Aggy Project
Aggy Project
Aggy Project
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................................8
FEASIBILITY STUDY.................................................................................................................................8
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................8
1.2 Socio-economic feasibility...................................................................................................................8
1.3 Technical Feasibility............................................................................................................................9
1.4 Environmental feasibility.....................................................................................................................9
1.4.1 Potential environmental impacts...................................................................................................9
1.4.2Mitigation measures.....................................................................................................................10
1.4.2 Social impact assessment............................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................13
SITE PLAN LAYOUT................................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................14
ENGINEERING SURVEY.........................................................................................................................14
3.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................14
3.2 Equipments and instruments.............................................................................................................14
3.3 setting up the level.............................................................................................................................14
3.4 taking the readings.............................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................................................18
SOIL INVESTIGATION.............................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................................................................34
ARCHTECTURAL DESIGN......................................................................................................................34
CHAPTER SIX............................................................................................................................................36
STRUCTURAL DESIGN............................................................................................................................36
CHAPTER SEVEN.....................................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER EIGHT......................................................................................................................................38
BAR BENDING SCHEDULE....................................................................................................................38
CHAPTER NINE.........................................................................................................................................39
BILL OF QUANTITIES..............................................................................................................................39
CHAPTER TEN...........................................................................................................................................40
FOUL WATER DRAINAGE......................................................................................................................40
CHAPTER ELEVEN...................................................................................................................................41
ELECTRICAL WORKS..............................................................................................................................41
CHAPTER TWELVE..................................................................................................................................41
MECHANICAL WORKS...........................................................................................................................41
CHAPTER THIRTEEN...............................................................................................................................44
SITE ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT......................................................................................44
The client intents to construct a double storied BCT office block with reception, ATL office, team room,
washrooms, examination office, stationery/books store, fifteen staff offices and car park.
Candidates are required to carry out feasibility studies and gather all background data pertaining to the
project. The data may be obtained through consultations with experts in the particular areas of
specialization, from government and/or non-governmental departments. A letter of introduction may be
obtained from the chairman, Building Science and Technology Department when necessary. Sources of
information should be given and proper acknowledgement made in the write-up.
The design and construction of the project must be practical, economical, in conformity with the
construction regulations and should meet the client’s requirements. The choice of construction methods
and details is left at the discretion of the candidate. The architecture should however match the built
environment as much as possible.
- A double storied office block for BCT staff with reception ATL office, tea room,
- washrooms,examination office,stationery/books store, 15 staff offices and car park.
- All ground and one upper floor with concrete framed structure
with infill walls and partitions to accommodate the necessary facilities.
Pitched roof with attractive architectural features.
Any other supporting facilities.
This project is made of solely my original effort and none of its contents has been presented for any
other examination body. No part of this project should be reproduced without my consent or that of the
This project has been presented for our approval as the Technical University of Kenya Supervisors
I wish to pass my sincere gratitude to the following for their combination either directly or indirectly.
My beloved parents for continuous support financially and their love throughout the period of this work.
My friends Mr. Brian Oywako for great support in structural drawing and detailing I would not have
made without him. I wholeheartedly pass my gratitude to Mr. James Makau for support on structural
calculation lead which without I would have not achieved to this end. My ever-supportive class
representative Mr. Joseph Njuguna for having time and full of spirit for helping others. Other members
of the class Mr. Kelvin Kabasa, Mr. Robert Makau, Mr. Leonard Ngeno, Mr. Calvin Mwaniki, Mr.
Egesa Haron to mention but a few who have in one way or the other contributed either directly or
indirectly in production of this original project. May God bless you all. Of course, without the
unweaving faith of our lecturers to stand in for any inquiries whenever need arises, I would not have
made this project a reality. Thanks to Mr. Peter Njenga, Mr. Peter Mutune, Madam Jackline Jeruto and
Madam Emma Mugo for consistent checking and directing of the project.
The aim of this project is to help learn with a view of enhancing and adopting the best possible
construction management practice in relation to the Contractors and the partners in the built environment
are doing worldwide.
