San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization - 0001
San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization - 0001
San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization - 0001
Appraisal Sheet of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: Metro Dumaguete College, Inc.) Page 2
Social Acceptability
Acceptability to the community, Well accepted by the community /
family members and other project is suitable for the members and
stakeholders other stakeholders
Environmental Friendliness
Inflict, minimal or no harm at all to The project causes no harm at all to the
the environment environment
Gender Sensitiveness
Recognize issues and problems on
stereotyping and discrimination It does not discriminate gender at all
Ability to maintain its operations, There is a high percentage that the
services and benefits during its project will sustain
projected lifetime
Criteria Percentage (%) Rating
I. Relevance
• Purpose/Objectives
- RDC & KEG, DTI priorities & Technology 12.5%
driven projects
- Others (6%)
• Priority Beneficiaries
- Self-employed workers who are unable to earn 10%
sufficient income; Marginalized and Landless
farmers; Unpaid family workers; Parents of Child 25%
Laborers; Low wage and Seasonal Workers;
Workers Displaced or to be displaced due to man-
made and natural disasters
- (PWDs, SCs, IPs, Rebel Returnees and Victims of 2.5%
Armed Conflicts)
II. Effectiveness
• Marketing Plan 8%
• Production Plan 5% 23%
• Management Plan 7%
• Financial Plan 5%
III. Efficiency
• Financial Viability
• Financial Projection 5% 25%
• Positive Return of Investment 10%
• Sustained Operations 10%
IV. Impact
• Potential Effect to the target beneficiaries and other
- Social Acceptability (Includes Income) 10%
- Environmental Friendly 10% 25%
- Gender Sensitivity 5%
Appraisal Sheet of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: Metro Dumaguete College, Inc.) Page 3
The said proposal is highly recommended for approval by the RPMT in the amount of
Php1,000,000.00 for San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization as association-beneficiary of Metro
Dumaguete College an Accredited Co-partner.
Reviewed/Evaluated by:
Recommending Approval:
Note: IMSD Chief to also appraise the status of liquidation on previous DOLE assistance, as
applicable, as well the availability of fund source in the region
________ Approved
_________ Disapproved
_________ Other Instructions/Recommendations: ____________________________________
DOLE Regional Director
Appraisal Sheet of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: Metro Dumaguete College, Inc.) Page 4
Project Title
Location of the Project Brgy. Junob, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
Proponent’s Address Brgy. Junob, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
ACP’s Address E.J. Blanco Extension, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
Contact Person Joshua Artuz
Contact Number 0967-766-8633
Project Duration
Date to Start October 2023
Completion Date December 2023
Target Beneficiaries Youth
Direct Total= 30 (Male - / Female - ) PWD’s: __
Senior Citizen: 0 Parents of CL: _____ Youth: 30
Employment Generated 30
Total Project Cost ₱ 1,253,000.00
Counterpart ₱ 253,000.00
DOLE Assistance ₱ 1,000,000.00
Funding Source DILP 2023
Program KABUHAYAN Formation
Other Assisting Agencies LGU, Junob Parish
➢ To increase the income of the members of the association by Php 2,893.24 per member per
month or about 10% of the 70% of the net profit per month of the project.
Objectives of
the Project ➢ To provide employment to at least 30 individuals.
➢ To enhance the project to become an enterprise of the association from micro, small or medium
size enterprise within 5 of years in operation.
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 1
Reasons why this ❖ To empower the youth in Brgy. Junob, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental by
project: enhancing our skills and knowledge in the field of technology
❖ To build a multi-media platform that encourage out of school youth to compete in the
technology driven society
❖ It is a feasible and income generating project
❖ Easy to manage, profitable and the demand is high.
Needs or wants ❖ Create job opportunities to the members to reduce poverty through a sustainable
this project can livelihood project.
provide: ❖ It provides additional income to the members of the association.
❖ Develop good camaraderie among the members of the association.
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 2
Advantage of the products/services compared to others.
Color, Appearance and Size Lesser Price and Accessibility Availability and Prompt
Quality :( Weight, Size, Freshness, Cost: (Lesser price, Convenience, Delivery: (Urgency, Availability,
Appearance, Color) Accessibility, Lower Cost Inputs) Prompt, Courtesy, Grooming)
The officers and members of the association agreed to have a livelihood project. Members are group to
do the scheduling in planning, promoting, and monitoring of the project proposal. Also, the members agreed to
shoulder other expenses such as the equity of the project.
