Bedria Hussien
Bedria Hussien
Bedria Hussien
June 2022
I certify that research work titled “ Exploring the causes of Traffic Crash and Injury
Severity on Addis Ababa - Adama Expressway” is my own work. The work has not been
presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has
been properly acknowledged or referred.
Road traffic crashes is a serious problem since it increased periodically in alarming rate
throughout the globe. It is the eighth leading causes of death for all age groups worldwide,
especially in developing countries. According to the global status report on road safety, in
Ethiopia, road traffic deaths occurred about 26.7 per 100,000 populations.
The objective of the study was to explore the causes of Traffic Crash and Injury severity on
Addis Ababa - Adama Expressway. In the study, eighteen main variables (with sixty two sub
variables) are derived from the three major contribution factors of roadway environment,
human and vehicle factors. For the analysis, five years (from July 8, 2016 – July 7, 2021)
recorded traffic crash data and traffic flow data taken from Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise
and the as-built drawings of the expressway taken from Ethiopian Roads Authority. During
the last five-year study period, a total of 1838 traffic crash occurred on the expressway causing
98 (4.0 %) fatal injuries, 268 cases (10.94 %) serious injuries, 700 cases (28.57 %) slight
injuries, and 1384 cases (56.5 %) were property damage only (PDo).
Descriptive Statistics and empirical statistical analysis by ordered logistics regression model
was carried for the analysis of traffic crash and severity. Moreover, the operating speed of
vehicles and 85th percentile speeds of each type of vehicle category is computed to compare
and evaluate the daily number of vehicles exceeded the posted speed limit of the expressway.
The analysis result show that, among the sixty two independent variables, seventeen
independent variables are statistically significant with p-value of <0.05 with 95 % Confidence
Interval and they have significant influence on accident severity. These influencing variables
include; radiuses of horizontal curves in the range of 61m - 120m and 251m – 900m, level
grade (0%), downgrade, light vehicles, medium vehicles, vehicle technical problem, speeding,
sleep deprivation and fatigue, drivers error, head on crash, rear-end, roll over, sideswipes
collisions, weekdays , driver’s age from 18 – 30 and 31 - 50 yrs. are statistically significant
for the severity of crash on the expressway
Key Words: Accident Severity, Crash Frequency, Geometric Design Parameters, Logistic
Regression, Road Traffic Crash, 85th percentile speed.
First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty Allah for his endless mercy, blessing and
helping me throughout my life. Alhamdulillah.
Next, my deepest gratitude goes to my advisor, Dr Getu Segni Tulu for his patience, relentless
help and intellectual guidance throughout my study. This thesis would not have been
completed if it were not for his constant encouragement, push and understanding. In the early
phase of the thesis, I benefited from discussions with Dr. Getu. I am thankful to him.
I am grateful to CORE Consulting Engineers PLC, for allowing me to take further education
by relieving me further burdens. Again, I would like to thank, Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise
(ETRE) for providing me the traffic crash data and traffic flow data for this research. In
addition, I would like to thank, Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA) for providing the as-
built documents of Addis Ababa - Adama Toll motorway Project as well as for giving me the
chance to pursue my postgraduate study in the road and transport field of specialization.
Last but not least, my special gratitude and love goes to my respected husband, Abdulkerim
Abrar, my lovely boy, Semir and my pretty girl, Ahlam, for their love, countless support,
unreserved help and understanding me when I am spending time away from them.
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................................... v
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................. xi
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
2.9 Crash Type .............................................................................................................. 16
2.10 Operating Speed and 85th percentile speed ............................................................. 17
2.11 Statistical road safety models .................................................................................. 19
2.12 Summary of Literature reviews............................................................................... 22
3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................................... 24
4.1 Traffic flow and Traffic crash analysis on Addis Ababa – Adama Expressway .... 36
4.1.1 Traffic crash and severity for the whole section .............................................. 36
4.1.2 Traffic flow and accident on the expressway by segments ............................. 40 Addis Ababa - Adama direction................................................................... 40 Adama - Addis Ababa direction................................................................... 43
4.2 Analysis of factors contributing to traffic accident and severity ............................ 46
4.2.1 Descriptive statistics for accident severity and occurrence ............................. 46 Accident occurrence place ........................................................................... 46 Radius of horizontal curve ........................................................................... 47 Cross sectional transverse slope ................................................................... 49 Longitudinal slope (grade) ........................................................................... 50 Road gradient direction ................................................................................ 51 R<200 and G>4 %: ...................................................................................... 51 Day of the week ........................................................................................... 52
vii Accident involved vehicle type .................................................................... 52 Causes of crash............................................................................................. 54 Number of Vehicles Involved .................................................................. 55 Vehicle travel direction ............................................................................ 55 Accident occurrence time ......................................................................... 56 Road Surface condition ............................................................................ 57 Weather condition .................................................................................... 57 Light Condition ........................................................................................ 57 Types of crash .......................................................................................... 58 Driver gender ............................................................................................ 59 Age of driver ............................................................................................ 59
4.2.2 Statistical analysis of accident severity by regression model .......................... 60
4.2.3 Computation of operation speed and 85th percentile speed ............................. 64
5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... 73
APPENDIXES ....................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 2.1: Rates of road traffic death per 100,000 populations by regions (WHO, 2018) .... 7
Figure 2.2: Regional traffic crash for fatal, serious, slight injury cases in 2020/21 ................ 9
Figure 2.3: Contributing factors to vehicular crashes (AASHTO HSM, 2010) .................... 11
Figure 3.1: Methodology flow chart ...................................................................................... 25
Figure 3.2: Posted speed limit of the study area .................................................................... 27
Figure 3.3: Location of the study area (ERA, 2017) ............................................................. 28
Figure 3.4: Location plan for mainline and interchange of the study area (ERA, 2017) ...... 29
Figure 4.1: Total No. of crashes and AADT of the Expressway for each year ..................... 38
Figure 4.2: No. of Human Injury or severity for each year ................................................... 39
Figure 4.3: Severity of crash due to horizontal alignment of the expressway ...................... 49
Figure 4.4: Severity of crashes due to the vertical grade of the expressway ......................... 51
Figure 4.5: Crash frequency based on Vehicle Type ............................................................. 53
Figure 4.6: Severity of crash based on Accident involved Vehicle type ............................... 53
Figure 4.7: Severity of crashes based on causes of crash ...................................................... 54
Figure 4.8: Severity of crashes based on number of vehicles involved in crash ................... 55
Figure 4.9: Severity of the traffic crash in to Adama direction and Addis- Ababa direction of
the expressway ....................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 4.10:- Crash severity of Addis Ababa- Adama Expressway based on types of crash 59
Figure 4.11: 85th percentile speed for Light Vehicles ........................................................... 66
Figure 4.12: 85th percentile speed for Medium Vehicles....................................................... 68
Figure 4.13: 85th percentile speed for Large Vehicles ........................................................... 70
km kilometer
m meter
sq. km square kilometers
% percent
yrs. years
k number of parameters in the statistical model
L maximized value of the likelihood function for the estimated model
N number of observations, or equivalently or the sample size
Exploring the causes of Traffic Crash and Injury severity on Addis Ababa - Adama
Ethiopia is a landlocked country located in Eastern Africa, bordered by Sudan and South
Sudan in the west, Djibouti and Eritrea in the north, Somalia in the east and Kenya in the south
(UNECE, 2020). From the point of view of Ethiopia's geographical land scape and scattered
& isolated pattern of rural settlement over 1.1million sq. km wide area, road transport plays
crucial role in connecting rural areas with urban area. Even though, Road transport has
different impacts such as road traffic accidents, it is the most important infrastructure in
providing access to rural and urban areas in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Government launched a Road
Sector Development Programme (RSDP) since 1997 which focus on upgrading and
rehabilitating the existing road network, expanding new road network and constructing
expressways, and providing routine and periodic maintenance.
Addis Ababa - Adama Expressway the first expressway which is constructed under expanding
the road network for the Road Sector Development Programme. However, the traffic accident
has been found to be high after the Expressway becomes operational (Deme and Bari, 2018;
Abera, 2019). Despite being an important development issue, road traffic safety is not
allocated sufficient funds and institutional arrangements remain inadequate in less developed
countries (UNECE, 2020).
Road safety depends into three main factors, human, vehicle, and road environment factors
(Abebe, 2019; Kriswardhana et al, 2020). Among them, the human factor is the leading factor
causing accidents. These factors influence road safety separately or in combination. Despite
these facts, the police report indicated that only a single cause of accident has been reported
for a given accident in Ethiopia and the number of accidents that had been caused by road
defect accounted around 1% of total accidents per year, which underestimates its contribution
to road accidents (Abebe, 2019).
The purpose of this investigation was to review relevant literature and explore the cause of
traffic crash and injury severity depending on the effect of eighteen main influencing factors
MSc. Thesis Page 1
Exploring the causes of Traffic Crash and Injury severity on Addis Ababa - Adama
Road traffic crash data obtained from Ethiopian Federal Police Commission report for
2019/20 and 2020/21 shows the traffic accident severity in terms of total number of fatalities,
serious injury and slight injury has been increasing. Whereas, traffic crash result for the
property damage only decreases. In 2020/21, fatality from road traffic accidents was increased
by 9.6 % while road traffic accidents increased by 3.9 % which is threefold increase.
The cause of this high severity of road traffic accidents in Ethiopia hasn’t been fully
investigated and documented by empirical research so that series of actions can be taken by
relevant institutions to address the problem.
Research focused on identifying potential factors that are contributing to high road traffic
accidents and severity can be undertaken based on two approaches. These approaches are at
nationwide level using time series traffic accident data collected on all road links and by
selecting specific road links on the bases of high traffic accidents and severity (case study).
The later approach is preferable than the former as it allows to identify factors related to
defects in geometric design that are often different for different road section cases.
Traffic safety data on Addis Ababa - Adama expressway in the last five years shows high
occurrence of traffic accidents and severity. Depending on the Ethiopian Federal Police
Commission report, the severity of traffic accidents that occurred on the expressway during
the same period is 57 % which is high compared with 36.3 % national average. Potential
factors contributing to this high severity of traffic accidents have to be identified through
empirical research in order to do something to address the problem.
So far, three separate researches have been conducted to identify contributing factors to traffic
accident on Addis Ababa - Adama expressway, all have major shortcomings mentioned as
follows. The first research conducted by (Deme and Bari, 2018) used one and half year traffic
accident data which is insufficient to fully identify potential causes of accidents. Moreover
the number of influencing factors independent variables are investigated in the study which
are mainly selected from the human and vehicle factors. The other two researches conducted
by (Abera, 2019; Mustefa and Belayhun, 2021) though both used five years traffic accident
data to fill the gap of the previous research, but both researches were not investigated the
contribution of road geometric design elements on causes of traffic accidents and injury
severity, rather they studied the general causes and countermeasures of traffic accidents.
Therefore, to bridge the gap in the previous three researches, this research will evaluate the
effect of the road geometric design parameters of the expressway on the contribution of the
occurrence of traffic crash and injury severity if any. The effect of the horizontal and vertical
road geometric design parameters on the cause of traffic accidents and severity of crash is
assessed by linking traffic accident data with the actual location where the accident occurred
and the geometric design parameters data from the as built documents of the expressway.
Besides this, the research identify factors other than geometric design that are contributing to
the occurrence of high traffic accidents and their severity. Moreover the operating speed of
the vehicles on the expressway has been evaluated.
The general objective of the study is to explore the causes of traffic crash, injury severity and
identifying the major influencing factor of crash severity on Addis Ababa - Adama
The causes of traffic accident on the expressway are the road environment that includes
roadway geometric design parameters, driver’s behavior, environmental factors, and vehicle
factors. In this research, we assess the causes of traffic crash, and severity of the study area
and to propose possible countermeasures in order to reduce the traffic accident severity. In
addition, the 85th percentile speed of the vehicles travelling on the expressway was analyzed
to evaluate its contribution on the traffic crash and severity on the expressway.
In this study, the influencing factors such as the road cross-sectional width (such as number
of lane and width, shoulder width) is not included since the whole stretch have the same
number of lane and width (i.e. 3x3.75 m) in both directions. In addition, the recorded crash
data are incomplete on some of the variables on human factors and vehicle factors, such as
drivers’ driving experience, drivers’ educational level, level of driving license, service year of
the vehicles, so these variables were not considered for the analysis.
This research paper has been organized in to five charters and appendixes as follows.
• The first chapter presents an introduction to the study topic which contains background
information, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions and scope and
limitation of the study.
• The second chapter contains the literature review part that encompasses a review on
related previous researches, guidelines and books that used for assessing the causes
and severity of traffic accidents and evaluates influencing factors that contributes for
the causes of traffic accidents and injuries severity. It includes; traffic crashes in
Ethiopia and its law enforcements, relationship between geometric parameters and
traffic accidents, traffic safety statistical models.
• The third chapter presents the study methodology and materials used for the analysis.
• The fourth chapter presents the results and discussion part of the research. It includes
the analysis of traffic volume and crash frequency on the entire expressway road and
the road segments of the expressway, the descriptive analysis and empirical statistical
model analysis of the influencing factors and the analysis of the operating speed and
85th percentile speed for each vehicle type.
• Finally, the conclusions, recommendations and for future study area are presented in
in chapter five.
