501 Constitutional Law-I

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Third Year B.A. LL.B.

- Semester V
Third Year B.B.A. LL.B. - Semester V
First Year LL.B. - Semester I


Objectives of the Course: This Course is designed to acquaint students with the basic principles
of Constitution and Constitutionalism, the reasons and justification of the growth of Fundamental
Rights in India as well as the operation of Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles in India. The
basic norm of the land will be taught to the students with the help of appropriate judicial

Module 01: Introduction to the Indian Constitution:

1. Constituent Assembly in India and framing of the Constitution:

a) Formation of the Constituent Assembly of India
b) The issues before the Constituent Assembly
c) Passing of the Constitution
d) Dr. Ambedkar’s warning and anxiety about the working of the Constitution
e) Date of Commencement of the Constitution
2. Concepts of Constitutional Law and Constitutionalism
3. Salient features of the Constitution of India
4. Preamble to the Constitution of India

Module 02: Territory of India, Citizenship & General Principles Relating to Fundamental
Rights (Articles 12 and 13):
1) Union and its Territory (Articles 1 to 4):
2) Citizenship of India:
1. Constitutional Provisions (Articles 5 to 11):
a) Importance of Citizenship under the Constitution of India
b) Citizens by Domicile
c) Citizens by Migration
d) Citizens by Registration
e) Termination of Citizenship
f) Dual Citizenship
2. The Citizenship Act, 1955:
a) Acquisition of Citizenship

92 SPPU, Pune CBCS Pattern for Degree Programs in Law B.A., LL.B., B.B.A., LL.B. and LL.B.
b) Loss of Citizenship
3) General Principles Relating to Fundamental Rights (Articles 12 and 13):
1. Concept of Fundamental Rights – Their Origin and Development
2. State- Other Authorities, Local Authorities, The LPG and Article 12
3. Law – Law and Law in force, Personal Law, Custom.
4. Justifiability of Fundamental Rights -
a) Laws inconsistent with fundamental rights
b) Unconstitutionality of Statute
c) Doctrine of Eclipse
d) Doctrine of Severability
e) Waiver of Fundamental Rights
5. Whether the Constitution Amendment Act is law under Article 13?
6. Power and Procedure of Amendment
7. Basic Structure Doctrine
Module 03: Right to Equality (Article 14 to 18):
1. Equality before law and Equal protection of Law
2. Permission of Reasonable Classification but prohibition of Class legislation
3. Article 14 Strikes at Arbitrariness
4. Prohibition of discrimination against citizens
5. Special provisions for women and children
6. Special provisions for Backward Classes, Impact of Privatization of Education
7. Equality of Opportunity in Matters of Public Employment, Impact of Privatization on
Public Employment
8. Reservations in Promotion
9. Abolition of Untouchability
10. Abolition of Titles
Module 04: Right to Freedom I (Article 19):
1. Freedom of Speech and Expression and Reasonable Restrictions
2. Freedom of Assembly and Reasonable Restrictions
3. Freedom to form Association or Union and Reasonable Restrictions
4. Freedom of Movement and Reasonable Restrictions
5. Freedom of Residence and Settlement and Reasonable Restrictions
6. Freedom of Profession, Occupation, Trade and Business and Reasonable Restrictions
7. Right to Property -
a) Pre- 1978 Position - Article 19(f) and 19(5); Eminent Domain; Article 31; Inter-

93 SPPU, Pune CBCS Pattern for Degree Programs in Law B.A., LL.B., B.B.A., LL.B. and LL.B.
relation of Article 31, Article 14 and Article 19(1)(f)
b) Présent Position - Article 31 A, Article 31 B, Article 31 C, Article 300 A

Module 05: Right to Freedom II (Articles 20 to 22):

1. Protection in Respect of Conviction for offences -
a) Protection against Ex-post Facto Law
b) Guarantee against Double Jeopardy
c) Privilege against Self-Incrimination
2. Protection of Right to Life and Personal Liberty -
a) A. K. Gopalan to Maneka Gandhi
b) Relationship between Articles 14, 19 and 21
c) Due Process of Law
d) Extended view in post Maneka Gandhi period
3. Right to Education - Evolution and Importance
4. Protection against Arrest and Detention -
a) Protection against Arrest
b) Protection against Preventive Detention
c) Laws Authorising Preventive Detention