The Construction work is to ensure that the construction industry is up to the task of advancing its
practice and bringing the profession to higher improvement. My colleagues and I are expected to boost
our confidence with respect to our profession after joining the profession. We are also expected to be a
source of inspiration to other partners in the built environment industry upon completion of this project.
Through this project we have been exposed to the reality in the field.
Construction Project Management is a new profession in the Kenyan built environment industry and its
demand is growing very fast. It incorporates techniques and ideas in the management, improvement,
development, and monitoring of the various construction project. Most construction projects are
becoming complex every day and construction project management skills are mandatory in order to
control scope, cost, time and quality.
Construction being one of the major determinants for the vision 2030, construction management is a
priority in the industry.
A feasibility study is analysis of the viability of an idea concerning a project. The main objective of the
feasibility study is to decide whether to proceed with the project idea. Early identification of the fact that
a project idea will not work saves time, money and avoids backtracking of the project at the later stage.
A feasible project is one where adequate cash flow and profits will be generated, withstand the risks it
will encounter, remain viable in the long term and meet the goals of the stakeholders.
During the feasibility phase, each option will be reviewed for existing site conditions, space and
programming requirements, environmental issues, budgetary and scheduling constraints, and logistical
The study focuses on the macro- and micro-environment of the location of the proposed BCT office
block, the assumed competitive set, the estimated trading performance of BCT office block assuming a
position at the very top end of the market.
South C, Nairobi
Off Nairobi-Mombasa Highway, along Popo road
LR No.297/8279
The land is estimated at 60M * 60M
The proposed BCT office block will be situated at the TUK’s plot in South C. The plot is rectangular in
shape and therefore has four sides. Just next to its gate there a residential flats apartment. On the back of
the plot there is also a residential flat apartment. On the right-hand side of the plot, there is Toyotsu
Company, while on the left-hand side there is a maize plantation.
In the same plot there is a football pitch where students normally carryout their co curriculum activities.
Thus, students will not have a room for sports when this BCT office block is constructed. Within the
plot, there is a changing room that was recently constructed for students participating in sports. Thus,
this proposed project will call for retention of this changing room to be used during and after
The client (The Technical University of Kenya) building the proposed BCT office block in this area will
have great economical impact on his side, the area is a home to many joints and government bodies
offices. NEMA, CID training field, Toyotsu is a big car dealer company around. There is a switch tv
Boma inn, looking at this great number of workers around and considering that south c is a home to
middle class residents, BCT office block close to them will be viable project.
Administrative feasibility means that all tax laws, rules and regulations must be capable of being
administered and complied with. Citizenry must easily understand its application for its compliance. No
matter how willing and able a taxpayer in complying the mandates of a tax law, if he could not
comprehend, he could not fully comply the same without lapses.
Error in compliance is penalized and good faith isn’t always a good defense. Tax laws should also be
capable of convenient, just and effective administration. The project should ensure paying the taxes and
compliance of all the tax laws and regulations.
It is used to determine the likelihood of a venture succeeding in the management aspect of the study,
those conducting it identify the management team of the venture and judge whether or not they have
skills to run the business. Thus, as the Construction contractor, you need to ensure all the parties are
skilled in their relevant specializations.
Also, to enable the business to succeed, you need to ensure the parties feel appreciated and that they
matter. This is by listening to their complaints and also listening to their suggestions and taking them
into consideration
Prior to construction of the proposed development should be engaged to inform both the study and the
project. These stakeholders are to be consulted based on their institutional mandates which govern the
project and its activities, and members of the general public who are neighbors to the project. This is to
Inform stakeholders about the project and its likely effects Canvass their inputs, views and concerns, and
to enable their views to be taken into account during the decision making.
Thus, to achieve these the process is to be targeted at:
Obtaining local and traditional knowledge that may be useful to decision making including any
Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS);
Facilitating consideration of alternatives, mitigation measures and trade-offs (if any);
Ensuring that important impacts are not overlooked and benefits are maximized;
Reducing chances of conflict through early identification of contentious issues;
Providing an opportunity for the public to influence the project design and operational plan in a
positive manner;
Improving transparency and accountability of decision making, and
The comments stakeholders raised should be collated and analyzed to see which issues are
Construction works are expected to have both direct and indirect impacts on the natural environment.
