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Lumar Ebook L SEO Trends To Watch in 2023

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SEO Trends to

Watch in 2023

Introductio 03
Be Smart About Artificial Intelligence 
(Takeaways from Google’s Helpful Content Update

Stay Focused on User Experience 

(Core Web Vitals in 2023

Get Ready to Move to Google Analytics 4 

(You’ve Got One More Year, But Need to Prepare Now!

Keeping Up With Google Search Systems, 14

Algorithms, & Update
The State of the SERPs
(Enhanced SERP Features to Know in 2023)

Final Thoughts & More Resources 32


Search engine optimization is an

always-evolving discipline, with best

practices shifting yearly to match the

latest search engine algorithms, user

expectations, and tech stack


For businesses looking to prioritize

their website’s crucial role in 2023,

we’re looking ahead to the top SEO

trends to watch this year.

In this guide, we’ll cover some of the top Why focus on SEO in 2023?

trends in SEO to watch in the year ahead,

Studies have shown that, for most industries,


organic search drives more website traffic

Google’s ‘Helpful Content’ update & issues than paid search ads, paid display ads, email

with automated content generatio marketing, or social media. And 89% of

marketers surveyed in our Digital Future

The ongoing importance of user

Report with Econsultancy felt that organic

search would drive more revenue for their

businesses in the future. Optimizing your

The upcoming shift from Universal
brand’s website for search means opening
Analytics to GA
up more opportunities for brand awareness,

How to stay on top of the latest search great customer experiences, conversions,

system update and business growth.

Enhanced SERP features to aim for 

in 2023

SEO Trends to Watch in 2023 03

Be Smart About
Artificial Intelligence:

Issues With Low-

Quality, AI-Generated

(Takeaways from Google’s 

Helpful Content Update)

Google’s “Helpful Content Update” (also This focus on identifying and promoting
known as the Helpful Content System) was 
 higher-quality website content is not a one-
a much-discussed topic among SEOs when 
 time update for search engines — Google
it started rolling out in late August 2022. With has long emphasized the importance of
an influx of new AI-powered ‘writing’ tools in useful, truthful, and well-written content. This
recent years, this search system update is evident, too, in Google’s Quality Rater
sought to combat the potential flood of poor- Guidelines, which include their “E-A-T
quality, artificially generated content Guidelines” for evaluating content based on
proliferating on websites around the world. expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

Per Google Search Central’s announcement:

“Google Search is always working to better connect people to
helpful information. To this end, we're launching what we're calling
the “helpful content update” that's part of a broader effort to ensure
people see more original, helpful content written by people, for
people, in search results.”

What does this mean for digital marketers, 

content managers, and SEOs in 2023?

The quality of your website’s content

is more important than ever.
Avoid the ‘quick wins’ promised by AI- “Avoid creating search engine-first content:
generated content tools. While tools like We recommend that you focus on creating
ChatGPT (or the many commercially available people-first content to be successful with
AI platforms in the market) can be useful for Google Search, rather than search engine-
generating initial ideas and brainstorming first content made primarily to gain search
topics, when it comes to the final content that engine rankings.”

appears on your website, you’ll likely still want

This means engaging subject matter experts
a real live human to write and edit your final
and citing credible sources when developing
copy. Google is well aware that there’s a glut
your content.

of cheap, poor-quality content on the internet

and its latest search system updates made it It behooves website managers to think about
clear that it wants to ensure users’ search their content more like a traditional editor at a
results aren’t full of these un-authoritative, news publication or publishing house. Here’s
auto-generated pages. If you want to rank one of Google’s content self-assessment
well, content is still king — as long as it’s high- questions that supports this approach:

quality. It seems strange to have to say as
much, but high-quality content is generally “Would you expect to 

written by people, for people — not by see this content in or
robots in an attempt to manipulate other
robots into ranking it highly.

referenced by a printed
magazine, encyclopedia, 

Google’s advice for assessing your website’s or book?”
content make it clear that any content you
publish on your site should be human-first,
stating directly:

Focusing on the E-A-T Guidelines mentioned Presentation matters too!

above can also help with getting high marks
Google’s content self-
from Google’s helpful content system, as their
assessment guidance
content self-assessment advice also
suggests asking yourself:
reiterates the importance of expertise and

the need to avoid factual errors. (You should Does the content have any spelling or

definitely be fact-checking everything you stylistic issues?

publish online!) Google’s guidelines have also

Is the content produced well, or does
suggested a preference for content that is
it appear sloppy or hastily produced?

written by experts or enthusiasts who

“demonstrably know the topic well.” Does content display well for mobile

devices when viewed on them?

