The Beta Quadrant sourcebook provides Gamemasters and Players with a wealth
of source material about the Galaxy of Star Trek. Focused on the Beta Quadrant,
The Beta Quadrant sourcebook contains:
and Rura Penthe.
Guidance for the Gamemaster on
Information from the Romulan Star running missions and continuing QU
This book requires the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use. ADRANT
ISBN 978-1-910132-91-3
Artwork and graphics © and ™ CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.,
except the Modiphius Logo which is Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. This
s a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or
02-1030 01-753
4275 01-054 02-079
03-025 05-142
• •
• 2311140 586484 3356
• 33 45467 3430654 45
4277 • 76879 5564 33234 56
• 45 678 5 564 33 455 4
5651 06 BE ROB
12 10
02-086 01-040
0532 03-219 MODE RESET
13 000
40 4077
03-008 06-531
51 270 000 57
0187 81-223 NAV SYSTEMS
4280 07-223 08-213 0943 02-0988 LIFE SUPPORT SYS
0211 11-3422 THREAT ASSESS
03-219 RMS 67
0482 98-1416 SHIELD STATUS
15 0532
• 5226 12 34 926 74
15-12 54-01
• 39 53 66 54321 95 0365
32 0187
07-1143 08-202 03-219
14 03
• 3944 554 23 83
• 34 232 4456
• 883 45 45 33
91 15
65 32
16-58 • 283 4555 4316
• 889 54 67 78 2
• 60 4856 554 3
• 07686 431 334
03-219 14-28
• 3944 554 12 12
• 8344 5556565 1 84
JF CRL 3962
• 9088898 54 67 7
01-4432 01-564
07-399 06-121
27 03-46
In addition, the Borg’s
projected invasion route crosses the
Beta Quadrant toward Sector
001: Earth. Recent discoveries
by the U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-D indicate that the
Borg use a
previously-unknown type of spatial anomaly to
cross distances that would
take even the most advanced
Federation starship centuries,
and advanced scouts have
detected energy readings that
suggest similar anomalies may
exist in the Shackleton
attention to several Federation planets located in the Beta Finally, Chapter 5: Encounters and
Adversaries introduces
Quadrant. It then shifts focus to the Klingon Empire — capsule descriptions of those regions of
the Quadrant
Federation allies, for the moment — examining the tangled likely to see action: the Romulan Neutral
Zone, the Klingon
internal politics of the Klingon Houses and providing an Border, and the so-called Briar Patch
(or, as the Klingons
overview of several of the Empire’s major planets, including call it, Klach D’kel Brakt). Included in
these descriptions
Qo’noS, the Klingon homeworld. Next, the secrets of the are new adversaries to be found in
those contested areas:
mysterious Romulan Empire are revealed, wrested from cunning Romulan commanders
sneaking in and out of the
the grasp of the Tal Shiar; including the common origin Neutral Zone, Orion slavers haunting the
fringes of civilized
of the Romulans and the Vulcans, and the long history of society, fierce Klingons — allies with
their own agendas
deceit in their galactic affairs. The Orion Syndicate is next, — patrolling their own border. Each of
these descriptions
with a look at the criminal underworld, pirate operations on concludes with several encounter hooks
to help launch your
the frontiers of known space, and its continued pursuit of own missions.
the slave trade. A brief discussion of the Gorn Hegemony
rounds out this chapter.
Chapter 3: Beta Quadrant Characters introduces new
playable species that are representative of Starfleet officers in
Beta Quadrant. In addition to the playable species available The information presented in the Beta
in the core rulebook, Players may now choose from a sourcebook brings a new depth to the
Star Trek
selection of species inlcuding Benzites, the Bolians, Klingons, universe. Instead of repeating material
most Star Trek
Risians, and Xindi. These additional species add diversity to fans are already familiar with, Beta
Quadrant offers
both Player Characters and Non-Player Characters. new perspectives on old history.
Cultures that were
only briefly mentioned in the occasional
episode are
Chapter 4: Starships of the Beta Quadrant contains almost here fleshed out and brought to life, and
old favorites
twenty new starships for the adventurous Gamemaster. have new mysteries revealed. Every
chapter provides a
In this chapter can be found warships, scout ships, and wealth of ideas which Players and
Gamemasters alike
shuttlecraft in use by the Klingons, Romulans, and others. can use to create their own Star Trek
ON 5
The default setting of Star Trek Adventures is the year 2371 contact with Starfleet for months
(Stardates 48000-48999). The Klingons are allies, though at a time. Starship commanders
undergoing some political upheaval. The Romulans are operating are expected to make independent
behind the scenes, working to undermine the stability of the decisions based on their best
Klingon Empire and the Federation. Meanwhile, the Klingons and judgment. The greater element of
the Federation have joined forces to explore the newly-named freedom is counterbalanced by a
Shackleton Expanse, a large area of unexplored space beyond the greater element of risk. Starships
farthest reach of the Klingon Empire. in these eras are all alone in the
depths of space; far from help,
Games set in the Enterprise era will, of necessity, be restricted they can only rely on themselves.
to a smaller volume of space due to slower warp drives. By
2151, the farthest an Earth starship had ventured was Risa, Players could play crewmembers on the
Excelsior during
90 light-years away. The Gamemaster might decide to play out Captain Sulu’s three-year mission
cataloging gaseous spatial
the Earth-Romulan War; alternatively, the Player Characters anomalies in the Beta Quadrant in 2290;
this may have been
could engage in first-contact missions with some of the species the first time the Federation encountered
the Shackleton
seen in the classic era and later. The Orions are extremely active Expanse. Relations with the Klingons will
be chilly until the
in the Quadrant, as are Nausicaan pirates, and the Klingons are Khitomer Accords are signed in 2293.
expanding toward the Federation.
The post-Khitomer era is marked by a
continued low-level
Games set in the Original Series era might focus on the tension between the Federation and
Klingons; meanwhile,
Federation’s clashes with the Klingon Empire and the Romulans. relations between the Klingons and the
Romulans deteriorate.
The nature of the Romulans is a mystery to the Federation until While there is occasional contact between
Federation and
2266, when the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 prevents a Romulan Klingon vessels and personnel, it is not
until the Enterprise
ship from destroying the Neutral Zone outposts. A large portion of NCC-1701-C’s valiant defense of
Narendra III in 2344 and the
the Klingon population still possesses the Human characteristics Federation’s rescue of the Khitomer
Massacre’s few survivors
passed on to them by the Augment virus. Outright battle between that a true alliance is forged.
Klingons and the Federation is possible until the Treaty of Organia,
in 2267 — though the Organians might overlook minor incidents of Gamemasters wishing to run missions
during different time
violence, such as the occasional bar fight. periods will have no trouble using the
rules as presented. If
an item of equipment or technological
advance is unavailable
Both the Enterprise era and the classic era are characterized by in a certain era (such as transporters,
replicators, etc.) there
a greater element of freedom; the subspace buoy network is still will be a note in a sidebar like this one.
being emplaced, and it’s not unusual for a starship to be out of
21-2799 over 8000 light years. Never forget that called away to
patrol the Romulan Neutral
one of those hostile powers is here in Zone or deal with
Orion pirates and
the Beta Quadrant, only forty light years slavers. We’ll
make sure you go out there
24-2749 away. We’re fortunate to have one of with as much
preparation as possible.
The United Federation of Planets was founded 210 years GENERAL THY’LEK SHRAN,
ago from an unlikely alliance of four planets, three of whom STARFLEET ACADEMY
had been mortal enemies a decade before. By the 2360
census, that number had grown to over 150 planets, spread We didn’t think much of humans in
our first encounter. They were
over 8,000 light years. By any standard you care to use, the clearly ingratiating themselves with
the Vulcans — why else make
Federation is one of the region’s leading powers. a voluntary visit to a Vulcan
monastery? Pink-skinned, soft, with
unnaturally-smooth heads, and
hiding behind the Vulcans, or so we
thought. I could not have been more
surprised when Captain Archer
ASTROGRAPHY — and his science officer — gave us
the evidence that revealed the
duplicity of the former Vulcan High
The Federation stretches across 8,000 light years of space I repaid that debt. Soon after, I found
myself in a position in which
in an amoeba-like shape. Eastward of the Sol system the I needed his assistance. We kept
doing each other favors and, as I
border is an almost perfect curve, bending around the observed at the time, that is how
alliances are born.
Romulan Neutral Zone (as set out in the Treaty of Algeron) to
the north and south. Federation territory stretches northeast It takes either courage or madness to
explore the Galaxy in a fragile,
of Sol in a thin tendril, between the uncharted Typhon primitive ship that was outclassed by
everyone from the Tellarites
Expanse and the Neutral Zone, all the way to Zakdorn. To to the Klingons. If it was madness, it
was a strange one that makes
the galactic south, the border meanders as Federation space friends of enemies and brings peace
instead of war.
gives way to Klingon territory. Farther east, north of the
Klingon Empire, is an enclave of Federation space on the We four species that originally
founded this Federation all brought
edge of the Shackleton Expanse. To the west, in the Alpha our own strengths to it. Andorians:
the strength of the sword;
Quadrant, the border is more nebulous. Federation territory is Vulcans: their science and intellect;
Tellarites: an unparalleled ability
somewhat constricted along the east-west axis running from to see all sides of a situation, if only
so they can argue about it. And
Sol to Theta Draconis. The Cardassian Union, the Tzenkethi you humans, you bring a refusal to
accept the impossible — and
Coalition, and the Ferengi Alliance are found west of an in that refusal, you often achieve the
impossible. And now more
imaginary line curving southwest from Delta Aquilae to Theta worlds have joined, bringing their
own strengths.
Draconis, then southeast to the Tendaras Cluster. Beyond
them lurk the Breen, a species even more reclusive and This Federation is not perfect, nor
will it ever be. But twenty
dangerous, perhaps, than the Romulans. years ago, no one thought it
possible. In twenty more years, what
impossibility will we have achieved?
Sol is the capital of the Federation, a choice with both
political and astrographic reasons. Years of interstellar
conflict ensured that Andor, Tellar, and Vulcan would not
agree on any other site; by a happy coincidence, Sol also the border between Alpha and Beta Quadrants,
it’s usually
lies roughly between the other three systems. In a similar considered part of the Alpha Quadrant. For the
purposes of
manner, it was decided that the galactic prime meridian today’s briefing, however, Sol will be treated as
part of the
would run through Sol and, although the Sol system sits on Beta Quadrant.
EXECUTIVE AGENCIES members. To facilitate our alliance with
the Klingons, there
The president delegates the routine administration to a are Diplomatic Corps representatives
specially trained in
number of departments, each responsible for a different Klingon relations on board Narendra
specialization. The heads of each department make up the
cabinet, the president’s special advisory council. While a The internal branch of the FDC
manages relations between
full accounting of the executive departmental organization Federation member planets. While
many planets in the
is outside the scope of this brief, it’s worth touching on a Federation maintain their own
diplomatic corps, the FDC
few agencies who may have oversight on operations in the can always assist in negotiating
everything from trade
Shackleton Expanse. agreements to extradition treaties. The
FDC prefers to
provide neutral arbiters when dealing
with Federation
FEDERATION ARCHAEOLOGY COUNCIL members with difficult histories.
Where there are planets, there are often ruins. And where
there are ruins, there are archaeologists. The Federation FEDERATION SCIENCE BUREAU
Archaeology Council oversees archaeological digs in The Federation Science Bureau is the
Federation’s key
Federation space. Most exploratory starships have at least scientific organization. The bureau
allocates resources to
one archaeologist assigned to the science department. These research projects and disseminates
scientific discoveries
scientists are assigned through the Daystrom Institute’s to research and academic institutions.
The FSB publishes
Archaeological Council, which provides an interface between journals on every branch of science, and
research papers
the Federation Archaeology Council and Starfleet. Tomb chosen for publication are extensively
vetted and rigorously
robbers and treasure hunters remain the archaeologist’s bane peer-reviewed. The FSB does, however,
have something
and, depending on the importance of the ruins, it’s possible
that an Archaeology Council will call upon Starfleet to assist
in investigations, or to offer some
protection. PERSONAL
The Federation Diplomatic Corps facilitates relations
between Federation members and represents the interests
and policies of the Federation to external powers. The What was once a nebula has
now coalesced into a star system,
foreign affairs branch of the FDC includes embassies and complete with life-bearing
planets. The Genesis device was never
consulates. They provide assistance to Federation citizens expected to operate on
such a scale. I designed it to terraform
outside of Federation territory. planets, not create entirely
new star systems. That it had such an
effect is — astonishing.
There is nothing in my designs that
Ambassadors are usually involved in the negotiation of the accounts for this — what
have I made here? It’s going to take years
entry of new planets into the Federation (subject to Council of study to unravel this.
approval). They may also be called upon as a neutral
outside party to mediate disputes between non-Federation
This is why I never witnessed for you. Now we’re going to have to abandon
most of the Coridan mining operations,
and we’re not going to be able to
replace those easily — Coridan’s the most
Twenty years of work ruined, because your dilithium-rich planet this side of Direidi!
What’s worse is that our silent partners
agent got caught. Twenty years, framing the — you know, the ones who contributed
half the funding for this little expedition?
Tellarites for our mining operations on Coridan, They aren’t going to be happy. They’re
going to want the one responsible, and
infiltrating the Andorian diplomatic corps, gently they’re probably going to cut him into
tiny little pieces.
reigniting the flames of hatred between the
three old enemies. It was a blade poised to strike I’ve given them the last known
coordinates to your ship and the signature of
at the heart of the Federation! It was a work of your ion trail. Enjoy the last few days of
your life.
art, and your agent botched it. ‘Thelev’ couldn’t
even kill the Vulcan, and he was half-dead of a
heart attack!
of a history in failing to consider
negative consequences of
TEMPORAL research they support (the M-5
incident and the Genesis
TRANSMISSION Program come to mind).
TEMPORAL AGENT JRH-1901, DATE UNKNOWN The Shackleton Expanse, as
we’ve noted, is full of spatial
anomalies and these sometimes
end up having odd effects
Sam, on the nature of space-time.
Should you and your ship be
involved in a temporal incident,
you’ll receive a visit from the
Here’s my informal analysis of Krinnik’s proposed plan Department of Temporal
Investigations. They’re the worst-kept
to purge the timeline of all temporal anomalies: I haven’t secret in the Fleet: it doesn’t
matter how highly classified their
heard anything so asinine since Sollivan decided to try to operations are, everyone knows
about them. They monitor
kill Kirk in 1930 to “clean the timeline of his influence.” Do and investigate events involving
time-travel and prevent
you have any idea how much of our timeline developed contamination of the timeline.
The DTI have developed a set
due to temporal incursions? Let’s start with Samuel of guidelines that should be
followed when you find yourself in
Clemens, whose books are still read today. Then there’s such situations. DTI agents aren’t
known for a sense of humor,
the 23rd-century tricorder left in 1930; even half-destroyed, and they take their jobs very
seriously, but… we’re still here,
it provided a boost to Allied scanning technology during so they must be doing something
the Second World War. There was the Ferengi incident
at Roswell that probably helped the United States
develop orbital nuclear technology. And the Enterprise’s
involvement in the failed launch in 1968. And the whale
incident of 1986. Are you beginning to see a pattern
here? Do you remember the phrase, “stable causal loop”?
The fact is, we aren’t ever going to completely clean the
timeline. It’s not practical, and, if we want to maintain
our JANUARY 21, 2155
temporal continuum, it’s not possible.
The formal report will be along shortly. I’ll be nice. SECTOR 1
STARFLEET MEDICAL what happens, the mission remains to
explore the cosmos,
Although Starfleet Medical is an arm of Starfleet, it acts as to make first contact with unknown
civilizations, and to
an executive oversight agency for all Federation medical defend the Federation and its ideals. We
expect a great deal
research. Starfleet includes members of almost every of our captains. They are explorers,
scientists, diplomats and
species in the Galaxy, and Starfleet physicians must be tacticians, all wrapped up in a single
able to recognize and diagnose injuries and illnesses in any
crew member. They must also be ready to offer medical
support and analysis to species never before encountered
by the Federation. The demands of interstellar medicine
made Starfleet Medical the premier medical organization
in the Federation, and the Starfleet Medical Academy the
finest medical school. Starfleet Medical personnel
pride MAY 18, 2156
themselves on their creativity, their capability, and their
utter rejection of institutional politics. In addition, they work Five Romulan ships have
just dropped out of warp within attack
closely with Starfleet and Federation legal personnel to range of Algeron IV, and all
communications are jammed.
defend medically-ethical treatments, and to prosecute those Accordingly, I have ordered
Excalibur to return to the nearest
who are ethically suspect. Federation outpost at full
warp, carrying as many of the civilian
personnel from the base as
possible. Sensor scans from Columbia,
Excalibur, and the base are
attached, and Excalibur is carrying a
STARFLEET copy of Columbia’s logs.
We don’t expect to come back from this
one, but we’re not giving
Algeron up without a fight.
There’s very little we could tell you about Starfleet that you Godspeed.
don’t already know. You’ve been taught Starfleet doctrine
and history from the first day at the Academy. No matter
By mid-2159, Starfleet Intelligence became Terran courier ship, whose dead pilot
was carrying an intelligence packet too
aware that Omicron Gruis II, also known as sensitive to be entrusted to subspace
communications. The packet contained
‘Cheron,’ was the staging area for a massive just enough genuine data to convince
the Romulans of its authenticity, but was
Romulan fleet operation. At the same time primarily comprised of false fleet
Romulan ships were actively attacking shipping
in and around Vulcan and Andorian space. Indications that the ruse was successful
came in late 2159, when the Romulans
Strategic analysis suggested that these probes diverted a significant portion of the
forces amassing at Cheron to counter the
were a feint to draw Coalition ships out of false Coalition fleet movements. At that
point, the fleet assembled at Cheron
position allowing a direct attack at Sol itself. out-numbered Earth’s fleet two to one,
although itself outmatched by the united
Coalition fleet.
The Coalition engaged in a dangerous stratagem
of their own. A number of communiques were Coalition fleets departed Andoria,
Vulcan, Sol, and Tellar in a staggered sequence
sent, using codes that the Romulans were designed to ensure their simultaneous
arrival at Cheron. The attack came as
suspected of having broken, exaggerating the a complete surprise; the Cheron fleet
was caught completely off-guard and
tensions between members of the Coalition and destroyed with minimal Coalition
casualties. The Coalition, not interested in
indicating that allied fleets were being disbanded. pursuing a war for territory, sued for
peace one week later.
The “accidental” Romulan discovery of a firefight
between Tellarite and Andorian forces near Beta Recently-acquired historical documents
from the Empire indicate that the
Hydri provided additional proof, as did carefully- few surviving commanders of the
Romulan fleet presented a severely altered
leaked snippets of a “duel of honor” between version of the battle to the Senate. Even
so, they were “encouraged” to commit
General Shran and Admiral Archer. Finally, the honorable suicide over the debacle, and
the entire Romulan intelligence
ruse was cemented by allowing a Romulan apparatus underwent a period of
upheaval, finally reconfiguring into the Tal Shiar
probe to discover the air-bleeding wreck of a we know today.
Admiral Cartwright,
been promoted off of a command deck.
He is simply the
In its century of service to the Federation, Starfleet has most notorious.
demonstrated steadfastness, courage, and loyalty in ways that,
in its beginnings, could never have been imagined. The actions of I strongly encourage Starfleet to abolish
the up-or-out policy.
Captain (formerly Admiral) Kirk and his command crew are in the The Federation will continue to expand,
and Starfleet will
finest Starfleet tradition. I do not believe I am overstating the case continue to build ships. There will be no
lack of positions for
when I say that Kirk never should have been promoted to Admiral. skilled starship captains. Meanwhile,
promotion to flag rank
should occur when there is a position and
need, and Starfleet
To my mind, Admiral, one of Starfleet’s biggest faults is their can then promote the best possible
individual to fill the role.
adherence to military traditions and norms long past the time when Starfleet will also reap the benefits of
reliable, experienced
they cease to be appropriate. One of those traditions is the idea that command crews in their starships,
where they are most
Starfleet personnel should constantly be seeking promotion: the needed.
so-called “up-or-out” policy. A review of Starfleet records suggest
that this policy has cost Starfleet several fine officers. Many chose Signed,
private service or transfer to the Merchant Marine in order to remain
on a command deck, rather than be promoted into a role they President of the Federation
neither wanted nor suited. Furthermore, on more than one occasion
it has caused Starfleet’s upper ranks to become far too top-heavy.
Starfleet should not have so many flag officers that they have no real
roles for them. Kirk is not the only admiral who should never have
STARDATE 44011.4
Admiral Gustavson,
I understand that Starfleet Command wants someone to blame for He was an unwilling victim.
the disaster at Wolf 359. But attempting to place that blame on the
shoulders of Captain Picard is short-sighted, and does not address From a legal and historical standpoint,
Admiral, there are sixty-
the underlying problems that allowed Wolf 359 to happen. eight recorded instances of Starfleet officers
succumbing to
external mental control. The only instances
in which charges
Admiral, Fleet Command has become complacent in Starfleet’s were brought were instances in which the
officer’s actions
ability to cope with the unknown, even if that unknown is both both contributed to their loss of control and
those actions were
powerful and hostile. We’ve been fighting the Cardassians for contrary to Fleet regulations. As Captain
Picard was kidnapped
twenty years, with no end in sight. Within the past three years from the bridge of his own vessel, while
attempting to slow the
Starfleet Command was almost completely overtaken by neural Borg cube’s advance on Earth, his actions
clearly do not match
parasites and the only reason we remain here and human was those circumstances.
due to a coalition of starship commanders who saw what was
happening and attempted to intervene, at the cost of several Admiral, I realize the position you’re in.
There are people baying
thousand lives. And now, the Borg. for Picard’s blood, both inside and outside
Starfleet. We cannot,
on a legal or an ethical level, allow him to
become a scapegoat
Medical analysis of the Borg implants removed from Captain for Wolf 359. And on a pragmatic level,
Starfleet needs him right
Picard indicates that the first implant a Borg victim receives is a where he is.
neural transceiver. This transceiver allows the Borg hive mind to
override the victim’s physical and mental control over their own Respectfully,
body, while adding the victim’s knowledge, skills and memories
to its own. From that point on, the assimilated victim is a part of Commander Shelby, Tactical Command
the hive mind. Which means, Admiral, that Captain Picard did not
betray the Federation.
CULTURE alongside more martial cultures
such as the Andorians. While
such a wide spectrum of beliefs
could cause conflict, the
Federation makes it a virtue, and
creates something that
The Federation’s basic principle that all sentients have a right transcends the sum of its parts.
to determine their own beliefs and destiny ensures that there
is no single “Federation” culture. The only common elements The Federation prefers to use
similarities between disparate
are cooperation and tolerance for other cultures and beliefs. cultures to facilitate
understanding and cultural exchange.
Starfleet personnel in particular are expected to be familiar This approach has been
demonstrated to ease interspecies
with the cultural practices of as many species as practical; interactions. Food and arts are
frequent mediums of cultural
they are also expected to tolerate mistakes made by others. exchange. Apart from specific
allergies, most Federation
citizens enjoy other species’
cuisines and find familiar
Federation cultures range from the highly traditional and techniques or flavors, even in
dishes that originated light
reserved, such as the Vulcans, to the hedonism of the years away. Similarly, artists of
various cultures and species
Risians. Pacifist planets, such as Risa and Betazed, co-exist share a passion for craft and
technique, a trained eye, and a
keen hand for technique.
TAL SHIAR INTERNAL This cultural interchange is
apparent in the homes of
Federation citizens and in the
small intricacies of life. A family
dinner may come from the
replicator, but the meal itself may
COMMUNIQUE unite disparate ingredients such
as earthy Andorian tubers
sliced and deep-fried in the
manner of Earth french fries,
Chairman, topped with Klingon grapok
sauce, or a pulled Klingon krada
leg rubbed with Vulcan redspice,
all served with Betazoid
The Imperial Fleet has already provided the Senate with a summary uttaberry juice.
of the actions at Narendra III. The battle was a tactical success
and a political failure. I believe the Imperial Fleet’s assessment is The artwork upon the walls may
consist of Vulcan
too pessimistic. From a military standpoint, certainly, the alliance calligraphy and expressionist
Betazoid mood-paintings,
between the Federation and the Klingons is a nightmare, and while Risian stone sculpture and
Andorian bone charms
promises to humble the Imperial Fleet for a generation. However, adorn a low table (itself of
exquisite Tellarite make). The
from an intelligence perspective, this is not truly the disaster the background music could range
as widely: a classical Vulcan
Fleet believes it to be. string quintet, a Klingon operatic
rendition of early 21st
century Earth metal music, or a
harpsichord cover of Risian
This new alliance may prove to be more of a weakness than a Lohlunat night-song.
strength. We currently possess a significant amount of experience
in exploiting the rivalries between the Klingon Houses. The House Another area where this cultural
exchange and fusion is
of Duras, in particular, is willing to accept our aid if it provides them apparent is fashion. Fashionistas
pair 20th-century revival
a greater portion of power within their Empire. The soft hearts in the jackets with Andorian silk scarves
and neckcloths. Feather-
Federation may also prevent the Klingons from raiding on our side light Vulcan robes sewn from
translucent Earth Jamdani
of the Neutral Zone, which is all to our advantage. silk are popular wedding gifts,
especially in Risa. Klingon
jewelers attract apprentices of all
species who wish to master
In addition, as noted in the Fleet’s report, the recovery of Federation the challenging and beautiful
granulation and lost-wax
survivors has proven to be an intelligence windfall. I have already techniques perfected in distant
ages on Qo’noS. Estonian-
arranged for the prisoners to be transferred into Tal Shiar custody. style knit mittens have become
ubiquitous around Andorian
In the meantime, it appears that the Senate has ordered the Fleet to spaceports, and Risian
cosmetics have made a splash on
pull back within the Neutral Zone for the time being. I recommend various catwalks for their
waterproof and staying properties.
we take full advantage of the situation. In time, the memory of the
Federation’s “glorious defense” of Narendra III will fade, and the Other, more intangible forms of
cultural exchange also occur.
inevitable differences between the Klingons and the Federation Several tea ceremony masters
from Kyoto travelled to Vulcan
will reassert to experience and understand
Vulcan tea ceremony and
themselves. When aesthetics. A small Vulcan
delegation returned that interest
that happens, we will by journeying to Earth and
studying tea ceremony in a Kyoto
be ready to strike. retreat. Tea sets and calligraphic
scrolls were exchanged at
each meeting. It has now
become fashionable for progressive
Jolan tru, Vulcan households to hang a
calligraphy scroll up near the
General Sevek entranceway of a home in similar
manner to the Japanese
tokonoma. The masters hope to
repeat the experiment with
the Klingons.
Citizens of the Federation are exposed to other ideas
via exchanges of fiction and nonfiction publications; the
Kir’Shara, the foundational Vulcan philosophic text, has
become recommended reading in high-level collegiate THROUGH OTHER
philosophy classes, along with verse translations of
Klingon Songs of Kahless. Translations of the Andorian
Parables of Ice and the Betazoid Book of the Chalice are
forthcoming. The Kama Sutra and the biblical Song of § Prelude and Fugue in F
minor, Johann Sebastian Bach, adapted
Songs have inspired poetry and music on Betazed and for the Vulcan lute —
T’Vala, ShiKahr Conservatory
Risa. Earth author Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick has a
strong Klingon following; the novel has become a § “The Ascension”,
Nightmares Made Flesh, Bloodbath — K’Tarla,
Klingon stage play, with Captain Ahab as the doomed Korila, R’Tani, Modrok,
Klingon Imperial Opera Company
§ “When the Levee
Breaks”, Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis
Andorians and Klingons alike adore the sport of ice Minnie — Thilir Shralara,
Andorian Academy
hockey (for dissimilar reasons), and several Andorian
players have already signed up as free agents in the § Song of the Butterfly
Lovers, traditional Chinese opera, Liang
Federation Hockey League. After a recent controversy, Zhu — Karthag and
Solia, Klingon Imperial Opera Company
the Federation Hockey League has ruled that deliberately
injuring an Andorian player’s antennae will result in a § Zoku, traditional
Japanese taiko — The Tellarite Naval Band
season-long suspension. Risian event planners are
au courant for diverse and special occasions such as § Selections from the
Mathwani, Jalal Al-Din Al-Rumi — The
Andorian weddings, Klingon betrothals, and in one case, Suraya Bay Quintet, Risa
a Betazoid funeral. Similarly, Betazoid therapists and
counselors are much in demand in Federation space due
to their telepathic and empathic abilities.
A human citizen of the
Federation has recently relocated
TRANSMISSION from Earth to Qo’noS and
opened an establishment
serving delicacies such as
barbequed targ, gladst slaw,
STARDATE 38325.3 bregit lungs braised in a
bloodwine reduction and gagh
with apple-mustard relish. The
restaurant has been
TO: T’Para, Marcia, Evan, J’Hara, Syrak, Eralle, Kimiko, Telass booked solid since opening, and
informal bat’leth duels
have occurred outside the
premises to resolve conflicting
FROM: Melissa reservations.
Hey, everyone. It’s a brand-new Monday in New Berlin, which means THE NEW WORLD
that we’re going to have our fortnightly knitting meeting in four days,
yay! It’s going to be at my place as usual. I just want to confirm The Federation economy is best
described as a centralized,
snacks and beverages and stuff. post-scarcity, resource-based
economy based on mutual
interlocking responsibilities. The
Federation Charter specifies
Evan, you’ve promised to bring your amazing chocolate brownies, that member planets are to
promote social progress and
and I know most of us are going to love them. T’Para, if you’re still better standards of living, an
aim that is undermined by
interested in bringing a flask of plomeek tea I’d love to try it. I’ll be economic systems that
encourage income inequality.
making deviled eggs myself, and J’hara will be bringing bloodwine
coolers in case anyone wants to knit tipsy. Widespread replicator
technology ensures that no citizen
of the Federation needs to fear a
lack of food or shelter.
