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5 authors, including:
Longfei Wu
Fayetteville State University
All content following this page was uploaded by Longfei Wu on 04 December 2017.
Smart City
Fig. 1. Internet-of-Things Applications
NTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) is a collection of “things”
I embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators,
and connected via the Internet to collect and exchange data
IoT botnet. According to Proofpoint, more than 25 percent
of the botnet was made up of devices other than computers,
with each other. The IoT devices are equipped with sensors including smart TVs, baby monitors and other household
and processing power that enable them to be deployed in many appliances. Recently, Dyn, a Manchester, New Hampshire-
environments. Figure 1 presents a variety of common IoT based provider of domain name services, experienced service
applications, including smart home, smart city, smart grids, outages as a result of what appeared to be well coordinated
medical and healthcare equipment, connected vehicles, etc. attack [4]. On October 21st, 2016, many websites including:
The fast growth of the number of IoT devices utilized is Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, Airbnb, Reddit, Etsy, SoundCloud
predicted to reach 41 billion in 2020 with an $8.9 trillion and The New York Times, were reported inaccessible by users
market [1] as stated in the 2013 report of the International caused by a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) attack
Data Corporation (IDC). The difference between IoT and the using a network of consumer devices from the Internet of
traditional Internet is the absence of Human role. The IoT Things (IoT).
devices can create information about individual’s behaviors, Security and privacy remain huge issues for IoT devices,
analyze it, and take action [2]. Services provided by IoT which introduce a whole new degree of online privacy con-
applications offer a great benefit for human’s life, but they cerns for consumers. That’s because these devices not only
can come with a huge price considering the person’s privacy collect personal information like users’ names and telephone
and security protection. numbers, but can also monitor user activities (e.g., when users
Because the IoT manufacturers failed to implement a robust are in their houses and what they had for lunch). Following the
security system in the devices, security experts have warned never-ending string of disclosures about major data breaches,
the potential risk of large numbers of unsecured devices con- consumers are wary of placing too much personal data in
necting to the Internet [3]. In December of 2013, a researcher public or private clouds, with good reason [5].
at Proofpoint, an enterprise security firm, discovered the first There are many published surveys on IoT security issues and
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China challenges. Granjal et al. [6] analyzed existing solutions for
(Grant Nos. 61502116). the IoT standardized communication protocols (PHY, MAC,
∗ means the corresponding author
Network, Application) and cross-layer mechanisms whenever
Yuchen Yang, Guisheng Yin, Lijie Li, and Hongbin Zhao are with the
College of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering Uni- applicable. Sicari et al. [7] presented research challenges and
versity, Harbin, China, 150001, email:, the current solutions in the field of IoT security focusing on the
{yinguisheng, lilijie}, main security issues which were identified in seven categories:
Longfei Wu is with the Department of Computer and Informa-
tion Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 19123, email: authentication, access control, confidentiality, privacy, trust, secure middleware, mobile security, and policy enforcement.
They raised some open issues, and suggesting some hints for Shafagh et al. [10] proposed an Encrypted Query Processing
future research. Roman et al. [8] focused on the analysis of algorithm for IoT. The approach allows to securely store
the centralized and distributed approaches. They introduced encrypted IoT information on the cloud, and supports efficient
an attacker model that was applied to both centralized and database query processing over encrypted data. Specifically,
distributed IoT architectures, and studied the main challenges they utilize alternative lightweight cryptographic algorithms
and promising solutions in the design and deployment of the that replace additive homomorphic encryption and order-
security mechanisms. preserving encryption with Elliptic Curve ElGamal and muta-
In this survey paper, we explore the IoT security and privacy ble order preserving encoding algorithms, where they made
issues in four aspects. The first part presents the most relevant some changes to suit the computation limitations of IoT
limitations of IoT devices and their solutions. The second part devices. The system scheme replaces the web application
discusses the classification of existing IoT attacks. Then, we communication with an End-to-End system that stores en-
explore the IoT authentication and access control schemes crypted data from personal devices on Cloud database, and
and architectures proposed in recent literature. Finally, we data encryption/decryption is performed at the client-side. The
analyze the security issues and mechanisms in the perception keying material will only reside in the personal device, and
layer, network layer, transport layer, and application layer, the need of a trusted proxy which has access to all the secret
respectively. keys is eliminated. The system architecture includes three main
parties: IoT devices, users, and the Cloud. The application data
II. I OT D EVICE L IMITATIONS can be stored in the Cloud by directly uploading it by the smart
Why is it difficult to secure and apply security features device or via a gateway like a wearable device. The paper
to IoT as those used in traditional Internet? Trappe et al. addressed only some encryption schemes that support the most
[9] presented the issue of IoT constraints, and their effects used queries in IoT data processing. However, the design can
on using current cryptographic tools as the ones utilized in be extended to cover more schemes. The experiment results
traditional Internet. The two main limitations are the battery showed an improvement in the time performance compared to
capacity and computing power. existing schemes.
