WR WB UserGuide
WR WB UserGuide
WR WB UserGuide
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3 Dec 08
Part #: DOC-16292-ND-00
1 Overview .............................................................................................. 3
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
9.4 Creating Library Build Targets for Multiple Applications ............................ 118
9.4.1 Creating the ComplexSystem Example Project ................................... 119
9.4.2 Creating the ComplexSystem Project Manually .................................. 119
9.6 Creating User-Defined Build Targets in the Project Explorer ....................... 126
9.6.1 Custom Build Targets in User-Defined Projects .................................. 126
9.6.2 Custom Build Targets in Workbench-Managed Projects ................... 126
9.6.3 Custom Build Targets in Wind River Linux Platform Projects ......... 127
9.6.4 User Build Arguments ............................................................................. 128
9.7 Defining Build Specs for New Compilers and Other Tools .......................... 129
13 Working with Breakpoints .................................................................. 155
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
16.6 Installing JDT for Third-Party Plug-ins and Debugging ............................... 222
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
that are referenced by absolute paths. The same is true for any
build macro in any project type containing absolute paths—they
should be substituted by environment variables (provided by
wrenv for example) wherever possible. Files That Should Not Be
Version Controlled .................................................................... 233
18.2.3 Choosing Not to Add Build Output Files to ClearCase ..................... 234
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Downloading an Output File Built with the Wrong Build Spec ....... 262
Error if Exec Path on Target is Incorrect ............................................... 262
Troubleshooting Running a Process ...................................................... 263
A.6.5 Launch Configuration Errors ................................................................. 264
Troubleshooting Launch Configurations ............................................. 264
A.6.6 Debugger Errors ....................................................................................... 265
Shared Library Problems ......................................................................... 265
A.6.7 Source Analysis Errors ............................................................................ 265
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
1 Overview ............................................................. 3
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Starting Workbench 4
1.3 Wind River Documentation 6
1.4 Accessing and Searching Workbench Context-Sensitive Help 7
1.1 Introduction
Wind River Workbench 3.1 is an Eclipse-based development suite that provides an
efficient way to develop real-time and embedded applications with minimal
intrusion on the target system. Wind River Workbench is available on Windows,
Linux, and Solaris hosts.
This guide explains how to use the parts of Workbench that are not target OS
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
1 Overview
1.2 Starting Workbench
You can find the shell command to start Workbench in your Workbench
installation directory, represented in this document as installDir.
To start Workbench:
1. Make sure your path environment variable is set to include the path to your
compiler. Typically, which gcc should yield /usr/bin/gcc.
2. From your Workbench installDir, issue the following command:
$ ./startWorkbench.sh
This is the basic startup command. You can supply arguments as described in
Running Eclipse in Eclipse Workbench User Guide:Tasks in the online help. For
example, these arguments give more heap space:
$ ./startWorkbench.sh -vmargs -Xmx512m
The resulting Welcome screen lets you click on options to see an overview,
find tutorials, see what is new, and to run Workbench. To come back to this
screen, select Help > Welcome from the Workbench window.
3. Click Workbench.
Workbench displays the Application Development perspective. Workbench
resumes the same perspective when you open it again, or you can select the
default settings by choosing Window > Reset Perspective.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Information about the current session, including the types and positions of
your windows when you last exited Workbench, current projects, and
installed breakpoints.
The default location of your workspace is installDir\workspace, but it can be
located elsewhere if necessary. If you want to run two or more copies of
Workbench, each must have its own workspace.
1 Overview
1.4 Accessing and Searching Workbench Context-Sensitive Help
Part VII. Reference describes how to use the command line to update
workspacesfor automated builds and how to import projects. It also provides a
In this document, italics mark terms being introduced, as well as placeholders for
values you supply. Bold indicates literal values. For example, installDir refers to
the location in which you have installed Workbench. (By default, this is
C:\WindRiver on Windows hosts and $HOME/WindRiver on Linux and Solaris
Bold also indicates menu choices, as in File > New > Project, meaning to select
File, then New, then Project. Commands that you enter on a command line are
shown in bold, and system output is shown in typewriter text, for example:
$ pwd
The screenshots in this document were taken on a host that may not be the same
as the host you are using, therefore they they may differ slightly from what you see
on your screen.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: The Help button on Solaris keyboards does not open Workbench help due
to a problem in Solaris/GTK+. Instead, use Ctrl+F1 to access help.
Help View
1. Press the help key for your host (see 1.4 Accessing and Searching Workbench
Context-Sensitive Help, p.7) to open the Help view within Workbench itself.
2. At the bottom of the Help view, click Search, then type the keyword or phrase
you are looking for into the Search expression field. Click Go.
3. Links for relevant topics appear in the Help view. To open the document
containing that topic, click the link.
To switch from the Search Results list back to the help Table of Contents, click the
All Topics link at the bottom of the help view.
Help Browser
1. From the Workbench toolbar, select Help > Help Contents to open the help
system in a standalone browser.
2. At the top of the browser, type your term into the Search field. Click Go.
3. Links for relevant topics appear in the Search Results list. To open the
document containing that topic, click the link.
To switch from the Search Results list back to the help Table of Contents, click the
Contents link at the bottom of the help browser.
If the result set is very large, the information you are looking for might not appear
in the top 10 or 15 results.
1 Overview
1.4 Accessing and Searching Workbench Context-Sensitive Help
To refine a local help search to reduce the number of results, follow these steps:
1. In the Help view, click Default next to the Search scope link to open the Select
Search Scope Sets dialog.
2. Click New to open the New Scope Set dialog, type a name for your search
scope, then click OK.
3. In the scope set list, select the scope set you want to define, then click Edit.
4. Select Search only the following topics, then select the local help sources to
which you want to restrict the search, for instance Wind River
Documentation > References. Click OK.
5. Click OK to return to the help browser, where your new search scope appears
next to the Search scope link.
6. Click Go. The results will be shown in the Search Results list.
By default, the Search Scope dialog opens to show options for searching local help.
To select a different source of information for your search scope, follow these steps:
1. In the Help view, click Default next to the Search scope link to open the Select
Search Scope Sets dialog.
2. Click New to open the New Scope Set dialog, type a name for your search
scope, then click OK.
3. In the scope set list, select the scope set you just created, then click Edit.
4. From the Search Scope dialog, click New, then select Info Center or Web
Search, then click Finish. Your new information source appears in the list on
the left side of the dialog, and new options appear on the right.
5. Fill in the URL you want to connect to, adjust any other information as
necessary, then click OK.
6. Click OK to return to the help browser, where your new search scope appears
next to the Search scope link.
7. Click Go. The results will be shown in the Search Results list.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: If you have more than one Scope Set defined, your term or expression will
be searched in all scopes unless you further restrict your search.
Click Search Scope to display all defined search scopes, uncheck the scopes you
do not want to include, then click Go to rerun the search.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Building and Debugging a
Sample Project
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Creating a Project and Running a Program 14
2.3 Editing and Debugging Source Files 24
2.4 Using the Editor’s Code Development Features 27
2.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces you to Wind River Workbench so that you can become
familiar with its perspectives, views, and development concepts, in a hands-on
No special hardware or system setup is required. You can find the ball sample
program in a Workbench installation directory.
In the course of working with this sample program, you will:
Create a project
Import source files
Build the project
Connect to a target
Set breakpoints
Step through code
Set a watch on a variable
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Run code
Edit source files
Track build errors
Debug a project
Rebuild and rerun your code
Workbench preserves its configuration when you close it, so that at next launch
you can resume where you left off in your development.
If you have experimented with opening perspectives and moving views, switch
back to the Application Development perspective by selecting Window >
Reset Perspective.
VxWorks and Wind River Linux take slightly different approaches to creating the
sample project.
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.2 Creating a Project and Running a Program
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: Be sure to use files from this directory and not those for the sample C++
program available from the File > New > Example menu.
In general, you must create a new target connection definition before you can
connect to a new target. For more information on how to do that, see 10. Connecting
to Targets.
However, for this tutorial, you can use the predefined connection that appears in
the Remote Systems view.
For VxWorks:
1. In the Remote Systems view, right-click vxsim0 (Wind River VxWorks 6.x).
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.2 Creating a Project and Running a Program
NOTE: Minimize the shell if you wish, but do not close it.
For Linux:
For Linux:
For VxWorks:
1. Right-click ball.out in the Project Explorer and select Debug Kernel Task.
The Debug launch configuration dialog appears, with ball.out already filled in
as part of the name of the launch.
2. Type main in the Entry Point field.
3. Click Debug.
Workbench automatically builds the ball project and switches to the
Device Debug perspective, with main.c open in the Editor. The Debug view shows
the program stopped at main( ). The Breakpoint view appears with no breakpoints
listed. The Variables view shows the values of the variables that have been defined
to this point.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The action of the ball program is displayed by viewing the memory address of the
grid global variable in the Memory view.
1. If it is not already open, select Window > Show View > Other > Debug >
Memory to open the Memory view.
The Memory view appears in the lower-right corner of the Workbench
window, in the tabbed notebook with the Variables and Expressions views.
2. Click on the title bar of the Memory view and drag it to the left, over the tabbed
notebook containing the Tasks view and the Build Console. Wait for an icon of
a set of stacked folders to appear at the cursor, then drop the view.
3. If it is not already visible, select Window > Show View > Expressions, then:
a. Select the Expressions tab and expand it enough to see the Expression,
Type, and Value columns.
b. Click Add new expression in the Expression column.
c. Type grid and press ENTER.
The memory address of the grid global variable appears in the value column.
It can vary from one session to another if, for example, you compile with the
GNU compiler instead of the Wind River Compiler.
The Device Debug perspective now appears approximately as shown:
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.2 Creating a Project and Running a Program
This procedure takes you through the initialization of the Grid array in the ball
sample program.
1. Press F6 (or use the Step Over icon in the Debug view) twice to step from the
entry point of main( ) to the call to srand( ).
Using F6 twice causes Workbench to step over and complete the execution of
gridInit( ). (All the run controls are available on the Run menu, and also as
toolbar icons in the Debug view.)
2. In the Memory view, click the Add Memory Monitor icon in the Monitors
toolbar, enter the value (address) of the grid array from 2.2.7 Setting Up the
Device Debug Perspective, p.18, and click OK.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
3. Adjust the Memory view to show the box outlining the grid on which the balls
will bounce:
a. Right-click in the Renderings column and select Cell Size > 8 bytes.
b. Drag the right or left borders of the Memory view to make it wide enough,
and drag the top and bottom borders to make it high enough for the box
in the text area of the window to appear correctly.
c. Adjust the relative sizes of the Monitors and Renderings panes within the
Memory view before you can see the correct columns in the Renderings
When set up for this tutorial, the view should look similar to Figure 2-1.
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.2 Creating a Project and Running a Program
NOTE: Make sure the address you entered in the Memory window is correct
for the grid global variable. If you see dots instead of the box, click the Debug
view’s toolbar Step Over once or twice. (Or press F6.)
The box may be empty now, but as the program runs, characters representing
different types of balls (two zeros, two @ signs, and two asterisks) appear in
the empty box, and collide with the walls and each other.
The following procedure explains how to set a breakpoint and tell the application
to run until the breakpoint is reached:
1. Scroll down in main.c past the three initialization for loops and set a
breakpoint at the following while statement, by double-clicking in the gutter
next to the while statement:
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: If no comment appears above the while statement, click the + symbol
in the gutter next to it to unfold the comment. You can click the + symbol again
when you are done reading the comment to fold it away.
2. Press F8 (or click the Resume icon in the Debug view’s toolbar) to run to the
Execution stops each time it hits the breakpoint. The Memory view changes
each time you resume execution. The highlighting in the following figure
indicates changes after the first refresh.
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.2 Creating a Project and Running a Program
Next, change the behavior of the breakpoint so that the application does not stop
executing at each break, but instead refreshes the display:
1. Right-click the breakpoint in the gutter, or in the Breakpoints view, and select
Breakpoint Properties.
The Line Breakpoint Properties dialog appears.
2. Click the Continue on Break check box.
3. Click OK.
4. Press F8 or click the Resume button to watch the balls bounce in the Memory
To stop the program:
1. Open the Breakpoint Properties dialog again.
2. Clear Continue on Break, then click OK.
The balls may bounce once more, but then stop.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
To create a failed build, introduce an error into the ball project code:
1. In the Project Explorer, double-click main.c to open it in the Editor.
2. Select main( ) in the Outline view.
The Editor switches focus to display it.
3. Delete the semicolon (;) after the call to gridInit( ) so that it reads as follows:
NOTE: The status bar at the bottom of the Workbench window displays the line
number and column (61:16) where your cursor is located in the Editor.
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.3 Editing and Debugging Source Files
(The gutter is the shaded strip at the left edge of the Editor view. It is likely in
blue, and it may be very thin.)
2. In the Add Bookmark dialog box, enter a bookmark name (or accept the
default gridInit( ), and click OK.
A small bookmark icon appears in the gutter.
3. To save the file with the error, click the Save button on the main toolbar.
4. Close all open files by clicking the X on the tab of their Editor view.
In Introducing an Error for this Tutorial, p.24, you introduced an error in the ball
program source code that you will fix in the following procedure, which
demonstrates how to find and fix build errors using Workbench.
To fix build errors:
1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the ball folder and select Build Project.
2. Click New Build Target and click Finish in the resulting Build Target dialog
(thereby accepting the default names).
3. Click Continue if a prompt appears concerning the include search path.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Build output displays in the Console tab, and entries also appear in the
Problems tab. Click these tabs to move back and forth between their contents
(or rearrange your window to view them both simultaneously).
Because you created an error in the main.c file, errors are encountered during
the build process. Notice that Workbench enters a task in the Problems view
showing the type of error, the file the error is in, the location of the file, and the
location of the error. It also shows warnings that occur in other locations in the
code because of the error.
4. Double-click the error line in the Problems view.
The editor focuses on (or just past) the erroneous line, with an identical white
X in a red circle to mark the position of the error in the file.
5. Re-enter the semicolon (;) character you deleted in earlier steps.
This was in main.c, after gridInit( ).
6. Right-click the bookmark icon in the gutter and select Remove Bookmark.
7. Save and close the file.
Workbench tracks all changes that are made to any files in the project.
At this point, several changes have been made to the main.c file.
To display the change history on the main.c file:
1. Right-click the file in the project tree and select
Compare With > Local History.
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.4 Using the Editor’s Code Development Features
The History tab opens. (It may be labeled just “H.”) The upper area of the
History view displays a list of the dates and times when the file was changed.
2. Double-click one of the list entries.
A Comparison Viewer dialog opens, displaying the file on the left as it was at
the date and time of the list entry that you double clicked. To the right of the
file display is the file as it was in the immediately preceding version.
3. Move your cursor over the Compare Viewer’s toolbar icons to read the
functions provided, such as copying changes from the left to the right file,
moving to the next difference or the next change, and so on.
4. Close the Compare Viewer.
If you see a Save Resource error notice that main.c has been modified but is
still open, click Yes to save the changes you made.
NOTE: You can also use the local history feature to restore deleted files. Right-click
the folder the files were in, select Restore from Local History, choose the files you
want to restore, then click Restore.
To open a source file and change its properties (for example, its font properties):
1. Expand the ball folder and double-click main.c.
The main.c file appears in the Editor, using a fixed font and preference-based
color syntax highlighting.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
2. Select Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts.
3. Expand the Basic folder in the Colors and Fonts pane and select Text Font.
4. Click Change and select:
Family: Courier 10 Pitch (or some other font than the original)
Style: Regular
Size: 10
5. Click OK.
6. Move the Preferences dialog box out of the way to uncover the main.c editor
window if necessary. Click Apply to see the changes without closing the
dialog box.
7. Explore and experiment with other preferences. Click Restore Defaults if you
prefer the default settings.
8. Click OK.
In the Outline view, click any item in the list to focus the Editor on its declaration.
Hover over the buttons in the toolbar to see how to filter the list of names in the
view. You can sort them, hide fields and static members, and hide non-public
members. (Note that the elements are sorted within types.)
The Outline view is limited to the names declared in the file that is open in the
Editor. To find the declaration of any symbol appearing in the Editor, right-click
the symbol in the Editor view, then click Open Declaration.
For example:
1. In the Outline view, click main(void): int.
2. In the Editor, click the call to gridInit( ) to highlight that line.
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.4 Using the Editor’s Code Development Features
3. Right-click gridInit( ) and select Declarations. Specify the scope for your
search: workspace, project, or working set.
The Search tab displays the ball node, which you can open onto a list of the
project files in which gridInit( ) has been declared.
Finding Strings
To find and optionally replace any string in the active Editor view, use these
Edit > Find/Replace (or use CTRL+F)
CTRL+K to Find Next
CTRL+SHIFT+K to Find Previous
See the Edit menu for other choices.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The Search menu provides a grep-like search for strings in any file in the
workspace or in any location.
NOTE: To change indentation, brace style, and other code formatting, select
Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Wind River Workbench Editor.
2 Building and Debugging a Sample Project
2.4 Using the Editor’s Code Development Features
Parameter hints describe the data types that a routine accepts. When you add a
function using code completion, or when you enter a function name and an open
parenthesis, the Workbench Editor automatically displays parameter hints.
To see the data type descriptions for a routine’s parameters:
1. Type a routine name followed by an open parenthesis, for example, ballNew( .
When you type the open parenthesis, the editor supplies the closing one, and
places your cursor between the two.
The parameter hints appear, reminding you of the parameter types defined by the
routine. You can copy and paste them if you wish.
You can also request parameter hints as you enter your code by right-clicking in
the Editor and selecting Source > Content Assist, or by using the
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE keyboard shortcut.
The easiest way to find a symbol in a source file you are working with is to select
it in the Outline view, but sometimes that is not possible. So Workbench also
provides other ways to find symbols.
1. If it is not already open, double-click the ball project’s main.c file to open it.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
2. Select main( ): int in the Outline view. The Editor immediately switches focus
and highlights the declaration of main( ).
3. Several lines below main( ) is the symbol gridInit( ). This symbol does not
appear in the Outline view because that view only displays symbols declared
in the file that is open (and has focus) in the Editor.
4. To see the declaration of gridInit( ), double-click it and then press F3. The
grid.c file opens automatically in the Editor, positioned at the declaration of
gridInit( ).
2.4.6 Using Bracket Matching to Find Code Open and Close Sections
Bracket matching lets you find the end (or beginning) of sections of code such as
functions, comments, and so on.
Bracket matching operates on the following characters: ( ) (parentheses); [ ]
(brackets); { } (braces); " " (quotes); /* */ (comments); and < > (C/C++ only).
To use bracket matching:
1. Position the cursor after one of the bracket matching characters, either the
opening or closing character.
A rectangle of very thin lines encloses the matching character. If your cursor is
after an opening character, the rectangle appears after the corresponding
closing one. If after a closing character, it appears after the corresponding
opening one.
2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+P.
The cursor moves to just after the matching character.
3. Press CTRL+SHIFT+P a second time.
The cursor returns to the original position.
Projects Overview
3.1 Introduction 33
3.2 Choosing Locations for Workspaces and Projects 34
3.3 Creating New Projects 35
3.4 Project Types 36
3.5 Structuring Projects 43
3.6 Project-Specific Execution Environments 47
3.1 Introduction
Workbench uses projects as logical containers and as building blocks that can be
linked together to create software systems.
Using the Project Explorer, you can visually organize projects into structures that
reflect their inner dependencies, and therefore the order in which they are to be
compiled and linked.
Pre-configured templates for various project types let you create or import projects
using simple wizards that need only minimal input.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
3 Projects Overview
3.3 Creating New Projects
Projects where you do not have write permission to the location of your
source files.
Projects where team members have their own projects, but share common
(sometimes read-only) source files. This option eliminates the need to
create symbolic links to your external files before you can work with them
in Workbench.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
To modify the project creation wizard settings after the project exists:
1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the project to modify.
2. Select Properties.
For more information about project properties, see 8.4 Accessing Build
Properties, p.104.
To modify project structural settings, such as the sub- and superproject context of
the project you are creating:
1. Right-click a project folder.
2. Select Project References > Add as Project Reference.
3. Select another project to be the super-project.
3 Projects Overview
3.4 Project Types
appropriate version of Wind River Workbench By Example for details on the Linux-
and VxWorks-specific projects.
Linux projects are described fully in Wind River Workbench By Example (Linux
Wind River Workbench projects allow you to specify a target operating system, either
the Workbench host (native development), or Wind River Linux Platforms 2.0. For
either of these, you can create C or C++ applications, a static library, or a
user-defined application. With the Wind River Linux Platforms 2.0, you can also
create build types for platforms or kernel modules.
Wind River Linux application projects are developed on the host computer and
deployed on the target. These projects dynamically generate build specs for
Wind River Linux-supported board architectures, and kernel and file system
Wind River Linux user-defined projects are those that run on a Wind River Linux
Platforms 2.0 target, with a user-defined build based on an existing makefile.
Wind River Linux Platforms projects are developed on the Linux host computer
and deployed on pre-defined targets. Platform projects can include prebuilt or
customized kernels, and pre-defined or customized file systems. Workbench
provides special support for Wind River Linux Platforms projects including kernel
and user space configuration tools, and multiple build targets.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Linux kernel module projects allow you to specify superprojects as well as
subprojects. You can specify a build (make) command, suffixes for source files,
kernel root directory, target architecture, and cross-compile prefix.
Customer-Specific Linux application projects are built and reside on the host
computer, but run on the target kernel. For these projects, Workbench basically
provides a generic managed build allowing you to derive your specific build specs
from a set of predefined ones.
Customer-Specific Linux kernel projects let you configure (customize or scale) and
build a Linux kernel to run on the target. These projects basically wrap the typical
Linux kernel command line build. Because your subsequent Linux application
projects will run on the Linux kernel on the target, this is often a necessary first
project to build, unless you already have a target kernel.
3 Projects Overview
3.4 Project Types
A new VxWorks Image project can be based either on an existing project of the
same type, or on a Board Support Package.
Use a VxWorks Source Build project to rebuild the default VxWorks libraries to
include support for products shipped with your Platform (for example,
networking products or security products). This project is also the way to exclude
unneeded components to make the VxWorks kernel image smaller. Once you have
configured a VxWorks Source Build project to suit your needs, a VIP based on it
will include those customizations.
Use a VxWorks Boot Loader/BSP project to create a VxWorks boot loader (also
referred to as the VxWorks boot ROM) to boot load a target with the VxWorks
kernel. You can also use this type of project to copy sources for an existing BSP into
your project, then customize them without changing the VxWorks install tree.
Boot loaders are used in a development environment to load a VxWorks image
that is stored on a host system, where VxWorks can be quickly modified and
rebuilt. Boot loaders are also used in production systems where both the boot
loader and operating system image are stored on a disk.
Boot loaders are not required for standalone VxWorks systems stored in ROM.
Use Downloadable Kernel Module projects to manage and build modules that will
exist in the kernel space. You can separately build the modules, run, and debug
them on a target running VxWorks, loading, unloading, and reloading on the fly.
