CCN Notes
CCN Notes
CCN Notes
D. To exercise professional judgments expected of them It is recommended that this course has been reviewed,
in the critical care clinical setting. evaluated and endorsed to the accrediting body by the
Critical Care Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc.
CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (CPE) The following 11 Standards are intended to furnish
nurses with directions in providing quality care and
Continuing Professional Education Programs is a type of
excellence in Critical Care Nursing:
education that consist of updated knowledge and other
pertinent information that will help the Critical Care 1. The critical care nurse functions in accordance with
Nurse to attain broader understanding of critical care legislation, common laws, organizational regulations and
practice and its related field. The goal includes Critical by-laws, which affect nursing practice.
Care Nurses development of skill, behavior that will help
2. The critical care nurse provides care to meet
them view the critically ill person in a holistic dimension
individual patient needs on a 24-hour basis.
CCNAPI recommends that all practicing CCN shall ensure
3. The critical care nurse practices current critical care
they continuously update their knowledge, skills and
nursing competently.
behavior through active participation in related critical
care nursing education and must earn at least 20 credit 4. The critical care nurse delivers nursing care in a way
units per year. that can be ethically justified.
The updated educational component includes but not 5. The critical care nurse demonstrates accountability
limited to the following: for his/her professional judgment and actions.
• Advanced/Comprehensive Critical Assessment 6. The critical care nurse creates and maintains an
• Critical Care Practitioner environment which promotes safety and security of
• End-of-Life and Palliative Care patients, visitors and staff.
STANDARDS OF CRITICAL CARE NURSING PRACTICE 7. The critical care nurse masters the use of all essential
equipment, available services and supplies for
Critical care specialty addresses the management and
immediate care of patients.
support of patients with severe or life-threatening
illness. The goal of critical care nursing is to promote 8. The critical care nurse protects the patients from
optimal adaptation of critically ill patients and their developing environmental induced infection.
families by providing highly individualized care, so that
9. The critical care nurse utilizes the nursing process in
the critically ill patients adapt to their physiological
an explicit systematic manner to achieve the goals of
dysfunction as well as the psychological stress in the
Critical Care Unit or Intensive Care Unit (ICU). To achieve
this, standards should be developed to serve as a guide 10. The critical care nurse carries out health education
for monitoring and enhancing the quality of intensive for promotion and maintenance of health.
care nursing practice.
11. The critical care nurse acts to enhance the
Care standards for critical care nursing provide professional development of self and others.
measures for determining the quality of care delivered,
and also serve as means for recognizing the
competencies of nurses in intensive care specialty. COMPETENCIES FOR CRITICAL CARE NURSES
Procedures standards for critical care nursing practice The competence of critical care nurses together with
provide a step-by-step guideline for nurses to carry out established nursing standards and the identified core
day-to-day nursing procedure in a most appropriate competencies for registered nurses will result to
manner. excellence in critical care nursing practice. This three-
pronged holistic framework ensures quality
performance through an adherence to nursing
standards, the demonstration of competencies, and the
integration of appropriate nursing model/s into the
health care delivery process.