Kotamsetty et al. [11] proposed an approach to reduce
A. Battery Life Extension latency for IoT when performing query processing over en-
crypted data by applying latency hiding technique, which
Because some IoT devices are deployed in environments consists of breaking down the query results of large size
where charging is not available, they only have a limited en- into small sized data sets. This allows computational work
ergy to execute the designed functionality and heavy security to be performed on a set of data while fetching the remaining
instructions can drain the devices’ resources. Three possible encrypted information. To decide the appropriate data size to
approaches can be used to mitigate this issue. The first is to be requested in each iteration in order to minimize the latency,
use the minimum security requirements on the device, which the study proposed an algorithm that starts with an initial data
is not recommended especially when dealing with sensitive size and adoptively adjust the size to minimize the gap between
data. The second approach is to increase the battery capacity. computation and communication latencies in each iteration.
However, most IoT devices are designed to be lightweight and The algorithm has two variants: the first starts with a size that
in small size. There is no extra room for a larger battery. The is a fraction of the large query size. In the second variant, the
final approach is to harvest energy from natural resources (e.g., starting size is fixed. The experiment results demonstrated that
light, heat, vibration, wind), but this type of approach would the proposed approach outperforms existing solutions in terms
require an upgrade to the hardware and significantly increase of latency for queries with larger data size.
the monetary cost. Salami et al. [12] proposed a lightweight encryption scheme
for smart homes based on stateful Identity-based Encryption,
B. Lightweight Computation in which the public keys are merely identity strings without
The paper [9] mentioned that conventional cryptography the need for a digital certificate. This method is known as
cannot work on IoT systems, since the devices have limited Phong, Matsuka and Ogata (PMO)’s stateful IBE scheme. It
memory space which can’t handle the computing and storage is the combination of IBE and stateful Diffie-Hellman (DH)
requirements of advanced cryptography algorithms. To support encryption scheme. To add more efficiency to the proposed
security mechanisms for the constrained devices, the authors scheme and reduce the communication cost, the research study
suggested reusing existing functions. An example is to use divides the encryption process into key encryption and data
physical layer authentication by applying signal processing at encryption, with the focus on the second one, because the
the receiver side to verify whether a transmission came from size of ciphertexts produced by key encryption is larger than
the expected transmitter in the expected location. Alternatively, the one resulted from the data encryption. This division led
a specific analog characteristics of a transmitter can be used to to two-sub algorithms: KEYEncrypt and DATAEncrypt. The
effectively encode analog information. These analog nuances first is for encrypting a session key, and the second is for data
can’t be predicted or controlled in manufacturing, and can encryption. The resulted ciphertext from the sub algorithms
serve as a unique key. This way of authentication has little is transmitted separately in a way that data ciphertexts are
or no energy overhead because it takes advantage of radio transmitted many times without attaching the key ciphertext.
signals. The evaluation results showed that the proposed scheme is
secure against plaintext attacks. Also, the performance anal- IV. I OT AUTHENTICATION AND ACCESS C ONTROL
ysis showed that it outperforms the regular IBE scheme in
A. IoT Authentication Scheme
terms of speeding up the encryption operations, and reducing
approximately one-third of communication overhead. Salman et al. [15] proposed a new IoT heterogeneous
identity-based authentication scheme by applying the concept
III. C LASSIFICATIONS ON I OT ATTACKS of Software Defined Networking (SDN) on IoT devices. SDN
Previous survey works have conducted comprehensive stud- can be deployed using fog-distributed nodes. Each set of
ies on IoT security. They have provided insightful classifica- devices is communicating with a gateway that can support au-
tions of IoT attacks and solutions. thentication for the things. These gateways are also connected
Andrea et al. [13] come up with a new classification of to a central controller which has access to the central data.