Site selection was planned during the meeting with the help of the local barangay unit for site validation
and if it is suited for the project. Also the members of the association are planning to attend various seminars,
capacity building/training on how to manage the project for sustainability.
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 3
Water Despenser 16,000.00 16,000.00
Big Canopy 36,000.00 36,000.00
Chiller 25,143.00 25,143.00
Water Glass 4,200.00 4,200.00
Dinner Plate' 3,900.00 3,900.00
Kawa (small) 850.00 850.00
Kawa (big) 2,200.00 2,200.00
Colander stainless, 22
950.00 950.00
Spoon 3,150.00 3,150.00
Fork 3,150.00 3,150.00
Kitchen Knife 3,300.00 3,300.00
Blender 3,000.00 3,000.00
Oven with stove (45 L
capacity; Timer 60
minutes with bell alarm;
Temperature control
(100-250C); Indicator 52,000.00 52,000.00
light; Removable tray
for easy cleaning
(crumb tray); 220V, 60
Gasul Tank With
8,450.00 8,450.00
Flour Sifter (stainless
steel mesh flour
1,050.00 1,050.00
strainer; 11 7/8"
Steel Shelves,
6,000.00 6,000.00
Planetary Cake Mixer,
35,200.00 35,200.00
10 qrtz
Food Processor 6,200.00 6,200.00
Baking Pan (different
5,550.00 5,550.00
Mixing Bowl, stainless 4,620.00 4,620.00
Electric Beater 4,500.00 4,500.00
Stainless Measuring
500.00 500.00
Stainless Steel Working
25,000.00 25,000.00
Refined Sugar 4,186.00 4,186.00
1,200.00 1,200.00
All Purpose Flour 1,400.00 1,400.00
Yeast 201.00 201.00
Corn Starch 120.00 120.00
Oil (4gals/container) 1,200.00 1,200.00
Toppings (for cake and
300.00 300.00
Cocoa Powder 810.00 810.00
Butter 300.00 300.00
Eggs 750.00 750.00
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 4
Iodized salt 70.00 70.00
Vanilla 200.00 200.00
Baking Powder 136.00 136.00
Digital Camera
Z50 Mirrorless with 16-
50mm and 50-250 kit
20.9MP DX Format
93,950.00 4,000.00 97,950.00
LCD Screen 3.2"
1,040,000 dot 180
Built in Flash
Tripod for Camera
3,700.00 3,700.00
Stand, 83 inches
Microphone with Noice
6,000.00 6,000.00
Portable Speaker 15,000.00 15,000.00
External 1TB 4,000.00 4,000.00
Full HD EB-FHs2
4000 Lumens
12,000 hours in ECO
Mode 3
Wireless Connectivity
Projection System: 3
52,000.00 52,000.00
LCD 3-chio tech
Reso:1920x1080 Full
Color Brightness 4,000
white brightness 4,000
Projector Screen, 2.5 m
5,884.00 5,884.00
by 3M
8 gb Memory
256 gb SSD
12 Ge iCore
50,000.00 50,000.00
15 or 17 processoe
4,000-5,000 series
AMD ryzen 50 ryzen 7
Computer Set
Intel Core i7-10700,
motherboard AVL 8gb
DDR4 Memory, 240 gb 45,000.00 45,000.00
SSD or 500 GD HDD
ATX Casing & 18.5
Display Monitor)
70,000.00 70,000.00
Photocopier Machine
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 5
Heat press machine
Heat Press 15x15,
Printer, Set Pigment
Ink, 3G Jet Opaque A4
Size, Pro SS A4 Size,
Gildan Shirt (Light),
Gildan Shirt (Dark),
Silhouette Cameo 4,
Vinyl for T-shirt, Car
Sticker, Applicator
Tape, Photo Printing
Template, A4 Size
Rough Satin, 5R Size
Rough Satin, 4R Size
Rough Satin, 3R Size
Rough Satin, 3x4ft
Tarpaulin Photoprint,
Acrylic Keychain 105,000.00 6,000.00 111,000.00
(Small), UV Dye Ink
Button Pin Press 2.25,
Inkjet Paper, Button Pin
Materials 2.25, Circular
Cutter, Cap Press,
Thermal Tape,
Sublimation Paper A4
Size, Assorted Cap, A3
Laminator, A4 Paper
Cutter, Die Cutter, PVC
ID Materials, Oblong ID
Puncher, Mug Press,
Thermal Tape, White
Coated Mug, Magic
Mug, Sports Jug,
Sublimation Paper A4
Size, Cleaning Solution
Printer with photocopier
50,000.00 50,000.00
and scanner L5210
Printer Ink, color black 3,800.00 3,800.00
