1 Introduction To Entomology

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Arthropods comprise the most numerous and varied of living things in the
environment of man. Some of them are man’s allies, but the majority of
arthropods are either of no use to man or are his most dangerous enemies. They
destroy man's crops and his food reserves; some which live close to man acts as
vectors or carriers of disease.
Medical Entomology: A study of the arthropods of medical importance. It is an
important branch of preventive medicine.
Class Insecta Class Arachnida Class Crustacea
1) Mosquitoes: 1) Ticks: 1) Cyclops
Anophelines Hard tick
Culicines Soft tick
2) Flies: 2) Mites (chiggers):
Houseflies Leptotrombidium
Sandflies Trombiculid mites
Tsetse flies Itch mite

3) Human lice:
Head & body lice
Crab lice
4) Fleas:
Rat fleas
Sand fleas
5) Reduviid bugs
Class Insecta Arachnida Crustacea
1) Body Head, thorax Cephalothorax Cephalothorax &
Divisions Abdomen Abdomen abdomen
2) Legs 3 pairs 4 pairs 5 pairs
3) Antennae 1 pair None 2 pairs
4) Wings One or two pair; None None
some are wingless
5) Where On land On land In water

ARTHROPOD BORNE DISEASES – constitute a major health problem in India.

Arthropod Diseases transmitted
1) Mosquito Malaria, Filaria, Viral Encephalitis (eg Japanese
Encephalitis), Viral fevers (eg – Dengue, West Nile)
Viral Haemorrhage fevers (eg- Yellow fever, Dengue
Haemorrhagic fever)
2) Housefly Typhoid & Paratyphoid Fever, Diarrhoea, Dysentery ,
Cholera , Gastroenteritis, Amoebiasis, Helminthic
Infestations, Poliomyelitis, Conjunctivitis, Trachoma,
Anthrax, Yaws etc.
3) Sandfly Kala- azar, Oriental sore , Sandfly fever, Oraya fever.
4) Tsetse fly Sleeping sickness
5) Louse Epidemic typhus, Relapsing fever, Trench fever,
Pediculosis .
6) Rat flea Bubonic plaque, Endemic typhus, Chiggerosis,
Hymenolepis diminuta
7) Black fly Onchocerciasis
8) Reduviid bug Chagas disease
9) Hard tick Tick typhus, Viral Encephalitis, Viral fevers, Viral
Haemorrhagic fever (eg: Kyasanur Forest Disease) ,
Tularemia, Tick paralysis, Human babesiosis
10) Soft tick Q fever , Relapsing fever
11) Trombiculid mite Scrub typhus, Rickettsial pox
12) Itch mite Scabies
13) Cyclops Guinea worm disease, Fish rape worm
14) Cockroaches Enteric pathogens


Three types of transmission cycles are involved in the spread of arthropod-borne
1) DIRECT CONTACT: In this method arthropods are directly transferred from
man to man through close contact eg: Scabies and Pediculosis.

2) MECHANICAL TRANSMISSION: The infectious agent is mechanically

transported by a crawling or flying arthropod through soiling of its feet or
proboscis; or by passage of organisms through its gastrointestinal tract &
passively excreted. eg: Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Typhoid, Food Poisoning and
Trachoma by the housefly.

3) BIOLOGICAL TRANSMISSION: The infectious agent undergoing replication

or development or both in vector & requires an incubation period before
vector can transmit.
This may be of three types
a) Propagative – the agent merely multiplies in vector, but no change in form.
eg: Plague bacilli in rat fleas.
b) Cyclo-propagative: The agent changes in form and number. eg: Malaria
parasite in anopheline mosquito.
c) Cyclo-developmental: the disease agent undergoes only development but
no multiplication. Eg: Microfilaria in culex mosquito and Guinea worm
embryo in cyclops.

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