Once your development work is complete, the modules can be statically linked
into the kernel, or they can use a file system if one is present). Figure 3-1 illustrates
a situation without a file system on the target.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
modules Kernel
*.c, *.cpp Target including
*.h Server statically
*.o. *.out linked
Makefile modules
... Kernel
Use VxWorks Real-time Process projects to manage and build executables that will
exist outside the kernel space. You can separately build, run, and debug the
At run-time, the executable file is downloaded to a separate process address space
to run as an independent process. A Real-time Process binary can be stored on a
target-side file system such as ROMFS.
Figure 3-2 shows how executables, when loaded into a Real-time Process, run as a
separate entity from the kernel.
3 Projects Overview
3.4 Project Types
File System
*.c, *.cpp Target
*.h Server
*.o. *.vxe
Makefile Kernel
... Kernel [+modules]
Use VxWorks Shared Library projects for libraries that are dynamically linked to
VxWorks Real-time Process projects at run-time. Like the Real-time Process
project, you will need to store the shared library on a target-side file system, which
you can create using a VxWorks ROMFS File System project.
You can also use VxWorks Shared Library projects to create subprojects that are
statically linked into other project types at build time.
Use a VxWorks ROMFS File System project as a subproject of any other project type
that requires target-side file system functionality.
So, for example, you may not need a file system project for Downloadable Kernel
Module projects (which can be linked to the VxWorks kernel directly), but you will
need to create one for other project types.
This project type is designed for bundling applications and other files, of any type,
with a VxWorks system image in a ROMFS file system. No storage media is
required beyond that used for the VxWorks boot image. Therefore, no other file
system is required to store files; systems can be fully functional without recourse
to local or NFS drives, RSH or FTP protocols, and so on.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: The name ROMFS has nothing to do with ROM media. It stands for Read
Only Memory File System.
File System
Target Shared Libs
*.c, *.cpp Server (*.so) *.*
*.o. *.vxe
Makefile Kernel
3 Projects Overview
3.5 Structuring Projects
Native Application projects are C/C++ applications developed for your host
environment. Workbench provides build and source analysis support for native
GNU 2.9x, GNU 3.x, and Microsoft development utilities (assembler, compiler,
linker, archiver). There is no debugger integration for such projects in Workbench,
so you have to use the appropriate native tools for debugging.
See 4. Creating Native Application Projects for more about building native
application projects.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
A tree of directories has only one Workbench project at the top; all subdirectories
will automatically be included in this project. Do not attempt to create project
hierarchies by creating projects for subdirectories in a tree. This will result in
overlapping projects, which is not permissible.
Figure 3-4 illustrates an ideal host file system directory structure.
NOTE: The example is from VxWorks, but this section applies equally to Linux.
3 Projects Overview
3.5 Structuring Projects
Physical Logical
This flat system, on the left, maps to the project structure displayed on the right,
which also represents the ideal (recommended) basic project structure (you may
not need all the project types displayed).
The illustrated project structure is achieved as follows:
1. Create a project for each of the directories on the left.
2. In the Project Explorer, select individual projects, and using the instructions in
6.6.1 Adding Subprojects to a Project, p.52, create the project structure that you
As you can see in Figure 3-4, project structures are logical, not physical,
hierarchies. These hierarchies define and reflect the inner dependencies between
projects, and therefore also the order in which they have to be built.
NOTE: All references in this section to build and the build system assume that your
projects use Workbench build support. Your user-defined projects are not
automatically included in these descriptions, though it is possible to integrate
custom projects into such a system.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The build starts at the top of the structure, recursively checks dependencies in each
branch, and builds all out-of-date objects and targets at each leaf, until it finishes
at the top of the tree.
Assuming that everything in Figure 3-5 needs to be built, the build order will be:
1. DKM _1
2. SL
3. RTP_1
4. (SL already built in 2 above.)
5. RTP_2
6. FS
7. VIP_1
Project structures can share subprojects. That is, a single physical project can be
referenced by any number of logical project structures.
The products of any update or build of a subproject, or element thereof, will be
available to project structures that reference that subproject.
3 Projects Overview
3.6 Project-Specific Execution Environments
A single file system folder can be imported into multiple logical project structures,
appearing as a subproject of each one. In each case, you can assign a different build
specification (known as a build spec) depending on what is required by each project.
A folder can also be assigned several different build specs within the same project.
Later, when you set a particular active build spec for the project as a whole, the sub
folder that is assigned the same build spec will be included in the build, while
others assigned different build specs will be excluded. See 9.5 Implementing
Architecture-Specific Functions, p.123 for an example.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: When sharing files with a team, or accessing them from a common
location, it is advisable to use a path variable instead of an absolute path since
each team member’s path to the location may be different.
To define a path variable, click Variables, then click New, then type a Name for
the path variable and the location it represents (or click File or Folder to
navigate to it). Click OK twice to return to the New File dialog; your path
variable and its resolved location appear at the bottom of the dialog. Click
3. The new project.properties file appears under your project in the Project
Explorer, and opens in the Editor so you can add or edit its content.
4. The project.properties file uses the same syntax as other properties files used
by wrenv (such as install.properties and package.properties).
As an example of what you can specify, the following lines define an extension
to the workbench package, adding the variable PROJECT_CONTEXT to the
environment with the value of set:
projectprops.eval.01=export PROJECT_CONTEXT=set
5. To find the information you will need to create your own extension, find the
project’s platform by looking to the right of your project’s name in the Project
Explorer (for example, it might say VxWorks 6.6).
6. Open your installDir/install.properties file and look for the section listing the
platform information. This is the type, subtype, and other information you
must include to identify the package you want to extend.
7. Workbench uses the project properties specified in this file whenever you
build a target in the project. To apply the project properties from the command
line, include the -i option for both the project.properties and
install.properties files when invoking wrenv.
-i installDir/install.properties -i installDir/workspace/myproject/project.properties
In both cases, the environment for make is altered to include the environment
and properties specified in the file.
3 Projects Overview
3.6 Project-Specific Execution Environments
The Project > Open Shell menu item also takes advantage of the settings you
specified in the project.properties file. This action is context sensitive, so the
opened shell sets the environment of the selected project’s platform, plus the
extension from the properties file if one exists. If you did not have a project selected
before opening the shell, a dialog appears with the environments you can choose.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Creating Native Application
4.1 Introduction 51
4.2 Creating Native Application Projects 52
4.3 Native Applications in the Project Explorer 54
4.4 Application Code for a Native Application Project 55
4.1 Introduction
Use a Native Application project for C/C++ applications developed for your host
Workbench provides build and source analysis support for native GNU 2.9x, GNU
3.x, and Microsoft development utilities (assembler, compiler, linker, and archiver)
though you must acquire and install these utilities as they are not distributed with
On Windows, Workbench supports the MinGW, Cygwin, and MS DevStudio
compilers. Compilers for native development are distributed with Wind River
Platforms, but not with Workbench, so you may have to acquire these tools
There is no debugger integration for native application projects in Workbench, so
you must acquire and use the appropriate native tools for debugging as well. You
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
may use the GDB debugger built into Eclipse to debug native-mode, self-hosted
applications such as Hello World.
NOTE: All settings in the following wizard pages are build related. You can
therefore verify/modify them after project creation in the Build Properties
node of the project’s Properties, see 8. Building Projects.
4 Creating Native Application Projects
4.2 Creating Native Application Projects
5. Build Specs: The complete list of available build specs appears here. By
checkmarking individual specs, you enable them for the current project, which
means that you will, in normal day to day work, only see relevant (enabled)
specs in the user interface, rather than the whole list.
If you are working on a Windows application, you would normally enable the
msvc_native build spec, and disable the gnu-native build specs. If you are
working on a Linux or Solaris native application, you would normally enable
the GNU tool version you are using, and disable all others.
NOTE: Highlighting the name of the build spec is not sufficient to enable it;
there must be a check in the checkbox to enable the build spec.
The Debug Mode check box specifies whether or not the build output includes
debug information.
The build spec in the Active build spec field is used for builds, and is also
propagated to the appropriate fields on the Build Tools, Build Macros, and
Build Paths tabs.
When you are ready, click Next.
6. Build Target: The Build target name is the same as the project name by
default. You can change the name if necessary, but if you delete the contents
of the field, no target will be created.
Build tool — For a Native Application project you can select:
C-Compiler, C++-Compiler, Assembler: These tools produce a
BuildTargetName.obj file on Windows or a BuildTargetName.o file on UNIX.
Linker (Linux) or C-Linker or C++Linker (VxWorks): This is the default
selection. The linker produces a BuildTargetName (.exe for Windows native
projects) executable file. This partially linked and munched (integrated
with code to call C++ static constructors and destructors) object is
intended for downloading.
The Linker output product cannot be passed up to superprojects,
although the current project’s own, unlinked object files can, as can any
output products received from projects further down in the hierarchy (see
step 3 above).
Librarian: This is the default selection if you specified that the project is to
be linked into a project structure as a subproject. The Librarian produces a
TargetName.a (or .lib for Windows native projects) archive file.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
4 Creating Native Application Projects
4.4 Application Code for a Native Application Project
An executable.
TargetName.a|.lib (BuildSpecName[_DEBUG])
An archive produced by the Librarian build tool.
At project generation time, two Makefiles are copied to the project. One is a
template that can also be used for entering custom make rules. The other is
dynamically regenerated from build spec data at each build.
■ .wrmakefile—A template used by Workbench to generate the project’s
Makefile. Add user-specific build-targets and make-rules in this file. These
will then be automatically dumped into the Makefile.
■ Makefile—Do not add custom code to this file. This Makefile is regenerated
every time the project is built. The information used to generate the file is taken
from the build specification that on which the target node is based.
4.3.3 Nodes
The project creation facility generates, or includes copies of, a variety of files when
a project is created. Normally, you need not be concerned with these files.
However, here is a brief summary of the project files displayed in the Project
■ .project — Eclipse platform project file containing builder information and
project nature.
■ .wrproject — Workbench project file containing common project properties
such as project type, and so on.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
After project creation you have the infrastructure for a Native Application project,
but often no actual application code. If you are writing code from the beginning,
you can add new files to a project. If you already have source code files, you want
to import these to the project. For more information, see Importing Resources, p.66,
and Adding New Files to Projects, p.66.
Creating User-Defined Projects
5.1 Introduction 57
5.2 Creating and Maintaining Makefiles 58
5.3 Creating User-Defined Projects 58
5.4 Configuring User-Defined Projects 59
5.5 Debugging Source 61
5.1 Introduction
User-Defined Projects assume that you are responsible for setting up and
maintaining your own build system, file system contents, makefile, and so on. The
user interface provides support for the following:
You can configure the build command used to launch your build utility; this
allows you to start builds from the Workbench GUI. You can also configure
different rules for building, rebuilding and cleaning the project.
You can create build targets in the Project Explorer that reflect rules in your
makefiles; this allows you to select and build any of your make rules directly
from the Project Explorer.
Build output is captured to the Build Console.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
5 Creating User-Defined Projects
5.4 Configuring User-Defined Projects
After you create your project, you can configure its build targets, build specs, and
build macros.
1. Right-click your project in the Project Explorer and select Properties.
2. From the Properties dialog, click Build Properties.
NOTE: Build tools and build paths cannot be configured for user-defined projects.
In Linux, the makefiles for user-defined projects can use values from the build
specs to help set the correct cross-compile toolchain and architecture from the
target’s sysroot.
For more details, see 8.3 Configuring User-Defined Builds, p.104 and 8.4 Accessing
Build Properties, p.104, and press the help key for your host.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Use this tab to configure make rules and define custom build targets for your
1. Type the desired make rules into the fields in the Make rules section. These
rules are run when you select the corresponding options from the Project
menu or when you right-click your project in the Project Explorer and select
them from the context menu.
The Build Folder and Clean Folder options are available when you select a
folder in the Project Explorer.
2. To define a custom build target, click New. The New Custom Build Target
dialog opens.
3. Type in a name for your build target, then type in the make rule or external
command that Workbench should execute. You can also click Variables and
add a variable to the make rule or command.
The variables represented in the Select Variable dialog are context-sensitive,
and depend on the current selection in the Project Explorer. For variables that
contain a file-specific component, the corresponding target is only enabled
when a file is selected and the variable can be evaluated. Build targets without
file-specific components are always enabled.
4. Choose the type, whether it is a Rule or a Command.
5. Choose a refresh option for the build target, specifying whether Workbench
should use the project setting, refresh the current folder or project, or do
nothing. Click OK to close the dialog.
6. Edit a build target’s options by clicking Edit or Rename. You can also edit the
options (except name) by clicking in the column itself.
7. Continue configuring your project or click OK to close the Build Properties.
Once you have defined a build target, it is available when you right-click a project
and select Build Options. The build targets are inherited by each folder within the
project, eliminating the need to define the same build targets in each individual
This makes custom build targets different from the default ones created when you
select File > New > Build Target, or when you name a build target during project
5 Creating User-Defined Projects
5.5 Debugging Source
The default build target is a dedicated make rule at the level at which the build
target is defined (whether that is the project, folder, or subfolder level). A custom
build target can be used on multiple levels, either as a command or a make rule.
See the following sections in 8. Building Projects for information about configuring
other build options for your user-defined projects:
■ 8.5 Working with Build Specs, p.106
■ 8.6 Configuring Build Macros, p.107
■ 8.7 Configuring Build Paths, p.108
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
7. Check the Search for duplicate source files on the path to force the debugger
to search for and display all files that match the given debugger path, rather
than stopping as soon as it finds one.
For more information about source lookup paths, open the Edit Source Lookup
Path dialog and press the help key for your host.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Working in the Project Explorer
6.1 Introduction 65
6.2 Creating Projects 66
6.3 Adding Resources and Files to Projects 66
6.4 Opening and Closing Projects 67
6.5 Scoping and Navigation 68
6.6 Moving, Copying, and Deleting Resources and Nodes 69
6.7 Parsing Binary Images 73
6.1 Introduction
The Project Explorer is your main graphical interface for working with projects.
You use it to create, open, close, modify, and build projects. You can also use it to
add or import application code, to import or customize build specifications, and to
access your version control system.
Various filters, sorting mechanisms, and viewing options help to make project
management and navigation more efficient. Use the arrow at the top right of the
Project Explorer to open a drop-down menu of these options.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Importing Resources
You can import various types of existing resources into your projects by choosing
File > Import. Importing resources copies them into your project.
For details about the entries in the Import dialog, open it and press the help key for
your host.
To add a new file to a project, choose File > New > File.
6 Working in the Project Explorer
6.4 Opening and Closing Projects
You are asked to Enter or select the parent folder, and to supply a File name. If a
file with the same name already exists, the New File wizard warns you so you can
choose a different name.
For a description of the Advanced button, and what it reveals, press the help key
for your host, then select New File wizard. Pay particular attention to the Linked
resources link under Related concepts.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
If you expect to be switching back and forth between software systems (or
other contexts) at short intervals, and you do not want to change your current
configuration of open editors and layout of other views, you can open the
other software system’s root project in a new window (right-click the project
and select Open in New Window). This opens the project in a new window,
thereby leaving your current Workbench layout intact.
■ Open a new window
You can open a new window by choosing Window > New Window. This
opens a new window to the same workspace, leaving your current Workbench
window layout intact while you work on some other context in the new
■ Use Working Sets
You can use working sets to set the scope for all sorts of queries. You can, for
example, create working sets for each of your different software systems, or
any constellation of projects, and then scope the displayed Project Explorer
content (and other query requests) using the pull-down at the top-right of the
Project Explorer.
To create a working set from the drop-down menu, choose
Select Working Set. In the dialog that appears, click New, then in the next
dialog, specify the type of working set you want to create. For example, select
Resource, click Next, then select a software-system root project and give the
6 Working in the Project Explorer
6.6 Moving, Copying, and Deleting Resources and Nodes
working set a name. When you click Finish, your new working set will appear
in the Select Working Set dialog’s list of available working sets.
After the first time you select a working set, it is inserted into the Project
Explorer’s drop-down menu, so that you can directly access it from there. The
currently selected working set is marked with a dot.
Use the Navigate Menu
For day-to-day work, there is generally no need to see the contents of your
software systems as presented in the Project Explorer.
Using the Navigate > Open Resource (to navigate to files) and
Navigate > Open Element (to jump straight to a symbol definition) may often
prove to be the most convenient and efficient way to navigate within, or
among, systems.
Resources are items such as files, folders, and projects that exist in Workbench.
There are three basic types of resources:
Equivalent to files as you see them in the file system.
Equivalent to directories on a file system. In Workbench, folders are contained
in projects or other folders. Folders can contain files and other folders.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Contain folders and files. Projects are used for builds, version management,
sharing, and resource organization. Like folders, projects map to directories in
the file system. When you create a project, you specify a location for it in the
file system.
When a project is open, the structure of the project can be changed and you
will see the contents. If the project is closed, you cannot see or manipulate its
contents. A discussion of closed projects is provided under 6.4.1 Closing a
Project, p.67.
Logical nodes is a collective term for nodes in the Project Explorer that provide
structural information or access points for project-specific tools.
■ Subprojects
A project is a resource in the root position. A project that references a
superproject is, however, a logical entity; it is a reference only, not necessarily
(or even normally) a physical subdirectory of the superproject’s directory in
the file system.
■ Build Target Nodes
These are purely logical nodes to associate the project’s build output with the
■ Tool Access Nodes
These allow access to project-specific configuration tools.
For example, VxWorks ROMFS File System Projects have a node that opens a
tool for mapping host-side project contents to target file system contents.
VxWorks Image Projects have a node that opens the Kernel Configuration
Editor for configuring the VxWorks kernel.
Individual files, for example source code files, can be copied, moved, or deleted.
These are physical manipulations. For example, if you hold down CTRL while you
drag-and-drop a source file from one project to another, you will create a physical
copy, and editing one copy will have no effect on the other.
6 Working in the Project Explorer
6.6 Moving, Copying, and Deleting Resources and Nodes
Although copying, moving, or deleting project nodes are undertaken with the
same commands you would use for normal files, the results are somewhat
different because a project folder is a semi-logical entity. That is, a project is a
normal resource in the root position. A project that is referenced as a subnode is,
however, a logical entity; it is a reference only, not a physical instance.
If you want to make a project into a subproject of one or more other projects,
right-click the first project node, select Project References > Add as Project
Reference, select the project to be the superproject, then click OK. A reference is
inserted from the subproject to the superproject. This means that if you modify the
properties of one instance of the subproject node, all other instances (which are
really only references) are also modified. One such property would be, for
example, the project name. If you rename the project node in one context (by
right-clicking the project, then selecting Rename), it will also be renamed in all
other contexts.
To move a project, right-click the project folder node and select Move. Clear the
Use default location check box; you will be asked to enter (or browse for) a new
file system location.
All the files associated with the current project will then be physically moved to
the location you select, without any visible change in the Project Explorer. You can
verify the new location in the Project Properties.
If you right-click a project and choose Add as Reference, a dialog opens to allow
you to place the currently selected project reference into other projects as a
If you right-click a subproject and choose Remove Reference, Workbench
removes the currently selected project from its structural (logical) context as a
subproject and moves it to the root level as a standalone project in the Project
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
To delete a subproject, which might potentially be linked into any number of other
project structures, you first have to either:
Unlink all instances of the subproject, then right-click it and press Delete.
Get a flat view of your workspace. To do this, open the drop-down list at the
top-right of the Project Explorer’s toolbar, then choose Project Presentation >
Flat. This hides the logical project organization and provides a flat view with
a single instance of the subproject. Then you can select it and press Delete.
When you delete a project you are asked whether or not you want to Delete
project contents on disk. If you choose not to delete the contents, the only thing
that happens is that the project (and all its files) are no longer visible in the
workspace; there are no file system changes.
However, if you do decide to delete the project contents, and you had created your
project in an external location (for example, in the same directory as your source
files) this may delete your original sources or the contents of a project in a different
workspace, rather than the project in your current workspace. So before deleting
your projects, be very sure you know where they are located and what they are
linked to.
Target nodes cannot be copied or moved. These are purely logical nodes that make
no sense anywhere except in the projects for which they were created. If you copy
or move entire projects, however, the target nodes and generated build-targets
beneath them are also copied.
To edit the contents of a build target, right-click the build target and select Edit
Content. For more information about adding and editing the contents of build
targets, see Adding Build Targets to Managed Builds, p.99.
6 Working in the Project Explorer
6.7 Parsing Binary Images
Deleting a target node also removes the convenience node that represents the
generated, physically existing build-target. However, the physically existing
build-target (if built) is not deleted from the disk.
The convenience node lets you see at a glance whether the target has been built or
not, even if you have uncluttered your view in the Project Explorer by hiding build
resources and/or collapsing the actual target node.
To hide build targets, click the drop-down menu at the top-right of the Project
Explorer, then choose Customize View. From the Available Customizations
dialog, select Wind River build targets (or anything else you want to hide) and
click OK. If you have collapsed the node, the + sign will indicate that the
build-target exists.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
You can configure what results the parsing tools should return by selecting
Window > Preferences > Wind River > Binary Parser.
By default, the Wind River Compiler ddump command uses the following
■ -f (display file header)
■ -h (display all section headers)
■ -N (display symbol table information)
To change these defaults, open Window > Preferences > Wind River > Binary
Parser and edit the Wind River Compiler ddump field. For information on
ddump arguments, see the Wind River Compiler User's Guide: DDUMP File Dumper.
To configure the binary parser on the project level, right-click your project in the
Project Explorer and select Properties, then select Binary Parser.
The Enable binary parser checkbox is selected by default. To turn the binary
parser off, clear this checkbox. This is a team-shared setting, since it modifies the
.cproject file. If you want to version control that file, it must be checked out as part
of the operation.
To change the default arguments on the project level, select the Enable project
specific settings check box. With this check box selected, the Command
Arguments fields become active. If you select this check box, Workbench will take
6 Working in the Project Explorer
6.7 Parsing Binary Images
its command arguments for this project from this dialog, and not from the
Workbench Preferences dialog.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Using Advanced Navigation
and Editing
7.1 Introduction 77
7.2 Using Advanced Context Navigation 78
7.3 Using the Editor’s Advanced Features 82
7.4 Searching for and Replacing Elements 83
7.5 Expanding and Exploring Macro References 84
7.6 Configuring the Indexer for Source Analysis 85
7.1 Introduction
Workbench navigation views allow seamless cross-file navigation based on
symbol information.
For example, if you know the name of a function, you can navigate to that
function without worrying about which file it is in. You can do this either from
an editing context, or starting from the Open Element dialog (available from
the Navigate menu). Also, see Symbol Browsing, p.79.
On the other hand, if you prefer navigating within and between files, you can
use the File Navigator. See Using the File Navigator, p.80.
For more information about these views, open them then press the help key for
your host
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: Syntax highlighting is provided for file system files that you open in the
Editor, but no other source analysis features are available for files that are outside
your projects.
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.2 Using Advanced Context Navigation
These options are also available from the Navigate toolbar menu.
Symbol Browsing
Workbench now uses the Eclipse CDT Indexer and Editor for source analysis and
symbol browsing.
To open an editor for a symbol (also known as an element), select Navigate > Open
Element or use the C/C++ Search tool by selecting Search > C/C++.
Very large element loads can cause delays of up to several minutes while
Workbench loads the elements. Loading smaller batches of elements can decrease
this delay.