Syrak, I’d love it if you gave us a brief lecture on Vulcan spinning Federation resources are held in
common for the benefit
techniques, and if you could, please bring a spare spindle so we of Federation citizens, and
administered by the executive
can try it out for ourselves. Eralle, you must show me the Risian lace branch of the Federation
government. A Federation citizen
stole your grandmother gave you, I’d love to puzzle the stitches out. is guaranteed a share of their
planet’s total resources
sufficient to live a comfortable
and healthy life. While much
Also, welcome Telass to our little group! She’s just come here from is provided in the form of food,
housing, and other basic
Andoria, and she has brought with her some of the most fluffy, needs, this share includes a
certain amount of resources on
luscious fiber ever. It’s the soft hairs combed from the belly of an account to be used at the
citizen’s discretion. The citizen
Andorian bull, and that stuff is finer than Earth qiviut. Strands of is free to invest these resources
as they see fit: they may
it have tested out at 6 to 8 microns, and it has a ridiculous staple trade in commodities traded
between Federation members
length. The small clump she gave me to play with feels like a puff of or in interstellar trade, build a
business, or pursue whatever
warm air in the hand. This stuff isn’t from the replicator, by the way. career appeals to their interests
and abilities. Citizens,
It’s from her family’s flock back on the homeworld. in return, are expected to devote
some of their time and
capabilities to supporting their
community and society, such
She’s willing to swap her Andorian bull fiber for stuff she can’t get as serving in a governmental
office or Starfleet. Citizens
easily from a replicator, so everyone, search your stashes and bring who make public service their
career are granted a greater
out your finest! share of resources, as a
recognition of their contributions
to society. While it remains
technically possible for a
Federation citizen to pursue the
acquisition of wealth, it is
no longer the societal norm.
Social and economic progress
is no longer measured by
consumption, but in the welfare of
FEDERATION ARTS COUNCIL all the citizenry.
By the early decades of the 21st century, the failings of in the form of industrial pollution.
Government fell more and
unregulated capitalism had become clear. Less than 3% of more into the hands of the
wealthy, and wealth was distributed
the world’s money was printed and backed by governmental toward the powerful via low capital
gains taxes, tax loopholes,
entities; the remainder was generated by the banks. By corporate subsidies, or outright
transfers of state-owned
making loans, the banks “created” money in the form of debt. industries.
They did not, however, create the money necessary to pay
the interest on that debt. As the cycle continued the amount As power and wealth concentrated
in a small percentage of
of debt increased, but the amount of money available to pay people, middle-class incomes fell
and the percentage of the
the debt did not. As loans were paid off, the money created population in poverty increased.
Conspicuous consumption
by the loans and the interest paid disappeared, reducing the was encouraged by artificially low
prices on consumer goods,
amount of money in circulation. A shrinking money supply while the price of basic necessities
such as food, housing, and
invariably led to economic downturns. Economic activity had medical care rose sharply.
Employment law in many parts of
to continually increase to offset the reductions caused by the globe favored employers, and
insufficient social safety nets
debt repayment. combined with low wages ensured
that families could be ruined
by a severe illness or a job loss.
After the Eugenics Wars, the United States loosened
restrictions on corporations and banks in an attempt to By the 2020s, industrial
automation and the export of
foster an economic recovery. While these measures seemed manufacturing meant that a
massive percentage of the
to be successful, the unfortunate side effects soon made population lacked jobs and
homes. “Sanctuary Districts,”
themselves felt. So-called “free” markets were open to originally created to help and
protect this population, quickly
exploitation by those who could most afford it. Businesses became nothing more than
prisons for the disenfranchised
engaged in monopolistic behavior, capturing markets by virtue and the destitute. That particular
social experiment was
of their size and, in classic rent-seeking behavior, used their terminated after a series of riots in
2024. The United States
wealth and power to exclude competitors from the market. economy began to crumble, and
many of the Western nations
Corporations whose only responsibility was to make money that depended on a stable dollar
followed suit. It was this
were encouraged to offload the deleterious effects of their worldwide economic collapse that
helped set the stage for
industrial processes onto the government or the people, often World War III.
TRANSMISSION were handed over to the
Cardassians as part of the treaty,
and populations were given the
choice to relocate or remain
under the new Cardassian
government. The population of
have rejected both alternatives.
SUBNET TWO, STARDATE 42121.2 Calling themselves the Maquis,
they have declared
themselves independent of the
Federation and Cardassia,
Shivaji, and have taken up arms in a
guerilla war against both
sides. This movement is
supported by a number of former
This is the last time I am going to tell you this: no, I am not going to Starfleet officers, including the
crews of several starships.
adjust the weather so that it will not rain on your birthday. You live in We do not expect to have to
deal with the Maquis directly,
Mumbai, and your birthday is in June! Which, as you are well aware, as their theater of operations is
in the Alpha Quadrant, but
is during monsoon season. Even if I wanted to — which I don’t — it the political repercussions may
extend into our region of
would be a major climactic re-organization, requiring the approval of space. Many colony worlds now
question whether they can
the Parliament. Parliament hasn’t authorized climate action of that be fairly governed when far from
their founding planet, and
scale in a century, and certainly not for such a frivolous reason. If you some are re-considering
Federation membership.
want sun on your birthday, spend the day in Texas; they’ve got all the
sun you can stand. While the Federation ensures
that colonies are provided with
an appropriate amount of
resources and technology, others
Do not ask me again. are not so lucky. The diasporas
of the 21st and 22nd century
resulted in a high number of
ships simply disappearing. In
R. Raghavan some cases, the ships found
suitable colony worlds in areas
the Federation has not yet
explored. In others, spontaneous
colonies formed around a ship
crash site or other disaster.
Starfleet continues to discover
such colonies even now, and
there is no doubt that other
such colonies exist. As always,
or repulsion of water molecules. These nanoparticles Captain, we rely on your
discretion when making contact with
degrade over time, although this loss is included in the these lost colonies. Many
colonists left their homeworlds for
weather control algorithms. good reason, and their
descendants may not be interested in
rejoining the fold.
Most planets, Earth among them, reserve weather control for
the prevention of disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, FREE TRADERS AND CARGO
and flooding. Weather control systems are frequently During the 22nd century, Earth
and its colonies were served
seen on colony worlds, where they serve as an adjunct to by the Earth Cargo Service. This
agency was responsible for
terraforming technology. Risa is a notable exception to the oversight and licensing of
Earth’s interstellar cargo vessels.
typical Federation restraint: the Risians have modified their ECS ships were slow and stolid,
unable to reach warp 2.
climate for centuries, and turned a gray, wet, dismal climate Thus, the crews of ECS ships
tended to be multigenerational
into a tropical paradise. and crew members lived their
entire lives on a single ship.
These space-faring citizens,
known as ‘boomers’, tended to
COLONY WORLDS be tough, stubborn, and fiercely
independent. The boomer
Part of Starfleet’s mandate is to seek out new worlds for lifestyle lasted almost a century
before dying out, as engines
potential colonization. Preference is given to Class-M capable of warp 3 and above
reduced travel time from years
worlds, although even on these worlds some terraforming to weeks or months.
is usually necessary. The Federation Council reviews and
grants colony charters. In rare cases, they also revoke colony After the foundation of the
Federation, the ECS and
charters usually because of unforeseen planetary dangers, similar services operated by the
other member planets
but occasionally because of mismanagement. Colonies start were subsumed into the
Federation Merchant Marine. The
small, usually as a single town, and are expected to expand Merchant Marine operated
civilian cargo ships and survey
carefully and responsibly. Colonists tend to be hardier than vessels, and personnel often
transferred from the Merchant
core-world citizens, and most are prepared for the effort Marine to Starfleet (and vice
required to create a self-sufficient colony.
Free traders tend to gravitate to
the fringes of the explored
Once a Federation colony reaches self-sufficiency, it may galaxy. Many of them prefer a life
with as few strings as
continue to be governed by the mother planet or seek possible. Others want to avoid
entanglements with the law.
independent Federation membership. To date, most Most free trader ships are old,
sometimes unreliable, and
colonies are content to be governed by their mother usually lacking significant arms
and armor. Free traders are
planets. That situation is likely to change thanks to the accustomed to living by their
wits, without support from
Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. Federation colonies Starfleet or the Federation.
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Hologram. In the event that a ship’s
physician is unavailable,
Federation medical technology is capable of producing the EMH is programmed to administer
over five million forms
almost miraculous cures. Over the centuries, Federation of medical treatment. As this technology
is still in its infancy,
scientists and doctors have almost entirely eradicated the Starfleet is requesting that chief medical
officers submit their
vast majority of illnesses caused by poverty, poor sanitation, evaluations of the EMH on a regular
malnutrition. Many causative biological agents exist now only
as stored gene-scans. Advanced surgical techniques allow
surgeons to repair injuries that would have been impossible
to treat even fifty years ago. Organs that cannot be repaired
can be replaced with sophisticated artificial versions, and
development continues on a genetic replicator designed to DR.
replace organs in
situ. U.S.S.
LCARS 01-3200
10898 284900 10-349920 1270 26665
22279 274022 12-292800 11870 20290
28900 318290 9-236312 18930 123770
193442 839900 15-550280 2940 21892
23344 200229
8889 69499 31-2890
02-0012 2077-1830
20300 190733
2010 292001 33-2993
spatial awareness until the tissue regenerates. Andorian
blood is extremely non-viscous; this is partially an adaptation
to cold, as their blood perfusion rate increases as the
temperature decreases. Major blood vessels are
sub-muscular; this peculiarity means that Andorians cannot
receive intravenous treatments. Combined with their high 1. Hospitality: Turn no
visitor from your door, lest you be turned
metabolism, it also makes then vulnerable to injuries that away in turn. Even an
enemy deserves shelter from the ice.
impair perfusion, such as burns and disruption or phase
weapon wounds. 2. Family: From your clan
do you come, and to your clan will you
return. A single Andorian
dies in a windstorm. Many Andorians
The Aenar have a comparatively small population. They live can share their warmth
and endure.
in ice caves and crevasses far beneath the packed snow
of the moon’s surface. Millennia spent deep underground 3. Courage: Leave no
clanmate behind. It is a worthy death to fall
have caused the loss of skin pigmentation, and their slow defending the many, so
the clan may survive.
metabolisms are well-suited to the cold. Many Aenar are
completely blind but they do not consider this a problem as 4. Fairness: Everyone eats,
or no one eats. Do not hoard your
they are highly developed telepaths. This adaptation allows wealth. Share with your
clanmates and they will share with you
Aenar to navigate the darkness of the ice tunnels with ease. in turn.
Otherwise, they are physiologically similar to (and genetically
compatible with) Andorians. 5. Honor: An Andorian is as
good as their word.
Ushaan duels are fought solely with the ushaan-tor. EMPIRE OF ICE
Andorians learn the use of the ushaan-tor from early Both Andorians and Aenar maintain
strong family bonds
childhood, which ensures that both duelists are familiar with which contributed to their survival in
pre-industrial times.
the weapon. This does leave non-Andorians at somewhat of Before Andoria was a united world, its
citizens were divided
a disadvantage, of course. More important than familiarity is into nations, which were themselves
divided into clans, all
the symbolism. The ushaan-tor is tool and weapon, offense organized in a similar hierarchy. The
Andorians replicated
and defense, and in older days, to be without the ushaan- their family bonds in their political
structures, characterizing
the chancellor as head of the family, with various arms of considered the best artists in the
Federation. Similarly,
government filling the roles of parents, aunts, and uncles to Andorians have served in Starfleet and
in Federation
the citizenry. government from the Federation’s very
Ask an Andorian what the Andorian Empire is based on, and Andorians are often the first to counsel
aggressive action
they will answer: “Passion and honor.” Nothing exemplifies against a perceived threat. This does
not always sit well with
this philosophy better than the Wall of Heroes. The Wall of more peaceful peoples such as the
Vulcans or Betazoid.
Heroes stands in a great cavern adjacent to the capital city. It Some Andorians are known for being
easily insulted and the
is a massive frozen wall of deep blue ice, streaked very faintly Andorian government usually ensures
that such individuals
with other colors. According to custom, a fallen Imperial are restricted to Andoria or their
colonies. Federation law
Guard’s blood is collected and returned to the homeworld. forbids dueling among its members, but
it is an open secret
There, it is poured upon the top of the Wall, where, that the ushaan is still practiced in some
parts of Andorian
freezing, it forms yet another layer upon the monument. society. So long as the practice does
not leave Andorian soil,
Some courageous aliens have earned the honor of being the principle of self-determination
protects participants from
memorialized upon the Wall of Heroes. These individuals have legal retribution.
demonstrated an understanding of the Andorian spirit. Often,
they either died in service to the Andorian people, or served Early relations between Andoria and two
of the other
alongside the Andorian Imperial Guard for a significant time. Federation founders, Tellar and Vulcan
were hostile. All
The first Human to receive this honor was Jonathan Archer, three powers were engaged in territorial
expansion, causing
whose blood was added to the Wall after his death. frequent conflicts where borders
clashed. Hostilities came
to a head in 2154, when the Romulans
attempted to foment
ANDORIANS RUN FROM NO ONE all-out war between the three powers.
While the three
Andorians live by a complex code of honor and law. Non- civilizations were able to set aside their
differences and join
Andorians often believe (mistakenly) that the there exists together against the common threat, the
legacy of distrust
a single, homogenous body of law observed by every has been hard to abandon. The
nearly-successful Orion plot
Andorian. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are to derail the Babel Conference of 2268
by setting the three
multiple legal codes, each applicable in different contexts. species against each other revealed that
the wounds of the
The honor code that most outsiders encounter is the imperial 22nd century were still not healed.
code, which dates back to the unification of Andoria, and is
an amalgamation of several of the clan codes.
Historically, each code was a diverse set of laws transmitted
orally from clan leader to each new generation. These laws
varied from clan to clan, and from city-state to city-state. PLANETARY BACKGROUND
Each clan committed a dizzying array of subjects to honor Benzar is a marginal Class-M with a
humid, ammonia-
and law: the sharing and portioning of game; the specific heavy atmosphere. Its primary is Delta
Pavonis, a yellow
thickness of pillars required in each dwelling; the proper dwarf similar to Sol but one on the
verge of becoming a
conduct of duels; the proper formats for marriage contracts red giant. Benzar is the second planet of
the system and
and separations. Purity or dietary taboos existed in ancient its orbit is currently in the middle of its
system’s habitable
ushaan texts. Clan Thy’lek, for example, famously forbade zone. Benzar has an axial tilt of
approximately 30%, with
the consumption of certain staple ice mosses due to a an average oscillation of 3.2% over a
roughly 50,000
hereditary enzyme deficiency. When the deficiency was year period. Some 85% of Benzar’s
surface is covered
addressed with modern medicine, the clan dropped the food in oceans, the water tinted deep brown
from dissolved
restriction from their clan code. alkaline metals. The combination of
pronounced axial tilt
and large oceans makes Benzar prone
to violent weather,
Clan-specific clauses were excluded from the honor codes especially hurricanes.
observed by the nation-states. After unification these state
codes were organized and codified into a single, overarching The landmass consists of island chains
and archipelagos
code meant to ensure proper conduct for all law-abiding covered in rich, black vegetation. The
plant life gets its color
citizens. Despite the wide variance in honor codes among from alkaline and metal salts in the soil
which the plants
clan, city and state, each code contains ten core virtues, break down for energy. Most of the
fauna of Benzar is
which guided the conduct of every Andorian. amphibious or entirely aquatic.
withstand the violent and regular hurricanes that Benzar
experiences. As an additional benefit, they trap humid
air in cold, dry latitudes for the comfort and wellbeing of
their residents.
Genetic engineering is strictly regulated within the Federation, Dr. Morshni, the project’s
head geneticist, had developed a
and permitted only to treat existing genetic illnesses. How, transgenic treatment to
augment the cybernetic implants. The
then, did the Benzites overcome their species-wide requirement treatment adjusted the
Benzite lungs’ capability to absorb
for respirators in oxygen/nitrogen atmospheres, without being oxygen to compensate
for the higher oxygen levels in the typical
censured for genetic engineering? Federation atmosphere.
The Federation’s inevitable discovery
of the truth almost cost
Benzar their Federation membership.
The Benzite government concealed the true nature of the Morshni justified the
treatment on the grounds that a reversible,
enhancements performed upon its spacefaring citizens. Their non-heritable transgenic
adjustment to the respiratory system
previous reliance on respirators was explained as a consequence was not an
enhancement, but a valid medical treatment to allow
of the Benzites’ requirement for high levels of humidity. The Benzites to function in
standard oxygen-nitrogen environments.
enhancements were described as purely cybernetic implants The Federation
reluctantly agreed. However, medical corps
designed to retain moisture in a Benzite’s gill chambers, which and legal officials plan
to keep a much closer eye on Benzar’s
were indeed necessary for a Benzite’s comfort and wellbeing in a medical science for the
foreseeable future.
drier atmosphere.
the Space Ministry in charge during the next day. More than EARTH
one Federation diplomat has observed that dealing with one
Benzite minister means dealing with them all.
Despite the apparently chaotic nature of Benzar’s Earth is a Class-M planet in the third
orbit of the Sol system.
government, corruption is all but absent. Benzar’s legal code, The capital of the Federation and site of
Starfleet Command
which has roots in their nomadic past, is one of the most and Starfleet Academy, Earth is the
home to millions of
intricate in the Federation. Benzite litigators have few equals species of life, and at least two sentient
genera, humans and
in spotting legal loopholes and contradictions, and to call a cetaceans. For over two hundred years,
the peoples of Earth
contract water-tight is high praise among them. While this have been united in peace and
progress, and today Earth is
propensity drives some Federation members to distraction, as close to a paradise as sentients can
make it.
Benzite contract lawyers are invaluable when negotiating
with the Ferengi. Top-ranked Benzite litigators have a A TUMULTUOUS PAST
jurisprudential responsibility that extends far beyond the Earth’s pre-warp history is filled with
conflict. It wasn’t until
usual duties of lawyers on other planets. They are granted the 20th Century, however, that
industrial progress made
broad authority to annotate and interpret the law, provided it possible for a single civilization to put
the entire world at
that their interpretation is justified by previous commentary risk. In 1945, the United States ended
the Second World
and precedent. Law is a particularly prestigious career on War through the use of atomic weapons
and ushered in the
Benzar, and a cause for celebration by progenitors whose modern age.
child qualifies.
The First and Second World Wars left
the world largely
Benzites are guided toward a career from their first years divided into two political blocs, each
centered on one of the
in school. Careful tests measure the children’s intellectual two dominant powers of the time (often
referred to as the
capacity, emotional capacity, interests and talents. Each Eastern Bloc, dominated by the Union
of Soviet Socialist
student is set a personalized curriculum which adapts Republics, and the Western Bloc,
dominated by the United
to the student’s continuing development. Students States). The United States had used
atomic weapons to
are taught in small groups, each focusing on a specific end the Second World War; due to fears
that an open
part of their curriculum, and move between groups as confrontation between the two blocs
would lead to a third,
the course of study changes. Study groups are not atomically-fueled World War, they
instead engaged in a half-
segregated by age, and any group may have students of century-long “Cold War.”
wildly differing ages.
The Cold War was characterized by a policy of nuclear THE
one-upmanship, a series of proxy wars involving less-
developed and less-powerful nations, a high level of
espionage, and scientific projects (often of dubious
merit) designed to provide some sort of advantage.
Augments were the result of one of these programs,
although the details of the program were lost in the chaos Contemporary historians
ask, “What prevented the Earth’s total
of the following century. destruction during the wars
of the 21st century?” The answer
to that question continues
to be hotly debated, even today. We
The Eastern Bloc had nuclear platforms in orbit in 1968; examine one hypothesis in
the first chapters of this work.
a failed launch of a similar platform by the United States
caused both sides to agree to a new, stricter international Some cite first contact with
the Vulcans as the true turning point, but
agreement to prevent the use of such weapons. Disarmament in truth the Vulcans did little
to help Earth until it became evident that
talks in the 1970s reduced the nuclear stockpiles of both humans would not fall back
into war. Instead, recently-recovered
blocs; however, there still remained sufficient nuclear historical records point to
an unlikely source of intervention.
weapons to destroy civilization. Development of orbital
platforms continued by both sides, replacing nuclear In the wake of the late
1960s treaty regulating orbital platforms,
weaponry with kinetic energy weapons and early pulse both superpowers explored
other options. Among these was
weapons designed for point defense. Systema “Perimetr”, an
automated weapons system intended to
remove human
decision-making from the deployment of the then-
The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 provided a power USSR’s nuclear arsenal.
Initially a relatively-simple computerized
vacuum which the Augments were happy to fill; indeed, switching and launch
network, Perimeter underwent continuous
there is some speculation that its fall was engineered by upgrades during the years
leading up to the nuclear holocaust.
one or more Augments in order to create the circumstances
necessary for them to assume power. The Eugenics Wars The Eastern Bloc claimed
that Perimeter could simulate, calculate,
lasted only four years, but their impact on Earth was horrific. and virtually fight any
conceivable wartime scenario in a matter of
Entire populations were bombed out of existence, primarily seconds, so advanced were
its circuits. At the time, many believed
in Central Asia, South America, and Africa. Records of the this statement to be mere
propaganda. However, records suggest
era are sparse, but there are indications that orbital kinetic that Perimeter benefited
greatly from early developments in the
weapons were used to suppress Augment air power in the USSR’s artificial intelligence
program. In a race to defeat the West,
latter half of the wars. the Eastern Bloc
inadvertently equipped Perimeter with what may
have been a functional
predecessor to the ground-breaking, yet
A period of economic and international uncertainty followed. ultimately unsuccessful,
multitronic computer developed by Dr.
The United Nations was reorganized, to little effect. The Richard Daystrom.
United States’ economy was in a state of collapse, while
Europe was succumbing to xenophobia and Balkanization. The historical record
estimates that a mere 2-3% of the
Many of the countries of East Asia banded together under superpowers’ nuclear
arsenals achieved their intended targets. An
China’s lead to form the Eastern Coalition. By 2026, tensions unusually high percentage
of missiles were destroyed by Eastern
between the Eastern Coalition and the Western powers had Bloc missile defenses, and
there are indications that those missile
reached the point of conflagration, but it was the genocidal defenses targeted their
own missiles as well as the enemy’s. In
would-be despot Colonel Phillip Green whose acts of eco- addition, during the final
stages of the nuclear assault, Perimeter
terrorism set the world aflame. was destroyed by a
ground-penetrating thermonuclear device
launched by the Eastern
Bloc themselves.
World War III lasted twenty-seven years, and was fought
with both nuclear and conventional weapons. At least some But why would they destroy
their primary line of defense?
of the military forces of the time were controlled via the
use of combat drugs. Six hundred million were killed, and We must ask ourselves
difficult questions — when the war began,
most governments collapsed. Remarkably, despite the war, did Perimeter come to the
conclusion, logically based on a billion
humanity was still attempting to explore the cosmos. Manned virtual simulations of a war
that ended in annihilation, that it must
missions were launched throughout the war, including Ares IV prevent that outcome? Is it
possible that a machine, designed to
and the Charybdis. defend one small part of
the world, chose to extend that defense
even unto its enemies?
The period after World War III is known as the “post-
atomic horror,” although records of the period suggest Is it possible that a system
designed to exterminate life chose
that some regions suffered much more than others. Green, warm, rather than cold,
responsible for millions of deaths during the war, ordered
the “purification” of the human race by killing hundreds of
thousands of people who were suffering radiation sickness. combination of the old and the
new. As ruined suburbs and
He was ultimately brought to justice, but his words and acts urban centers were reclaimed,
many of them were converted
were not forgotten. In other parts of the world, law and order to parkland and common areas.
Historic city centers
collapsed completely. And in Bozeman, Montana, Zefram are maintained, their roads
converted to pedestrian use.
Cochrane built and launched the Phoenix, the first warp- Population centers are no
longer designed around the need
capable spacecraft, resulting in Earth’s meeting with the to support millions of personal
vehicles. Most people don’t
Vulcans, known thereafter as First Contact. own such conveyances,
preferring the convenience of the
planetary transport network.
The cruelties of the post-atomic horror were the final straw
— an extinction burst of violence — for the people of Earth. Urban populations primarily live
in arcologies. These huge,
One by one, the nations of Earth sent their ambassadors to mixed-use buildings include
residential and industrial areas,
San Francisco to stand united. One by one, the last of the hydroponic gardens and
dedicated open spaces, and can
despots died, and humans reclaimed their battered world. be several hundred stories tall,
and provide urbanites with
Eighty-seven years and one human lifetime later, the last comfortable homes in an
ecologically-sound footprint. There
independent nations joined the world government, making it is no uniformity to the design of
these arcologies. While each
a United Earth in truth. city may have a similarity of
style, each arcology is unique,
and many of them are works of
Today, Earth has recovered from the scars of the 21st Many Terrans choose not to live
in cities, a choice made
Century. Its population enjoys a comfortable, peaceful, possible by the wide reach of
the planetary communications
productive existence. Vast tracts of land area have been and transport network. Some
are able to pursue their careers
designated as wilderness areas and left to grow wild. other from their home, conducting
their business on a remote
areas are agricultural. A network of weather satellites, basis. If a job requires a
physical presence, however, it’s
launched in the early 22nd Century, has corrected the climate as easy to transport halfway
across a world as it is to walk
aberrations from the nuclear winter. Today, Terrans prefer a across a boulevard. Modern
technology allows homes to be
light hand with the weather, and only generally intervene to entirely self-contained, and
citizens can live as easily on the
prevent a full-fledged disaster. edge of the wilderness as they
can in the city. Sentients of
all species can be found in
Earth’s cities. Some are there on
The wars of the 21st Century inadvertently encouraged business, some for pleasure,
and some choose to make their
the redesign of most major cities. Most cities today are a home among humanity.
When outworlders refer to Surak and his philosophy, the word most often used in translation is logic. We
do not speak here of the
logic of mathematics or philosophy, but the pursuit of reason. This pursuit of a logical, rational mindset
gives rise to a number of
misunderstandings about Vulcans. The most fundamental of these is the idea that we have no emotions.
Vulcans have emotions, and those emotions are powerful, irrational, and frequently violent. That is the
problem Surak faced. As he
mastered his feelings, he discovered the capability to see the world as it truly was, without the distortion of
emotional excess. In the
casting out of fear, he discovered the wonders of diversity.
From these beginnings came the three pillars of logic: the acceptance of reality, for good or ill; the embrace
of diversity, and the change
and growth that diversity offers; and the emotional control that makes the first two possible. It is no
accident that the IDIC symbol is a
triangle atop a circle -- the rational shaping the irrational, the threefold path of logic allowing the Vulcan
soul to become whole.
Surak hoped that one day we could live with our emotions in peace, and he had faith we would discover
the way to attain that state from
the diversity of the universe. And yet, in that hope, we find a paradox for these are not logical beliefs. A
purely rational analysis suggests
that it should be impossible for one man to change the way of thought of an entire planet. Yet he persisted
-- not out of logic, but
because he loved his people too much to allow them to destroy themselves.
Earth’s oceans support a thriving aquaculture industry. versions of the United Nations were
inaugurated in the
With support and assistance from the cetacean citizens city. United Earth was born here out of
the peace treaty
of Earth, billions of tons of biomass are produced each that ended World War III. The United
Earth Starfleet sited
year to provide raw material for industrial replicators. The its headquarters along the bay coast
north of the city, and
replicator has made industrial agriculture a thing of the multiple alien embassies and
compounds were built in the
past. Modern agriculture is primarily artisanal, combining surrounding area. San Francisco hosted
the signing of the
modern capabilities with traditional techniques. Earth’s Federation Charter in 2161, and every
new member of the
farms are small and highly-specialized, producing items Federation adds their signature to the
charter in the very
that either cannot be replicated or that have particular same hall.
cultural significance. French wine, traditionally grown
wasabi, and artisanal dishes of banku and okro stew are Starfleet Headquarters and the Starfleet
Academy are
only a few examples. located on the site of the former
Presidio, at the north tip
of the peninsula, just south of the
Golden Gate Bridge. The
PARIS Federation Council chambers can also
be found in this area.
The Federation president’s office is situated in Paris, Starfleet also maintains and operates
towers in the former
France. At the top of a tall, graceful tower overlooking the Financial District, where each division
conducts day-to-day
Seine, the president has an unparalleled view of a millennia operations. The San Francisco Fleet
Yards, in geostationary
of history. At one end of the city, the Arc de Triomphe orbit over San Francisco, also have their
headquarters in
stands, the eternal flame beneath it re-lit in 2070 and the city.
nurtured ever since. Across the Seine rises the Eiffel Tower,
restored and re-dedicated on the date that France joined
United Earth. The great Avenue des Champs-Élysées VULCAN
stretches from the Arc to the Grand Palais and, finally,
the Louvre. The Louvre remains one of Earth’s premier
museums; much of the collection was stolen during and PLANETARY BACKGROUND
after the war, but the majority was recovered relatively Vulcan is a Class-M planet in the
triple-star system 40
intact. It became apparent after the war that a significant Eridani. Vulcan is in the second orbit
around the K1 dwarf
portion of the thefts were motivated by a simple desire to 40 Eridani A, near the inner edge of the
habitable zone. 40
protect the priceless treasures. Eridani B and C are incapable of
supporting life-bearing
planets. Any planets orbiting Eridani B
would have been
The citizens of Paris are proud of their history, and have destroyed when it collapsed into a white
dwarf, and Eridani
worked hard to ensure that the city retains the ambience of C is a red dwarf whose flares are lethal
to M-class planets.
times past. The original medieval layout of Paris can still be 40 Eridani A, although of slightly lower
magnitude than Sol,
seen in its street map, which has not changed in hundreds appears brighter from Vulcan due to the
closer orbit.
of years. Paris has always rigorously controlled their urban
development, and new construction within the central Vulcan is half of a double planet. It orbits
a barycenter
quarters of the city is restricted to a height of 37 meters. This approximately two-thirds of the way
between it and its
may, on the discretion of the city government, may be raised planetary companion, T’Khut. T’Khut is
smaller and less
to 50 meters if necessary. Exceptions are rare. Architectural massive than Vulcan, has very little
metal content and its
styles are expected to combine harmoniously with the core is no longer tectonically active.
Unusually, the Vulcan
existing historic buildings. This makes Paris visually and system contains a second Class-M
planet, this one near
culturally unique among Terran cities. the outer edge of the habitable zone.
Vulcan has never
colonized this small, forbidding ice
world, due to its tectonic
SAN FRANCISCO instability and predatory fauna,
considered vicious even by
San Francisco is nestled in the rolling hills at the tip of Vulcan standards. Due to the small
extent of 40 Eridani A’s
the peninsula that separates San Francisco Bay from the habitable zone, there are times when a
person on the ice
Pacific Ocean. First gaining prominence as a port during planet could potentially see the surface
of Vulcan.
the gold rush of the 19th Century, San Francisco became
a diplomatic and financial center in the 20th. A massive Vulcan is an arid world with a thin
atmosphere and high
earthquake in 1906, and another in 2043, both resulted in gravity. Most water on Vulcan is
contained in underground
massive rebuilding. San Francisco is therefore a very modern aquifers. A mere 10% of the surface is
water, primarily
city. Areas such as the Mission District and the Embarcadero a pair of seas about the size of Earth’s
retain their historic character, and are the sites of a number of Despite its current desert climate, there
are geological
restaurants, night-spots, and cafés. indications that Vulcan possessed
significantly more
water in its early history. Many
planetologists believe that
San Francisco has been the site of several major attempts Vulcan’s lack of water is a result of
exposure to Eridani C’s
at unification, both of Earth and of the Federation. Both periodic and violent solar flares. Vulcan
and Eridani C are
against its fierce primary star,
while their respiratory systems
are particularly efficient in
extracting oxygen from the
atmosphere. Plants and animals
alike can go for significant
amounts of time without water,
and most Vulcan life
possesses some resistance to
hard radiation.