This is because the implementation of the project changes the land use pattern and the natural dimension
of the surrounding environment. In general construction works has some large negative impacts on the
environment. This may also have an effect on the individuals leaving around if the effects of pollution
are not looked into. It may also have political implications.
Land contamination occur when hazardous substances are exposed in or on land that are reasonably
likely to have significant adverse effects on the environment (including human health). In construction
land may be considered to be contaminated when it contains a sufficient quantity of toxic or otherwise
material to pose a threat and safety of users of the land or workers engaged in its redevelopment. Land
may also be contaminated due to improper disposal of construction waste.
Mitigation measures
Water pollution occurs when contaminated water from construction sites is led to surface water and
ground water. Sources of water pollution in the construction sites include diesel and oil; paint, solvents
and construction debris and dirt. Excavation for construction work at the site and improper disposal of
solid waste may cause dissolved impurities such as arsenic in the soil and solid waste to contaminate
ground water aquifers and surface water bodies. When land is cleared it causes soil erosion that lead to
silt-bearing g run-off and sediment pollution. Silt and soil that turns into natural waterways turns them
turbid, which restricts sunlight filtration and destroys aquatic life. Contaminated ground and surface
water hold potential health hazards, if the contaminated water is exploited for consumptions
Mitigation measures
D. Construction waste
Construction waste is anything generated as a result of construction and then abandoned, regardless of
whether it has been processed or stockpiled. It comprises of surplus materials from sites clearance,
excavation, construction refurbishment, renovation, demolition, road works and chemical waste from the
maintenance of construction plant and equipment.
Throughout the construction cycle, and especially at the end of a structure’s life, large quantities of
waste are produced. Significant quantities of waste are also generated by the construction process itself.
Mitigation measures;
Waste arising from construction should be handled carefully, transported and disposed of using
approved methods and that the recommended good site practices are strictly followed, adverse
environmental impacts would not be expected during the construction phase.
Purchase of precut materials like foam core panels and floor trusses to reduce waste.
Reuse materials such as sliding, interior trims, framing wood, hardwood floors and bath fixtures.
Consult trade publication, builder’s associations and local or state agencies for information on
resource efficient building designs and techniques. Work with designers, contractors and
suppliers with a reputation for resource- efficient design and construction.
Architects and designers can reduce construction wastes by using advanced framing techniques
that generate less waste and carrying over surplus to the next jobsite or donating it to a charitable
Prior to commencement of excavation activities, a Groundwater Management Plan should be
prepared to address the notification, monitoring, sampling, testing, handling, storage, and
disposal of potentially contaminated groundwater.
Contract specifications should include references to the potential to encounter contaminated soil,
groundwater, or other regulated wastes during construction activities.
If contaminated soil is present, appropriate abatement actions should be implemented in
accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Soil sampling should be conducted in areas within the Area proposed to be disturbed and
excavated prior to soil export, reuse, or disposal to characterize the soil for the presence of
hazardous materials.
Prior to commencement of excavation activities, a Site and Community Health and Safety Plan
should be prepared to manage potential health and safety hazards to workers and the public.
E. Air pollution
Construction activities that will contribute air pollution include; land clearing, operation of diesel
engines, demolition, burning and working with toxic materials. All construction sites generate high level
of dust (typically from concrete, cement, wood, stones) and this can carry for large distances over a long
period of time. Construction dust is classified as PM10-particulate matter less than 10 microns in
diameters invisible to the naked eye.
Research has shown that PM10 penetrates into the lungs and cause a wide range of health problems
including respiratory illness, asthma, bronchitis, and even cancer. Diesel ca also causes PM10 known as
diesel particulate matter. Diesel also emits carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide.
Measures to ensure good quality air;
Control dust through fine water sprays used to dampen down site.
