DTS BP 20 TL3 INT en 160603
DTS BP 20 TL3 INT en 160603
DTS BP 20 TL3 INT en 160603
Data sheet
20.0 TL3 INT
The new blueplanet 20.0 TL3 INT gives As is the case with the Powador 12.0 TL3 (asymmetrical load). Two strings can be
you plenty of flexibility in the medium to 20.0 TL3, the blueplanet 20.0 TL3 INT connected per MPP tracker, but a parallel
power range. Firstly, the inverter rounds has extensive features and hits the mark tracker connection is also possible.
off the 10 to 17 kVA power range led if you are planning projects with a chal-
by its Powador brothers: The name be- lenging system design. The wide input voltage range empha-
ing based on its AC output, the device sises the flexibility of the blueplanet
identifies itself as a genuine 20 kVA unit. The blueplanet 20.0 TL3 INT operates 20.0 TL3 INT. The inverter starts at 250 V,
using two separate MPP trackers that and, when in operation, continues to
Following on from the blueplanet can handle both symmetrical and asym- feed in at 200 V. What’s more, it will
50.0 TL3 INT, the blueplanet 20.0 TL3 INT metrical loads. You will be able to deal work right up to 950 V. In this way, the
is also the next wall-mounted unit that with east/west facing roofs (symmetrical unit’s long working hours will result in
can be used up to the threshold between load), factory roofs which are shaded or high profitability for your solar power
commercial and utility applications. inconsistently designed and open spaces system.
blueplanet 20.0 TL3 INT
EN 5001046-02-160603
Electrical data 20.0 TL3 INT NEW
Input variables
Maximum PV generator power 24 000 W
MPP range@Pnom 550 V ... 800 V
Operating range 200 V - 950 V
Min. DC voltage / starting voltage 200 V / 250 V
No-load voltage 1 000 V
Max. input current 2 x 18.8 A
Number of MPP trackers 2
Max. power/tracker 15.0 kW
Number of strings 2x2
Output variables
Rated output (@ 220 V) 20 000 VA@230 V
Line voltage 400 V / 230 V (3 / N / PE)
Rated current 3 x 29 A
Rated frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz
blueplanet cos phi 0.80 inductive ... 0.80 capacitive
20.0 TL3 INT Number of grid phases 3
The text and figures reflect the current technical state at the time of printing. Subject to technical changes. Errors and omissions excepted.
General electrical data
Max. efficiency 97.9 %
97.9 % efficiency Europ. efficiency 97.6 %
Night consumption 1.5 W
This current version replaces all older versions. Download the most current version at: www.kaco-newenergy.com
Switching plan transformerless
2 MPP trackers, symmetrical and Grid monitoring acc. to local requirements
asymmetrical loading possible
Mechanical data
Display graphical display + LEDs
Wide input voltage range Control units 4-way navigation + 2 buttons
200 V – 950 V
Interfaces standard: 2 x Ethernet, USB, RS485,
Error relay
optional: 4-DI
Protection class IP65 for outdoor
Fault signalling relay potential-free NOC max. 30 V / 1 A
Connections DC: solar connector, AC: cable connection
M40 and terminal (max. cross-section:
Graphical display, multilingual 16 mm2 flexible, 10 mm2 rigid)
menu, pre-configured country Ambient temperature -25°C ... +60°C 1)
settings Cooling forced convection
Protection class IP65
Noise emission < 53 dB (A)
Data logger with web server
DC switch integrated
Casing aluminium casting
HxWxD 690 x 420 x 200 mm
Weight 46.6 kg
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