2020 Maintenanceonboardships
2020 Maintenanceonboardships
2020 Maintenanceonboardships
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4 authors, including:
Nicolae Florin
Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy
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doi: 10.21279/1454-864X-20-I1-017
SBNA© 2020. This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Maintenance onboard ships using computer maintenance
management system
1. Introduction
Safety is a critical issue in all marine industry sectors, this is clearly illustrated in the latest statistics
and accident reports in the field. In a study regarding maritime accidents between 2002 and 2016 the
inappropriate/ineffective maintenance was identified as an overall cause of all type of accident for about
12.1% of cases. Also, a fairly large percentage, 11.5% of cases, produced as a result of a technique of
equipment failures. [1].
Ships are complex products with a long lifespan and high costs for building, operation, maintenance
and repair. It is well known that the decisions during the design stage have a major impact on the life
cycle of the ship (costs, performance, etc.). The lifecycle management represent a challenge for naval
architects, shipbuilding engineers and operating personnel, taking into consideration the capital
investment, harsh environment conditions and long service life (25-30 years) [2]
Different shipbuilding features depend on the type, mission, capacity of carrying goods, environment
conditions of transit area, ports facilities and the initial investments for design and construction. In order
to have an overview of the types of ships operating in the maritime field, it is necessary to classify them,
in terms of the missions they can perform, as follows: [3]
• transport (cargo, container, passenger ships)
• non transport (fishing vessels, service craft – tugs and supply vessel, warships - naval and
coast guard vessel)
Given the specific nature of maritime transport, the costs of causing damage are difficult to estimate,
as they are unforeseen situations with unpredictable consequences. Experts estimate that in the 1990s,
about 36% -56% of ship operating costs were used to prevent and repair damage, including insurance.
The article is structured in three main sections and the topic brought into attention is how to
implement maintenance management on a special ship by using a software solution.
First section summaries notions about maintenance theory by defining the specific terms,
classification, role and importance of different maintenance types. The objective is to identify, analyzed
and ordered the concepts regarding terminologies in this field. These notions must be well understood
both by the maintenance personnel, but also by the staff responsible for planning and establishing the
maintenance strategy within the organization.
Second section addresses the issue of ship maintenance starting from a short presentation of the
legislative framework governing maritime maintenance related activities.
Last section presents the process of implementing a maintenance management program for a military
ship in order to avoid breakdowns, reducing downtime, collecting data and information, improving
health and safety and increasing efficiency.
2. Maintenance approaches
Maintenance theory is in a continuous development, starting with the 1960s. Thus, in the literature
can be found numerous definitions of the terms maintenance, maintainability, maintenance strategy or
maintenance policy. [5]
Traditionally, maintenance was defined as a component of a production process. The main purpose
of maintenance is to optimize the availability of equipment at a lowest cost. When the concept of
sustainable development was brought into discussion maintenance was integrated into the life cycle of
the product, as well as economic, environmental and social factor. [6]
3. Ship maintenance
Figure 4. The evolution of the maintenance process in the shipbuilding industry [14]
Over the years the ship went through several stages for improvement and overhauling the main
systems and equipment, the last major repair being carried out between 1994 and 2002.
Maintenance data (e.g., work order, fault history, operating and maintenance procedures, operating
hours) are largely stored in printed format using specific forms (e.g., operating books, registers /
operating logs). IT systems are used only for keep track of running hours of equipment and for sending
periodic request and report to logistic department.
The maintenance program that applies to the on-board equipment involves the application of
corrective and preventive maintenance measures. Each equipment on board follows a preventive
maintenance program (at intervals or duration of operation) to keep it operational and to prevent
accidental falls. If breakdowns occur, the maintenance staff onboard apply maintenance corrective
measures. Usually, every three years, the ship is drydocked for the execution of specific works: routine
repairs for the ship’s hull and freeboard, major repairs to the body, accommodations and decks
(replacement of steel affected by corrosion), inspection for propeller, shaft and rudder.
In the last ten years, the ship has undergone a modernization program in which the following have
been replaced: navigation and communications equipment, modernization of the power plant, main
engine and propulsion system overhaul, improvements/retrofitting of the steering gear system.
Objectives for which it is desired to implement such a system on board military ships is to improve
maintenance procedures in order to increase equipment availability, avoid machinery breakdowns,
better execution of repairs in case of failure and reduce maintenance costs.
In order to achieve the objectives, it is necessary that the CMMS solution allows:
• creating a complete database of equipment, equipment and accessories on board;
• recording the relevant data from the maintenance activity (e.g., technical data, measured
parameters, maintenance history);
• creating a maintenance plan for all equipment;
• spare parts stock management;
• use the maintenance history to optimize maintenance plans;
• managing maintenance resources for better asset utilisation;
• employee positioning and workload allocation;
• use of standardized workorders;
• performance evaluation.
For the practical implementation of a CMMS program it is necessary to plan and execute some
activities in order to prepare and use the software and all of it features, by following the framework
presented in figure 6.
All these steps must be undertaken by the maintenance staff and a clear conception about how this
process can improve overall efficiency and a correct estimation of cost (e.g., for software, training, data
gathering, ongoing cost of maintenance) will lead to a successful implementation of CMMS.
5. Conclusions
Sustainable working methods together with maintenance policies adapted for each domain are the
preconditions for any maintenance management strategy.
Maintenance on board ships needs to be carried out in a planned manner, as the safe and efficient
operation of a ship depends very much on the reliability of the equipment at the operational level. A
planned maintenance system is a useful tool for managing the large volume of data for operations and
maintenance history of on-board systems.
By analyzing the proposed framework, it is clear that implement a CMMS is a long-term
commitment and that all personnel on board will be part of the process at some point. Starting with the
initial planning, each step should be evaluated and if errors occurs staff management will take measures
in order to overcome the risk of improper use of the CMMS in all maintenance related activities.
Further research may involve identifying software solutions offered by the market. After analyzing
options, features and long-term benefits of the programs the proper solution will be chose for implement
onboard a military vessel.
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