To make symbol loading easier on startup:
1. Select Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Indexer.
2. Adjust the settings in the Cache Limits dialog, so that symbols are indexed in
smaller batches.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Text Filtering
The Choose an element field at the top of the Open Element dialog provides
match-as-you-type filtering. For example, to find all names starting with task, start
typing in the field. As you type the letter t, then a, and so on, the number of
elements displayed narrows so you can select the element you want from the list.
The field also supports wild card matching. Type a question mark (?) to match any
single letter; type an asterisk (*) to match a string of arbitrary letters; type a dollar
sign ($) to match the end of a string.
For example, to find all names that end with 0 (zero), use the filter *0$.
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.2 Using Advanced Context Navigation
Use the Type Hierarchy view to see hierarchical typedef and type-member
To open the Type Hierarchy view, choose one of the following:
Right-click a symbol in the Editor, Outline, or Symbol Browser view and select
Type Hierarchy view.
■ Click the toolbar button on the main toolbar.
■ Select Navigate > Open Type Hierarchy.
For more information, see the Wind River Workbench User Interface Reference: Type
Hierarchy View.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The Editor uses templates, provided by Eclipse, to extend code assist (shortcut
CTRL+SPACE) by inserting recurring patterns of text.
In the case of source code, common patterns are for loops, if statements and
comment blocks. Type the first letter of the pattern, then press CTRL+SPACE. The
templates that begin with that letter appear; click a template to view its contents,
or double-click it to insert it into your file.
To view the preferences associated with code templates, select Window >
Preferences, then C/C++ > Editor > Templates. For additional information, press
the help key for your host.
Workbench has a single global mapping between file types and associated editors.
This mapping dictates which editor will be opened when you double-click a file in
the Project Explorer, or when the debugger stops in a given file.
Configuring the custom editor through file associations will cause the correct
editor to be opened, and the instruction pointer to be painted in the Editor gutter.
To view and modify the mappings, go to Window > Preferences > General >
Editors > File Associations.
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.4 Searching for and Replacing Elements
NOTE: Some debugger features require additional configuration; for details, see 1
15.3.5 Configuring Debug Settings for a Custom Editor, p.199.
NOTE: To check if something gets built, bring the Build Console to the front. If
nothing is built, be sure that you have selected the project in the Project Explorer
(this should be selected if you opened the file from there).
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
background color. If there is more than one match in a file, the number of matches
in the file is displayed.
For instructions on how to change the colors used to mark matches and line
numbers, open the Search view and press the help key for your host.
Text retrieval is context sensitive to text selected in the Editor. If no text is selected
in the Editor, an empty search dialog opens. If text is selected in the Editor, the
retrieval is immediately initiated according to the criteria currently defined in the
To open the search dialog, or to initiate a context sensitive search, use:
■ The keyboard shortcut CTRL+2.
■ Or one of the scoping options from the global Search menu.
For more information, open the search dialog and press the help key for your host.
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.6 Configuring the Indexer for Source Analysis
Explorer and opens the macro definition of the currently selected macro in the
NOTE: If you encounter problems with source navigation tools for certain files, and
the information in this section does not solve them, see also A.4 Fixing Indexer
Issues, p.249.
You can set basic indexer preferences such as whether to index a project, or to
index all files in a project, on either a global (workspace) or per-project basis.
To set global indexer preferences, open the preferences dialog (by selecting
Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Indexer).
To enable label decorations so you can see which files have been indexed, select
Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Label Decorations, then select
C/C++ Indexed Files and click OK.
For information about the preferences dialog that appears, press the help key for
your host.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.6 Configuring the Indexer for Source Analysis
Project creation wizards create default build targets, unless you clear the Build
Target name field on the Build Target wizard page.
A build target defines the build scope that is used by the indexer to process source
code. Files outside this build target are not parsed per default.
If there are no build targets, all files are parsed, otherwise you would end up with
an empty index, and no source analysis or navigation.
A build target must contain at least one source file. If you delete all files from a
build target, and there are no non-empty build targets in the project, then nothing
is parsed, and the source navigation tools such as Type Hierarchy and Call Tree
will not work correctly.
To create a new build target, select New > Build Target from the main menu, or
right-click the Build Targets node under the project in the Project Explorer and
select New Build Target. Then follow the instructions in the wizard.
You can use the build properties to control the whole build process. For that
purpose, select the project in the Project Explorer view and navigate to the Build
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Properties page. The available tabs are Build Support, Build Targets, Build Specs,
and Build Macros. You can use these as follows:
Create and/or enable proper build specs on the Build Support and Specs tab.
Edit build tool settings on the Build Tools tab, if necessary.
Edit build macros on the Build Macros tab. In many cases, the DEFINES build
macro is already predefined. Use this to define preprocessor macros
(symbols), if available. All symbols (including the -D prefix) defined by build
macros and passed to build tools are also passed to the indexer, and thus are
used for parsing source code of the given resource. For instance, you may set
DEFINES to -DMACRO1 -DMACRO2 and pass DEFINES to the C or C++
compiler on the Build Tools tab, in the Command or Tool Flags section.
In addition to the symbols defined on the Build Macros tab, the symbols
defined implicitly by the selected build tools are also passed to the indexer.
■ Edit build paths on the Build Paths tab. Use Generate to have include paths
determined for unresolved include directives. Build paths of the default build
spec are passed to the indexer, as well as to the build tools.
In addition to the include paths defined on the Build Paths tab page, the
include paths defined implicitly by the selected build tools are also passed to
the indexer.
NOTE: The indexer uses only the symbols and include paths defined for the
default build spec to parse source code for a given project.
To generate include paths and resolve include directives for managed projects:
1. Open the Resolve Include Directives dialog by choosing one of these paths:
Right-click the project in the Project Explorer, select Build
Options > Generate Include Search Paths.
Or, open the project properties, select Build Properties, and on the Build
Paths tab click Generate.
2. If necessary, specify include directives to ignore.
3. Click Next.
4. On the Resolve Include Directives dialog, if there are unresolved directives,
you might click, for instance, Resolve All. The resulting include paths will be
stored in the build properties of the selected project.
You may also choose Resolve, Add, Substitute, and so on.
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.6 Configuring the Indexer for Source Analysis
5. Click Next.
The results are stored in the build properties of the project.
NOTE: If no files have ever been built for a project, all files are parsed, guaranteeing
that you end up with an index, source analysis, and navigation capabilities.
Usually you do not need to set up the indexer manually by defining additional
symbols and include paths. The indexer derives the necessary settings
automatically from the build properties of managed projects, or from the build
output of user-defined projects.
In addition, for user-defined projects, include paths are automatically calculated
after creating a project, in order to have a valid setup even before the project is
built. Files and folders are automatically considered only if they have been added
or linked to the project at project creation time.
At any time later, you can let Workbench detect include paths for a project, using
the Include Search Path (ISP) wizard. In order to do so, follow the directions in the
following subsections for both managed and user-defined projects.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: The ISP wizard available under Build options > Generate Include Search
Paths can be used only for managed projects. It stores its results in the build
properties of the corresponding project.
However, the ISP wizard available from the Include Paths tab is available for both
managed and user-defined projects, and it stores its results in the team-shared
include paths of the corresponding project.
The Include Paths tab shows include paths passed to the indexer, and allows you
to edit team-shared include paths. Categories displayed on this tab include:
Discovery—Shows build-output analysis for user-defined projects. To enable
this analysis, select the Discovery tab (see Setting Up a Build-Driven Index
(Discovery Tab), p.93).
Build—Shows include paths for managed builds, along with the
corresponding physical path in the filesystem. To configure these paths, select
Build Properties, then select the Build Paths tab (for information about the
settings on the Build Paths tab, open it and press the help key for your host).
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.6 Configuring the Indexer for Source Analysis
Miscellaneous—Shows preprocessor options for the indexer. To configure
these options, as well as set the compiler name or location, select the
Miscellaneous tab (see Specifying User-Private Paths and Symbols (Miscellaneous
Tab), p.93).
Team Shared — A set of include paths shared automatically in a team.
You can select an include path on the Include Paths page, click Copy, and paste the
resulting path into your makefile, if necessary.
Choose the Team Shared set of include paths, and then select one of the actions in
the right column: Add Folder, Add File, Generate, Substitute, or Remove. For
more information about these actions, open the Include Paths tab and press the
help key for your host.
For example:
1. Select an item or items in the Team Shared section, then click Generate.
2. On the first wizard page, select options for analyzing the include statements of
your sources, then click Next.
3. On the Resolve Include directives page, if there are unresolved directives, click
Resolve or Resolve All. To examine them before deciding whether to resolve
them or not, click Show in Editor.
The resulting include search paths will appear at the bottom of the page, and
are stored in the build properties of the selected project.
4. To update any of the include search paths or resolved directives, select one and
click Add, Substitute, or Remove.
5. When everything is configured properly, click Finish.
Any include paths resulting from Steps 3 and 5 will be stored as team-shared
settings in the .cproject file under the project folder. You can now check this in
with your project in your version control system.
NOTE: You must not modify the .cproject file manually because it contains
essential metadata for the project.
To share an index, see 7.6.5 Sharing Source Analysis Data with a Team, p.96.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
In the Symbols tab of the Paths and Symbols dialog, you can choose how to
manage symbols that are in a Build, Miscellaneous, or Team Shared section.
For Team Shared symbols, you can use the following buttons:
Add, Remove — to add or remove team-shared macro definitions.
■ Edit — to modify such symbols or to navigate to the properties page where
they can be defined.
■ Share — to copy include paths of other sources into the team-shared section.
Values need not be quoted or escaped. They are passed to the indexer as they are.
For example, if you click Add, then set MACRO5 as name and ‘c’ as value, this
corresponds to #define MACRO5 ‘c’.
In the Sources/Filters tab of the Paths and Symbols dialog, you can specify
exclusion filters for the project.
Excluded files and folders are not parsed, even if the Index all files option is set
for the project (see 7.6.1 Setting Indexer Preferences, p.85).
The root nodes are source folders. Per default, there is only one source folder—the
project root folder. You should never replace this by another source folder.
Additional source folders, however, are allowed.
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.6 Configuring the Indexer for Source Analysis
In order to specify an exclusion filter, select a source folder, and click Edit filter
data. You can then add files and folders to be excluded. Wildcards are supported.
In the example shown in Figure 7-1, the filter entry dummy/ causes the dummy
sub-folder under the cpp_demo project to be excluded. The dummy2/A*.c part
excludes all files of the dummy2 sub-folder starting with A and having a .c
extension. If the filter were **/dummy3, it would exclude all dummy3 sub-folders
of the cpp_demo project or of any sub-folder of cpp_demo.
If you need to include a sub-folder dummy4 of an excluded folder dummy3, then
simply add dummy4 as source folder by using the Add workspace folder button.
dummy4 will then be treated as exception to the dummy3 exclusion filter.
The Discovery tab of the Paths and Symbols dialog provides options for
controlling the build-output analysis for user-defined projects. The tab is only
visible for this kind of project.
Use the Discovery tab to enable build-output analysis where you want to set up the
project according to your build settings. You cannot modify the results. Click Clear
to reset the discovered include paths, symbols, and build scope, if necessary.
When the Enable analysis of build output from console and build-output file
option is enabled, include paths, symbols, and the build-scope (the set of built files)
are gathered during a build. The results are used to set up the indexer correctly.
Although user-defined projects already come with a set of include paths found
during project creation (by analyzing source code), the results delivered by
build-output analysis are much more accurate, since the results reflect the actual
build settings. The impact on the build-performance is minimal, so you should
leave this option enabled. Disable this option only if the results are not sufficient.
The Discovery statistics section reports the number of discovered include paths,
symbols and source files, and helps you to assess the correctness of the results. In
addition, include paths and symbols are presented on the Include Paths and
Symbols tabs.
Use the Analyze build-output file section to perform build-output analysis on a
build -output file. If a build-output file already exists for your project, then this is
the fastest way to set up the indexer correctly, without the need to build the whole
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The Miscellaneous tab of the Paths and Symbols dialog specifies user-private
include paths and symbols.
Preprocessing Options
The Preprocessing options edit field takes most common preprocessor options,
such as -I, -include, -D, and so on. Include paths (-I includePath) and include files
(-include headerFile) can contain placeholders, such as $(WIND_BASE). Use
-include if you want the indexer to treat every source file in the project as if it were
including the given header file. This does not have any affect on any build settings.
Symbol options (-Dname or -Dname=value) do not need any quoting for integer
values. For instance, -DMACRO1 and -DMACRO1=1 correspond to #define
MACRO1 and #define MACRO1 1. One level of quotes is removed according to
compiler command line options.
In order to specify character values for symbols, use single quotes surrounded by
double quotes (for instance, -DMACRO2= “'c'”). For string values use double
quotes surrounded by single quotes (for instance, -D'MACRO3=“Text”' or
The compiler inspection field is disabled for managed projects. For user-defined
projects, it is filled automatically with the compiler name or path used for building
the project (build-output analysis must be enabled). The compiler is used to detect
built-in include paths and symbols. If the field is empty, no compiler-internal
include paths and symbols are passed to the indexer. Change the compiler name
only if necessary.
You can specify which build spec should be used by default when parsing a
project, either the active build spec, the default build spec (both as specified in the
project’s build properties), or a fixed build spec that you select from the
drop-down list.
Changing this setting only has an effect on the files that are parsed afterwards. In
order to update the index for the entire project, right-click the project, then select
Index > Rebuild.
NOTE: Settings on the Miscellaneous tab are lost when the project is removed from
the workspace.
7 Using Advanced Navigation and Editing
7.6 Configuring the Indexer for Source Analysis
An external API is an index holding a pre-parsed platform API for a project type.
Most managed project types come with an external API package.
To enable an external API, select the Enable project-type specific external API
check box.
The external APIs are used for code completion and parameter hinting (hover info)
in the source editor. In addition, they can be used to find out where specific
platform API functions are declared. For example, when you use Open Element
or C/C++ Search to search for a function named printf, you get the locations of the
function declarations with this name, even if the project itself does not contain the
corresponding header files. This allows you to find out which header files to
include to build your sources successfully.
Turning off the external APIs for a project is useful, if, for example, you are
working on the source files that are actually the basis for the external APIs. This
avoids having two different indexes for the source files in the project (one for the
sources in the project, and one for the corresponding external API that might
reference outdated versions of the same source files).
Changing include paths or symbols using the Build Properties page or the Paths
and Symbols page has an immediate effect only on parsing modified and newly
added files. For performance reasons, the index is not rebuilt automatically after
such changes. You have three different options to update the index manually in
order to get more accurate source navigation:
■ Rebuild — Right-click the project in the Project Explorer and select
Index > Rebuild in order to clear the index and re-parse all files in the current
build scope (for build-driven setup) or all files in the project (no build target,
or the Index All Files option is enabled for a project, or build-output analysis
is disabled or did not return any results).
The current include paths, symbols, and build scope will be used to re-parse
all files, thus source navigation gives the most accurate results after
performing a full rebuild.
Update with Modified Files — Right-click the project in the Project Explorer
and select Index > Update with Modified Files in order to parse modified and
newly added files.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Freshen All Files — Right-click the project in the Project Explorer and select
Index > Freshen All Files in order to re-parse previously parsed files with the
current include path and symbol settings.
For all options, the current include path and symbol settings defined for the project
are used when parsing files.
You can create a project index to be shared with project team members. Such a
team-shared index holds a snapshot of source-analysis data retrieved by parsing
the project.
When a project is imported, this significantly reduces the initial parsing time for a
project, because only modified files are parsed (as compared with parsing all files
when the index was created).
After the project is imported, only the pre-filled project index is used — the
team-shared index has no further relevance.
In order to create and share an index:
1. Right-click a project in the Project Explorer, then select Export.
2. In the Export dialog, select C/C++ > Team Shared Index.
3. Click Next.
4. Mark other open projects if you want to export their indexes.
5. Select an export destination relative to the project root folder.
6. Use Insert variable if you need to store the index outside of the project, in
order to avoid absolute paths. Make sure that the export destination is
available by all team-members (access to an NFS or Windows/Samba share).
7. Check the created .settings project subdirectory, checking all files in this folder
into your version control system to share it with other team members.
The team-shared index will be loaded automatically whenever the project is
opened. No user interaction is required.
The file .settings/org.eclipse.cdt.core.prefs under your project folder holds the
location of the team-shared index (slot indexer/indexImportLocation). Do not edit
this entry, unless the location of the index has moved outside the project, and you
do not wish to export the index again.
Building Projects
8.1 Introduction 97
8.2 Configuring Managed Builds 99
8.3 Configuring User-Defined Builds 104
8.4 Accessing Build Properties 104
8.5 Working with Build Specs 106
8.6 Configuring Build Macros 107
8.7 Configuring Build Paths 108
8.8 Makefiles 111
8.1 Introduction
The process of building in Workbench starts during project creation, when you
decide what type of project you want.
Along with creating project-specific files, Workbench creates makefiles, assigns
default build settings, and offers several levels of build support: Managed,
User-defined, or Disabled. The type of build support available depends on what
type of project you chose.
Available build support is as follows:
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Managed Build
Workbench controls all phases of the build. Managed build support is
available for all project types except User-Defined projects.
NOTE: Managed build refers to the type of build that was called flexible managed
build in previous releases of Workbench. What used to be called standard build
or standard managed build has been deprecated, but you can still create one by
choosing Window > Preferences > Wind River > Build and checking the box
for Enable deprecated standard managed build, if your build structure is
similar to the file system structure.
User-Defined build
With User-defined builds, you are responsible for setting up and maintaining
your own build system and makefiles, but Workbench does provide minimal
build support.
■ It allows you to configure the build command used to launch your build
utility, so you can start builds from the Workbench GUI.
■ You can create build targets in the Project Explorer that reflect rules in
your makefiles, so you can select and build any of your make rules directly
from the Project Explorer.
■ Workbench displays build output in the Build Console.
Disabled build
If you select Disabled build for a project or folder, Workbench provides no
build support at all. This is useful for projects or folders that contain, for
example, only header or documentation files that do not need to be built.
Disabling the build for such folders or projects improves performance both
during makefile generation as well as during the build run itself.
NOTE: Once a project is created, you can decrease build support (by disabling the
build support for a managed build project), but you cannot increase it (by turning
on managed build support for a project that did not have it originally).
If you later want Workbench to manage your build, you must create a new project
with the desired type of managed build support, either on top of the existing
sources, or import your sources into it.
You can set the build properties to be used for new projects by navigating to
Window > Preferences > Wind River > Build > Build Properties and selecting
different project types from the drop-down menu.
8 Building Projects
8.2 Configuring Managed Builds
You can set build properties for a specific existing project by selecting Project >
Properties > Build Properties.
Once your project is created, you will see a Build Targets node inside it.
To add a build target to your project:
1. Right-click the Build Targets node and select New Build Target.
The New Build Target dialog appears. By default the Build target name and
Binary output name are the same as the project name, but if you are going to
create multiple build targets, enter more descriptive names.
NOTE: Your build targets must have unique names, but you can use the same
Binary output name for each one. This allows you to deliver an output file with
the same name in multiple configurations. Workbench adds a build
tool-appropriate file extension to the name you type, so do not include the file
extension in this field.
2. Choose the appropriate Build tool for your project, then click Next. The Edit
Content dialog appears.
3. To display files, folders, and other build targets from outside your current
project, select Show all projects.
If you have created a Working Set, you can restrict the display by selecting it
from the pull-down list.
4. You can add contents to your build target in several ways:
a. You can select specific files, folders, projects, or other build targets in the
left column and click Add. What you can add depends on the build tool
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
you use; for example, you cannot add an executable build target to another
build target.
When choosing folders or projects, they can be added “flat” or with
recursive content.
– Clicking Add creates a “flat” structure, meaning that adds the exact
items you choose and skips any subfolders and files.
– Clicking Add Recursive creates a structure that includes subfolders
and files.
NOTE: Adding linked resources to a build target may cause problems within
a team if the linked resources are added using an absolute path instead of a
To define a path variable, select Window > Preferences > General >
Workspace > Linked Resources, click New, then enter a variable name and
b. You can create a virtual folder within your build target by clicking Add
Virtual Folder, typing a descriptive name in the dialog, and clicking OK.
Virtual folders allow you to group objects within the build target so you
can apply the same build settings to them; they also provide a way to add
files with the same name from different locations.
i. To add contents to your virtual folder, right-click it in the Project
Explorer and select Edit Content.
ii. Select content as described in step a above, and click Finish.
5. To adjust the order of the build target contents, select items in the right column
and click Up, Down, or Remove.
NOTE: Folders appear in the specified place in the list, but the files within them
are added alphabetically.
6. When you have configured your build target, click Finish. It appears in the
Project Explorer under the Build Targets node of your project.
There are several ways to modify your build target once it has been created.
8 Building Projects
8.2 Configuring Managed Builds
Editing Content
To add additional items, adjust the order, or make any other changes to your build
target, right-click it in the Project Explorer and select Edit Content. The Edit
Content dialog appears, with the build target content displayed in the right
column. Adjust the contents as necessary, then click Finish.
To rename your build target or virtual folder, right-click it in the Project Explorer,
select Rename (or press F2), and type a new name.
To copy a build target, right-click the build target and select Copy, then right-click
the destination project’s Build Targets node and select Paste (if you are pasting
back into the original project, type a unique name for the new build target).
This is useful for setting up the same build targets in multiple projects with
different project types (for example, a library for a native application, and a
downloadable kernel module, will have the same content but different flags).
NOTE: The build target and its contents are copied, but any overridden attributes
are not.
Removing Content
To remove an item from the build target, right-click it in the Project Explorer and
select Remove from Build Target, or just select it and press Delete.
Depending on the item you selected, the menu item may change to Exclude from
Build Target if the item cannot be deleted (for example, recursive content cannot
be deleted). Pressing Delete also reinstates an item by removing the exclusion.
Excluding Content
To exclude a specific item from the build target that was included recursively,
right-click it in the Project Explorer and select Exclude from Build Target.
You can also use regular expressions to exclude groups of items.
1. To add a pattern to the excludes list, right-click a folder in the build target, then
select Properties, then select the Excludes tab.
2. Click Add File to define a pattern to exclude specific files or file types. For
example, type *_test.c to exclude any file named filename_test.c.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
You can include additional parts of the path to better define the file you want
to exclude; for example, type lib/standard_test.c to exclude that specific file.
3. Click Add Folder to define a pattern to exclude folders within specific folders.
For example, type */lib/*_test.c to exclude any file located in a folder named
lib and named filename_test.c.
Leveling Attributes
Workbench does not create build redirection directories for each folder, as the
objects might be built differently when building them for specific targets. Instead,
Workbench creates a build-specific redirection directory, which you can configure
on the Build Properties > Build Paths tab, underneath the project root directory.
8 Building Projects
8.2 Configuring Managed Builds
This redirection directory contains a directory for each build target. Inside those
are directories named Debug or NonDebug depending on the debug mode you
chose for the build. Workbench generates the output files according to the
structure you defined in the build target, and deposits them in the appropriate
debug-mode directory.
In general, the build output is structured as follows:
Project directory
Project dir/build specific redirection dir
Project dir/build specific redirection dir/target dir
Project dir/build specific redirection dir/target dir/debug mode dir
Project dir/build specific redirection dir/target dir/debug mode dir/binary output file of the
build target
All objects belonging to the build target are stored within an additional Objects
Project dir/build specific redirection dir/target dir/debug mode dir/Objects/structure of
object files
To understand how the build target structure influences the build output, below is
an example of a project source tree.