Module 06 Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 and 24):

1) Right against Exploitation (Articles 23)
a) Traffic in Human Beings
b) Beggar and Similar forms of Forced Labours
c) Compulsory Services for Public Purpose
2) Prohibition of Employment of Children (Articles 24)

Module 07 Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25 to 28) and Cultural and Educational
Rights (Articles 29 to 30):
1) Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25 to 28)
a) Concept of Secularism
b) Freedom of Conscience and right to Profess or Practice and Propagate religion
c) Freedom of Religion of Religious Denomination
d) Freedom from Paying of Taxes for Promotion of any Religion
e) Annual Payment to certain Devasworm Funds (Article 290A)
f) Prohibition of Religious Instructions in Educational Institutions
2) Cultural and Educational Rights

94 SPPU, Pune CBCS Pattern for Degree Programs in Law B.A., LL.B., B.B.A., LL.B. and LL.B.
a) Concept of Minority
b) Protection of Interest of Minorities
c) Right of a Minority to Establish Educational Institution
d) Regulation of Minority Educational Institution

Module 08: Right to Constitutional Remedies:

a) Enforcement of Fundamental Rights
b) Procedure in Enforcement of Fundamental Rights
c) Power to issue Writs, Directions or Orders – Types of Writs
d) Comparison between Article 32 and Article 226
e) Public Interest Litigation
f) Fundamental Rights during Emergency

Module 09 Directive Principles of State Policy (Articles 36 to 51) and Fundamental Duties
(Article 51A):
1. Nature and Importance of Directive Principles
2. Inter-relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles.
3. Directive Principles of State Policy
4. Fundamental Duties – Nature and Importance
Recommended Readings:
1. M. P. Jain, Indian Constitutional Law, LexisNexis (2015).

2. D.D. Basu, Constitutional Law of India, LexisNexis (2013).

3. Narendra Kumar, Constitutional Law of India, Allahabad Law Agency (2015).

4. H. M. Seervai, Constitutional Law of India, N.M. Tripathi.

5. Arvind Datar, Commentary on Constitution of India (3 Vols), LexisNexis (2010).

6. Sathya Narayan (Ed), Selected Work of S.P. Sathe (3 Vols), Oxford University Press (2015).

7. M.P. Singh, V.N. Shukla’s Constitution of India, Eastern Book Company, (2013).

8. Sujit Chaudhry, Madhav Khosala and Pratap Bhanu Mehta, The Oxford Handbook of the
Indian Constitution, Oxford University Press.

9. Granville Austin, Working of a Democratic Constitution- The Indian Experience, Oxford

University Press.

10. Gautam Bhatia, The Transformative Constitution: A Radical Biography in Nine Acts, Harper
Collins Publication, India. 2019.
11. Dr. Suresh Mane, Indian Constitutional Law, Dynamics and Challenges, Aarti & Co.

95 SPPU, Pune CBCS Pattern for Degree Programs in Law B.A., LL.B., B.B.A., LL.B. and LL.B.
12. Madhav Khosala, The Indian Constitution (Oxford India Short Introductions), Oxford
University Press, 2012.
13. Sudhir Krishnaswamy, Democracy and Constitutionalism in India – A Study of the Basic
Structure Doctrine, Oxford University Press.

14. S.B. Shiva Rao, The Framing of the Indian Constitution, Vols. I and V, the Indian Institute
of Public Administration, New Delhi (1966).

15. H.R. Khanna, Making of India’s Constitution, Eastern Book Co., Lucknow.

96 SPPU, Pune CBCS Pattern for Degree Programs in Law B.A., LL.B., B.B.A., LL.B. and LL.B.
Total No. of Questions : 10J
fI nou zlzz