Since Google released its Helpful Content This means that sites that invest in
update and the September 2022 core update, improving their ratio of quality
we’ve seen numerous sites with large amounts of
content are going to see better
thin, duplicate, low-traffic content lose those
indexation speed and coverage.”
pages from the search engine’s index. I expect

this phenomenon to continue in 2023. The

internet has become too bloated for search

engines to crawl, render, and index effectively Anne Berlin

without stronger limits on resource utilization. Senior Technical SEO at Lumar

Stay Focused on

User Experience
(Core Web Vitals in 2023)

Back in 2021, Google rolled out Core Web And there are benefits to great UX that go
Vitals (CWV) as part of its ranking system. This well beyond your search ranking:

update put user experience front and center

When it comes to site speed, for example,
on SEOs’ agendas as a priority for the years to
even a one-second delay in mobile load

times can impact conversion rates by up to

It’s now more important than ever that your 20%, according to Mary Ellen Coe, president
website’s technical health is primed to provide of Google Customers Solutions. Businesses
users with a great, seamless experience on that have the website intelligence insights
your website. Of course, UX has always been they need to monitor and improve key user
beneficial when it comes to customer experience factors (like CWV) on their
sentiment and conversions, but with the website are poised to retain and convert
added ranking element introduced by Core more visitors.

Web Vitals, factors like site speed and page

Here are three page experience
experience are not just the responsibility of
elements to focus on in 2023, if you
designers and developers anymore — digital
want to adhere to Core Web Vitals
marketers and SEOs should also prioritize
best practices:

these elements of their websites’ health.

“Particularly for news publishers, site speed can

be the difference between landing a Top Stories
placement or not. Google takes a first pass at
indexing the content and considers it for ranking
before it's gone through the rendering queue.
Given the increased importance of timeliness,
the speed and completeness of content that
Google can glean from this first indexing pass
has extra weight.”

Anne Berlin

Senior Technical SEO at Lumar

1. Load Time

For Google’s Core Web Vitals, load time is measured by a metric called

“Largest Contentful Paint” (LCP). This is the time it takes for the page’s

largest image or text block to load and become visible within the viewport

(that is, the visible part of a page that users can see within their device or

monitor). Aim to have the largest block rendered within 2.5 seconds of the

page starting to load.

2. Interactivity

Google measures interactivity by “First Input Delay” (FID), a

responsiveness metric. This is the time it takes for the browser to begin

processing event handlers in response to an interaction on the page. Your

page should be able to quickly load and execute the required code in

response to a user’s interaction — it’s recommended for these responses

to occur in 100 milliseconds or less.

3. Visual Stability

Visual stability on a web page is measured by “Cumulative Layout Shift”

(CLS). You’ll want to minimize any unexpected shifting of elements on a

page as a user is viewing it. This unexpected movement of page content

can sometimes occur if various elements are loaded asynchronously. A

CLS score is based on the number of frames in which unstable elements

visually move, and the total distance, in pixels, that they move. Core Web

Vitals best practices suggest a CLS score of less than 0.1.

This data will come from Google’s Chrome User Experience (CrUX) report.

Even though Core Web Vitals were implemented in Google’s
search systems back in 2021, website teams have been slow 

to meet best practices when it comes to user experience.

In our “Core Web Vitals — One Year On” webinar with Rebel
Mouse’s founder and CEO Andrea Breanna, she noted that
progress on the open web to bring websites’ UX in line with
CWV standards is slow. She points to the fact that 77% of sites
still failed Core Web Vitals in 2022. That’s only 10% better than
when CWV were first introduced.