2.1 Introduction
Vehicle collisions have been described differently by various organizations. According to the
economic commission for Europe, Road traffic Accidents (RTAs) are accidents that occur on
a way or street open to public traffic; result in one or more person’s being killed or injured,
and at least one moving vehicle was involved.
Road traffic crashes which is interchangeable used with the term RTAs is based on the
prevailing definition used by the Addis Ababa police. Accordingly, it is an accident occurring
on a way or street open to public traffic resulting in bodily injury to any person or damage to
property caused by, or arising out of, involves at least one moving motor vehicle on a road,
and could injure the driver or passengers of a vehicle, or even other road users such as
pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Road traffic crashes can be categorized by in different
ways such as location of the vehicle in accident, collision type, and also the type of damage.
Accordingly, Ethiopia’s road traffic crash classification was depending on type of damage
i.e., is based on severity and type of injury (Beshah and Hill, 2010).
Those are:
➢ Fatal crash or killed: a human casualty who dies within 30 days after an accident.
➢ Serious injury: a person hospitalized for more than 24 hours due to an accident.
➢ Slight injury: a person hospitalized for less than 24 hours after an accident.
➢ Property damage: non-injury crashes (property damage i.e., roadside objects, vehicles)
In this research, Ethiopian classification due to the type of damage was used in order to match
current crash analysis consistently with police crash records.
Traffic accident increased periodically in alarming rate and it was a serious problem
throughout the globe particularly in developing countries like Ethiopia (WHO, 2018; Deme,
2019). Road traffic crashes are the worst in low- or middle-income countries which was
responsible for about 5 % loss of GDP in low- or middle-income countries and 3% of GDP
globally (WHO, 2018; Abera, 2019). Reported number of road traffic deaths in Ethiopia was
4352, having point estimate of 27,326 and (95 % Confidence Interval (CI): 21,494 - 33,159)
have a modeled number of road traffic deaths (WHO, 2018). The report shows that 26.7 per
100,000 populations were occurred by traffic accidents. Among them, the road user’s death
covers 36.7 % of pedestrians and 63.3 % have other or unspecified users.
Road traffic injury is the eighth leading causes of death for all age groups worldwide (WHO,
2018). The number of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million per year. The report
indicates that, there is no reduction in the number of road traffic deaths were observed in any
low-income country, while some reductions were observed in 48 middle- and high-income
countries from 2013 to 2016. The number of deaths increased in 104 countries during this
period. Figure 2.1 shows rates of death per 100, 000 populations for different regions.
Rate of death/100,000 population
Eastern South -
America Western
Africa Mediterr Europe East World
s Pacific
anean Asia
2013 26.1 15.9 17.9 10.4 19.8 18 18.3
2016 26.6 15.6 18 9.3 20.7 16.9 18.2
Figure 2.1: Rates of road traffic death per 100,000 populations by regions (WHO, 2018)
Traffic injuries for low - and middle-income countries are commonly under-reported,
significantly higher for less severely injured road users (Abegaz et al, 2014). They found that
the number of road traffic injuries and deaths collected by both traffic police and hospitality
registry are different. In addition, according to the United Nation Economic Commission for
Africa and for Europe report the actual fatality figures may in fact be much larger than those
reported by the Ethiopian Federal Police Commission as a result of underreporting and
misclassification of road traffic fatalities (UNECE, 2020).
Road traffic accident in Ethiopia for 11 years (from 2007/18 - 2017/18) were analyzed using
descriptive and inferential statistics approach by (Deme, 2019). He investigates the growth
rate of road traffic accident, road network coverage and motorized vehicle, and their
relationships. He finds more than 291,577 road traffic accident; 912,956 km road network and
681,000 motorized vehicles were developed within the past 11 years. Average annual growth
rate of road traffic accident, road network development and motorized vehicle were 9.16 %,
10.81 % and 13.34 % respectively. Deme (2019) finds that the road traffic accident had no
direct or indirect relation with growth of motorized vehicle and road network coverage in
Ethiopia. In addition, the trend of traffic crashes shows an increase by about 9 % on average
within 8 consecutive years from 2010 to 2018 (UNECE, 2020). Ethiopia loses around 3.3
billion birr due to road traffic accident.
Road traffic accident is a major but neglected public health challenge (Tadege, 2020;
Mekonnen and Teshager, 2014). According to Ethiopian annual traffic crash report, the annual
traffic crash for 2019/20, 2020/21 was 3,795 and 4,161 cases for fatality with an increase in
366 deaths (9.64 %); 6124 and 5763 cases for serious injury with a decrease in 361 (5.89 %);
4943 and 5110 cases for slight injury with an increase in 167 (3.38 %) respectively. In
addition, estimated PDo of annual traffic crash for 2019/20, 2020/21 was 8, 789,091, 027 and
2,285,999,562 birr cases for PDo with a decrease in 6,503,091,465 (73.99 %) respectively.
Again, for injury or severity cases, the total severity has 38, 590, 41, 386 injury cases with an
increase in 2796 (7.25 %) for 2019/20, 2020/21 respectively.
Figure 2.2: Regional traffic crash for fatal, serious, slight injury cases in 2020/21
In Ethiopia, RTAs related causalities are extremely high. Among RTAs causalities; 21.9 %
were drivers, 35.0 % were passenger vehicle occupants and 36.0 % were vulnerable road users
including: motorcyclists (21.0 %), pedestrian (12.1 %), and cyclists (2.9 %) (Abegaz and
Gebremedhin, 2018). In Ethiopia, Eckersley et al. (2010, p. 4), “81% of the total accident was
attributed to driver error”.
The main causes and consequences of road traffic accidents in Amhara region using secondary
data collected from Amhara National Reginal State (ANRS) police commission from 2007 -
2011 were presented by (Mekonnen and Teshager, 2014). The study results that, 83.8 % of all
traffic accidents caused by drivers, such as failure to give priority to pedestrians, speeding,
failure to stay on the right side of the road, failure to maintain distance between vehicles and
failure to yield the right of way for other vehicles.
Highway safety specialists can influence traffic safety in different road rules, law
enforcements and others. According to global status report on road safety, Ethiopia has the
following law enforcements (WHO, 2018). Ethiopia has national manual type of speedy laws
and enforcements. Maximum default speed limits for urban, rural and motorway have 60, 70
and 100 km/h respectively.
Ethiopia has national drink driving law based on BAC having nation maximum legal BAC
(g/dl) level have ≤ 0.08 for general population, young drivers and professional or commercial
drivers. Testing was carried out for all drives either randomly or in the case of fatal crash. Due
to alcohol 4.3 % of road traffic deaths are occurred in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has national
motorcycle helmet laws and enforcements which apply to all drivers, adult passengers, all
roads, all engines.
Ethiopia has national seat belt law which applies for all drivers’, front seat passengers and rear
seat passengers. We haven’t data for seat belt wearing rates of drivers, only front seat
occupants, and rear seat occupants. But, for all occupants there is < 1 % seat belt wearing rate.
Ethiopia has national mobile phone law which applies for both hand-held phone use and
hands-free phone use for any data on use of mobile phone while driving.
Ethiopia has road safety management, strategy and target. It has lead agency which is funded
having functions of coordination, legislation, and monitoring and evaluation. It has road
national road safety strategies having partial fund of fatal road safety target. Ethiopia has total
number of 708,416 registered vehicles in 2016, having no vehicle standards.
The three main factors that contribute to road crashes are: a) human b) vehicle and c)
roadway/environment factors (Haddon, 1972). Among the three factors, roadway factors
include roadway and roadside design elements. Traffic crashes occurred due to roadway
factors contribute only 3 % of road crashes and 34 % of road crashes are occurred due to a
combination of roadway and other factors as per AASHTO highway safety manual (2010)
report. Figure 2.3 shows the contribution of three factors for vehicular crashes.
The road traffic accident using reported data from case diaries and police records for 2009
data were studied by (Goswami and Sonowal, 2009) in Dibrugarh city, India using SPSS
software and Ky-plot software for bivariate comparisons. The study result showed that
95.38% of traffic accidents from the total road traffic accidents occurred due to human
characteristics (rush and negligence); 60 % and 38.46 % of the accident were recorded during
day time (6 AM to 6 PM) and peak time (12 PM to 6 PM) respectively.
The road environment has been identified as a prime cause of accidents, contributing to about
17 to 34 percent of accidents and as the sole contributing factor for 2 to 3 % of accidents
(O’Cinnelde, 2004).
(Jalilian, 2019) studied, the environmental factors associated with road traffic accidents using
chi - square test and logistic regression model for 2314 traffic accidents. The result shows that
frequency of RTAs occurred during daytime and sunrise are 72.3 %, 0.83 % respectively. The
result also shows 91.7 % of the road traffic accident RTAs was occurred during day and 3.5
% of RTAs was occurred during cloudy weather. As a result, there is a significant relationship
between RTAs and location of accident, accidents place, the climate, lighting of the day.
The relationship between accidents and traffic volume or congestion for 120 intersections in
Adelaide, Australia was analyzed by (Retallack and Ostendorf, 2020). Results shows that an
approximate linear relationship between traffic volume and accident frequency at lower traffic
volumes. While, in higher traffic volumes, Poisson and negative binomial models showed a
significant quadratic explanatory term as accident frequency increases at higher rate. Due to
this, the researcher recommends good managements avoids or be the most effective in
reducing accident frequency.
Different studies focused on roadway geometric design and safety aim to improve highway
design and to eliminate hazardous locations. Accordingly, Mohammed (2013) studied the
effects of design elements such as horizontal and vertical curves, lane width, shoulder width,
super elevation, median width, curve radius, sight distance, etc. on safety. Due to this, their
result shows that an accident was caused by a combination of several factors. As a result,
dimension of radii, ratio of consecutive curves, dimension of vertical curve and sight distance
conditions are the most influencing factors for traffic safety.
Most of the design parameters that are considered in design of a road are related with road
safety either directly or indirectly (Mohammed, 2013). Accordingly, all the geometric design
parameters have to be checked in relation to safety. The road defect was one factor for negative
road engineering which directly triggers a crash, where the road defect misleads the road user
and thereby creates human errors.
Road geometric design is strictly related to the level of a road traffic accident. Due to this,
highway standards are limit standards (Hauer, 2004). Indeed, different countries have their
own manuals such as ERA manual in Ethiopia by providing the minimum design standard
values for geometric design parameters.
The relationship between road geometric design parameters with accident rate by using a
variety of statistical modeling approaches such as linear regression model, multiple linear
regression models, Poisson regression models, Poisson-gamma models, negative binomial
models, bivariate and multivariate models, generalized estimation regression models, random
parameters models was assessed by (Islam et al, 2019). The study relates road geometric
design elements such as lane number, sight distance, super-elevation, median width and type,
lane and shoulder width, curve radius, gradient, and horizontal and vertical alignments to
accident rates. They found some geometric design elements such as short sight distance and
small curve radius can significantly increase the road accidents rate and severity.
For geometric design of roads, curve radius is a primary element with horizontal curve design
and it is related to traffic accidents as the smaller the curve radius, the higher the possibility
of accidents to occur on roads (Islam et. al, 2019). Similarly, Zhang (2009) analyzes the relation
between road horizontal alignment, especially the horizontal curve and traffic safety.
According to Zhang, type of collision such as vehicle steering, and transverse stability such
as slippage and overturns depends on the curve radius. Again, Zhang calculates the average
radius and curvature degree. He applies regression for all categories of calculated radius
against mean of accident rates.
In addition, increase in accident rate becomes significant with roads which have curve radius
below 200 m (Simpson and Kerman, 1982). Due to this, researchers suggest that the minimum
curve radius value at which the impact on road accident can reduce. In addition, low radius
curves result in much shorter curve lengths and that the overall implications for accidents may
not as bad as would appear.
For two-lane highways horizontal curves have high crash rates than straight sections of similar
length and traffic composition (Aram, 2010). (Aram, 2010) uses statistical package software
for descriptive statistical analysis. The result show, the difference becomes apparent at radius
less than 1000 m and the increase in crash rates become particularly significant at radius below
200 m. In addition, on horizontal curves collision were occur in the form of roll-over crashes,
opposite direction sideswipe crashes because of centripetal forces, than other road sections.
(Glennon, 1987) was also concluded that the road safety would decline when the curve radius
is above 400 m . that means, the greater curve radius can increase the accident rates and costs.
Based on different researchers and by considering using minimum radius for design purpose,
we can conclude that small radius curves are more associated with high accident rates and
severity and the reverse.
Road gradient is one of geometric design elements under vertical curve design of road to be
considered in association with road accident rates. During gradient design of curves, the
association of sight distance with traffic safety are considered. (Glennon et al., 1987) assessed
the gradient effect for US roads and concluded that roads which were designed grade sections
have a higher road accident rates compared to roads which were designed with level sections.
They also observed that higher accident rates were found in steep gradient in comparison with
mild gradient roads; while down grade roads have more potential accident rates compared to
upgrade roads. In addition, for Swedish roads with 2.5 % grade can increase road accidents
by around 10 % whereas roads with 4 % grade can increase the accident rates by 20 %
approximately as compared to near horizontal grades (Hedman, 1990).