Printer Ink, color cyan 3,800.00 3,800.00
Printer Ink, yellow 3,800.00 3,800.00
Printer Ink, magental 3,800.00 3,800.00
Bondpaper, Long size
3,000.00 3,000.00
sub 20
Bondpaper, short size
2,800.00 2,800.00
sub 20
Bondpaper, A4 size sub
3,000.00 3,000.00
Extension Wire, 50m
6,000.00 6,000.00
Inventory and
Officers and Office Supplies,
Sorting of
7 Members of the Cabinet, Storage Box, 20,000.00 1,000.00 21,000.00
Association Snacks
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 6
Inspection and Attendance, Ballpen,
8 Officers and 5,000.00 5,100.00
turn-over Snacks 100.00
Members of the
Installation of
9 computers and Supplier Installation tools - - -
TOTAL 1,068,820.00 31,200.00 1,099,920.00
Production Process (Catering, Rental, Bread and Pastries Production, Photovideography and Printing Services)
Steps Process Materials/Equipments Cost Labor Cost
Logbook, Ballpen,
1 Assisting Clienteles PMT, Members 100.00
Computer 100.00 -
Preparation of Computer Materials/
2 PMT, Members 0.00
Material/Equipments Equipments - -
Photocopying and Photocopier/ Printing
3 PMT, Members 0.00
printing services Machines, - -
Bondpapers, Printer
Cameras, Laptops,
Events Videography
4 PMT, Members Video Production 0.00
Production - -
Logbook, Ballpen,
Canopy, Tables and
5 Rental services PMT, Members Chairs, Videoke 0.00
machine, Catering
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 7
Project Manager
4 Profit sharing Logbook and Ballpen 0.00
and Finance - -
TOTAL 520.00 500.00 620.00
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 8
1 unit Portable Speaker 15,000.00 15,000.00 2 7,500.00
1 unit External 1TB 4,000.00 4,000.00 2 2,000.00
Projector, Full HD EB-FHs2, 4000
Lumens, 12,000 hours in ECO Mode 3,
1 unit Wireless Connectivity, Projection System: 3
LCD 3-chio tech, Reso:1920x1080 Full HD,
52,000.00 52,000.00 2 26,000.00
Color Brightness , 4,000 lumens, white
brightness 4,000 lumens
1 pcs Projector Screen, 2.5 m by 3M 5,884.00 5,884.00 3 1,961.33
Laptop, 8 gb Memory, 256 gb SSD, 12 Ge
1 unit iCore, 15 or 17 processoe, 4,000-5,000 series, 50,000.00 50,000.00 5 10,000.00
AMD ryzen 50 ryzen 7 processor
Computer Set
Intel Core i7-10700, motherboard AVL
1 unit 8gb DDR4 Memory, 240 gb SSD or 45,000.00 45,000.00 10 4,500.00
500 GD HDD ATX Casing & 18.5
Display Monitor)
1 unit Multifunctional Photocopier Machine 70,000.00 70,000.00 10 7,000.00
Heat press machine package
Heat Press 15x15, Printer, Set
Pigment Ink, 3G Jet Opaque A4 Size,
Pro SS A4 Size, Gildan Shirt (Light),
Gildan Shirt (Dark), Silhouette Cameo
4, Vinyl for T-shirt, Car Sticker,
Applicator Tape, Photo Printing
Template, A4 Size Rough Satin, 5R
Size Rough Satin, 4R Size Rough
Satin, 3R Size Rough Satin, 3x4ft
Tarpaulin Photoprint, Acrylic Keychain
1 set 105,000.00 105,000.00 5 21,000.00
(Small), UV Dye Ink CMYK/LC/LM 100
ML, Button Pin Press 2.25, Inkjet
Paper, Button Pin Materials 2.25,
Circular Cutter, Cap Press, Thermal
Tape, Sublimation Paper A4 Size,
Assorted Cap, A3 Laminator, A4 Paper
Cutter, Die Cutter, PVC ID Materials,
Oblong ID Puncher, Mug Press,
Thermal Tape, White Coated Mug,
Magic Mug, Sports Jug, Sublimation
Paper A4 Size, Cleaning Solution
Printer with photocopier and scanner
1 unit 50,000.00 50,000.00 3 16,666.67
TOTAL 939,447.00 247,731.60
Organizational Structure
Project Manager
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 10
Project Manager: Production in-Charge (Under general supervision)
✓ Knows what the projects objectives are and how to achieve
✓ Map prospective suppliers and customers.
