Summary RRL

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Related Literature and Studies Summary Overview of the reviewed sources (Related Literature)

Authors Country Purpose Type of Source Summary points

Esteban, M., Philippines To provide and highlight International One journal published in the
Ishigaki, T., the insight into the Academic Journal International Journal of
Itakura, H., effectiveness of typhoon- Article Disaster Risk Reduction,
& resilient evacuation centers titled "Assessing the
Sandoval, and emphasize the effectiveness of typhoon
S. (2017) importance of resilient evacuation centers
designing them to be in the Philippines,"
resilient to disasters. conducted a case study in
the Philippines to evaluate
the performance of
evacuation centers during
Typhoon Haiyan in 2013.
The study found that
typhoon-resilient evacuation
centers, which were
designed with reinforced
concrete and elevated above
the ground, performed
significantly better than
traditional evacuation
centers in terms of safety,
accessibility, and

Lutero, N. Philippines To emphasize the Journal of Civil The study highlighted the
A. C., importance of resilient Engineering and need for structures to be
Berdos, B. design in ensuring the Architecture, 11(11), designed to withstand severe
P. F., safety and protection of 1287-1295. typhoon winds and the
& communities during importance of
Ramos, L. typhoons. The study Appropriate site selection,
F. (2017) provides valuable elevation, and orientation to
information for those ensure resilience. (Lutero et
involved in disaster al., 2017).
preparedness and response
efforts in typhoon-prone

UNDRR. Geneva, To provide an United Nations The report highlighted the

(2019) Switzerland overview of the new Office for need for evacuation
the standard building that DisasterRisk centers to be designed with
is friendly and accessible Reduction appropriate
to people with building materials, adequate
disabilities. And to ventilation, and accessibility
highlight the for people with disabilities
importance of designing (UNDRR, 2019)
evacuation centers that
meet the needs of
evacuees and promote
their safety and well-
being during disasters.
The report provides
valuable information for
policymakers, disaster
managers, and architects
involved in designing and
constructing evacuation
centers in disaster-prone

Overview of the reviewed sources for (Foreign Related Studies)

Authors Country Purpose Type of Summary points

Jae-kyung South Korea To plan the materials Theses This study examines
Park, that is needed for the The design and
Dong-woo development of Construction of
Shin, and typhoon-resilient typhoon-resilient
Seung-Hee Evacuation Centers evacuation centers in
Kanf design strategies for South Korea. The
(2016) the constructions and authors propose
proper site selected Guidelines for the
Construction of such
centers, including the
Use of reinforced
Concrete structures,
raised platforms, and
measures. Theyalso
Recommend that
evacuation centers by
located in areas that
are not prone to
flooding or landslide

Labarda, C., Del Japan (2017) The purpose of a Research This paper examines the
Pilar Labarda, M. responsive local health experiences of two public and
Lambaerte, E.E system in post-disaster private hospitals in Tacloban
settings, resilient health City, Philippines, following a
facilities, particularly super typhoon. The study focuses
hospitals, are essential. on the impact of Typhoon Haiyan
This paper examines on health services delivery
the experiences of two capacity and the factors affecting
institutions (public and the resilience of the hospitals.
private) in Tacloban Disaster preparedness scores
City, Philippines, in the were assessed across various
aftermath of a super resilience domains. Key
typhoon and their informant interviews were
respective health conducted among stakeholders,
service delivery in such revealing that disaster
a setting. with the preparedness scores varied
design methodology among hospitals. The study is
approach that described exploratory, with a retrospective
the effects of Typhoon design prone to recall bias. The
Haiyan on the capacity use of self-report measures for
to deliver health hospital resilience needs
services and the factors validation by more objective
that contributed to the measures. The study highlights
resilience of the case the responsibility of public health
hospitals. Lessons in disasters, the need for
learned from the flexibility in disaster
hospitals' experiences preparedness and planning, the
were also extracted, importance of coordination, and
both at the hospital the need for integration of
personnel and disaster preparedness in daily
institution levels. hospital processes.
Several resilience
domains were used to
evaluate the
preparedness for
disasters. We
conducted key
informant interviews
with stakeholders and
extracted key themes
on disaster resilience.
Wedawatta, South-Western The purpose of Case Study The paper investigates the
G., Kulatunga, Bangladesh The development of development of effective disaster
U., Amaratunga, effective disaster risk risk reduction (DRR) strategies
D. and Parvez, reduction (DRR) for communities at risk of natural
A. (2017), strategies for disasters in the Patuakhali region
communities at risk of of South-Western Bangladesh.
being impacted by Focus group discussions were
natural disasters is held with local community
regarded as essential, leaders and policymakers to
particularly in light of gather their perspectives. The
recent reports of findings revealed that
devastating disaster infrastructure and structural
events worldwide. As protection requirements, such as
part of a larger study multi-purpose cyclone shelters,
investigating permanent embankments, and
community improved transport infrastructure,
perspectives on extant are critical in reducing disaster
and prospective risk and reducing the dependence
strategies for enhancing of coastal communities on these
natural disaster measures. The research design
resilience, community aimed to answer research
perspectives on questions and inform local
infrastructure and policymakers on community
structural protection perspectives, thereby promoting
requirements were community engagement in
investigated. This paper implementing DRR activities.
intends to address these The study's findings underscore
issues. the importance of community
involvement in DRR initiatives
and the need for improved
infrastructure and structural
protection measures.

