➤ Sexual reproduction occurs in algae •Harmful algal blooms, or HABS, occur when
colonies of algae-simple plants that live in the
- In some species, asexual reproduction may sea and freshwater-grow out of control while
occur for several generations, and then, under producing toxic or harmful effects on people,
different conditions, the same species fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds.
reproduce sexually The human illnesses caused by HABS, though
- Other species alternate generations so that rare, can be debilitating or even fatal.
the offspring resulting from sexual •While many people call these blooms 'red
reproduction reproducing asexually, and the tides,' scientists prefer the term harmful algal
The next generation then reproduces sexually. bloom
Mode of nutrition in Algae •This bloom, like many HABS, is caused by
Most algae are photosynthetic microscopic algae that produce toxins that kill
fish and make shellfish dangerous to eat. The
• Oomycotes, fungal-like algae, are toxins may also make the surrounding air
chemoheterotrophs difficult to breathe. As the name suggests, the
bloom of algae often turns the water red.
- Chemoheterotrophs, an organism deriving
energy by ingesting intermediates or building -Large concentrations of Alexandrium give the
blocks that it is incapable of creating on their ocean a deep red color, from which the name
own. red tide originates
Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, and water molds - Mollusks and any form of shellfish should
not be harvested during red tide
Grouped into the kingdom Stramenopila
- A disease called ciguatera occurs when the
dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus passes
- are unicellular or filamentous algae with up the food chain and is concentrated in large
complex cell walls that consist of pectin and a fish.
layer of silica.
- Fish toxin is then called, ciguatoxin
-Store energy captured through
-Ciguatera is endemic (constantly present) in
photosynthesis in the form of oil.
the south Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean
-The first reported outbreak of a neurological Sea.
disease caused by diatoms was reported in
1987 in Canada. Affected people ate mussels
that had been feeding on diatoms. The
Roles of Algae in Nature