77% of sites still failed 

Core Web Vitals in 2022

(That’s only 10% better than when 

the ranking signal was first rolled out!)

(Tip for those still struggling to meet CWV standards: You

can use Lumar’s website intelligence platform to measure
and track your site’s Core Web Vitals metrics.)

Get Ready for GA4

(You’ve got an extra

year to prepare —
don’t waste it!)

Another item that’s sure to be top of mind for You’ll also want to make sure that your third-

SEOs and digital marketers in 2023 is the party tool integrations that rely on Google

upcoming transition to Google Analytics 4.

Analytics are prepped to integrate with GA4

before the enforced switch from UA.

SEOs may be breathing a small sigh of relief

with the recent news that the forced

sunsetting of Google’s “Universal Analytics”

(UA) has been pushed back one year to July

“The sunsetting of Universal Analytics will cause

2024 — but you should still start taking massive disruption for digital marketing teams

when it finally happens. It’s part of a larger trend

action to get ready for GA4 well ahead of

around protecting data privacy that is playing out


in slow motion, through court battles, legislation,

the looming threat of antitrust proceedings, and

Year-on-year (YoY) data comparisons can changing consumer preferences. Many sites are

already doing an inefficient job of collecting user

become much more complicated if you
data – whether that’s because different

haven’t set up your GA4 account in advance,

stakeholders have added numerous different

tracking tools; or because events and goals are

due to some differences in data and

not regularly updated, leading to poor data

reporting between UA and GA4. So even if

quality; or because tools are enabled to collect

data without an investment in data experts to

you’re not fully up-to-speed with the ins and

maintain and run actionable reports.

outs of GA4 yet, it’s worth setting up your

The strategic play here will be to use the extra

GA4 analytics account and integrating it with

time ahead of the GA4 switch to do the hard

your website now to begin collecting data —

work of putting in place empowered governance

structures for third-party scripts and invest in

you can run both Universal Analytics and

more fully utilizing the data they generate.”

GA4 on your site simultaneously as you get

familiar with the new reports. The sooner you

set up GA4, the more historical data you’ll Anne Berlin

Senior Technical SEO at Lumar

have in the system when you’re ready to fully

make the switch from Universal Analytics.

Source: Google, “Universal Analytics will be going away”

Keeping up with
Google Search
Algorithms, Systems, 

& Updates

Search engines like Google are constantly innovating and
updating their algorithms and search ranking systems. Digital
marketers and SEOs need to stay abreast of the latest
developments in how search engines work if they want to
sustain their success in organic search.

In late 2022, Google published a new guide to its search

systems — and some new vocabulary to go with it! In the past,
many search systems were known simply as “updates”. In the
new guide, Google says it will be more precise with its wording
to differentiate updates from full systems that are constantly
running in the background — and will let the public know
which systems updates apply to.

The latest documentation lists 19 unique

‘systems’ at play in Google Search:

1 BERT: BERT is an AI system used by 3 Deduplication systems: These

Google to better understand contextual systems help Google omit content from
meaning and the intent of word combinations. search results that is deemed too similar
(Stands for “Bidirectional Encoder to other pages. (Also restricts content that
Representations from Transformers”.)
appears as a Featured Snippet from
being shown for a second time in the
2 Crisis information systems: These
‘main results’ for a query.)

systems help provide timely information to

users during times of crisis, including natural 4 Exact match domain system: Helps
disasters, global and local crises, and personal ensure domain names that don’t include
keywords directly in the domain can still
rank well in organic search.

5 Freshness systems: Helps identify 10 Neural matching: Yet another
queries that would benefit from newer language-focused AI system that helps
content and more recently published Google understand larger concepts in
articles and then display fresher content both queries and page content and
for these queries in the SERPs.
match them.

6 Helpful content system: Helps 11 Original content systems: This helps

Google identify and show more original, Google prioritize original content and
expert, and authoritative content to users original research and reporting over
while deprioritizing low-quality content in pages that simply cite the original studies
the search results.
or content.