✓ Ensure supplies availability and adequate to meet
✓ Identify resources requirements.
market demand and orders.
✓ Establish business relationships to suppliers and
✓ Define clear responsibilities and give assignments.
✓ Implement and oversee plan implementation as well as
✓ Ink and book volume of orders over specified period.
reports and follow up.
✓ Oversee and coordinate marketing, production and financial ✓ Coordinate with Marketing and Finance to ensure there
assignment and activities ensuring well balanced processes are market demands as well as payment and budget on
and outputs. time.
✓ Ensure reports, responsibilities and accountabilities are ✓ Ensure production workers are equipped with knowledge
carried out according to policies, rules and plans. and skills as well as possessed good work behaviour.
✓ Do production and ensure products and services quality,
✓ Reports to the association on the status and achievements of
adequacy and delivery meet suppliers and customers
the projects.
requirements and expectations.
✓ Ensure process line are kept balance and resources are
✓ Ensure the project complies with regulatory and reportorial always provided and assignment are carried out on time.
requirements. ✓ Submit reports as required.
✓ Do other functions as deemed necessary and desirable.
Finance in-Charge (Under general supervision) Marketing In-Charge (Under general supervision)
✓ Do budget programming in accordance with the requirement ✓ Map market opportunities and prospective suppliers
s of the project to achieve targets and objectives. and customers.
✓ Maintain records and book of accounts, maintain integrity and
✓ Do Market planning and achieve approval of the same.
secure them.
✓ Ensure funds are available for purchase, payments, savings ✓ Establish business relationships to suppliers and
and investments. customers.
✓ Establish business relationships to suppliers and customers. ✓ Ink and book volume of orders over specified period.
✓ Coordinate with Production and Finance to ensure
✓ Ink and book volume of orders over specified period . availability and delivery of adequate products as well as
payment and budget on time.
✓ Coordinate with Marketing and Production to ensure there
are market demands as well as adequate supplies, materials, ✓ Submit reports as required.
and equipment availability at specified time.
✓ Ensure resources required are purchased, inventoried and
provided efficiently and effectively.
✓ Do finance management well to meet projects, suppliers and ✓ Do other functions as deemed necessary and
customers’ requirements and expectations. desirable.
✓ Submit reports as required.
✓ Do other functions as deemed necessary and desirable
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 11
VI. FINANCIAL PLAN: (Business Cycle)
Projected Income Statement (Use another sheet if necessary)
CYCLE 1 (Monthly) CYCLE 2 (Monthly) CYCLE 3 (Monthly)
Counterpart 253,000.00 Beginning Balance 693,000.00 Beginning Balance 1,153,752.00
DOLE Funding 1,000,000.00
Sales 457,500.00 Sales 526,125.00 Sales 605,043.75
Total Cash In-Flow 1,710,500.00 Total Cash In-Flow 1,219,125.00 Total Cash In-Flow 1,758,795.75
Less: (Cash Out-Flow (Kwartang
Less: (Cash Out-Flow (Kwartang Nagasto) Less: (Cash Out-Flow (Kwartang Nagasto)
Materials / Equipment/Tools 998,320.00 Materials / Equipment/Tools 49,873.00 Materials / Equipment/Tools 100,000.00
Transportation 3,000.00 Transportation 3,000.00 Transportation 3,000.00
Electricity 2,000.00 Electricity 2,000.00 Electricity 2,000.00
Taxes / Licenses / Permits 2,500.00 Water 500.00 Water 500.00
Labor 10,000.00 Labor 10,000.00 Labor 10,000.00
GSIS - GPAI 1,680.00 Water Water
Total Cash Out-Flow 1,017,500.00 Total Cash Out-Flow 65,373.00 Total Cash Out-Flow 115,500.00
Cash Ending Balance (Kwartang
Cash Ending Balance (Kwartang Nahibilin) 693,000.00 1,153,752.00 Cash Ending Balance (Kwartang Nahibilin) 1,643,295.75
Note: 3 Cycle cash flow that shows breakeven movement of the project.