Super elevation is a transverse slope under horizontal curve elements which is designed for
the purpose of acting against centrifugal force that influences the vehicle’s running on curves
by providing higher on the outer side and lower on the inner side of the curve. It leads that for
stability of vehicles and driver’s comfort. It depends on the horizontal alignment, curve radius
and natural conditions. Due to this, improper super elevation value or no super elevation all
will cause accident (Zhang, 2009).
The super elevation of horizontal curves is used as an input variable in the Highway Safety
Manual (HSM) methodology. The HSM methodology considers the difference between the
actual super elevation and the super elevation recommended by the AASHTO policy. Super
elevation affects safety in the HSM methodology only when this difference exceeds 0.01
(HSM, 2008).
The effects of road geometric elements on accident severity were analyzed by (Sameen and
Pradhan, 2016). They use mobile laser scanning method to extract the geometric elements and
a logistic regression model is used to establish relationship between road geometric elements
and accident severity. Depending on the coefficients calculated by the logistic regression
model, the result shows that the average super elevation was the most contributed factor to
serious injuries; grade change factor was the most critical factor for minor injuries and the
damage only of accident severity levels. Due to this, improving super elevation on horizontal
curves should be considered by the safety agencies in Malaysia. Similarly, the maximum super
elevation rates of 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 % was recommended by (Aram, 2010). For each
maximum super elevation rates, he develops minimum radius with normal crown. He presents
for a 1.5 % normal crown and maximum super elevation rate have minimum radius.
2.8 Effect of Human and Vehicle factor on traffic crash and severity
The main causes of motor vehicle crashes indicate the behavior of driver, which is mainly
influenced by his personality, skills, and experience (AASHTO, 2011). In addition, external
factors such as weather conditions, road conditions, time of day, or light conditions influence
the driver behavior as well. The relation between accidents and road geometry is proved; while
having similar geometry are characterized by different accident occurrence it is also a question
of the driving behavior.
The role of human factor in incidence and severity of road crashes using descriptive analysis,
multinomial logistic regression having target population 347, 285 road crashes due to age,
gender, safety belt, driver license that were occurred in Iran for fatal, injury, and no injury
severity level was studied by (Pakgohar et al, 2011). The result shows that 97.5 %, 70.5 %,
and 31.5 % accidents were occurred due to human, environmental, and vehicle factors
The frequency, causes and human impact of motor vehicle-related RTAs in the first semester
of the year 2015 for 288 drivers (144 drivers are guilty drivers and 144 are not guilty as per
road safety agents) was studied by (Nangana, 2016). Results show that, among 144 causing
RTAs were affects 104 people including 93 injury and 11 fatality cases. Their mean age has
33.8±7.4, 35±8.8 for RTA causing drivers and controlled drivers respectively. The majority
of drivers (53.4%) didn’t attend a driving school, over speeding (32 %) distracted driving (22
%), overtaking (16 %) and careless driving (risky maneuver (15%) and driving under the
influence of alcohol (9 %).
Factors associated with risky driving behaviors for road traffic crashes among professional
car drivers on institution based cross sectional study for 376 participants using binary logistic
regression analysis were carried by (Mekonnen et al, 2019). Results show that average
monthly salary, driving experience, distance driven per year, and previous history of
involvement in traffic crashes was significantly associated with risky driving behavior.
The effect of driver & vehicle characteristics on speeds at a tangent section was investigated
by (, 2013) in Jordan. To reduce external and vehicular factors, the study was
takes place at free flow condition and midblock location which has posted speed limit of 80
KPH. by considering driver characteristics (Gender, Age) and vehicle characteristics (Vehicle
type, Vehicle Occupancy and Loaded and un-loaded vehicle). Their Study result showed that,
younger drivers have higher speed than older driver and male drivers has also greater speed
than female drivers but not significantly large. Small cars (passenger cars) and newest cars
had larger speed than largest and oldest vehicles respectively.
Head on crashes are among the most sever collision types and of great concern to road safety
authorities (Hosseinpour et. al, 2014). The study develops different crash prediction models
that relate crash outcomes with set of contributing factors both on frequency and severity of
head-on crashes. The model results, the variables horizontal curvature, terrain type, heavy-
vehicle traffic, and access points were found to be positively related to the frequency of head-
on crashes, while posted speed limit and shoulder width decreases the crash frequency. With
regard to the crash severity, the results shows that horizontal curvature, paved shoulder width,
terrain type, and side friction were associated with more severe crashes, whereas land use,
access points, and presence of median reduced the probability of severe crashes.
The hit-and-run vehicle crashes that happened in thirteen urban road tunnels traversing
through binary regression model to identify factors related to the offending drivers, the
vehicular and environmental conditions, tunnel characteristics and crash information were
employed by (Jiang, 2016). The result founds that five categories and inclusive factors: 1)
offending driver (alcohol involvement); 2) vehicle condition (vehicle type, number of vehicles
involved); 3) tunnel characteristics (posted speed limit, number of unidirectional lanes, tunnel
length); 4) environmental conditions (weather conditions, season of the year, day of the week,
time of day); and 5) crash information (occurrence location in the tunnel, crash type, crash
injury severity). In addition, the result indicates that accident was higher at night, in the tunnel
exit, near to or in short tunnel, when a two-wheeled vehicle or heavy goods vehicle (HGV)
was involved and when alcohol was involved.
Speed has been identified as a key risk factor in road traffic injuries, influencing both the risk
of a road crash as well as the severity of the injuries that result from crashes.
The speed at which drivers are operating their vehicles during free-flow conditions is the
operating speed and 85th percentile speeds is the measure of operating speed of most drivers
on specific geometric features (AASHTO, 2011). Whereas, posted speed is the maximum
lawful vehicle speed for a particular location as displayed on a regulatory sign (AASHTO,
2011). Most researchers and transport agency assured that the posted speed limit is decided
based on 85th percentile speed predominantly.
The relation between Operating Speed and Posted Speed are studied by many researchers.
According to the investigation on the relation b/n posted speed limit and operating speed on
federal arterial road in Malaysia (M.A.Rahim, et al., 2015), found that the operating speed of
drivers in most section exceeded the posted speed limit. (S.Wu & T.Xu, 2010) studies the
coordination between operating speed and posted speed limit on classified highway, the
finding of the study is there exist strong relationship between operating speed and posted
speed limit, and operating speed is always larger than posted speed limit. They also studied
by vehicle class ; it was found that the operating speed of cars has little change when the
posted speed limit increase and for trucks, the posted speed does not affect the operating speed
rather geometric parameters of the road or in coordination.
The effect of posted speed limit on drivers speed choice studied by (Rohaizan & Mashros,,
2016) on three different sites having varies posted speed limit from 60km/hr. To 80km/hr.
during off-peak period. It was found that driver speed choice is depend on the posted speed
limit of the driver irrespective of driver attitude and driving style. Their speed distribution
study showed that, both 15 and 85 percentile speed increase with posted speed limit and also
the driver speed compliance changes with speed limit implies that driver speed compliance
decrease with increase of posted speed limit.
A study on the relationship between Speed Limits and Operating Speed was carried on straight
roads of ordinary Provincial Arterial Highways by (Zhang , 2015) in nine sections which have
speed limits of 30km/hr., 40km/hr. and 60km/hr. The result of analysis is done for different
class of vehicle using SPSS statistical software. The study result reveals that operating speed
of car is greater than posted speed limit and the difference between operating speed and posted
speed limit decrease, when posted speed limit is increase. But there is little difference between
posted speed limit and operating speed of truck and when the posted speed limit increases ,
the difference between the operating speed and the posted speed limit becomes large incase
of truck.
Based on the above literature review, the operating speed of drivers are greater than that posted
speed limit. This indicate that, the negligence of driver or bad behavior of driver especially
driver of passenger car. Based on different study conducted in different country, the degree of
compliance of posted speed limit is varies with driver behaviors and method of enforcement
of speed limit. Some operating speed models showed that posted speed limit is not statically
significant variables implies that drivers are recklessness for speed limit or never had
awareness for speed limit.
Statistical road safety modeling (SRSM) is the fitting of a statistical model to data such as past
accidents and traits (traffic, geometry, and environment) for a set of road segments,
intersections, or other infrastructure elements (Hauer, 2007). SRSM is an equation with the
estimate of expected accident frequency on the left and a function of traits on the right. It is
used to estimate the expected accident frequency of an infrastructure element based on its
traits and to estimate the change in expected accident frequency caused by a change in a trait
of an infrastructure element. Hauer suggests few ways to improve SRSM process, and when
models produced by different researchers and based on diverse data sets produced similar
results, this will be a sign that modeling is on the right track.
According to SRSM, there is no theory to indicate how, for example, accident frequency
increase as traffic increase or how it should be related to the radius of horizontal curve. Due
to this, different statistical modeling approaches have provided to know the effects that
geometric parameters have on the frequency and severity traffic accidents. In traffic safety,
due to the interrelationship between geometric design parameters each other and with other
road accident factors, leads lack of reliable methodology and different statistical models were
employed (Islam et al., 2019).
Different researchers study different alternatives that have been used to analyze vehicular
accident severity. Among them, logistic regression model analyses severity data based on car
mass, age of the driver, and restraint use (Jones and Whitefield, 1988). They explored the
effects of driving without a license, alcohol use, speed, seat belts, and helmet use on accident
Again, the relationship between alcohol and crash risk, seat belts with preventing fatalities,
human factors on accident severity such as drivers age was studied by (Tadege, 2020). The
study results, driver characteristics and vehicle service year influence accident severity. A
statistical model to provide a statistical range of variables, including roadway geometry,
weather related conditions as well as driver characteristics were studied by (Milton et al,
2008). They used a multinomial logit formulation to evaluate single vehicle motorcycle
accident severity and estimate a nested logit model to predict vehicle occupancies with
standard accident data. The result shows that, accident severity was affected by highway
design accident type, driver characteristic, environmental conditions, and vehicle factors.
Logistic regression has also been extensively applied to study the influence factors of all kinds
of indexes on traffic safety. It is used to describe data and to explain the relationship between
one dependent binary variable and one or more nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio level
independent variables. The regression can identify key elements influencing accident severity
and their degrees of influence (He et al, 2018; Jiang et al, 2016).
Depending on the basis of logit regression model, multinomial logit (MNL) regression was
developed to know the probability that vehicular accident and severity was estimated using
the likelihood of discrete choices (several accident categories occurring) by (Milton et al,
2008). Each accident could be assigned one discrete outcome from a set of (1) property
damage only, (2) possible injury involved, (3) evident injuries involved and (4) disabling
injury or fatality involved.
Response categories are labels, ordered, and nested or hierarchical. If no order is implied, the
response Y is measured on a nominal scale. If there is ordering in the categories and the
corresponding numbers may be interpreted but not the distance or spacing between categories,
then Y is measured on an ordinal scale. The other type of response category that contains more
structure than the nominal case occurs in the form of nested or hierarchical response
categories. In this case, the response category Y, the injury severity of road users which has
unordered categories.
Multinomial regression is a simple extension of the binomial distribution in that it allows for
more than two possible outcomes. In road accident dataset, road users involved were classified
according to their severities of injuries. The number of outcomes depends on the number of
mutually and exhaustive injury severity categories (Tutz, 2012).
To select models in statistics, goodness of fit for the model and adjust or penalize for model
complexity is important. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information
Criterion (BIC) were used to compare models.
The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is a mathematical method for evaluating how well a
model fits the data. In statistics, AIC is used for best model selection (Tutz, 2012). The AIC
is named after the Japan statistician Hirotugu Akaike, who formulated it. It is defined by;
For AIC criterion, the number of fitted parameters is added to the deviance as a measure for
discrepancy between the data the fit. Due to this, increasing the number of parameters (penalty
= 2k) discourage overfitting, this lead increasing the number of parameters in the model
almost always improves the goodness of fit. Based on the above equation, AIC is specific for
the sample size at hand. The AIC is calculated for each model considered, using same data
and the general rule is that the model with the lowest AIC is chosen.
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is also a model selection criterion, which is developed
by Gideon E. Schwarz and published in 1978. The model is based on the empirical maximum
log-likelihood estimation. Due to this, BIC is closely related to AIC. Like AIC, it is
appropriate for models fit under the maximum likelihood estimation framework. The
derivation of BIC assumes a true generating model, and independent of sample size (Tutz,
2012). Selection of true model is obtained only asymptotically. The BIC is defined by:
Road Traffic accident is a serious problem throughout the world particularly in developing
countries. According to the report of (WHO, 2018 ), the road traffic injury is the eighth leading
causes of death for all age groups worldwide. In Ethiopia, road traffic accidents related
causalities are extremely high.
Various studies have been addressed the different aspects of road traffic accidents by focusing
on predicting the critical factors influencing injury severity. As per the studies, there are
numerous factors which contribute to road traffic accidents and traffic injuries, and these
factors can be classified into three categories: namely, the road / environment related factors,
human relate factors and vehicle related factors.
Many researchers have done studies on the role of road / environment factors on the causes of
the road traffic accident and the relationship between road geometric design parameters with
accident rate. These studies relates road geometric design elements, such as horizontal and
vertical alignments, which includes horizontal curve radius, super elevation, road gradient,
lane number, sight distance, median width and type and shoulder width, to accident rates.
Many of the researchers found that some geometric design elements such as small curve radius
and steep gradient can significantly increase the road accidents rate and severity. Most of them
agreed that the crash rates become significant at radius below 200 m and roads which were
designed with steep grade sections have a higher road accident rates as compared to roads
which were designed with level sections.