7 Link analysis systems and PageRank: 12 Removal-based demotion systems:

Helps Google understand how pages link Both legal removals (for example,
to each other across domains to better copyright violations) and exploitative
determine what pages are about and personal information removals are
which might be most useful to users.
tracked to help Google identify sites that
frequently publish questionable content.

8 Local news systems: Helps identify

location-relevant news items to show in 13 Page experience system: This helps
“Top Stories” and “Local News” features.
Google prioritize sites that offer better
user experiences over those with poor
9 MUM: Another AI system that helps
user experiences. Core Web Vitals are
Google understand language. MUM
part of the page experience system.

stands for “Multitask Unified Model”. It is

not used for regular ranking in Search, 14 Passage ranking system: Another AI
but used in specific cases, such as system for language processing — it
improving results for COVID vaccine helps Google identify individual passages
information and improving Featured or sections of a page to understand its
Snippets. relevance to search queries.

15 Product reviews system: Rewards 18 Site diversity system: Helps Google
high-quality product reviews and content avoid showing more than two pages from
that provides insightful analysis.
the same site in the top results for a given
query (so no single site dominates all of
16 RankBrain: Another language-
the top results).

focused AI system. Helps Google

understand how words are related to 19 Spam detection systems: This helps
larger concepts to return more relevant Google avoid showing spammy content
to its users in the SERPs by identifying
content that violates their spam policies.
17 Reliable information systems: This
ties in with the aforementioned E-A-T
guidelines, in that these systems help NOTE: Want to stay abreast of the latest
Google prioritize pages that are happenings in search and digital
marketing? The Lumar blog and webinar
authoritative and trustworthy. Also helps
series are great resources for staying up-to-
Google apply “content advisories” date with industry news and best practices.
alongside content that relates to rapidly
changing news stories or when the
quality of the content is questionable.

They also note a number of retired search systems. The principles

underlying these systems are generally still in play, but have been
absorbed by the currently ‘active’ systems above:

1 Hummingbir
2 Mobile-friendly ranking system (now part of the page experience system
3 Page speed system (now part of the page experience system
4 Panda system (now part of the core ranking system
5 Penguin system (now part of the core ranking system
6 Secure sites system (now part of the page experience system)

The State of the SERPs:
Enhanced SERP
Features to Know

in 2023

Search engine results pages (SERPs) have As humans, we are visual creatures. Things
gone through many transformations over the that stand out from the crowd tend to hold
years. When optimizing your website with an our attention. So it makes sense that earning
eye toward driving more traffic (and revenue) rich results with enhanced SERP features is
from organic search, it’s helpful to have an likely to have an impact on your click-through
up-to-date understanding of all of the latest rates. According to a study from Milestone
SERP features that are available as potential Research that looked at 4.5 million searches,
opportunities to enhance your content’s first users are 41.5% more likely to click on rich
impression on users in their search results.
results compared to standard search results.
(In other words, they noted a 58% click-
On search engine results pages, “rich results”
through rate [CTR] for rich results, as
are search results that offer users more
compared to a 41% CTR for standard search
information than standard results, are more

visually appealing, and can have interactive

elements. These enhanced search results Enhanced SERP features are generally
can include features such as images, product earned by implementing structured data
ratings, cooking times, FAQs, event details, (SD), or schema markup, on your website.
and so on. And although Google’s John Mueller has said
that using structured data on your site is not
an official ranking factor in and of itself, he
NOTE: Earning enhanced SERP 

points out that it can make it easier for search
features like rich results in Google and
engines to parse what a page is about and
other search engines is generally
index it appropriately for relevant search
accomplished by including structured
data, or schema markup, on your pages.

Check out our “Guide to Using

Structured Data to Drive More Organic
Traffic” to learn more.

By using structured data on your site, your Your website should, of course, aim in general
site becomes eligible to display more relevant to be ranked among those top links on the
information to users at-a-glance in their first page of the organic search results, but
search results, which can entice more clicks.
let’s take a closer look at some of the
additional SERP features your business may
For example, by using the product schema
want to aim for to drive more traffic and
markup, you may earn the ability to display
brand awareness in 2023.
user ratings as well as prices alongside your
product’s page in the SERPs, allowing a user
to immediately ascertain trustworthiness and
see if the product is within their budget.

