valve
• Use a dolly or other
method to minimize
manual handling of the
• Use a winch line, where
available, not the swab
line, to handle the
• Use a lubricator that will
allow removal of the
swab or other tools with
the well shut in
• (Valve closed).

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