PA-las4l ,f SEAT No. :

lTotal No, of Pages : 4

First LIgnF. (Sernester - II)
(First ygqB'f years Law Course)
LC 060# CSr{sTrrUTroNAL LAw r
.*iq1-,**(201T pattern)
Time: s HoursJ#-^St' {Max. Martu : to
1) "rypa*", {l
afurfloP,v1nree questionsfrom Part-A. Each question io p&-,a isfor IS marks.
2) Ann'4W two questions ftom Paft-h, Eoch question
ffin-n is for I0 mailcs.
3) -'-------"-rPafr-C.
Answi any three questionsfrom
-'" Each q"oagqfuk paft-c hfor s marks.
"* #
*ART - A-(Atteffinvsili*ul [3 x 15 - 4s]
QI) Explain the meaning, objerr,
wfufffiutility of preamble of Indian
.,,S;, -"*"
ry ..:y

of Human Rights given uoar;ii*

Part III of:,"olr.pl "rdHartP*topmenr
Indian Constitut$:' :q#

^}' ^tS'
93) Define the concept d#tarism and right to freedo* ffiigiffiven in
Constitution of Indlal *8i,"
*L"+-= -.
qLH ,t,!
" oti'"
Q4) Elaborate the Fundamenral Duries giveffihni,@*i
- I A of Indian
Constitution. "*ffi'' "rt
try *t
ur ;:""
Qs) Explain the kinds of amendment or cons{,ffion ano rhe emergence
Basic Structure Doctrine.
\ nTO.
KL-f,!-(Attempt-$y Two)
,,.., tZ x'10 =2Al

Q6) Explain the salient features of Const!4ffion of India' i

X- _'*
eT) Define the Concept of Law anblay in force given under article 13 of
Indian Constitution;p*.

":f .Y i$''
Y \J
eS) Discuss the culftVanffiu"*tional rights of minorities under article 29 to
30 of IndianoWrbtigpn.
*S ;Y ,_y.'
gD' Elucida4pffir O"Fiopment
I and importance
r of Public Interqpt Litigation.

/^ 5r *-V- **'1

PART - C (Attempt any Three) #*"

[3 x 5 - 15]
*)**" 4r'
Ol0). Write.short
notes | t-'"'n^'.'"

a) yWrit
of Prohibition #" dt"-
' "\ ' cr^lr ' ' *b} AI
--:^^L Self-Incrimtg@n
blo, Privilege against 'q$
i"t r*,
c) Traffic in Human Beings *.**.
'', r,r1'
d) Abolition of Untouchaffij'
\ Y

e) Doctrine of Eclipse ^\.d . "-."'\\)

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. ,l

Total No. of Questions : 101

SEAT No. :

P4s38 [Total No. of Pages : 2

ester - II)
Year Law Course

[Max. Murks : 80

Part -A. Each question.in Part -A isfor

2) Answeq.:any two questions from Part - B. Each quegtion'in Part - B is for
10 niarks.
3) Answer any three questions from Part - C. Each"''q4.lestion in Part - C is for 5
.riorks. .. .,.
4) ,' Figures to the right indicate fu , .," "

Qt) Explain the protections given"in respect of conviction for the offence under
article 20 oflndian Constiftrdioh.
/ .i ,.,,aa usl
Q2) Evaluate in etails the right"to freedom of religion guaranteed under tiie

Constitution of India. F,,o*' 'tlsl


Q3) Elaborate, the phrase.S'r.!fiquality before Law" and "Equpf'1niotection of law"
as mentidned inArt. 14 of the Constitution. i t15l
*t t''- '
. ,. ..--',

Q4) Discuss in details the Constitutional Provisions as regards 'Right against

Exploitation'. [1sl

Q5) Writea critical noteon Freedom ofprofessibn;.occupation, trade and Business

as guaranteed under the Constitution of India. . [1sl


PART - B. ."'

ir "

Q6) Discuss the importance an(Nature of,rFundamental Duties as enumerated in

India. .,
the Constitution of India. r;\' :

. '
Q7) Discuss the obje nd seope of the Preamble of Constitution of
interpretationoflndianConstitution. I10l

e) Doctrine df Eclipse.s'' o.ll

' a.-'l'

SEAT No. :
Total No. of Questions : 9l

[Total No. of Pages :

tss43l - 1010
LL.B. (Semester - Il)
First Year of Three Year Law
JMo* 'Marks :Bo
fime: 3 Hoursl
n*'ufl*"ifr#:"::f':;:";;,snans parr A. Each q rcstion i4 Part A is for 20
part B. Each question in Part B is for 15
2) TiiI; any two questi,onsfrom
mnrks' n
full marks'
4) Figures to rhe right indicate


the counrry had Jrr.ing the British Regime' Discuss
p."u-ble in ii?"rpt",i"g ih" Constitution' t20I
loss of citizenship in lndia'[2o]
modes of acquisition and
Q2) Discuss the vrious