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 12
Projected Cash Flow (Use another sheet if necessary)
CYCLE 1 (Monthly) CYCLE 2 (Monthly) CYCLE 3 (Monthly)
Sales (Halin) 457,500.00 Sales (Halin) 526,125.00 Sales (Halin) 605,043.75
Less: Cost of Sales (Balor sa Nahalin) Less: Cost of Sales (Balor sa Nahalin) Less: Cost of Sales (Balor sa Nahalin)
Raw Materials 49,873.00 Raw Materials 50,000.00 Raw Materials 55,000.00
Labor Charge 10,000.00 Labor Charge 10,000.00 Labor Charge 10,000.00
Gross Income 397,627.00 Gross Income 466,125.00 Gross Income 540,043.75
Less: Operating Expenses Less: Operating Expenses Less: Operating Expenses
Transportation 3,000.00 Transportation 3,000.00 Transportation 3,000.00
Electricity 10,000.00 Electricity 2,000.00 Electricity 2,000.00
Water 500.00 Water 500.00 Water 500.00
Depreciation Expenses 247,731.60 Depreciation Expenses 247,731.60 Depreciation Expenses 247,731.60
Net Income 136,395.40 Net Income 212,893.40 Net Income 286,812.15
Note: 3 Cycle cash flow that shows breakeven movement of the project.
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 13
Proponent’s Total Project
No. Particulars QTY Cost Requested to
Counterpart Cost
GSIS Group Personal
1 30 member 1,680.00 1,680.00
Accident Insurance 56.00
For Rental Services
2 Table, 6 seaters 10 pcs 35,000.00
3,500.00 35,000.00
3 Plastic chairs 200 pcs 102,000.00
510.00 102,000.00
4 Table and Seat Covers 20 sets 5,000.00
250.00 5,000.00
Twell Cloth (Assorted
5 1 roll 5,000.00
Color, 54m/roll) 5,000.00 5,000.00
Twell Cloth (White
6 1 roll 5,000.00
Color, 54m/roll) 5,000.00 5,000.00
Videoke Machine
7 2 unit 54,000.00
Package 27,000.00 54,000.00
8 Water Despenser 2 units 16,000.00
8,000.00 16,000.00
9 Big Canopy 2 pcs 36,000.00
18,000.00 36,000.00
11 Chiller 1 unit 25,143.00
25,143.00 25,143.00
13 Water Glass 60 pcs 4,200.00
70.00 4,200.00
14 Dinner Plate' 60 pcs 3,900.00
65.00 3,900.00
16 Kawa (small) 1 unit 850.00
850.00 850.00
18 Kawa (big) 1 unit 2,200.00
2,200.00 2,200.00
Colander stainless, 22
19 1 unit 950.00
cm 950.00 950.00
20 Spoon 70 pcs 3,150.00
45.00 3,150.00
21 Fork 70 pcs 3,150.00
45.00 3,150.00
22 Kitchen Knife 1 set 3,300.00
3,300.00 3,300.00
23 Blender 1 pc 3,000.00
3,000.00 3,000.00
For Bread and Pastry
Oven with stove (45 L
capacity; Timer 60
minutes with bell
alarm; Temperature
24 control (100-250C); 1 unit 52,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00
Indicator light;
Removable tray for
easy cleaning (crumb
tray); 220V, 60 hz)
Gasul Tank With
47 1 tank 8,450.00 8,450.00 8,450.00
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 14
Flour Sifter (stainless
steel mesh flour
49 3 pcs 350.00 1,050.00 1,050.00
strainer; 11 7/8"
Steel Shelves,
51 1 pc 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
Planetary Cake Mixer,
53 1 unit 35,200.00 35,200.00 35,200.00
10 qrtz
55 Food Processor 1 units 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00
Baking Pan (different
56 3 pcs 1,850.00 5,550.00 5,550.00
Mixing Bowl,
57 2 pcs 2,310.00 4,620.00 4,620.00
59 Electric Beater 1 unit 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00
Stainless Measuring
60 1 set 500.00 500.00 500.00
Stainless Steel
62 1 unit 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00
