Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
1. What would you do if your boss refused to let you take your holiday at a time convenient for
you and your family?
Answer :
1. Speak openly by making polite requests to your superiors by explaining our reasonable
reasons why we need to take a vacation.
2. Negotiation, to reach an agreement with superiors. Such as arranging schedules or
responsibilities so that work continues well during vacation
3. Consider the schedule, if your boss still doesn't allow you to go on holiday at that time.
Consider planning a vacation at a different time that better suits your work schedule.
2. How would you deal with a colleague who always complained to the boss about other
Answer :
1. Invite colleagues to talk openly. Take the time to listen to complaints and try to
understand the problem.
2. Showing empathy for your coworker's feelings of concern can help create a better
relationship between the two of you.
3. Invite colleagues to find solutions together. Discuss how to overcome the problems he is
experiencing without having to directly involve his superiors. Because efforts to find
solutions together is the best step in maintaining healthy relationships in the workplace
3. You think the work procedures of your company are badly in need of change. How would you
suggest this to the boss?
Answer :
1. Make a list of reasons that support your view of changing work procedures. Focus on
benefits to the company, efficiency, or increased productivity.
2. Ask the boss for time to talk privately.
3. When talking to your boss, don't just mention the problem, but also offer solutions that
can solve the problem.
4. Bring data or concrete examples that support the argument.
5. After submitting proposed changes, listen to the boss's responses and considerations.
6. Prepare yourself to adapt if the boss has suggestions for changes or adjustments to
proposals for the company's work processes.
4. What would be your advice to a friend who is preparing for a job interview?
Answer :
1. Learn as much as you can about the company you are interviewing for, including its
mission, vision, values, products or services, and company culture.
2. Wear appropriate and professional clothing consistent with company culture. Make sure
your physical appearance is neat and clean.
3. Practice answering common interview questions such as “tell me about yourself” or
“what are your strengths and weaknesses.
4. Practice how you speak clearly and firmly. Maintain positive facial expressions and body
language throughout the interview.
5. Share previous work-related accomplishments and experiences to demonstrate the
abilities and value you bring.
6. Prepare the questions you want to ask the interviewer. This can show your interest in the
company and the role you are applying for.
7. Try to stay calm and confident. Practice breathing techniques and focus on the questions
8. Respect the interviewer's time, avoid answering too long or too short, and give positive
9. After the interview, send a thank you note to the interviewer as a sign of appreciation.