Related Resources:
Check out more options for enhanced SERP features in 

Google’s “search gallery”

Use Lumar to analyze your schema and structured data implementation

Further reading: “How to Get Rich Results in Google”.

Further reading: “Using Structured Data to Drive More Organic Traffic”

7 enhanced SERP features

to know in 2023:

In 2023, there are quite a few enhanced SERP features available

through Google. Here, we’re focusing on 7 key SERP features to

know, but if you’d like to explore even more options, check out

Google’s “search gallery”.

1. Featured Snippets

Featured snippets generally appear at the top Images, lists, tables, and videos from the page

of the search results, ahead of the ‘standard’ may also be displayed in the featured image

search results, but below any paid box.

placements. The featured snippet box tends

Here’s an example of a featured

to stand out from the crowd of ‘standard’

snippet, returned for the query: 

search results, with an excerpted paragraph

‘what is an electric vehicle’:

— or ‘snippet’ — from the page being

displayed prominently and in a slightly larger

font size, on top of the link to the page itself.

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 21

According to Google’s 

explainer on featured snippets:

“We display featured snippets when our systems determine this

format will help people more easily discover what they’re seeking,
both from the description about the page and when they click on
the link to read the page itself. They’re especially helpful for those
on mobile or searching by voice.”

While Google states that you cannot mark a Utilizing structured data correctly across

specific page for inclusion as a featured your site may also help increase your

snippet (per Google: “Google's automated chances of earning these coveted

systems determine whether a page would featured snippets. As John Mueller said

make a good featured snippet to highlight for above, structured data can help search

a specific search request.” and “You can't engines better ‘understand’ and index

[mark your page as a featured snippet]. your content appropriately. Earlier

Google systems determine whether a page research into featured snippets found

would make a good featured snippet for a that about 19% of search results pages

user's search request, and if so, elevates it.”), included a featured snippet — and 66%

they do outline policies for featured snippets. of the pages with featured snippet results

These policies suggest they are, once again, utilized structured data.

seeking to feature only information that is

accurate and helpful in these rich results.

Going back to our earlier section on the

“Helpful Content Update”, it pays to ensure

the content you’re publishing on your site is

high-quality, trustworthy, and written ‘by

humans, for humans’!

However, while featured snippets
stand out visually in the search results,
some studies have shown that
featured snippets that give users at-a-
glance answers to simple queries may
result in lower click-through rates than
‘normal’ or other types of enhanced
search results. This is likely because, for
simple questions and answers, users
may not need to click through to the
full page in order to get the answers
they seek.

Still, having your brand’s name

associated with that information in
users’ minds can be beneficial for
brand recognition and CTR for
featured snippets is likely to vary
widely based on the type of query.
Other enhanced search results are
associated with much higher CTRs, for
example, results with Sitelinks (see
below) were found in a Sistrix study to
have a significantly higher-than-
average CTR of 46.9% when
appearing in position one in Google.

2. Knowledge Panel

Knowledge panels are information boxes that are automatically generated by

Google and include information about a business, person, or other entity that is
obtained from multiple sources.

Here’s what a knowledge panel looks like in the SERPs:

If Google has generated a knowledge panel “If you are the subject of or official
for your business (or for you as a person!), representative of an entity depicted in a
there are some ways to manage the knowledge panel, you can claim this panel
information that appears here. Per Google’s and suggest changes. More information
documentation: about these processes are available in the
following articles:

Get verified on Google / Update your Google

knowledge panel”

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 24

3. Sitelinks & the Sitelink Search Box
Sometimes when you search on Google, According to Google, sitelinks are
you’ll see results that include not just one determined by their systems analyzing the
blue link, but a collection of links from the link structure of your website “to find
same site. These collections of links attached shortcuts that will save users time and allow
to a single search result are known as them to quickly find the information they're
looking for.”