Configuring the project to use spec1 as the active build spec, naming the
redirection directory spec1, and turning debug-mode on produces the output
structure seen below.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
8 Building Projects
8.4 Accessing Build Properties
To access global build properties, select Window > Preferences and choose the
Build Properties node.
This node allows you to select a project type, then set default build properties to be
applied to all new projects of that type.
To access build properties from the Project Explorer, right-click a project and select
Properties. In the Properties dialog, select the Build Properties node.
The project-specific Build Properties node has tabs that are practically identical to
the ones in the Workbench preferences, but these settings apply only to the
existing project that is selected in the Project Explorer.
NOTE: Build properties for VxWorks Image Projects (VIPs) can differ substantially
from the general properties of other project types.
For details, open the build properties dialog and press the help key for your host,
and consult the VxWorks Kernel Programmer’s Guide for general information about
Folders, files, and build-targets inherit (reference) project build properties where
these are appropriate and applicable. However, these properties can be overridden
at the folder/file level. Inherited properties are displayed in blue typeface,
overridden properties are displayed in black typeface.
Overridden settings are maintained in the .wrproject file. This file should therefore
be version controlled along with the project. Note that you can revert to the
inherited settings by clicking the eraser icon next to a field.
If you have multiple versions of the same operating system installed, the New
Project wizard allows you to select which version to use when creating a new
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
For existing projects, the target operating system and version are displayed by
default in the Project Explorer next to the project name. You can toggle the display
of this information by selecting Window > Preferences, then
General > Appearance > Label Decorations, then selecting or clearing the Project
Target Operating Systems check box.
If you choose not to display this information in the Project Explorer, you can verify
the target operating system of the project in the project’s Properties dialog
(right-click the project, then select Properties, then Project Info).
Use the Build Specs tab to define and import build specs.
1. To define a new build spec for your project, click New and enter a build spec
name. Click OK. If this is the first build spec for this project, it automatically
appears in the Default build spec and Active build spec fields. Once you have
defined more than one, you can choose a different default and active spec from
the drop-down list.
2. To reset build properties to their default settings or import build settings from
another project, click Import and select the source of the build settings.
3. Decide whether to clear build setting overrides, then click Finish to return to
the Build Specs tab.
8 Building Projects
8.6 Configuring Build Macros
NOTE: The Debug mode option is not available for user-defined builds, as this 1
has an effect only on build tool-specific fields, which are not available for
user-defined projects.
4. You may continue configuring your project by selecting another build tab, or
if you are finished, click OK to close the Build Properties.
Pre-generated build specs are shipped as part of the distribution, rather than being
generated after the product is installed.
If you change any makefile fragments in a VxWorks installation, you need to
regenerate the cache information before the new settings take effect for
newly-created workspaces.
To regenerate the cache, use the following commands:
% cd installDir/vxworks-6.x/setup
% vx_postinstall.bat (on Windows) or vx_postinstall.sh (on Linux or Solaris)
To import the changed settings to existing workspaces so you can use them in your
current projects, select Window > Preferences > Wind River > Build > Build
Properties, then select a project type from the drop-down list, then click Restore
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: You can define and use global build macros even if you do not select or
define any build specs for your project.
3. To change the value of an existing build spec-specific macro, select the Active
build spec for which the value should be applied, select the value in the Build
spec-specific settings table, then type in a new one. Or click Edit and type in
the new value, then click OK.
4. To define a new build spec-specific macro, click New next to the table, enter a
Name for the macro, leave the Value blank, then click OK.
To define the value, select the macro, select the Active build spec for which the
value should be applied, click Edit and enter the New value, then click OK.
The macro will always be appended to the build command when a build is
launched, and the value will be set according to the active build spec,
including empty values.
For example, if the build command is make --no-print-directory and the
macro is TEST_SPEC, you can define values to be used with different build
spec 1: Value = spec1Val
spec 2: Value = spec2Val
spec 3: Value =
The resulting build commands are as follows:
build command for spec 1: make --no-print-directory TEST_SPEC=spec1Val
build command for spec 2: make --no-print-directory TEST_SPEC=spec2Val
build command for spec 3: make --no-print-directory TEST_SPEC=
5. For more information about the build settings on this tab, press the help key
for your host. You may continue configuring your project by selecting another
build tab, or if you are finished, click OK.
8 Building Projects
8.7 Configuring Build Paths
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
8 Building Projects
8.8 Makefiles
8.8 Makefiles 1
The build system uses the build property settings to generate a self-contained
makefile named Makefile. For managed builds, only one Makefile is created per
build spec.
By default makefiles are stored in project directories; if you specified an absolute
Redirection Root Directory (as described in 8.7 Configuring Build Paths, p.108),
they are stored there, in subdirectories that match the project directory names.
The generated makefile is based on a template makefile named .wrmakefile that
is copied over at project creation time. If you want to use custom make rules, enter
these in .wrmakefile, not in Makefile, because the file Makefile is regenerated for
each build. The template makefile, .wrmakefile, references the generated macros
in the placeholder %IDE_GENERATED%, so you can add custom rules either before
or after this placeholder. You can also add *.makefile files to the project directory.
For other ways of setting custom rules, see 9.6 Creating User-Defined Build Targets
in the Project Explorer, p.126.
NOTE: If you configure your project for a remote build, the generated Makefile
contains paths for remote locations rather than local ones. For more information
about remote builds, see 9.8 Developing on Remote Hosts, p.131.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
2. Right-click the yacc_example project folder, then select New > Build Target.
The New Build Target dialog appears.
3. In the Build target name field, type pre_build.
4. From the Build tool drop-down list, select (User-defined), then click Finish to
create the build target.
5. In the Project Explorer, right-click pre_build and select Build Target. This will
use the makefile extension yacc.makefile to compile the yacc source file to the
corresponding C and header files. The build output appears in the Build
NOTE: Execute this build step prior to the project build, or the files generated
by yacc will not be used by the managed build. (The managed build generates
the corresponding makefile before the build starts and before all files that are
part of the project at the time are taken into account. )
6. When the build is finished, right-click the yacc_example folder and select
Build Project or press CTRL+SHIFT+A.
Additional information on how you can extend the managed build is located in
yacc.makefile. It makes use of the extensions provided in the makefile template
.wrmakefile, which can also be adapted to specific needs.
General Approach
To implement derived file support for your own project, create a project-specific
makefile called name_of_your_choice.makefile. This file will automatically be used
by the managed build and its make-rules will be executed on builds.
It is possible to include multiple *.makefile files in the project, but they are
included in alphabetical order. So if multiple build steps must be done in a specific
order, it is suggested that you use one *.makefile and specify the order of the tools
to be called using appropriate make rules.
For example:
1. Execute a lex compiler.
2. Execute a yacc compiler (depending on lex output).
3. Execute a SQL C tool (depending on the yacc output).
Solution: (using the generate_sources make rule)
8 Building Projects
8.8 Makefiles
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Building: Use Cases
9.1 Introduction
This chapter suggests some of the ways you can complete various build-specific
tasks in Wind River Workbench.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: For Wind River Linux projects, global changes are made in board templates
so that the settings can be used by both the command line build system and
Workbench, as described in Wind River Linux Platforms User’s Guide.
If, for example, you are familiar with the GNU compiler command line and you
just want to know where to enter a known flag such as -w:
1. In the Project Explorer, right-click an application project and select Properties.
2. In the Properties dialog box, select the Build Properties node.
3. In the Build Properties node, select the Build Tools tab.
4. In the Build Tools tab:
a. Set the Build tool to C-compiler
b. Set the Active build spec to, for example, PENTIUM-gnu-native (for
Linux), or SIMPENTIUMgnu_RTP (for VxWorks).
c. In the field next to the Tool Flags button, append a space and -w.
The contents of this, the Tool Flags field you have just modified, is
expanded to the %ToolFlags% placeholder you see in the Command field
above it. Because you entered the -w in the Tool Flags field, rather than the
Debug or Non Debug mode fields, warnings will always be suppressed,
rather than only in either Debug or Non Debug mode.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.2 Adding Compiler Flags
If you are not familiar with the specific command line tool options that you want
to use, the GUI may be able to help. For example:
1. In the Project Explorer, right-click an application project, and select Properties.
2. Click Build Properties and select the Build Tools tab.
3. In the Build Tools tab:
a. Set the Build tool to C-compiler
b. Set the Active build spec to, for example, PENTIUM-gnu-native (for
Linux), or SIMPENTIUMgnu_RTP (for VxWorks).
c. To view the GNU compiler options, click the Tool Flags button.
d. In the GNU Compiler Options dialog box, click your way down the
navigation tree on the left, and take a look at the corresponding options on
the right.
e. When you get to the Compilation > Diagnostics node, select Suppress all
compiler warnings.
Notice that -w now appears in the list of command line options at the right
of the dialog box.
f. Click OK.
4. Back in the Build Tools tab of the Build Properties dialog box, you will see that
the -w option you selected now appears in the field next to the Tool Flags
The contents of the Tool Flags field is expanded to the %ToolFlags%
placeholder you see in the Command field above it.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: To select the Active Build Spec directly from the Project Explorer, click the
checkmark icon in the Project Explorer toolbar.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.4 Creating Library Build Targets for Multiple Applications
You will find the source files you need to create this project in
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
6. In the Workspace pane, select Libraries > LibraryA, then click Add.
7. Click Finish.
The LibraryA build target appears under the Build Targets node, and references
the LibraryA source folder.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.4 Creating Library Build Targets for Multiple Applications
NOTE: Be sure to select the LibraryA build target, not the LibraryA source
8. Click Finish.
The Application1 build target appears under the Build Targets node, and
references both the Application1 source folder and the build target LibraryA.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
9 Building: Use Cases
9.5 Implementing Architecture-Specific Functions
3. On the first screen of the Generate Include Search Paths dialog, leave all
options as-is, then click Next.
4. On the second screen, there are unresolved include directives. Click Resolve
All to resolve them automatically.
Workbench resolves the include directives, which now appear in the lower
pane. Click Next.
5. Decide whether to overwrite or merge the new search paths with existing
include search paths. For more information about this choice, press the help
key for your host.
6. Click Finish. The build will proceed.
Each library is built only once, and is linked to all applications as needed.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
9 Building: Use Cases
9.5 Implementing Architecture-Specific Functions
The subfolder arch1 will be built, and its objects will be linked into the project build
target. The arch2 subfolder will not be built, and its objects will not be linked into
the project build target because the comon_pc build spec is not enabled for arch2.
Similarly, if you set arm_versatile_926ejs as the active build spec for the project,
the arch2 subfolder will be built, but the arch1 subfolder will not:
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The make rules you want to execute must appear in the project’s .wrmakefile
before you can use them with a build target.
1. Right-click a project or folder and select New > Build Target.
2. In the dialog box that appears, enter the rule name(s) you created in
.wrmakefile. If you want to execute multiple rules, separate each one with a
3. Set the Build tool to User-defined.
4. Click Finish.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.6 Creating User-Defined Build Targets in the Project Explorer
The new build target node appears under the project or folder you selected.
The node icon has a superimposed M to identify it as a user-defined rule.
To execute the rule(s), right-click the new target node and select Build Target.
For Wind River Linux Platform projects, you edit Makefile.wr, not .wrmakefile.
The contents of Makefile.wr (build properties and build targets) should be edited
only through the project’s Properties > Build Properties dialogs.
NOTE: This example shows how to add a build target to invoke the uClibc
configuration for PCD-based projects. This technique applies to bringing any other
Wind River Linux or custom command line feature to Workbench Platform
An xterm is used because this build rule, menuconfig, requires a shell that can
support xterm commands, which is beyond the capabilities of the Build Log
view within Workbench.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
To execute the rule(s), right-click the new target node and select Build Target.
In its default state, the User Build Arguments drop-down list appears as an empty
field at the top of the Build Console.
You can use it to enter and apply one or more arguments (such as a rule or rules,
or macro re-definitions) that change the execution of any existing make rule, or
override any macro, or affect anything else that is understood by make. This
happens at every build, regardless of what is being built.
When you enter something and launch a build, Workbench adds your new entry
to the growing drop-down list so it is available for reuse with later builds.
1. Type one or more arguments into the text field, whether it is blank or already
has contents. Use spaces to separate multiple arguments.
2. In the Project Explorer, right-click the project you want to build, then select
Build Project.1
The build causes the text field’s new arguments to be stored in the User Build
Arguments list. They are appended to (and thus override) the existing
makefile entries. This occurs on the fly at every build.
1. Other ways to launch a build are clicking the Build all selected projects toolbar icon, or
pressing CTRL+SHIFT+A.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.7 Defining Build Specs for New Compilers and Other Tools
9.7 Defining Build Specs for New Compilers and Other Tools 1
The easiest way to define a build spec for a new compiler and other associated
tools (known as a tool chain) is to copy the pre-configured build spec of an existing
tool chain and architecture, and modify the copy.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
9 Building: Use Cases
9.8 Developing on Remote Hosts
For more detailed information, open the build properties dialog, press the help
key for your host, and see the Build Paths section.
After you have configured the build spec for the first tool in the chain, for example,
the compiler, go back to the Build Tools tab (see Step 2, above) to configure any
additional tools, such as the Linker or Librarian.
NOTE: The current setting of the User Build Arguments field applies to all builds,
including those from the Run Last Build again button.
Build Project
telnet, SSH
build command
build console output
In the case of a managed build, Workbench generates the makefiles on the local
machine that is running Workbench. You map a path from the workspace root
location to where generated makefiles will be correctly placed for builds executed
on a remote machine.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The workspace root directory should be located on the remote UNIX host and
mapped to a specific network drive on Windows. It may also be possible to locate
the root directory on the Windows machine, but then there is the need to mount
the Windows disk on the build host. This may lead to problems regarding
permissions and performance, so a mapping of the workspace root-directory is
definitely needed.
As it is possible to access the workspace root directory on both machines with the
equivalent path (automount) it may be possible to skip the path mapping.
This scenario is not supported, as you would need to execute the build command
on Windows from a UNIX host.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.8 Developing on Remote Hosts
Before you can connect to a remote system, you must create the remote connection
definition. If necessary, you may also need to edit the remote command script to
include the appropriate environment variables or other commands.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: You can also add connection definitions in the Remote Systems view
by clicking Define a connection to remote system from the toolbar.
Double-click General, then follow the rest of the instructions in this section.
1. Once the connection to the remote system has been defined, right-click your
project then select Build Options > Remote Connection > Configure.
2. Select the connection in the top pane of the Remote Connections dialog, verify
the Host name and User name, then click Edit and enter the absolute path to
the remote workspace directory (environment variables are not supported).
Click OK.
3. To save your settings and close the dialog, click Close.
To save your settings and connect to the remote system, click Connect.
Remote settings are stored, and are specific to this workspace. They are not
accessible from any other workspace.
The Edit remote command script option (Project > Build Options > Remote
Connection) opens remote_cmd.sh in the Editor. This makes it easy to include
additional commands and environment variables to set up your environment on
the remote machine prior to a build or run.
The following example version has been edited (as indicated by bold font) to set
the display and update the PATH variable.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.8 Developing on Remote Hosts
export PATH
# translate CR to NL for better build output handling
stty ocrnl 1>/dev/null 2>&1
cd "$1"
shift 1
exec "$@"
You can add any commands you need, but all commands must be in sh shell style.
Once you have defined a connection to a remote system and configured any
necessary environment variables, you can connect to that system to do a remote
1. Connect to a remote system using its default settings by right-clicking a project
and selecting Build Options > Remote Connection, then selecting one of the
available connections.
To select a different remote workspace from the one listed in the connection
definition, click Configure, select the remote system, then click Edit and enter
a different Remote workspace location on the remote system.
2. Once your connection is selected, click Connect to connect to the remote
3. The build is executed on the remote host, with the build output listed in the
standard Workbench build console.
4. To return to local development, select Local Host from the list of connections,
then click Connect.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
This section presents a procedure in which you configure Samba on a remote Red
Hat Linux host. You then use Workbench on a Windows host to create a project,
build it, run the application, and debug it. This example assumes the remote Linux
host supports ssh.
The following steps assume an RHEL 4 Linux host. If you are using a different
version of Linux you will have to translate the specific commands below for the
Samba tools available on your host. The smb service should be running on your
9 Building: Use Cases
9.8 Developing on Remote Hosts
Linux host (see System Settings > Server Settings > Services or
1. Create a workspace directory for a Linux user for which you have log on
privileges, or create a new one such as wbuser. This is the workspace that you
want to export. For example, in your home directory, you could create a
subdirectory called remote_workspace.
3. Select Preferences > Samba Users and click Add User. Add the Linux user
that has the workspace to be exported.
4. Enter a password for the user. This is the Samba password and can be different
than your Windows or Linux password. Click OK.
5. Select Preferences > Server Settings.
a. In the Basic tab enter a workgroup that is accessible from Windows, for
example workgroup.
b. In the Security tab, you should be able to leave the settings as User
authentication mode, Yes for password encryption, and No guest account.
c. Click OK.
6. Click Add to add a Samba share. This is the workspace that you want to
For Directory, enter the full path to the workspace to export, for example
■ For Basic Permissions check Read/Write.
7. Click the Access tab and allow access to everyone, or specifically select the
user(s) you want to have access. If you want to add specific access for a user
that does not appear in this tab, you must add them with
Preferences > Samba Users as done previously.
8. Click OK.
9. Start usermode-agent, for example:
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
$ installDir/linux-2.x/usermode-agent/bin/ia/i386/usermode-agent &
The following steps assume a Windows XP host. If you are using a different
version of Windows there may be some difference in the commands required.
1. Right-click My Computer (or select Tools in Windows Explorer) and select
Map Network Drive.
2. Choose a network drive, for example W:, and enter your hostname or IP
address and the share (workspace), for example:
3. Click Finish.
NOTE: If you limited access to specific users, you will be prompted to log in
with the user name and Samba password.
Configure Workbench
1. Start Workbench on your Windows host and use the exported workspace. If
Workbench prompts you for a workspace on startup, enter the drive you
mapped to the workspace, for example, W:\. Alternatively, once Workbench
has started, specify the drive from within Workbench by selecting
File > Switch Workspace.
2. Select Project > Remote Connection and click Add.
a. Enter a name you would like to give the remote connection.
b. Choose the connection type. This example uses SSH.
c. Enter the host name or IP address of the remote Linux host.
d. Enter the user name of the login account on the remote Linux host.
e. Enter the full path of the workspace on the remote Linux host, for example,
f. You can ignore the setting for the X server because this example displays
output in the Console view. For details on using an X server with a remote
host configuration, see Using an X Server with a Remote Host, p.140.
g. Click Connect, and click Yes when prompted to save your settings.
9 Building: Use Cases
9.8 Developing on Remote Hosts
NOTE: You are now connecting to the remote Linux host with ssh (or telnet)
so this must be your Linux password which may be different than your Samba
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
1. Click the Create a New Target Connection icon in the Remote Systems view.
If you already have a target connection that you want to use, be sure the object
path mappings and source path lookup are set correctly as described in this
2. Select the user mode connection type and click Next.
3. Ignore the usermode agent options screen and click Next.
4. Enter the remote Linux host name or its IP address and click Check to verify
it. Click Next.
5. Specify your object file path mappings by associating the path to the
workspace on the remote Linux host with the drive share under Windows. For
Target path: /home/wbuser/remote_workspace
Host path: W:\
6. Click Next until you can click Finish to complete the connection.
7. Select Run > Debug and select your new connection. Click Debug.
NOTE: If you get a Source not found error in the Editor space, click
Edit Source Lookup, click Add, click Workspace, and click OK. Then expand
Workspace, select your project folder, and click OK. (You can also add this
source lookup path to an existing connection by selecting Run > Debug and
using the Source tab.)
You can now proceed to debug the program as usual. Note that program output
apears in the Console view.
If you have an X server available on your Windows host, such as Exceed or Cygwin
X, you can display the remote Linux output in an xterm on the Windows host if
you are configured as follows:
1. In Project > Remote Connection, the Display (X server) field is by default set
to IP_address:0.0. This should be acceptable unless you are running multiple X
servers on your Windows host.
2. The Windows X server must allow clients from your remote host to display
locally. For example, if you are using Cygwin X, enter xhost + in an xterm
9 Building: Use Cases
9.8 Developing on Remote Hosts
d. Save helloworld.c.
4. Right-click the executable or the DEBUG directory and select
Run Native Application, and click the Remote Settings tab.
The Remote Program field should be set to xterm -e %Application% which
causes the ouput to appear in an xterm on the Windows host.
5. Click Run.
In a moment, an xterm window should appear with the message Hello World, and
close after ten seconds.
Note that debug output will still appear in the Console view.
You can use the same share to build locally. For example, assuming you are
configured with the same setup as the previous example, do the following:
1. Select Project > Remote Connection, select Local Host and click Connect.
2. Click the Set Active Build Spec and Debug Mode icon in the Project Explorer
and set the active build spec to Windows GNU.
3. Right-click the hello_world project and select Build Project.The build is
performed on the local Windows host.
Alternatively, you can configure additional connections to remote hosts and toggle
between them by selecting them in Project > Remote Connection.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Target Management
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Connecting to Targets
10.1 Introduction
You manage the interaction between host tools and the target system using a
Workbench target connection. A target connection must be defined and
established before the host tools can communicate with the target.
You do all host-side configuration work and connection-related activity in the
Remote Systems view. Connections are registered and made accessible to users by
the Wind River Registry as described in 10.5 The Registry, p.148. Connection data
may be maintained in a central location and shared between hosts with the use of
remote registries as described in10.5.2 Remote Registries, p.149.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: The connection types that are available to you depend on what Wind River
products you have installed; you may not see all of these.
In this folder are remote systems connections such as FTP and SSH. For
information about these connection types, see the RSE User Guide (press the help
key for your host, then click All Topics at the bottom of the view).
10 Connecting to Targets
10.4 Establishing a Connection
VxWorks 6.x
In this folder are VxWorks-related connection types such as core dump, VxWorks
simulator, and target server. For more information about these connection types,
see the VxWorks version of Wind River Workbench By Example.
NOTE: For more information about the target server itself, press the help key for
your host, click Search at the bottom of the view, and type tgtsvr into the Search
expression field.
On Chip Debugging
In this folder are connections to the ICE, ICE2, ISS, and Probe. For more
information about these connection types, see .
Properties you set during the creation of a new connection using the New
Connection wizard can be modified by right-clicking the connection in the Remote
Systems view and then selecting Properties from the context menu.
If you change properties while a target server or other connection is active, you
may have to disconnect and reconnect in order for changes to take effect.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: Having connection configuration data does not mean that the target is
actually connected.
The registry keeps track of the currently running target servers and manages
access to them.
The registry allows Workbench to detect and launch target servers.
If Workbench does not detect a running default registry at start-up, it launches
one. After quitting, the registry continues running in case it is needed by other
2. For Linux, the default registry is a target-server connection for Linux user mode.
10 Connecting to Targets
10.5 The Registry
For more information about the registry, press the help key for your host, click
Search at the bottom of the view, and type wtxregd or wtxreg into the Search
expression field.