IoT devices attacks presented in four distinct types: physical, The authentication process has to go through the gateway and
network, software, and encryption attacks. Each one covers a then the controller in order to give access to the things. The
layer of the IoT structure (physical, network, and application), message flow between the three levels: things, gateway, and
in addition to the IoT protocols for data encryption. The physi- the controller, happens in three phases. The first phase consists
cal attack is performed when the attacker is in a close distance of obtaining an authentication certificate for the gateway from
of the device. The network attacks consist of manipulating the a controller. Phase two consists of things registration to the
IoT network system to cause damage. The software attacks gateway. The final phase is the authentication request which
happen when the IoT applications present some security is sent from the IoT device to the gateway. The experimental
vulnerabilities that allow the attacker to seize the opportunity evaluation shows that the proposed scheme is immune to mas-
and harm the system. Encryption attacks consist of breaking querade attack, man-in-the-middle attack, and replay attack.
the system encryption. This kind of attacks can be done by side Porambage et al. [16] proposed and designed a pervasive
channel, cryptanalysis, and man-in-the-middle attacks. They authentication protocol and a key establishment scheme for
also presented a multi-layered security approaches to address the resource constrained wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in
the IoT structure layers and encryption system vulnerabilities distributed IoT application, called PAuthKey. The proposed
and security issues. Based on the study, to countermeasure PAuthKey protocol comprises two phases: registration phase
the security problems at the physical layer, the device has for obtaining cryptographic credentials to the edge devices
to use secure booting by applying a cryptographic hash and end users; authentication phase for authentication and
algorithms and digital signature to verify its authentication key establishment in mutual communication. With PAuthKey
and the integrity of the software. Also, a new device must protocol, end-users can authenticate themselves to the sensor
authenticate itself to the network before any transmission or nodes directly and acquire sensed data and services. The
reception of data. In addition to that, a device should carry protocol supports the distributed IoT applications, since the
an error detection system, and all of its information has to be certificates are lightweight and can be handled by the high
encrypted to maintain data integrity and confidentiality. At the resource constrained devices, irrespective of their originality.
network layer, authentication mechanisms and point-to-point Ho et al. [17] studied the security vulnerabilities of smart
encryption can be used to ensure data privacy and rooting locks by observing five types of locks: August, Danalock,
security. The application layer can also provide security by Kevo, Okidokeys, and Lockitron. The paper focused on the
means of authentication, encryption, and integrity verification, consequence of the door’s automatic unlocking system. Some
which allows only the authorized users to access data through locks have the capability to unlock the door if the owner
control lists and firewalls, in addition to the use of anti-virus is located in a certain distance from the door. This feature
software. allows to open the door even if the owner doesn’t have the
Ronen et al. [14] introduced a new taxonomy classification intent for the action to occur, especially when the person is
for IoT attacks based on how the attacker features deviates inside the home. This can create an insecure feeling for the
from the legitimate IoT devices. The categories are presented resident and allows the attacker to seize the opportunity and
in: ignoring, reducing, misusing, and extending the system enter the home when the owner is around without his/her
functionality. The study focused on the functionality extension permission. To countermeasure this vulnerability, the study
attacks on smart lights. The paper presented two attacks: the proposed a touch-based intent communication solution that
first one consisted of creating a covert channel to capture prevents locks to unlock the door without the owner intent
confidential information from an organization building that to do it. In this solution, the authorized user has to wear a
implemented smart lights which are connected to the internal special wearable device that communicate with the lock via
sensitive network. The work is done by using an optical an ear bone conduction microphone. A hand-held vibrator
receiver that could read the data from a distance of over 100 is used to transmit the intent signal. The wearable device
meters by measuring the exact duration and frequency of the will detect the vibration and send an unlock command. The
small changes in the lights intensity. The second attack showed results showed that the system unlocks only when it detects
that an attacker can use those lights to create strobes in the the person’s action, and it didn’t react to the vibration caused
sensitive light frequencies, which can lead to a risk of epileptic by any of daily activities such as computer tone and phone
seizures. The experiments showed that it is necessary to focus vibration; however, the solution presented some limitations
on security issues during the different phases of designing, like the addition of hardware to the smart lock, and the
implementing and integrating of the IoT devices. wearable device to be able to transmit the vibrations. Also,
the vibration sensor may not detect the intent action if the trol model called SmartOrBAC that extends the OrBAC
wearable device is loosen, or the user is touching the door (Organization-based Access Control) model to fit the IoT