The role of human factor on the causes of road traffic crashes indicate the behavior of driver,
which is mainly influenced by his personality, skills, and experience. Research on the effect
of drivers’ speeds at a tangent section showed that, younger drivers have higher speed than
older driver and male drivers has also greater speed than female drivers but not significantly
large. Study results on behavior of drivers on driving speeds, the operating speed of drivers
are greater than that posted speed limit. This indicate that, the negligence of driver or bad
behavior of driver especially driver of passenger car. Based on different study conducted in
different country, the degree of compliance of posted speed limit is varies with driver
behaviors and method of enforcement of speed limit.
Various research have been done on the effect of traffic volume and accident frequency. Most
of them agreed on the results that the accident frequencies increases as the traffic volume
The aim of this study is to explore the causes of the traffic crash and severity on the Addis
Ababa – Adama expressway that evaluate the frequency of traffic crash and investigate the
causes of crash severity considering all the influencing factors associated with road/
environment, human and vehicles factors. The effect of the horizontal and vertical road
geometric design parameters on the cause of traffic accidents and severity of crash will be
assessed by linking the traffic accident location with the actual geometric parameters value of
the expressway. Moreover the vehicles operating speed on the expressway will be evaluated
to see its contribution on the traffic crash and severity.
This chapter deals with the methodology and materials used to explore the cause of traffic
crashes and severity on the Addis Ababa -Adama Expressway. Traffic crash Data and Traffic
flow data were taken from the Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise (ETRE) database to assess the
road traffic crash occurrence and severity of crash injury.
It started from data collection from ETRE and ERA, then the data was cleaned, sorted, filtered
and recorded in to different variables and groups for the purpose of this study. Descriptive
statistics were computed to determine frequencies of different variables and for the better
understanding of the variables and their cases which is presented in Chapter 4.
Among the different statistical analysis methods that are presented in the literature review,
three statistical analysis models namely; Ordered logistics regression model, Ordered Probit
regression model and multinomial logistic regression (MNL) model were selected for
comparison and selection of goodness of fit. To select best model, AIC and BIC for each
model are computed and compared and finally the model with the smallest AIC and minimum
BIC value of less is selected for analysis.
The general procedure of this research was structured after reviewed several literatures. The
overall flow chart is presented as follows:
Exploring the causes of traffic crash and Injury severity on Addis Ababa - Adama
Data analysis
• Traffic volume Analysis
• Descriptive Statistics of traffic crashes ,
• Statistical analysis by STATA
• Evaluation of operating and 85th percentile speed
The following section deals on approaches of the research, study area description, data
collection analysis of data used for traffic accidents severity and road geometric parameters
were presented below.
Addis Ababa - Adama expressway is located in central part of Ethiopia, Oromia National
Regional State. The expressway starts from Tulu Dimtu, 13 kilometers south-east of Addis
Ababa city, proceeds in a southeast direction, passing to the east of Dukem, Bishoftu and
Modjo towns crossing the old Addis Ababa - Adama road at approximately 62 km to bypass
Adama to southern side. The expressway terminates to the east of Adama, connecting with
the existing Adama - Awash trunk road. Figure 3.3 shows the location map of Addis Ababa -
Adama expressway.
The Addis Ababa -Adama expressway is a controlled-access highway with a total length of
78.7km starting from the Addis Ababa outer ring road in which the toll plaza at Tulu Dimtu
is located at km 2.690 (ERA’s ). The expressway has two main toll gates (i.e. at Tulu Dimtu
and Adama) and six interchanges, where the main line of the expressway connected with other
roads either by interchange or ramp toll plaza. The following table 3.1 shows the location and
type of interchange on the Addis - Adama expressway.
As per the location of the toll plaza and interchanges, the main line of expressway has five
segment sections which have different length and volume of traffic flow expressed in average
annual daily traffic (AADT). Table 3.2 shows the segment section with their respective length.
The expressway has three lanes on each direction. The right-hand lane and the middle lane are
serving as basic lanes (uninterrupted travel lanes) while the left lane serves as ‘over taking
lane’. The right lane is seen being used by low moving traffic such heavy trucks and trucks
with trailers and buses.
The posted speed limit of expressway has three ranges: right lane: 60 kms/hr. to 80 kms/hr. ,
middle lane: 80 kms/hr. to 100 kms/hr. and left lane (overtaking lane): 80 kms/hr.
to120kms/hr. The lower speeds are on-place for trucks with trailers, heavy trucks and large
buses while the higher ones are believed regulate the light to medium vehicles.
Figure 3.4: Location plan for mainline and interchange of the study area (ERA, 2017)
The types of data collected are secondary data comprising of quantitative and qualitative
types. The following data were collected and used as input and supporting features to explore
the causes of traffic crash and severity on the Expressway.
Ethiopia Toll Roads Enterprise (ETRE) has provided the five years (i.e. from July 8, 2016 to
July 7 2021) of traffic crash data observed on the Addis Ababa – Adama expressway in
softcopy in Excel format. The accident database mainly includes information such as date and
time of the accident, accident occurred place / location in km distance, type of accident, cause
of accident, and accident-involved vehicle type, accident severity, drivers’ gender, age and so
on. The km reading of the accident occurrence location is taken from the km station written
on the median guard rail at every 100m and the station in between 100m is written on the
curbstone of the median at an interval of 20m. The researcher collects the traffic crash data in
softcopy in Microsoft Excel format for further analysis. ETRE’s traffic crash reporting format
is attached in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3.
Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise (ETRE) collects traffic flow data using automatic traffic
recorders operating 24-hours a day throughout the year. The traffic flow database mainly
includes the information such as the date, vehicle type, the vehicle entrance and exit plaza ID
number, vehicle entry and exit time, and distance travelled and so on. The researcher collects
the traffic flow data to compute the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) on each road
segment on both sides of the expressway and to evaluate the operating speed of vehicles and
the 85th percentile speed for each category of the Vehicle type to evaluate the daily number of
vehicles exceed the posted speed limit of the expressway. ETRE classifies the type of vehicles
into 7 groups namely V1, V2, V3,….to V7 based on axle configuration for the use of charging
road users. The researcher groups the vehicle type in to three categories for the analysis.
Accordingly, vehicle types V1 and V2 are grouped in to light vehicles, V3 and V4 are grouped
in to medium vehicles and the remaining V5, V6 and V7 are grouped in to large vehicles. The
Vehicle categories descriptions of ETRE is attached in Appendix 1.
The final As-built drawings and reports of Addis Ababa - Adama Expressway was collected
from Ethiopian Road Authority. The following extracted data of geometric design elements
classification with their units, used in a study to assess the effect of safety on the expressway
➢ The location of toll plazas, interchanges and the main line of the Addis Ababa –
Adama expressway,
➢ Horizontal Alignment data which includes: straight sections, curved section, radius of
curve (m),
➢ Vertical alignment data which include: gradient of the tangent (%) , direction of
gradient (upgrade or down grade), and
➢ Cross sectional elements: roadway cross slope , Normal crown slope, super elevation
slope (%).
The Road traffic accident data was collected from Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise from July
8, 2016 to July 7, 2021 for five consecutive years. The total Road traffic accident were 1838
having 98 fatalities, 268 serious injuries, 700 slight injuries, and 1384 Property damage only
(PDo). The whole traffic crash and severity data was used for this research; therefore,
sampling for traffic accident data is not done for traffic accident and severity data.
Whereas, for the computation of operating speed and 85th percentile speed of each vehicle
categories (i.e. for light, medium and large vehicles), a sample data of seven days traffic flow
from January 1, 2021 to 7, 2021 is used from the traffic flow database. The total number of
vehicles sampled were 199, 315 which consists of 122, 420 light vehicles, 67, 740 medium
vehicles and 9, 155 large vehicles.
Study variables, dependent and independent (influencing) variables, are derived from the
traffic accident data and from the as-built drawings of the expressway. The dependent
variables are the severity of the Road Traffic Accident (RTAs) which consist of fatalities,
serious injury, slight injuries and PDos on the Expressway. Table 3.3 shows the descriptions
of the dependent variable (accident severity level) which are considered in this study.
The independent variables (influencing factors) also derived from the traffic crash data and
the as-built drawings and reports of the expressway. Eighteen main influencing factors or
independent variables are selected from the three main causes of traffic accidents namely
human factors, vehicle factors, and road and environmental factors. Table 3.4 shows the main
independent (influencing) variables considered in the study.
Each main influencing variables has two or more sub variables and consequently the effect of
sixty two sub variables on fatality, serious injuries and slight injuries are analyzed. Table 3-4
shows the list of the main independent variables with the number of the sub variable in each
of the main variable. The detailed description of the main and sub independent (influencing)
variables are presented in Appendix 5.
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is one of the most important parameters in
transportation engineering. Addis Ababa - Adama Expressway having a 78 km length was
taken for traffic analysis. The Expressway have five segments (i.e. five merging and diverging
ramps) having different traffic volume and segment length. The AADT on each segment are
computed on each direction (i.e. to Adama direction and to Addis Ababa direction) by taking
the traffic count data entered in to the expressway at the all-toll gates and exited the
expressway at the five toll gates. The AADT of the segments is calculated by adding the total
vehicle volume of each segment for a year divided by 365 days.
After data collection, the five-year traffic accident data are sorted in to homogenous category
and merged in to one excel file as per the dependent variables and influence factors. Then
after, the road geometric parameters data, from the as-built drawings has been linked with the
traffic accident location for each accident occurrence place to analyze the effect of road
geometry on the severity of accident. It was time consuming since this task is done manually.
After arranging the crash date and linked the road geometry parameters data, the descriptive
analysis will be done for each influencing variables. The influencing variables has two or
more sub variables and consequently the effect of 62 sub variables on fatality, serious injuries
and slight injuries are analyzed.
For statistical analysis model, STATA software and Excel were used. For the analysis, a
significance level of 5% were used. Among the different statistical analysis methods, logistic
regression analysis method was used for this study depending on the above variables or
factors. Ordered logistics regression model, multinomial logistic regression model and probit
ordered logistics regression model were selected for comparison and selection of goodness of
fit. The selection criteria depend and presents on Chapter 2 , Section 2.11.
A vehicle operating speed and 85th percentile speed is computed from the traffic flow database
collected from ETRE. The database includes the detail information of vehicles entering and
leaving the expressway. The data table mainly include the entry and exit plaza ID number,
traveled distance, entry time and exit time, and vehicle type, which provide important database
for computing the vehicles operating speed. The format of the traffic flow data is attached in
Appendix 4.
The freeway operating speed of the vehicles of each vehicle categories is calculated
by dividing the total traveled distance by the time duration to travel the distance. The distance
travelled is directly taken from the traffic flow data and the time duration is computed by
calculating the time difference between vehicle exit and entrance time.
Then after, to determine the 85th percentile speed, a frequency distribution table is prepared
for each type of vehicle category. The cumulative frequency is computed from lower to higher
speed and graph of number of vehicles verses speed is plotted to get the 85th percentile speed
of each vehicle type. Finally, the number of vehicles exceed the posted speed limit is computed
from the frequency distribution table.
Microsoft Excel was used for arranging data for statistical analysis, computation of AADT,
computation of operating speed and 85th percentile speed of vehicles and number of vehicles
exceed posted speed limits on the expressway.
4.1 Traffic flow and Traffic crash analysis on Addis Ababa – Adama
The Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise (ETRE) real time system recorded 24 hrs. traffic flow
data throughout the year. For this study, the last five years traffic flow and crash data from
July 2016 to June 2021 (from 2009 to 2013 E.C fiscal year of Ethiopia) were taken for
analysis. Based on the year, traffic flow for each segments and the yearly variations and trends
of crash rates of the expressway was analyzed.
Addis Abeba – Adama road being part of three import – export corridor (Djibouti, Mombasa
and Berbera) is the most heavily trafficked road in the country compared with all other trunk
roads radiating from Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa – Adama road consists of expressway six
lanes separated by median and the old two-lane road both accommodating significant volume
of traffic per day.
Traffic volume per day on the expressway has steadily increased from 18,600 in 2016/17 to
24506 in 2020/21. Currently Addis Ababa- Adama expressway alone carries about 25,000
vehicles per day. Table 4.1 shows the last five years AADT in Addis Ababa - Adama
Table 4-1: Traffic Flow on Addis Ababa- Adama Expressway on the last five year
Depending on the collected vehicle flows from ETRE, the number of traffic flows for the last
five years were increase from year to year. The average yearly changes in percentages of
vehicle flows was found to be 7.27%.
The traffic crash count data on the expressway shows a total of 1838 crashes has occurred
over the period 2016/17- 2020/21. Annual distribution of the traffic crash ranges from 302 in
2016/17 to 444 in 2018/19, with average annual number of crashes being 368. The annual
average number of crash shows traffic crash occurred almost every day on the Addis Ababa –
Adama Expressway and this could be considered high.
The number of traffic crash has increased from crash count of 302 in the year 2016/17 to
2017/18 and from year 2018/19 to 2020/21 reached maximum crash count of 444 in 2020/21.
The crash data shows the crash count in 2018/19 was declined which was registered only 260
crash occurred. However, the crash count rises in 2019/20 and 2020/21. Table 4.2 shows the
traffic crash, fatality, serious injury, light injury and property damage only (PDo) data for the
last five years in Addis Ababa - Adama expressway.