Surak’s writings contain no reference to his final days,
records are sparse, but the general sequence of events
is known. The children of the Raptor struck, swiftly and
savagely. When the atomic weapons launched,
Seleya — and Surak — was the first target. Though he did
not die in the initial onslaught, he was exposed to massive The Enterprise is currently
undergoing repairs, courtesy of the new
amounts of radiation. He lived long enough to retreat to the Vulcan government.
Meanwhile, I’m getting used to being alone in
T’Karath Sanctuary, where many of his people had taken my own head again. After
some discussion with T’Pol and T’Pau, I’ve
refuge in the underground vaults. There, he died, and his decided that Starfleet doesn’t
need to know that I spent several days
katra was preserved and carefully hidden, along with his sharing my brain with the
father of Vulcan philosophy. Dr. Phlox has
original writings. assured me that I haven’t
suffered any neurological damage from the
experience, and I can rely on
his discretion.
Logic suggests that those who knew of the location of
Surak’s writings and katra died in the final battle. Through the I’m not sure how to describe
it. Syrran could have survived long
centuries required to rebuild Vulcan civilization, those who enough to pass the katra on
to T’Pol, but he, or Surak, chose me for
followed translated and disseminated his teachings to their a reason. And I don’t think it
was just because humans still remember
students. Over time, Surak’s teachings became corrupted. the fear of nuclear
annihilation. He never said it outright, but I think
he wanted to remind Vulcans
that diversity also comes in packages
By the early 22nd Century, knowledge of his philosophy that make them
uncomfortable. To show both of our peoples that
had degraded to a point where the High Command could we’re not that different under
the surface. A reminder that not even he
effectively seize control of the planetary government, guiding could change a planet alone.
It takes all of us.
Vulcan into a period of militarism and Vulcan superiority.
Modern analysis suggests that one or more members of the
High Command were influenced by Romulan agents, as a
step towards reunification. In a historical irony, the corrupt
administrator of the High Command set his own downfall in No two Vulcans are exactly alike,
though there are some
motion. He arranged the bombing of the Terran Embassy, societal tendencies. Vulcans are usually
less impulsive than
planning to use it as an excuse to attack the Andorians. other species. When possible, they
prefer not to act until they
Humans and Vulcans working together to find the truth have all the facts. Conversely, they are
often more willing to
exposed his duplicity and restored Surak’s original writings to enter dangerous situations, given a
rational assessment of
the Vulcan people. the risks. They are an extremely
reserved people, and non-
Vulcans must learn to interpret their
body language in the
THE PURSUIT OF LOGIC context of that reserve. For a Vulcan,
the touch of fingers can
Over the past two centuries, Vulcan society has returned to be the equivalent of a full-body embrace.
the true teachings of Surak. In many ways, however, Vulcans
remain who they have been for centuries. They are a people Vulcans have a reputation for being
reluctant to spend time
bound by tradition, of their own choice. Their tight adherence among other species, especially those
lacking emotional
to the strictures of logic often appears to be mental or control. This reputation has a basis in
fact because a
societal rigidity. They are an intensely private people, and Vulcan untrained in the philosophical
techniques of
do not readily invite outsiders into their confidence. This emotional and psychic control is
vulnerable to the influence
reserve is often mistaken for standoffishness or arrogance. of others’ emotions. For Vulcans, strong
emotions are
They are considered cold and forbidding, often compared literally contagious. Many of the ancient
Vulcan religious
to machines. practices evolved to exploit this
tendency, inducing highly
ecstatic emotional states. This
sometimes allows Vulcans
None of this is true. Vulcans do have a high regard for to sense highly emotional events at a
large distance, such
tradition, but for good reason. Their traditions saved their as Commander Spock becoming aware
of the death of
civilization from total destruction. Not all Vulcans follow the the U.S.S. Intrepid’s all-Vulcan crew in
2268 from light-
path of logic in the same way, however. Surak anticipated as years away. Vulcans who are unsure of
their emotional
much in his writings: “All people are different; no one walks control prefer to remain among Vulcans
rather than risk an
twice in their own footsteps.” In addition, two centuries emotional onslaught.
after the revelation of Surak’s original writings, modern
philosophers have offered different interpretations. Some Pre-Awakening architecture is usually
imposing, with
Vulcans emphasize emotional control, and these are more mighty stone fortresses towering above
the desert and
likely to pursue the ritual of Kolinahr. Others are more carved out of the living rock. Even
today, many of these
interested in exploring the diversity of the universe. The only edifices remain habitable and in use.
One notable example
consensus is that each Vulcan must experience Surak’s is the Hall of Ancient Thought on Mount
Seleya. Post-
philosophy for themselves. Awakening architecture can be divided
into two general
eras: before and after regaining the capability for space on the surface of the planet,
one only sees the occasional
travel. Pre-space buildings lack the sheer grandiosity of roof. Modern Vulcan
architecture takes full advantage of the
their predecessors and instead reflect a new humility and technologies available to it, and
tall, graceful buildings rise
practicality. Instead of building up, they built down, using far above the surface, towers
sweeping to a peak. Sharp
the insulating properties of stone to their advantage. Older corners are eschewed in favor
of sinuous curves. Buildings
Vulcan cities look odd to human eyes. When one stands are ornamented simply, using
straight lines to break up or
emphasize the curves.
accepted spelling is ShiKahr, variant transliterations and that property can easily be
replaced. Because the
include Shi’Kahr, ShirKahr, Shirkar, and several others. It Risians welcome all comers, and do
little to monitor the
grew up around one of the rare natural artesian springs. activities of their visitors, Risa has also
become a haven
The pre-Awakening fortress built to defend the precious for spies, similar to Old Earth’s Vienna.
Agents of all
spring is still in existence, and is now used by the Vulcan species can make discreet contact
under the guise of a
High Council and Vulcan Science Academy as a lecture libidinous vacation.
and meeting hall for very large audiences. ShiKahr was
also one of the first cities to accept logic: Surak founded CORIDAN
the T’Karath Monastery nearby on the outskirts of the Coridan is extremely rich in dilithium and
other metals, and
Forge. Formerly the site of the High Command, ShiKahr so has been the target of interstellar
predation from before
is also home to the Vulcan Science Academy and the the Federation’s founding. In the 22nd
Century, Coridan was
Shirkahr Academy. wracked by dissent. Poverty was
widespread, and there
were numerous rebellions against the
elected government.
Vulcan’s Forge is the harshest desert on the planet. While their political differences were
genuine, the conflict
Surface water is inaccessible, save to the native wildlife, between the government and the rebel
forces was made
and the only shelter is a network of caves. Geomagnetic worse by the Vulcans (who backed the
government) and the
anomalies and sandfire (highly ionized sandstorms) disrupt Andorians (who supported the rebels).
Both were willing to
modern technology, such as communicators, transporters, interfere for the sake of Coridan’s
dilithium exports.
and weapons. Those lost in the Forge are rarely rescued,
as even sensors cannot penetrate the area. Despite the Coridan was part of the negotiations to
create a Coalition
forbidding terrain and the danger of wild sehlats, the of Planets in 2155, largely to defend
against the Romulan
Forge has become a place of pilgrimage in the past two threat. They refused to join the Coalition
due to their trade
centuries. Since the discovery of the Kir’Shara, Vulcans ties with the Orion Syndicate, and were
not invited to join the
have come to Gateway to follow in Surak’s footsteps. Federation six years later. Meanwhile,
their political situation
continued to disintegrate. Over the next
century, civil wars
Mount Seleya rises from Vulcan’s Forge. It was a sacred and piracy caused a significant
population decline, while
place of retreat even before the time of Surak, and it was Orion traders worked illegal mines using
slave labor.
there that Surak developed his philosophy. The ancient
monastery on Seleya’s slopes was largely destroyed in the Coridan’s request to join the Federation
in 2268 almost
final war. It was rebuilt a century later as the Hall of Ancient opened old wounds among the
Federation founders
Thought. It, and the Hall of Katras within, was intended to be instead. An Orion spy, disguised as an
Andorian, murdered
the resting place of Surak’s katra and his final writings. Both the Tellarite ambassador and tried to
pin the blame on the
were lost in the aftermath of the war, and only since their re- Vulcan ambassador. The crew of the
Federation starship
discovery have they taken their appointed place. transporting the diplomatic entourage
solved the murder and
uncovered the spy, and the negotiations
continued. Today,
OTHER PLANETS Coridan is a full member of the
Federation, and remains one
RISA of the most valuable sources of
dilithium in the Quadrant.
Risa is one of the Federation’s most famous pleasure
planets, and was known as such even before it became a NAUSICAA
Federation member. Risa’s natural state is cold, gray, rainy, Little is known about the Nausicaan
homeworld, as the
and seismically unstable. Through the use of sophisticated Nausicaans do not allow outworlders
planet-side. Some
weather and seismic control systems, the Risians have suspect it to be just short of a “death
world”, with high
transformed their planet into a sunny tropical paradise. gravity, extreme temperatures, and
ferocious wildlife. The
Risa is a popular location for seminars, tournaments, and Nausicaans themselves are ill-tempered
and violent, and take
weddings. The planet offers a variety of activities designed to pleasure in inflicting and enduring pain.
appeal to the widest possible spectrum of sentients. Balmy
beaches, trendy urban nightclubs and wilderness adventures: Nausicaan pirates were a scourge of
civilized worlds in
Risa has it all. The Risian people are generous, openly sexual the 22nd Century. Operating in
organized groups, their
and hedonistic, and they freely invite their visitors to partake piracy was a business. In the intervening
two centuries,
“All that is ours is yours.” such groups disintegrated, possibly due
to a governmental
or societal collapse. Nausicaans
continued to be a blight
The Risians are a peaceful people and their planet is on the civilized galaxy, hiring
themselves out as thieves,
likewise peaceful as weapons are entirely banned. That bodyguards, and mercenaries. They are
often hired by the
said, Risa is not a perfect planet. Crime is not unknown in Orion Syndicate as muscle.
the urban areas, and travelers are advised not to drop their
guard completely. The Risians take the relaxed attitude
that the occasional minor crime adds spice to an outing,
On the Klingons’ southwestern border lies the Gorn
Hegemony. There are records of Klingon battles against the KLINGON
Gorn, but the Gorn seem content to stay on their side of the
border. After a few encounters, the Klingons seem content ‘ej HumtaH ‘ej DechtaH ‘Iw
with the status quo. ‘ej Doq SoDtaH ghoSpa’
Sqral bIQtIq
‘e’ pa’ jaj law’ mo’ jaj puS
jaj qeylIS molar mIgh
“And the blood was ankle
The Klingon Empire has existed for nearly one and half And the River Skral ran
crimson red.
millennia. It was founded in Earth’s 9th Century by Kahless On the day above all days.
the Unforgettable, who overthrew the tyrant Molor and united When Kahless slew evil
Molor dead.”
the homeworld for the first time. Kahless was a mighty
warrior and an effective leader as well as a philosopher, and
his words and actions established the code of honor that
became the template for Klingon society.
Late in life, Kahless told his subjects that he had to leave In the 14th century, Qo’noS, the Klingon
homeworld was
them, to journey to Sto-vo-kor, the Klingon afterlife. He invaded by an alien species, called the
Hur’q (the “outsiders”)
promised that he would return. Pointing to a star on the by the Klingons. The Hur’q were raiders,
who sacked
horizon, he said “Look for me there, on that point of light.” Qo’noS, and stole much of the planet’s
wealth and many
The star pointed out by Kahless was Boreth to the Klingons cultural artifacts, before they were
driven into space by
named, and the system became a sacred place. Kahless the outraged Klingons. The Klingons
were able to reverse-
wandered out into the wilderness and was never seen again, engineer captured alien weapons, ships
and devices, which
but the House of Kahless ruled the Empire for generations. lead to a leap forward in technology. At
the same time, first
contact with an alien species and the initial sting of defeat moon of Praxis. Their
technological advances continued,
came as a great cultural shock to the Klingon people, leading to their development
and increased understanding
bringing great changes to Klingon society. The old religion of of warp travel into the 21st
Century, and the period of
the Klingons was largely abandoned as meaningless in the Klingon expansion and
conquest began. The memory of their
face of this new reality. To this day, Klingons often poetically humiliation at the hands of the
Hur’q had become part of
describe this period as the time when the Klingons killed their the Klingon psyche, and they
swore, as a people, to never
gods, having decided that they were more trouble than they experience such abasement
again. As they discovered new
were worth. worlds, they took what they
could, becoming the raiders
who brought fear to others. If a
world was uninhabited, they
The First Dynasty of Kahless had been broken during established a colony, thereby
insuring that no invasion of
the Hur’q invasion, with the death of Emperor Mur’Eq. A their homeworld would ever
again threaten the survival of
Second Dynasty was founded, with the oldest male cousin the Klingon race. If the world
was inhabited, they conquered
of Mur’Eq taking the throne as Emperor Korva. The Second it, making its population subjects
of the Empire, ruled by
Dynasty period was marked by slowly rebuilding from the Klingon masters.
depredations inflicted by the Hur’q.
Over the decades, the true
power in the Empire was more
After 200 years, the Second Dynasty came to a violent end, and more concentrated in the
hands of the High Council,
when General K’Trelan assassinated Emperor Reclaw and rather than the Emperor. In the
mid-21st Century, the last
executed the entire Imperial Family. The coup d’etat resulted emperor of the Imperial line,
Koth, died without an heir.
in the first and only Klingon experiment in democracy, as The Chancellor of the High
Council, Mow’ga, simply didn’t
K’Trelan turned over authority to a council elected by the bother to look for a distant
relative to replace him. There
people. This period is referred to by Klingon historians as was no longer an Emperor. The
High Council, headed by the
“The Dark Time,” and only lasted briefly — about a decade Chancellor, now governed the
— before being overthrown by the Third Dynasty, a group of
Klingons who, after victory, gave themselves the names and
titles of the original Imperial Family, in order to create the A CLASH OF POWERS
illusion of an unbroken line.
During the Third Dynasty, the Klingons began to venture Following the Hur’q invasion,
the Klingons did not
into space using the H’urq technology, exploring outside encounter another alien species
that could best them until
their solar system and creating a mining colony on the the 22nd Century. They came up
against the Romulans.
The Klingons had no technology
that matched the
Romulan cloaking device.
Klingon ships were faster, more
THE WARRIOR’S ANTHEM powerful and better armed, but
it made no difference
against an enemy they could not
detect. The Romulans
did not seem interested in
conquest, only in preventing
Qoy qeylIs puqloD. a Klingon incursion into their
space. After many clashes,
Qoy puqbe’pu’. the High Council decided to halt
Imperial expansion, but
yoHbogh matlhbogh je SuvwI’ a treaty with the Romulans was
not formalized until after
Say’moHchu’ may’ ‘Iw. the end of the Earth-Romulan
War in 2160. The Romulans
maSuv manong ‘ej maHoHchu’. offered a mutual non-aggression
pact via subspace radio,
nI’be’ yInmaj ‘ach wovqu’. going so far as to offer the
Klingons a clearly-defined
batlh maHeghbej ‘ej yo’ qIjDaq vavpu’ma’ DImuv. border that extended from the
Neutral Zone established
pa’ reH maSuvtaHqu’. with the Humans. The
declaration was beneficial to the
mamevQo’. maSuvtaH. ma’ov. Klingons, giving them control of
additional systems which
had been considered contested
previously, and the High
Translation: Council agreed to the pact.
“Hear! Sons of Kahless.
Hear! Daughters too. FIRST CONTACT
The blood of battle washes clean First Contact with Earth
occurred in 2151, following a
The Warrior brave and true. Klingon crash-landing in Broken
Bow, Oklahoma. A Klingon
We fight, we love, and then we kill. courier, Klaang, was shot by a
human farmer, and severely
Our lives burn short and bright, wounded. Going against Vulcan
advice, the Humans chose
Then we die with honor and join our fathers in the Black Fleet where to return the wounded Klaang to
Qo’noS, unaware that
we battle forever, battling on through the Eternal fight.” doing so would be considered
an insult. This violation of
Klingon values set the tone for
the relationship between the
two species for the next century
and a half.
With continued exploration by United Earth
it became inevitable that they would find themselves
encroaching upon territory claimed by the Empire. There
were regular clashes between Klingon and Human
and, with each encounter, enmity grew up between the
two species. For the Klingons, however, these incidents FROM
remained largely a matter for individual houses, rather
than the Empire itself. The High Council had ruled that “This is Brigadier Kerla,
speaking for the High Command. There has
encroachment into the territory of a particular house been an incident on Praxis.
However, everything is under control; we
was considered an internal matter, thanks to the Klingon have no need for assistance.
view of the time that Earth was a backwater, a nuisance
really, rather than a true strategic threat. At the time, the Obey treaty stipulations and
remain outside the Neutral Zone. This
Empire was also mired in power struggles and closer to transmission ends now.”
civil war than it had been since the Dark Time. As a result,
Chancellor M’Rek often influenced events via decisions
which kept the houses busy, in the belief that this
channeled their aggression to useful purpose, avoiding a
full-blown civil war. With the Empire in a period of uneasy
peace, it briefly turned
to the Romulans, and proposed a
strategic alliance against
The Klingon view of Earth changed significantly, however, the Federation. The alliance was
short-lived, but lasted
with the formation of the Coalition of Planets, the action long enough for the sharing of
technology between the two
then taken by that Coalition against the Romulans in the governments. The Romulans gained
access to the powerful
Earth-Romulan War, and the Coalition’s transformation into Klingon ship designs, while the Klingons
gained cloaking
the United Federation of Planets in 2161. In the space of 10 technology. Before long, however, the
alliance dissolved in
years, the Klingons had gone from first contact with a brash, mutual distrust and recriminations.
young species from a minor world, to seeing them become
the linchpin in a major strategic threat. PRAXIS
Everything changed with the destruction
of Praxis, the
For the remainder of the 22nd Century, and into the 23rd, moon of Qo’noS, in 2293. The moon,
which had been the
a state of “Cold War” existed between the Empire and the primary producer of energy for Qo’noS,
was obliterated in
Federation. From time to time, the tense situation boiled over a massive explosion caused by
over-mining and a lack of
into open combat between the two powers. Skirmishes were safety procedures. The explosion
resulted in a subspace
fought over disputed systems: Archanis, Donatu, Capella, shock wave that reached light-years
from Qo’noS, with the
Tellun and more, and the overall situation deteriorated. The planet taking the brunt of the damage,
as well as deadly
cold war grew hot in 2255 with the Battle at the Binary Stars, pollution from lunar debris. Scientists
quickly determined
touching off open hostilities and a months-long state of war that the environmental damage to
Qo’noS could lead to
between the two powers during an attempt to unite the 24 complete de-oxygenation of the planet’s
atmosphere within
Klingon great houses into a more unified empire. Eventually 50 years.
equilibrium was restored, but conflict and resentment on both
sides remained. Gorkon, Chancellor of the High Council,
realized that
the Empire could not afford the costs of
the necessary
ORGANIA environmental clean-up while
maintaining the vast military
By 2267, relations with the Federation had broken down budget which had escalated during the
conflicts with the
completely and the Empire invaded, moving quickly to secure Federation. He proposed a new treaty,
which would allow the
key planets all along the border. Klingon troops under the Empire to dismantle its border
fortifications, cut its military
command of Kor occupied Organia, coming into conflict with spending, and, hopefully, allow the
acquisition of some of
the Federation Starship Enterprise, under the command of the Federation’s vaunted environmental
technologies, which
James T. Kirk. The combatants were stunned to discover that would aid in the effort to save Qo’noS.
the Organians were non-corporeal beings, who forced an
immediate end to the war. The Organian emissary, Ayelborne, However, a conspiracy of career soldiers
from both the Empire
appeared simultaneously to the Federation Council and the and the Federation saw this as a threat,
and assassinated
Klingon High Council and announced the imposition of the Gorkon on his way to the talks. Captain
James Kirk and
Treaty of Organia. No conflict would be permitted by the Doctor Leonard McCoy of the U.S.S.
Enterprise were framed
Organians, and the terms of the treaty spelled out a process for the crime and imprisoned on Rura
Penthe. The crew of the
for the resolution of border disputes by means of each side Enterprise uncovered the conspiracy,
rescued their comrades
demonstrating they were more able to develop any disputed and, with the crew of the U.S.S.
Excelsior, managed to
world than their opponent. prevent the Federation President being
assassinated as well.
But it is not vengeance that I speak of today. I am sure that we I recommend that we arrange for
a warrior’s tribute to be
will see to that in good time. I am sending this message because made in the names of the crew
of the Enterprise. Their families
I wish to make special note of the honorable sacrifice of the should know that we saw their
glory, and it is remembered.
Federation ship. The Enterprise threw herself into a battle that
her crew must have known they could not win, in an attempt to Qapla’, my Chancellor.
Gorkon’s daughter, Azetbur, claimed the Chancellorship via weaken both of their opponents.
One such effort successfully
the Rite of Succession, and she is the only woman to date drove the Klingon Empire into a
civil war.
who has held the position. She and Federation President
Ra-ghoratreii signed the first Khitomer Accords, beginning The Klingon Civil War was a
conflict fought from 2367–
an age of cooperation between the two great powers at the 2368, between factions vying for
the Chancellorship of
dawn of the 24th Century. The lessened tension with the the High Council following the
poisoning of K’mpec.
Federation was replaced in the 24th Century by an increase Duras, leader of one of the
factions, was revealed to have
in conflict with the Cardassians (after first contact in 2308) collaborated with the Romulans
in attempting to secure
and renewed hostilities with the Romulans. the chancellorship, and was
killed. Gowron became
chancellor, yet the matter was
not settled. Lursa and
NARENDRA III B’Etor, the sisters of Duras,
claimed that Gowron had used
In 2344, four Romulan warbirds decloaked and began orbital Federation influence (namely the
actions of Captain Jean-
bombardment of the Klingon settlement on Narendra III. The Luc Picard as the Arbiter of
Succession) to illegitimately
outpost was poorly-defended; its only guardian had been an become chancellor. The factions
supporting the house
aging D7-class cruiser on picket duty, and it did not survive of Duras and the factions
supporting Chancellor Gowron
the first volley of fire from the warbirds. Narendra III sent out broke into open war.
a distress call, as the Romulans continued to hammer the
colony from orbit. The war ended in a victory for
Gowron, but it was only
achieved through assistance
from the Federation in exposing
The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C, under command of the covert Romulan support for
the Duras family. With the
Captain Rachel Garrett, received the distress call, and most powerful of his enemies
now disgraced and defeated,
without hesitation, proceeded to Narendra III at maximum Gowron’s rule over the Empire is
strong. It was certainly
warp. By the time the Enterprise had arrived at the planet, strong enough to withstand the
apparent return of Kahless,
the Klingon settlement was almost entirely destroyed, and when the clerics of Boreth
produced a clone from Kahless’
although they were seriously outgunned and outnumbered, original DNA. For the first time
since the 21st Century, there
they made a valiant effort to protect what few Klingons is an Emperor of the Klingon
people. The clone, now known
remained. The Enterprise was able to successfully eliminate as Kahless, Son of Kahless, sits
on the throne as a cultural
two of the Romulan warbirds but, in the end, defeat was and religious leader. He is an
example for Klingons to follow,
inevitable. The Enterprise was destroyed, defending the while the High Council continues
to rule under the firm
Klingons on Narendra III. direction of Chancellor Gowron.
the Emperor was subsumed into the High Council, initially Despite the shared name, not all great
Houses are alike in
created as an advisory body of two dozen representatives power. Some are merely minor clans,
with little authority
from the most powerful Houses in the Empire. The High and territory, although such small
Houses are usually either
Council became the de facto ruling body of the Empire, conquered or absorbed by larger ones.
Each great House
under the leadership of its chancellor. By the mid-21st directly governs their holdings, in a
feudal structure. They
Century, the position of Emperor was abandoned, and the are run almost as separate nations,
bowing only to the High
Empire was openly governed by the Chancellor and the High Council in matters that directly affect
the entire Empire. As
Council. Recently an Emperor has been re-introduced, albeit such, great Houses have their own
militaries and their own
purely in a cultural and religious capacity. Power still rests starships, with which they exert control
over their territory.
with the Chancellor.
Conflict between great Houses is
commonplace, and
The Empire relies on a system of overlapping rituals, generally, it is the official position of the
High Council to
traditions and strict codes of conduct. Despite this, various stay out of such inter-house matters,
until called upon
factions, led by individual great Houses and their vassals, to act as an impartial arbiter, or if the
struggle threatens
have often challenged for leadership of the Empire, and the Empire as a whole. Open warfare
between great
conflicts between Houses are commonplace. Officially, Houses no longer occurs; most rivalries
are limited to
the High Council stays out of inter-house rivalries but, political maneuvering, but if blood is
required, there will be
realistically, the complex network of factions usually means individual duels of honor.
that bad blood between Houses is reflected by political
maneuvering within the Council. THE HIGH COUNCIL
The ruling body of the Klingon Empire is
comprised of
The practical, day-to-day administration of the Empire is left roughly two dozen representatives of
the most powerful and
to the Houses themselves, with each governing their own influential great Houses. Membership in
the High Council
territory, possessing their own military, and handling their changes over time, as Houses wax and
wane in stature
own internal affairs. They defer to the Chancellor and the but the majority of the tuqmey have
maintained their status
High Council when required. The Chancellor expects the for centuries. By tradition, only Klingon
males serve on the
Houses to provide warriors and ships to the Klingon Defense High Council although Gowron offered
a woman, Federation
Force. Loyal Klingons are expected to serve the Empire when ambassador K’Ehleyr, a seat on the
High Council. She
called, and serve their House at all other times. turned it down. It remains to be seen if
this tradition will be
maintained in future.
Klingon society is organized along extended family lines,
or houses, forming networks of mutual obligation and
support. Each great House (tuqmey) is usually led by
eldest male of the core ruling noble family of the House,
with female-led households something of a rarity.
the head of a house dies with no male heir, the High
Council can arrange special dispensation for a female The Klingon Empire covers a
vast territory, similar in scope to the
to head the house, who holds the position of mistress. Federation. Whereas the
Federation is comprised of many different
The mistress of a house typically runs the household and species, the Klingon Empire is
solely comprised of Klingons. Klingons
approves all marriages into the family. run the government, and only
Klingons are citizens.
Not all members of a House are members of the same family This is not to say that other
races do not exist within Klingon territory.
by blood kinship. By consent of the house’s head, members These species are known in
the Empire as Jeghpu’wI’, which is a
may join a house purely via the fealty they owe to the House, Klingon word meaning
“conquered people.” Their worlds are subject
or through a familial tradition of support. to Klingon rule, but they
generally do not socialize or intermingle with
When a great House is diminished by losses through either
warfare or disaster, the holdings, property and surviving In the past, the Klingons kept
slaves (kuve) from conquered races
members (if any) of the weakened House are often claimed or captured enemies, but the
practice has all but died out now. The
by other Houses. The same fate may occur to Houses that term Jeghpu’wI’ conveys a
social status which is higher than a slave,
have been disbanded by order of the High Council, for but less than a citizen.
Federation linguists have determined that the
disgracing themselves or committing grave acts of dishonor. best match for the social
status of the Jeghpu’wI’ would be “subject.”
Disbandment of a great House is not undertaken lightly, and Their worlds are subject to
Klingon rule, but they are not citizens. Only
is a punishment ordered by the chancellor in only the direst Klingons may be citizens.
of circumstances.
Traditionally, the Emperor was
a male descendent of Kahless
The Unforgettable. Various
Houses claiming that bloodline
noH QapmeH wo’ Qaw’lu’chugh yay chavbe’lu’, put Emperors on the throne
over the years until the 21st
‘ej wo’ choqmeH may’ DoHlu’chugh lujbe’lu’. Century, when the Emperor
died with no heir, and the
throne remained empty.
However, this changed two years
Translation: ago when the clerics of Boreth
used DNA traces from an
Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory. ancient dagger said to be
stained with the blood of Kahless
And ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat. to create a clone. The clerics
imprinted the contents of the
Klingon sacred texts into the
clone’s mind: all the stories and
teachings of Kahless. They
wished to give the impression
that this was Kahless returned
from Sto-Vo-Kor to lead his
people as he had promised.
The choice of Chancellor is governed by a complex
collection of rules, guidelines and rituals collectively known The revelation of Kahless’
apparent return threatened to
as the Rite of Succession. The Rite is administered by the shatter the Empire. Factions
began to take sides: those
Arbiter of Succession, an individual named by the preceding who wished to follow Kahless,
and those who remained
Chancellor. Various tests and competitions are required loyal to Chancellor Gowron. In
order to save the Empire
to be performed by prospective candidates in order to be from chaos, it was decided to
openly announce the origins
considered for the role of governing the Empire, in a process of the new Kahless. He would
assume the role of Emperor
which could often take months to complete. The victor as a moral leader, cultural
exemplar and ceremonial head
appears before the High Council in the Great Hall of the First of state. The clone himself
argued that what truly mattered
City on Qo’noS where the Arbiter would name the candidate was Kahless’ words and
teachings, not the man himself,
as the new Chancellor of the Klingon Empire. as long as the Klingon people
remembered and strove
to live by those words. He
ascended to the throne as
The High Council acts as a legislature, making the laws and Kahless, Son of Kahless,
serving as an essential reminder
policies that govern the Empire and its citizens. The Council of what had made the Empire
great: the honor of the
has a number of commissions that oversee particular Klingon people.
aspects of Imperial policy: science, defense, intelligence,
and more. Individual Council members serve on one or
more of these commissions, and these commissions MILITARY
present their recommendations to the entire High Council
for debate and vote.
The Great Houses all maintain
their own military forces,
The Chancellor is the head of the government of the Klingon which can be called for Imperial
service by order of the High
Empire, and has been since the 21st Century. But the Council. Administration of
Imperial forces occurs under
Chancellor is no longer the head of state. That role, as it was the banner of the Klingon
Defense Force. The KDF is a
before the 21st Century, is filled by the Emperor. command structure that exists
independently of any House
military, standing ready to
assume full command when
the call is sent forth. The
Military Commission of the High
Council responsible for the
administration of the Klingon
RANK COMPARISONS Defense Force is known as the
High Command, and is
the most prestigious and
influential of all the government
Council. By tradition, the High
General Admiral Command is headed by the
Chancellor, who does not serve
Brigadier Vice Admiral on any other commissions.