with the hand which is not wearing the device. network requirements by including collaboration-related and
Sharaf et al. [18] proposed a new approach for authentica- context aware concepts, and dividing the IoT network structure
tion process using the device’s unique fingerprint. According into four abstraction layers: constrained, less constrained, or-
to the study, each device has a unique fingerprint which ganization layer, and collaboration layer across domain access
consists of multiple features such as location, physical state control, with a central authorization engine for each separate
of object, or transmitter state. A group of IoT objects may group of components within a specific layer. The constrained
have different types of fingerprinting features. For that reason, layer, as its name says, contains devices with constrained
conventional device fingerprinting techniques can’t be used capabilities. A less constrained device is associated to a group
for the IoT object’s authentication. The paper proposed the of the first layer components to take in charge the intensive
use of transfer learning, to authenticate devices that have computation tasks within the same security domain. This
different feature spaces. To apply the new idea, the research central element of the less constrained layer is referred as
study followed two-fold approach. First, it verifies if the Client Authorization Engine (CAE), on the client side, and
message is sent by a single object. Then, it validates the Resource Authorization Engine (RAE), on the source side.
legitimacy of the sending device. To realize the first phase, the The Organization layer specifies the security access policies
paper adopted the Infinite Gaussian Mixture Mode (IGMM) for each group of the client and the resource organization.
as a generative model assuming that the fingerprints for each It also structures them into different security domains. The
object follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The second fourth layer comes to enhance the OrBAC access model with
phase was done by comparing the clustering results from the the addition of collaboration related concepts. This added layer
IGMM with the expected cluster shape for the device. This is responsible for establishing agreements and rules cross the
was done by applying Bhattacharyya distance. However, the domain access control. The evaluation of the presented model
environment can cause changes in some devices’ fingerprint showed that it is less complex that the capabilities based
features. To solve this issue, the study applied transfer learning models. It also ameliorates the security policy management
techniques to differentiate between normal changes due to cost, and reduces the risks of errors.
the environment effects, from the malicious changes produced
by attackers. This is done under two assumptions. The first
is that the changes can affect more than an object at the B. IoT Authentication Architecture
same time, and the second is that an attacker cannot target Lessa et al. [21] proposed an architecture for secure com-
all objects affected by the environment. The test results of munication between constrained IoT devices using Datagram
the proposed authentication approach showed an increase Transport Layer Security (DTLS) based on certificates with
in the authentication performance compared to conventional mutual authentication. The communication is done by intro-
authentication techniques. ducing a new device called IoT Security Provider (IoTSSP),
Zhang et al. [19] proposed an algorithm to defend against which is responsible for managing and analyzing the devices’
DDoS attacks by considering a network composed of four certificates along with authentication and session establish-
groups of nodes: working node, monitoring node, legitimate ment between the devices. The infrastructure could be com-
user node, and the attacker node. The algorithm proposed posed by one or more IoTSSPs. Each one is responsible for a
consists of addressing each node’s DDoS security issues in set of constrained devices. Optional Handshaking Delegation,
the network. The working nodes are considered as the devices and Transfer of Session are the two new main mechanisms
that collect information and execute simple tasks. They have that are introduced in the study. The first mechanism con-
memory computation, storage, and energy limitations. To sists of delegating the handshaking process to the IoTSSP
countermeasure the DDoS attack, the working node has to upon the reception of a client request for authentication to
differentiate between malicious requests and legitimate ones. communicate with a constrained device. The Handshaking
A sender that sends the same content messages will be flagged Execution Module (HEM) in IPv6 over low power wireless
and saved in a list of served requests to check for further personal area networks border router (6LBR) redirect the
attacker requests. The list has to be of small size due to message to the IoTSSP, which replies to the Internet device
the devices’ space constraint. A legitimate user node has to to verify its request. It then communicates the message to the
send request with lower frequency and reasonable content. A constrained device and check for its availability. This process
monitoring node is included in the scheme for future work also prevents DoS attacks. After the authentication process is
implementation. The node will be responsible for storing finished, the second mechanism will take place by using a
the old records of attackers in order to prevent the working DTLS extension called Session Transfer Ticket that transfer a
nodes from serving the malicious attacks. In the proposed secure communication session to the constrained device, which
algorithm, an attacker’s request has only one chance to be will receive all the parameters of the active session defined in
served. After the second attempt, the attacker is put in the the IoTSSP.