Screen the whole site to stop dust spreading or alternatively place fine mesh screening close to the
dust source.
Use of low sulphur diesel on in all vehicle and equipment engines, and incorporate the latest
specifications of particulate filters and catalytic converters.
Soil binder should be spread on any unpaved roads used for construction purposes, and all
construction parking areas.
Trucks should be washed off as they leave the construction site, as necessary, to control fugitive
dust emissions.
Transported loads of soils and wet materials should be covered prior to transport
Mitigation for other adverse construction impacts includes:
Discourage inappropriate hazardous material disposal by making storm drain.
Properly disposal of construction wastes or slurry through measures such as off-site waste
disposal in an approved location.
Minimize the amount of hazardous materials stored onsite, and restrict storage
Use of covered and enclosed storage facilities for hazardous materials, and maintain accurate
and up-to-date written material inventories.
Place warning and information signs in hazardous material use/storage areas to identify the types
of materials present, applicable use restrictions, and containment/clean-up procedures.
Training employees in the proper use, handling and disposal of hazardous materials, as well as
appropriate action to take in the event of a spill.
Implement solid waste management efforts, such as proper containment and disposal of
construction debris.
Store absorbent and clean-up materials in appropriate on-site locations where they are readily
Maintain and properly locate portable wastewater facilities.
of concern and should be addressed through this impact assessment.
The proposed site has Black cotton soil which is very dangerous due its shrinkage and swelling
characteristics. In addition to this, these soils have very poor bearing capacity, ranging from 15,000
kg/m2 to 20,000 kg/m2. In designing footings on this soil, the following points should be kept in mind:
1. The safe bearing capacity should be properly determined, taking into account the effect of sustained
loading. The long-term effect of loading will cause the soil to undergo slow consolidation. In absence of
tests, the bearing capacity of these soils may be limited to 15,000 kg/m 2 to 20,000 kg/m.2
2. The foundation should be taken at least 50 cm lower than the depth of moisture movement. This depth
should also be much more than depth of tension cracks.
3. Where this soil occurs only in top layer, and where the thickness of this layer does not exceed 1 to 1.5
m, the entire layer of black cotton soil (or other expansive soil) should be removed, and the foundation
should be laid on non-shrinkable non- expansive soil.
4. Where the depth of clay layer is large, the foundation or footing should be prevented from coming in
contact with the soil. This can be done by excavating wider and deeper foundation trench and
interposing layer of sand/murram around and beneath the footing.
5. Where the soil is highly expansive, it is very essential to have minimum contact between the soil and
the footing. This can be best achieved by transmitting the loads through deep piles or piers and by
supporting wall loads on capping beams which are kept some distance (5 to 15 cm) above the ground
surface, to permit free expansion of the soil.
6. Where the bearing capacity of soil is poor, or soil is very soft, the bed of the foundation trench should
be made firm or hard by ramming murram and ballast on it.
7. The foundations should be constructed during dry season. Also suitable plinth protection around the
external wall should be made on the ground surface, with its slope away from the wall, so that moisture
does not penetrate the foundation during rainy season.
The plot slopes from south to north and is not flat. This makes it possible to drain water from the gate to
the sewer behind the site. Drainage for storm water will be directed using approved drainage pipes to the
already existing drainage pipe meant to drain water from the recently constructed changing room. The
changing rooms can be used by the workers during construction, but will cease to be useful upon
completion of the project. This makes its drainage system essential for the overall drainage of the plot
upon completion of the Proposed BCT office block.
There is a national grid to residential neighborhood of the proposed site. Connection will be by KPLC
after submission of the title deed and approval of the site by the relevant authorities. Since there are two
boreholes in the neighborhood, another borehole cannot be dug in the proposed site according to the
local authority regulation. Water will therefore be supplied by the local government through its
connections, and or in collaboration with adjacent residential neighborhood from its borehole at a cost.