Colonel Commodore/Rear Admiral
Captain Senior Captain/Fleet Captain The Defense Force has two
elements, the first being the Deep
Commander Captain/Commander Space Fleet which consists the
regular forces comparable to
Lieutenant Lieutenant Commander/Lieutenant Starfleet or the Romulan
military. This is the element created
Sergeant Ensign/Chief Petty Officer by combining the forces of the
various great Houses. The
Bekk (“Warrior”) Crewman/Petty Officer second element is the Internal
Security Force; unlike the
Deep Space Fleet this is
staffed at all times. Vessels are
The Klingon Defense Force is a combined service, operating both seconded to the Internal
Security Force from House fleets
in space and groundside. As such, the direct translations of the via standing orders from the
High Council. The duties of
Klingon ranks tend to feature ranks mixed from both naval and army the Internal Security Force
include border patrol, customs
terminology, which may lead to confusion for Starfleet personnel. regulatory enforcement,
policing, anti-piracy operations and
search/rescue. The ISF tends to use smaller vessels: the
B’rel-class bird-of-prey, for example, is an ISF
workhorse. TRANSCRIPT
The Klingon military, both at the House level and in the EMPEROR KAHLESS
Defense Force, is governed by a strict system of hierarchy
not solely limited to rank. The highly-structured nature of “As it was promised, Kahless
has returned. I am not he, and yet I am.
Klingon beliefs surrounding honor and duty ensures that all I am of his blood and bone
and sinew. My thoughts and soul are both
personnel view the successful execution of their mission his and mine. My heart is his,
and mine — and yours. Our hearts are
as a matter of personal as well as collective honor. For Klingon! Let us all remember
what that means! Let us all remember
example, the first officer of a Klingon vessel is expected what has made us great! It is
our heart, the unconquerable heart of the
to kill his captain if that individual is unable to perform his Klingon people, clothed in
honor, armed in strength, and forged in fire,
duties through injury, infirmity, weakness or dishonor. Below that has made us what we
the ranks of senior officers assassination is not the preferred
method. Any crew member feeling that their direct superior And so begins a new golden
age for the Empire! Fortified by the
was not living up to their duty could make a challenge, lessons of the past, eager to
face the battles to come, there is no limit
which is logged, and these challenges adjudicated by the to the glories that await!”
commanding officer (either at a departmental level, or of the
ship or unit — traditions vary) at a time of their choosing,
and in whatever manner the commanding officer decides.
At one time, Klingon society was rigidly
Castes were based primarily upon one’s
profession, and
Klingon culture has been shaped by centuries of tradition. that profession was determined by a
combination of family
The foundations of their society were laid out by Kahless tradition and personal aptitude. A son
from a family of
the Unforgettable after the establishment of the Empire scientists, for example, could become a
member of the
and it is defined by a complex system of familial and warrior class, should he display enough
of an aptitude (and
personal honor, interwoven with traditions and ritual. appetite) for combat.
The observances of all these are sacrosanct. Violations
of these strictures bring shame to the offender, and By the dawn of the 21st Century,
however, the warrior
by extension, their family. This shame could last for caste had come to dominate all levels
of Klingon society,
generations depending upon the severity of the offense. and the distinctions blurred. If everyone
is a warrior, then
The highest shame was that of discommendation, a verdict who are the teachers? As a result,
non-warrior professions,
of the High Council which essentially strips a Klingon of especially those of science, medicine
and education were
their family name, so making them, in effect, a non-person. undervalued in society. By 2154, for
example, medical
Other Klingons treat the discommended as pariahs, sciences were not considered a priority
by the High Council,
cutting off all contact and even referring to the offender and so the Empire lacked the sufficient
medical expertise
as an object, rather than a person. The descendants of to deal with the Augment virus without
the assistance of
an offender share in the dishonor of the offense; a child is outside parties.
considered guilty of his father’s crimes.
With most families being patrilineal, males traditionally The most critical component of Klingon
culture is honor. This
dominate Klingon public life, and take the leading roles in is an abstract concept: a quality of
respectability, worthiness
politics and the military. Traditionally women are seen as and value of an individual, family or
institution, effecting
the forces behind the administration of the great Houses, everything from social standing to
career prospects to the
as well as serving in the military. Klingon women are Klingons’ view of the afterlife.
considered equals in most things, with the exception of
politics, where they are barred by law from serving on the Paradoxically, the notion itself varies
widely from individual
High Council, and lines of inheritance. In all other aspects to individual, and the lessons of Klingon
philosophy often
of life — aggression, honor, duty — they are expected to provide contradictory answers regarding
the essential
exhibit the same virtues as Klingon men. nature of honor. For example,
Romulans, as a rule,
are widely considered by the Klingons
to be the most
Death is not feared nor is it a cause for sorrow in Klingon dishonorable species, due to their
reliance upon subterfuge.
culture. The honored dead are not mourned, they are Klingon use of cloaked vessels is not
celebrated, and the average Klingon hopes to die in a way dishonorable, nor is springing an
ambush, so long as the
that brings honor to themselves, their family, and the Empire. tactic resulted in victory. A passage
from the writings of
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT This is not to say that all Klingons live by
the code. There
are those who follow the path of honor
more in word than by
deed, using society’s expectations of
honor as cover for their
EXCERPT FROM THE CODE OF KAHLESS, own selfish desires and goals. In
this way, Klingon honor is
“With fire and steel did the gods forge the Klingon heart. So fiercely But the second heart beat stronger than
the first, and the first
did it beat, so loud was the sound, that the gods cried out, ‘On this was jealous of its power. Fortunately, the
second heart was
day we have brought forth the strongest heart in all the heavens. tempered by wisdom.
None can stand before it without trembling at its strength.’ But then
the Klingon heart weakened, its steady rhythm faltered and the gods ‘If we join together, no force can stop
said, ‘Why have you weakened so? We have made you the strongest
in all of creation.’ And when the two hearts began to beat
together, they filled
the heavens with a terrible sound. For the
first time, the gods
And the heart said ‘I am alone.’ knew fear. They tried to flee, but it was
too late. The Klingon
hearts destroyed the gods who created
them and turned the
And the gods knew that they had erred. So, they went back to their heavens to ashes. To this very day, no
one can oppose the
forge and brought forth another heart. beating of two Klingon hearts.”
of the Klingon creation myth, a briefer oath, requiring
nothing but the consent of the two Klingons involved, is
still considered binding both legally and socially. The words
“jIH dok” (“my blood”) are spoken to one’s mate, and the VERSE
mate replies “maj dok” (“our blood”). This exchange seals a
common marriage vow. “…And though I had slain a
thousand foes less one,
The thousandth knife found
my liver; The thousandth enemy said
The Hegh’bat, translated as “the time to die” is ritualized to me,
suicide, undertaken when a warrior can no longer stand and ‘Now you shall die, now
none shall know,’
face his enemies. The warrior ensures himself an honorable And the fool, looking down,
believed this,
death via killing themselves with a dagger provided by their Not seeing, above his
shoulder, the naked stars,
eldest son or a close friend. A dishonored Klingon may also Each one remembering.”
have their honor restored at death if they are killed via the
Mauk-to‘Vor ritual, although this is reserved for the disgraced,
not for the merely infirm.
Upon the death of a Klingon, the fallen warrior’s eyes are SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
pried open and his comrades gather around him. They
then collectively raise their heads to the skies and let out
a ferocious howl, not of pain or sorrow, but of victory for Despite the dominance of the warrior
caste in Klingon
the fallen. It is a literal warning to the afterlife that a Klingon society, the Klingons are fairly advanced
from a scientific
warrior is about to arrive. and technological standpoint. They
received something
of a “head start” by using technology
left behind after
RELIGION the Hur’q invasion. This has led to
uneven advancement
In the ancient Klingon religion, the original gods who between scientific fields and disciplines:
for example,
created the first Klingons were killed by their own where Klingon engineering had an
earlier start than many
creations. Little of Klingon religion remains, as it was largely other races, their medical sciences lag
behind. Klingon
abandoned in the aftershock of the Hur’q invasion in the transporters are not as advanced as
Federation models,
14th Century. The only part of the original religion which having a shorter range, less precise
targeting, and are
survives is a belief in the afterlife. lacking in many safety features.
The Klingon afterlife is believed to be comprised of STARSHIPS
two separate fates. Klingons who have died honorably Starships have always been a point of
pride with Klingons,
supposedly go to Sto-Vo-Kor, where they joined the and are quite advanced when compared
to those of most
honored dead in the service of the Black Fleet, battling other species. By the mid-22nd
Century, Klingon ships were
forever in a glorious and joyous existence. Sto-Vo-Kor is capable of reaching warp factor 6 (the
fastest Earth ships of
where Kahless was said to wait for them, as he promised, the time could barely manage warp 5).
In addition, Klingon
ahead of his return. This has led to Kahless, Son of Kahless vessels were equipped with photon
torpedoes, tractor beam
taking on the role of a messianic figure and being an object emitters and deflector shields well
before those systems
of worship despite the Klingons having no gods. Klingons appeared on Human vessels.
seem prone to belief in messiahs: a sect of Klingons left
the Empire in the mid-23rd Century, searching for the By the 23rd Century, the Klingon D7
class battle cruiser was
Kuvah’magh “the savior of our people”, a messiah figure perhaps the most advanced vessel in
the known Galaxy,
written of in several obscure religious texts. boasting more power, armament and
speed than any ship in
the Federation or the Romulan Empire.
A brief alliance with
Klingons who die in a state of dishonor find themselves the Romulans around that time gave the
D7 design to the
aboard the Barge of the Dead, a ship captained by Romulans, in return for cloaking
technology which became
Kortar, the first Klingon. It was he who killed the gods, standard issue on most Klingon vessels.
alongside his mate. Kortar is now condemned to ferry the
dishonored to Gre’thor as a punishment, to be greeted Today, if you encounter a Klingon ship,
you can assume
at Gre’thor by Fek’lhr, a demonic, bestial figure. Often, that it will be better armed, faster and
tougher than almost
friends and family of a Klingon who died without honor anything else out there. Even with their
shields down, the
will undergo some quest or dedicate a battle in the Klingons can hang in a fight for a long
time, due to hulls
memory of the deceased, in the hopes of earning their reinforced with coherent molecular
alloy. The modern
dead comrade enough honor to be released from the Vor’cha class is now the main Klingon
cruiser and is very
Barge before it reaches Gre’thor. heavily armed. They were initially only in
use as flagships,
but now we’re seeing more of them. The
Klingons have
ramped up production, and we’re hearing reports of Experiments during the late 23rd
Century, while successful
something even bigger on the fleet drawing boards. in producing vessels that could
fire while cloaked, were
discontinued when it was
discovered that an inability to
CLOAKING DEVICES regulate power flow resulted in
the crew being exposed
The Klingons’ brief treaty with the Romulan Empire brought to deadly ionizing radiation
whenever they used the ships
them an early model of the cloaking device; their cloaking weapons while cloaked.
technology has been at least a generation behind those of
the Romulans ever since. Rendering a ship invisible to both You should be aware that
Klingon cloaks will be generally
sensors and visual searches takes an inordinate amount of easier to detect than their
Romulan counterparts.
power. A cloaked vessel cannot run their deflector shields The Klingons never managed to
get a handle on the
and the cloak simultaneously. This remains a major weakness metaphasic sweep issues, for
example, leading to
in cloaked vessels: there are moments of vulnerability after visual distortions that can be
spotted by eagle-eyed
dropping the cloak before the shields go up. The power officers. Klingon scientists have
not discovered a way of
requirement of a cloak is too much for the operations of counteracting momentum
through a non-vacuum medium.
weapons at the same time. If you can manage to get a
cloaked vessel to pass through
a gas cloud or other particulate
field, you should be able
to track their location by the
motion of the particles as the
INTERCEPTED cloaked vessels passes through.
The disruptor is the primary
directed energy weapon of
Klingons, both as a personal
sidearm and as ship-to-ship
work via creating a beam of
FROM B’MOTH TO QO’NOS focused rapid nadions at the
subatomic level, a disruptor is
a simpler technology. It causes
damage by disrupting and
…construction remains on schedule. The new warp core design destabilizing the molecular
bonds of the target.
should result in an increased power output sufficient to...
While they are simple weapons,
that comes at the cost
…Chancellor Gowron’s demands notwithstanding, we feel confident of having less versatility than
phasers. Phasers can be
that the first of the Negh’Var should exceed most expectations… will adjusted in both beam width and
output, allowing for many
make a most impressive flagship. My sole concern at this juncture is applications, including stun
settings. Disruptors have a
that we… single use: they destroy. This is
a job for which disruptors
are very well designed. Do not
make the mistake of
…for the time being. Another report will follow in three days. underestimating the potential of
a “less advanced”
weapon. After all, Klingons still
use blades, and very
effectively, as well.
Detecting a cloaked ship can be a tricky prospect at the best of Attempting to detect a Klingon
vessel with a cloaking device
times. There’s an arms race between cloak technology and sensor reduces the Difficulty by 1 as
well, as Klingon understanding
technology, so each new method for detecting a cloaked ship is of cloak technology is less
nuanced and sophisticated
usually countered by the next generation of cloaking devices. than that of the Romulans.
Romulan advances in cloaking
technology often mean that they
will adjust the configuration
Under normal circumstances, attempting to detect the presence of a of a cloaking device in use. This
can be represented by
cloaked vessel is a Difficulty 5 Task. The details of this Task — what spending Threat or creating
Advantages to increase the
it represents, and thus what Attribute and Discipline it uses — will Difficulty of Tasks to detect a
cloaked ship.
vary, and are left to the Gamemaster’s discretion. Environmental
factors, such as gas or dust clouds displaced by a cloaked ship, will Once a cloaked vessel has been
detected, it may be
reduce this Difficulty by 1, as will cloak-related Complications, such attacked. However, the cloak still
impedes targeting,
as those suffered when the ship cloaked. increasing the Difficulty of
attacks by 1, and preventing the
attacker from targeting specific
systems aboard the
cloaked vessel.
Qo’noS (pronounced “Kronos”) is the Klingon homeworld
and the capital of the Klingon Empire. It is a Class-M world
in orbit around an orange bright sub-giant (Type K1 IV) star,
which is larger and dimmer than Sol. Qo’noS orbits fairly
closely to the star, and so is slightly warmer than Earth
on average. The planet has a single massive landmass
dominating the majority of the habitable surface, dotted by
small seas and with a single large ocean.
star on the horizon, and
promised he would return. “Look
THE STORY OF THE for me on that point of light”, he
is reported to have said.
That point of the light was the
bright Class-M star of the
WIND OF QUIN’LAT Boreth system.
A lowland area on Qo’noS, primarily given over to KHITOMER
agriculture. The province has a reputation as something of
an unsophisticated rural hinterland, with simple, plain-
Khitomer is a small Class-M
planet in Klingon space, very
KRI’STAK VOLCANO AND THE LAKE OF LUSOR near to the borders with both the
United Federation of
This is a site famous in Klingon legend. According to the Planets and the Romulan
Empire. The planet has played a
story, Kahless forged the first bat’leth by thrusting a lock vital role in the history of the
Klingon-Federation alliance,
of his hair into a river of lava from the volcano’s summit. having been both the site of the
Khitomer Conference of
He then plunged the burning mass of hair and lava into the 2293, as well as the location of a
Romulan sneak attack in
nearby Lake of Lusor. As the object cooled, Kahless twisted 2346, where Lieutenant
Commander Worf and Kahlest were
and worked it into a sword, the Sword of Kahless. rescued by the U.S.S. Intrepid,
further strengthening the
bonds between the Federation
and the Klingon Empire.
Today, the Kri’stak Volcano is no longer active but the site, on
the shores of the Lake of Lusor. is still a popular destination The colony at Khitomer has
been rebuilt over the past
for spiritual pilgrimages. Klingons go there for the Rite of decade. A memorial marker, in
the form of a large black
MajQa, during which they mediate in the heat of lava caves obelisk, marks the site of the
original settlement, honoring
beneath the mountain in the hopes of receiving visions. the 4,000 inhabitants of the
colony who died in the
Special significance is attached to any vision of one’s father, Romulan attack.
or a vision of Kahless himself.
PLANETARY BACKGROUND This is a long-standing Klingon
settlement, dating back
Boreth is a marginal Class-M world, rocky and inhospitable. to the late 21st Century.
Narendra is a binary star system
The surface of the world is quite cold. The planet holds a comprised of a primary class K
star and a secondary class A
special place in the history of the Klingon Empire. When star. Narendra III is third planet,
Class-M, orbiting within the
Kahless the Unforgettable left for Sto-Vo-Kor, he pointed to a habitable zone of the primary
The first visit by Humans to Narendra III was in 2152, when
Captain Jonathan Archer was put on trial for allegedly
conspiring against the Klingon Empire. He was sentenced
to Rura Penthe, but was rescued by his crew. Twenty-seven
years ago, Romulans launched a surprise attack on
Narendra III, completely destroying the colony, as well
as the U.S.S. Enterprise-C, which had responded to
the distress signal. This honorable sacrifice served to
reinforce a then-tenuous Federation-Klingon alliance.
“Your loved ones died in glory and honor, and their names
will never be forgotten so long as there is an Empire.”
The Beta Penthe system contains no habitable planets beings that have ever done so. In 2152,
Captain Jonathan
— just three Class-J gas giants, one Class-H planet with Archer was condemned to a life
sentence on the asteroid
an unbreathable atmosphere, one high-pressure high- for his role in assisting a group of
refugees who had fled
radiation Class-Y planet, and an extensive asteroid belt. from a Klingon-controlled world, and
Captain Archer’s
The system itself is binary, with a pair of F2 stars of similar crew came to his aid. In 2293, Captain
James T. Kirk and
mass at the center. Doctor Leonard McCoy were sentenced
to Rura Penthe
after being found guilty of the
assassination of Chancellor
The Rura Penthe colony is a Class-D, dilithium-rich asteroid. It Gorkon. While there, an attempt was
made on their lives:
has a breathable atmosphere, and large deposits of water ice a Chameloid prisoner named Martia
arranged for them
on the surface, but the extremely low surface temperature to escape to the surface, where they
could be shot while
makes it uninhabitable by most life forms, so mining escaping, or fall victim to the cold. The
operations are located underground. plot was eventually discovered, and Kirk
and McCoy
were rescued by Captain Spock and the
crew of the
The dilithium mines on Rura Penthe are a penal colony for
the Klingon Empire. The installation is widely known as “the
alien’s graveyard” due to the one-year average life expectancy TY’GOKOR
of prisoners sent there. Being sent to the mines is one of the
most feared punishments throughout the Galaxy.
The penal colony has no guard towers or fence. It has only Ty’Gokor is a fortified Class-K planetoid
located in an
a magnetic shield that extends over a significant part of asteroid belt deep in Klingon space. It
was one of the first
the asteroid surface, preventing transporter use. No other out-system worlds established by the
Klingon Empire after
security is necessary, beyond the presence of armed guards. they achieved warp travel. During times
of war, Ty’Gokor
The mines are located below ground, drawing heat from the has served as headquarters for the
Chancellor and the High
radiation of the dilithium deposits. The asteroid itself is not Command of the Klingon Defense
Force. It is therefore the
geologically active. The most common form of punishment most heavily fortified installation in the
Empire. The planetoid
given to prisoners is banishment from the mines to the is defended by shielding, multiple orbital
weapons platforms,
asteroid’s freezing surface, where they do not survive for long. and the presence of dozens of warships
at any given time.
After the Klingon Civil War a tachyon
detection grid was also
To date, three Starfleet officers have escaped from Rura installed in the system, using the same
technology which
Penthe, and they are among a very small number of allowed the Federation fleet to detect
cloaked Romulan
TACHYON EMISSION ANALYSIS warbirds attempting to cross
into Klingon space to aid the
House of Duras.
900 905 910 915 920 925 The Order of the Bat’leth
(Klingon: betleH ‘obe’), an
ancient order founded by
Lady Lukara, Widow of Kahless,
to uphold and maintain her
husband’s vision of honor, is
headquartered on Ty’Gokor.
The Order serve as exemplars
of honor within the Empire, a
fellowship of the greatest
warriors at any given time.
They meet, when called, in the
Hall of Warriors.
The Hall of Warriors is an
ancient meeting hall in the
headquarters of the Klingon
Defense Force on Ty’Gokor.
was good the exiles had completed them in haste, and their Apnex formed the Committee just in
time. Men and women
engineers did not fully understand the technology. Exotic whose only commonality was the love of
battle found
radiation leaked from poor reactor shielding, and the best reasons enough to fight. Even small
disagreements were
velocity their primitive particle shields allowed was .7c. inflated to massive proportions by
people who could not
Over the course of their journey, they averaged half that. get away from each other. Such
disputes killed 10% of the
Their ultimate destination was a planet some sixty light- travelers in the first year of the journey.
Radiation, either as
years away that Vulcan astronomers suggested would be radiation sickness, or through mutated
illnesses such as
suitable for colonization. The Steadfast knew their ships had lunglock fever, tripled that loss.
not been designed to travel that far, and that they would
have to planet-hop. They aimed in the general direction of The Committee took quick, decisive
action. In order to
the Calder system, but a navigational error instead led them maintain the population, draconian birth
policies were
to Barradas. enacted. Fertility treatments (such as in
vitro fertilization)
ensured that multiple births were
common, and early forced-
Within the first year, Apnex gathered the mercenary growth technology cut the latency
period in half. In the short
captains and the ship captains (who were not necessarily term, the policies kept them alive. The
long-term damage
the same individuals) into a governing committee. He never was more insidious.
claimed any special position for himself on the committee,
although records make it clear that he was considered To quell the violence, a corps of
peacekeepers was created
“first among equals.” Some committee members claimed and given wide discretionary powers.
There were only two
it was temporary, and that free elections would follow in punishments for crimes. Murder was
generally punished
good time. They didn’t. The longevity of the “temporary” by death. For other crimes, the
perpetrator was indentured
committee did not go unnoticed and over time it became to the victim for a time proportional to
the crime’s severity.
known as the “Continuing” Committee, and the name stuck. The crime rate dropped precipitously,
and a new underclass
By the time Apnex died, the Committee’s origins were developed.
forgotten, but it carried on.
Forty-five years after departing Vulcan, the struggling fleet
reached Barradas III. It is a temperate Class-M planet with
ample water, but is extremely resource-poor. It was also too
close to Vulcan for the exiles’ comfort. Nonetheless, they
no choice but to make planetfall and assess their options.
Though old and ill, Apnex remained as ferocious as ever: “We fell into the world as
long-lost lovers meeting for the first time.”
they would continue on, come what may. The hard truth was
that their ships were in no shape to do so. The ships still — Trevela, Romulan poet
contained the equipment intended for the original colony
group, and a growing number of the travelers advocated
founding a colony there.
The Committee instead decided to cannibalize the two The Romulans that finally landed on the
planet’s surface fell
worst ships to repair the others and move on. They left in love with the world the first time they
breathed the warm,
behind a small colony group and the colonization equipment humid air.
from one of the defunct ships (all of it in less-than-pristine
condition). The colonists were comprised of the disaffected, The world’s biochemistry was
compatible with Vulcan life,
troublemakers, and the critically ill. This was the origin of requiring only minimal modifications.
The biggest problem
the Debrune. the Romulans had in the first decades
was a sharp rise
in respiratory ailments caused by
Romulus’ much higher
By the time they reached Calder II, the Steadfast were in humidity. The Romulans considered this
a small price to pay
a precarious state. Their ships were falling apart and they for a paradise, and went about the
business of adjusting the
lacked the means to make even temporary repairs. A more Romulan genome to cope.
desperate issue was the decline of their population below
minimum viability for survival. Their genetic diversity had been With the brute necessities of survival
overcome, the
limited in the beginning, and further reduced by the travails Romulans turned their attention to the
exploitation of the
of the past several decades. If not for the chance discovery mineral-rich planet. Mining operations
would have to be
of the Sakethans, the Steadfast would likely have died out on conducted along the terminator and on
the night side, but the
Calder II, and the political landscape of the galaxy would be Romulans were confident that would
pose no real problems.
significantly different. Instead, the Sakethans’ technological
base was sufficient to allow the Steadfast to complete They did not expect the planet to be
inhabited, nor that the
critical repairs. Even more fortunately, the Sakethans were planet’s inhabitants would put up a
fight. Though the Remans
themselves Vulcanoid, a “lost colony” from Vulcan’s first were primitive barbarians without
advanced weaponry, the
wave of colonization. Interbreeding with the healthy Sakethan Romulans found it an unexpectedly
difficult task to bring
population stabilized the Steadfast gene pool. them to heel. Physically, the Remans
are even stronger than
the Romulans, and the majority of them
possessed at least
By the time the ships moved on, Steadfast aggression had rudimentary telepathic ability (which
helped enormously in
merged with Sakethan subtlety to become the seed of setting ambushes). In addition, they
were extremely well-
modern Romulan culture. In addition, they had diverged from adapted to operating in the darkness of
the habitable zones.
the Vulcan physical norm. The brow ridges borne by most Remus’ surface ran green with Romulan
blood before the
Romulans today are most likely a mutation passed down Romulans took their opponents
from the Sakethans.
It was the late 19th Century before the
planet was pacified.
The exiles followed the same routine through the next by that time, the Romulans had
developed warp drive.
millennium. They advanced from one inhabitable planet to Reman dilithium was now a priceless
commodity, and
another and by the mid-18th Century, the Steadfast reached the Remans were both useful slaves to
work the mines,
Romulus. Over the centuries, it had taken on an almost and shock troops for the Romulans’
endless wars. The
mythical quality in their minds. No one was as surprised as Romulans spent the next two centuries
exploring and
they to find the reality exceeded their expectations. Romulus colonizing the planets in their new
home’s stellar vicinity. At
was a sparkling gem of a world with verdant forests and some point during that period, they
came into contact with
sun-dappled seas. It could not have been less like Vulcan the Klingons. Although they had better
ships, the Klingons
and still be habitable. A second (barely) inhabitable planet had better weapons, and the initial
clashes between the two
existed in the same system, and sensor readings suggested empires were inconclusive. The
Romulans decided to seek
that planet possessed an unusual amount of metallic and easier prey, and their eyes turned back
to their old home.
exotic substances, including a crystalline mineral of particular
interest to several engineering teams working on a faster-
than-light drive.
ASTROGRAPHY The Romulus system is near the
northwest edge of the
Empire, about ten light-years
from the Neutral Zone.
Though far from the Klingon
Empire, it lies uncomfortably
The Romulan Empire is completely contained in the close to the Federation.
Currently, Romulan territory
Beta Quadrant. It is surrounded by the Federation and does not extend into the
Shackleton Expanse. Since the
the Klingon Empire to the galactic west and south. On a Expanse lies in the only
direction the Romulan Empire can
standard galactic map, the Empire looks much like a giant expand, it is likely that the
Federation-Klingon joint force
jellyfish; the rounded “body” of the Empire is surrounded by will encounter Romulan
territorial expansionism at some
the Federation and Klingon Empire, while multiple tendrils point during their exploration.
extend toward the Delta Quadrant. The main body of the
Empire spans 115 light-years at its widest point, from
Cheron in the galactic northwest to D’Deridex, twenty light- A HISTORY OF DECEIT
years north of the Narendra system. Along the borders of
the Federation and the Klingon Empire, it is bounded by the
Neutral Zone. The Romulans became aware
of humanity long before
humanity became aware of
them. The Romulan intelligence
service had infiltrated Vulcan
sometime in the late 21st
Century. Agents embedded in
the High Command monitored
INTERCEPTED Vulcan interactions with the
other spacefaring peoples of the
TRANSMISSION region. They were probably
responsible for the militarization
of Vulcan society in the
mid-22nd Century. It seems likely, in
retrospect, that their original
plan was to maneuver Vulcan
Praetor D’deridex, and Andoria into a short,
destructive war, then arrive as
Vulcan’s saviors. In so doing,
they would prove once and for
My work on Vulcan has been undone by the incompetence of V’Las. all their superiority to their
I warned you that it was dangerous to rely completely on a single
individual, no matter how powerful. In the end, his own ambassador The plan failed. An
unanticipated alliance of Vulcans
conspired with the Terrans to save the Syrannite leader and restore and Humans removed the
Romulan puppet from power,
the writings of Surak to their people. Praetor, I urge you to rethink and restored the original
writings of Surak to the planet.
the means of reunification. If our cousins have become so soft as to Humanity, at first just a
curiosity, had become a threat thanks
be influenced by a species that has barely achieved space flight, we to their meddling.
should reconsider the possibility of outright conquest.
Jolan tru, Early encounters with the
Klingons caused the Romulans
to rethink their overall military
strategy. The political caste,
Subcommander Talok in particular, lost the taste for a
stand-up fight. Instead of
meeting force with force, they
would weaken their enemy via
subterfuge, only attacking
when they had a clear advantage.
It is my duty to inform you that Sub-Commander Neved is no military power. If they do not
return the Sub-Commander to
longer in command of the Shrike. At some point during our mission us, I will turn their planet into a
to Vendor, he was replaced by a Vendorian shapechanger. The
Vendorian plot was uncovered when the “Sub-Commander” refused The necropsy report and
internal security files are included in
to report to sickbay for his routine physical. Security attempted to this transmission.
stun the false commander, but the stun setting on our disruptors
had no effect on the creature. The creature was killed by several Jolan tru.
full-power disruptor shots. Its body remained intact enough for my
surgeon to conduct a necropsy. – Warbird Cuirass, Centurion
S’ral commanding.
Any reports or logs sent from the Shrike after we departed the planet (Addendum: Cuirass
subsequently disappeared in deep
must be considered disinformation. I am returning to Vendor at full space, presumed lost with all
This did not please many Romulan starship commanders was profoundly disappointed, as her
reign was marked by
of the time, but a few assassinations brought them into almost endless civil war. She was
overthrown sometime
compliance. in the early 23rd Century, her name
completely eradicated
from Romulan history.
The Romulans had failed to start a war between Vulcan and
Andoria, but they were not done with meddling. Militaristic, 23RD CENTURY
prickly Andoria, a major power in the region, had made By the 2250s, war-weariness had
permeated the Imperial
enough enemies that it remained a prime target for Romulan Fleet. Even the commander of the Talon,
the Romulan
manipulation. The contentious Tellarites were the perfect flagship, was suspected of this malaise.