attacking list, and its packets will be dropped. The study The proposed solution in [22] is based on a lightweight
simulation results showed that the algorithm is effective for key agreement protocol, the Identity Based Encryption (IBE),
detecting and preventing DDoS. and Pseudonym Based Encryption (PBE) to ensure anonymity,
Bouij et al. [20] proposed an authorization access con- data secrecy, and trust between IoT or WSN nodes in the
One perception layer security issue is the detection of the therapy settings and drain the battery more rapidly. Similarly,
abnormal sensor node. This could happen when the node is eavesdropping attacks and active attacks can also compromise
physically attacked (e.g. destroyed, disabled), or intruded/com- commercial glucose monitoring and insulin delivery system
promised by cyber attacks. These nodes are named as faulty [45]–[47]. After reverse-engineering the communication pro-
nodes in general. In order to ensure the quality of service, it is tocol and packet format, they were able to impersonate the
necessary to be able to detect the faulty nodes and take actions doctor and alter the intended therapy by replaying and inject-
to avoid further degradation of the service. Chen et al. [28] ing messages with a software radio. A security professional
proposed and evaluated a localized fault detection algorithm to Barnaby Jack has also revealed serious security flaws in IMDs,
identify the faulty nodes in WSN. Silva et al. [29] proposed a and demonstrated how an adversary can remotely take full
decentralized intrusion detection system model for the WSN. control of insulin pump, pacemaker and ICD [48]. The IMD
Wang et al. [30] derived the intrusion detection probability in manufacturers should be responsible for the security incidents
both homogeneous and heterogeneous WSN. and vulnerabilities in their products. However, they tend to
Another perception layer security concern is the cryp- be unwilling to include strong security mechanisms into their
tography algorithms and key management mechanism to be products since these changes will result in an additional
used. Public key algorithm has been considered convenient monetary cost and a reduction in service life.
for node authentication. It has larger scalability and can In 2014, an independent security researcher Billy Rios
better secure the entire network without complicated key discovered 100 vulnerabilities in the communications system
management protocol [27]. According to Gaubatz et al. [31], of the PCA 3 Lifecare infusion pump, produced by the medical
three low-power public key encryption algorithms are the device company Hospira (HSP). These vulnerabilities allow
most promising candidates for wireless sensor networks: Ra- a hacker to tap into the pumps and change the original
bin’s Scheme, NtruEncrypt and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. amount of medication set to dispense. Rios notified Hospira,
Key management includes secret key generation, distribution, but the company failed to respond to him. Hospira stayed
storage, updating and destruction. Existing key distribution silent on the issue until another researcher Jeremy Richards
scheme can be divided into four groups: (1) Key broadcast publicly disclosed the threat in April 2015 [49]. Then, the U.S.
distribution [32] [33]; (2) Group key distribution [34] [35]; Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of
(3) master key pre-distribution; (4) pairwise key distribution Homeland Security (DHS) ’s Industrial Control Systems Cy-
[36] [37]. ber Emergency Response Team sent out advisories notifying
Some IoT users have privacy concerns when submitting hospitals of the danger of Hospira pumps, and encouraging
sensitive data to the collection server. It is very important to the transition to alternative infusion systems [50].
anonymize the data before submission so that the collector Many research efforts have been focused on the access
cannot trace back to the submitter. The anonymous data aggre- control for IMDs [51]–[57] and the mitigation of resource
gation has been studied in many previous works [38]–[42]. A depletion attacks [58], [59].
