INKAO's Raw Chocolates - Web

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Theplusieurs fois.
«raw» chocolate Prenez-en un morceau et fermez les yeu
“Raw” chocolate is usually understood to be the one manufac-
tured from beans that have not been roasted, but simply dried in
the sun. Food in general is considered “raw” if it has not been pre-
pared in temperatures exceeding 45°C. Above this, the enzymes
in the food degrade. As a general rule, the higher the temperature
and the longer the time of cooking, the more vitamins, minerals
Les arômes subtils de ce cacao vous transportent de plus en
and nutrients are lost. The creation of our raw chocolate is, in fact, even more careful, as it
is processed below 42°C.
We can recognize raw chocolate by its distinct texture and taste. Both of these are due to
the smaller variation in temperature during the creation process as compared to traditional
du Pérou. Peut-être entendrez-vous le souffle des Incas vous

The well-wishing chocolate

la nuit desis naturally
Raw cacao temps,richcomme la nourriture
in polyphenoles descontribute
- anti-oxidants that Dieux. to theCe fruit
well being of the body. It also evokes the sense of joy and happiness, because it contains
anandamide: a mood enhancing substance sometimes referred to as «the bliss hormone».

nourri de la force de la Terre Mère et qui s’est abreuvé des

Cacao also contains theobromine, which is a powerful, invogorating energizer. The word
literally translates to “food of the gods”.
Finally, raw cacao is also rich in magnesium, known for its qualities of supporting the ner-
vous system in general.
soin, puis séché naturellement, ce fruit qui a traversé l’océa
And these are just some of the incredible virtues of cacao.

On top of this, we use agave syrup and coconut nectar to sweeten our chocolate, as these
have a very low glycemic index. This way, even those of us with a sweet tooth, but who do
avons fabriqué ce chocolat en respectant toutes les richesse
not tolerate sugar well, can enjoy the fruits of our work.

The ethical chocolate

invitation authevoyage
We choose to use intérieur
criollo cacao à Pangoa
gathered at the travers les sens.
Cooperative in PeruQu’il
and im- vou
ported in cooperation with SALDAC.
This arrangement is set up with biodiversity, ethics, transparency, in-
dependence and self-determination of local producers in mind. The
network has been set up so that at no point it infringed on the dignity origi
of work of the people who harvest the beans.
The SPP certificate, given to small producers with verified,
complete autonomy over every element of their work.
Amour et
lez-vous confortablement,prenez quelques respirations pro-

ses The
moindre détails.Humez
criollo variety is considered the queen pleinement l’arôme du cacao,
of cacaos – the most
ancient and least modified one. The beans are of excellent qua-
lity, slightly fermented and dried in the sun in low temperature,
in order to preserve the nutritional and gustatory qualities.
ux. Laissez-le fondre délicatement dans votre bouche...
The lovingly crafted chocolate
ce que...
We ourselves really do love chocolate, especially the raw chocolate. So, we’ve been working
in creating our own recipe. The goal, create a chocolate that is both good, to satisfy the

plus loin, jusqu’à sa source, la grande plaine amazonienne

gourmands that we are, and healthy. And as we also love beauty
and nature, we have dressed our creations in a magnificent adorn-
ment, printed with vegetable inks.
We do everything ourselves, from processing the raw materials to
murmurer à l’oreillle l’histoire de ce fruit, considéré depuis
packaging the tablets.

Ce chocolat est le fruit de notre rencontre, notre amour, notre créativité.

qui We
s’est gorgé de la lumière de Grand-Père Soleil, qui s’est
made it from a space of silent celebration and sometimes singing, or dancing. Above
all, we whispered to him our best intentions for you who are going to taste it: to delight
your taste buds, to transport you and awaken your senses. Finally, so that it gives you
s eaux sacrées. Ce fruit qui a été récolté avec le plus grand
pleasure, that it makes you feel good.

May our joy of living reflect your joy of living.

Thank you.
an avant d’arriver entre nos mains et à partir duquel nous

es qu’il contient. Que ce moment de gourmandise soit une

us nourrisse corps et âme, et ravive en vous la mémoire des

ines. Las Vignos, 11190 Bugarach
Call us : 0033 6 22 99 42 14
E-mail :
Our range of tablets

cacao cru cacao cru cacao cru . cacao cru

Fleur de criollo 75% Fleur de Criollo 85% Fleur de criollo 95% Eclats de fèves de cacao

Criollo Flower Criollo Flower Criollo Flower Cacao nibs

75 % 85 % 95%
Plain chocolates. The crunch and
The must-have at 75%. All the power and intensity of Criollo cacao bitterness of pure
for the 85%. Almost 95% pure for true cacao lovers. cacao.

. cacao cru . cacao cru . cacao cru . cacao cru

Amande Noisette Gingembre confit Orange confite

Almond Hazelnut Candied ginger Candied Orange

Classics! With homemade candied ginger and orange
Almonds and hazelnuts are activated, with coconut blossom sugar.
then dried at low temperature.

cacao cru cacao cru cacao cru . cacao cru

Rose & Piment Tulsi 3 Macas Fève de Tonka

Rose & Chili Tulsi-Lime 3 Macas Tonka Bean

The ancestral combi- The subtle combi- Yellow, red and black A true delight. The
nation of cacao with nation of holy basil maca combined vanilla-caramel
a hint of rose ... to and citrus gives an with the finesse flavors of tonka bean
open the heart. exotic touch to this of 85% chocolate. go really well with
pleasantly stunning Tasty energy bomb. cacao.

. cacao cru . cacao cru . cacao cru

Fève de Tonka Fève de Tonka Fève de Tonka

Praliné Physalis CBD

Grounded toasted almonds This berry, sweet with Chocoalte and CBD
and hazelnut lightly coated a touch of acidity, is in- : 2 soul mates that
with coconut sugar credible with chocolate enhance each other.
made fo
ully r


w it h

Las Vignos, 11190 Bugarach
Call us : 0033 6 22 99 42 14
E-mail :

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