Professor Rajibul Alam Sir Ward Note
Professor Rajibul Alam Sir Ward Note
Professor Rajibul Alam Sir Ward Note
First question
Is it arthritis or arthralgia?
if arthritis there features of inflammation that is joint is red, hot
Second question
Is it mechanical or inflammatory?
• Early morning stiffness
• Worsening of symptoms with inactivity
• সকালবেলা হাত পা জাম থাবক।
• রাবত ঘুম ভাবে
• আবে, আবে শুরু অবেকদিে যােত।
• If patient take take antiinflammatory drug the above sign symptoms are absent
Third question
Associations of other symptoms
• Red eye- uveitis
• Low back pain(ককামবর েযথা)- ankylosing spondylitis
• Oral ulceration + polyarthritis- SLE
• Diarrhoea,dysentery then arthritis develope-Reactive arthritis
• H/O sexual exposure - Gonococcal arthritis
• Butterfly rash + arthritis - SLE
• Carditis + arthritis - RA
Fourth question
What is the Pattern of arthritis?
o Mono/ Oligo/ Polyarthritis
o Migrating/ Nonmigrating
o Number of joint involve
o Low back pain
Infective- high fever, DM
Gonococcal- H/O exposure + urethral discharge
Gout - metattarsophalngeal joint
Tubercular- systemic features of tuberculosis
Reactive- diarrhoea, dysentery history
Ankylosing spondylitis
Psoriatic arthritis
Reactive arthritis
Symmetrical involvement of MP and PIP joint of both hand- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Oral ulceration + butterfly rash + Alopecia + H/O abortion - SLE
Polyarthritis + LBP - Ankylosing spondylitis
Symmetrical Asymmetrical
SLE Ankylosing Spondylitis
RA Psoriatic Arthritis
Reactive arthritis
Important Information
• CRP normal in SLE but increase in RA
• ANA important for diagnoses of SLE
• Usually Rubor absent in RA if occur usually septic
• Muscle wasting present in RA not in RF
When to suspect
• Spontaneous bleeding
• Excessive bleeding following surgery, trauma
• Bleeding from multiple site
Primary - ITP
Secondary - Given below
Character Of Bleeding
Tourniquet Test
- remember 2.5 - 5- 10
5 minute press by BP calf at pressure between systole and diastole
2.5 cm area - within 2.5 cm area
10 number - more than 10 petechiae within 2.5 cm area
Some Information
# Always think about association
That is a patient of meningitis develop rash - so this rash is due to meningococcal septicaemia not due
to bleeding disorder.
# If anaemia + bleeding it is never ITP
# If CBC normal it signify that patients Bone marrow is normal.
a. Fe
b. vit- B 12
c. Folic acid
d. Protein
Chronic disease
a. Chronic kidney disease
b. Hypothyroidism
a. Childhood anaemia, jaundice
b. Blood transfusion history
Chronic bleeding
GIT- hematemesis, melaena
Genitourinary system - menorrhagia
Diet - strict vegetarian
Blood film
Extrapyramidal systems
For example when a patient complain above symptoms, if it is sudden vascular, fever present
it is infectious, gradual it is degenerative.............
A patient has prolong fever+ weight loss+ cerebellar sign + night sweat diagnosis is cerebellar
Raised ICP
Any SOL ( tumor, abscess, hematoma) can cause raised ICP
Neck rigidity
Kering sign
Meningism ( neck stiffness + photophobia+ headache)
Above symptoms also present in SAH but in SAH fever absent.
Brain stem Spinal cord
All the sign, symptoms are same but in case of brain stem cranial nerves also involved.
Myopathy Neuropathy
Only wasting at initial phase Wasting present
Jerk present Jerk absent
No sensory loss Sensory loss present
Proximal symmetrical involvement Distal asymmetrical involvement
Some Information
❖ If jerk normal never neuropathy
❖ In peripheral neuropathy motor, sensory, jerk are lost. But in all case of peripheral
neuropathy these three features may not present simultaneously.
❖ Spinal shock - lesion detect by plantar response (extensor in UMNL)