The Praetor,
goad. And once again, humanity overcame two species’ undeterred, sent the Talon into
Federation space to
hatreds to expose the Romulan plot. send a message: no longer were the
Romulans content
to hide behind the Neutral Zone. The
mission was
The Romulans struck back. Not only had humanity ultimately unsuccessful, the Talon
destroyed by the
interfered in their affairs but they were still weak, U.S.S. Enterprise. As the last
transmission sent from the
having only recently become an interstellar power. They Talon had been a coded message that
claimed success,
manufactured a diplomatic incident over the new Earth the Romulans came to the obvious
conclusion that the
base at Algeron, and destroyed the base and the two ships transmission had been falsified by the
Earth starship
stationed there. to lure the waiting Romulan fleet into an
ambush. The
invasion expected to follow the
successful test of the
Again, the four powers united against the Romulan Federation’s defenses never happened.
threat. The four-year war was bitter, savage, and quarter
was neither asked nor granted. The weapons of the Instead, the Romulans swarmed their
side of the Neutral
time did not allow for “soft kills“. The Romulans also Zone with warbirds. Federation
starships might be able
preferred to destroy their own ships rather than be to destroy a single warbird, but not a
group of them.
captured or boarded. For the duration of the war, and This was demonstrated in 2268, when
the Enterprise
well after, members of the Coalition never saw a living violated the Neutral Zone at what
appeared to be the
Romulan. Even the peace treaty was conducted entirely orders of a madman. Instead, it was a
ruse to make
via subspace audio. Romulan space was defined and possible the theft of the latest cloaking
device, one that
circumscribed by a Neutral Zone, four hundred light years made a ship invisible to all tracking
sensors. Only that
long and one and a half light-years wide. Entry into the theft and the successful integration of
the device into
Zone by either side would be an act of war. the Enterprise’s systems allowed the
ship to escape.
The captains of two ships involved in
the incident were
PLOT AND COUNTER-PLOT executed. The task force commander
was captured by
Within a decade the Romulans determined that the the Enterprise and repatriated; she, too,
was expected
Federation would not violate the treaty. This gave them a to face the same fate. Much to the
surprise of her
free hand to do whatever they wanted behind the shield of enemies, she returned with small but
valuable pieces of
the Neutral Zone. They consolidated and pacified Romulan Federation technology, which were
enough to spare her
space, during a century of bloody warfare. Their ruthless life. She was suspected to have the
Praetor’s ear, and
campaign drove no fewer than three Orion fleets to the brink whether this was gained through
bedding or blackmail,
of ruin, and may also have been responsible for breaking the his favor saved her career.
back of the Nausicaan pirate cartels. Habitable planets were
colonized or conquered, their inhabitants enslaved. They
encountered particularly fierce opposition along their border DILITHIUM REGULATOR
with the Klingon Empire. After a string of engagements with
no conclusive victory, the Romulans withdrew from that
border as well, and seeded the disputed area with sensor
buoys and mines.
In the same year, a Romulan research colony located at unconventional battle tactics, such as
re-tuning the cloak
Chaltok IV was destroyed by an experimental polaric ion on one of his ships to produce sufficient
emissions to
device. Chaltok IV was left uninhabitable, and the result was impersonate an entire strike force. Over
several years, he
a treaty banning all future research into polaric ion energy. and his forces exploited the advantage
given them by the
This treaty may have been the only success of the diplomatic cloaking device. Multiple small, fast
fleets of warbirds
initiative at Nimbus III, the so-called “planet of peace.” darted in and out of the Neutral Zone,
attacking poorly-
defended targets.
The Empire and the Federation continued to clash throughout
the remainder of the 23rd Century. Isolated incidents along The Norkan Campaign was ended by
the Tomed Incident.
the Neutral Zone never became quite important enough Tomed had no inhabitable planets, but
was the site of both a
to declare war. In what was meant to appear as a show of Federation research station and a
dilithium mining operation
good faith, the Empire even opened an embassy on Earth. in the asteroid belt. The Miranda-class
U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-
That embassy did not last more than a decade before the 1887 was also in-system. It provided
both patrol capability
Romulans were made persona non grata in Federation space, and science support for the research
station. No sensor
and their ambassador expelled for conspiring with Federation logs remain to explain exactly what
happened, but analysis
and Klingon officers to assassinate the Klingon Chancellor. of what was left has provided a working
hypothesis. One
According to the Romulan government, Ambassador Nanclus of Jarok’s ships was tasked to make a
high-speed attack
returned to the Empire in disgrace and was executed with run on the dilithium mining operation.
The ship suffered a
all due ceremony. We discovered some years later that the navigational failure. Instead of emerging
from warp at a safe
“ambassador” was a Tal Shiar agent. He was promoted, and distance above the ecliptic, it emerged
in the asteroid belt.
then given a new identity and mission. The result was catastrophic as the ship
impacted a dilithium-
rich asteroid at least 200 meters in
diameter. When the warp
Tensions between the powers continued to grow, as Admiral core containment failed, the antimatter
explosion caused
Alidar Jarok conducted what would be called the “Norkan a chain reaction to propagate through
the asteroid belt.
Campaign” by Romulans, and the “Norkan Massacres” The resultant blast destroyed every ship
and station in the
by the Federation. Jarok was known for inventive, system, as well as the vast majority of
the dilithium in the belt.
It became clear during the ensuing diplomatic
negotiations INTERCEPTED
that the attacks had been targeted to cripple Federation
efforts to replicate the cloaking device. As part of the
of Algeron, the Federation agreed to halt all present and
future research into the cloaking device. Once the treaty
was ratified, the Romulans withdrew into the Neutral Zone Soral,
once more.
Letoth needs to be dealt
with. He still insists that the Chaltok IV
The timing was fortuitous. Relations with the Klingons, colony was transported
through time and space to end up on
always difficult, were disintegrating. The Romulans may Calder II centuries before
we reached it. At first, it was a fairly
also have been dealing with internal unrest. Contemporary harmless lunacy, even if
there is absolutely no proof. Now, he’s
documentation suggests that, at some levels of the Klingon talking about re-creating
the experiment that caused the explosion
government, the Romulans were considered allies. It is in the first place. You know
that can’t be allowed to happen, but
possible that the Klingons were collateral damage in an no one here has the
standing to tell him “no.” If you can’t get him
internecine war, possibly between the Tal Shiar and the to stop, he’s going to have
a “lab accident” one day soon. No one
Romulan military. And it is certain that they did not expect wants that. Aside from this
obsession, he’s made valuable advances
the peace treaty with the Klingons as the consequence of in high-energy physics.
Narendra III.
Always your student,
In the past decade, the Romulans have conducted numerous
intelligence operations, many of which succeeded in their Telok
intent. The discrediting and death of Alidar Jarok and the
successful retrieval of Major Selok are among the most
noteworthy. The Romulans have also meddled in Klingon
politics, the details of which are covered in your briefing on
the Klingon Empire. But there’s more to Romulan paranoia
than biology. Dissent
is a capital crime, and anyone could be
an informer. It takes
very little to attract the attention of the
Tal Shiar, and the
POLITICAL BACKGROUND best one can hope for is to be dragged
away in the night.
Often dissent is punished by the
degradation of the offender
into a lower caste, or even slavery.
While Romulan citizens
EMPIRE OF INTRIGUE theoretically enjoy the Right of
Statement, those that avail
From the Federation perspective, Romulan politics are highly themselves of that right condemn their
family along with
reminiscent of the human Byzantine period. Government them. Most, faced with such a choice,
instead choose to die
officials watch the currents of power to determine their own honorably, to spare their family
disgrace. In theory, blood
courses, and the power bloc behind any given Committee washes away all crimes; in practice,
tainted families are
member changes on a daily basis. A surprising percentage marked for further attention. Not even
an official as mighty as
of government officials do actually believe in their service the Vice-Proconsul is safe.
to the Empire, despite the temptations of power and the
pervasive atmosphere of distrust. They are a quiet majority, CONTINUING COMMITTEE
for the moment, walking a narrow path between the Praetor The Continuing Committee was the very
first governmental
on one side and the Tal Shiar on the other. Former Vice- institution created by the
proto-Romulans, and has existed in
Proconsul M’ret was one such individual, and it is likely that one form or another ever since. Its size
has varied between
the underground is in contact with others. five and twelve, but is currently set at
eight including the
Praetor. Most of the Committee
members are civilian officials,
Romulan politics are characterized by duplicity and paranoia. although the head of the Tal Shiar may
or may not hold a
In part this is a side effect of their violent emotions. Over seat. Very few Committee members
hold military positions.
the centuries, Romulan traditions channeled those emotions This is a policy of the Committee
designed to counterbalance
away from unrestrained violence. Their passions were the Praetor’s control of the Imperial
channeled into service to the Empire, and their innate
paranoia changed into the cool duplicity practiced by the When a seat becomes available there is
intense competition
Romulans even today. Among the political caste, intrigue between candidates including
assassinations. Committee
comes as naturally as breathing. Advancement within and members are intelligent, ruthless,
powerful, and have
between social castes always comes at someone else’s demonstrated that they are the masters
of Romulan intrigue.
expense. This ensures that members of the lower castes Collectively, they are the most powerful
people in the
remain disunited and powerless. Trust is not a useful Romulan Empire, accustomed to meting
out life and death
currency in Romulan politics. with a word.
ROMULAN has no vote in Senate
deliberations but, in the Praetor’s
absence, she exercises his
proxy vote. The Vice-Proconsul’s
MILITARY VICTORIES role is that of a neutral arbiter.
He chairs subcommittee
meetings, mediates disputes
between political opponents,
and casts a tie-breaking vote
when necessary. Long
should be cast in favor of
further debate (if possible), or
for the status quo (if not). The
G’vrel, I heard that if you ask the library computer to search for Senate is fundamentally
conservative, and their belief is that
“Romulan military victories” it asks you if you meant “Romulan if a change is not supported by
a true majority, it should not
military defeats.” I don’t know if some engineering senior has been be passed.
messing with it or whether the librarians don’t know just how funny
that is! Try it for yourself next time you’ve got a free period. The Senate is responsible for
debating and passing
legislation. Potential laws do not
have to originate in the
Senate. They may also be
proposed by members of the
Continuing Committee or the
Praetor. The division of Senate
responsibilities seems odd to
those accustomed to the
Federation model. Functionally,
the Senate contains two
The Continuing Committee functions in an executive legislative houses in a single
body. Half of the Senate, known
capacity. They have the power to accept or veto Senatorial as the Establishing House,
makes or presents legislative
decrees and legislation, and they set policies for the Empire. proposals. The other half, the
Expunging House, holds only
Additionally, when Senators or other high officials are veto power. The Expunging
House is also responsible for
accused of crimes, the Committee acts as both judge and examining old legislation. They
may abolish existing laws that
jury. Committee members are more than simply advisors to they feel no longer meet the
needs of the Empire. To become
the Praetor. Each of them heads one or more governmental (or remain) law, legislation under
consideration must receive
departments, and the support of the Committee can make at least half the votes of the
Establishing House, and must
or break a Praetor. In fact, a Praetor may be overridden by a also have more votes than
vetoes in the Expunging House.
unanimous vote of the Committee. This happens very rarely, These laws may be overridden
by Praetorian fiat or a majority
as it is difficult to get all the Committee members to agree vote of the Continuing
Committee. This rarely happens, as
on anything. Senators who hold Committee
memberships go to great
lengths to ensure that
legislation distasteful to the Committee
The Praetor is theoretically the most powerful person in is never presented.
the Empire. He is the head of the government and the
commander-in-chief of the Imperial Fleet. However, the The Senate presents the
appearance of democracy, but
balance of power on the Continuing Committee is always closer examination reveals that
this is an illusion. Although
shifting, and past Praetors have been chosen for their each district elects a Senator by
popular vote, candidates
weakness or their susceptibility to manipulation by one or are carefully chosen by the
current Senate (and, at times,
more power blocs. The current Praetor has held onto the the Continuing Committee). One
of the most reliable ways
office for over a decade, but is showing the signs of age. to become a new Senator is to
serve as the aide to an
His position has also been damaged by the failure of several existing Senator. Competition
for such roles often become
recent large-scale operations, such as the invasion of Vulcan quite fierce, particularly as aides
to Senators on the
and the Klingon Civil War. He has managed to spread much Committee.
of the blame for both failures to the Tal Shiar, but this does
not seem to distress Chairman Koval. CONQUEST AND
Romulan foreign policy springs
from a fundamental facet of
The current Praetor has been sufficiently distracted by minor the Romulan character. They
are absolutely certain that no
crises that other members of the Committee have been able other species is their equal.
They are equally certain that all
to pursue their own agendas with impunity. Many of them other species are simply biding
their time, patiently waiting
involve the Federation in one way or another: be aware that for an opening to attack. These
beliefs have shaped their
Romulan activity along the border and the Neutral Zone may strategies and tactics on a
fundamental level. Strategically,
not be officially sanctioned. the Romulans prefer to set
opposing factions of their
adversaries against each other.
This was seen as far back
IMPERIAL SENATE as the Babel Crisis. Romulans
instigate and encourage civil
The Senate is also led by the Praetor, though most of wars and rebellions,
undermining rivals and allies through
the day-to-day matters are in the hands of the Proconsul acts of deception. And they
strive to deny their enemies any
and Vice-Proconsul. The Proconsul presides over Senate scrap of information that might
illuminate Romulan motives,
sessions in the absence of the Praetor and is responsible even to the point of concealing
their physical appearance
for the day-to-day operations of the Imperial Fleet. She and racial heritage.
Tactically, Romulans prefer covert action and ambush. On it. These efforts accelerated over the
past decade, although
more than one occasion, they have sent a single cloaked, the fallout from the Klingon Civil War
seems to have slowed
heavily-armed Bird-of-Prey into enemy territory to test them down. Currently, Starfleet
Intelligence considers
defenses. They consider that, in the worst case, the sacrifice Romulan interference in the Maquis
rebellion to be a
of a single ship is an acceptable loss. They also exploit significant risk. It is likely to take the
form of military supplies
the cloaking device to its fullest advantage to strike from and intelligence, possibly through Orion
ambush: the assault on Algeron IV in 2156 is a classic
example of this tactic. The Romulans have had diplomatic
relations with the
Cardassians for some years. The nature
of the relationship
When Romulans are forced into a stand-up fight, they prefer remains murky. Cardassian ambitions
are likely to become a
to overwhelm the enemy with numbers. Current Romulan threat to the Romulans at some point in
the next decade, and
doctrine mandates at least a two-to-one advantage in how the Romulans will respond to that
remains a mystery.
numbers and/or firepower; three-to-one is ideal. This is This is, ultimately, exactly as they wish
not due to inferior hardware; Romulan warships have been
formidable opponents since the 22nd Century, easily capable REUNIFICATION
of destroying Federation starships. The Romulans simply The Romulans continue to be obsessed
with the idea
prefer conflicts ended as quickly and decisively as possible, of re-unifying with the Vulcans, but on
their terms. The
with minimal risk to themselves. entire Vulcan government was shaken
by the revelation
that one of their most reputable
ambassadors was a
Romulan policy toward the Klingons and the Federation, for Romulan deep-cover agent and the
subsequent invasion
over a century, has been to impede any attempts to forge attempt. Now that they know how
deeply they have been
a lasting peace between the two polities. Once the alliance penetrated, the Vulcans, with Starfleet
Intelligence, are
could not be stopped, they shifted their efforts to undermine trying to clean house. That may be
difficult, however,
as initial analyses suggest that the Romulans infiltrated TAL SHIAR
Vulcan centuries ago. It is entirely possible that Romulan POWER BEHIND THE THRONE
agents were seeded into several of the Vulcan Houses, The Tal Shiar is considered to be one of
the most formidable
thus providing their descendants with the perfect cover: intelligence agencies currently active,
respected and
genuine legitimacy. This strategy is similar to one practiced feared across two quadrants. They are
extremely skilled at
by the old Soviet Union during Earth’s Cold War. extracting information from enemies,
and their draconian
control over the Romulan Empire
ensures that very little
While the Romulans have taken no further overt actions information escapes. The Tal Shiar’s
mandate is to protect
toward a forced reunification, we have learned that they the security of the Romulan Empire.
They are alert to threats
are at their most dangerous when they appear passive. both external and internal. Among
themselves, they refer to
Fortunately, the Federation has developed new sources of themselves as the “Shield and Sword of
the Empire” and they
information from within the Empire, thanks to Ambassador are absolutely ruthless.
Spock. His visit to Romulus has been retroactively approved
by the Federation Diplomatic Corps. They were tired of the They operate with a broad authority that
places them both
rumors that he defected. By current reports he is still on outside and above traditional chains of
command. Tal
Romulus, providing support to the Romulan underground. At Shiar agents can and do assume
authority over military
his direction, the underground has reached out to Starfleet commanders, although they possess
their own fleet for
for assistance on a few occasions. Usually this involves covert operations. The sheer scope of
their operations,
extracting a defector, but the possibility exists that we may combined with the incredible amount of
information they
be asked to do more. amass, makes them a potent force in
the Empire.
Officially, our standing orders are to take no action that would The Tal Shiar are responsible for all
intelligence and counter-
cause a war. Unofficially… Ambassador Spock is a hero of intelligence operations in the Romulan
Empire. Internally,
the Federation, and of Starfleet in particular. If he needs help, they monitor the people for any sign of
dissent, and they
and if, in your judgment, you can provide that assistance have recruited many informants. Most of
them are not actual
without triggering outright war… do what needs to be done. operatives: some believe they are
acting for the benefit of
the Empire, some enjoy the power they have over their fellow TAL SHIAR COMMAND STRUCTURE
citizens, and some are unwilling collaborators. The former Not much is known about the Tal Shiar’s
Vice-Proconsul M’ret has said that at least one informant structure. The Romulans’ tendency to
suppress any and
is placed in every housing complex, industrial plant, and all information makes it extremely
difficult to learn about
government office in the Empire. Potential sources of dissent non-critical areas of their civilization, let
alone anything
such as schools and military bases usually have more. secretive. Moreover, the Tal Shiar keeps
secrets from their
own people. Intercepted transmissions
suggest that most
The Tal Shiar are more than willing to use assassination Tal Shiar agents report directly to the
Chairman. If so, the
when it suits their purposes. They generally aren’t interested lack of formal hierarchy would be
extremely unusual for
in taking credit for a killing, though. They like to exploit the the Romulans, but would be particularly
suited to an elite
air of ambiguity that surrounds an unexplained sudden organization of agents given a great
deal of authority and
death or mysterious suicide. While they certainly have the latitude in their operations.
capability and the authority to make dissidents disappear,
they prefer more subtle actions. They are masters of Majors in the Tal Shiar may be relatively
psychological warfare, often using a method known as while colonels seem to have the same
authority as Imperial
“corrosion” to undermine their targets. “Corrosion” is Fleet commanders. Confusingly, some
Tal Shiar agents
nothing less than the slow disintegration of a target’s life, appear to possess naval ranks. This
may show that the
bit by bit. His work suffers mysterious failures. His friends agent started out in the Fleet, or that the
agent is assigned
or family come into possession of information that damages to full-time fleet operations. This may
explain Commander
their trust in him. His reputation begins to suffer. At the Sela, who is certainly authorized to carry
out full-scale
same time, he begins to experience incidents that make intelligence operations. In an odd way,
this also supports
him question his hold on reality. Eventually, he is driven the idea that the Tal Shiar rank structure
is relatively flat,
into a complete breakdown. Often this results in a violent due to the need to “borrow” rank
designations for their
outburst during which he is killed by security personnel for own fleet.
everyone’s safety. By that time, his death is a relief to the
people in his life: the target is not a martyr, just someone It is uncertain to whom the Chairman
reports. The Praetor
whose instabilities got the better of him. does not exercise direct control over the
Tal Shiar as he does
with the Imperial Fleet, and neither does
the Senate. While
They conduct external intelligence and counter-intelligence the Tal Shiar sometimes report
operations to the Senate,
operations with a similar craft. The Tal Shiar is particularly they often work without the Senate’s
direct knowledge, and
fond of sending agents into the Federation disguised as sometimes in direct opposition to the
Senate’s wishes. It is
Vulcans. This has historically been an extremely effective believed that the Chairman answers
only to the Continuing
disguise, as Vulcans are considered one of the most Committee, and often has a seat on the
trustworthy species in the Federation. Despite their distaste
for “lesser species,” the Tal Shiar have also been known to KNOWN OPERATIONS
breed slaves and prisoners of war to create operatives who Through the efforts of Starfleet
Intelligence, our contacts
are only part-Romulan. Such individuals tend to be fanatics, in the Klingon intelligence service, and
our sporadic
as they strive to demonstrate that they are no less Romulan contacts with the Romulan
underground, we have
for being half-blooded. some insight into recent Tal Shiar
activities. Internally,
they have increased efforts to suppress
the Romulan
There is a great deal of mutual distrust between the Tal Shiar dissidents, and would consider it a
major coup if they
and the regular military. Agents have the authority to issue were able to bring Ambassador Spock
into custody.
orders to starship commanders without explanation, and Imperial Fleet patrols have increased
along the Romulan
this has gotten more than one Romulan military officer killed, side of the Neutral Zone, and we believe
that many of
which exacerbates tensions. More generally, Tal Shiar agents those ships are Tal Shiar. They are,
naturally, monitoring
outrank military officers of a similar position. The military, our exploration efforts in the Shackleton
Expanse, and
however, is the more prestigious service and offers a higher we can be certain that they still want to
drive a wedge
social caste for the officer and family. This seems to be yet between us and the Klingons.
another of the dynamic tensions that characterize the Empire.
We are certain that they continue to
have significantly
In the last several years, the Tal Shiar has been building penetrated the Vulcan government,
operating via spy
a fleet of starships. This may be in order to minimize networks that have been in place for
over two centuries.
interdisciplinary conflicts or, more likely, to deal with sedition The Vulcans are still investigating a
possible connection to
in the Imperial Fleet. The Tal Shiar has not yet placed political the recent activities of the Vulcan
Isolationist Movement.
officers on Fleet ships but, as they to crack down on dissent, They were responsible for the
attempted invasion-by-stealth
that may change. Such an action will certainly not improve of Vulcan in 2368, and for numerous
attempts to destabilize
relations between the two services. the Klingon government over the past
several years.
MILITARY Guard Prefect is usually
someone too politically important
STRUCTURE to dismiss from the regular
armed forces, but who is unfit to
Members of the Romulan military are second in prestige only serve further on the line.
to high Imperial officials, and equal to most regional officials.
This makes military service extremely attractive to the lower The Romulan military is much
more highly regimented
castes, as they see the military as a way to improve their than Starfleet. Each position
has a strictly-defined set
own and family status. The minimum term of enlistment is of responsibilities, and a
crewman stepping outside the
50 years. Most Fleet members work their way up the ranks, bounds of their position has
violated regulations. Most
though the family members of high-ranking commanders and experienced commanders
ignore such regulations unless
political officials may be admitted directly to the Academy. the violation is particularly
egregious: a runaway warp
Even these favoured individuals, as part of their military core doesn’t care if the person
managing containment is a
education and training, spend a minimum of two years in centurion or an uhlan.
low-ranking positions so that they understand the realities
under which every member of the Imperial military operates. The Romulan chain of
command is not divided into
The Fleet emphasizes the need for each soldier to know their commissioned and
non-commissioned officers. Most
place, to correctly perform the requirements of their position, Romulan military officers are
what human armies used to
and to trust their fellow crewmembers to do the same. call “mustangs”: officers who
worked their way up through
the ranks. The newly enlisted
begin their career as rankless
The Romulan Guard used to refer to the entirety of the soldiers, known as militi. One
step up from militi are uhlans.
Imperial ground forces. Now, the name refers only to the The vast majority of the
Imperial military is made up of these
old Praetorian Guard. Actual ground combat operations are low-ranking personnel. Above
uhlans are sublieutenants
performed by specialized units of the Imperial Fleet, roughly and, under most
circumstances, a Romulan soldier can
what the Federation would call marines. Ground combat is advance no further without
attending the Academy. An
not a preferred specialty among Fleet members and, as a exception is made for skilled
specialists such as doctors
result, most Romulan ground forces are mixed-race units and engineers who may
become Centurions without
consisting of Romulan security platoons directing Reman attending the Imperial War
College. These are the Romulan
shock troops. equivalent to Starfleet staff
officers, and are not in a unit’s
chain of command.
The Praetorian Guard began as an elite group of soldiers
trained as bodyguards for high officials such as the Praetor, In order to be admitted to the
War College, a sublieutenant
members of the Continuing Committee, and Senators. must have at least five and
preferably ten years’ experience
During the last two centuries, Romulan officials came to and be sponsored by their
current commander. The
prefer Remans as bodyguards, and the Guard became the sublieutenant’s performance in
the War College affects the
dumping ground for incompetents and scions of the political commander’s reputation, so
prospects are chosen carefully.
caste who wish to gain “military experience“ without risk. Commanders cannot simply
refuse to sponsor junior
The Guard’s line units were folded into the Imperial Fleet, officers. They are expected to
sponsor potential officers to
and now the Guard consists only of a ceremonial unit. The the War College during their
service, as they themselves
were sponsored.
Romulan uniforms are some of the most distinct in the known texture contrasts to be equally
appealing. Unlike their Vulcan
galaxy. The elaborate patterning and varied colors identify cousins, they have no trouble eating
meat. A staple on every
not just a soldier’s rank, but their specialty, their caste and, table is a herd beast native to Romulus,
found in both wild
where appropriate, their family connections. The uniforms and domesticated varieties, known as a
of two commanders standing side-by-side might appear
identical to the untrained eye, but a Romulan could tell that A discussion of Romulan food would
not be complete
one of them is from a Praetorian family now fallen on hard without Romulan ale! Some variants are
blue, some are
times, while the other comes from a mining family on a green, but all are extremely potent.
Romulans, like Vulcans,
colony world. are resistant to the effects of
unadulterated alcohol, but
Romulan ale is known to intoxicate any
hominid who drinks
CULTURE it, including Vulcans. The secret of its
exceptional potency
When anyone thinks of the Romulans, they think of a people is a measurable amount of plant
alkaloids, which act on the
who are violently militaristic, deceptive and arrogant, with Vulcanoid nervous system much like
alcohol. The alkaloids
a pronounced belief that they are superior to all other are generally harmless to most other
hominids, mostly
peoples in the galaxy. For better or worse, that is the face causing headaches and intensified
hangovers, but a rare few
the Romulans present to outsiders. It does not, however, find them poisonous. Romulan wine has
the same effects,
represent the whole of the Romulan people. but to a greater degree, and is not
The best word to describe the Romulan people is Even their language is a work of art.
Several years into
“passionate.” That extends into all areas of their life and the journey, once the initial scramble to
create some sort
culture. In fashion, Romulans prefer vivid, saturated colors of order was past, someone suggested
that if they were
and sharp geometric patterns. What humans perceive as dull, going to leave Vulcan behind, perhaps
they should leave
monochrome fabrics become something quite different when the language behind as well. The
Committee was not
seen with Romulan eyes (Romulan eyesight extends slightly entirely enthusiastic about the idea (they
did, after all,
into the ultraviolet). Their love of geometrics extends into plan to return) but, by the time it gained
their attention,
art: they prefer abstract art to concrete. Some high-ranking it had garnered the support of a
surprising proportion of
officials have smuggled in prints of Mondrian, T’Veth, Govral, the travelers. Over the next several
decades, they created
R’lk’t’k and Shela for their personal enjoyment, though they a new language for themselves, by
taking the Old High
would never admit their provenance. Vulcan roots and developing them in a
different way. The
Vulcan language was not entirely
forgotten: as pressure
Their flair for the artistic can also be seen in their mounted for all the Steadfast to adopt
the new tongue, the
shipbuilding. Whatever else they are, warbirds are works of old was hidden away.
art. Every warbird built is painted with a bird-of-prey pattern
that is unique to that ship. Old commanders can identify a The glaring exception in Romulan art is
architecture. The
warbird from its markings before ever seeing its name. oldest architecture on Romulus clearly
shows its Vulcan
antecedents. The Senate chamber, in
particular, when
They are equally passionate about their cuisine. While they stripped of Romulan iconography, could
be placed at the foot
tend to be fond of bold, robust flavors, they find flavor and of Mount Seleya and not be out of
place. Other government
made from s’lipath, which I think only
grows on Romulus. Other breads just turn
I regret that we never had the opportunity to dry and hard; there’s something about
the s’lipath that makes the bread’s crust
exchange farewells, but people like us go where melt and crystallize around that
delicious creamy interior.
our masters bid, when they bid. Still, I have
made bold to send this message through your On the other hand, you’re a gardener. If
I send you some seeds, perhaps you
embassy, in hopes that it will find you wherever could grow some of your own! If you
have the opportunity, send me a message
you may have gone. I remembered how fond and I’ll see what I can arrange.
you were of my burnt toast recipe (which I have
attached), but I don’t know if you’ll be able to Jolan tru,
replicate it away from here. It requires bread Vashana
buildings are reminiscent of the towers at ShiKahr. More Zone over its secrets. The Klingons
managed to trade ships
recent construction is built along starkly practical lines, as for an early variant of the device, but
their cloaking devices
fortresses for the modern age. have historically been at least a
generation behind those
of the Romulans. The Romulans believe
so strongly that
The Romulans have developed a peculiar family structure. the cloaking device is key to their
defensive strategies that
Monogamy is the norm. Married couples cohabitate away they have been willing to conduct
all-out war to prevent
from the extended family. Most households consist of parents the Federation from developing their
own version. While
and their children, no more than four or five individuals. the Federation signed the Treaty of
Algeron to allay that
Occasionally, a revered elder will be invited to live with a particular fear, that decision was not
well-received in some
small family but, in general, families keep their households parts of Starfleet. Just last year, the
U.S.S. Enterprise-D
well separate. Allowing all members of a household sufficient was involved in an incident that
revealed that a number of
personal space is one of the accommodations the Romulans Starfleet officers, including the Chief of
Starfleet Security,
have made to live with their emotional extremes. By and had been developing a cloaking device
of our own in
large, it works, and even in large housing complexes people defiance of the treaty.
usually manage to get along.
Practical invisibility takes a great deal of
Although they prefer small households, Romulan families capability and equally large amounts of
power. Additionally,
in general are large and wide-spread. A couple usually has the cloaking device uses the same
subsystems as the
several children in their lifetimes, spacing them out over half deflector grid. A ship cannot have both
the cloak and
a century. Like their Vulcan cousins, Romulans believe that deflectors active at the same time.
Experienced commanders
children should be brought into the world to be cherished, can have their shields back up within a
few seconds, but
not to fulfill some need of the adult. Family members on some older ships there may be a
second or two of
have specific responsibilities to each other, and these vulnerability as the ship goes into cloak.
responsibilities extend out in an intricate kinship network.