From the pictorial view of the proposed site location, it is easier to identify existing public transport and
social facilities. The site is connected to the CBD by Popo road via Mombasa road. The roads are well
maintained and therefore it takes 15mins drive to reach the proposed site from CBD. The proposed site
has social amenities to its adjacent neighborhood such as Belleview Drive-In cinema, Ministry of public
works Sports club, and there is a restaurant just next to its gate. The site is accessible to fiber connection
which provides a platform for internet and data transfer. This would enable for installation of
technological devices such as CCTV for security, WIFI to improve connectivity and communication in
the site.
The professionals required in this project will be employees of Technical University of Kenya. The
skilled laborers will be accessed from the neighboring residential estates upon provision of notice to the
neighborhood residents. The unskilled laborers can be easily accessed from Mukuru kwa Njenga slums
which is a walking distance from the site and other informal settlements within environs of South C,
The neighborhood of this site is middle class citizens and the living standard is high. This calls for
establishment of canteens, messes and shops which offer services and goods at subsidized prices to
protect the workers from exploitation and cushion them financially during construction phase. From this
site it would require importation of semi-skilled and unskilled laborers from adjacent neighborhood such
as Kibera and Mukuru kwa Njega. This would have a negative implication on the cost of construction.
To minimize the cost, it would require creating temporary accommodation for semi-skilled and unskilled
laborers in the site until the construction phase is complete.
Proposed BCT office block will be an ideal project as it will address the high demand for business
spaces and services
Instruments used;
When starting a survey, the following precaution are emphasized to reduce errors;
Do a collimation test(check) before you commence, it takes only 5 minutes and could save you
day or relevelling.
Ensuring staff man uses fixed change points
Always finish your survey at starting point
Keep your notebook readable and note as many details as possible.
Step 1: Setting out dumpy level at convenient, ensuring that it is firmly secured to the legs of tripod and
that the legs and fittings are not loose done by spreading legs evenly at comfortable angle. After setting
out the next step is to level up by bringing the bubbles at center by adjusting the screws. After levelling
the first adjustment required is that of eliminating parallax. This is to ensure that the images of the
sighted object and the center hairs are focused in the same place.
Note that if bubble is not traversing perfectly then the bubble is not remaining at the center position of
the telescope and one has to adjust again.
Step 5; levelling
This involves taking actual level at set interval and recording them at the field books. After recording
data, we compute our data and finally obtaining reduced level from either adding or subtracting a fall.
1.43 G1
DATE: 30/10/2021
Soil samples collected from five pits dug along alignment at specific chainage of 1.2m and 1.2m. Trial pit
dug 1.0M deep, as shown above.
1. Mattock for digging
4. gunny bags
Sample of black cotton soil is unsuitable for building construction thus the layer of weathered rock was
the Soil classification
Is carried out to provide concise and systematic method for designating various types of soil
Soil sample was taken and passed through 5mm sieve, the passing was taken soaked in water and
thoroughly washed through an arrangement sieve until the water passing is clean sample retained on
the sieve was collected and oven dried for grading of the sample. Dry sample were taken to an
arrangement of sieves ranging from 4.75mm to 75 micrometers percentage of mass retained on each
sieve is taken and recorded as percentage of mass of soil passing on typical sieve analysis table the
particle size distribution curve was then obtained by plotting the percentage finer ordinate on natural
scale against particle size as abscissa on logarithmic detailed results of sieve analysis wet and dry
method as attached.
Atterberg limits
Plastic limit
plasticity index
liquid limit
shrinkage limit
The above tests were carried out to determine the relative ease with which a soil mass can perform under
specific condition as relates to water content (moisture content)
mass can be rolled to form a 3mm diameter thread without breaking.
About 20grams oven dried soil sample passing through a 425 micrometer sieves taken. Distilled water is then
added it is thoroughly mixed to form soil paste which can be rolled to form balls.The ball is then rolled on a
smooth plate to form a thread 3mm diameter and signs of cracking checked. If there are no signs the thread is
taken and kneaded again to form a 3mm diameter thread and rolled on smooth plate.