Studies have shown that results with sitelinks Your site architecture can play a big role in
have a higher CTR than ‘normal’ organic how easily Google’s algorithms can find
search results in the same position. (46.9% potential sitelinks to include in the SERPs.
for results with sitelinks vs. 34.2% for normal Optimizing your overall website structure,
writing concise and informative page titles,
and implementing strong internal linking
Here’s an example of sitelinks
tactics can help in obtaining sitelinks within
appearing in the SERPs:
the search results.

A related SERP feature, generally only

included for larger websites, is the sitelines
search box. This feature allows users to
search within your website, directly from their
search results.

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 25

Here’s an example of what a sitelinks You’ll need to have an internal site search
search box looks like: function active on your website to qualify and
Google may automatically generate a
sitelinks search box for your site if this is in
place. But if you want a better chance of
gaining this feature in the SERPs, it’s
recommended to use “WebSite” structured
data on your homepage (and only on your

4. People also ask

Google’s “People Also Ask” (PAA) SERP feature

displays questions related to a user’s original
search term. The PAA rich result generally
looks something like this in the SERPs:

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 26

According to data reported by Search Because the same PAA questions may be
Engine Land, PAA features showed up for shown for multiple search queries, one
about 30% of all searches on Google as of tactic you can use when trying to
July 2022 — this is down from earlier optimize for PAA results is to find the
reports that showed PAA sections keywords that your top-performing
appearing for about 60% of searches, content ranks well for, then research the
though it’s unclear if this reduction in “People Also Ask” questions associated
SERP real estate for PAA sections is a with those keywords using a tool like
temporary change or likely to expand Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer. If a specific
again in the future.
PAA question is associated with multiple
keywords that your content is ranking for,
There’s little ‘official’ information from
you may want to update your content to
Google on how to rank for these PAA
ensure it’s answering those questions in a
boxes in organic search, but structuring
simple, easy-to-excerpt manner.
your content in a Q&A format with short,
informative answers and implementing
relevant structured data may help.

5. FAQ Rich Results

FAQ rich results are extra questions and answers that 

appear directly below a search result in the SERPs.

Here is an example of what FAQ rich results look like

in the SERPs, for the search query ‘electric vehicles’:

To obtain these FAQ rich results, according to Do not use FAQPage schema for
Google, you’ll need to add the following advertising purpose
structured data to a Frequently Asked The FAQ page must be written by the site
Questions page: FAQPage, Question, Answer.
itself (users cannot submit answers
Each ‘Question’ schema type must
To comply with Google’s content guidelines
include the entire text of the question.
for FAQ rich results, however, you’ll have to
(And each ‘Answer’ schema type must
ensure the page you’re implementing FAQ
include the entire text of the answer.)

schema on is a ‘valid use case’ and that your

structured data implementation meets Note that Google currently limits FAQ rich
certain criteria. This means: results to a maximum of two ‘FAQs’ displayed
per snippet in some countries. See Google’s
full guidelines for FAQ structured data to
learn more.

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 28

6. Video Rich Results

As videos become easier for brands to create Google will try to understand your video
and video-based content marketing content automatically, but you can help
continues to grow, it’s worth understanding search engines along by using Video
how your videos may appear in organic structured data.

search results — and how to optimize them to

Learn more about Video SEO in our
boost search visibility. Videos can appear in
article: “8 Tips to Optimize Videos 

several types of Google search results,
for Search”.
including on the ‘main’ SERP, on the ‘video
search’ tab, and in Google Discover.

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 28

7. Voice Search

Chances are, you occasionally ask a digital Presently, according to Google, the
‘assistant’ (like Siri, Alexa, or the Google speakable property works for users in the US
Assistant on your smartphone) a question out with Google Home devices, with content by
loud instead of typing it in. eMarketer publishers that is also in English, though the
estimates that 44.2% of internet users were feature may expand to other languages and
already using a voice assistant at least once a locations in the future.

month back in 2020 — and we expect this to

If your website content is a good candidate
grow in the coming years.

for text-to-speech playback, you may want to

Google’s documentation points to an in- consider implementing this “speakable”
development feature that uses “Speakable structured data.