recent work by Yao et al. [43] proposed an efficient anonymous
data reporting protocol for the participatory sensing in IoT
applications. The protocol consists of a slot reservation stage B. IoT Network Layer Security
and a message submission stage. In the slot reservation stage, a For IoT devices in WSN context, it is desirable to ex-
group of N users assign each other a message slot in a vector as tend IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks
the message submission schedule, each user’s slot is oblivious (6LoWPAN) to enable IPSec communication with IPv6 nodes.
to others and the aggregator. In the message submission stage, This is beneficial because the existing end-points on the
each user transmits an encoded data to the aggregator based Internet do not need to be modified to communicate securely
on the slot information known only to herself, while the with the WSN, and the true end-to-end security is implemented
aggregator cannot link the received data to a specific user. without the need for a trustworthy gateway. Raza et al. [60]
With the proposed data reporting protocol, the link between proposed an End-to-End (E2E) secure communication between
the received data and the contributor is broken, so that user IP enabled sensor networks and the traditional Internet. Their
privacy is protected. extension of LoWPAN supports both IPSec’s Authentication
Implantable medical device (IMD) is a new type of IoT Header (AH) and Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP), so
device that is implanted within human body for diagnostic, that the communication endpoints are able to authenticate,
monitoring, and therapeutic purposes. It is imperative to ensure encrypt and check the integrity of messages using standard-
the security of IMDs since even a small vulnerability can cause ized and established IPv6 mechanisms. They extended their
fatal threat to patient’s life. However, in recent years, several previous work in [61]. They described Encapsulating Security
attacks have been demonstrated to be able to successfully Payload (ESP) for 6LoWPAN/IPSec in detail, and compared
compromise a number of commercial IMD products. the 6LoWPAN/IPSec solution with the commonly employed
Halperin et al. [44] presented the vulnerabilities of a com- 802.15.4 link-layer security. A thorough testbed performance
mercial implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Equipped evaluation of the 6LoWPAN/IPSec solution and 802.15.4
with an oscilloscope and a software radio, they managed security is built, which reuses the crypto hardware within
to reverse-engineer the ICD’s communications protocol and existing IEEE 802.15.4 transceivers for 6LoWPAN/IPSec.
obtain the personal information of the patient and the ICD. Granjal et al. [6] proposed a new secure inter-connection
Furthermore, they also launched active attacks to change the model and security mechanisms to enable the secure integra-
tion of IP enabled WSNs with the Internet, and allow for end- to reduce the overheads of the DTLS handshake, based on
to-end security. Their model introduces 6LoWPAN security pre-validation, session resumption, and handshake delegation,
headers to enable end-to-end security between sensor nodes respectively.
and hosts on the Internet, while also providing mechanisms to
selectively control the energy expended with security opera- D. IoT Application Layer Security
tions on the WSN.
IoT has a wide variety of applications, including but not
Jara et al. [62] provided an analysis of the requirements
limited to smart home (e.g., learning thermostat, smart bulb),
and desirable features for the mobility support in the IoT, and
medical and healthcare (e.g., real-time health monitoring sys-
proposed an efficient solution for constrained environments
tem), smart city (e.g., smart lighting, smart parking), energy
based on Mobile IPv6 and IPSec. This work has considered
management (e.g., smart grids, smart metering), environmental
the suitability of Mobile IPv6 and IPSec for constrained
monitoring (e.g., climate monitoring, wildlife tracking), indus-
devices, and analyzed, designed, developed and evaluated a
trial internet, connected vehicle.
lightweight version of Mobile IPv6 and IPSec. The proposed
Most modern IoT devices contain configurable embedded
solution of lightweight Mobile IPv6 with IPSec is aware of
computer systems. Some are even running complex software
the requirements of the IoT and presents the best solution
and resembling general-purpose computers, hence they face
for dynamic ecosystems in terms of efficiency and security
the same security risks as that of general-purpose computers.
adapted to IoT-devices capabilities.
When connected to the Internet, they could get infected by
computer virus like trojan.