If it is not already running, you can launch the default registry by opening the
Target menu or right-clicking in the Remote Systems view and selecting Launch
Default Registry.
NOTE: These menu items are only available if the registry is not running, and the
default registry host is identical to the local host.
You can tell that the registry is running on your host system if:
■ On Windows, the registry icon is displayed in the Windows system tray.
■ On Linux and UNIX, execute wtxregd status and look for wtxregd.ex.
The registry stores its internal data in the file installDir/.wind/wtxregd.hostname. If
this file is not writable on launch, the registry attempts to write to
/var/tmp/wtxregd.hostname instead. If this file is also not writable, the registry
cannot start and an error message appears.
If you have multiple target boards being used by different team members, it makes
sense to maintain connection data in a central place that is accessible to everybody.
This is called a remote registry, and it saves everyone from having to remember
communications parameters such as IP addresses and other settings for every
board that they might need to use.
To create a new remote registry on a networked host, follow these steps:
1. Workbench must be installed and the registry must be running on the remote
host. The easiest way to launch the registry is to start and quit Workbench.
However, you can also launch the wtxregd program from the command line.
2. To connect to the remote registry from another host, right-click the Local >
Wind River Registries entry in the Remote Systems view, then select
New > Remote Registry from the context menu.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
3. In the dialog that appears, enter either the host name or the IP address of the
remote host. Click OK.
Workbench immediately attempts to connect to the remote registry. A valid
connection will display the registry in the Remote Systems view, and any
active connections will be shown. Connect to the target just as you would to a
target in your local registry.
If the host is invalid, or if no registry is identified on the remote host, this
information is displayed in the Remote Systems view.
Because other tools use the registry, it is not automatically shut down when you
quit Workbench. However, there are times when you should manually shut down
the registry, such as when switching between Tornado and Workbench registries
(you cannot run both at the same time), and when updating or uninstalling
Workbench (or other products that use the registry) so that the new one starts with
a fresh database.
To shut down the registry:
■ On Windows, right-click the registry icon in the system tray, and choose
■ On Linux and UNIX, execute wrenv.sh -p workbench-3.x wtxregd stop in a
terminal window, or manually kill the wtxregd process.
If you want to migrate your existing registry database and all of your existing
connection configurations to the new version, make a backup of the registry data
file installDir/.wind/wtxregd.hostname and copy it to the corresponding new
product installation location.
Normally, the default registry runs on the local computer. You can change this if
you want to force a default remote registry (see 10.5.2 Remote Registries, p.149).
To do this on Linux and UNIX, modify the WIND_REGISTRY environment
To do this on Windows, under the Windows Registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE node, modify the field
Software\Wind River Systems\Wtx\N.N\WIND_REGISTRY.
10 Connecting to Targets
10.5 The Registry
To verify that the registry host ws changed correctly, type Wind::registry without
parameters to see the name of the currect default registry host.
The behavior of the Wind River registry daemon can be changed by updating the
registry default options. These options control the location of the registry daemon
database, log file locations, levels, and timeouts, and so on.
You can update the registry default options from a terminal window command
line, or by modifying the registry daemon default options configuration file
For available options and other information about the operation of the registry,
type installDir/workbench-3.x/foundation/4.x/host_type/bin/wtxregd help at a
command line, refer to the wtxregd.conf file, or see the online reference entry for
Example Usage
Store the Wind River registry daemon database within a user specific directory.
On Windows:
wtxregd -d C:\temp\registry-db
wtxregd -d %HOME%\registry-db
wtxregd.ex -d ${HOME}/registry-db
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Working with Breakpoints
13.1 Introduction
Breakpoints allow you to stop a running program at particular places in the code
or when specific conditions exist.
This chapter shows how to use the Breakpoints view to keep track of all
breakpoints, along with their conditions (if any). It also discusses adding dynamic
printf event points to your code.
You can create breakpoints by any of the following means:
double-clicking or right-clicking in the Editor’s left vertical ruler (also known
as the gutter)
opening the various breakpoint dialog boxes from the pull-down menu in the
Breakpoints view itself
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
selecting one of the breakpoint options from the Run > Breakpoints menu
See the sections below for when and how to use each type of breakpoint. For a
guide to the icons in the Breakpoints view, open the view and press the help key
for your host.
Set a line breakpoint to stop your program at a particular line of source code.
To set a line breakpoint with an unrestricted scope (so it will be hit by any process
or task running on your target):
1. Double-click in the left gutter next to the line on which you want to set the
13 Working with Breakpoints
13.2 Types of Breakpoints
A solid dot appears in the gutter, and the Breakpoints view displays the file
and the line number of the breakpoint.
2. You can also right-click in the gutter and select Breakpoints > Add
Breakpoint (Scope=Unrestricted).
To set a line breakpoint that is restricted to just one task or process:
1. Right-click in the Editor gutter.
2. Select Breakpoints > Add Breakpoint (Scope=”Selected Thread”).
If the selected thread has a color in the Debug view, a dot with the same color
will appear in the Editor gutter with the number of the thread inscribed inside
To adjust the properties of the breakpoint as you create it:
1. Right-click in the Editor’s gutter.
2. Select Breakpoints > Add Breakpoint, or select Add Line Breakpoint from
the Breakpoints view’s pull-down menu.
The Line Breakpoint dialog opens.
NOTE: Expression breakpoints appear in the Editor’s gutter only when you are
connected to a task.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Some processors provide specialized registers, called debug registers, which can
be used to specify an area of memory to be monitored. For instance, IA-32
processors have four debug address registers, which can be used to set data
breakpoints or control breakpoints.
Hardware breakpoints are particularly useful if you want to stop a process when
a specific variable is written or read. For example, with hardware data
breakpoints, a hardware trap is generated when a write or read occurs in a
monitored area of memory. Hardware breakpoints are fast, but their availability is
machine-dependent. On most CPUs that support them, only four debug registers
are provided, so a maximum of four memory locations can be watched in this way.
There are two types of hardware breakpoints:
■ A hardware data breakpoint occurs when a specific variable is read or written.
■ A hardware instruction breakpoint or code breakpoint occurs when a specific
instruction is read for execution.
Once a hardware breakpoint is trapped—either a data breakpoint or an instruction
breakpoint—the debugger will behave in the same way as for a standard
breakpoint and stop for user interaction.
! WARNING: Do not use hardware breakpoints with the WDB-based tools and an
On-Chip Debugging (OCD) tool at the same time. Simultaneous use may lead to
unpredictable debugging behavior, as both facilites access hardware breakpoint
You can add a new hardware instruction breakpoint by right-clicking in the gutter
on the left of the source file, and selecting Breakpoints > Add Breakpoint
Or, you can follow the following steps:
1. Double-click in the gutter to add a standard breakpoint.
2. In the Breakpoints view, right-click the breakpoint you just added.
3. Select Properties.
13 Working with Breakpoints
13.2 Types of Breakpoints
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
if so, whether or not the total number supported by the target is already planted.
If the target does not support hardware code breakpoints, an error message will
appear when the debugger tries to plant the breakpoint.
NOTE: Workbench will set only the number of code breakpoints, with the specific
capabilities, supported by your hardware.
NOTE: If you create a breakpoint on a line that does not have any corresponding
code, the debugger will plant the breakpoint on the next line that does have code.
The breakpoint will appear on the new line in the Editor gutter.
In the Breakpoints view, the original line number will appear, with the new line
number in square brackets [ ] after it. See the third breakpoint in Figure 13-1.
13 Working with Breakpoints
13.2 Types of Breakpoints
with debug information support), the dynamic printf event points can only
display global variables or the content of specified areas of memory.
Whenever a dynamic printf event point is hit, a routine is called to read the
requested information; this information is stored and then provided to another
task that handles the display of that information.
Since a dynamic printf event point does not require stopping the current task, you
can insert a dynamic printf event point on an unbreakable task. However, the
dynamic printf event points are not raised if the routine is called from an interrupt
You can implement dynamic printf event points using both software and
hardware breakpoints. Enable, disable, edit, or remove event points the same way
as with regular breakpoints.
To add a dynamic printf event point, right-click in the editor or in the gutter and
select Add Dynamic printf from the context menu.
This brings up the dynamic printf dialog. Use this dialog to specify the printf
arguments and other attributes. Click OK to create the event point. The event point
appears in the gutter, like any other breakpoint.
If you place the cursor on a variable of type int or char* when creating a dynamic
printf event point, Workbench automatically fills in the printf arguments with
default arguments based on the name and type of the variable. For example, if you
select the integer variable counter and then create a dprintf event point, the default
arguments are
“counter=%d\n”, counter
If you select a variable that is part of a field reference expression, Workbench takes
the complete expression as the printf argument. For example, if you select data,
Workbench uses node->data as the printf argument.
If the variable you select is a pointer type, Workbench uses any suitable
surrounding pointer dereference or array subscript expression as the printf
If you do not select a variable, Workbench looks at comments in or before the line
in focus for a dynamic printf argument hint. This is a string of the format
DP “format”, arg1, arg2, …
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
If Workbench finds such a string, it uses that string to fill in the default arguments
for the dynamic printf event point. Dynamic printf event points use a syntax
similar to the standard printf( ) command. You must provide a format string that
controls the output and formatting of the arguments, and a list of arguments that
represent the variables or values to be printed.
Dynamic printf events are also reported in Wind River System Viewer.
13 Working with Breakpoints
13.3 Managing Breakpoints
If something has changed on the target (for example, a new module was
downloaded) and a breakpoint is not automatically updated, you can remove and
reinsert it:
1. Right-click a breakpoint in the Breakpoints view.
2. Select Refresh Breakpoint.
NOTE: The Refresh Breakpoint selection only appears if the breakpoint is planted.
To refresh all breakpoints in this way, select Refresh All Breakpoints from the
Breakpoints view drop-down menu.
To disable a breakpoint, clear its check box in the Breakpoints view. This retains all
breakpoint properties, but ensures that it will not stop the running process. To
re-enable the breakpoint, select the box again.
To remove a breakpoint
1. Select it in the Breakpoints view.
2. Click Remove on the toolbar.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
During breakpoint exception handling, a number of kernel APIs are called before
all breakpoints are removed from the target memory, so you cannot put
breakpoints on these routines.
taskCpuLock( )/taskDbgUnlock( )
intCpuLock( )/intCpuUnlock( )
13 Working with Breakpoints
13.5 Limitations on Breakpoints During SMP Task Debugging
usrBreakpointSet( )
vxTas( ) 1
Workbench ignores this type of breakpoint and resumes the execution of the
context (in other words it steps over this type of breakpoint) since an ISR
attempting to take the same spinlock will spin forever.
Workbench ignores this type of breakpoint and resumes the execution of the
context (in other word it steps over this type of breakpoint). The task that holds the
spinlock can be stopped while running on CPU0 and the scheduler can decide to
resume it on CPU1. This type of scenario (taking and releasing a spinlock on
different CPUs) is a kernel fatal error and must be prevented.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Launching Programs
14.1 Introduction
A launch configuration is similar to a macro, because it allows you to group
together the actions required to build your program, connect to your target, start
your process, and if you wish, attach the debugger. Your configurations are stored
persistently, so they can be rerun by clicking a single button or can be shared with
your team.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
This chapter explains how to edit and fine-tune your launch configurations to
provide a tight edit-compile-debug cycle, as well as how to manually attach the
debugger to tasks and processes.
For detailed descriptions of the tabs in this dialog, as well as a guide to the icons
you will see, open the launch configuration dialog, click in the tab you want
information about, then press the help key for your host.
14 Launching Programs
14.3 Creating a Launch Configuration
Many of the launch types require you to enter similar information, so the following
sections will help you create a launch configuration for them. For additional
details, open the launch configuration dialog, select a tab, and press the help key
for your host.
1. Select Run > Run Configurations or Run > Debug Configurations. The
Create, manage, and run configurations dialog box appears.
2. Select the type of launch type you need, then click New (or double-click the
launch type).
3. Tabs appear and display the appropriate fields and options you can use for
your launch configuration; for details see 14.3.1 Customizing a Launch
Configuration, p.170.
4. Enter information as necessary, then click Run or Debug.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Once you click New to create a new launch configuration, or select an option from
the launch selection dialog, several tabs appear. These tabs may differ from one
launch configuration to another, but the following sections describe the ones that
appear most frequently.
If you selected a build target in the Project Explorer, the name of the build target
appears at the top of the dialog box in the form name - connection_name. If you did
not select a build target, or want to modify the name that appears, type a
descriptive name for your new launch configuration.
Specifying Connection, Output File, and Breapoint Information with the Launch Context Tab
The Launch Context tab displays information about the output file that you want
to run during the launch, and the connection that should be used.
The default that Workbench will use is the target that is currently connected. If no
connections are active, the default is the target that is selected in the Remote
Systems view.
1. Keep the default launch context settings, or if you have more than one
connection defined in the Remote Systems view, you may select a different
2. To configure the connection, including updating target server options and
object path mappings, select it and click Properties. If necessary, click Create
a new connection.
The Entry Point field is always available, but the Exec Path on Target, Arguments,
and other fields in this section are only active when you are connected to a target.
To retrieve the connection-specific properties from the target, and adjust them if
necessary, click Connect.
For details about these fields, press the help key for your host.
With Break on Entry selected and a routine entered in the box, the process will
break on the entry to the routine for debugging operations. If you want the
14 Launching Programs
14.3 Creating a Launch Configuration
program to run to the first breakpoint you set, rather than breaking immediately
after startup, clear this check box.
For kernel task launches, if you want Workbench to automatically attach spawned
Kernel Tasks, select that option.
For kernel task launches only, if you want Workbench to download a particular
build target each time the launch is used, specify it on the Downloads tab. If you
selected a build target in the Project Explorer before opening the launch
configuration dialog, the file appears in the Downloads list automatically.
You can also create launches for kernel tasks that are already downloaded, or are
resident in flash memory or are part of the kernel image, but those tasks do not
require an entry in the Downloads list since they do not need to be downloaded
each time the configuration is run.
NOTE: If the build target you specify requires that a module be downloaded, but
that module is already in use when you initiate the launch, a dialog appears
warning that all running tasks from the module will terminate unexpectedly.
The Projects to Build tab displays the projects that Workbench will build before
launching the process in this configuration.
If you selected a build target in the Project Explorer, its project appears in the
Projects to Build list automatically. You can specify that other projects should also
be built (if necessary) before launching the current project with the Projects to
Build tab. This only applies if you have selected Build (if required) before
launching in the Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching dialog box.
1. To add to the list, click Add Project, select one or more projects from the dialog
box, then click OK.
2. To rearrange the build order, select a project then click Up, Down, or Remove.
Then click Apply and Close. When this configuration is launched, those
projects will be built first (if required), in the specified order, prior to launch of
this project.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Note that the Projects to Build list takes project-subproject relationships from the
Project Explorer into account. Thus, when myLib is a subproject of myProj and
you choose to add myProj to the list, you cannot add myLib to the list as well
because it will be built automatically when you build myProj. Adding myLib as
well would be redundant and is therefore disabled.
If your build target was compiled on the same host where you want to debug it,
you do not need to change anything on the Source tab. But if the build-target was
compiled on a different host, you need to configure the Source Lookup Path. See
15.5 Changing Source Lookup Path Settings, p.204 for more information about the
source locator.
The Source tab displays the search order for source files during debugging. The
search order is determined by a location’s position in the list.
1. On the Source tab, click Add to configure the source lookup path.
2. Select the type of source to add to the lookup path; for a description of each
type, open the source lookup dialog and press the help key for your host.
3. Once you add a new source to the lookup path, you can adjust its position in
the search order by clicking Up or Down to change its position in the list.
4. Select Search for duplicate source files on the path to have Workbench search
the entire source lookup path and offer you a choice of all the files it finds that
have the same filename, rather than automatically using the first file of that
name it encounters.
The Common tab allows you to specify whether this launch configuration is Local
or Shared (local is the default), whether you want to access it from the Workbench
toolbar buttons, and if the program should be launched in the background.
1. To share this launch configuration with others on your team, click Shared,
then type in or browse to the directory where the shared configuration should
be saved.
2. If you want to be able to access this launch configuration from the Run or
Debug favorites menus (the drop-down lists next to the bug button on the
14 Launching Programs
14.4 Using Launch Configurations to Run Programs
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
selecting Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching and increasing the
number in the Size of recently launched applications list field.
If you press the Run or Debug button (or click the Run or Debug button from the
Launch Configuration dialog box) and get a “Cannot create context” error, check
the Exec Path on the Main tab of the Debug dialog box (see Specifying Connection,
Output File, and Breapoint Information with the Launch Context Tab, p.170) to be sure
it is correct. Also check your Object Path Mappings.
14 Launching Programs
14.5 Launching Programs Manually
finds differences in their section sizes (such as in the .text, .bss and .data sections).
This might warn you, for instance, that you have rebuilt the host executable, but
you have forgotten to update the executable running on the target.
NOTE: The target executable must have the same sections, but it need not have any
debug information, if, for example, the target has limited resources.
To launch a process from the Remote Systems view, follow these steps:
1. Right-click Processes, then select Run |Debug Process. The launch
configuration selection dialog box appears.
2. Choose whether to run an existing launch configuration, or if you will need to
edit or create a new one. Click OK.
3. Select Exec Path on Target then type the path and filename (as seen by the
target) into the field.
Alternately, select Exec Path on Host and click Browse Files or Select a Build
Target. Once you select a file, Workbench automatically translates the host
path to the appropriate target path.
4. To immediately put the program under debugger control at launch, select
Break at and enter the entry point of your program; to let it run, clear the Break
at check box. Click Run or Debug.
Workbench runs the process on the target; the executable and its host location,
along with the individual tasks, appear below Processes in the Remote
Systems view. If a red S appears, then symbol information has been loaded
into the debugger.
If you selected Break at and provided an entry point, four other things happen
as well:
Workbench automatically switches to the Device Debug perspective (if it
is not already open).
The process is displayed in the Debug view.
A temporary breakpoint is planted and appears in the Breakpoints view.
The program executes up to the entry point and breaks.
Whenever you manually run a process, a corresponding Attach to Target launch
configuration is automatically created.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
You do not create Attach to Target launch configurations manually. Instead, these
configurations are created automatically when you attach the debugger to a
process or kernel task in the Remote Systems view.
Attach to Target launch configurations are special in some ways:
■ They do not actually run a program, but just connect a target and attach the
debugger to some context that must already exist.
■ They are visible only in Debug mode.
Once an Attach to Target launch is created, you can review and edit it in the
Launch Configurations dialog box as described in 14.3.1 Customizing a Launch
Configuration, p.170. You can also rename them if necessary, and add them to your
Favorites menu using the Common tab.
NOTE: One property of Attach to Target launch configurations that differs from
other launch types is that the information on the Launch Context tab is for review
only, and cannot be changed. This is because it reflects information about an actual
running process.
14 Launching Programs
14.7 Controlling Multiple Launches
The following procedure assumes you have two or more launch configurations
already defined (see 14.3 Creating a Launch Configuration, p.169).
1. Select Run > Debug Configurations to open the Create, manage, and run
configurations dialog.
2. Select Launch Control from the list on the left, and then click New. A new
launch control configuration with the default name New Configuration
appears. Change the name as desired.
3. Select the Launch Control tab. Note that your current launch configurations
are listed under Available Configurations on the left, and a space on the right
is labeled Configurations to Launch.
4. Select each launch that you want to add to your new launch configuration and
click Add to add it to the list of configurations to launch. When you have a list
of configurations to launch, you can organize them in the order you want them
to launch by selecting a configuration and clicking Move Up or Move Down.
The sub-launch at the top of the list will come first and the one at the bottom
last. You can remove any sub-launch from the Launch Control configuration
by selecting it and clicking Remove.
You now have a Launch Control configuration that will launch a sequence of
sub-launches in the order specified in the Configurations to Launch list. You can
also specify commands to perform before launches, after launches, and in response
to a launch failure or an application error report as discussed in the next section.
Each launch in a Launch Control will open a Console view for I/O and error
messages as described in 14.8 Launches and the Console View, p.181.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
An example of the use of a pre-launch command is to prepare a target for use. For
example, in a development environment you might have to reserve a target, and
you would not want to attempt a launch without being sure you had a target to
launch on. So a pre-launch command might be a script that reserves the board,
puts usermode-agent in the root file system, reboots the board, and starts
If the pre-launch command returns a non-zero return code then the launch is
aborted and the error condition command is executed for each sub-launch
previous to the failed sub-launch.
If your application requires additional set up after it has been launched, or if you
would like to verify that it has launched correctly before proceeding to the next
launch, use a post-launch command.
If the post-launch command returns a non-zero return code then the launch is
aborted and the error condition command is executed for each sub-launch
previous to the failed sub-launch as well as for the failed sub-launch.
14 Launching Programs
14.7 Controlling Multiple Launches
the error condition of the third launch, and so on. This is to deal with situations in
which previous commands may have acquired locked resources—unlocking them
in reverse order is important to prevent potential deadlock.
NOTE: To be precise, error commands are called in the reverse order that the
pre-launch commands were called. An error command will never be called for a
sub-launch that did not pass the pre-launch command step.
You can place a command into your Launch Control that is not associated with any
particular sub-launch by adding an empty Launch Control to hold the command.
Select Launch Control and click New and then specify a name for the dummy
launch, for example, Empty Launch. Add the empty launch to the Launch Control
and use the properties page to insert commands into the launch which are not
associated with any particular sub-launch.
If you want to run each of the pre-launch commands for each launch first, check
Run Pre-Launch command for all launches first on the main launch control page.
The pre-launch commands will be executed in order, and only after they are all
successfully completed will the first launch take place, followed by the second
launch and so on. This provides for situations in which you do not want to
continue with a complete launch Control sequence if any of the sub-launches
cannot take place because, for example, a target is not available.
You can use an existing Launch Control as a sub-launch, but do not attempt to
create recursive launch controls in this way, as they will not run.
If the parent Launch Control's Run Pre-Launch command for all launches first is
selected and the pre-initialize check box is set for the child Launch Control, the
child will pre-initialize all of its sub-launches before operation continues on to the
next sub-launch of the parent Launch Control. Otherwise, the child Launch
Control will have its sub-launches initialize at the time that it is launched.
The environment variables are collected from multiple locations and then
provided on the Properties page as a convenience. Typically you will only read
variable values, but you may want to change them in your pre-launch command.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Your changes affect only the launch you are working with—other launches using
the same configuration get the default values for the environment variables.
Environment variables are gathered from four different sources:
From the Launch Control's Environment tab. These variables are not
displayed on a sub-launch’s Properties page because the information is readily
available on the Environment tab.
■ From the sub-launch’s Environment tab (if it has one).
■ From the sub-launch’s configuration type attributes. Each sub-launch
configuration type defines its own set of attributes: see the Eclipse
documentation for Launch Configuration for details on sub-launch attributes.
■ From the Launch Control launch configuration. The variables are defined by
Launch Control for each sub-launch, and provide general support for the
■ com_windriver_ide_launchcontrol_launch_mode
■ com_windriver_ide_launchcontrol_env_file
■ com_windriver_ide_launchcontrol_skip_next
The environment variable com_windriver_ide_launchcontrol_launch_mode
identifies the mode of a launch. The mode may be either debug or run, depending
on how a launch is initiated (for example selecting Run > Debug Configurations
to initiate a debug mode launch and Run- > Run Configurations to initiate a run
mode launch). Changing com_windriver_ide_launchcontrol_launch_mode has
no effect—it only provides information about a current launch.