Mujib. Explain- the aftenuath of

down in Ajay Hasia u.Klrurii
^ r
."--^^^r^ 4 treasonable
Q4)Wnteadetailednoteonfreedomofspeechandexpresslonan( t20l
restriction under the Inilian Constitution'


p5) Write a detailed note on equality
for res
employment' Explain rationale
classes along with reservation
in promotion

Q6) "Constitutional remedies as envisaged under the Constitution of India confer
real meaning on Part-III of the Constitution." Explain this statement in the
light of important judicial pronouncemerits. tlsI

Q7) Explain cultural and educational rights.under the Indian Constitution. [15]

OS) Write a detailed note on nature and signifiearce of directive principles of

state policies. State significance of fundamental duties under the Indian
Constitution. tlsI


89) Wnlr. Short Notes On (Any Two) : t10t

a) Beggar and similar forms of forced labours.
b) Ex-post Facto Laws.
c) Amendment of fundamental right.
d) Fundamental Rights during operation of Martial Law.


[ss43l-1010 2
ffifii JAN eol.l
Total No. of Questions : 9l
SEAT No. :
p375 lTotal No. of Pages :2

(First Year of Thrile Year Law Course)

LC-0601 : Constitutional Law - I
@Ofi -1. 8 ::Eattern) (Semester -:ID
it'inie:3 Hoursl lMax, Marlw :80
lrustractions to the.
1) Answeriurty'two .qiisftons from Part A. Each question in Part A is for 20 marks,
2) Answer a7ry two:..Questions from Part B. Each question in Part B r; Ior 15 marks.
3) Ans-ier hny'rttilo questions from Fart C. Each question in Part! is for 5 marlcs.
4) Figifes to,,1-lte right "------ full marks.
-o--- indicate
!, ir-
"r.' :it'
" PART-A -...."

Ql) The0onstitution of India is nei nor federal, Dipcusq. ttre

.. , ,c'

Q2) Explain the por".r' constitution. Elaborate the

procedure tobe fol ent to the Constitution.[20]




Qd)'"Atticle 14 permits 'Reasonable Classificafion' but prohibits 'Class

Legislation"': Explain. state and explain 'Eqrmlity Before Law' and .Equal
Prorection of Law'" i
' ' ' PT'o"






Total No. of Questions:91 SEAT No. :
P5384 .,g'' lTotal No' of Pages:2
(Semester .
,_ LL,B., Firsi
. ;.; u
(First Yea.n"of Three Years Law Course)
LC ,. 0601 : ionstitutional Law - I
L., a' ..-,


[Mo*, tuIa*s: 80
Inslrucliotrs lo lhe cundidates:

\ l) Answer gny two quesli.ons from Pafl-A. Euch queslion in Part-A is for 20
2) #tiii,n any fwo qaestions fro
i) Answer anylwo queslionsfrom
4). Figures to the right indicatifult mnrks.
j^:i 'ci*' l,"r '\

83) the direcliye


Q4) Wtite a detailed note on paradigm shift in right to property with reference to
Article I9(I) (f) and Arlicles 3I A, 3 t, B, zurd 3 I C along wirh Article 3 00A. [20]

. ,,...,, .$
. t ; ,'

05/ What is the concept of segularism? Hrihin freedom of religion conferred to

.t the citizens rxiderthe Indian Cons
'\^ n./
n..:"'. .F.i i tlsl
. 'i:
,r3*' ."."-a','
:h."! tl ,''.-"- o-.
Q6) Explain the concept 'Equality before Law and F.qual Protection of Law' as
envisaged inArricte 14 ofthe Indian Constitution.
rih:r- .

1955.' tl5l
,j--j -.rF
- -*. .... "\ "

32gf ls.*ere unlirniit4 pg*er *ith the IndianParliament to ameridthe Constitution?

Explainttae doctrine of.basic structure with inipoftant judicial decisions.

t ;. i

-{i'li. . n

gr7=wrii;ffi#es'brtnny Trvo) :
lt 0l
Doctrine'of Eclipse

Cornparison betrveai;gftiglb*i.2 and Articl e 226

Privilege against seliincrinrination



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