Table 4-2: Traffic crash count and severity on the study area for last five year.
No. of human injury
Total no. of Property
Year Fatal Serious Slight
crash damage
injury injury injury
2016/17 302 19 33 75 246
2017/18 390 27 70 140 307
2018/19 260 24 79 178 152
2019/20 442 12 34 143 345
2020/21 444 16 52 164 334
Sum 1838 98 268 700 1384
The relationship between number of traffic per year and number of traffic crash per year on
Addis Ababa- Adama expressway is increasing except in the year 2018/19 which is the lowest
traffic crash occurred in the last five year.
In theory, the number of traffic crash increases as the number of vehicles on the road increases.
In other words, as a greater number of vehicles enter into a road, the probability of occurrence
of vehicle crash also increases.
In the case of Addis Ababa – Adama Expressway, the number of traffic per year on the
expressway increased from 6,788,741 in 2016/17 to 8,944,353 in 2020/21, representing 7.27%
increase over five years period. The number of traffic crash per year on the expressway
increased from 302 in 2016/17 to 444 in 2020/21, representing 16.56% increase over five
years period which supports the theory. Fig 4.1 shows the relation between traffic flow and
number of traffic crash of the last five year of the Addis Ababa- Adama Expressway.
30,000 500
20,000 350
AADT (No.)
15,000 AADT
5,000 100
Figure 4.1: Total No. of crashes and AADT of the Expressway for each year
Data collected from ETRE shows that a total of 1838 traffic crash occurred over the period
between 2016/17 and 2020/21 that resulted in a total of 1066 human injuries and 1384 property
damage only (PDo). From the total of 1066 human injuries, 98 (4.00 %) were fatalities, 268
(10.94 %) were serious injuries and 700 (28.57 %) were slight injuries.
From the total numbers of traffic accidents 43.51% of them caused human injury. The
occurrence of human injury from traffic accident is so high that attention has to be given to
address the problem. The average human injury was 213 which consist of 20 (9.19%) deaths,
54 (25.14%) serious injuries and 140 (64.67%) slight injuries. Table 4.2 shows fatality, serious
injury and slight injury on the expressway from the period 2016/17 to 2020/21.
Analysis of trend of fatalities from traffic accidents was not consistent over the years. Frequent
fluctuation in fatalities was recorded each year but the margin of fluctuation was very small.
As result of gradual change (i.e. neither significant increase nor significant decrease in number
of fatalities) was observed.
Likewise, the trend in serious injury showed fluctuation over the years was still gradual.
However, the trend in slight injuries showed frequent fluctuation by significant number over
the years. Accordingly, number of slight injuries sharply risen in 2018/19. Then, rapidly
decreased in 2019/20. Also, the number of slight injuries rapidly increased in both 2017/18
and 2018/19 then rapidly declined in 2019/20 and then slightly increased in 2020/21. Fig 4.2
shows the trend of severity of traffic crash of the last five year of the Addis Ababa- Adama
Fatal injury
250 Serious injury
Slight injury
No. of Injuries (No.)
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Figure 4.2: No. of Human Injury or severity for each year
The traffic volume on the road expressed as AADT is one of the most important parameters
in transportation engineering. To investigate the effect traffic volume on the severity of traffic
crash, the AADT of the road segments are computed. Depending on the description of
segments presented in chapter 1 section 1.2, the expressway is divided in to 5 segments having
different length based on the location of the toll plaza where the vehicles enter/exit the
The traffic volume on each segment and direction is computed from the traffic flow database
collected from ETRE. The AADT is calculated for the last five years by adding the total
vehicle volume travelled on each road segment for each year divided by 365 days. Finally, the
average AADT is computed for each segment on both directions.
Tuludimtu - Bishoftu North (14.24 km) is the first segment of the expressway for which
vehicles either destined to Adama and towns after Adama (through traffic) or leaves from the
expressway at some point to go to Dukem, Bishoftu, Modjo, Hawass and Moyale. The average
AADT on the 1st segment in the last five years have been 9072 which is the highest compared
with the Bishoftu north - Bishoftu south (16.9 km), Bishoftu south (S) - Modjo (18.3 km),
Modjo - Adama west (8.3 km) and Adama west - Adama - Awash junction (end of
expressway) (17.8 km) which are the 2nd. 3rd, 4th, and 5th segments of the expressway towards
Adama direction.
The size of average AADT on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th segments of the expressway depends on
the balance of number of vehicles leaving the expressway at exit points to go to other towns
and the number of vehicles entering in to the expressway at entry points. The size of average
AADT on the 2nd segment significantly diminishes to 6330 as compared with the 1st segment
as a greater number of vehicles left the expressway at Bishoftu (N) to go to Dukem than
number of vehicles entered in to the expressway at Bishoftu (N) entrance.
However, the size of average AADT on the 3rd segment was increased to 6759 as the number
of vehicles entered at Bishoftu (S) entry point exceeded the number of vehicles that left the at
the same exit point. The size of average AADT on the 4th segment substantially reduced to
5000 as the number of vehicles that left the Expressway at Modjo exceeded the number of
vehicles that enters in to the Expressway. Likewise, the size of AADT on the 5 th (the last)
segment substantially reduced to 3353 for significant number of vehicles left the Expressway
at Adama west. Table 4.3 shows the AADT on segments of expressway (Adama direction).
Data on traffic crashes recorded from ETRE on the five segments of the expressway for the
last five years shows on the average 57 traffic crashes occurred on the 1st and 3rd segments
each which is the highest as compared with the 2nd, 4th, and 5th segments. The highest number
of traffic accidents that occurred on the 1st and 3rd segments have been related to the highest
average AADT recorded on the 1st and 3rd segments as shown on table 4.3 and table 4.4.
Table 4-4: Traffic crash on segments along Addis Ababa - Adama direction
Year Average
Road section 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ traffic
17 18 19 20 21 crash
Tuludimtu - Bishoftu N. 1st 49 62 46 61 67 57
Bishoftu(N)–Bishoftu(S). 2nd 25 51 33 52 48 42
Bishoftu S.- Modjo 3rd 41 54 43 73 75 57
Modjo to Adama (W) 4th 19 24 18 29 27 23
Adama west to End 5th 15 36 15 30 25 24
Traffic accident record also shows, on the average 42 traffic accidents occurred on the 2nd
segment which has highest average AADT next to the 1st and 3rd segments. In addition, the 4th
and 5th segments have the least number of traffic accidents occurred which have also the
lowest average AADT in the last five years. The average traffic accident that occurred on the
4th and 5th segment is 23 and 24 respectively. Despite, the 5th segment having the lowest
average AADT (3353) compared with the average AADT of the 4th segment (5000), it has
equivalent number of traffic accidents to the 4th segment which shows relatively higher
number of traffic accident on the 5th segment is explained by reasons other than the volume
of traffic accident.
The descriptive statistics on severity of the traffic accidents shows that accidents that occurred
on the 2nd and 3rd segments of the expressway are the most severe. Average annual fatalities,
serious injuries and slight injuries that resulted from traffic accidents that occurred on the 2nd
and 3rd segments accounted for 68 % and 66 % respectively. Traffic accidents that occurred
on the 5th segment is the 2nd most severe. Accordingly, average annual number of deaths,
serious injuries and slight injuries accounted for 55 % for the 5th segment of the expressway.
Traffic accidents that occurred on the 1st and 4th segments of the expressway resulted in 47 %
and 44 % of human causalities (death, serious and light injuries) respectively.
Overall, severity of traffic accidents that happened on all segments of expressway towards
Adama direction is 56 % which can be regarded as high and worrying. Hence, the causes of
high severity of traffic accidents that occurred on all segments are objectively investigated in
this study. Table 4.5 shows the severity of traffic crash by segment in to Adama direction.
Table 4-5: Severity of crash by segments along Addis Ababa - Adama direction
Severity %
Avg. Severity
Segment Seg. Total Avg.
Serious Light Severity from
from __ to ___ No. Fatal Severity Crash
Injury Injury on each the total
seg. crash
Tuludimtu-Bishoftu (N) 1st 17 30 86 133 27 57 47%
Bishoftu(N)–Bishoftu(S) 2nd 14 29 99 142 28 42 68%
Bishoftu S.- Modjo 3rd 23 53 112 188 38 57 66%
Traffic flow on the five segments of the expressway follow the same pattern as the pattern to
Addis Ababa - Adama direction. Accordingly, the average AADT on Tuludimtu -
Bishoftu(N), the first segment, is recorded to be 8630, which is the highest of all other
segments towards Addis Ababa. Whereas, the average AADT on Tuludimtu - Bishoftu (N)
segment towards Addis Ababa is lower than the average AADT on the same segment towards
Adama direction.
The average AADT on Bishoftu (N) - Bishoftu (S), the second segment towards Addis Ababa,
significantly diminished to 5745 and it is lower than the average AADT on the same segment
towards Adama. The third segment on Bishoftu (S) - Modjo have average AADT to be 6148
and it is lower than the average AADT on the same segment towards Adama.
The average AADT of the fourth segment, Modjo - Adama west, and the fifth segment Adama
west - end of the expressway successively decline to 4866 and 2992 respectively. The average
AADT on the fourth segment towards Addis Ababa is lower than average AADT on the same
segment towards Adama. Also, the average AADT on the fifth segment towards Addis Ababa
is lower than the average AADT on the same segment towards Adama.
The average annual traffic accident on Tuludimtu - Bishoftu (N) towards Addis Ababa is 68
and it is higher than average annual traffic accidents on the same segment towards Adama
direction, which is 57. Whereas, the average annual traffic accident on Bishoftu (N) - Bishoftu
(S), Bishoftu (S) - Modjo, Modjo - Adama west and Adama west - end towards Addis Ababa
is lower than average annual traffic accident on the same segment towards Adama direction
of the expressway.
Table 4-7:- Number of traffic crash on segments along Addis Ababa - Adama direction
Year Average
Road section 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ traffic
17 18 19 20 21 crash
Tuludimtu - Bishoftu N. 1st 64 78 41 74 81 68
Bishoftu(N)–Bishoftu(S). 2nd 34 46 28 49 36 39
Bishoftu S.- Modjo 3rd 41 26 24 35 44 34
Modjo to Adama (W) 4th 12 8 4 17 14 11
Adama west to End 5th 2 6 8 22 27 13
Traffic accidents that occurred on the 3rd and 5th segments in Addis Ababa direction are the
most sever. Average annual fatalities, serious injuries and slight injuries that resulted from
traffic accidents that occurred on 5th segment in Addis Ababa direction is the highest
accounting for 80 % followed by the 3rd segment which accounts for 78.24 %. The average
annual fatalities, serious injuries and slight injury that occurred on the 1st, 2nd and 4th segments
in Addis Ababa direction accounts for 52.4 %, 53.4 % and 36.4 % respectively. Table 4.9
shows severity of traffic accidents to Addis Ababa direction.
Table 4-8:- Severity of crash by segments along Adama - Addis Ababa direction
Severity %
Avg. Severity
Segment Seg. Total Avg.
Serious Light Severity from
from __ to ___ No. Fatal Severity Crash
Injury Injury on each the total
seg. crash
Tuludimtu - Bishoftu N. 1 12 49 116 177 35 68 52.37%
Bishoftu(N)–Bishoftu(S). 2nd 9 32 62 103 21 39 53.37%
Bishoftu S.- Modjo 3rd 10 30 93 133 27 34 78.24%
Modjo to Adama (W) 4th 1 4 15 20 4 11 36.36%
Adama west to End 5th 3 11 38 52 10 13 80.00%
Sub Total 35 126 324 485
Overall, the average traffic accident on the segments towards Addis Ababa is lower than the
traffic accident occurred towards Adama direction. Table 4.9 shows the summary of the five
years average AADT and average traffic crashes on each segment to Adama direction and to
Addis Ababa direction.
Table 4-9:- Summary of Average AADT and average traffic crash to Adama direction and to
Addis Ababa direction
From the table 4.9, we can conclude that as the AADT increases, the possibility of the
occurrence of the traffic crash is increases.
Each main variables has two or more sub variables and consequently the effect of 62 sub
variables on fatality, serious injuries and slight injuries are analyzed. The magnitude of
contribution of each of the eighteen independent variables (main variables) disaggregated in
to two or more sub variables on human injury is analyzed considering fatalities. serious
injuries, and slight injuries each as dependent variable at a time.
The results of the descriptive statistics of the variables used in the analysis of the traffic
crashes is presented in Appendix 6. The descriptive statistics analysis table shows the
distribution of crashes during the last five-year depending on independent variables or
influence factors with their roadway or environment, vehicle factors and human factors
associated places with their accident severity. The percentage of the fatality, serious injuries,
slight injuries and property damage only (PDo) crashes observed across each category of the
independent variables are also summarized.
The traffic crash frequency and severity of crash with influencing factors are discussed below.
Traffic crash severity for the whole section of the expressway (i.e. on the main line and at the
toll plaza which includes approaches to toll plaza, the entrance and exit to toll plazas) was
assessed by the crash data collected from ETRE and the road geometry data collected from
ERA. While looking at the severity level of the crash, majority of the crash occurred on the
expressway which results 85.7 % of the fatal, 87.7 % of the serious injuries and 82.9 % of the
slight injuries occurred in the main line of the expressway. While, at the toll plaza, the severity
in fatal, serious and slight was 14.3 %, 12.3 % and 17.1 % respectively. Table 4.10 shows the
result of the descriptive statistics on the accident occurrence place.