Overview of the reviewed sources for (Local Related Studies)

Santos, K. Philippines The purpose of t h e Theses This study investigates

M. M. T., the study is to develop the design of typhoon-
Regidor,J. design criteria for resilientevacuation
R.F,2018) typhoon-resilient. The centers in the Philippines. The
purpose of this is to provides authors propose a set of design
extensive study which criteria that takes into account the
includes the planning and country's climate, geography, and
design modification in order culture. These criteria include the
to make a typhoon-resilient use of locally-sourced materials,
evacuation center effective natural ventilation, and solar
and efficient to the user. The energy. It recommends a further
purpose of this study is to study on how the concept of a
develop design criteria for typhoon resilient building
typhoon-resilient evacuation conforming the analysis of the
centers in the Philippines, needs and preferences for the
taking into account the affected of the disaster.
country's climate, geography,
and culture. The design
criteria include locally-
sourced materials, natural
ventilation, and solar energy
to ensure the evacuation
centers are sustainable and
resilient in the face of

Uy, F . A. Philippines The purpose of the study is Theses The studies conducted by foreign
A. (2019) to explore the use of as well as local researchers are
Parcon, E. community-based related and pertinent to the
A., Roguel, approaches to the current investigation. The studies
J.L., & construction and demonstrate the significance of
Strohmeier, management of typhoon- pertinent concepts and design for
A.P. (2018) resilient evacuation centers the proposed typhoon-resistant
in the Philippines. And evacuation center. More resilient
recommend the use of green construction reduces societal
infrastructure, such as rain benefits. If a community can
gardens and green roofs, to recover from a catastrophe more
mitigate the impact of quickly, the economic impact on
typhoon. vital systems such as health care
and education will be diminished.
Importantly, hazard resilience
enables the saving of lives.
But architects and designers of
this have a different incentive:
keeping construction costs low.
This is why most new
construction projects just meet
codes projects, instead of making
extra investments to weather
disasters well. Builders do not
often consider reconstruction
costs as the money that owners,
insurance agencies, and tax
payers will spend in the future to
recover after the first structure
fails in a storm. “We need to
change how and where we build,
to be ready for a future of more
extreme weather”. T. Reed
Miller, 2016.

Overview of the reviewed sources for Related Structures

Guiuan, T. Eastern The multi-purpose Article The building called the

UNICEF, Samar evacuation center will Sirungan ha Guiuan (Shelter of
Fuji TV provide safe shelter for up Guiuan), was designed with
to 350 people if an ample lighting to minimize
emergency hits. It will bullying and gender-based
also serve as a space for violence in crowded
the community to gather emergency situations, as well
and socialize during as ramps and handrails for
normal periods. The people with disabilities and the
building, able to elderly. The design maximizes
withstand category 5 natural light and ventilation
winds and magnitude 8 and allows space for the
earthquakes, combines registration and information
international best sharing needed during mass
practices in disaster- evacuations. It also has storage
resilient design for mass space for supplies, generators,
evacuation centers with and fuel. Importantly for the
local construction humanitarian community, a
technologies and locally dedicated evacuation center is
available materials. This a better alternative to the
will allow the structure to common practice of using
be replicated at other sites schools as evacuation centres
across the Philippines. during emergencies, which can
disrupt schooling for large
numbers of children for
extended periods. At present,
8 disaster-resilient domes
stand in Barangay Busay in
Mercedes which will function
as evacuation centers - not just
for the people of Busay but
also for those in nearby
barangays. They are also
planning to build more domes

Tet Albay The purpose is to Article Tet Triunfante, Local Area

Triunfante Legazpi City emphasize the importance Coordinator for the PCW-
Local Area of integrating gender in AECID, emphasizes the
Coordinato disaster risk reduction importance of integrating
r for the (DDR) plans. And have a gender in disaster risk
PCW- solution for gender- reduction (DRR) plans. The
AECID responsive evacuation group has proposed solutions
centers, health kit for such as gender-responsive
women, and livelihood evacuation centers, health kits
programs that can sustain for women, and livelihood
the income generation. programs for sustained income
generation. JICA Emergency
Evacuation Centers are being
considered for integration into
the newly polished DRRM
plans for Albay. Disasters kill
poor people, make them
poorer, and breed more poor
people, making social justice a
fundamental basis of
DRR/CCA. The state's duty is
to save the vulnerable from
disasters and climate change,
with a zero-casualty goal being
a socially desirable goal.
People have the basic right to
adapt, and relief, recovery, and
rehab is state imperatives due
to the socio-economic impacts.