The process is repeated until the thread shows signs of cracking and crumbles at 3mm diameter. A
portion of the thread is taken for moisture content determination which gives the plastic limit. The
process is carried out twice and the average value of moisture content taken as the plastic limit of
This is the range of moisture content over which soil sample is plastic numerically expressed. Plastic
index=liquid limit-plastic limit
It is boundary between the solid and semi solid states of consistency and it’s defined as the maximum moisture
content at which there is no reduction in volume of soil mass accompanying reduction in a
soil sample passing 425 micrometers is taken, distilled water to it and mixed to form distilled water to it
and mixed uniformly to form a soil paste of slightly flowing consistency shrinkage dish is weighed say
mass M and then filled with soil paste while gently trapping to expulse air bubbles and levelled to
surface, weight of shrinkage dish and the soil paste is then taken and deducted from that as shrinkage
dish to get the weight of the soil say mass M. The soil paste in the dish is placed in a thermostatically
controlled oven and dried for 24 hours at temperature ranging between 105_110oC as not to form cracks.
After oven drying the mass of dry soil say mass M2 is determined.
The volume of dry sample of soil is determined by mercury displacement method which is equal to the
volume of shrinkage dish found by filling it with mercury and finding the mass of mercury filling it to
level. The shrinkage limit is then calculated based on the water content as follows.
M1=mass of wet soil paste
M2=mass of dry soil sample
V1=volume of wet soil sample
V2=volume of dry soil sample
A mechanically operated testing procedure on soil sample to obtain variable to enable determination of
maximum dry density at optimum moisture content soil sample taken are closely compacted in order
to reduce the presence of air voids.
Soil sampling was divided to about samples about 2500grams each for those passing through 2mm is
sieve and prepared for testing.
A mold together with its base was weighed before being used,say mass M1, soil sample was taken and
added to it,then thoroughly mixed uniformly. The prepared sample was then placed in thickness of
about100mm and mechanical rammer used to compact for consecutive application on 25 blows.
The process was repeated until the mold is almost filled up a collar is introduced so as to obtain a fully
compacted sample to fill the mold. The collar is then removed and the top of the mold trimmed with
wedge flushing.
The weight of the mold and sample is weighed and recorded and the sample taken for determination of
its moisture content the above sampling procedure is required for other samples with varied measures of
water by increasing the amount of water to each sample by about 50ml after determination of moisture
content percentage is drawn and maximum dry density optimum.
Survey and soil test done on Kenyan subgrade soils analyzed and recorded as a report showed that they
can be grouped into the following bearing strength classes
Sample passing through IS sieve size 20 mm was weighed and a known amount of distilled water added
to it. A portion of the prepared sample was put in the mold in stages and rammed uniformly using 4.5kg
When the mold was filled completely the collar was removed and the top trimmed with a straight edge
mold and soil was then weighed and recorded.
A filter paper was placed on top of the soil sample in the mold and perforated swell plate and surcharge
weight placed initial dial reading was taken for swell data. The sample was then soaked tank by total
immersion for 4days on the fourth day the final dial reading was taken for swell data while the sample
was still soaked. The sample was removed from the soaking tank allowed to drain for 10-15 minutes and
then surcharge weight were reading initial reading over height of mold.
The mold holding the sample was placed under CBR compression machine. The plunger gauge and
penetration dial gauge was set initially to zero. Penetration tests were then done on both the top and
bottom surface and reading were taken and recorded penetration was repeated at interval of 0.25mm the
CBR valve was then calculated by multiplying the force dial gauge reading by the prove ring factor at a
particular penetration.
S1 2-5
S2 5-10
S3 7-13
S4 10-18
S5 15-30
S6 >30
1. Subgrade stability material to be taken as subgrade for use directly on road pavements should be more
than 5
2. Swell at 100% MDD and 4days soak at standard compaction should not be more than 2 %
3. Organic matter by weight should be less than 3 %.
From the above requirements, no pavements should be placed directly on S1, and either the Subgrade
soil class or their improved subgrade is required on such soils.