(Article, WebPage)” structured data to identify

web pages that are best suited for text-to-
speech (TTS) audio playback via a Google
Assistant. Per the current documentation:

“The Google Assistant uses speakable

structured data to answer topical news
queries on smart speaker devices. When users
ask for news about a specific topic, the Google
Assistant returns up to three articles from
around the web and supports audio playback
using TTS for sections in the article with
speakable structured data. When the Google
Assistant reads aloud a speakable section, it
attributes the source and sends the full article
URL to the user's mobile device through the
Google Assistant app.”

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 08

8. Google Discover

While not a SERP feature, it’s worth knowing a So how can your 

bit about Google Discover in 2023. Discover is website content appear
the auto-generated ‘feed’ that Google automatically in Discover?
generates for users based on what its
algorithms assume that particular user will be
According to Google:

interested in. It’s similar to the auto-generated “Content is automatically eligible to

feeds you encounter on other apps that appear in Discover if it is indexed by
attempt to curate content to show to their Google and meets Discover's content
users based on past activities, like TikTok.
policies. No special tags or structured
data are required. Please note that
Discover is meant to be a “highly personalized
being eligible to appear in Discover is
feed” and it appears in the Google app on
not a guarantee of appearing.”
mobile devices and on Android phones and
tablets by default. Once again, Google references its E-A-T
(expertise, authority, trustworthiness)
guidelines with regard to how content is
selected for appearance in Discover. Another
“Discover can be a path for content publishers, in
particular, to attract new audiences. Websites
reminder that creating high-quality content is
and publishers investing in creating unique, really key for all kinds of digital success!

entertaining, credible content with high-quality

imagery are likely to reap the most benefits in Other recommended activities if you want
Google Discover. ”
your site content to appear in Discover

Avoid click bait page titles — use clear,

Anne Berlin

Senior Technical SEO at Lumar direct titles that tell users what the page is
Use large images in your content (at least
1200px wide and enabled by the “max-
Want to learn more about enhanced 

image-preview:large” setting)
SE features heck out our article
RP ? C ,

Provide content that is relevant and timely
“ ow to Get ich esults in Google”.
and addresses current interests.

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO 31

Final Thoughts &
Additional Resources

Search engine optimization is a constantly Your website’s technical health — including
changing discipline — and one that offers its site architecture, JavaScript rendering, site
significant opportunity for businesses that speed, internal linking, structured data, page
invest the time and effort into getting it right. experience, and much more — contribute to
Meeting potential customers where they are both its search engine ranking and to larger
(in the search engines!) can contribute directly business goals like brand awareness,
to building brand awareness, influencing customer experience, and conversion.

consumer decisions, and driving revenue with

If you’re ready to make your website a priority

this year, having the right resources in place

Studies have shown that, for most industries, is key. Lumar’s website intelligence platform
organic search drives more website traffic is built to help businesses improve, monitor,
than paid search ads, paid display ads, email and analyze their websites’ technical health
marketing, or social media. And 89% of — at any scale. Get in touch today to learn
marketers surveyed in our Digital Future more about how Lumar can help you realize
Report with Econsultancy felt that organic your site’s full commercial potential in the
search would drive more revenue for their year to come.
businesses in the future.

More Resources:
Lumar’s Website Intelligence Academy

The Lumar Blog

Lumar Webinars & Events

Lumar Professional Services

eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise SEO


We empower the world’s leading brands to For businesses who need more bespoke
harness their websites’ full revenue potential guidance, our professional services team is
through powerful initiatives that many available for ongoing engagements and
businesses still overlook — technical SEO and guided SEO and website health audits.

website health. Our website intelligence

Lumar’s platform is built for speed and
platform equips businesses to bring SEOs,
flexibility — and used every day by enterprise
marketers, and engineers closer together;
businesses around the world, including
connecting the dots between siloed digital
leading brands like Adobe, eBay, Microsoft,
teams and wider business goals.

Twitch, Canva, and PayPal — as well as all six

Lumar’s core set of features, including Analyze, major global group advertising agencies.
Monitor, Protect, and Impact, help converge
digital operations to improve website
performance and drive more awareness,
Book a demo
conversions, and revenue from organic search.

Trusted by the world’s leading enterprise brands


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