Since the command’s environment terminates after the command completes, any
variables that need to be changed for a launch must be written to a file. The name
of this file is provided in the environment variable
com_windriver_ide_launchcontrol_env_file. The format of this file is a list of key
value pairs on separate lines. Each key and value is separated by an equals sign (=)
and the key identifies the variable name (this is a standard Java properties file).
After a command is completed, Launch Control will read this file and update any
variables as specified in the file.
Launch Control also defines the com_windriver_ide_launchcontrol_skip_next
variable. Setting this variable to true in the Pre-Launch command causes the
remainder of the sub-launch to be skipped. Setting this variable in post-launch or
error commands has no effect.
An example of how this could be used is to check for the existence of a server
application in a pre-launch command. If the application is already running then
14 Launching Programs
14.8 Launches and the Console View
NOTE: Note that the Wind River environment variables for individual launches
are subject to change and you should not count on them being maintained across
releases. For details on variables beginning with the string org_eclipse refer to the
documentation available at http://help.eclipse.org.
Each launch opens a Console view for I/O and error messages, provided the
Allocate Console check box is selected in the Common tab of the launch (the
default setting).
NOTE: This refers to the Common tab of each individual launch configuration, not
the Common tab of the Launch Control configuration.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
In the Common tab you can also specify a file where console output is appended
or overwritten with each launch. The Console view itself offers several controls as
described in the next section.
Note that you can also modify Console view settings such as buffer size and text
colors by selecting your preferences at Window > Preferences > Run/Debug >
To open a Console view select Window > Show View > Other > General >
Console. An example view is shown below.
NOTE: The output appearing in the Console view can appear in a different order
than the order the output was produced if both output and error output are
present. The data from these two output types go through different channels and
their transit times can be different.
14 Launching Programs
14.9 Attaching to the Kernel
Along with other standard functions, icons in the Console view toolbar allow you
to pin the context to a Console view, select among different Console views, and
create new Console views.
Select a specific process or task for a Console view by clicking the down arrow next
to the Display Selected Console icon and making your selection. Click
Pin Console to keep the Console view associated with that context. Select
Open Console > New Console View to create additional Console views.
Refer to http://help.eclipse.org for further details on the Console view, or press the
help key for your host.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
information from the debugger before you continue building. You can usually
unload symbolic information without problems, provided that you do not have a
debug session open in the affected module. If you have a module open, you should
terminate your debug session before continuing the new build and launch process.
Debugging Projects
15.1 Introduction
The Workbench debugger lets you download object modules, launch new
processes, and take control of processes running on the target. Unlike other
debuggers, you can attach to multiple processes simultaneously, without affecting
them or being required to disconnect from one process in order to attach to
This chapter introduces the Debug and Disassembly views, and shows you how to
use them to debug your programs.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: You must use the -g compiler option to use many debugger features. The
compiler settings used by the Workbench project facility’s managed builds include
debugging symbols.
15 Debugging Projects
15.2 Using the Debug View
Additionally, the Debug view shows processes that were launched on the target
using Workbench, but which were not attached by the debugger. These launches
have a special entry in the Debug view, as shown in Figure 15-2, and are only
available to help you locate and terminate the process.
Figure 15-2 Debug View Showing Process Not Under Debugger Control
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The Debug view displays a hierarchical tree for each process being debugged.
When using the Debug view, it is crucial that you understand what is represented
by each level in the hierarchical tree of the process you are debugging. This is
because the level of the current selection in the Debug view affects the activities
that you can perform on it, and controls the information displayed in other views.
The following examples show what might appear at each level of the tree, with a
general description of each level.
For the ball sample in the Linux environment, the tree looks like this:
ball (2) [Process on Target] = launch level
launch name [launch type]
16,ball.out (MPC8260: Linux 2.6) = debug target level
process name (core name:OS name OS version)
16,ball.out (Stopped - Breakpoint) = thread level
thread name (state - reason for state change)
main( ) - main.c:59 = stack frame level
function(args) - file : line #, can also be address
For the ball sample in the VxWorks environment, the tree looks like this:
15 Debugging Projects
15.2 Using the Debug View
NOTE: The stack arguments reflect the current values of the stack argument
variables, not their initial values immediately after entering the function call.
Choosing a specific level of your debug target controls what you can do with it.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
stack frame Select of the stack frame causes the editor to display instruction
pointer and source for stack frame.
Perform same run control as on the thread.
Assign color to thread.
Assign corresponding color for parent thread.
When you start processes under debugger control, or attach the debugger to
running processes, they appear in the Debug view labeled with unique colors and
numbers. Likewise, breakpoints that are restricted to a particular process display
that process’s color/number context in the Breakpoints and Editor views.
For example, in Figure 15-4 (from a VxWorks view):
■ The first breakpoint in main.c (a blue circle containing a 0) is restricted to ball,
the blue process numbered 0 in the Debug view.
■ The second breakpoint (a solid blue-green circle) is unrestricted.
■ The breakpoint in cobble.c (a red circle containing a 1) is restricted to cobble,
the red process numbered 1 in the Debug view.
For example, in Figure 15-5 (from a Linux view), three processes are shown in the
Debug view:
■ The ball process, in pink in the Debug view, has been launched in debug mode
and the program counter is shown, in pink, in the main( ) routine.
■ The forkexec process is shown in blue. It has stopped at a breakpoint set at the
fork system call. The breakpoint is shown as a solid circle and the program
pointer is shown in blue with the number 0 in it. Note that the number 0 is also
shown with the parent process in the Debug view.
The third process, the forked child process, is shown in red in the Debug view.
The color assigned to a process or thread can be changed by right-clicking the
process or thread and selecting Color > specific color.
15 Debugging Projects
15.2 Using the Debug View
Figure 15-4 Debug View with Breakpoint and Editor Views (VxWorks) 1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Figure 15-5 Debug View with Editor and Breakpoint View (Linux)
The context pointer (the arrow in the left gutter in main.c) indicates the statement
that will execute when the process resumes.
For more information about how to set up Debug view settings, open the Debug
view and press the help key for your host.
Once a process has stopped under debugger control (most often, at a breakpoint),
you can single-step through the code, jump over subroutine calls, or resume
execution. What you can do depends on what you selected in the Debug view.
When the program is stopped, you can resume operation by clicking Resume on
the toolbar of the Debug view. If there are no more remaining breakpoints,
interrupts, or signals, the program will run to completion (unless you click the
Suspend button).
15 Debugging Projects
15.3 Using Debug Modes
To step through the code one line at a time, click the Debug view’s Step Into
button. If you have other data views open, such as the Registers or Variables views,
they will update with current values as you step through the code.
The effect of Step Into is somewhat different if you click Toggle Disassembly/
Instruction Step Mode on the Debug view toolbar, or when the current routine
has no debugging information. When this mode is set, the step buttons cause
instruction-level steps to be executed instead of source-level steps. Also, the
Disassembly view will be shown instead of the Editor.
To single-step without going into other subroutines, click Step Over instead of
Step Into.
While stepping through a program, you may conclude that the problem you are
interested in lies in the current subroutine’s caller, rather than at the stack level
where your process is suspended. Click the Debug view’s Step Return button so
that execution continues until the current subroutine completes, then the debugger
regains control in the calling statement.
These run control options, as well as others, are available from the Run menu as
well as from the Debug view toolbar. For more information, open the Debug view
and press the help key for your host.
Connection Type Supported Modes
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
15 Debugging Projects
15.3 Using Debug Modes
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
As a general rule, when the target is being debugged in user mode or task mode,
the debugger interacts only with the process or processes being debugged. If this
process is suspended, other processes keep running. This mode is less intrusive, as
it allows the user to control the selected process or thread while the rest of the
system can continue to operate normally.
When you are debugging in system or kernel mode, the debugger interacts with
the entire system at once, so if one task is suspended, all processes and kernel tasks
running on the system are suspended as well. This allows for increased control of
(and visibility into) what is happening on the system, but it is also very disruptive.
For example, if the system maintains network connections with other systems,
suspending it will cause the others to lose their network connections with the
debugged system.
15 Debugging Projects
15.3 Using Debug Modes
When you create a new debug connection through a launch, the connection debug
mode (system or task) is saved as a property of the launch. This mode is listed in
parentheses at the end of the label of the target node in the Debug view.
For target connections that support switching between modes, if you switch the
debug mode while a debug connection is active, this debug connection will
become unavailable in the Debug view, as shown in Figure 15-6. When a debug
connection is unavailable, no operations can be performed on it, except for
disconnecting the debug connection.
In the Remote Systems view, if you switch the target to system mode, every node
in the tree will have a system mode icon painted on top. If the system mode icon
does not appear, then the node and processes are in task or user mode.
You can debug processes on the same target using multiple target connections
simultaneously. An example of this setup is a Linux target that has a user mode
ptrace agent installed for debugging processes, and an OCD connection for halting
the system and debugging the kernel.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
In this situation, if the system is halted using the OCD (system mode) target
connection, the user mode ptrace agent will also be halted, and the user mode
target connection will be lost. When the system is resumed, the user mode target
connection will be re-established.
The Remote Systems and the Debug views (if a debug session is active) both
provide feedback in this scenario. The Remote Systems view hides all the process
information that was visible for the target, and displays a label
back-end connection lost next to the target node. The Debug view does not end
the active debug session, but it shows it as being unavailable, in the same manner
as if the debug mode was switched.
When you are running a task on a target and an exception occurs, Workbench is
preconfigured to display a dialog prompting you to attach to the task in order to
debug it.
If you are writing an application for which a particular exception is acceptable (for
example, divide by 0) or you want the target OS to stop the task on an exception
but you do not necessarily want to debug it, then you can suppress the display of
target exceptions in the target connection properties dialog.
1. Right-click your target connection in the Remote Systems view, then select
2. The properties dialog displays a set of tabs. Using the small arrows on the right
of the dialog, scroll to the right until you see the Debug Options tab.
3. Unselect Show dialog on target exceptions, then click OK.
NOTE: You can also unselect this option when creating a new target
connection. The Debug Options screen is almost the last screen of the New
Connection wizard.
Disconnecting from a process or core detaches the debugger, but leaves the process
or core in its current state.
Terminating a process actually kills the process on the target.
15 Debugging Projects
15.3 Using Debug Modes
NOTE: If the selected target supports terminating individual threads, you can 1
select a thread and terminate only that thread.
By default, the Workbench Editor opens when the debugger stops in a given file.
To cause a different editor to open for particular file types, modify the mappings
in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations.
Modifying these mappings takes care of editor selection and painting of the
instruction pointer in the editor gutter. However, to associate other debugging
actions with the new editor, you must modify the Eclipse extension point
For example, the breakpoint double-click action associated with the Workbench
Editor looks like this:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.editorActions">
Other features that are by default configured to work only with the Workbench
Editor are Run to line, Set PC to here, and Watch. These features are configured
through following extensions:
<pluginState value="activated" id="com.windriver.ide.debug.ui"/>
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Refer to Eclipse SDK documentation for more about these extension points.
15 Debugging Projects
15.4 Debugging Self-Hosted Applications
On Linux, you may use the GDB debugger built into Eclipse to debug
native-mode, self-hosted applications, such as the Hello World example included
with Workbench. On Windows, you must acquire and install GDB yourself.
To debug Hello World using the GDB debugger:
1. Create a project using the example sources by selecting File > New > Example
> Native Sample Project > The Hello World Demonstration Program, then
clicking Finish.
2. Build the hello_world_Native project by right-clicking it and selecting Build
Project, or by clicking Build all selected projects on the Project Explorer
3. Debug the project by right-clicking the project folder again, then selecting
Debug As > Local C/C++ Application.
4. Choose gdb Debugger (or the appropriate version of gdb for your system)
from the Launch Debug Configuration Selection dialog, then click OK.
The process executes until it comes to the main( ) routine in the program, and
because Local C/C++ Application is a CDT launch type, the Debug (rather
than the Device Debug) perspective opens.
The Debug perspective shows the Debug view in the upper left, the editor
displays the source file, and other views show typical debugging operations.
5. In the Debug view, note:
■ The process ID (PID) in the entry hello_world_Nat: PID (Task Mode)
■ The entry hello_world_Nat: PID (Stopped - Step End)
■ The breakpoint itself appears as main( ) full path/helloworld.c:8, meaning
that execution has stopped at Line 8 in helloworld.c.
6. In the Debug view, hover the mouse cursor over the buttons in the view’s
toolbar to see the debug functions that you can perform: Restart, Resume,
Terminate, Step Into, Step Over, and Instruction Stepping Mode.
7. Click the Step Over button (or press F6). The program counter advances one
line in the editor, and Hello World displays in the Console view (you may
have to click the Console tab in the lower tabbed notebook to bring it to the
8. Step through the program, or press F8 or click Resume to complete it.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
When the program has completed, the Debug view displays its exit status:
<terminated>hello_world_Native [C/C++ Local Application].
9. To remove old information from the Debug view, click Remove All
Terminated Launches on the Debug view’s toolbar.
15.4.2 Debugging with the Wind River Debugger (Linux Hosts Only)
15 Debugging Projects
15.4 Debugging Self-Hosted Applications
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: You may also debug self-hosted applications from another instance of
Workbench running on another host, in addition to using the local Workbench. For
example, this lets you use a 64-bit host that you share with other 32-bit hosts, so
you can develop 64/32 bit applications when 64-bit hosts are rare.
To debug self-hosted applications from another host, start the usermode agent on
the “self-hosted” host as if it were a target, then connect to it from another host.
NOTE: Source Lookup Path settings are different from Object Path mappings.
Object Path mappings describe the relationship between the location of
executables and symbol files on the target file system and their location on the host
file system.
Source Lookup Path settings are the mapping of source file paths retrieved from
the executable’s symbol data to the correct location of the source files on the host
file system, so the debugger can find the files in their new locations.
15 Debugging Projects
15.5 Changing Source Lookup Path Settings
The Source Lookup Path consists of a list of Source Lookup Containers, each of
which points to a location in the workspace or the file system where the source files
can be found. When you search for a source file, each container in the list is
searched consecutively until the source file is found.
The following source containers are supported:
■ Debugger Path uses the original source path compiled into the program to
find sources in the project system. If the file is not found in the project system,
the debugger searches the local file system and opens the file from there.
■ Disassembly opens in the Disassembly view files matching the given
debugger path.
■ Filesystem Directory recursively searches the given filesystem directory; see
the File System Files in Workbench section of Wind River Workbench User’s Guide:
Debugging Projects.
■ Filesystem Directory Substitution substitutes a file system folder for part of
the debugger path (the original location of the sources when the program was
■ Project* searches a project in your workspace.
■ Workspace* searches all projects in your workspace.
■ Workspace Folder* recursively searches the given folder in your workspace;
all sub-folders are searched as well.
■ Workspace Folder Substitution substitutes a workspace folder for part of the
debugger path, and checks if the file with given path exists in the workspace.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
4. The source lookup containers are searched in the order in which they appear
in this dialog, so click Up or Down to adjust the order of entries in the list.
5. Check the Search for duplicate source files on the path to force the debugger
to search for and display all files that match the given debugger path, rather
than stopping as soon as it finds one.
you would enter each path in the dialog, then click OK.
Thereafter, when the debugger looks for
it will substitute
Just as the source containers are used to map the debugger path to the host
location, they are also used in reverse, to map the host location to a debugger path
in order to plant breakpoints.
For Workspace Folder Substitution and Filesystem Folder Substitution, if the
host location matches the target folder, the folder/directory part of the host path
15 Debugging Projects
15.5 Changing Source Lookup Path Settings
is removed, and the debugger path is substituted. For Debugger Path, the path is
used as is. For all other containers, they are checked against the host location, and
if they match, just the filename part of the host location is sent to the debugger.
NOTE: Not all locations contain enough information for the debugger to calculate
a full debugger path, such as those noted with an asterisk ( * ) in Selecting Source
Lookup Containers, p.205 (project, workspace, and workspace folder).
This lack of information can possibly lead to errors in those operations that require
correct input paths, like planting breakpoints, so these source containers should be
used with caution. Instead, use Workspace Folder Substitution and
Filesystem Directory Substitution containers whenever possible.
Only the file name part of the debugger path is sent to the debugger when planting
breakpoints. This means that if there are multiple files with the same name in
different projects or folders, the breakpoint could be planted incorrectly.
To avoid this, select the Search for duplicate source files on the path checkbox.
This forces the debugger to search for all files that match the given debugger path,
and if duplicates are found, a dialog appears asking you to choose the correct file.
Browsing to Source
The Browse to Source wizard allows you to select the correct version of a file, and
then it creates the appropriate source container for you. This is useful if the
debugger opened the wrong version of a file and you want to create a source
lookup rule so that mistake will not happen again.
The wizard opens automatically when you select Browse to Source from the
Missing Source Editor, but you can open it manually by right-clicking on a stack
frame in the Debug view and selecting Browse to Source.
Source Location
Debugger Path
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Specify whether the source file is located in the Workspace or the Filesystem.
Host Path
If you selected Workspace, the Host path field displays the project folder, and
the field at the bottom of the wizard is called Folder selection.
Select the correct version of the file, then click Next.
■ Filesystem
If you selected Filesystem, the Host path field is empty, and the field at the
bottom of the wizard is called Directory contents. Type the path to the correct
directory on the host, or click Browse and navigate to it.
Select the file, then click Next.
The list of possible source containers that will locate the file you selected.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of container (as
discussed in the Note in Reverse Source Lookup, p.206).
Select the type of source container you would like to create, then click Next.
All Containers
The list of all source containers, with asterisks next to those that will find the
selected source file.
Select the source file to use for this file, then click Finish.
NOTE: You can review this list, and if necessary select a different source
container, by right-clicking a stack frame in the Debug view and selecting
Properties > Source Lookup.
15 Debugging Projects
15.6 Stepping Through Assembly Code
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: The assembly code shown will differ depending on your target.
With the assembly language code visible, you can step in and out of the inherited
parent class methods for C++ classes as your C++ code is executing.
For example, if you step into the call for the p object's Move method, you step into
the Move method code for the parent class BALL, as shown in Figure 15-8.
15 Debugging Projects
15.6 Stepping Through Assembly Code
Also you can see, at line 126, the call to the parent class constructor POINT::POINT,
which creates a new POINT object for the local variable new_position.
Additionally, you can see the call (for line 128) to the parent class operator method
POINT::operator +.
NOTE: This is all hidden when you debug just at the source code level.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The Disassembly view appears automatically if the Debug view cannot display the
appropriate source code file in the Editor (it appears as a tab in the Editor, labeled
with the target connection being debugged).
You can open the Disassembly view manually by clicking the Debug view’s
Toggle Disassembly/Instruction Step Mode toolbar button, or by selecting
Window > Show View > Other > Debug > Disassembly.
The Disassembly view shows source code from your file (when available),
interspersed with instructions generated by the compiler. As you step through
your code, the Disassembly view keeps track of the last four instructions where the
process was suspended. The current instruction is highlighted in the strongest
color, with each previous step fading in color intensity.
15 Debugging Projects
15.8 Run/Debug Preferences
If the Disassembly view displays a color band at the top and bottom (here, the band
is blue), then it is pinned to the process with that color context in the Debug view;
if no color band is displayed, then the view will update as you select different
processes in the Debug view.
For more information, open the view and press the help key for your host.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Integrating Plug-ins
16.1 Introduction
Because Wind River Workbench is based on Eclipse, you can incorporate other
Eclipse-based modules into Workbench without having to recompile or reinstall it.
These modules are called plug-ins, and they can deliver new functionality and tools
to your copy of Wind River Workbench.
Many developers enjoy creating new plug-ins and sharing their creations with
other Eclipse users, so you will find many Web sites with interesting tools and
programs available for you to download and incorporate into your Workbench
For plug-ins dependent on Java Development Tools (JDT) , see 16.6 Installing JDT
for Third-Party Plug-ins and Debugging, p.222 for help downloading the JDT.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
To make your plug-ins easier to manage, create a directory structure for them
outside your Workbench installation directory.
1. Create a directory to hold your plug-ins. It can have any descriptive name you
want, for example, eclipseplugins.
2. Inside this directory, create a directory for each plug-in you want to install.
These directories can also have any descriptive name you want, for example,
16 Integrating Plug-ins
16.3 Incorporating New Plug-ins into Workbench
NOTE: Before continuing, download the plug-in’s .zip or other archive file and 1
look at its contents. Some plug-ins provide the eclipse directory structure and
the .eclipseextension file for you, others do not.
If the destination path for the files begins with eclipse, and you see an
.eclipseextension file in the list, you may skip the rest of this section and
extract the plug-in’s files into the directory you created in step 2.
If the destination path begins with plugins and features, then you must
complete the rest of the steps in this section.
3. Inside each plug-in directory, create a directory named eclipse. This directory
must be named eclipse, and a separate eclipse directory is required inside each
plug-in directory.
4. Inside each eclipse directory, create an empty file named .eclipseextension.
This file must be named .eclipseextension (with no .txt or any other file
extension), and a separate .eclipseextension file is required inside each eclipse
5. Extract your plug-in into the eclipse directory. Two directories, called features
and plugins, appear in the directory alongside the .eclipseextension file.
NOTE: For any plug-in to work properly, its features and plugins directories
as well as an empty file called .eclipseextension must be located inside a
directory called eclipse.
Once you have created a plug-in directory structure and have found a plug-in you
want to use with Workbench, download and install it according to the instructions
provided by the plug-in’s developer (almost every plug-in comes with release
notes containing installation instructions).
This section will show you how to download and install a plug-in on Windows.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River recommends the IBM Rational ClearCase plug-in. To install it:
1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in 16.3.1 Creating a Plug-in Directory Structure, p.218.
For the purposes of this example, name the top-level directory eclipseplugins,
and name the plug-in directory clearcaseIBM.
2. Navigate to http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/downloads/ and
select the Plug-ins tab, then select ClearCase plugins. The IBM Rational
ClearCase plug-ins page opens.
3. Click the Get the downloads link, then click the HTTP link to the right of the
appropriate version of the package file.
■ Adapter V 7.0.0.x for Eclipse 3.3: Linux/Solaris
■ Adapter V 7.0.0.x for Eclipse 3.3: Windows
4. Extract the .zip file to your /eclipseplugins/clearcaseIBM directory.
The eclipse directory is created for you, and inside are two directories, called
features and plugins, alongside the .eclipseextension file.
1. Before starting Workbench, make sure that the ClearCase tools directory is in
your path:
■ /usr/atria/bin for Linux or Solaris
■ C:\atria\ClearCase\bin for Windows (this may vary)
2. Start Workbench, then select Help > Software Updates > Manage
The Product Configuration dialog appears.
3. Select Add an Extension Location in the Wind River Workbench pane.
4. Navigate to your eclipseplugins/plug-in/eclipse directory. Click OK.
5. Workbench will ask if you want to restart. To properly incorporate ClearCase
functionality, click Yes.