Table 4-10: Crash frequency and Severity of crash on places of the expressway
Independent variables Fatal Serious injury Light injury
Accident Occurrence Place No. % No. % No. %
• Toll plaza 14 14.3 33 12.3 120 17.1
• Main line 84 85.7 235 87.7 580 82.9
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0
The traffic accident crashes at the main line of the expressway increased due various reasons
such as over speeding, driver’s negligence, vehicles technical problem. To summarize, 84 %
of the traffic crash and severity is occurred on the mainline of the expressway whereas the
remaining 14% occurred at the toll plaza area (Appendix 6). This result is consistent with
(Mengyuan Z.,2016) study on Freeway Interchange Crash Characteristics and Influence Areas
in which the researcher evaluates the crash frequency on freeway segments, ramps and speed
change lanes resulting that the freeway (mainlines) were generated most crashes when
compared with ramps. However the result on the accident occurrence place is not consistent
with (Deme and Bari, 2018) in their findings, the frequency of crashes was high at the toll
gates areas.
To evaluate the effect of the horizontal geometry on the traffic crash and severity of crash,
specially radiuses of horizontal curves of the expressway with the observed severity, the radius
of horizontal curves is categorized in to eight groups and used as a sub variable by taking the
ranges of radius of horizontal curves.
The results shows the severity of crashes is the highest in straight road sections and on curved
sections with large value of radiuses. According to the analysis result, 35.7 % and 33.7 % of
the fatality occurred on straight (tangent) sections (R = ∞) and on flatter curves having
horizontal radius in the range of 2600m to 6000m respectively. On sections of the expressway
with radius of horizontal curves between 1501 - 2600 m, 901 - 1500 m and 121 - 250 m the
fatality decreased to 16.3 %, 6.1 % and 7.1 % respectively. For relatively sharp curves with
radius of curves less than 120 m (which is located on the entrance /or exit to the toll plaza)
there is no fatality recorded during the study period. The descriptive statistics result presented
in Appendix 6.
Likewise, for serious injuries and slight injuries, the crash severities are high on straight
sections and gentle curves (radius between 2601 - 6000 m) with a percentage of 28.4 %, 36.9%
for serious injuries and 39.6 % and 35.9 % for slight injuries, respectively.
From the recorded traffic accidents, severity increases at the straight (tangent) section or at
the larger horizontal curve radiuses. Figure 4.3 shows the severity of traffic crash with respect
to the horizontal road geometry of the Addis Ababa - Adama expressway. This result is
consistent with (Yoseph A. 2021) a study on Investigation of the Causes of Road Traffic
Crashes and Remedial Measures on Debre Markos – Bahirdar Road, in which his findings
stated that the crash occurred on straight and level section is 71 percent. Glennon et al. (1985)
also pointed out that accident rates can be increased by greater curve radii and they concluded
that the safety of road would decline when the radius of road curve is above 400 m. On the
other hand, the result is not consistent with other studies. Because, in other studies traffic
crashes are high when the radius is small while having large radius the effect is negligible on
accidents frequency and severity (Simpson and Kerman, 1982; Glennon, 1987; Aram, 2010;
Islam et al, 2019).
Severity (no.) 700
R= ∞
R: R: R: R: R: R:
R: 901m (Straigh
40m- 61m- 121m- 251m- 1501– 2600m -
1500m t
60m 120m 250m 900m 2600 m 6000m
Fatal 0 0 7 1 6 16 33 35
Serious Injury 6 1 17 4 19 46 99 76
Light Injury 9 4 62 18 59 90 251 207
PDO 15 42 75 58 125 236 431 402
Total 30 47 161 81 209 388 814 720
Raduis of curves
Likewise the radius of curves, the descriptive statistics result on the traffic crash and severity
of crash is evaluated on the cross sectional transversal slope of the expressway for normal
crown (NC), and super elevated (SE) section. The analysis result shows 71.4 % of fatalities
occurred on the normal crown (NC) sections, whereas the remaining 28.6 % of the fatalities
occurred on the super elevated (SE) section of with different values of super elevation
depending on the radius of horizontal curves. Similarly, for serious injuries and slight injuries,
the crash severities are high on normal crown (NC) sections with a percentage of 67.2 %,
67.9%, respectively. From the result, severity is higher at normal crown (NC), transversal
slope and this is consistent with the severity of crash on straight sections and curves with large
radius discussed above in the radius of curves. Table 4.11 shows the result of the descriptive
analyses on the cross sectional transversal slope of the road.
Table 4-11: Severity of traffic crash due to transversal slope of the road
Cross sectional / transverse Serious Light PDo
slope injury injury
No % No. % No. % No. %
• Super elevated (SE) 28 28.6 88 32.8 225 32.1 506 36.6
• Normal Crown (NC) 70 71.4 180 67.2 475 67.9 878 63.4
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0
The severity of the crash on the longitudinal gradient has analyzed to understand the
association of the vertical geometry of the expressway with the observed severity. The
longitudinal grades are categorized in to three groups and used as a sub variable. The three
ranges of grades are from grades 0 - 3 %, 3 - 5 % and grades greater than 5 %.
The descriptive statistics result shows that the severity of crashes on vertical grades in the
range of vertical grades from 0 - 3 % and from 3 - 5 % is high percentage with 63.3 %, 29.6
% cases for fatal injury; 67.9 %, 24.6 % cases for serious injury; 73.9 %, 18.7 % cases for
slight injury respectively. According to (Glennon et al, 1987; Hedman, 1990) studies results
that road having grade section have a higher road accident rates than level sections. As a result,
increase in road gradient can increase accident rates which is not consistent with the Addis
Ababa – Adama expressway road result. The descriptive statistics result presented in
Appendix 6. The figure 4.4 shows the severity of crashes due to the vertical grade of the
Figure 4.4: Severity of crashes due to the vertical grade of the expressway
The descriptive statistics results of the effect of road gradient direction on crash frequency
and severity shows that, the traffic crash at the road gradient direction for upgrade, downgrade
has 54 %, 44 % cases for fatal injury; 52 %, 46 % cases for serious injury; 46 %, 51 % cases
for slight injury and 54.9%, 41.7% for property damage only (PDo) respectively. The
cumulative result shows that about 52.4% of the crash occurred on downgrade direction
whereas the crash occurred on upgrade direction and level grades are 47.7% and 2.9%
respectively. This result is consistent with (Glennon et al, 1987) which results downgrade
roads have more potential accident rates than upgrade roads.
To evaluate the combined effect of horizontal geometry and vertical alignments, the effect of
sharp curves and steep gradient of the expressway is analyzed with an independent variable
of radius of curves less than 200m and gradients greater than 4 % (i.e. R<200 m and G>4 %).
The descriptive statistics result shows that out of the total of 98 fatalities, 7 (7 %) fatalities
were occurred in this section, whereas serious and slight injuries are 8.6 % and 10.1 %
MSc. Thesis Page 51
Exploring the causes of Traffic Crash and Injury severity on Addis Ababa - Adama Expressway
respectively. From the analysis result, the combined effect of the relatively sharp radius of
curve and steep gradient (R<200 and G>4 %) is less when compared with straight road
sections and gentle vertical gradient.
Traffic crash severity on the days of the week show that the severity of the traffic crash is high
on weekday than weekends. The descriptive statistics result shows that the percent share of
the severity on weekdays, and weekends has 61.2 %, 38.8 % cases for fatal injury; 61.2 %,
38.8 % cases for serious injury; 66.6 %, 33.4 % cases for slight injury and 70.9 %, 29.1 %
cases for PDo respectively. Table 4.12 shows that the frequency of crash and severity on
weekdays and weekends.
The frequency of Traffic crash and severity due to accident involved vehicle types are
evaluated for light vehicles, medium vehicles and large vehicles. The descriptive statistics
result shows that light vehicle has the highest contribution on the occurrence of the traffic
crash and severity. From the total casualty, 58.9% of caused by light vehicle. Whereas,
medium and large vehicles are 21.6 % and 19.5 % respectively almost similar contribution on
the causalities of the severity on the expressway. Figure 4.5 and 4.6 show percent share of
vehicle type on the occurrence of traffic crash and severity of crashes by vehicle types
21.6% 58.9%
Light vehicles
Medium Vehicle
Large Vehicle
Severity (no.)
Light vehicles Medium Vehicle Large Vehicle
Fatal 65 25 8
Serious Injury 189 55 24
Light Injury 465 157 78
PDO 725 292 367
Total 1444 529 477
Accident involved Vehicle Type
The analysis result also shows that the majority of fatality is occurred due to light vehicle
which is 66.3 %. whereas, the fatality due to medium and large vehicles are 25.5 % and 8.2 %
respectively. For serious and slight injuries, the light vehicle, medium vehicle and large
vehicles have a contribution for 70.5 %, 20.5 %, and 9 % for serious injuries; and 66.4 %,
22.4 %, and 11.1 % for slight injuries respectively. Figure 4.6 shows the severity of crash
based on the vehicle type.
The causes of crash on the expressway reported from traffic police to ETRE was due to
speeding, driver error (negligence, driving under influence), vehicle technical problem (brake
problem, steering problem, tyre problem) have 34 %, 30 %, and 23 % for fatality; 34 %, 29
%, and 21 % for serious injuries and 22 %, 26 %, and 35 % for slight injury respectively. The
result indicates that speeding, vehicles technical problem, drivers’ error and others (the cause
is not recorded) have higher contribution for higher crash severity on the expressway.
Frequency of severity (No)
Technic Drunke Animal Wet
Speedin Deprive Driver
al n Intrusio Surfaci Others
g and Error
Proble driving n ng
Fatal 23 33 0 0 4 29 0 9
Serious Injury 55 91 0 0 11 79 0 32
Light Injury 248 154 1 0 40 184 0 73
PDO 468 195 1 6 56 392 2 264
Total 794 473 2 6 111 684 2 378
Cause of Crash
Traffic crash with number of vehicles involved by single vehicles and two vehicles was 68 %,
31 % for fatality cases; 69 %, 29 % for serious injury cases; 73 %, 25 % for Slight injury
cases; 84 %, 14 % for PDo respectively. Hence, the expressway freeway highway, crash is
more dominant by single vehicles crash. The descriptive statistics result is presented in
Appendix 6. Figure 4.8 shows the severity of crashes by number of vehicle.
Severity (no.)
Single Vehicle Two Vehicle Multiple Vehicle
Fatal 67 30 1
Serious Injury 184 78 6
Light Injury 508 173 19
PDO 1169 196 19
Total 1928 477 45
Number of Vehicles involved
Traffic crash and severity is high travelling to Adama direction in all severity cases of fatal,
serious injury and slight injuries. The descriptive statistics (Appendix 6) shows that 64.3 % of
fatality occurred in the Adama direction, whereas serious injury and slight injuries have
similar percentages of severity which is about 53%. To Addis Ababa direction severity of
crashes are 36 % , 47 % and 46 % cases for fatal injury, serious injury and slight injury
respectively. The result shows the effect of the travel direction on the severity of traffic crash
is higher towards Adama direction than to Addis Ababa direction. Figure 4.9 shows the
severity of the traffic crash in Adama direction and Addis Ababa direction.
Severity (No.)
To Adama To A.A
Fatal 63 35
Serious Injury 142 126
Light Injury 376 324
PDO 777 607
Total 1358 1092
Vehicle Travel Direction
Figure 4.9: Severity of the traffic crash in to Adama direction and Addis- Ababa direction of
the expressway
Traffic crash occurrence time for day time, and night time has 79 %, 21 % cases for fatal
injury; 84 %, 16 % cases for serious injury; 76%, 24% cases for slight injury; 69 %, 31 %
cases for PDo respectively. The descriptive statistics result (Appendix 6) shows that the crash
severity is high during day time. This is due to the high volume of traffic travelled during day
time and over speeding of the drivers while driving in day time rather than driving night time.
Table 4.13 presents the severity of crash due to accident occurrence time, road surface
condition, weather condition and light condition.
Traffic crash due to road surface condition on dry, wet has 76.5 %, 23.5 % cases for fatal
crashes; 87.7 %, 12.3 % cases for serious injury; 89.6%, 10.4 % cases for slight injury; 82 %,
18 % cases for PDo respectively. From the total casualty, 84.6% of the crash occurred on dry
surface condition. Table 4.13 presents the severity of crash due to road surface condition.
Traffic crash due to weather condition for normal (sunny), windy/cloudy/ rainy has 59.2 %,
35.7 % cases for fatal injury; 65.7 %, 32.5 % cases for serious injury; 66.1 %, 32.4 % cases
for slight injury; 53.1 %, 44.6 % cases for PDo respectively. The result shows the crash
frequency and severity is high in good weather condition. This may be the effect of over
speeding and drivers error while driving in good weather condition rather than driving on bad
weather condition. Table 4.13 presents the severity of crash due to weather condition.