The results analysis showed the material has CBR ranging between 2-5 and is therefore unsuitable since
it falls in class S1 range 2 -5 material from a borrowed pit with range of CBR range 6 -13 will be used
mass S3 suitable as subgrade.
Shear box test is a test to determine the shear strength of soils. In principle, this test is to determine the
failure strength on a surface that has been set. This apparatus contains a copper box, horizontally in the
middle of the soil samples. Land gripped the bars of metal; porous discs can be placed on his back if
necessary, to allow the sample drain. Usually the size of the sample size of 60 mm x 60 mm. To test
granular materials such as gravel or rocky clay, the larger box is needed, which is 300mm x 300 mm.
However, sometimes a larger dimension is used also box in external box screw motorized loading screw
motor hanger load dial gauge Yoke pressure plate.
Shear strength of a soil is its maximum resistance to shearing stresses. The shear strength is expressed as
Using direct shear test, one can find out the cohesion and angle of internal friction of soil which are
useful in many engineering designs such as foundations, retaining walls, etc. This test can be performed
in three different drainage conditions namely unconsolidated-undrained, consolidated-undrained and
consolidated-drained conditions. In general, cohesionless soils are tested for direct shear in consolidated
drained condition.
3. Now the whole box is placed in a container and mounted on the loading frame.
4. Proving ring is arranged in such a way that it should contact the upper half of the shear box.
5. Loading yoke is placed on the steel ball of loading pad of shear box.
6. Two dial gauges are fitted one to the container for measuring shear displacement and other one is to the
loading yoke for measuring vertical displacement.
7. Now locking pins are removed from the shear box and spacing screws are placed in their respective
positions of the box.
Applying Load on Specimen
8. The upper half of the box is raised slightly with the help of spacing screws. The spacing is decided
depending upon the maximum size of particle.
9. Now apply the normal stress which is generally 25 kN/m2. Also apply the shear load at a constant rate of
10. Now the box starts reacting to loads applied and for every 30 seconds note down the readings of proving
ring and dial gauges.
11. If the proving ring reaches maximum and suddenly drops it, means the specimen is failed. Note down the
maximum value which is nothing but failure stress.
12. For some soils, failure point is taken at 20% of shear strain.
13. Finally remove the box and measure the water content of the specimen.
14. Repeat the same procedure for different normal stresses of 50, 100, 150,200,250,300,400 kN/m2
Observations and Calculations for Direct Shear Test
Calculations are to be done using the observations taken from the test as follows:
Void ratio =
Mass of box + base plate + porous stone + grid plate =
Mass of box + base plate + porous stone + grid plate + Soil specimen =
Calculate the shear stress using below tabulated observations:
Now determine the shear stress at failure for different normal stress values:
Now plot a graph between normal stress and shear stress by taking normal stress on abscissa and
shear stress at failure on ordinate. The graph looks like as shown below.
Graph plotted between Normal Stress and Shear stress
From the graph cohesion intercept (c’) and angle of shearing resistance ( ) can be known and shear
strength (s) can be calculated from the formula.
The design for the water to be supplied depends on the number of the residents and consumption per
resident in 24 hours. Assuming number of people is 250 and consumption per resident is 120 liters
? =30000
30000 = 30m3
Since the capacity of the tank is more than 4500liters provide two tanks to ensure continuous supply of
water especially during cleaning
Therefore, V = L×W×H
3/4×L×L×1.5=15 m3
3×1.5L2= 15×4
L2= 13.33
L=√ 13.33
L= 3.65m
Width is ¾ of 3.65
Sewage should be between 16 and 48 hours. The total capacity of the septic tank where dislodge
is carried out in more than 12-month interval
C= 180P+2000
The minimum volume of the septic tank is 2700 liters.
The capacity of the tank is designed for 250 people
C= 180P + 2000
C= 180×250+ 2000
1m3 =1000l
? =47000l
8.4w2= 47m3
8.4 8.4
Design tank capacity of (4.8×2.4×2.8) m
For small one =w × w × h
(2.4 ×2.4×2.8) =16.13m