16 Integrating Plug-ins
16.4 Disabling Plug-in Functionality
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
For more information about using -configuration and other Eclipse startup
parameters, press the help key for your host, select All Topics, then Wind River
Partners Documentation > Eclipse Workbench User Guide > Tasks > Running
16 Integrating Plug-ins
16.6 Installing JDT for Third-Party Plug-ins and Debugging
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Using Workbench in an Eclipse
17.1 Introduction
It is possible to install Workbench in a standard Eclipse environment, though some
fixes and improvements that Wind River has made to Workbench will not be
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River tests, supports, and recommends using the JRE 1.5.0_11 for
Workbench plug-ins.
Wind River adds a package to that JRE version, and not having that package will
make the Terminal view inoperable.
Eclipse Version
Workbench 3.1 is based on Eclipse 3.4. Wind River patches Eclipse to fix some
Eclipse debugger bugs. These fixes will be lost when using a standard Eclipse
For supported and recommended host requirements for Workbench 3.1, see the
Getting Started for your VxWorks or Linux Platform product.
Eclipse uses different default preferences from those set by Workbench. The dialog
described in 17.3 Setting Up Workbench, p.226 allows you to select whether to use
Workbench preferences or existing Eclipse preferences.
In a standard Eclipse environment, the Eclipse branding (splash screen, welcome
screen, etc.) is used instead of the Wind River branding.
17 Using Workbench in an Eclipse Environment
17.4 Using CDT and Workbench in an Eclipse Environment
NOTE: Any errors discovered during installation appear in the Error Log view.
NOTE: When starting Eclipse after installing Workbench, you will see three errors
in the Error Log.
These errors are not a problem. They appear because Workbench ships some CDT
plug-ins that are already on your system, and Eclipse is reporting that the new
ones will not be installed over the existing ones.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Some menus and actions are slightly different when using CDT and Workbench
The context menu of the Project Explorer contains entries for Build Project and
Rebuild Project, but the Rebuild Project entry executes a normal build for CDT
projects. The Clean Project entry is missing for CDT projects.
The Run Native Application menu is enabled for CDT projects. When executed, it
creates a Workbench Native Application launch with correct parameters. Because
Workbench Native Application launches do not support debugging, to debug
your application you must create a CDT Local C/C++ Application launch from the
Run > Run As menu.
When selecting multiple projects (including Workbench and CDT projects) and
executing any build action, the build action is only executed on Workbench
The Workbench Project Explorer displays icons for the default editor of a file, if file
associations have been defined. If CDT is the default editor, the corresponding
icons will also show up in the Application Development perspective.
Source Analysis
Source analysis (rebuild, update, and freshen) is available from the Index entry on
the context menu of the Project Explorer.
17 Using Workbench in an Eclipse Environment
17.4 Using CDT and Workbench in an Eclipse Environment
When navigating to errors from the Workbench Build Console or the Problems
view, the file containing the error opens in the assigned editor.
The editor that should be used for files cannot be determined. It depends on the
settings defined in the appropriate plugin.xml files, and on the order in which the
Workbench and CDT plug-ins are loaded.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Only one default editor can be associated with each file type, and it is the same for
both perspectives. Files can be opened with the Open With menu, allowing you to
select the editor. When executed, that editor is associated with, and becomes the
default for, this specific file.
NOTE: To assign a default editor for all files with a given signature, you must
define a file association in the preferences by selecting Window > Preferences,
then choosing General > Editors > File Associations.
For example, to add a default editor for all *.c files, click Add and enter *.c. The list
of available editors appears. Select one, then click Default.
Regardless of any direct file association created using the Open With command,
the default editor opens when debugging a file.
For example, associating *.c files with the default Workbench editor opens the
Workbench editor in the CDT Debug and the Workbench Device Debug
The reverse is also true: if you associate a file type with the CDT editor, it will open
when those files are debugged even if you have made an association with a
different editor using Open With.
Using Workbench with Version
18.1 Introduction
This chapter provides tips on using Workbench with version-controlled files,
which Workbench project description files you should add to version control when
archiving your projects, and how to manage build output when your sources are
version controlled.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River does not recommend that you place the Eclipse workspace directory
in a view-private directory. If you create projects in the default location under the
workspace directory, ClearCase prompts you to add the project to source control.
This process requires all parent directories to be under source control, including
the workspace directory.
Instead, create workspace directories outside of a ClearCase view. If you want to
create projects under source control, you should unselect the Create project in
workspace check box in the project creation dialog and then navigate to a path in
a VOB.
In addition, you should also redirect all build output files to the local file system
by changing the Redirection root directory in the Build Properties > Build Paths
tab of your product. All build output files such as object files and generated
Makefiles will be redirected.
For more information about the redirecting build output and the redirection root
directory, open the build properties dialog, press the help key for your host, and
see the Build Paths section.
To launch Workbench from within a ClearCase view, you must specify a path to a
JVM outside of ClearCase using the -vm javapath option.
On Windows
If you launch Workbench from the Start menu, select All Programs > Wind River
> Workbench 3.x, then right-click Workbench 3.x and select Properties. Add -vm
javapath to the end of the path shown in the Target field.
If you created a desktop icon for Workbench during installation, follow the same
process. Right-click the icon and select Properties, then add -vm javapath to the
Target field.
18 Using Workbench with Version Control
18.2 Using Workbench with ClearCase Views
For VxWorks Image projects, it could occur that absolute paths are stored in the .wpj file, which
breaks any team support. You should avoid manually adding source files to a
VxWorks Image project that are referenced by absolute paths. The same is true for
any build macro in any project type containing absolute paths—they should be
substituted by environment variables (provided by wrenv for example) wherever
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Some files are regenerated each time you build your project, so they should not be
version controlled:
After installing the ClearCase plugin, you may be prompted to add any build
output files to ClearCase.
There are two ways to avoid this if you wish:
1. Using Workbench Preferences.
a. Open the Window > Preferences > Team > ClearCase SCM Adapter
preferences page.
b. From the When new resources are added pull-down list, select Do
18 Using Workbench with Version Control
18.3 Using Workbench with CVS
NOTE: If you use Workbench managed builds, they will automatically mark
the build output directories as derived so ClearCase will not try to add the
build output files to source control. If you use a different builder, you may
have to configure it to mark resources as derived.
This method is useful if you want to read an entire section of the document.
1. Open the Help view by pressing the help key for your host.
2. At the bottom of the view, click All Topics, then navigate to Wind River
Partners Documentation > Eclipse Workbench User Guide.
3. Sections related to using CVS include:
Getting Started > Team CVS tutorial
Concepts > Team programming with CVS
Tasks > Working in the team environment with CVS
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Using Workbench in a Team
19.1 Introduction
If you are working as part of a development team, this chapter will explain some
of the things you and your colleagues can do to ensure that your environments and
source files stay in sync.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Each time you or your team members customize the preference settings in
Window > Preferences, you drift farther from a synchronized team environment.
Some settings, such as the color used to display text in a particular editor, may not
impact the team’s effectiveness very much.
However, if you change a setting like Insert spaces for tabs, it could cause the code
you write to differ significantly from the team’s default style.
Workbench makes it easy to export your preferences, which can then be imported
by your team.
1. After updating and saving your preferences, select File > Export.
2. From the Export dialog, select General > Preferences, then click Next.
3. Decide whether you want to export all your preference settings, or choose
specific preferences to export.
4. Type the path or click Browse and navigate to the location where the
preferences file should be stored. If this is a new file, type in a file name (the
file extension of .epf is already filled in) and click Save, or if you want to
overwrite an existing preferences file, select it and click Save.
19 Using Workbench in a Team Environment
19.3 Multiple Users and Installations of Workbench
The same conditions apply here as they do for a single user with a single
installation, with the exception that a single administrative user often performs the
different Workbench installations. In this case it is important that the proper
permissions be granted to each user for access to his or her particular installation.
Multiple users can share a single Workbench installation as long as the access
rights allow them to read all files of the installation (same group as the user who
installed Workbench).
For performance reasons, it is desirable to have the workspace on a local file
system. Some Eclipse-specific data is stored in the user’s home directory by
default. If this is not desired because of slow network access, use the
-configuration startup option to redirect this data. See Eclipse Workbench User
Guide: Running Eclipse in the Workbench online help for more information on
startup options.
If a single user is installing Workbench more than once, it is important that the
configuration area not become corrupted. Different versions of Workbench will
not conflict, but for multiple installations of the same version for the same user,
different configuration areas should be specified at startup with the -configuration
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Workbench supports all the team features of the standard Eclipse installation as
documented in the online help supplied with Workbench.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
A.1 Introduction
This appendix displays some of the errors or problems that may occur at different
points in the development process, and what steps you can take to correct them. It
also provides information about the log files that Workbench can collect, and how
you can create a ZIP file of those logs to send to Wind River support.
If you are experiencing a problem with Workbench that is not covered in this
appendix, please see the Wind River Workbench Release Notes for your platform.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
On Linux or Solaris
Start Workbench from a terminal window, specifying a new workspace name:
$ ./startWorkbench.sh -data newWorkspace
NOTE: For details on Workbench startup options, press the help key for your
host, select All Topics, then see Wind River Partners Documentation >
Eclipse Workbench User Guide > Tasks > Running Eclipse.
A Troubleshooting
A.2 Startup Problems
2. If Workbench starts successfully, exit Workbench, then delete the old version
of your homeDir/.workbench-3.1 directory (the one you renamed).
3. Restart Workbench. The homeDir/.workbench-3.1 will be recreated and should
work correctly.
4. Because the .workbench-3.1 directory contains Eclipse configuration
information, any information about manually configured Eclipse extensions
or plug-ins will be lost when you delete the directory.
To make them available again within Workbench, re-register them
(Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration).
If Workbench starts and it does not detect a running Wind River registry, it
launches one. After you quit Workbench, the registry is kept running since it is
needed by all Wind River tools. You do not ever need to kill the registry.
If you do stop it, however, it stores its internal database in the file
If this file later becomes unwritable, the registry cannot start, and Workbench will
display an error.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
This error may also occur if you install Workbench to a directory to which you do
not have write access, such as installing Workbench as an administrator and then
trying to run it as yourself.
If you start Workbench and select a workspace, you may see a Workspace Cannot
be Locked error.
For example:
$ ./startWorkbench.sh -configuration /usr/local/yourName
A Troubleshooting
A.3 General Problems
NOTE: For details on Workbench startup options, press the help key for your 1
host, select All Topics, then see Wind River Partners Documentation >
Eclipse Workbench User Guide > Tasks > Running Eclipse.
3. On some window managers (e.g. gnome) you can close the Workbench
window without closing the program itself and deleting all running processes.
This results in running processes maintaining a lock on special files in the
workspace that mark a workspace as open.
To solve the problem, kill all Workbench and Java processes that have open file
handles in your workspace directory.
If the file pango.modules is not world readable for some reason, Workbench will
not start and you may see an error in a terminal window similar to
** (<unknown>:21465): WARNING **: No builtin or dynamically loaded modules
were found. Pango will not work correctly. This probably means there was an
error in the creation of:
You may be able to recreate this file by running pango-querymodules.
Changing the file’s permissions to 644 will cause Workbench to launch properly.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
NOTE: The Help button on Solaris keyboards does not open Workbench help
due to a problem in Solaris/GTK+. Instead, use Ctrl+F1 to access help.
The help system can sometimes fail to display help or other documentation due to
a problem in McAfee VirusScan 8.0.0i (and possibly other virus scanners as well).
For McAfee VirusScan 8.0.0i, the problem is known to be resolved with patch10
which can be obtained from Network Associates. As a workaround, the problem
can be avoided by making sure that McAfee on-access-scan is turned on and
allowed to scan the TEMP directory as well as *.jar files.
More details regarding this issue have been collected by Eclipse Bugzilla #87371 at
A Troubleshooting
A.4 Fixing Indexer Issues
If you have trouble deleting a target connection session for any reason, use wtxtcl.
1. Start wtxtcl from a terminal window.
% wtxtcl
3. Unregister the offending entry or entries (the full entry name must be used).
wtxtcl> wtxUnregister tgt_localhost@manebogad
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
If the files are not part of the current build-target, or all build targets in the project
are empty:
1. Add the files to the build-target. This changes the build, so you need to update
the index afterwards.
2. Activate the Index all files option of the indexer:
a. Open the project’s Properties dialog by right-clicking the project, then
selecting Properties.
b. Select C/C++ General > Indexer.
c. Select Enable project specific settings, then select Index all files to cause
all files of the project to be parsed.
A Troubleshooting
A.4 Fixing Indexer Issues
The problems in this section may appear regardless of whether the project is
managed or user-defined.
If the files have been excluded on the Sources / Filters tab on the C/C++
General > Paths and Symbols project property page:
1. Open the project’s Properties dialog by right-clicking the project, then
selecting Properties.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
2. Select C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols, then click the Sources / Filters
tab to bring it to the foreground.
3. Expand any source folder and check the filters below it.
4. Click Edit filter data to change exclusion filters.
Note that filtered paths are not parsed, and that you need to upate the index after
making these changes.
Outdated Index
NOTE: Changing include paths or symbols, for example by using the Build
Properties page or the Paths and Symbols property page, only has an
immediate affect on parsing modified and newly added files. Rebuild the
index manually if you need accurate source navigation.
A Troubleshooting
A.5 Optimizing Workbench Performance
Normally, the kernel is built with various optimization flags set. If you step
through kernel code, you will see the program counter marker jump around as you
step through the optimized and re-ordered instructions. This is normal, and
proves that optimization was applied.
This also occurs for kernel modules if you compile without overriding the
optimization level, becaus,e by default, all kernel modules built against a kernel
will inherit its optimization. You can be overcome this by changing a build
command field before you build, so that the build does not try to optimize code.
Right-click the Kernel Module Project (Linux) or the DKM (VxWorks) , and select
Properties > Build Properties
In Linux, change the Build command to:
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
make COPTIMIZE="-O0"
NOTE: The end of the command is a dash, a capital letter O, and a zero.
When you next build the module, it will have minimum optimization.
Sometimes you may find behavior like a step-next that does not break on the next
step. In this example, the compiler may have created two in-line copies when
optimizing the code, where the breakpoint was set in the first copy, but the code
may branch into the second copy. This is a limitation of some ELF formats, and a
resulting optimization and context awareness issue for the debugger.
You can try switching to mixed assembly and source stepping, where you step the
actual assembly instructions, but the best choice is to remove the optimization for
the module and retest.
To help the workflow, Workbench has disabled the automatic project refresh after
builds so that the user can immediately choose the next task. As a result, you need
to manually refresh the build directory whenever you wish to see any new or
revised file in it (this refreshes any stale file handles in the Project Explorer).
If you need to browse the build directory, use Source Analysis (in Linux, you may
also use the Quilt patch mechanism), right-click the project and select:
Add link to build folder (Linux)
TBD (VxWorks)
You may choose to disable the automatic workspace refresh when starting
Workbench, particularly when you have one or more platform or DKM projects.
To do this, select Window > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown, and
de-select Refresh workspace on startup.
A Troubleshooting
A.6 Error Messages
When you need to browse the build tree, you can always manually refresh that
directory by right-clicking on the project (or specifically the build entry) and
selecting Refresh.
Hovering your mouse over the icon displays a pop-up with a synopsis of the error.
Later, if you closed the error dialog but want to see the entire error message again,
double-click the icon to display the error dialog or look in the Eclipse Log, p.267.
This section explains error messages that appear in each Workbench component.
For general information about the Project System, see 3. Projects Overview.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
If you deleted a project from the Project Explorer but chose not to delete the project
contents from your workspace, then you try to create a new project with the same
name as the old project, you will see the following error:
If you click Yes, your old project contents will be overwritten with the new project.
If you want to recreate the old project in Workbench, click No, then right-click in
the Project Explorer, select Import, then select Existing Project into Workspace.
Type the name of your old project, or browse to the old project directory in your
workspace, click OK, then click Finish. Your old project will appear in the Project
When Workbench creates a project, it creates a .wrproject file and other metadata
files it needs to track settings, preferences, and other project-specific information.
So if your source files are in a read-only location, Workbench cannot create your
project there.
To work around this problem, you must create a new project in your workspace,
then create a folder that links to the location of your source files using one of the
following options:
1. Create a project in your workspace by selecting File > New > project type.
2. Type in a name for your project, select Create project in workspace with
content at external location.
A Troubleshooting
A.6 Error Messages
3. Type the path or click Browse and navigate to your source root directory, then
click OK.
4. Click Next and adjust any settings as necessary on the next few screens.
5. Click Finish to create your project.
6. Click the plus next to the folder to open it, and you will see the source files
from your read-only source directory.
1. Create a new project in your workspace (any project type supports this).
2. In a command shell, create a symbolic link to the read-only directory in the
project root directory.
3. In the Project Explorer, press F5 to refresh the display. The directory and all
sources in it appear.
For general information about the Build System, see 8. Building Projects.
If you try to build a project while you have a target connection active in the Remote
Systems view, you may see an error. This happens when any of the files that need
to be built contain symbol information, and therefore have been locked by the
You can continue your build by clicking OK, but be advised that you will need to
disconnect your target and restart the build if you see an Build Console error
message similar to dld: Can’t create file XXX: Permission denied.
To avoid this problem, Workbench loads files up to a certain size completely into
memory so no file lock is needed. To specify the largest symbol file that can be
loaded into memory, select Window > Preferences > Wind River > Debug Server
Settings > Symbol File Handling Settings and specify a file size up to 60M.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Workflow for Cases Where You Need to Continually Rebuild Objects in Use by Your Target
The best workflow for cases where you continually need to rebuild objects that are
in use by your target is as follows:
Create a launch configuration for your debugging task. When you need to
disconnect your target in order to free your images for the build process, the
launch configuration allows you to automatically connect, build, download,
and run your process with a single click.
You can specify that your project should be rebuilt before it is launched by
selecting Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching, and then
selecting Build (if required) before launching. For more information about
launch configurations, see 14. Launching Programs.
■ When you work with processes or RTPs, make sure that your process is
terminated before you rebuild or relaunch. You can then safely ignore the
warning (and check the Do not show this dialog again box).
■ When you work with Downloadable Kernel Modules or user-built kernel
images, just let the build proceed. If the Link error message appears, either
disconnect your target or unload all modules, then rebuild or relaunch.
Workflow for Using On-Chip Debugging to Debug Standalone Modules Loaded on Your Target
A Troubleshooting
A.6 Error Messages
If you have trouble building projects that you imported from a previous version of
Workbench, check if the .wrproject file contains an entry for platform. If not, the
project is not compatible and has to be patched to work with the newest version of
To patch the .wrproject file:
1. Open the file with the Workbench text editor by right-clicking the file in the
Project Explorer, then selecting Open With > Text Editor.
2. Locate the line at the beginning of the file similar to:
<properties root="1" type="RealTimeProcessProject"/>
5. Save and close the .wrproject file. Your project should now build properly.
Build All Command also Builds Projects Whose Resources have not Changed
Workbench may enter a state where selecting Project > Build All builds projects
whose resources have not changed since the last build.
This happens only if Auto-Build (Project > Build Automatically) was previously
enabled. If you switch this feature off, you must do a manual clean for all projects
(Project > Clean) in order to re-enable building for previously built projects.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
For information about the Remote Systems view, see 10. Connecting to Targets.
A Troubleshooting
A.6 Error Messages
communication link is correct. If there are errors, you can use the WTX and
WDB logs to track down what is wrong with the target.
If you get an RPC timeout error when connecting to a target, it means that either
the agent or the target server is not responsive. There can be many reasons for this:
■ The agent died, or is busy.
■ The target crashed.
■ The target server is doing something heavy (like a load operation).
■ The host’s CPU is loaded with another process.
To work around this problem, try changing the default timeouts:
1. Change the WTX client timeout by selecting Window > Preferences, then
selecting Wind River > Target Management and adding a few seconds to the
fields under Communication timeouts.
2. Change the Backend request timeout by right-clicking your target connection
in the Remote Systems view, then selecting Properties.
a. On the Target Server Options tab, click Edit beside the Options field.
b. On the Common tab, add a few seconds to the Backend request timeout.
If adjusting the timeouts does not help, you can use the WTX and WDB log files,
or the target server output, to track down the problem. For more information about
collecting log files, see A.8 Error Logs Generated by Workbench, p.266.
If you try to run a task or launch an RTP and the Remote Systems view is unable
to comply, it will display an Exception on Attach error containing useful
Build errors can lead to a problem launching your task or process; if one of the
following suggestions does not solve the problem, try launching one of the
pre-built example projects delivered with Workbench.
If the host shell was running when you tried to launch your task or process, try
closing the host shell and launching again.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
If you get an error when launching a VxWorks RTP from a Red Hat Workstation
(update 3) host system, try these steps:
1. Delete boothost: from the beginning of the Exec Path on Target field of the
Run Real-time Process dialog.
2. Add a new object path mapping to the target server connection properties that
does not have boothost: in the host path.
You will see an error similar to “Failed to launch Kernel Task name on
connection@host: Symbol not found” if you try to run a kernel task without first
downloading it to your target.
Processes can be run directly from the Project Explorer, but kernel tasks must be
downloaded before running. Right-click the output file, select Download, fill in
the Download dialog, then click OK.
If you see this error and you did download the file, open a host shell for your
connection, and try to run the task from the host shell. Type:
lkup entrypoint
If you built a project with a build spec for one target, then try to download the
output file to a different target (for example, you build the project for the
simulator, but now you want to run it on a hardware target), you will see an error
similar to “WTX Loader Error: Object module not appropriate”.
To select the correct build spec, right-click the output file in the Project Explorer,
select Set Active Build Spec, select the appropriate build spec from the dialog,
then rebuild your project.
Your project should now download properly.
If the Exec Path on Target field of the Run Real-time Processes dialog does not
contain the correct target-side path to the executable file (if, for example, it contains
A Troubleshooting
A.6 Error Messages
the equivalent host-side path instead) you will see an error similar to “Failed to
launch RTP name on connection@host. Create failed. Target name reported:
Unlike with kernel modules, RTP executable files are accessed and loaded from the
target, not from the host running Workbench, so if the target-side path looks
correct but you still get this error, recheck the path you gave.
Even if you used the Browse button to locate the file, it will be located in the host
file system. The Object Path Mapping that is defined for your target connection
will translate it to a path in the target file system, which is then visible in the Exec
Path edit field. If your Object Path Mapping is wrong, the Exec Path will be wrong;
correctly specifying the path may involve including the proper device name in
front of the path. For example:
$ host:d:/my.vxe
If you have trouble running your process from the Run Process or Run Real-time
Process dialog, try these steps:
1. If the error Cannot create context appears, verify that the Exec Path on Target
is a path that is actually visible on the target (and does not contain the
equivalent host-side path instead).
a. Right-click the process executable in the Project Explorer or right-click
Processes or Real-time Processes in the Remote Systems view and select
Run Real-time Process.
2. If the program runs but symbols are not found, manually load the symbols by
right-clicking the process and selecting Load Symbols.
3. Check your Object Path Mappings to be sure that target paths are mapped to
the correct host paths.
a. Open a host shell and type:
ls execpath
to see if the prefix of the Exec Path (for example, host:) is correct.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
4. If the Exec Path is correct, try increasing the back-end timeout value of your
target server connection.