Working Table
63 Refined Sugar 1 sack 4,186.00 4,186.00 4,186.00
64 6 packs 200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
65 All Purpose Flour 1 sack 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00
66 Yeast 1 kg 201.00 201.00 201.00
67 Corn Starch 2 packs 60.00 120.00 120.00
68 Oil (4gals/container) 1 container 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Toppings (for cake
69 3 packs 100.00 300.00 300.00
and cookies)
70 Cocoa Powder 2 kg 405.00 810.00 810.00
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 15
Full HD EB-FHs2
4000 Lumens
12,000 hours in ECO Mode 3
Wireless Connectivity
Projection System: 3 LCD 3-
83 1 unit 52,000.00 52,000.00
chio tech 52,000.00
Reso:1920x1080 Full HD
Color Brightness 4,000
white brightness 4,000
Projector Screen, 2.5
84 1 pcs 5,884.00 5,884.00
m by 3M 5,884.00
8 gb Memory
256 gb SSD
12 Ge iCore
85 1 unit 50,000.00 50,000.00
15 or 17 processoe 50,000.00
4,000-5,000 series
AMD ryzen 50 ryzen 7
Computer Set
Intel Core i7-10700,
motherboard AVL 8gb DDR4
86 1 unit 45,000.00 45,000.00
Memory, 240 gb SSD or 500 45,000.00
GD HDD ATX Casing &
18.5 Display Monitor)
For Printing Services
87 1 unit 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00
Photocopier Machine
Heat press machine
Heat Press 15x15, Printer, Set
Pigment Ink, 3G Jet Opaque
A4 Size, Pro SS A4 Size,
Gildan Shirt (Light), Gildan
Shirt (Dark), Silhouette
Cameo 4, Vinyl for T-shirt,
Car Sticker, Applicator Tape,
Photo Printing Template, A4
Size Rough Satin, 5R Size
Rough Satin, 4R Size Rough
Satin, 3R Size Rough Satin,
3x4ft Tarpaulin Photoprint,
88 Acrylic Keychain (Small), 1 set 105,000.00 105,000.00
UV Dye Ink CMYK/LC/LM 105,000.00
100 ML, Button Pin Press
2.25, Inkjet Paper, Button Pin
Materials 2.25, Circular
Cutter, Cap Press, Thermal
Tape, Sublimation Paper A4
Size, Assorted Cap, A3
Laminator, A4 Paper Cutter,
Die Cutter, PVC ID
Materials, Oblong ID
Puncher, Mug Press, Thermal
Tape, White Coated Mug,
Magic Mug, Sports Jug,
Sublimation Paper A4 Size,
Cleaning Solution
Printer with
89 photocopier and 1 unit 50,000.00 50,000.00
scanner L5210
Printer Ink, color
90 10 bot 3,800.00 3,800.00
black 380.00
91 Printer Ink, color cyan 10 bot 3,800.00 3,800.00
92 Printer Ink, yellow 10 bot 3,800.00 3,800.00
93 Printer Ink, magental 10 bot 3,800.00 3,800.00
DILP Proposal of San Isidro Labrador Youth Organization (ACP: MDC, INC) Page 16
Bondpaper, Long size
94 10 ream 3,000.00 3,000.00
sub 20 300.00
Bondpaper, short size
95 10 ream 2,800.00 2,800.00
sub 20 280.00
Bondpaper, A4 size
96 10 ream 3,000.00 3,000.00
sub 20 300.00
Extension Wire, 50m
97 2 pcs 6,000.00 6,000.00
#14 3,000.00
Raw materials for the
98 1 Lot 100,000.00 100,000.00
Catering 100,000.00
Repair and
99 1 month 80,000.00 80,000.00
Maintenance 80,000.00
100 Electric Bill 1 month 10,000.00 10,000.00
101 Permits and Licenses 1 year 3,000.00 3,000.00
Labor Cost for 10
102 3 months 2,000.00 60,000.00
persons 60,000.00
TOTAL 1,000,000.00 1,253,000.00
Furthermore, the association will agree the percentage or amount for the maintenance and repair of the
equipment used in the project if ever no depreciation cost is set aside for the said purpose.
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