Booty by Bret Month 56
Booty by Bret Month 56
Booty by Bret Month 56
There will be up to three options with each movement for the full body days
depending on the equipment you have available.
Choose only ONE exercise per movement according to your set up:
The workout log will be left blank for you to fill in the exercise of choice for
each movement pattern.
*Remember – you have a free ten minute s at the end of your full body
workouts to add in some exercises you’d like to focus more on.
**You can join our Facebook Community Group using the name and email address you used to sign up
for the Booty by Bret service**
1|Pa g e
MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
Day 1
Option A Option B Option C
( F u l l g y m a c c e ss) ( Du m b b el l s/ b a n d s ) ( N o eq u i p m en t )
Rest between sets: 2-4min Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 2-3min
Rest between sets: 2-4min Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 1-3min
2|Pa g e
MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
Day 2
Option A Option B Option C
( F u l l g y m a c c e ss) ( Du m b b el l s/ b a n d s ) ( N o eq u i p m en t )
Barbell Hip Thrust* Partner Hip Thrust
Single-Leg Hip Thrust 1 ¼
1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 6 3 x AMRAP
3 x 12 each leg
Rest between sets: 3-5min Rest between sets: 2-4min Rest between sets: 2-3min
Dumbbell Standing
Military Press* Pike Push-Up
Shoulder Press
1 x 8, 1 x 6, 1 x 4 3 x AMRAP
3 x 10
Rest between sets: 2-4min Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 1-3min
Pause Front Squat Deficit Bodyweight
Heels-Elevated Dumbbell Squat
(3-second bottom pause) Bulgarian Split Squat
3 x 15
3x3 3 x 15 each leg
Rest between sets: 3-5min Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 2-3min
Pause Inverted Row
Band Seated Row Dumbbell Bent Over Row
(1-second top pause)
3 x 20 3 x 10
Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 2-3min
Nordic Ham Curl Eccentric Sliding Leg Curl
45-Degree Hyperextension
3x5 3 x AMRAP
3 x 12
Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 1-3min Rest between sets: 1-3min
3|Pa g e
MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
Day 3
Option A Option B Option C
( F u l l g y m a c c e ss) ( Du m b b el l s/ b a n d s ) ( N o eq u i p m en t )
Barbell Hip Thrust Pulse Dumbbell Glute Bridge Bodyweight Frog Pump
3 x 15 3 x AMRAP 3 x AMRAP
Rest between sets: 2-4min Rest between sets: 2-3min Rest between sets: 1-3min
4|Pa g e
MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
Band Standing
Band Standing Hip Abduction
Diagonal Glute Kickback
20 each leg
20 each leg
Band Quadruped
Band Standing Glute Kickback
Hip Extension
20 each leg
20 each leg
Monster Walk
Lateral Band Walk
20 steps forward,
20 each way
20 steps backward
Supine Transverse Abduction
Band Seated Hip Abduction
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MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
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MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
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MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
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MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
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MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
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MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
11 | P a g e
MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
B: Pause Dumbbell Bench Press: Using dbs allows you to get a deeper stretch.
Keep your arms at a 45-degree angle (neutral position). Get a stretch at the bottom
and push through to the top. Pause for 3 seconds at the bottom.
C: Pause Push-Up: Position your hands such that when you’re at the bottom of the
movement, your arms flare out at a 45-degree angle and your forearms are vertical.
Take a deep breath before you lower yourself and touch your chest to the floor
before coming back up. Pause at the bottom for one second.
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MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
Band Standing Hip Abduction: Use a mini band around the top of your knees.
Both legs are working during this movement (the working leg dynamically, the
standing leg statically) so you will want to rest 30 seconds between each leg. Extend
your working leg behind you to be in full hip extension. Make sure you are bringing
your working leg out as far as you can.
Band Quadruped Hip Extension: Get in a quadruped position and pin the mini
band under the non-working knee. Keep the working leg bent at the knee and kick
Lateral Band Walk: Stay upright; do not squat through the movement. Think of
pushing laterally off the ground with your leg, not reaching with the leg that’s up in
the air.
3-Way Band Seated Hip Abduction: You can either have a wide stance and move
to neutral or a shoulder-width stance and abduct more. The first 20 reps will be
laying supine on the bench, the next 20 reps be leaning back, the next 20 reps will
be seated with a 90° hip and knee angle (upright), and the last 20 reps will be
leaning forward. Make sure you lean forward a lot in the last 20 reps to get a stretch
in the glutes.
15 | P a g e
MONTH 56 – November - December 2022
Band Standing Diagonal Glute Kickback: Stand on one foot and step one leg out
to the side at a 45-degree angle. If you want more range of motion, you can put the
band up higher on your legs.
Band Standing Glute Kickback: Stand on one foot and kick one leg straight back.
Squeeze the glutes at the top of the rep. If you want more range of motion, you can
put the band up higher on your legs.
Monster Walk: Choose the variation you prefer. Standard monster walk: Place the
mini-band above your knees. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and
push your knees out against the band. Walk forward and backward while keeping
tension on the band. Zig zag monster walk: Place the mini-band above your knees.
Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and push your knees out against
the band. Walk forward by stepping out to the side then bringing your following foot
to your lead foot. Repeat this on each side as you walk forward and backward.
Supine transverse abduction: Place a mini-band above your knees and lay on the
floor. Put your legs in the air with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. From this
position, push outward as far as you can against the band before returning to the
starting position.
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