Likewise, the accident occurrence time, traffic crash and severity is high during day time with
natural sunlight condition. The effect of traffic crash and severity due to lighting condition for
sun light, night with street light and without street light has 79 %, 21 % cases for fatal injury;
83 %, 17 % cases for serious injury; 75 %, 25 % cases for light injury; 68 %, 32 % cases for
PDo respectively. Traffic crash due to occurrence time and lighting condition have nearly
equal. Table 4.13 presents the severity of crash due to light condition.
Table 4-13: Results of descriptive statistics due to Accident occurrence time, road surface,
weather and light condition
Variables Fatal Serious Injury Light Injury PDO
Accident Occurrence Time No. % No. % No. % No. %
• Day time 77 78.6% 224 83.6% 532 76.0% 954 68.9%
• Night time 21 21.4% 44 16.4% 168 24.0% 430 31.1%
Road Surface Condition
• Dry 75 76.5% 235 87.7% 627 89.6% 1135 82.0%
• Wet 23 23.5% 33 12.3% 73 10.4% 249 18.0%
Weather Condition
• sunny, Normal 58 59.2% 176 65.7% 463 66.1% 735 53.1%
• Windy/Cloudy/Rainy 35 35.7% 87 32.5% 227 32.4% 631 45.6%
• Unidentified 5 5.1% 5 1.9% 10 1.4% 18 1.3%
Light Condition
• Sun light 77 78.6% 222 82.8% 523 74.7% 939 67.8%
• Night with Street Light 1 1.0% 4 1.5% 19 2.7% 81 5.9%
• Night without Light 20 20.4% 42 15.7% 158 22.6% 364 26.3%
wet has 76.5 %, 23.5 % cases for fatal crashes; 87.7 %, 12.3 % cases for serious injury; 89.6%,
10.4 % cases for slight injury; 82 %, 18 % cases for PDo respectively. From the total casualty,
84.6% of the crash occurred on dry surface condition.
The major types of crash on the expressway were roll over, rear-end, crash with fixed objects,
and other crashes (crash type not recorded). The severity of the crash due to roll over, rear-
end , crash with fixed object and others constitutes 46 %, 23 %, 14 %, and 10 % for fatal
injury; 46 %, 23 %, 19 %, and 6 % for serious injury; 45 %, 17 %, 24 %, and 41 % for slight
injury; 26 %, 12 %, 24 %, and 17 % for PDo respectively. From the descriptive analysis result,
the percentage of roll over crash is higher for all severity cases followed by rear-end crash and
crashes with fixed object. Figure 4.10 shows the graph of the severity based on types of crash
on Addis Ababa- Adama expressway. The detailed descriptive analysis result is presented in
Appendix 6.
Severity (no)
Head Rear- Roll Side Side
Runoff (Fixed Others
Types of Crash On End over swipes Impact
Fatal 1 23 45 5 0 0 14 10
Serious Injury 10 61 123 6 0 1 50 17
Light Injury 13 119 315 24 6 3 166 54
PDO 10 160 362 21 10 13 568 240
Total 34 363 845 56 16 17 798 321
Figure 4.10:- Crash severity of Addis Ababa- Adama Expressway based on types of crash
From the total causality, 96.1% occurred by male drivers and only 1.8% occurred by female
drivers, the remaining 2.1% is unidentified gender. The result is due to number of male drivers
is higher than female drivers as per recorded accidents data from ETRE. In addition, by nature
males are more careless than females which leads driver’s negligence.
From the total causality, 43.1% of the crash severity occurred by drivers with age group of
31-50 yrs. The result also shows these age group has high contribution in all of the severity of
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Exploring the causes of Traffic Crash and Injury severity on Addis Ababa - Adama Expressway
crash. Next to age groups 31-50yrs, age group from 18-30yrs. contributes for 39.9% of crash
severity whereas age group above 51yrs has a contribution of only 4.8%.
Variables Fatal Injury Light Injury PDO
Gender of the driver No. % No. % No. % No. %
• Male 92 93.9% 247 92.2% 676 96.6% 1339 96.7%
• Female 1 1.0% 9 3.4% 14 2.0% 21 1.5%
• Un identified 5 5.1% 12 4.5% 10 1.4% 24 1.7%
Age of the driver
• 18-30 31 31.6% 80 29.9% 279 39.9% 587 42.4%
• 31-50 33 33.7% 106 39.6% 285 40.7% 632 45.7%
• >51 1 1.0% 12 4.5% 41 5.9% 64 4.6%
• Un identified 33 33.7% 70 26.1% 95 13.6% 101 7.3%
Besides the descriptive statistics analysis, empirical statistical analysis has been done by
STATA software to check whether these independent variables are significant influencing
factors on the crash severity or not. The dependent variables in this study are accident severity
levels of crashes categorized into four groups; namely fatal, serious injury, slight injury and
property damage only (PDo).
Likewise the descriptive statistics, the empirical statistics analysis of logistics regression was
consider a total of eighteen main variables, which are derived from the three main traffic
accident factors namely; human factors, vehicles factors and road environment factors. These
variables have influencing factor on the traffic crash severity. Each influencing variables has
two or more sub variables and consequently the effect of sixty two sub variables on fatality,
serious injuries and slight injuries are considered in the analysis.
Before the statistical analysis carried, the sixty-two independent variables are checked for
correlation test if there are multicollinearity among the independent variables. The correlation
test result showed that some of the independent variables such as main line, Normal crown
(NC), Vertical grade >5 %, upgrade direction, weekends, large vehicle, night time, others,
multiple vehicle, To Addis Ababa direction (AA), wet surface condition, unidentified, night
without light, others are collinear with other independent variables. Therefore, from the sixty
two independent variables, twenty-five variables are excluded from further consideration due
to multicollinearity.
Three statistical analysis models namely; Ordered logistics regression model, Ordered Probit
regression model and multinomial logistic regression (MNL) model were selected for
comparison and selection of goodness of fit of the model. To select best model, Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for each model are
compared and the model with the smallest AIC and minimum BIC value of is selected for
statistical analysis. Table 4.15 shows the comparison of the AIC and BIC for the three models.
Table 4-15: Results of Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information
criterion (BIC)
Model Obs ll(null) ll(model) df AIC BIC
Ordered logit 2450 -2575.846 -2292.822 41 4667.643 4905.601
Multinomial Logit 2450 -2575.846 -2229.805 117 4693.609 5372.659
Ordered probit regression 2450 -2575.846 -2300.173 41 4682.346 4920.303
Note: N = Obs used in calculating BIC
The AIC and BIC result of each statistical model shows that the ordered logistic regression
model has smaller AIC and minimum BIC when compared with the ordered probilt regression
model and multinomial logistic regression model. Therefore, ordered logistic regression
model is selected for this study.
Accordingly, the remaining thirty seven independent variables are analyzed by the Ordered
logistic regression model. The result of the regression analysis is shown in the table 4.16.
The result of the statistical analysis using ordered logistics model shows that, among the thirty
seven independent variables, seventeen independent variables are statistically significant.
These independent variables have significance influence on accident severity with p-value of
<0.05 with 95 % Confidence Interval (CI-95%). The independent variables which have
significant influencing factors on the accident severity are;
• From the radius of horizontal curve, radius of horizontal curve in the range from 61m
- 120m, and from 251m - 900 m are statistically significant with a p-value of 0.000
and 0.002 respectively. These radius ranges have significant influences on the crash
severity of crashes.
• From road gradient direction, level grade (0%) and down grade are statistically
significant with p-value of 0.032 and 0.006 respectively. The level grade and down
slope grades have significant influence on the severity of crash on the expressway.
• From day of the week, weekdays is statistically significant with p-value of 0.006.
• From accident-involved vehicle type: light vehicles and medium vehicles are highly
significant influence on the crash severity with p-value of 0.000 for both vehicle types.
• Among the eight variables on the causes of crash, four of the cause of crash are
statistically significant with p-value < 0.05. These are vehicle technical problem,
speeding, sleep deprivation and driver error which have significant influence on the
severity of traffic crash with p-value of 0.004, 0.00 , 0.00 and 0.002 respectively.
• From type of crash; head on collision, rear-end collision, rollover and sideswipes
collision are high significant influence on the crash severity with p-value of 0.001,
0.00, 0.00 and 0.013 respectively.
• Driver age 18-30 (yrs.) and 31-50 yrs. are significant influencing factor on the severity
of crash on the expressway with p-value of 0.000.
The speed of vehicles has a significant role in the roadway safety. The risk of being involved
in a crash, as well as the severity of the outcome, could be affected by the speed of the moving
vehicle. The 85th percentile speed is a standard to set the speed limit at a safe speed,
minimizing crashes and promoting uniform traffic flow along a corridor.
To identify the number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit of the expressway, the 85th
percentile speed of the vehicles is computed for the three types of vehicles travelling on the
expressway from the traffic flow database taken from ETRE. The analysis is carried out on a
sample of traffic flow data taken from January 1, 2021 to January 7, 2021 (7 days), amounting
199,314 number of vehicles is considered for 85th percentile speed analysis.
The result of the analysis for light vehicles, medium vehicles and large vehicles are presented
as follows.
No. of vehicles
operating speed (km/hr)
90% 85th percentile speed
No. of vehicles percentile
No. of vehicle (medium)
Operating speed (km/hr)
90% 85th precentile speed
Vehicle count percentile
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340
Operating speed (km/hr)
Operating speed (km/hr)
90% 85th percentile speed
count percentile
Large vehicle
The analysis results show that the 85th percentile speeds of light, medium and large vehicles
on the expressway are 120 km/hr., 115 km/hr. and 89 km/hr. respectively and these speeds are
safe speed limit.
From the total sample 122420 (61.4 %) are light vehicle consisting of small automobiles,
pickup and mini buses, 67739 (33 %) are medium vehicles consists of medium buses, Isuzu
and medium trucks 9155 (4.5 %) are large vehicles consisting of heavy trucks & trailers.
The 85th percentile speed analysis shows 104071 (85 %) of light vehicles travelled at and
below 120 km/hr., 57587 (85 %) of medium vehicles that are travelling at and below 115
km/hr. and 7787 (85 %) of large vehicles travelled at 89 km/hr. which are safe speed on the
The 85th percentile analysis of speed also shows that 18349 (15 %) of light vehicles travelled
above 120 km/hr., 10161 (15 %) of medium vehicles travelled 115 km/hr and 1373 (15 %) of
large vehicles travelled above 89 km/hr.
Table 4-20: No. of vehicle exceed 85th percentile speed (within seven days)
Computed % of
No. of 85th No. of vehicles Vehicle
No. Vehicle Type sampled percentile (exceed 85th exceed 85th
vehicle speed percentile speed) percentile
(km/hr.) speed
1 Light vehicle 122,420.00 120 18,349.00 14.99
2 Medium vehicle 67,740.00 115 10,161.00 15.00
3 Large vehicle 9,155.00 89 1,373.00 15.00
Total 199,315.00 29,883.00
Average daily number of vehicles that are travelling at, below and above the 85th percentile
speed is computed from seven days samples of vehicles by dividing the total week samples
by seven.
Table 4-21: No. of vehicle exceed 85th percentile speed (daily average)
According to the computation, on the average a total of 28474 (85 %) of all types of vehicles
travelled at and below their respective 85th percentile speed per day whereas a total of 4269
(15 %) of vehicles of all types travelled above their respective 85th percentile speed.
Vehicle travelling speed is the core of traffic safety and they have inverse relationship each
other. As the speeding increases the traffic safety becomes in questions. Speeding is not only
increase traffic accident but also increases accident severity.
According to the reports (WHO, 2018), the majority of accident in the world is directly or
indirectly linked to speed. As per the report, speed is the essential contributor factor for 30%
fatal accident. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2002 ) also reports that 32%
of all fatal crashes were related to speeding, that is, exceeding the posted speed limit or
traveling too fast for the existing condition.
World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) also reports on News Alert, excessive speed is the
core of the road traffic injury problem, with 1 in 3 deaths on the roads in high-income countries
attributed to speed. It is estimated that 40-50% of people drive above the speed limit, with
every 1 km/h increase in speed resulting in a 4-5% increase in fatal crashes. The risk of death
and injury reduces considerably when speeds are lowered.
5.1 Conclusions
The objective of the study is to explore the causes of traffic crash and severity on Addis Ababa
– Adama expressway. For the study, the last five years traffic flow and traffic crash data taken
(i.e. from July 8/2016 to July 7, 2021) to investigate the major contribution on the cause of
crash and severity. During the last five years of the study period, on the average, one traffic
accident occurred on the expressway every day. Not only frequency of traffic accident on the
expressway is highest but also severity of accidents is also highest in the last five years.
All potential factors that may have contribution to the highest severity of traffic accidents on
the expressway are analyzed through descriptive statistics and empirical statistics analysis by
ordered logistic regression model. Moreover, operating speed of vehicles on the expressway
are computed to evaluate the 85th percentile speed of each type of vehicle category to compare
with the posted speed limit.
According to the analysis of traffic flow in terms of AADT and crash frequency on the five
segments of the expressway, driving on the expressway to Adama direction has greater
contribution to fatality, serious injury and light injury than driving on the expressway in to
Addis Ababa direction. Which could be explained by higher volumes of traffic per day, higher
number of accidents and downslope grades of the expressway in to Adama direction.
Both, the descriptive statistics and empirical statistics analysis consistently revealed that
among the three main traffic safety factors; namely human factors, vehicle factors and
road/environment factors, the vehicle factors and human factors have major contribution to
the highest severity of traffic accidents on the Addis Ababa – Adama Expressway.
