DARAB Sec 8 Jurisdiction

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SECTION 8. Primary, Exclusive and Original Jurisdiction of the Provincial

Adjudicator. The PARAD shall have primary, exclusive, and original jurisdiction
to determine and adjudicate all agrarian disputes and agrarian matters, including
but not limited to the following:
a. The Rights and obligation of person, whether natural or juridical, engaged in
the management, cultivation, and use of all agricultural lands covered by
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, as amended, and other related agrarian laws.

b. The administrative determination of just compensation of lands acquired

under applicable agrarian laws, subject to the jurisdictional amount under
Rule XIX, Section 104 of this Rule.

c. Annulment or rescission of Lease Contracts, or Deed of Sale, or their

amendments involving lands under the administration and disposition of the
DAR or Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP), and the amendment of titles
pertaining to agricultural lands under the administration and disposition of
the DAR and LBP; as well as Emancipation Patents (EPs) issued under
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 266, Homestead Patents, Free Patents, and
miscellaneous sales patents to settler in settlement and re-settlement areas
under the administration and disposition of the DAR.

d. Ejectment of agricultural lessees/share tenants.

e. Pre-emption and redemption of agricultural lands under R.A. 3844, as


f. Correction of entries of registered Emancipation Patent (EP), Certificates of

Land Ownership Award (CLOAs), or other titles issued under any Agrarian
Reform Program without affecting substantial rights of other interested
persons, except error in technical description in the EPs and CLOAs.

g. Re-issuance of the Owner’s Duplicate Copy of EPs, CLOAs, or other titles

issued and registered with the Land Registration Authority (LRA) under any
Agrarian Reform Program.

h. Review and fixing of leasehold rentals/determination and payment of

disturbance compensation.

i. Collection of amortization payments, foreclosure, and similar disputes

concerning the functions of the LBP, and payments for lands awarded under
P.D. No. 27, R.A. No. 3844, as amended, and R.A. No. 6657, as amended,
and other related laws, decrees, orders, instruction, rules, and regulations.

j. Boundary disputes involving land covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian

Reform Programs (CARP) and other agrarian laws, and lands under
administration and disposition of the DAR and the LBP, and those lands
transferred, distributed, and/or to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) and
are covered by Deed of Sales, Patents, and Certificates of Title;

k. Those cases previously falling under the original and exclusive jurisdiction
of the defunct Court of Agrarian Relations under Section 12 of P.D. No. 946,
except those cases falling under the proper courts or other quasi-judicial

l. Such other agrarian cases, disputes, matters, or concerns referred by the

Board or the Secretary of DAR.

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