C. IoT Transport Layer Security The Internet of Things (IoT) is creating a new environment
Kothmayr et al. [63] presented the first fully implemented where malware can be used to create powerful botnets. Mirai
two-way authentication scheme for the IoT system, based on [68], a newly discovered piece of Linux malware, is being used
existing Internet standards, especially the DTLS protocol. The to rope IoT devices into botnets. Mirai can gain shell access
proposed security scheme is performed during a fully authen- using the default password of the telnet or SSH accounts.
ticated DTLS handshake and based on an exchange of X.509 After it obtains access to the account, it can create delayed
certificates containing RSA keys. It can work over standard processes, delete files, and even install other malware on
communication stacks that offer UDP/IPv6 networking for the system. The infected devices were secretly under Mirai’s
6LoWPANs. control and awaiting orders to strike in the form of a DDoS
Raza et al. [64] proposed 6LoWPAN header compression attack. The vast internet outage in October 2016 was caused
for DTLS. They linked the compressed DTLS with the 6LoW- by the DDoS attack using compromised IoT devices running
PAN standard using standardized mechanisms. The proposed the Mirai malware.
DTLS compression significantly reduces the number of addi- Later, security researchers at MalwareMustDie have dis-
tional security bits. For example, only for the DTLS Record covered another malware family IRCTelnet, also designed to
header that is added in every DTLS packet, the number of infect Linux-based insecure Internet of Things (IoT) devices
additional security bits can be reduced by 62%. In their follow- and turn them into a botnet to carry out massive DDoS
up work [65], an integration of DTLS and CoAP is proposed attacks [69]. Similar to Mirai malware, IRCTelnet also relies
for the IoT, named Lithe. They also proposed a novel DTLS on default hard-coded passwords. It compromises a IoT device
header compression scheme that aims to significantly reduce by brute-forcing its Telnet ports and infecting the device’s
the energy consumption by leveraging the 6LoWPAN stan- operating system. Then, the IoT device becomes a node of
dard. The proposed DTLS header compression scheme does the botnet network, which can be controlled through Internet
not compromise the end-to-end security properties provided by Relay Chat (IRC), an application layer protocol that enables
DTLS, and can considerably reduce the number of transmitted communication in text. The DDoS attacks in IoT and WSN
bytes while maintaining DTLS standard compliance. contexts have been well-studied in [19], [70]–[74].
Brachmann et al. [66] pointed out that security protocols
such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) or DTLS adopted on VI. C ONCLUSION
the Internet does not necessarily mean that the same security In this survey, we have presented the security and privacy
levels can be achieved in Low-power and Lossy Network issues in IoT applications and systems. We presented the
(LLN), which is still vulnerable to resource exhaustion, flood- limitations of IoT devices in battery and computing resources,
ing, replay and amplification attacks, since the 6LoWPAN and discussed possible solutions for battery life extension and
Border Router typically does not perform any authentication. lightweight computing. We also studied existing classification
The authors presented two approaches to mitigate such attacks. approaches for IoT attacks and security mechanisms. Then, we
The first is to map the TLS to DTLS protocol to ensure end- reviewed the recently proposed IoT authentication schemes
to-end security at the application layer. The second approach and architectures. The last part of our work analyzed the
is to use DTLS-DTLS tunnel to protect the LLN. security issues and solutions in four layers, including the
Hummen et al. [67] investigated the use of certificates perception layer, network layer, transport layer, and application
for peer authentication in the Web of Things. Preliminary layer.
overhead estimations are conducted for the certificate-based Overall, the safety of commercial IoT devices today de-
DTLS handshake. The authors proposed three design ideas pends on the technologies, protocols, and security mechanisms
implemented by each individual manufacturer. Based on the [18] Y. Sharaf-Dabbagh and W. Saad, “On the authentication of devices in
specific case, all IoT devices could be vulnerable to certain the internet of things,” in 2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on A
World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June
types of attacks. This indicates the urgent needs of developing 2016, pp. 1–3.
general security policy and standards for IoT products. IoT [19] C. Zhang and R. Green, “Communication security in internet of thing:
manufacturing industry has to work closely with the supervi- Preventive measure and avoid ddos attack over iot network,” in Pro-
ceedings of the 18th Symposium on Communications & Networking,
sory agencies, such as FSA and DHS, and the standardization ser. CNS ’15. San Diego, CA, USA: Society for Computer Simulation
organizations to tackle newly emerged threats as well as to International, 2015, pp. 8–15.
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