5. From a target shell or Linux console, try to launch the RTP or process.
6. Verify that the vxWorks or kernel node in the Remote Systems view has a
small S added to the icon, indicating that symbols have been loaded for the
If not, verify that the last line of the Object Path Mappings table displays a
target path of <any> corresponding to a host path of
<leave path unchanged>.
If you click the Debug icon (or click the Debug button from the Launch
Configuration dialog) and get a “Cannot create context” error, check the Exec Path
on the Main tab of the Debug dialog to be sure it is correct. Also check your
Object Path Mappings.
If you still get the error, check to be sure that the process you are trying to run is a
Real-time Process, and not a Downloadable Kernel Module or some other type of
For general information about launch configurations, see 14. Launching Programs.
A Troubleshooting
A.6 Error Messages
If you are having trouble working with shared libraries, try these steps:
1. If you are trying to run an executable and shared libraries located on your host
machine's disk, make sure you can see the host machine's disk and the location
of the shared libraries from the target.
Use a target shell, or the @ls command from a host shell, to check this.
2. Set SHAREDLIB_VERSION to 1 in order to generate the proper versioned
shared object.
3. Make sure that a copy of libc.so.1 is located in a place where the RTP has
access to it. By default it should be located with the executable files, but you
may locate it elsewhere as long as you use the compiler's -rpath option or the
environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
If at any point Workbench is unable to open the cross reference database, you will
see an error similar to “Failed to open database containing cross references”.
There are many reasons the cross reference database may be inaccessible,
■ The database was not closed properly at the end of the last Workbench session
running within the same workspace. This happens if the process running
Workbench crashed or was killed.
■ Various problems with the file system, including wrong permissions, a
network drive that is unavailable, or a disk that is full.
You have several choices for how to respond to this error dialog:
Retry – Perform the same operation again, possibly with the same failure.
Recover – Open the database and attempt a repair operation. This may take
some time but you may recover your cross reference data.
Clear Database – Delete the database and create a new one. All cross reference
data is lost and your workspace will be reparsed the next time you open the
call hierarchy.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Close – Close the database. No cross reference data is available, nor will it be
generated. At the beginning of the next Workbench session, an attempt to open
the database will be made again.
NOTE: To discontinue logging for those logs that are not always enabled, clear the
boxes on the Target Server Options tab, or restart Workbench without the
additional options.
Once all the logs you are interested in have been enabled, Workbench
automatically collects the information as you work.
To create a ZIP file to send to a Wind River support representative:
1. Select Help > Collect Log Files. The dialog box opens.
A Troubleshooting
A.8 Error Logs Generated by Workbench
2. Type the full path and filename of the ZIP file you want to create (or browse
to a location and enter a filename), select any projects whose build log and
config.log you want to include in the ZIP, then click Finish.
3. The ZIP file is created in the specified location, and contains all information
collected to that point.
4. To discontinue logging (for those logs that are not always enabled), restart
Workbench without the additional options, or follow these steps:
a. Right-click the connection in the Remote Systems view, then select
b. On the Target Server Options tab, click Edit in the Advanced Target
Server Options section.
c. On the Logging tab, uncheck the boxes of the logs you want to disable.
The information displayed in the Error Log view is a subset of this log’s contents.
What is Logged
■ all uncaught exceptions thrown by Eclipse Java code
■ most errors and warnings that display an error dialog in Workbench
■ additional warnings and informational messages
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The DFW GDB/MI log is a record of all communication and state changes between
the debugger back end (the “debugger framework” or DFW) and other views
within Workbench, including the Remote Systems, debugger, and OCD views.
What is Logged
All commands sent between Workbench and the debugger back end.
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
What is Logged
Internal exceptions in the debugger back end, as well as all commands sent
between Workbench and the debugger back end.
A Troubleshooting
A.8 Error Logs Generated by Workbench
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
You must enable this log before you start Workbench. Do this by adding these
parameters to the Workbench executable command:
-vmargs -DDFE.Debug=true
What is Logged
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
You must enable this log before you start Workbench. Do this by adding these
parameters to the Workbench executable command:
-vmargs -DDFE.Debug=true
What is Logged
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
You must enable this log before you start Workbench. Do this by adding these
parameters to the Workbench executable command:
-vmargs -DDFE.Debug=true
What is Logged
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
This log contains the messages printed by the target server while running. These
messages typically indicate errors during various requests sent to it, such as load
operations. Upon startup, if a fatal error occurs (such as a corefile checksum
mismatch) then this error will be printed before the target server exits.
A Troubleshooting
A.8 Error Logs Generated by Workbench
Enable this log from the command line using the -l path/filename and -lm
maximumFileSize options to the target server executable. For more information
about target server commands, press the help key for your host, click Search,
and type tgtsvr into the Search expression field.
What is Logged
fatal errors on startup, such as library mismatches and errors during exchange
with the registry
■ standard errors, such as load failure and RPC timeout
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
What is Logged
Each WDB request sent to the agent. For more information about WDB services,
press the help key for your host, click Wind River Documentation > References >
Host Tools > Wind River WDB Protocol API Reference.
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
What is Logged
Each WTX request sent to the target server. For more information about WTX
services, see Wind River Documentation > References > HostTools > WTX C
Library Reference > wtxMsg.
A Troubleshooting
A.9 Technical Support
target server
target agent
No. You may send this log to Wind River support, but no instructions are provided
for how to interpret the information contained in it.
This log prints useful information about creation and modification of Remote
Systems view internal structures, as well as inconsistencies or warning conditions
in the subsystems the Remote Systems view interoperates with.
You must enable this log before you start Workbench. Do this by adding these
parameters to the Workbench executable command:
-debug -vmargs -Dcom.windriver.ide.target.DEBUG=1.
What is Logged
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Command-line Updating of
Specify the location of the wrws_update script, or add it to your path and execute
it with optional parameters, for example:
$ wrws_update.sh -data workspace_dir
NOTE: The workspace must be closed for the command to execute. This includes
closing all instances of the Workbench GUI that are accessing this workspace.
If you do not specify any options to the command, all update operations are
performed (-all projects, -generate makefiles, --update symbols, -update index).
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
General Options
-h, --help
Print command help.
-q, --quiet
Do not produce standard output.
Eclipse Options
-data workspace_dir
The script uses the default workspace (if known), but it can also update other
workspaces by specifying the -data workspace_dir option, just as Workbench
does. (The script accepts the same command-line options as Workbench. For
example, to increase virtual memory specify -vmargs -Xmxmem_size.)
Global Options
-a, --all-projects
Update all projects. This option will force all closed projects to be opened;
opened projects will be closed after finishing the update.
-l, --specify-list-of-projects argument
Specify a list of projects to be updated. This option reduces the scope of the
nightly update to the specified list of projects. Needed closed projects will be
opened and unneeded opened ones closed. After finishing the update the
previous state is restored. Separate the items in the list with commas ( , ). For
$ cobble,helloWorld
B Command-line Updating of Workspaces
Build Options
-b, --build-projects argument
Launch build for projects. Several strings are valid as arguments, including:
build (default), clean, and rebuild. All open projects in the workspace are
built in the correct build order. It is not required to specify a list of projects
using the -l option.
-e, --enableTraceBuild
Enable trace build output.
Launch Options
-i, --update-index
Update search-database index.
-m, --generate-makefiles
Regenerate makefiles where necessary.
-s, --update-symbols argument
Update symbol database (source analysis). To create the data from scratch, you
can supply rebuild as argument.
-t, --create-team-symbols argument
Export symbol databases for shared use in a team. The argument is a quoted
comma-separated list of options. Valid options are timestamp, readonly, and
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Any errors that might occur during the updates are printed out to standard error
output. Other information (for example, status, what has been done, and so on) are
printed out to standard output.
Command-line Importing of
C.1 Introduction
The Workbench installation includes a wrws_import script that allows you to
import existing projects into workspaces from the command-line. The following
section provides a reference page for the command.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Specify the location of the wrws_import script or add it to your path and execute
it with optional parameters, for example:
$ wrws_import.sh -data workspace_dir
General Options
Eclipse Options
-data workspace_dir
Specify the Eclipse workspace with this option. If this option is not given, the
default workspace is used.
C Command-line Importing of Projects
C.2 wrws_import Reference
NOTE: This script will not stop or fail if some projects already exist in the
Workspace, the way the Import existing projects into workspace wizard does. It
will just print out the information and continue.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Configuring a Wind River
Proxy Host
D.1 Introduction
The Wind River proxy allows you to access targets not directly accessible to your
Workbench host. For example, you might run the proxy server on a firewall and
use it to access multiple targets behind the firewall.
The proxy supports TCP, UDP, and TIPC (Linux only) connections with targets.
Many different host tools and target agents can be connected. A simple illustration
of this is shown in Figure D-1.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Target with
Target supplying
Workbench Host remote kernel
with Data Monitor metrics to
Data Monitor
Node on TIPC
The proxy host itself can be one that runs any operating system supported for
Workbench hosts or any host running Wind River Linux. You run the wrproxy
command supplied with Workbench on the proxy host and configure it to route
access from various tools to specific targets. The mapping is done by TCP/IP port
number, so that access to a particular port on the proxy host is directed to a
pre-defined target. You can start wrproxy and then manually configure it, or you
can create a configuration script that wrproxy reads at startup.
D Configuring a Wind River Proxy Host
D.2 Configuring wrproxy
To configure wrproxy manually, start it with a TCP/IP port number that you will
use as the proxy control port, for example:
$ ./wrproxy -p 1234 &
my_target login:
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
If you are typically using the same Wind River proxy configurations each time, it
can be useful to use a startup script to configure it rather than doing it manually.
You can cause wrproxy to read a startup script by invoking it as wrproxy -s
startupscript. The script contains the commands that configure wrproxy as well as
comments that begin with the # character. A simple startup script that configures
the same port setup performed manually in the previous example might look like
# This is an example of a wrproxy startup script
create type=tcpsock;port=23;tgt=my_target;pport=1235
# end of script
When you start wrproxy with this script, it gets configured as in the previous
example and sends input and output to standard output:
$ ./wrproxy -s wrproxy_startup &
[2] 6660
Executing startup script...
create type=tcpsock;port=23;tgt=my_target;pport=1235
ok pport=1235
ok pport=1235;type=tcpsock;port=23;tgt=my_target
Since no control port was specified with the -p option at startup, the default port
17476 is used.
The startup script accepts the create, list, and delete commands as described in
Configuration Commands, p.287.
D Configuring a Wind River Proxy Host
D.3 wrproxy Command Summary
The following section summarizes all of the Wind River proxy commands.
NOTE: For all commands, unknown parameters are ignored: they are not
considered errors. In addition, the client should not make any assumption on the
number of values returned by the command as this could be changed in the future.
For example, the create command always returns the value for pport but more
information could be returned in a future version of the Wind River proxy.
Invocation Commands
Configuration Commands
You can use the following commands interactively, and except for the connect
command you can use all of them in a Wind River proxy startup script.
Create a new Wind River proxy connection and automatically connect to it. Unlike
the create command (see create, p.289), the connection is established immediately
and all packets sent to the connection are immediately routed between the target
and host.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
connect type=type;mode=mode;proto=proto; connection_specific_parameters
Where port is the TCP/UDP port number and tgtAddr is the target IP
tipcsock connection (Linux only):
Where tipcPortType is the TIPC port type, tipcPortInstance is the TIPC port
instance and tgtAddr is the TIPC target address.
D Configuring a Wind River Proxy Host
D.3 wrproxy Command Summary
The response of the Wind River proxy to the connect command is a string as
error errorString
Create a new proxy port mapping to a target. The connection is not established
immediately as with the connect command (see connect, p.287) but only when a
client connects to the specified port number.
create type=type;port=port;tgt=target;pport=pport
NOTE: If you do not assign a port number, the default value of 0x4444 is used.
tgt is the host name or IP address of the target when type is tcpsock or
udpsock, and port provides the UDP or TCP port number. When type is
tipcsock this is the target TIPC address, and tipcpi provides the TIPC port
instance and tipcpt provides the TIPC port type.
pport specifies the TCP port number that clients (host tools) should connect to
for connection to target_host. This should be a unique number less than 65536
not used as a port by any other application, and it should be greater than 1024
which is the last of the reserved port numbers.
NOTE: If you do not specify a pport value, one will be assigned automatically
and returned in the command output.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
delete pport=port_number
To delete the proxy configuration of a specific port, use the delete command with
the port number, for example:
$ telnet localhost 1234
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
delete pport=1235
telnet> q
Connection closed.
For example, to list your current configuration, connect to the proxy control port
and enter the list command:
$ telnet localhost 1234
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
ok pport=1235;type=tcpsock;port=23;tgt=my_target
Configuring Firewalls for
Host-Target Interaction
E.1 Introduction
Workbench has the ability to interact with a target over numerous ports. These
ports could be physical ports (serial, parallel, communication) or TCP/IP ports
(TCP and UDP). Data passage using TCP/IP can be denied by firewalls that can
“close” ports. This chapter lists ports on the host machine that are required to be
open by processes/daemons responsible for information exchange between a
connected target and the host.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
TCP Port
Number Description
21 The default port for FTP. If using an FTP server that forces passive
mode, higher numbered ports may have to be opened.
22 The default port for SSH. Both SSH1 and SSH2 connections use this
513 The default port for rlogin. Note that on UNIX systems, local port
range 512-1023 is restricted to root for security reasons.
WDB agent
Using the wdbrpc backend, wdbrpc acts as a server for requests sent by the target
UDP port 0x4321 (17185) on the target. Dynamic (between 400 and 1024 UDP) on
Change by invoking tgtsvr with the -p option:
E Configuring Firewalls for Host-Target Interaction
E.3 Wind River Components
System Viewer
The Event Receive utility allows a remote host to listen for an incoming connection
from a target that has an event buffer to upload.
TCP 6164 on the host. Each new log will use the last used port incremented by 1.
Change by selecting Analyze >> Event Receive and modifying the value for Port
The netDrv driver typically uses the ftp or rsh protocols to transfer data between
the target and host.
Daemon registry service that maintains a database of target servers, boards, and so
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
The KGDB connection can also be accomplished using Telnet, in which case TCP
23 will be used.
QEMU Deployment
E Configuring Firewalls for Host-Target Interaction
E.3 Wind River Components
TCP 17476.
Change by executing wrproxy with the -p option.
wrproxy -p 17444
Using tgtsvr
Dynamic on host (UDP 400 through 1024).
UDP 17185 on target.
Using TCP
Dynamic on host (TCP 1024 through 5000).
Dynamic on target (TCP 49152 through 49407).
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
To switch from the document you were reading back to the search results,
click Back.
To see where this topic’s document appears in the help Table of Contents,
click the Show in All Topics icon in the upper right corner of the help
If the result set is very large, the information you are looking for might not appear
in the top 10 or 15 results.
To refine a search to reduce the number of results, you can create a Search Scope
Set that will search only Wind River documentation:
1. Click Search at the bottom of the Help view.
2. Click the Default link next to Search Scope.
3. In the Select Search Scope Sets dialog box, click New.
4. Type in a name for your new Scope Set, for example WR Documentation.
Click OK.
5. Select your new Search Scope Set, then click Edit.
6. In the Search Scope dialog box, click Search only the following topics.
7. From the Working set content pane, select the document sets to which you
want to narrow the search, for instance Wind River Documentation >
8. Click OK twice to return to the help browser, where your new search scope
appears next to the Search scope link.
9. Click Go. The results will appear in the Search list.
For more information about online help, click All Topics, then navigate to
Wind River Partner Documentation > Eclipse Workbench User Guide > Tasks >
Accessing help.
F Glossary
F.2 Glossary of Terms
active view
The view that is currently selected, as shown by its highlighted title bar. Many
menus change based on which is the active view, and the active view is the focus
of keyboard and mouse input.
back end
Functionality configured into a target server on the host determines how it will
communicate with a particular target agent on the target.
For example, in VxWorks, you use a wdbrpc back end for Ethernet connections,
wdbpipe for VxWorks simulators, wdbserial for serial connections, and
wdbproxy for UDP, TCP, and TIPC connections. (The target server must be
configured with a back end that matches the target agent interface with which
VxWorks has been configured and built. )
A Board Support Package (BSP) consists primarily of the hardware-specific code for
a particular target board. A BSP includes facilities for hardware initialization,
interrupt handling and generation, hardware clock and timer management,
mapping of local and bus memory space, and so on.
The type of project built: managed build by default (formerly flexible build); and also
a deprecated but still available standard managed build (sometimes known as a
standard build). There are also user-defined and disabled builds.
build spec
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
color context
The color assigned to a particular process in the Debug view; this color carries over
to breakpoints in the Editor and to other views that derive their context from the
Debug view.
The process of writing code on one system, known as the host, that will run on
another system, known as the target.
debuggable objects
Debuggable objects are the executable application files, kernels, kernel modules,
and libraries that can be accessed by both the host and target. These objects are
ideally compiled without optimization, but with the appropriate debug flags (for
example with -g, or -g-dwarf-2). They can not be stripped of symbols.
disabled build
Project builds for which Workbench provides no build support at all. Useful for
projects or folders that contain, for example, only header or documentation files
that do not need to be built.
F Glossary
F.2 Glossary of Terms
The left vertical border of the editor view where breakpoints and the program
counter appear.
help key
The help key (or combination of keys) is determined by your host platform: press
F1 on Windows, or Ctrl+F1 on Linux and Solaris.
Press the help key in Workbench to get context-sensitive help.
host shell
A Wind River command shell that provides a command-line environment for GDB
and KGDB debugging. The host shell also provides Tcl scripting support.
In Linux, a hunk is a contiguous group of source lines generated when the diff
program is applied to compare files. The patch program and the Quilt patch
program based upon it use diff to create patches, which are then internally
represented as one or more hunks to apply to a file to patch it.
kernel mode
For Linux 2.6 and higher kernels, two connection modes are supported: kernel and
user mode connections. Kernel mode connections allow kgdb debugging of the
kernel in a manner analogous to debugging applications in user mode.
The editor that allows you to configure the kernel of a VxWorks Image project.
kernel module
A piece of code, such as a device driver, that can be loaded and unloaded without
the need to rebuild and reboot the kernel.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
launch configuration
managed build
A build for which Workbench controls all phases, available for all project types
except user-defined projects.
The object path mappings specify where the debuggable objects are to be found for
both the debugger running on the host and the target. In Workbench, this is set
within the Remote Systems view’s Target Connection Properties.
overview ruler
The vertical borders on each side of the Editor view. Breakpoints, bookmarks, and
other indicators appear in the overview ruler.
A perspective is a group of views and Editors. One or more perspectives can exist
in a single Workbench window, each perspective containing one or more views
and Editors. Within a window, each perspective may have a different set of views
but all perspectives share the same set of Editors.
Default Workbench perspectives include the Application Development and
Device Debug perspectives, but if you click Window > Open Perspective > Other,
additional perspectives (such as those installed with Data Analysis Tools) are
available to you.
F Glossary
F.2 Glossary of Terms
An independent module, available from Wind River, the Eclipse Foundation, or
from many Internet Web sites, that delivers new functionality to Workbench
without the need to recompile or reinstall it.
program counter
A collection of source code files, build settings, and binaries used to create a
downloadable application or bootable system image, a kernel or RTP application,
and so on.
Projects can be linked together in a hierarchical structure (displayed as a
project/subproject tree in the Project Explorer) that reflects their inner
dependencies, and therefore the order in which they should be compiled and
The registry associates a target server’s name with the network address needed to
connect to that target server, thereby allowing you to select a target server by a
convenient name.
The opposite of cross-development. The debugger and the application are running
on the same machine.
The source lookup path specifies the location that the Workbench debugger uses
to identify and open each source file as it is being debugged. This is set in the
Debug view in Workbench.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Synonymous, deprecated project build types suitable for projects with build
structures similar to the file system structure.
system mode
When in system mode, the debugger is focused on kernel processes and threads.
When a process is suspended, all processes stop. Compare with user mode.
target agent
The target agent runs on the target, and is the interface between VxWorks or Wind
River Linux and all other Wind River Workbench tools running on the host or
target server
The target server runs on the host, and connects Wind River Workbench tools to
the target agent. There is one server for each target; all host tools access the target
through this server.
title bar
A view’s title bar contains the view name, its icon, and the view toolbar. A
highlighted title bar denotes the active view.
A view’s toolbar contains actions that apply only to that view (for example, Step
Over in the Debug view). The toolbar also contains a context menu that contains
other actions for that view.
The main Workbench toolbar contains actions such as Search that apply to
Workbench as a whole or that reflect the components that are installed.
user-defined build
Project builds for which you set up and maintain your own build system and
Makefiles, and for which Workbench provides minimal support beyond a GUI
F Glossary
F.2 Glossary of Terms
launch, make rules expressed in the Project Explorer, and build output to the Build
user mode
When in user mode, the debugger is focused on user applications and processes.
When a process is suspended, other processes continue to run. Compare with
system mode. For Linux 2.6 and higher kernels, user mode is a separate connection
type. Compare to kernel mode.
working set
Resources you select to view or operate on as a group. For example, you can create
a working set to speed up a search by restricting its scope. A working set can also
help you focus by reducing the number of projects visible in the Project Explorer,
the number of symbols displayed in the Outline view, and so on.
The central location for all the resources you see in Workbench: your projects,
folders, and files. Workbench uses the workspace to store settings that describe
your working environment: which projects and views are currently open, how you
have your views arranged within the perspective, whether you have breakpoints
set, and so on.
The default location of the workspace is installDir/workspace. To keep your
projects completely isolated from each other, you can create more than one
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
To share the build objects of your projects with a target, the workspace (directory)
may be in a file system that is exported to the target, or you may redirect build
objects from your workspace to a location exported to the target.
NOTE: This use of the term workspace is entirely different from the flash
workspace, which is a small area of RAM needed to run the flash algorithm; that
sense of the term is restricted to flash programming.
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
N processes
attaching to running 176
Native Application disconnecting debugger 198
project project
creating 52 boot loader 39
native application build
project properties, accessing 104
build specs 54 remote 135
creating 52 system 45
target nodes 54 closing 67, 68
Navigate menu 69 create
navigation 68 for read-only sources 256
New Connection wizard 146 creating 35
nodes for read-only sources 256
moving and (un-)linking project 71 creating new 35
resources and logical 69 Customer Specific
Linux Application 38
Linux Kernel 38
description files, version control of 233
O execution environment 47
files, version control of 233
object path mappings names 34
comparison with source lookup path 204 nodes
opening manipulating 71
build properties dialog 104 moving and (un-)linking 71
new window 68 opening 67
project, in new window 68 project structures 36
operating systems, multiple 105 properties
creating project.properties file 47
limitations of project.properties files 49
using from the command line 48
P using with a shell 49
wrenv syntax 48
pango error 247
real-time process 40
parser, binary image files 73
scoping 68
path variable 100
settings, modifying 36
path variables 100
shared library 41
sharing subprojects 46
activating 221
source build 39
adding an extension location 220
creating a directory structure 218
and build system 45
creating a Workbench plug-in for Eclipse 225
and host directory structure 44
installing ClearCase 219
troubleshooting imported 259
web sites 218
user-defined 98
post-launch command (Launch Control) 178
pre-launch command (Launch Control) 178
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1
Wind River Workbench
User's Guide, 3.1