Fortunately, there are ways to detect
ships under cloak. Older
Despite the stereotypes, Romulans possess a sense of devices are vulnerable to a metaphasic
sweep, an active
honor. It tends toward the flexible and pragmatic, but it scan that changes phase erratically in
order to overload the
exists. One’s honor is in one’s actions, in service to family visual processors. These were
commonly seen on Klingon
and the state. Courtesy to social inferiors is expected, but ships around the turn of the century,
and most likely are no
is often observed more in the breach than the observance. longer in service. Other means of
detecting a ship under
Likewise, courtesy to honorable enemies is considered a cloak include laying down a pattern of
photon torpedoes to
virtue. Of course, that largely depends on the definition of ignite a ship’s plasma exhaust. This flaw
has been corrected
“honorable enemies.” A Romulan keeps their honor not only in modern cloaking systems.
for themselves, but in trust for their families. Ultimately, one’s
honor is their willingness to preserve the Empire, and to The primary means in use today are a
combination of gravitic
die for it, if necessary. Almost any action is acceptable if it sensors and tachyon sensors. We
discovered three years ago
preserves or strengthens the Empire. The Tal Shiar considers that the Romulans had discovered a
way to partially shield
many of the older forms of honor to be hopelessly antiquated themselves from the existing gravitic
sensor net. Since then,
at best, and a sign of dissent at worst, but the underground it has been upgraded to a tachyon
detection grid. The arms
continues to teach them as a quiet act of defiance. race continues, Captain: they find a new
way to hide, we find
a new way to find them.
The Romulans are proficient technologists and scientists. Alongside cloaking technology, the
Romulans have
Their work in high-energy physics and optics are, in some developed extremely sophisticated
holographic technology,
ways, well ahead of the Federation. They are less advanced which has been used in the past to
disguise a drone ship
in the biosciences. Their knowledge of genetic engineering as any one of a number of enemy ships.
We believe this
was sufficient to keep their genome from collapsing during technology is no longer in active use,
but the Romulans will
the journey, but they abandoned it once they had settled revive it if they think it useful.
Romulus. There is a mostly-unspoken belief that excessive
reliance on medical intervention is a display of weakness. The WARBIRDS
military are an exception as they see reliance on medicine not Hear the phrase “Romulan starship,”
and one immediately
as weakness, but necessary to ensure battle readiness. thinks of a compact, predatory-looking
warship shaped like
a stylized bird-of-prey. Known as
“warbirds”, these ships
THE CLOAKING DEVICE have always packed a punch
disproportionate to their size
The Romulan cloaking device may be the single most and their latest incarnation is a
formidable foe. Rather than
notorious piece of technology in two quadrants. Both the build the nacelles above the hull, as in a
typical Starfleet
Federation and the Star Empire have violated the Neutral design, the nacelles in a warbird are
slightly below the
ship’s centerline. This gives the ship its typical “winged” functions by disrupting the molecular
bonds of its target.
appearance. Engineering specifications for the D’deridex- At low power, this results in burns and
widespread cellular
class Warbird will be provided in a later briefing. damage, though recovery is possible
with modern medical
treatment. At high power settings,
hand-held disruptor
Romulans have been known for their stylized bird-of-prey weapons cause their target to
disintegrate. Starship
ships since they first appeared on the galactic stage. Despite disruptor banks function in a similar
manner, but such
a number of upgrades and enhancements to the basic weapons rarely cause complete
disintegration. Disruptors
design, warbirds are known for their clean lines and resilient are usually attenuated by shields and
hull alloys to the
engineering. The standard Romulan warbird was superior to point where most of the damage is
purely mechanical, the
the Klingon warships of the 23rd Century, though somewhat effect of large amounts of energy
applied to very small
less heavily-armed. Why, then, did the Romulans use Klingon areas. The disruptors currently in use
by the Star Empire
ships to expand their fleet? Theories abound, though the are powerful and flexible weapons.
The disruptor array of
current belief in Starfleet Intelligence is that, after centuries a D’deridex-class warbird is capable of
firing in both beam
of war, the Star Empire was overstretched and did not have and pulse modes.
the manpower to build ships. It is unlikely to be coincidence
that the Klingons acquired cloaking technology around the For a short time in the 22nd Century, the
Romulans deployed
same time that the Klingon vessels began to appear in the a weapon system designed to mimic
the weapon signatures
Romulan fleet. Regardless of the reason, by the beginning of other species’ ships. The triphasic
emitter technology was
of the 24th Century, Klingon vessels were phased out of the known to be able to mimic the particle
cannon signatures of
Romulan fleet. The Romulan actions of the 24th Century were both the Andorians and the Tellarites, as
well as the phase
all carried out by warbird flotillas. cannons of the NX-class ships. This
weapon was used in
conjunction with sophisticated
holographic emitters to frame
The D’deridex-class warbirds are powered by an artificial various species for attacks on their
traditional rivals. Starfleet
black hole. The ever-increasing power demands of the has not encountered any ships
possessing improved variants
cloaking device spurred the Romulans into pouring resources of this technology. The idea may have
been abandoned, or it
into power generation technologies. The resultant forced may still be in use on ships involved in
covert actions.
quantum singularity is extremely efficient, providing more
useful energy per gram of matter than even matter/antimatter A discussion of Romulan shipboard
weaponry would not
reactions. The magnetic and gravitic distortion effects of even be complete without mentioning plasma
torpedoes. First
a small singularity are easily detected, so these distortions observed on Romulan ships in 2266, the
plasma torpedo is
are offset by nullifier cores that generate precisely-tuned an extremely powerful weapon with
homing capabilities and
counter-distortions. The technology is still delicate, however, capable of following a ship into warp for
short periods of
and even a slight misalignment causes magnetic distortions time. Plasma torpedoes require massive
amounts of energy
to become visible through the cloak. to create the magnetic fields that
contain the plasma; even
modern Romulan power plants do not
produce enough
Romulans prefer disruptor-type energy weapons to phased power to fire them from a cloaked ship.
Currently, Romulan
energy weapons. Unlike phasers, which can reliably be set tactics emphasize disruptors over
plasma torpedoes, but
to stun, Romulan disruptors cause significant damage even there are rumors that new a planetary
defense installation
on a low-power setting. The weapon is aptly named, as it incorporates the torpedo technology.
2011-32 0120
12 1920-23 1066
987-12 0020
128-21 3844
14-39990 67720
16-25005 4799-2722 2320 224002 29-274-00 2482 204114 20913
2922-2042 2901 120330 65-274-55 29400 429901
12 21-5540
complex gradually swallowed the entire area. Today, it is
officially called the Imperial Court, although colloquially
referred to as “The Hidden City.” No one is admitted
inside the walls unless on official government business: to
trespass is death.
Remus is the cooled metallic core of a gas giant whose
atmosphere was stripped away by a close approach of a IMPERIAL RESEARCH AND
so-called “rogue star.” The incident that stripped away the Buried among the other industrial
complexes that have
atmosphere also destabilized its orbit. What was left, after a grown around the dilithium mines is the
Imperial Research
hundred thousand years or so, settled into a new orbit in the and Development Facility: an arms
complex, in other
habitable zone, a tidally locked Class-L planet rich in exotic words. We believe that this facility is the
primary site for
materials. It is generally believed that the Remans are not development of the cloaking device. It
is unlikely that high-
native to the planet, as the next-most advanced life form on energy experimentation takes place on
Remus, due to
the planet is a lichen analogue. How they arrived, however, dilithium’s extreme sensitivity. The Star
Empire performed
remains a mystery. No ships or debris have been located high-energy experimentation on Chaltok
IV up until a
on the planet’s surface, and the Remans themselves were century ago; an experiment using
polaric ions destroyed
technologically primitive, organized in barbarian tribes on the majority of the colony.
Remus’ nightside. Given the usefulness of the Remans as
slave labor, the Romulans haven’t investigated the matter REMANS
too intensely. Remans are extremely physically robust.
Their strength
and endurance may even exceed that of
the Romulans.
THE DILITHIUM MINES They possess some telepathic ability,
but its extent remains
Remus is the Star Empire’s primary industrial base. Its unknown. What is known is that the
Remans fought the
wealth in dilithium and other exotic materials makes it an Romulans to a stand-still for the better
part of a century after
ideal location for the associated factories and refineries. the Romulans arrived on Remus. It was
only the Romulans’
The mines are worked by Reman slaves, and the extremely ability to exploit the Remans’
vulnerability to light that
hazardous work means their average life expectancy is enabled them to bring the war to an
thirty years. Many mining slaves never leave a single mine:
they are born in the mine, work their life in the mine, and die This history means the Romulans look
on the Remans
in the mine. with a mixture of respect and contempt:
respect for their
ability as warriors, and contempt at
their eventual defeat.
The Romulans do provide a certain amount of safety and This contradiction extends to the
Romulan treatment of
protective gear, but this is not to protect the miners, only the Remans. Some Remans are
groomed to become elite
the dilithium. Fortunately, Remus is tectonically inert, bodyguards for members of the Senate
and Continuing
so it is relatively safe from the stresses caused by the Committee, but the vast majority are
doomed to work
piezoelectric generator effect. However, an explosion that in the dilithium mines. The Romulans
believe that the
is minuscule on a planetary scale is still devastating on a warrior Remans are not in any contact
with the Reman
sentient scale. Static-damping gear is a must in the depths mining slaves but, when dealing with a
race of telepaths,
of the mines. who can be sure?
The Orion Syndicate is the most dangerous criminal The Orion worlds are an
independent collection of non-
organization that you’ll encounter during your command, member worlds that lie entirely
within Federation space,
Captain. For as long as there have been ships, there approximately 25 light years
from Earth, near Starbase
have been pirates and smugglers and it does not matter 12. Originally, these worlds
were the territory controlled
if those ships travel the oceans or between the stars. by what archaeologists now
call the Orionic Empire, a
The Syndicate is the largest network of these criminals, highly-advanced civilization
centered on the planet Orion.
created and maintained by the Orions. The Syndicate is After the collapse of the
Empire, many of these worlds
responsible for piracy, slave-trading, racketeering, smuggling, were controlled by various
Merchant Houses: private
illegal gambling operations, arms dealing, extortion and Orion-run mercantile
companies, similar to powerful
assassination across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and groups like the English, Dutch
and French East India
perhaps even beyond. We don’t know how far their influence Companies of Earth’s
16th-19th Centuries. At times those
extends, and there are some experts who claim that it is not organizations had more
influence than their governments.
outside the realm of possibility that they have a presence in Over time, many of these
worlds have petitioned for entry
the Delta and Gamma Quadrants as well. into the United Federation of
Planets, which has angered
the Orions and resulted in
several confrontations, notably
The situation is made even more complicated by the officially- the Babel Conference
incident over the question of
recognized neutrality of the Orion worlds, and the legitimate membership of Coridan (Chi 1
Orionis, 5 light years from
operations of the Orion Trade Union. A law-abiding merchant the Orion homeworld).
that you encounter at one port could be the pirate who was
raiding freighters the previous week. The only way to be There was a time when the
Orion worlds stretched from
certain is to catch them in the act. With no official central Orion all the way to Klingon
space, a region of territory
government with whom we can partner, addressing the issue then known as the
Borderland. By the 24th Century most
of the Orion Syndicate is a difficult process and one that is, of these worlds have become
Federation members,
more often than not, left to individual starship Captains. although by treaty the Orions
maintain trade outposts on
these worlds.
The Orion people are the
descendants of a highly-advanced
How can you tell an Orion merchant ship from an Orion civilization, referred to by
Federation archaeologists as the
pirate ship? “Orionic Empire” (to distinguish
them from the present-day
If you have phasers, it’s a merchant ship. Orions). Much of the
achievements of that society have been
lost over the centuries due to
official histories being altered
by various Orion rulers in the
thousands of years since the
collapse of that Empire, and the reluctance of present-day
Orions to allow non-Orions to carry out research on their
homeworld. Those few scientists who have been granted
access, or have made discoveries on now-independent
colony worlds, have uncovered science and technology far
in advance of perhaps any other species in the Alpha and As more and more of the
worlds in Orion space and the
Beta Quadrants during the same period. For example, in the Borderland petitioned to join
the Federation, the Syndicate
mid-23rd Century, noted archaeologist Doctor Roger Korby resisted. This resulted in
several major confrontations between
translated ancient Orionic medical records which completely Starfleet and the Orions.
Eventually, the merchant princes
revolutionized modern immunology, and his findings are now realized that direct
opposition to the Federation was becoming an
required reading at Starfleet Medical. unacceptable risk to the
Syndicate, and so the order went out that
the Syndicate would no
longer oppose the independence of any
Thousands of years ago, the Orionic Empire collapsed, world, provided that the
Orions could maintain a colony on that
and there has been no central Orion government since. world as a trading port.
The Empire splintered into competing clans, waxing and
waning in power over the centuries, each altering or These colonies, on worlds
like Coridan III, Dessica II, Farius
falsifying historical records to fortify their claims of power, Prime, the Rigel system and
others, each have an Orion
or to implicate rivals in scandal or wrongdoing. These spaceport, either on the
planet’s surface or in orbit. By treaty
clans eventually developed into the various Orion merchant they are all designated as
open ports: neutral territory, open to
houses, great trading conglomerates that were initially clan- trade. Starfleet is aware that
these facilities are locations rife with
based but, over time, they have become analogous to multi- illicit trade in both smuggled
and pirated goods but, since the
national corporations, doing business throughout the Alpha colonies are officially
independent Orion territory, Starfleet has no
and Beta Quadrants. authority over the colonies
themselves. Starfleet often maintains
a picket vessel, tasked with
patrolling at the treaty-demarcated
ORION FREE TRADERS distance from the port
(which varies from planet to planet
THE TRADE UNION according to individual
treaties) and generally keeping watch,
The merchant houses would regularly war against each other, ready to intercept vessels
suspected of illegal activity once they
over resources, trading contracts, or just over matters of bad enter Federation space.
blood. In the 21st Century, the Orion Merchant Prince Abbran-
Tadji sent a communiqué to all the other merchant houses, no
matter how small, with a proposal. He suggested that conflict
between the houses was an unnecessary drain on resources
and an interruption of vital commerce which prevented all
houses, even those fighting, from earning to their full potential.
He proposed a trade organization, with representatives from
every merchant house, to work out disputes before they
spilled over into open warfare and to encourage cooperation FRAGMENT OF
which would benefit all. He called it the Orion Trade Union, KATTAN-MUR,
and within a decade it had become the de facto governing
body of Orion space. Each world was independent, under ...should result in a definite
increase in trade along the Chessauni
its own planetary government, and each merchant house (or Reach. The fewer escorts
we need to send with the caravans, the
“free traders”, as they started to call themselves) was its own more freight we can move,
as I’m sure you’ve already ascertained.
entity. Negotiations between them all took place under the
auspices of the Trade Union, at least officially. It will be an honor to serve
alongside the great Merchant Prince
Kattan-Mur in the Trade
Union, a tale which I will proudly recount to
The true reason why the Trade Union, a proposal from only my children in my years of
one of many merchant princes, was unanimously adopted
so rapidly was that Abbran-Tadji was already well-known Speaking of children, please
allow me to express my condolences
and feared, throughout the Orion holdings. He was the boss on the loss of your eldest
son. A horrible accident, to be sure. Fate
of a criminal syndicate which had members on every Orion is fickle.
world, in every merchant house. Princes who interfered with
Syndicate operations often found their houses suffering I look forward to seeing you
at the first conclave of the Union on
crippling losses of capital and personnel, and those princes Orion,
that didn’t get the message swiftly were simply killed. The
proposal of the Trade Union was not viewed by the other — Abbran-Tadji
princes as a suggestion: it was an order from the head of
the Syndicate.
THE SYNDICATE Orion Syndicate has members from a
variety of worlds, which
makes profiling potential operations
even more difficult for
The Orion Syndicate operates in a secure cell structure. The
rank and file members of a Syndicate crew only know the THE TRUE RULERS OF ORION
other members of their crew, and so are not in a position Information about the highest ranks of
the Orion Syndicate
to betray the entire Syndicate if compromised. The ranking is nearly impossible to obtain. Starfleet
believes that the
member of a crew is a member of a higher crew, comprised Syndicate is governed by a ruling
committee referred to as
of the leaders of other cells, who answer to the leader of that “The Commission”, comprised of the
leaders of the most
higher crew, who is a member of an even higher-placed crew, powerful Syndicate groups. The
Commission appears
and so on, up the chain. to have a leader, although who that
leader is remains
unknown. No names have ever
appeared in any intercepted
To be brought into a crew, a prospective member must communications; not even a title has
been mentioned.
be vouched for by an existing member, a process known
as “witnessing.” Any member who witnesses for a recruit Starfleet Intelligence thinks that the
members of The
is held responsible if that recruit proves disloyal, and will Commission are all merchant princes of
powerful houses,
be killed along with the errant recruit. Through the cellular and use the Trade Union as a legitimate
cover for their
organization of the various operational groups, and the operations. At this point, the legal
business of the various
ruthless punishment of any disloyalty, the Syndicate free traders and the illegal operations of
the Syndicate are
maintains a tight control over its membership. so intertwined as to be
indistinguishable. For example, items
being smuggled by the Syndicate are
often secreted within
Initially, the Orion Syndicate was solely comprised of Orions entirely legitimate cargoes.
but by the 24th Century the Syndicate had expanded
throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and either SLAVERS
eliminated or absorbed other criminal networks, including From the 21st through the 23rd
Centuries, the Orion
the “Terra Nostra” of Earth, the Makur-Shen of Andoria, and Syndicate was notorious for one crime
in particular:
a myriad of smaller groups. The result is that the present-day slavery. Orion slavers traded in sentient
beings, including
members of their own species, especially the females of
their species. The slave trade thrived in the Borderland
as the Federation and other governments settled further
and further into space, and the frontier spaces began to “Incredible, aren’t they? They
can make you forget most of your
diminish, the slave trade waned. Slavery was abhorred by troubles. Of course, creatures
such as these come with troubles of
all major governments (including the Klingons, after a time). their own. But women are the
same throughout the Galaxy, aren’t
By the 24th Century, the slave trade had been pushed into they?”
the distant reaches of unclaimed space, and it is now a faint
shadow of the widespread scourge that it once was. — Harrad-Sar
This revelation uncovered the reality at the heart of Orion The planet was once home to the
ancient Orionic Empire,
society: it is, in fact, a matriarchy, with the women as the final as described above. Orion is the central
world of the various
authority, and the males operating publicly as the instruments Orion holdings. Although Orion space
has no central
of their rulers’ desires. This is not regarded as a secret in government, it is considered the most
important planet, due
Orion society. The public role of males in implementation to its status as the homeworld, a trading
hub, and being the
of the orders given by the females in private is merely part headquarters of the Orion Trade Union.
of the traditional gender roles of Orion culture. It is seen as
no more unusual than a Klingon would regard the ability of VEREX III (14 ERIDANI)
women to serve in the Klingon Defense Force. Verex III is barely a Class-M planet:
barren, arid, and almost
devoid of vegetation. It is located in the
14 Eridani system,
part of what was once the Borderland
region between Orion
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY and Klingon space, approximately 10
light years from Deep
Space Station K-7. The planet was the
site of a major slave
market in the mid-22nd Century, and as
such was a vital hub
The technological heights achieved by the ancient Orionics of commerce for the Orion Syndicate.
are long past. Today, Orions use similar technology as other
galactic powers. They, like the Klingons and Romulans, The Orions voluntarily shut down the
slave market in the late
tend towards the use of disruptors as weapons, but have 23rd Century to maintain their neutrality,
as the Federations
transporter technology comparable to Federation standards. and Klingons expanded their territory.
Today, Verex III is the
The main area of technology, where the Orions truly excel, is primary port of trade between the
Federation and the Klingon
starship engineering. Empire, owing to its proximity to the
CULTURE differences. In the case of the Gorn,
however, this is
attributable not merely to differences in
location or ethnicity,
but because the Gorn are actually a
collection of several
Gorn society is a meritocracy, with leadership positions different reptilian species which all
evolved on the same
going to the Gorn who has demonstrated themselves as world. Xenobiologists have positively
identified the two
the most capable within a particular field, regardless of their major Gorn species, and anecdotal
evidence points to
gender, family, or political association. All Gorn species as many as four others. The two
species who have most
are extremely long-lived with a lifespan of approximately extensively been documented and
encountered are the
300 years, and that has contributed to a culture that values Russth and the Ssessekh.
considered, deliberate decision-making. The meritocratic
culture is a result of this tendency to think things through. THE RUSSTH
The Russth are the smaller of the two
most commonly
A Gorn wishing to be considered for a particular role in encountered Gorn species, standing 2
meters tall. They
society will formally present themselves, and recite a litany are less heavily muscled than their
cousins, although still
of their qualifications. This has been likened by Federation possessed of prodigious strength.
Russth can be identified
xenoanthropologists to the ancient Norse practice of ritualized by their legs, which are of digitigrade
design (meaning that
boasting. Other candidates present their qualifications, and a they walk on their toes, like birds,
dinosaurs, canines and
decision is debated and arrived at within the group affected, felines, giving a “crooked-legged”
appearance.). The Russth
or by the potential superiors of the candidate. also possess a longer neck than the
Ssessekh, and a more
tapered head, more like the Velociraptor
of prehistoric Earth.
A side effect of this meritocracy, however, is a near-zero Their eyes are golden, with a reptilian
slitted pupil, and their
tolerance for failure. If a Gorn fails in their assigned task, they hands are three-fingered, and clawed.
are, at minimum, removed from their position. In the Gorn
military the penalty for failure, depending upon the severity of THE SSESSEKH
the situation, can range from demotion to execution. The Ssessekh are the species who have
been encountered
the most, starting with the first contact
with the Federation in
Beyond this general cultural tendency, Gorn societies are 2267. Whether this is a factor of their
prevalence in the Gorn
as varied as those found on Earth, with distinct cultural military, or due to them simply being
more numerous as a
percentage of the overall Gorn population, nobody beyond seldom happened in the history of the
Hegemony. Instead,
the Gorn knows. The Ssessekh are nearly 3 meters tall, and Imperators rely upon their influence
within the Assembly itself
massively muscled. They are easily identified by three distinct to sway votes toward their preferred
features: The hands of the Ssessekh are three-fingered, with
large claws, and their eyes are silver-hued and segmented
like those of an insect. Additionally, Ssessekh legs and feet MILITARY
are of plantigrade design (meaning they walk on the soles of
their feet, giving a “straight-legged” appearance, like those of
a humanoid). The Gorn Hegemony’s member worlds
maintain local
militias of differing strength, depending
upon the policies
of that particular world. By Gorn law a
certain percentage
POLITICAL STRUCTURE of planetary militia personnel are sent to
serve in the main
military force of the Hegemony, the
Gorn Space Command.
The Gorn Hegemony is an alliance among several distinct The Gorn Space Command is smaller in
size than either
species. The various Gorn species evolved on Gornar, and the Federation Starfleet or the Klingon
Defense Force. They
all those species eventually moved out from their homeworld do not appear to emphasize any
scientific duties, as is the
to set up independent colonies on other planets. Each of case with Starfleet, or raiding or
expansion outside of their
these Gorn worlds is essentially self-governing, but all are territory, as is the case with the
Klingons. The sole duty of the
considered member worlds of the Hegemony, and they all Gorn Space Command is defense of
Gorn space and worlds,
provide a delegation of representatives to the center of the and maintain the patrol on the Gorn
Hegemony government on Gornar.
Gorn who demonstrate particular
competence while serving
THE ASSEMBLY in the Space Command are chosen to
remain in service,
The deliberative and legislative body of the Gorn rather than returning to planetary militia
duty at the end of
Hegemony is known as the Assembly. The Assembly is their allotted term. As such, the caliber
of personnel serving
comprised of delegations from each Gorn world, and each aboard Gorn vessels is very high, and
they are comparable
delegation has several diplomats with individual areas of to Starfleet personnel. Even within the
high standard of
expertise. They are available for debate and deliberation the Gorn Space Command, however,
there is an elite unit,
when the Assembly is called to address a particular topic. comprised of the very best the Space
Command has to offer.
Each delegation votes among their own members to The Black Crest is a squadron of
vessels tasked with the
designate a leader, known as a Speaker, who addresses defense of Gornar, the Imperator and
the Assembly, and with
the Assembly on their behalf. occasional special operations, as
GORN DISRUPTORS incursions into their space. Over the
years, however, Starfleet
Gorn weapons were described by a survivor of the Cestus III has pieced together bits of information
about the capital of
attack as “like phasers, only worse.” It was soon discovered the Hegemony, the Gorn homeworld,
that the Gorn use disruptors as well as phasers, both more
powerful than those used by the Klingons or Romulans, GORNAR
although their targeting systems are far less precise. PLANETARY BACKGROUND
Gornar is the homeworld of the various
Gorn species. Each
GORN JAMMERS of those species has their own
language, and so it took
Gorn sensor technology is slightly less effective than some time for Federation scientists to
realize that references
that of the Federation, but their ability to disrupt sensors to Gornar, Agornu, S’sgaron, Garag,
Koreb, and Shekkis all
is the most advanced technology they possess. Every referred to a single planet, the capital of
the Gorn Hegemony.
Gorn vessel is outfitted with a jamming device which can Gornar is the ninth planet of what Earth
astronomers named
disrupt active scanning at extreme range. This device does the Tau Lacertae system. It is a tropical
jungle world, with
draw a great deal of power, which makes it unsuitable for forty-five percent of the planet being
usable land, and the
combat operations, as it could render a Gorn vessel nearly rest covered by swamps and oceans.
It’s a larger world than
defenseless. There have been rare engagements, however, Earth, with a gravity measured at 1.4g.
where a pair of Gorn vessels operating together use the
jammer on one vessel to blind an opponent, while the second Gornar’s atmosphere traps heat and its
low degree of axial
goes in for the kill. This maneuver has a high risk of failure tilt results in a fairly uniform high
temperature planet-wide.
as it leaves the jammer defenseless. The Gorn are unlikely Reptiles are the prominent life-forms
(both the various
to use such a chancy tactic except in the most extreme species of Gorn, and a variety of
dinosauroid animals). Small
circumstances. mammals exist largely as prey species.
ATMOSPHERIC 28100 283 167555
90 12000
11-30029 20422
COMPOSITION 6480 283 880550
193300 1933
461005 7-14007
83-2999 2720 12830 543 284040
370 8-15999
36-0059 2922 1207 270 46590
3009-22710 1-01008
00-2830 5980 13001 190 164689
2840-2 35-499
277 2953 18 99780
13999 103 66050
229 28 120300
285 284893
183 6600
4002-4789 38802 103280 20-359-22 20422 461005 284022 370 3009-22710
234 2840-2 5021-3478-2880 373902 28-20665
12-17032 4799-2722 2320 224002 29-274-00 2482 204114 4219930 2110
10389-17339 149 1190-5 700-2883-1693 299193 10-36290
2922-2042 2901 120330 65-274-55 29400 429901 2940100 3001 3939-27275
294 3922-2 188-3895-1212 467330 24-38850
1030-4484 20422 94445 33-274-65 50028 26770 5022124 2884 2493-26499
300 2402-5 1067-2440-5536 304022 59-28845
976243 92435629 9 314798 • 17546 48749 4169122 971233 419848 4896 498 325 78
395879 27865293 7 949357 • 38591 26874 3692397 297599 994825 287499 614 193 2229
434392 8996-725 5758-078
02-887622 •
09-9371 5783 • 6
07-581940 09-9432
8795 • 7
11-4874 383
85 45 09 28
13-4719 15 56 45 09 43
87 78 28 87 09 78 56 85
1930473920383 03.10 NEW LIFEPATH OPTIONS 076
Ardanan citizens have a long history of societal division. The § TRAIT: Ardanan. Ardana
natives from either caste are
two castes that still hold sway over an Ardanian’s potential hardy individuals, whose
duality of art and culture,
are the city-dwellers of the floating city, Stratos, and the and resource mining and
management, make them
surface dwelling Troglytes. While anatomically no different, excellent all-rounders.
Without the exposure to zenite
for years the Troglytes suffered from conditions and mental gas many Troglytes reach a
level of academic and
difficulties that reduced their higher brain functions. This artistic ability on par with
the city-dwellers, making
was due to exposure to the zenite mines where they labored the Ardanans both a people
of stout endurance and
and, once the Federation Bureau of Industrialization got cultural excellence.
involved, breathing apparatus was quickly made mandatory.
In contrast the beautiful City of Stratos, floating in the lower § TALENTS: The character
receives access to the
atmosphere of Ardana, is home to a people entirely devoted following talents:
to art, government and culture.
REQUIREMENT: Ardanan, or
Gamemaster’s permission.
While engaged in Social
conflict in a lavish environment (or
one of excess), you reduce the
Difficulty of any Persuade
MIXED-HERITAGE Tasks by 1 to a minimum of 1.
REQUIREMENT: Ardanan, or
Gamemaster’s permission.
Many Starfleet Officers have parents from Your ancestry is steeped in toil
in the mines on Ardana’s
different species. To create characters of surface and, you roll one
additional d20 whenever using
mixed-heritage, choose two species, one Engineering or Science in
relation to geology, mining or
of which will be the primary species. The mine equipment.
character is treated as a member of the
primary species for attribute bonuses; most SAMPLE NAMES:
mixed-heritage characters take more after one Male names: Anka, Midro,
parent than another. The character gains the Female names: Droxine,
species Traits of both parent species, and may
select Talents from both parent species.
REQUIREMENT: Benzite, or Gamemaster permission.
When you encounter unidentified phenomena through
sensors, you may immediately make a Swift Task, without the
need to spend Momentum or an increase in Difficulty. This
Task may only be used to attempt to analyze the preliminary
data you have received using Reason + Science and a
relevant Focus.
Male names: Mendon, Mordock
Female names: Hoya
From the planet Bolarus IX, Bolians are well known for
their hospitality and outgoing personalities. Identified by a
cartilaginous ridge that extends down their head, vertically, down
the center of the face to the chest, with skin color ranging from
light blues, to dark greens and muted purples with darker banding
across the head. They are predominantly bald, though some
females are known to have hair on their heads. Bolian marriages
have more than two partners, of both sexes, but procreation
with other species isn’t all that common, given the Bolians’
incompatibility with others. Humans, in particular, have noted
several side effects of inter-species relations, including nausea,
fatigue, and inflammation.
REQUIREMENT: Bolian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
A cheerful, outgoing personality is the perfect thing to put
diplomatic guests at ease. Whenever assisting another character
the Bolian may use their Presence Attribute instead of their own.
Further, both the Bolian and the character being assisted may
ignore any increases in Complication Range for the Task.
DELTAN are extremely familiar. Not sensing the
nearby emotions
is impossible, except for those who are
resistant to
telepathy. It may require serious effort
and a Task to pick
THE ORIGINAL SERIES AND THE NEXT GENERATION out the emotions of a specific individual
in a crowd, or
ERAS ONLY to block out the emotions of those
nearby. Increase the
Difficulty of this Task if the situation is
stressful, if there
These humanoids from the Delta system differ in are a lot of beings present, if the target
has resistance to
appearance only slightly from Humans, with very little hair telepathy, or if the Gamemaster decides
there are other
across their bodies, aside from eye brows and lashes. relevant factors.