Oro Central Cagayan de Provide a step to facilitate Research Oro Central will produce its
Oro sewerage conveyance and Article own renewable energy by way
on-site irrigation, of Building Integrated
reducing water Photovoltaics (BIPVs)
consumption on washing, installed sideways in its
toilet flushing, gardening, southwestern wall, along
and other similar uses. Yacapin SOLAR PANELS
The building will also Street. Each of the Figure 2.3
have water-efficient Solar Panels 1,069 PV panels
fixtures. Moreover, storm can produce 1 kiloWatt hour
runoff is mitigated (kWhr) of energy per day - or
because uncollected a total of 390,185 kWhr per
rainwater is filtered year. This translates to Php3.9
through plantings and M revenue every year based on
permeable pavers that will the Php10/kWhr prevailing
remove contaminants, tariff of solar power by the
thus decreasing the load Energy Regulatory
of the city's drainage Commission (ERC). The long-
system. During disasters, term plan is to operate Oro
the rainwater harvesting Central independently of the
system can provide for the electric grid in Mindanao. The
facility's emergency water building will also have water-
requirements for months. efficient fixtures. Moreover,
Anticipating the worst in storm runoff is mitigated
times of disasters, Oro because uncollected rainwater
Central is planned as self- is filtered through plantings
sufficient in terms of food and permeable pavers that will
supply, water supply, remove contaminants, thus
power supply, and decreasing the load of the
communication facilities, city's drainage system. During
among others. It will be disasters, the rainwater
the last building standing harvesting system can provide
in Cagayan de Oro when for the facility's emergency
disaster strikes. water requirements for
months. Anticipating the worst
in times of disasters, Oro
Central is planned as self-
sufficient in terms of food
supply, water supply, power
supply, and communication
facilities, among others. It will
be the last building standing in
Cagayan de Oro when disaster

Taito Ward Karonga Its structure used to Research The Mwabulambo Evacuation
Office District struggle to find a safe Article Centre in Karonga district,
Mwabulambo place whilst ensuring that Malawi, has been designed to
Evacuation our children, property and address the challenges faced
Center elderly are safe. It is by women during floods. The
Northern Part stated that this structure is center, which has been built in
of Malawi no stranger to disasters. response to the lack of
As community members evacuation sites in the area,
finalize the construction has been built to accommodate
of the newly built women and their children. The
Mwabulambo Evacuation center is designed to be a
Centre in the district, they single, compact structure that
speak of their can withstand major storms
preparedness as the and double as both a school
community should and a community emergency
disaster strike and how shelter. The center is built to
the Center will make a accommodate the needs of the
difference in peoples' community, who have been
lives. particularly vulnerable during
the recent floods. The center is
designed to provide a safe
space for women, children,
property, and the elderly, and
to ensure the safety of the
community during the ongoing
disasters. The center is
expected to make a significant
difference in people's lives.
Shaw, R. Enhancing Provide a pre-disaster Book Schools in Japan play a crucial
and the Local preparedness that is Article role in disaster risk reduction
Matsuura, Responses essential for schools to and community bonding. This
S. Through play their role effectively. chapter explores the
Disaster This includes developing experiences of six cities,
Resilient disaster preparedness including Kamaishi,
Schools in plans, training staff, and Kesennuma, and Natori, which
Japan students, and building were affected by the tsunami.
relationships with local Despite some schools being
communities. the purpose destroyed, people spent
of this is to help design significant time in other
and construct multi- schools as evacuees. Pre-
purpose evacuation disaster preparedness of
centers that are resilient to schools and communities
typhoons and other significantly contributed to
climate-related hazards. this. Saijo, Owase, and Oobu
How to use schools as cities in West Japan
multi-purpose evacuation demonstrated preparedness for
centers in a way that future disasters. The chapter
supports community emphasizes that school-
resilience and disaster centered disaster preparedness
preparedness. How to before a disaster leads to
ensure that multi-purpose effective roles during the
evacuation centers are disaster and facilitates post-
accessible to all people, disaster recovery with schools
including those with as the center.
disabilities and older

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