The road/ environment factors is not the major cause of the traffic crash and severity, since
majority of the traffic crash and high severity is occurred in better road way/environment
condition having good horizontal and vertical geometry, in the main line of the expressway,
during day time having natural sun light, on dry surface, and good/ normal weather condition.
The human factors and vehicle factors which are the major contribution to traffic crash and
high severity are
• Crashes due to drivers error, over speeding, sleep deprivation and fatigue have high
contribution to traffic crash and severity. The analysis of speed of the vehicles result
shows that, on average daily 4,269 number of vehicles exceeded the posted speed limit.
Over speeding reduces a driver’s ability to steer safely around curves or objects in the
roadway, extends the distance necessary to stop a vehicle, and increases the distance
a vehicle travels while a driver reacts to a dangerous situation. The speed analysis
results shows that, light vehicle drivers are the major violators of speed limit followed
by driver of medium and large vehicles.
• According to the analysis, the vehicle factors which consists of vehicles technical
problems, (like brake failure, steering problem, suspension problems and tire
blowouts) have significant contribution to the highest severity of traffic accidents.
Among the three types of vehicles category operating on the expressway, light vehicles
(Automobile, Pickup 4W Drives and Minibus) and medium vehicles ( Isuzu, Mid bus
and Medium Bus) have major contribution to highest severity. Traffic crash with
single number of vehicle have highest contribution to severity in the crash.
• Roll over crash, Rear - end crash and crash with fixed objects also have the major
cause of high severity of crashes. These also related to over speeding, driver error and
vehicle technical problems.
• Contribution male drivers (96.1%) to the occurrence of traffic crash and severity
(fatality, serious injury and slight injury) is the highest as there are much more male
drivers on the expressway who are travelling for work, businesses, leisure,
administrative matters. This shows that male drivers are more likely to involve in risky
driving behaviors than their female counterparts.
• Drivers in the age group between 18-50yr. have major contribution to fatality, serious
injury and slight injury.
• The other variables that have major contribution to fatality, serious injury and slight
injury are identified as, down slope grade, driving on weekdays, day time and dry
5.2 Recommendations
Based on the detailed exploration on the causes of traffic crash and severity, contribution of
the human factors and vehicle factors are the highest. On the basis of these findings, the
following recommendations are proposed .
• Overspending is the major causes of traffic crash and severity on Addis Ababa -Adama
expressway. The study result reveal significant number of crashes occurred in the main
line of the expressway. To curb this problem, Ethiopian Toll Road Enterprise (ETRA)
shall install speed monitoring radar on selected location on the mainline of the
expressway. Besides these, the enterprise shall implement speed control mechanism at
the toll plazas exit point to check whether the driver is obeying the speed limit of the
expressway or not. For driver who violets the speed limit, traffic punishment shall be
• The other major causes of traffic crash is vehicles technical problem. Awareness shall
be given to drivers to carryout regular inspection on their vehicles if there are any
vehicle technical problem with the steering, suspension or transmission, tyre
condition. Because these technical problems can cause a loss of control over the
vehicle specially while driving on freeway speed and causes sever crashes.
• The study result reveals that the traffic volume on the expressway is increasing from
year to year. It is natural to expect traffic crash to increase when the volume of traffic
travelling at free flow speed increases on the expressway. Therefore, it is essential to
check the speed limit and revise the free flow speed limit on the expressway as the
volume of traffic increase by significant number over time.
• Regarding the quality of crash data, Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise (ETRE) shall
record all the necessary data on the data sheet format to provide full information of
crash data.
• Moreover, the data on severity of traffic crash ( i.e. data on fatal, serious injury and
slight injury) shall be updated by creating link among the stakeholders (i.e. the traffic
police, hospitals and the safety section of Ethiopian Toll Road Enterprise (ETRE) ) by
giving follow up on the condition of the victims during hospitalization. These gives
realistic record on the severity of traffic crash occurred on the expressway.
Research on impact of expressways on traffic safety needs to be given attention as this impact
could be seen in few years while other impacts needs more years to be seen in full magnitude.
We do not know the impact of expressway on traffic safety compared with conventional
So, I suggest research on the impact of expressways on traffic safety to be conducted in order
to determine if traffic accidents and severity on expressways increased or decreased compared
with adjacent conventional highway.
The outcome of this suggested research is useful to make decision regarding development and
use of expressways.
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Classification parameters
Vehicle’s III - IV -
category I - Axle II - Tire Height of Axle
description of Remarks
number number vehicles distance
head (m) (m)
At the same
time to satisfy
the parameters
V-1 2 4 <1.3 <2.4 cars, Jeep,
I, II, and III or
Land rover,
IV in any
taxi, pick up
At the same
time to satisfy
V-2 2 4 ≥1.3 ≥2.4 Minibus the parameters
I, II, III and IV
Medium bus
V-3 2 6 - -
Big size bus
V-4 3 - - -
Medium truck
Heavy truck
V-5 4 - - -
Heavy truck
V-6 5 - - -
Heavy truck
V-7 ≥6 - - -
Form 1 of 3
Form 2 of 3
Form 3 of 3
Exit Entrance
Veh. Type
Exit Plaza_ID Occur Date Occur Time ENT_Plaza ID Occur Date Occur Time
1 Accident Occurrence Toll Plaza At Toll Plaza, approaching to the entrance or the exit of toll plaza
Place Interior of the Expressway other than the toll plaza, approach to
Main Line
entrance and exit of toll plaza
2 Radius of Horizontal R : 40m-60m Radius of horizontal curves in between 40m and 60m
Curve (m) R : 61m-120m Radius of horizontal curves in between 61 and 120m
R: 121m-250m Radius of horizontal curves in between 121m and 250m
R: 251m-900m Radius of horizontal curves in between 251m and 900m
R: 901m 1500m Radius of horizontal curves in between 901m and 1500m
R: 1501–2600 m Radius of horizontal curves in between 1501m and 2600m
R: 2600m -6000m Radius of horizontal curves in between 2601m and 6000m
R= ∞(Straight Section) Tangent (Straight Section)
3 Cross sectional SE Super elevated cross section
transverse slope NC Normal Crown Cross section
4 Longitudinal Slope G : 0% - 3% Vertical grade in between 0% - 3% (G< 3%)
(Grade) (%) G: 3% - 5% Vertical grade in between 3% - 5% (3<G<5%)
G: > 5% Vertical grade G> 5%
5 Road Gradient Level (0%) Level (0%)
direction Down Grade Descending elevation on traffic flow direction
Up grade Ascending elevation on traffic flow directions
6 Radius <200 with Radius of horizontal curve less than 200 and Gradient of vertical
grade>4% R<200 and G>4%
alignment greater than 4%
APPENDIX 6:-Analysis Results of Descriptive statistics of the crash data on independent variables
No. Main variables Sub variables Fatal Serious injury Light injury PDo Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 Accident Toll plaza 14 14.3 33 12.3 120 17.1 226 16.3 393 16.0
place Main line 84 85.7 235 87.7 580 82.9 1158 83.7 2057 84.0
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
2 Radius of R : 40m-60m 0 0.0 6 2.2 9 1.3 15 1.1 30 1.2
horizontal R : 61m-120m 0 0.0 1 0.4 4 0.6 42 3.0 47 1.9
curve (m) R: 121m-250m 7 7.1 17 6.3 62 8.9 75 5.4 161 6.6
R: 251m-900m 1 1.0 4 1.5 18 2.6 58 4.2 81 3.3
R: 901m 1500m 6 6.1 19 7.1 59 8.4 125 9.0 209 8.5
R: 1501–2600 m 16 16.3 46 17.2 90 12.9 236 17.1 388 15.8
R: 2600m -6000m 33 33.7 99 36.9 251 35.9 431 31.1 814 33.2
R= ∞(Straight
Section) 35 35.7 76 28.4 207 29.6 402 29.0 720 29.4
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
3 Cross sectional Super elevated (SE) 28 28.6 88 32.8 225 32.1 506 36.6 847 34.6
transverse slope Normal Crown (NC) 70 71.4 180 67.2 475 67.9 878 63.4 1603 65.4
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
4 Longitudinal G : 0% - 3% 62 63.3 182 67.9 516 73.7 1001 72.3 1761 71.9
slope (grade) G: 3% - 5% 29 29.6 66 24.6 131 18.7 315 22.8 541 22.1
(%) G: > 5% 7 7.1 20 7.5 53 7.6 68 4.9 148 6.0
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
5 Road gradient Level (0 %) 2 2.0 6 2.2 17 2.4 47 3.4 72 2.9
direction Down grade 43 43.9 122 45.5 358 51.1 760 54.9 1283 52.4
No. Main variables Sub variables Fatal Serious injury Light injury PDo Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up grade 53 54.1 140 52.2 325 46.4 577 41.7 1095 44.7
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
6 Radius <200
with grade>4% R<200m and G>4%
7 100.0 23 100.0 71 100.0 89 100.0 190
7 100.0 23 100.0 71 100.0 89 100.0 190
7 Day of the Weekends 38 38.8 104 38.8 234 33.4 403 29.1 779 31.8
week Weekdays 60 61.2 164 61.2 466 66.6 981 70.9 1671 68.2
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
8 Accident- Light vehicles 65 66.3 189 70.5 465 66.4 725 52.4 1444 58.9
involved Medium vehicle 25 25.5 55 20.5 157 22.4 292 21.1 529 21.6
vehicle type
Large vehicle 8 8.2 24 9.0 78 11.1 367 26.5 477 19.5
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
9 Accident Day time 77 78.6 224 83.6 532 76.0 954 68.9 1787 72.9
Time Night time 21 21.4 44 16.4 168 24.0 430 31.1 663 27.1
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
10 Causes of Vehicle technical
Crash problem 23 23.5 55 20.5 248 35.4 468 33.8 794 32.4
Speeding 33 33.7 91 34.0 154 22.0 195 14.1 473 19.3
Drunken driving 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.1 1 0.1 2 0.1
Animal intrusion 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 0.4 6 0.2
Sleep deprive and
fatigue 4 4.1 11 4.1 40 5.7 56 4.0 111 4.5
Driver error 29 29.6 79 29.5 184 26.3 392 28.3 684 27.9
Wet surfacing 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.1 2 0.1
No. Main variables Sub variables Fatal Serious injury Light injury PDo Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Others (cause not
mentioned) 9 9.2 32 11.9 73 10.4 264 19.1 378 15.4
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
11 Number of Single vehicle 67 68.4 184 68.7 508 72.6 1169 84.5 1928 78.7
Vehicles Two vehicles 30 30.6 78 29.1 173 24.7 196 14.2 477 19.5
Multiple vehicle 1 1.0 6 2.2 19 2.7 19 1.4 45 1.8
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
12 Vehicles travel To Adama 63 64.3 142 53.0 376 53.7 777 56.1 1358 55.4
direction To A. A 35 35.7 126 47.0 324 46.3 607 43.9 1092 44.6
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
13 Road surface Dry 75 76.5 235 87.7 627 89.6 1135 82.0 2072 84.6
condition Wet 23 23.5 33 12.3 73 10.4 249 18.0 378 15.4
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
14 Weather sunny, normal 58 59.2 176 65.7 463 66.1 735 53.1 1432 58.4
condition Windy/cloudy/rainy 35 35.7 87 32.5 227 32.4 631 45.6 980 40.0
Unidentified 5 5.1 5 1.9 10 1.4 18 1.3% 38 1.6
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
15 Light condition Sun light 77 78.6 222 82.8 523 74.7 939 67.8 1761 71.9
Night with street light 1 1.0 4 1.5 19 2.7 81 5.9 105 4.3
Night without Light 20 20.4 42 15.7 158 22.6 364 26.3 584 23.8
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
16 Type of crash Head on 1 1.0 10 3.7 13 1.9 10 0.7 34 1.4
Rear-end 23 23.5 61 22.8 119 17.0 160 11.6 363 14.8
Rollover 45 45.9 123 45.9 315 45.0 362 26.2 845 34.5
No. Main variables Sub variables Fatal Serious injury Light injury PDo Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Sideswipes 5 5.1 6 2.2 24 3.4 21 1.5 56 2.3
Side impact 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 0.9 10 0.7 16 0.7
Runoff 0 0.0 1 0.4 3 0.4 13 0.9 17 0.7
Crash with fixed 14 14.3 50 18.7 166 23.7 568 41.0 798 32.6
Other (not mentioned) 10 10.2 17 6.3 54 7.7 240 17.3 321 13.1
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
17 Driver gender Male 92 93.9 247 92.2 676 96.6 1339 96.7 2354 96.1
Female 1 1.0 9 3.4 14 2.0 21 1.5 45 1.8
Unidentified (Sex not
recorded) 5 5.1 12 4.5 10 1.4 24 1.7 51 2.1
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100
18 Driver age 18-30 31 31.6 80 29.9 279 39.9 587 42.4 977 39.9
(yrs.) 31-50 33 33.7 106 39.6 285 40.7 632 45.7 1056 43.1
>51 1 1.0 12 4.5 41 5.9 64 4.6 118 4.8
Un identified (Age not
recorded) 33 33.7 70 26.1 95 13.6 101 7.3 299 12.2
98 100.0 268 100.0 700 100.0 1384 100.0 2450 100