As a telepathic and empathic species, the Deltans rank
themselves alongside the Vulcans and Betazoids as able to SAMPLE NAMES:
read and communicate via thoughts and feelings. Indeed, Male names: Jedda, Clarze
some Deltan genealogists have theorized Betazoids are a Female names: Ilia, Zinaida
distant cousin species. Family names: Adzhin-Dall
The character excretes a natural aphrodisiac pheromone.
D20 D20 D20
Whenever they attempt a Task using Presence to influence SPECIES ENTERPRISE
an attracted creature, they gain one bonus d20. However, Andorian
1-2 1-2 1
The Deltan can sense the emotions of most nearby living Vulcan
19-20 18-19 18-19
empaths and telepaths, as well as those with whom they This table reflects most
common rather than all Starfleet races.
An Efrosian can see beyond what others think of as the visual
spectrum, from some infra-red to ultra-violet light. Any Tasks
in which detecting those parts of the spectrum is useful
reduce in Difficulty by 1. Circumstances, such as low light
levels, do not affect the Difficulty of Tasks, as long as those
Tasks do not relate to perceiving minutiae of a subject.
REQUIREMENT: Efrosian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Efrosians are taught and learn through oral practices or ‘by
rote’. Any Obtain Information Momentum spends that relate
to their own knowledge using Reason or Insight may ask one
additional question, for free, in addition to those bought with
Male names: Ra-ghoratreii, Xin Ra-Havreii, Ra-Yalix
Female names: Hu’Ghrovlatrei, Fellen Ni-Yaleii
With its capital at Qo’noS, the Klingon Empire is almost as large as the Federation,
and larger than the Romulan Empire. Distinguishable by the sagittal crest over their
foreheads and crowns, Klingons are taller and stronger than most humanoid
species, something that helps enhance their reputation as warriors. The hardy
Klingons have been both allies and enemies throughout their years of contact
with the Federation. Now, as staunch allies, this proud people have begun to
exchange officers with Starfleet. Not only that but Worf, son of Mogh, created
a precedent as the first Klingon to graduate of Starfleet Academy. This has
brought more applications from Klingons, especially those of mixed heritage
who don’t feel at ease in the Klingon Empire. Klingons embody pride and
honor above all. Many dedicate their lives to the warrior ethos for the honor of
house and family.
§ TRAIT: Klingon. There is a great redundancy in Klingon organs, with two livers,
multiple stomachs, three lungs, and an eight-chambered heart. Their skeletal
structure also has several redundancies that mitigate injuries that would prove
fatal to other humanoids.
REQUIREMENT: Klingon, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Whenever a Klingon buys additional dice for a melee attack using Threat, for each
Threat added to the pool, you gain 1 bonus Momentum that can only be spent on
Bonus Damage, increasing the damage of the attack by 1 per Momentum spent.
Various physiological redundancies mean that wounds that would kill other
humanoid species don’t affect Klingons as badly. The character gains +2
Resistance against all Non-lethal attacks. In addition, whenever the Klingon
is target of a First Aid Task, reduce the Difficulty of that Task by 1, to a
minimum of 1.
REQUIREMENT: Klingon, or Gamemaster’s permission.
This Klingon has lit candles, spoken words to honor their parents, and
given their house’s sash to another, joining in a fellowship with another
person, and becoming members of the same house (the original house
of either party). The R’uustai Talent grants a Klingon an additional Value,
which must reflect their relationship with the ritual sibling. In addition,
whenever the Klingon assists, or is assisted by another, the character
offering assistance may re-roll their die.
Male names: be’etor, cheng, mogh, qeng, torgh
Female names: ‘a’Setbur, HuS, lurSa’, mara
Chelons are a hardy race, sharing their home solar system of The Jelna, like the Chelon, are natives
of the Rigel system
Rigel with Rigellian Jelna. They are descendants of saber- and come from Rigel V. A diligent and
toothed turtles and, though bipedal, they have retained species, the Jelna were the first
Rigellians to engage in
their ancestral beaks, claws and hard shells. Chelons are space flight. Although they took to
commerce and system-
androgynous and take on masculine or feminine societal wide government quicker than the
Chelon, the Jelna
roles at varying points in their lives, reproducing like most weren’t aggressive, and they made sure
that of democratic
reptilians by laying eggs and fertilizing those eggs. Some representation for all Rigellian species
on the Governing Board
traditionalists within Chelon society maintain a neutral and the Rigellian Trade Commission.
The humanoid Jelnas
gender, and refuse to take on male or female roles. have four genders: two male and two
female genders. Male
and female exosexes contain an
additional Z chromosome,
EXAMPLE VALUE: Real Power is in the Service of Others and they outnumber the endosexes 2 to
1. Exosexes are the
more resilient and physically adept
members of the species,
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight while endosexes are more comparable
to the male and female
sexes typically found in other humanoid
§ TRAIT: Rigellian Chelon. The Chelon species retains a
lot of characteristics from its ancestral species, a type EXAMPLE VALUE: Governance and
Trade for the
of saber-toothed turtle. They have beaks, and a strong Prosperity of All
(if clumsy) bite; some have trained to use this in close-
quarters combat. During times of stress or physical § ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1
Presence, +1 Reason
combat they also emit a deadly toxin through their
skin. This can be used with their claws so that the toxin § TRAIT: Rigellian Jelna. The Jelna on
Rigel V evolved along
reaches an opponent’s blood. They are skilled swimmers similar lines to most humanoids,
aside from their four
and prefer a warm, humid climate. They are also resistant sexes. Endosexes are comparable
to other humanoids,
to ultraviolet radiation and, to a lesser extent, other while exosexes possess a more
robust physique and
radioactivity. This is probably due to the shells that aggressive tendancies. Endosexes
have exclusively gray
extend over much their bodies. skin and red eyes and are more
suited to nurture and
care; exosexes have a pale brown
§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents: § TALENTS: The character receives
access to the
following talents:
The hard shell extending over a Chelon’s body provides REQUIREMENT: Rigellian Jelna.
added protection from physical and radioactive threats. This The character possess a Z
chromosome that strengthens
natural armor gives the character a Resistance of 1. They their physical and survival instincts and
abilities. Whenever
may also ignore any Complications from radiation sources. attempting a Task using Fitness or
Daring, roll 1 additional
d20 and gain one bonus Momentum on
such Tasks.
In times of danger Chelons excrete a contact toxin onto their REQUIREMENT: Rigellian Jelna, or
GM’s permission.
claws that can be used to debilitate foes. Their Unarmed The Jelna are naturally enterprising and
industrious, and
Strike is replaced with a melee attack Claw Strike (Melee, have an affinity for technological
developments and industrial
1 A Piercing 1, Debilitating, Non-lethal). engineering. When succeeding an
Engineering or Science
Task relating to fixing or adapting
technology, and spending
SAMPLE NAMES: 2 or more Momentum, a Jelna may add
an Advantage related
Male names: T’k-agha, Genn, Stek’ghen to that technology for free.
Female names: Salka, Ash’lak, Dakla’
Male names: Jemer, Shalma
Female names: Lahvon, Velkal
Family names: Pahtel, Zehron
Risa was a planet of fierce storms and tectonic instability The intelligent Arboreal species of the
Xindi are a contrast
before the Risians took it upon themselves to essentially some of their cousins on Xindus in that
they are known to
terraform their planet. It is now colloquially known throughout have an incredibly calm demeanor,
some would call them
the Federation as a “pleasure planet.” It’s a wonder the lethargic. But with a relaxed pace
comes an appreciation for
Risians evolved into the ceremonial society they have today, logical thought and considered
discussion. Since becoming
with tradition and ceremony being central to Risa society. members of the Federation,
Xindi–Arboreals have worked
in Starfleet and the Federation as
mediators, counsellors,
Risians have an honest and open attitude to sexuality, diplomats and administrators.
renowned throughout the Galaxy. Potential mates with a
sexual appetite display ceremonial icons, called a horga’hn, EXAMPLE VALUE: Calm Focuses the
that invite partners to participate in the sexual rite jamaharon.
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1
Insight, +1 Reason
EXAMPLE VALUE: All That is Ours is Yours
§ TRAIT: Xindi-Arboreal. Covered in
hair, and with
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence distinctive ridges on their nose and
cheekbones, the
Arboreals are evolved from
creatures similar to that of the
§ TRAIT: Risian. Risians appear much like Humans, save Earth sloth. They possess sharp
claws and have slightly
a decorative gold emblem in the center of the forehead. longer arms than the average
humanoid. With a naturally
They have open and adventurous personalities but also calm, rational mind, they do not
panic or stress easily
have a great patience with others. though they do fear large bodies of
water. Their dark eyes
allow them to see easier in low light
conditions compared
§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the to other humanoids.
following talents:
§ TALENTS: The character receives
access to the
PEACEFUL EXISTENCE following talent:
REQUIREMENT: Risian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Your upbringing in a peaceful society, one that promotes CALM UNDER PRESSURE
harmony and has an outright ban on weapons, has REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Arboreal, or
developed the Risian ability for peaceful resolutions. permission.
Whenever a Risian attempts a Task to dissuade another Arboreals possess an unwaveringly
calm nature, allowing
individual or group from resorting to conflict, they reduce the them to ignore the stress of a crisis.
When attempting Tasks
Difficulty of that Task by 1. with Control to resist stress or mental
affliction they may re-
roll one die in your pool.
REQUIREMENT: Risian, or Gamemaster’s permission. SAMPLE NAMES:
Risian open, and often frank, discussion of problems and Male names: Janner, Gralik
personal opinion enables conversation and understanding Female names: Adela, Rolindis
when working in a team. Whenever a Risian assists another Family names: Durr
character using Insight or Reason they may re-roll a single
d20 in their dice pool. In addition, if the lead character
succeeds in the Task using Insight or Reason, they gain
bonus Momentum.
Male names: Doranis, Melek, Oran
Female names: Aradnis, Elianjah, Joval
05-253369 9843-390
Xindi-Primates were the second Xindus species to evolve The Reptilian species from Xindus rival
the insectoids in
intelligence, after the Xindi–Aquatics. Primates are talented aggression, and are likely to resort to
force to achieve
engineers and are often fair, honest and trusted. The Xindi their goals. They’re also notably
dishonest and impatient
inclusion into the United Federation of Planets in 2311 when it comes to dealing with other
species, including
enabled Xindi-Primates to enhance their learning, and find other Xindi. It is rare for Reptilians to
apply to Starfleet
positions in design, architecture, engineering, along with Academy, and rarer still for them to be
accepted, as their
research and development. They, more than most species temperament can lead to
confrontations. Those Xindi-
to attend the Academy, find themselves in the command Reptilians who do join Starfleet rival the
Klingons in martial
division upon graduation, given their adaptability and prowess, Tellarites in aptitude for
debate, and Zakdorn in
audaciousness. tactical expertise.
EXAMPLE VALUE: Honesty Never Makes a Problem Worse EXAMPLE VALUE: Patience is for the
§ TALENTS: The character receives access to the § TALENTS: The character receives
access to the
following talent: following talent:
Among Xindus species, Xindi-Insectoids are considered Seen as easily the best tactical minds in
the Galaxy, the
one of the most aggressive and decisive. They, and the Zakdorn excel at complex strategic
thinking. This asset has
Reptilians are responsible for the destruction of their original enabled the Federation to streamline its
defensive policy over
homeworld, after detonating vast explosions beneath the years, with Zakdorn officials
overseeing training exercises
several seismically active points. Their language is the most and “war games” for Starfleet. Their
personal confidence
complex among the Xindi species with 67 different dialects and conviction is often considered
boasting and hubris,
of clicks and chirps that other species find hard to replicate. particularly given that no rival species
has ever tested the
Insectoid names grow longer as the individual ages, Zakdorn military. Zakdorn strategists
have, however, helped
carrying more meaning and life history than many other Starfleet and the Federation
immeasurably since they joined
species’ given names. in the early 24th Century.
EXAMPLE VALUE: Protect your Off-spring at the Expense EXAMPLE VALUE: A Coherent Strategy
is the First Line
of Self of Defense
Male names: Gruhn, Jir, Koll, Sirna
Female names: Bel, Myk, Orym
Family names: Azernal, Bunkrep,
Kolrami, Roplik
39366298 29842I 553058 229451 455295
30265519 34792 620198 326899 260493 27044612
22-9021 2O343360 320901 236103 15032 273029 24730282
24369201 843920 175073 234921 138430
11239403 12-3788 17-2880
21-8390 24994020 3892 23392 107052 193402 17394550
17504262 580792 259502 12377 529500
59322203 19-3300 21-5540
23045 4029 3226 12300
11289 29900 25903 80
9830 3442 440 22058
12002 16380 2378 4408
107 10900 29911
FF-01-8022 9708
5836 251872 23-305756 4673 84632
33839 220284 65-273396 21012 104585
LA-02-2190 5637-8200
28340 645640 29-265205 6203 650566
wasn’t due to improved technology or even less equipment on
board, but instead because of the Klingon idea that a scout
ship was dishonorable duty, expected to be destroyed by the
Empire’s new enemies. To improve the crew’s living conditions, In this case, Ablative Armor
is used as a Talent to represent the
the Empire included a targ-pit to allow hunting and sport. The thickness of the Raptor
class’ hull. While ablative armor wasn’t in
vessel itself was well-suited for exploration with multi-spectral use by the Federation until
2371, we’ve used it here to increase the
sensor arrays equivalent to those on Starfleet’s NX class Raptor’s Resistance by 2.
and a relatively high sustained speed of warp 6. The Raptor
class was also well equipped for combat roles, with energy
shielding, three disruptor turrets, and a forward mounted
torpedo launcher on the command section. To keep the
vessel mass down and to allow it both high warp and impulse CAPABILITIES: The K’t’inga-class refit
was smaller than the
speeds, ablative armor was kept to a minimum and no small D7. This was possible through the
removal of many bulkheads
craft docking or recovery systems were included. The Raptor made unnecessary by the advances in
structural integrity
class was still in use in the mid 23rd-century as a courier or as fields and the removal of external armor
plating to allow the
a small attack vessel for the minor houses of Qo’noS. improved shield emitters to be installed
along the surfaces of
the engineering hull. The reduced size
and weight made the
TRAITS: Klingon scout K’t’inga class not only more
maneuverable at sub-light speeds,
§ Disruptor Cannons (Energy, Range Close, 7 A Vicious 1) DEPARTMENTS
§ Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Range Long, 5 A High-Yield)
§ Improved Reaction Control System
§ Advanced Sensor Suits
K’T’INGA BATTLE CRUISER CREW: Talented (Attribute 10,
Discipline 3)
NEGH’VAR WARSHIP 2360s with the upcoming launch
of the first of the Vor’cha-
class attack cruisers, the honor
of the great generals of the
Empire was felt to be under threat
leading fleets from the
OVERVIEW: Reliance on the K’t’inga class for a flagship aging K’t’inga class. A new
battleship capable of taking on
and a ‘ship of honor’ in the Klingon Defense Force caused the best vessels of the enemies
of the Empire was designed,
arguments in the High Council during the 2360s as the specifically with giving the
opportunity for the officers and
design was approaching a century in service. By the late greatest warriors of the Empire
the ability to maintain, and
even achieve greater feats than
before. The Negh’Var class
was the result.
warships are designed
SPECIAL RULES to intimidate and impress. They
are larger than the
Federations Galaxy class and
carry over double its crew.
Much of the extra crew
compared to Starfleet vessels is
CLOAKING DEVICE: This vessel is equipped with a cloaking due to less automation in Klingon
systems, but this still
device, allowing the ship to effectively ‘disappear’ from visual and allows accommodations for
nearly five hundred warriors
sensor detection methods. To cloak, a crewmember at the tactical that are used as honor guards or
for ground assaults and
station is required to attempt a Control + Engineering Task with a boarding parties. The
overwhelming firepower that
Difficulty of 2, assisted by the ship’s Engines + Security. This Task is standard on all Negh’Var-class
vessels includes
has a Power requirement of 3. multiple disruptor, phaser, and
torpedo systems, as well
as point defense phaser and
disruptor emplacements.
If successful, the ship gains the Cloaked Trait. While cloaked, the In order to effectively use these
systems, the design
ship cannot be the target of any attack nor can it use any of its includes the largest computer
system currently in use by
attacks. While cloaked the ship has Shields 0. It requires a Minor the Klingon Defense Force with
two separate isolinear
Action to decloak. cores for the ships own systems
and a dedicated battle
computer for use to network
incoming sensor feeds
from other Klingon vessels. Few
of these vessels are
currently active, the most notable being the flagship of the POWER: 15 SCALE: 6
Klingon Empire, I.K.S. Negh’Var under the command of SHIELDS: 14 RESISTANCE: 7
General Martok.
CREW: Exceptional (Attribute 11,
Discipline 4)
TRAITS: Klingon warship
§ Disruptor Array (Energy, Range
Medium, 10 A Vicious 1,
COMMAND 03 SECURITY 04 SCIENCE 01 § Cloaking Device
§ Fast Targeting Systems
§ Secondary Reactors (included
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE 02 § Extensive Shuttlebays
§ Improved Hull Integrity
§ Command Ship
neutrino emissions from the fusion reactors may give their 22ND
position away. The design included a cloaking device that
was as effective as other models installed on larger vessels,
but when powered up, the scout could only achieve a warp The bird-of-prey (see p.91)
does not have deflector shielding, but
speed of close to three rather than its maximum of five. rather is equipped with
layers of hull plating. This functions in the same
way as Shields do, with
one difference: the ship suffers a Breach if four
TRAITS: Romulan scout or more damage is suffered
after deductions for Resistance.
450 11899
OVERVIEW: When Vulcans made first contact with the CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9,
Discipline 2)
Orions they found an already advanced civilization that had
developed warp drive decades previous, but had yet to leave Attacks:
their home system with its many planets and moons. After § Phaser Array (Energy, Range
Medium, 4 A, Versatile 2,
this contact, the Orions began a rapid push outward, not as Area or Spread)
colonists, but as merchants. Conflicts with other species with § Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo,
Range Long, 4 A, High-Yield)
extensive trade networks made the Orion Syndicate order the
design of a powerful attack vessel that could also double as SPECIAL:
a deep-space explorer, allowing new markets to be opened § Improved Warp Drive
before other species could find them. Research on the warp
systems took far longer than initially expected and it would be
the mid-23rd century before the first scout ship was launched. ORION INTERCEPTOR
SYSTEMS CAPABILITIES: The Blackguard isn’t
used in a similar
OVERVIEW: Filling the role of both cruisers and battleships CREW: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline
in the navies of the Orion cartels is the Blackguard. These
vessels have been in use since the mid-22nd century and ATTACKS:
have continually seen refits and upgrades over the centuries § Phaser Array (Energy, Range
Medium, 7 A, Versatile 2,
allowing them to continue to be relevant on the changing Area or Spread)
galactic scene. The low amount of actual hard service these § Disruptor Cannons (Energy, Range
Close, 9 A Vicious 1)
vessels see allows them long service lives and many of § Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Range
Long, 6 A, High-Yield)
the Blackguard-class vessels in service in the 24th century § Tractor Beam (Strength 3)
were in use during the Earth-Romulan War guarding illegal
battlefield salvage operations and guarding SPECIAL:
weapons shipments between § Improved Hull Integrity
neutral star systems. § Command Ship
Weapon ports are hidden behind false hull plating so visitors POWER: 6 SCALE:
don’t think that there is any threat from the ship’s hidden SHIELDS: 13
rapid-fire disruptors. Inside the vessel, sections are dedicated
to typical ships functions; command and control, sickbay, CREW: Proficient (Attribute
9, Discipline 2)
engineering, etc. These sections of the ship are small
compared to the public areas that are accessed through ATTACKS:
transporter systems or the expansive shuttlebay; casinos, § Disruptor Cannons
(Energy, Range Close, 10 A Vicious 1)
brothels, drug dens, slave auction houses, fighting arenas, § Tractor Beam (Strength
holosuites, and drug production labs. The crime these vessels
bring to Federation space makes them unwelcome, but they SPECIAL:
are often seen operating inside the Orion home system and in § Pleasure Suites
(function as Diplomatic Suites)
border regions of the Federation, plying their trade. § Improved Hull Integrity
§ Extensive Shuttlebays
TRAITS: Orion barge § Hidden Emplacements:
Hull plating disguises the
While this system gave the raider only a maximum speed
of warp 7, it was able to hold that velocity for far longer
than Starfleet vessels. When at sub-light, the warp core
could directly power the vessels disruptor systems, giving
the Raider devastating amounts of firepower for its mass,
rivaling Starfleet’s heavy cruisers. The raider would be
taken out of service by the late 23rd century in favor of GORN VARANUS BATTLESHIP
SYSTEMS CREW: Talented (Attribute
10, Discipline 3)
TRAITS: Transport
§ Advanced Sensor Suites
COMMS 07 ENGINES 08 STRUCTURE 09 § Modular Labratories
§ Extensive Shuttlebays
2165-3590 1865
196743 19-300-50 1480 10220 320600 320
1818-3066 1988
205350 20-327-45 21550 357850 212996 3450
1929-4040 18563
50368 27-435-56 45520 24890 459780 4560
VULCAN SCIENCE ACADEMY SURVEY VESSEL monitored environment on the ship to
any learning on the
surface of alien worlds. Any movement
to and from the vessel
is accomplished via transporter.
OVERVIEW: Respected across the Federation and beyond,
the Vulcan Science Academy has one of the largest fleets TRAITS: Vulcan starship
of actively used survey vessels of any institution of higher
learning known. This large fleet is typically used to train SYSTEMS
students in practical astrophysics, geophysics, subspace
theory, quantum mechanics, and biology. With this wide
range of possible assignments, the VSA requested a new
design for a survey vessel in 2340 from the ShiKar Orbital
Shipyards, the first of the new class entering service in 2346.
CAPABILITIES: Like many Vulcan designs, the VSA survey
vessel uses a toroidal subspace-field generation system in
lieu of the more standard dual warp nacelle designs seen
elsewhere in the Federation. This gives the vessels a
stable warp field at the expense of being able to change
course at superluminal velocities. While at warp, the warp POWER: 8 SCALE: 3
torus is perpendicular to the main hull of the vessel, but SHIELDS: 0 RESISTANCE: 3
rotates so it is parallel to hull at sub-light speeds. Sensor
networks designed to monitor the sub-space fields in the CREW: Talented (Attribute 10,
Discipline 3)
torus, while not being used to maintain warp speeds, aid
the vessel’s already impressive sensor suite by adding a fine SPECIAL:
resolution sub-space scan to all surveys. The survey vessel § Modular Laboratories
typically maintains an active crew of fifteen that always serve § Advanced Sensor Suites
as teachers and act as officers for the vessel in addition § High Resolution Sensors
to the thirty students on board. The vessel lacks many § No Shuttlebay: The starship cannot
support any
features including weapons, defensive shielding, and even small craft.
a shuttlebay, with the Science Academy preferring a strictly
100 CHAPTER 04
102 CHAPTER 05
Scoutship pilots are skilled pilots and engineers: they often An uhlan technician is a low-ranking
crewmember assigned
operate in remote areas without support, and have to be able to basic maintenance and operation of a
ship system. While
to make their own repairs. They are also tough enough to they are willing to fight if necessary,
they are not skilled
perform flight maneuvers under cloak. The power demands combatants.
of the cloaking device leave very little spare energy for the
inertial dampeners. TRAITS: Romulan
The Tal Shiar are known for dirty tricks. Some have become Romulan medical
officers undergo a great deal of on-the-job
quite skilled at infiltrating enemy installations, causing training, and slow
learners are often escorted to the next
technical damage or planting explosives, and then escaping life by angry patients.
Romulan doctors who have reached
as silently as they came. Sub-Centurion rank
are usually capable of keeping people
alive, come what
may. They also know a little bit about taking
TRAITS: Romulan enemies apart.
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) ATTACKS:
§ Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1) § Unarmed Strike
(Melee, 2 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A Vicious 1, Size 1H) Non-lethal)
§ Escalation Disruptor Rifle (Ranged, 6 A Vicious 1, § Dagger (Melee, 2
A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
Size 2H, Accurate) § Disruptor Pistol
(Ranged, 4 A Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ Escalation
Disruptor Rifle (Ranged, 5 A Vicious 1,
§ Guile and Cunning: When attempting to remain hidden or
unnoticed, the Saboteur may spend one Threat to increase SPECIAL RULES:
the Difficulty of enemy Tasks to detect them by one. § Quick and Dirty:
Medical Sub-Centurions are
§ Hidden Weakness: When sabotaging the systems of an accustomed to
working in sub-standard conditions.
enemy, the Tal Shiar Saboteur may spend 2 Threat to When attempting
a Medicine Task, they ignore any
re-roll any number of d20s on their Security rolls. increase in
Difficulty for working without the proper tools
or equipment.
104-4894 104-4895
104 CHAPTER 05
The Tal Shiar often find it necessary to “encourage” captives While scientists are usually found in
highly-classified, well-
to provide information. This encouragement includes hidden laboratories, there are always
situations in which
carefully-chosen words, the precise application of physical a scientist needs to experiment out “in
the wild.” Such
distress, and the usage of carefully-calibrated chemical individuals are skilled scientists with the
fortitude needed to
compounds. spend long hours performing
experiments under less-than-
optimal conditions.
TRAITS: Romulan
08 REASON 10
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A Knockdown, Size 1H, ATTACKS:
Non-lethal) § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
§ Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1) Non-lethal)
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A Vicious 1, Size 1H) § Dagger (Melee, 2 A Vicious 1, Size
1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
§ Escalation Disruptor Rifle (Ranged, 6 A Vicious 1, § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 4 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
Size 2H, Accurate) § Escalation Disruptor Rifle (Ranged,
5 A Vicious 1,
Size 2H, Accurate)
§ Sense Vulnerability: Whenever a Tal Shiar Interrogator SPECIAL RULES:
attempts a Task to coerce information from an enemy, § Learning Through Adversity: The
Lead Scientist is
they may re-roll one d20. skilled at extracting success from
failure. They may roll
an additional d20 on a Science
Task, as long as they
failed at a Science task in the same
scientific field earlier
in the current mission.
REMAN BODYGUARD [NOTABLE NPC] § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 6 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ Escalation Disruptor Rifle
(Ranged, 7 A Vicious 1,
Size 2H, Accurate)
It is a matter of prestige for a Romulan high official to
possess a Reman bodyguard. Reman bodyguards are SPECIAL RULES:
ferocious fighters and are often trained in basic piloting and § Bodyguard: When taking
action to protect the person
medicine, the better to ensure the safety of their principal. they are guarding, and buying
additional d20s with
Threat, a Reman Bodyguard
may re-roll a single d20.
TRAITS: Reman § Wary: Whenever a Reman
Bodyguard attempts a Task
to notice or detect an enemy
or hazard, they may re-roll
VALUE: My Life for my Charge one d20.
TRAITS: Romulan
FOCUSES: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Threat Assessment
VALUE: My Portion is Obedience
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
§ Dagger (Melee, 4 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
Remans are a nocturnal species subjugated by the Romulan FOCUSES: Starship Tactics,
Star Empire. They are enslaved by the Empire, employed both as
indentured miners within the Reman mines, and as expendable STRESS: 11
shock troops and bodyguards serving the Romulan military. Little
is known about the Remans outside of the Romulan Empire, due ATTACKS:
mainly to the Romulans’ secrecy. § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
§ ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight § Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious
1,Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ TRAIT: Reman. Remans are tall, powerfully built beings, § Escalation Disruptor Rifle
(Ranged, 6 A Vicious 1,
stronger and more durable even than Romulans. Their Size 2H, Accurate)
nocturnal nature means that they cannot easily tolerate
bright light. A proportion of Remans have telepathic abilities, SPECIAL RULES:
allowing them to read the minds of others and to project their § Ambush: When attacking an
opponent who is unaware,
thoughts to others, though using these powers effectively the Warbird Commander may
spend two Threat. This
takes skill and training. allows the Warbird
Commander and any Romulans
under their command to
re-roll any number of d20s on
their attack rolls for one
106 CHAPTER 05
§ Use My Experience: Once per scene, when the
Commander succeeds at a Task during combat or
another perilous situation, they may spend two Threat to
give a subordinate assistance on their next Task attempt,
using the Warbird Commander’s Presence + Command.
§ Wary: Whenever a Warbird Commander attempts a Task
to notice or detect an enemy or hazard, they may re-roll
one d20.
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
§ Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ Escalation Disruptor Rifle (Ranged, 6 A Vicious 1,
Size 2H, Accurate)
ON 107
108 CHAPTER 05
Briar Patch, arrives at its destination on computer control. ATTRIBUTES
The ship’s crew and passengers are dead or insane, and
the only coherent phrase they seem capable of saying is
“The dark inside…” The Player Characters must discover
09 REASON 08
why the ship entered the Briar Patch in the first place, what
happened to the ship once inside, and if there is a way
to bring the survivors back to sanity. Potential causes are DISCIPLINES
numerous: spatial distortions, dimensional rifts, energy
beings, weird radiation, rogue telepaths…
The Orions, despite their frequently brutal treatment of Buccaneers — the title was
adopted from Terran history and
slaves, prefer not to bring damaged goods to the markets. literature — consider themselves
the swashbucklers of the
Damaged slaves mean lower profits. Slaver medics look after spaceways. “To dare is to truly
live,” is their motto. While
the health of the “merchandise,” ensuring that slaves are many are pirates, some
Buccaneers have broken away from
protected from disease and disfiguring injuries and that they the Syndicate, and now actively
oppose Orion piracy and
are in prime condition for a sale. slavery... all with panache and
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 A Knockdown, Size 1H, § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) Non-lethal)
§ Dagger (Melee, 2 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1) § Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious 1,
Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 4 A Vicious 1, Size 1H) § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
110 CHAPTER 05
Breachers lead boarding parties of pirates that take ships for § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
the Syndicate. A combination of marine and sapper (combat Non-lethal)
engineer), they command teams of ordinary pirates while § Dagger (Melee, 1 A Vicious 1, Size
1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
using their skills to cripple vessels. § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ No Quarter: When commanding a boarding action and DISCIPLINES
assisting the soldiers under his command by giving them
orders, the Breacher may re-roll a single d20.
4473 207
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) STRESS: 11 RESISTANCE: 1
§ Dagger (Melee, 2 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 4 A Vicious 1, Size 1H) ATTACKS:
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
SPECIAL RULES: Non-lethal)
§ Percussive Maintenance: An Orion Engineer keeps § Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious 1, Size
1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
the ship running, no matter what it takes. When making § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
repairs to a ship system and buying additional d20s with
Threat, the Overseer may re-roll a single d20. SPECIAL RULES:
§ Cutthroat Crew: Whenever the
Orion Pirates attempt a
Task related to boarding a captured
vessel, and they buy
additional d20s with Threat, they
may re-roll a single d20.
112 CHAPTER 05
PRASAD [NOTABLE NPC] § Cutting Wit: Prasad fights as much
with words as with
weapons. When in personal combat
against an enemy
who can understand him, he may
use Presence instead
Prasad is a handsome buccaneer, with a friendly smile of Daring to attack.
always showing through his scruffy beard. He wears
well-used but functional gear in defiance of the pomp and
panache one might expect of an Orion. He is mortal enemies SHRETSH [NOTABLE NPC]
with several Syndicate members. Time spent living in other
cultures, and the “infection” they caused, has made Prasad
something of an abolitionist. Shretsh’s face and body bear
horrendous scars: these are
the consequence of defying his slaver
captain. He’s vowed
TRAITS: Orion revenge against that individual, and, by
extension, the
Syndicates as a whole.
Uncompromising in his vengeance,
VALUE: No One Should Live a Slave Shretsh often takes risks that far
outweigh any benefit, and
09 REASON 07
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
§ Dagger (Melee, 4 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1) STRESS: 10 RESISTANCE: 0
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 6 A Vicious 1, Size 1H)
SPECIAL RULES: § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
§ Bold: Prasad is nothing if not daring. When performing Non-lethal)
a Task using the Daring Attribute and buying additional § Dagger (Melee, 2 A Vicious 1, Size
1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
d20s with Threat, he may re-roll a single d20. § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 4 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ Fuel the Flames: Shretsh has a significant propensity,
even preference, for violence. When he attempts a Task
to persuade or compel others to act in a violent manner, Partha is in her mid-twenties and
already a force to be
he may add a bonus d20 to his dice pool. reckoned with inside the Syndicates.
She is exceptional even
§ Obsessed: Whenever Shretsh attempts a Task to resist among Orion women, and capable of
wrapping the males
being intimidated or persuaded against a course of of any species around her little finger.
While she plays the
action and he buys additional d20s with Threat, he may role of slave to the hilt, she’s also one of
the Syndicate’s
re-roll a single d20. best infiltrators and many a ship has
fallen to her charms,
scientific or seductive.
§ Rational: Jagadish has spent time developing his
capacity for clear thought. Whenever he attempts a Task
using Reason and buys additional d20s with Threat, he
may re-roll a d20.
§ Chemical Genius: Jagadish is one of the best
biochemical engineers in the Quadrant. Whenever he
attempts to perform a Task related to biochemistry using
Reason + Science, he may reduce the difficulty by 1 (to
a minimum of zero).
114 CHAPTER 05
She sways in a seductive, knowing fashion, perpetually Amaar works with Seema as an
interrogator and brainwasher
amused by something... But for those paying attention, for the Syndicates. He was once a
notable captain in his own
Seema’s smile is teasing, wicked, and cruel. Her public right, and continues to fill that role so
long as Seema allows
persona is that of a well-kept Orion woman, older, but no less it. Their working relationship has left him
utterly under her
formidable. As an interrogator for the Syndicate, Seema loves control, willing to do anything to anyone
to achieve whatever
to provoke people and make them jump to her wishes. She goal she’s selected. He’s a burned-out
husk of a man, prone
slaps her weighted gloves into her hand, sensuously teasing to fits of violent rage when the pair’s
victims resist.
before applying the neuro-lash, drugs, or worse.
VALUE: I would do anything for Seema.
VALUE: Orion puppet-mistress, interrogator, the power
behind the power. ATTRIBUTES
Asobi Station is a lawless port, an old, 23rd Century
Federation K-style station, salvaged refitted and jury-
rigged together by an enterprising Human merchant named
Jones. At least, that’s the name he claims, but there are
no matching records in Federation systems. Jones has
positioned Asobi Station in deep space, well off the usual
trade routes, and not within any star system, but it’s
116 CHAPTER 05
Not all Klingons are warriors, and some Klingons follow § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 1 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
what are sometimes considered less-respected paths. Non-lethal)
These types show up on the border, where they can § D’k tahg Dagger (Melee, 1 A Vicious
1, Size 1H, Deadly,
pursue their careers without being drawn into the intrigues Hidden 1)
of the Empire. § Escalation Bat’leth (Melee, 3 A
Vicious 1, Size 2H)
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 3 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
TRAITS: Klingon
Klingons occasionally send diplomats out to the border Human merchants do business all
over the Galaxy, trading
regions to negotiate with other powers. This was notably with the Ferengi in the Alpha
Quadrant, selling Andorian
the case on the border world Nimbus Three, the so-called icewine on Earth and much else
besides. Sometimes,
“Planet of Galactic Peace,” where representatives of the though, the law gets in the way. A
valued customer wants
Federation, Klingon and Romulan Empires gathered to keep some Romulan Ale, for instance, or
maybe a group of
communication open between their governments. Diplomats Maquis want a shipment of weapons
delivered from
they may be, but they are also Klingons! Klingon space. These things can
always be arranged, for
the right fee.
TRAITS: Klingon
VALUE: For the Good of the Empire
09 REASON 09
FOCUSES: Negotiation, Hand-to-Hand Combat
STRESS: 11 RESISTANCE: 0 § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
ATTACKS: § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 6 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) SPECIAL RULES:
§ D’k tahg Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, § Slippery: The Human Smuggler
is used to playing upon
Hidden 1) his essentially harmless nature to
wriggle out of trouble.
The Smuggler reduces all
Difficulties when trying to
SPECIAL RULES: convince authorities to let them
go using Presence by 1
§ Brak’lul: A Klingon’s Resistance is increased by +2 (to a minimum of 0).
against Non-lethal attacks.
§ Cunning Negotiator: Whenever a Klingon Diplomat
attempts a Presence Task to influence an opponent
during a negotiation, the Diplomat may re-roll one d20.
118 CHAPTER 05
The ultimate punishment for a Klingon is discommendation.
For their crimes, the Klingon is stripped of all honor, of The Klingons have a history of using
cosmetic surgery to
citizenship, even of personhood. M’Keth is a notorious alter spies so that they look like
members of another species.
outlaw along the border. He calls himself the “Son of Such spies often cross the Klingon
border on missions for
None” because of his discommendation. He is a total wild the Empire. A medical scan will reveal
their true nature, but
card, raiding as he pleases, throwing wrenches into the as long as they can avoid arousing
suspicion, nobody would
plans of the Klingon great houses, and generally causing think to ask.
chaos. He commands an old K’T’inga-class cruiser, and
leads a fanatically loyal crew who keep the aging vessel in TRAITS: Klingon, Disguised (Human)
astonishingly good working order.
VALUE: I Must Earn Back My True Face
TRAITS: Klingon
VALUE: Burn It All
08 REASON 07
FOCUSES: Starship Tactics, Hand-to-Hand Combat
STRESS: 12 RESISTANCE: 1 § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
ATTACKS: § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 6 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 A Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) SPECIAL RULES:
§ D’k tahg Dagger (Melee, 3 A Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, § Covert: Loor has been surgically
altered to resemble
Hidden 1) a human female, and learned the
appropriate dialect
§ Escalation Bat’leth (Melee, 5 A Vicious 1, Size 2H) and a backstory (her “legend” in
espionage terms) for
§ Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 A Vicious 1, Size 1H) her cover identity. She poses as
Delphine Séverin, a
§ Escalation Disruptor Rifle (Ranged, 6 A Vicious 1, French journalist. Whenever Loor is
required to attempt
Size 2H, Accurate) a Task to maintain her cover identity
she may roll an
additional d20.
SPECIAL RULES: § Adaptable: Loor may spend 2
Threat to immediately
§ Tactical Genius: Once per scene, if M’Keth succeeds at gain a single Focus for the
remainder of the scene.
an Insight + Command Task to assess his opponent, he § Brak’lul: Even when surgically
altered, a Klingon’s
may spend two Threat to allow all under his command to Resistance is increased by +2
against Non-lethal
re-roll one d20 on their next Task. attacks.
§ Brak’lul: A Klingon’s Resistance is increased by +2
against Non-Lethal attacks.
§ Warrior’s Spirit: When M’Keth attempts a Melee attack,
and purchases one or more additional dice with Threat,
he may re-roll any number of d20s.
COMMANDER KARUK [MAJOR NPC] FOCUSES: Starship Tactics, Inspiration,
Suspicion, Hand Disruptors, Strategy
Karuk, Son of Krell, is the commanding officer of the I.K.S. STRESS: 13 RESISTANCE: 1
Chal’qul, a Vor’cha-class attack cruiser. His orders are to
patrol the Klingon border and shadow Starfleet vessels ATTACKS:
operating in his area, keeping tabs on their operations. Karuk § Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 A
Knockdown, Size 1H,
does not like the Federation. His father never favored the Non-lethal)
armistice and eventual treaty, and Karuk feels that the alliance § D’k tahg Dagger (Melee, 4 A Vicious
1, Size 1H, Deadly,
will not, and need not, last much longer. If presented with a Hidden 1)
suitable opportunity, he will provoke a confrontation to drive a § Escalation Bat’leth (Melee, 6 A
Vicious 1, Size 2H)
wedge between the Empire and the Federation. § Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 6 A
Vicious 1, Size 1H)
§ Escalation Disruptor Rifle (Ranged,
7 A Vicious 1,
TRAITS: Klingon Size 2H, Accurate)
§ The Alliance Weakens Us § Suspicious: In situations where
Karuk is distrustful of
§ Death Before Dishonor his opponent, he can substitute his
Insight for any other
§ Great Men Make History Attribute in Opposed Tasks against
that opponent.
§ Never Trust Starfleet § Brak’lul: A Klingon’s Resistance is
increased by +2
Largely unexplored for centuries, the Expanse hasn’t been Despite continuing tensions with the
Romulans and now with
mapped to any degree beyond what was gathered from the recently encountered Dominion,
Starfleet remains focused
unmanned deep space probes only in the last century. Most on its mission of exploration. A key
area in achieving that end
probes stopped transmitting data shortly after entering is a massive swath of unexplored
territory at the edges of
the Expanse, so it wasn’t until recently that we achieved a known space within the Beta
Quadrant. Informally known as the
better understanding of what is out there. And even then, it’s Shackleton Expanse — after the
renowned ancient Earth explorer
estimated that less than eight percent of the Expanse has Ernest Shackleton — this remote
region spans dozens of sectors
been mapped: there’s a lot of territory waiting to be surveyed. containing hundreds of uncharted
What that eight percent shows us, though, is that the Until recently, little was known about
the Expanse save for what
Expanse is well supplied with resource-rich planets, moons, little data long-range sensor probes
had collected and the stories
and asteroid belts, along with countless interstellar features and legends that were culled from
independent traders who
that would excite any scientist. Starfleet believes that a claimed to travel in and near the
Expanse. This section provides
“gold rush” mentality might overtake potential explorers, and more detail on the Shackleton
Expanse and some of what may be
dozens or more species will send ships to explore, conquer, found within it.
or engage in other activities within the Expanse. Starfleet
needs to be there, and lead the race.
Station as a bastion of
Federation-Klingon relations. She has
also honed the 20th Fleet into an
effective first-line defense
between the Federation and any
threat from the Shackleton
Expanse. She is an effective
leader, a compassionate
advocate, and a moderate voice
in these challenging times.
While most of her fleet’s starships
are scattered across
many sectors of space along
both the Klingon and Romulan
borders, she is eager to direct
her fleet’s newest vessels into
the Expanse.
While General Kargan is a
capable leader and a fearsome
warrior, it is his extensive
experience of Starfleet — thanks
to his participation in the Officer
Exchange Program during
the 2360s — that brought him
the chance to serve aboard
Narendra Station as the Klingon
Empire’s highest-ranking
representative. Kargan manages
the day-to-day station
operations with Admiral Hebert,
and while their partnership is
still very young and tentative,
there is progress on both sides.
He is a vocal defender of the
Klingon population aboard the
station, though he is enough of a
diplomat to not blindly
defend his people in every
122 CHAPTER 05
CAPTAIN AKUL The range of missions the Expanse
flotilla will undertake
Akul is a veteran Klingon warrior, loyal to Chancellor is extensive and should serve to
challenge even the most
Gowron. He is generally positive toward his Federation veteran of crews. Near- and deep-space
allies, but bristles at their apparent lack of speed when it convoy escorts, planetary survey
missions, first contacts,
comes to what are, to him, routine tasks. He knows what stellar cartography mapping, and many
more will test their
he wants when he wants it, and he does not hesitate to resolve and ingenuity.
demand what he wants in as loud a manner as needed.
Despite his harsh attitude and hatred of inefficiencies,
Akul is something of an oddity among Klingons:
exploration and the unknown fascinates him, which is
partly why he agreed to take his ship into the Expanse to
patrol alongside the Federation.
Due to its proximity to both Romulan and
space, the Expanse is of key strategic importance to the
Federation and Starfleet. The Security Council recently We have received reliable
pushed for a stronger Federation presence within reports that Starfleet
the Expanse, which is why three of our top ships and has transferred three
crews were reassigned to the 20th Fleet. As those three to the command of Admiral
pathfinder ships discover new worlds and new resources, Hebert at Starbase 364.
you can expect Starfleet to commit additional vessels and some operatives consider
this to
resources to the Expanse. be a preamble to a more
stance toward Romulan
FLEET OPERATIONS I believe this move suggests
the Federation is focusing exploratory
In answering the Security Council’s request, Fleet efforts on the so-called
Shackleton Expanse.
Operations assigned three starships to Starbase 364 — the
Akira-class U.S.S. Thunderchild (NCC-63549), the Galaxy- We have, as yet, not found
any reliable intelligence to suggest
class U.S.S. Venture (NCC-71854), and the Intrepid-class why the Federation might
have suddenly taken an interest into
U.S.S. Bellerophon (NCC-74705). what has been, until now, a
relatively quiet sector of space, but
we have made it a priority.
We are casting the net wide for more
These three vessels are the first Federation starships to details on what the
Federation must have discovered.
enter the Expanse in a formal role. After undergoing minor
refits intended to harden certain shipboard systems against Appended to this report is a
request that the Senate approve
the electromagnetic hazards prevalent within the Expanse, several scouting sorties into
the Expanse.
the vessels were almost immediately sent out on a variety
of missions.
ADDITIONAL KLINGON PRESENCE in years prior to the battle of Wolf
359, there are some
Approximately 60 percent of the crew aboard Starbase in Starfleet Intelligence who
suggest the Borg may have
364 are Klingon, including the station’s chief medical originated from somewhere deep
within the Shackleton
officer and chief engineer. The Klingons pushed to secure Expanse. Starfleet vessels are
expected to monitor the
a majority presence on the station, citing proximity to their deeper regions of the Expanse
for any possible Borg activity
territory as a key factor. Federation diplomats chose not and to report it as soon as
possible. We’re ill-prepared for
to challenge the issue but did secure other key roles for another Borg incursion, so any
advance warning is better
Starfleet personnel. than none at all.
Several Klingon merchants and entrepreneurs have set up THE CARDASSIAN UNION
shops and restaurants on the station’s Galleria, alongside Intercepted intelligence reports
suggest that the
dozens more merchants representing over a hundred Cardassians are none too
pleased about the expanded
different species and homeworlds. While the Klingon relationship between the
Federation and Klingons. Despite
Defense Force has, as yet, assigned only one vessel to the their lack of territories within the
Beta Quadrant, the
station, we anticipate the High Council will send additional Cardassians may attempt to
scout sections of the Expanse
scout ships to support their Federation allies but also to in order to find new planets to
mine. With the uncertainty
further their own ends. around what the Dominion might
represent, the Cardassians
may well look to expand their
operations well beyond the
Alpha Quadrant.
Ever the opportunist, the Ferengi
Grand Nagus, Zek, has
Given that the Expanse is a short warp from Klingon space, already started to push
representatives into the Expanse
the Romulan Neutral Zone, and several shipping lanes, it to develop trade relations with
unaligned worlds and to
shouldn’t be surprising that you’ll probably encounter any establish stable trade routes
through the electromagnetic
number of alien vessels during your time within the Expanse. eddies. Of course, he intends to
charge a toll for every
Further, as rumors and stories about what may be found safe passage. Ferengi
ambassadors are working to
within the Expanse continue to spread throughout populated establish a formal embassy on
Narendra Station, and
space, we expect both Narendra Station and the Expanse may well succeed in due course
despite protestations
to draw interest from all corners of the known Galaxy. We’ll from the Klingons.
briefly discuss some of the most likely candidates now,
based on recent Starfleet Intelligence reports. THE ORION SYNDICATE
It’s well known that the Syndicate
has spies everywhere,
THE BORG and a hand in many of the
underworld dealings throughout
As yet, we still have limited knowledge of the Borg or the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
While no merchant or
whether they have a homeworld. Given that both the independent trader traveling
through the Expanse has
Klingons and Romulans suffered casualties to the Borg confirmed the presence of
Syndicate operations, it’s likely
that the Syndicate has eyes on
the Expanse, and maybe an
OTHER SHIPS, operation already in place.
Starfleet Intelligence, with the
cooperation of Fleet Operations,
is rumored to be developing
124 CHAPTER 05
In addition to the established political entities discussed Plot Components that might present
opportunities for
earlier, countless independent merchants, traders, Sciences, Medical, and Engineering
Player Characters:
smugglers, and mercenaries have traveled into or through
the Expanse. Some even call the wild, untamed region § Scanning and researching the cause
of the
their home. Some are rumored to have detailed star charts electromagnetic and gravimetric
disturbances prevalent
detailing safe routes through the Expanse’s unpredictable throughout the Expanse
and uncertain electromagnetic eddies, and some even § Surveying dead worlds and ancient
ruins of alien species
claim to have salvaged relics and pieces of ancient long dead
technologies from dozens of planets and moons contained § Providing medical care to injured
beings of hither-to
within the Expanse. unknown species
22nd Century Shielding .................................93 Delta .............................. 4, 9, 24, 52, 66, 79-80 Gorn
Political Structure .................................72
Abbran-Tadji ..................................................67 Deltan ............................................................79 Gorn
Raider ............................................. 96-97
Ablative Armor ...............................................89 Department of Temporal Investigations ........12 Gorn
Science and Technology ................ 72-73
Aenar ....................................................... 22-23 Detecting a Cloaked Vessel ...........................44 Gorn
Varanus Battleship................................97
Akul, Captain ...............................................123 Disruptors 44, 52, 63, 69, 72-73, 88-93, 95-98, Gorn,
The ...... 1, 4-5, 7-8, 35, 70-73, 87, 96-97
Algeron, Treaty of ..............9, 13, 53, 55, 57, 62 102-107, 109-115, 117-120
Gornar ..................................................... 72-73
Aliens’ Graveyard, the .......... See Rura Penthe Dominion, The .........................................8, 121
Gowron, Chancellor ....................... 8, 38-40, 44
Amaar (Orion) ..............................................115 DTI ..................................................................... Great
Houses, Klingon ..................................39
Andor ................................................... 9-10, 22 See Department of Temporal Investigations Hall
of Warriors ..............................................48
Andoria ....................... 13, 18, 22-24, 52-53, 68 Duras, House of .............................8, 16, 38, 48
Hebert, Admiral April ........................... 121-122
Andorian ... 9, 11, 13, 16-18, 21-24, 33, 79, 118 Earth Cargo Service (ECS) ............................20
Hernandez, Captain Erika..............................13
Apnex ................................................ 49-51, 64 Earth .................. 4, 6, 10, 13, 15-20, 26-29, 33, High
Council, Klingon ....................................39
Archer, Captain Jonathan ....4, 9, 13, 24, 31, 47 35-37, 43, 45, 52-54, 58, 66-68, Horta
Ardana ...........................................................76 71, 73, 83, 88, 91, 94-95, 118, 121
Human Smuggler ........................................118
Ardanan .........................................................76 Earth-Romulan War ................................. 52-53 Hur’q
(Klingon, ‘Outsiders’) ............... 35-36, 43
Azetbur ..........................................................38 Efros ..............................................................80
Imperator (Gorn) ............................................72
B’Etor ......................................................38, 81 Efrosians ........................................................80
Imperial Senate (Romulan) ............................56
Bajoran ......................................................... 79 Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) ...........21
Jagadish (Orion) ..........................................114
Bellerophon, U.S.S. .....................................123 Emperor, Klingon ......................... 36, 38-41, 46
Jammers ................................................. 72-73
Benzar ..................................................... 24-26 Enterprise .................................4, 6, 12, 15, 31,
K’mpec ..............................................15, 38, 47
Benzite ..................................... 5, 25-26, 77, 79 37-38, 47, 53, 62, 70, 79, 12
K’t’inga Battle Cruiser ..................... 89-90, 119
Betazed ................................................... 16-17 Eridani B ..................... 29, 69. See also Vulcan
Kahless ............17, 35-36, 38, 40-43, 45-46, 48
Betazoid ...................................... 16-17, 24, 79 Excalibur ........................................................13
Kargan, General ...........................................122
Bird-of-prey, Romulan (22nd Century) .... 91-92 Excelsior, USS ...........................................6, 37 Karuk,
Commander .....................................120
Bolarus ..........................................................78 Executive Agencies (Federation) ............. 11-13
Khitomer ................................6, 34, 38, 46, 108
Bolian .................................................. 5, 78-79 Federation Archaeology Council ...................11 Kirk,
James T ................... 12, 14-15, 37, 47, 70
Boreth ..........................................35, 38, 40, 46 Federation Arts Council ........................... 16-18
Klaang ...........................................................36
Borg, The .................................4, 8, 15, 21, 124 Federation Charter ............................10, 18, 29 Klach
D’kel Brakt ............ See Briar Patch, The
Briar Patch, The ................... 1, 5, 101, 108-109 Federation Culture ................................... 16-18
Klingon Astrography ................................ 34-35
Calder II ............................................. 50-51, 55 Federation Diplomatic Corps ........................11
Klingon Castes ..............................................41
Cardassia ......................................................20 Federation Political Structure .................. 10-13
Klingon Culture ........................................ 41-43
Cardassians .....................9, 15, 20, 38, 57, 124 Federation Science and Technology .............19
Klingon Defence Force (KDF) ........................41
Cartwright, Admiral........................................14 Federation Science Bureau ...........................11
Klingon Diplomat .........................................118
Casey, G (MACO) ..........................................14 Federation, The .......... 1-2, 4-22, 24-26, 28-29,
Klingon Honour ....................................... 41-42
Chaltok .............................................. 54-55, 65 33-34, 37-40, 43, 45-47, 49, 52-60, 62, 64,
Klingon Marriage Ceremony ..........................42
Cheron .....................................................13, 52 66-67, 69-73, 76, 79, 81, 83-85, 89, 90-91,
Klingon Military ........................................ 40-41
Cloaking Devices ............. 36-37, 43-44, 53-55, 95-96, 98-100, 102, 108, 116, 118, 120-121
Klingon Rank Comparisons ...........................40
57, 62-63, 65, 89-93, 102-103. Ferengi .................................9, 12, 26, 118, 125
Klingon Religion ............................................43
See also Klingon Special Rules First City, The (Qo’noS) .................................45
Klingon Ritual .......................................... 42-43
Colony ship, Civilian ......................................99 Free Traders and Cargo Ships (Federation) ...20
Klingon Science and Technology ............ 43-44
Colony Worlds (Federation) ...........................20 Freighter, Civilian ...........................................98
Klingon Scientist ..........................................117
Columbia NX-02 ............................................13 Gorkon ............................................... 37-38, 47
Klingon Special Rules ....................................90
Constitution-Class Starship (cross-section) ...6 Gorn Astrography ..........................................70
Klingon Political Structure ....................... 38-40
Continuing Committee, The .................... 55-56 Gorn Culture ..................................................71
Klingons .....1-2, 4-6, 8-9, 11, 16-17, 21, 34-48,
Coridan ................................ 11, 33, 66-67, 102 Gorn Hegemony, The .......... 1, 4-5, 7-8, 35, 70,
51-59, 62-63, 69, 72-73, 81, 84, 108, 116-121
D5 Battle Cruiser ...........................................88 72-73, 96-97
Kolinahr ................................................... 30-32
Delta Pavonis ................................. See Benzar Gorn Military ..................................................72 Kor
.............................. 34-35, 37, 40, 42-43, 46
Kri’stak Volcano .............................................46 Plot Components (Shackleton Expanse) .124-125
Starfleet Random Species Table ...................79
Lead Scientist, Romulan .............................105 Political Background (Romulan) .............. 55-56
Starfleet ....................... 2, 5-6, 8-16, 18-21, 24,
Lursa ........................................................38, 81 Potential Adversaries (Shackleton Expanse) 124 26,
28-29, 31, 34, 37, 40, 47, 56-60, 62-63,
Lusor, Lake of ................................................46 Praetor ...............................52-53, 55-56, 59-60
66-68, 72-73, 76-77, 79, 81, 83-85, 88-93,
M’Keth, Son of none ...................................119 Prasad (Orion)
..............................................113 96-99, 102, 108, 116, 120-121
Malar, Senator .............................................107 Praxis ................................................. 36-37, 45
Starships, Klingon ........................................ 44
Maquis, The .....................................20, 57, 118 Proconsul (Romulan) ......................... 55-56, 59
Steadfast ........................................... 49-51, 61
McCoy, Dr Leonard ‘Bones’ ........15, 17, 37, 47 Qam-Chee ............................................... 45-46
Subject of the Empire (Klingon, Jeghpu’wI’) .39
Medical Sub-Centurion, Romulan ...............104 Qo’noS . 5, 16, 18, 35-37, 40, 44-46, 81, 88-89
Suliban .........................................................108
Medical Technology (Federation)...................21 Quin’lat ..........................................................46 Sulu,
Captain Hikaru .......................................6
Metron Consortium ...................................8, 70 Raptor Scout ........................................... 88-89 Surak
..................................... 28, 30-33, 49, 52
Milky Way Galaxy ............................................4 Reman Bodyguard ......................................106
Survey Ship, Civilian ......................................99
N’Ria, Commander ......................................122 Reman ......................... 51, 60, 65, 85, 106-107 Tal
Shiar Interrogator, Romulan ...................105
Narendra ....... 1-2, 4, 6-8, 11-12, 15-16, 34, 38, Remembrance Stones ...................................32 Tal
Shiar Saboteur, Romulan .......................104
46-47, 52, 55, 121 Remus .....................................................51, 65 Tal
Shiar ................. 5, 12-13, 16, 54-56, 58-59,
Nausicaa ........................................................33 Rigellian Chelon
.............................................82 62, 92, 102, 104-105
Nausicaan ............................................6, 33, 53 Rigellian Jelna ...............................................82
Taliaferro, Dr. Helena ...................................122
Navigational Hazards (Shackleton Expanse) 123 Risa .............................. 6, 16-17, 20, 33, 64, 83 Tellar
.............................................. 9-10, 13, 24
Negh’Var Warship .................................... 90-91 Risian ................................. 5, 16-18, 20, 33, 83
Tellarite .. 9, 11, 13, 16-17, 21, 33, 53, 63, 79, 84
Neutral Zone, Romulan . 1, 4-6, 8-9, 16, 22, 24, Rite of Succession.........................................40
Thunderchild, U.S.S. ...............................8, 123
29-30, 34, 36-37, 46, 52-56, Romulan Astrography ....................................52
Transporters ........6, 19, 33, 43, 47, 69, 96, 100
59, 62, 65, 101-102, 116 Romulan bird-of-prey .41, 57, 61-63, 88, 91-93
Transports, Civilian .................................. 98-99
New World Economy (Federation) .................18 Romulan Culture ...................................... 61-62 Treaty
of Organia .................................6, 34, 37
Olok, Lieutenant ..........................................122 Romulan Military ...................................... 60-61
Ty’Gokor .................................................. 47-48
Organia ..........................................................37 Romulan Rank Comparisons.........................60
Typhon Expanse ..............................................9
Orion Astrography .........................................66 Romulan Science and Technology .......... 62-63 Uhlan
Technician, Romulan .........................103
Orion Blackguard ..........................................95 Romulans ......... 4-6, 8-9, 13-14, 24, 31, 33-34,
Venture, U.S.S. ......................................36, 123
Orion Breacher ............................................111 36-38, 40-47, 49- 69, 73, 79, 81, 87, Verex
III ..........................................................69
Orion Buccaneer .........................................110 91-95, 101-107, 116, 118, 121, 124
Vulcan Science Academy Survey Vessel.....100
Orion Characters .........................................110 Romulus ............. 51-52, 58, 61-62, 64-65, 102 Vulcan
......... 9-13, 16-18, 24, 28-33, 36, 49-53,
Orion Colonies ...............................................67 Rura Penthe .............................................37,
47 56-59, 61-62, 64, 79, 88, 91, 94, 100
Orion Engineer .............................................112 Russth (Gorn) ................................................71
Vulcan’s Forge ...............................................33
Orion Executive Officer ...............................111 Rynar .............................................................14
Vulcans, The ............ 5, 9, 16, 24, 27-28, 30-33,
Orion Free Traders .........................................67 Sakethan
.......................................................51 49, 52, 57, 59, 61, 79, 85, 94
Orion History ........................................... 66-67 San Francisco .......................................... 28-29
Warbird Commander, Romulan ...................106
Orion Interceptor ..................................... 94-95 Scout Ship, Romulan .............................. 92-93
Warbird, Romulan 38, 48, 52-54, 61-63, 92, 106
Orion Pirate Crewman .................................112 Scoutship Pilot, Romulan ............................103
Warrior’s Anthem (Klingon) ............................38
Orion Science and Technology......................69 Seema (Orion) ..............................................115
Weather Control (Federation) .................. 19-20
Orion Science Officer ..................................111 Séverin, Delphine (Loor, Daughter of Hereg) 119 Wolf
359 ....................................................8, 15
Orion Scout Ship ...........................................94 Shackleton Expanse, The .... 1, 4, 6, 8-9, 11-12,
Wormhole, Bajoran ..............................4, 8, 116
Orion Slaver Medic ......................................110 34, 52, 59, 101, 108, 121-125 Xindi
..................................................... 5, 83-85
Orion Slaver Overseer .................................109 Shirkahr .................................................. 28, 33
Xindi–Arboreal ...............................................83
Orion Syndicate .......... 1, 5, 7-8, 24, 33, 53, 57, Shran, General Thy’lek ..............................9, 13
Xindi-Insectoid ..............................................85
66-69, 87, 94-96, 108-116, 124 Shretsh (Orion) .............................................113
Xindi-Primates ...............................................84
Orion ..............................................................69 Sol .................................4, 9, 13, 24, 26, 29, 45
Xindi-Reptilians .............................................84
Paris ..............................................................29 Spock ....................... 15, 30-31, 47, 58-59, 102
Xindito ...........................................................84
Partha (Orion) ..............................................114 Ssessekh (Gorn) ...................................... 71-72 Xindu
....................................................... 83-85
Picard, Captain Jean Luc ........................15, 38 Starbase 364 .............. 121, See also Narendra
Zakdorn ......................................... 9, 79, 84-85
Pleasure Barge, Orion ............................. 95-96 Starfleet Medical ...........................................13
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