Series of 2023
WHEREAS, the Commission launched the amnesty program to encourage compliance of regulated
entities, and ensure a prudent identification of active and Inactive corporations as part of Its continuing efforts
‘to nurture and cultivate a healthy and vibrant corporate sector;
WHEREAS, despite previous extensions of deadlines and enhancements in the process to make the
amnesty application easier, a number of applications remain incomplete due to the incomplete submission of
amnesty requirements such as the Petition to Lift Order of Suspension or Revocation for corporations with
suspended or revoked certificates of incorporation, and the Audited Financial Statements (AFS) through
the SEC Electronic Filing and Submission Tool (eFAST);
WHEREAS, the Commission received numerous requests from the public to further extend the amnesty
period, and be given more time to meet the requirements of the amnesty process including the supporting
documents for petitions to lift revocation/suspension status;
WHEREAS, given the primary objectives of the amnesty program, the Commission desires to afford
businesses reasonable time and opportunity to be in good standing relative to their reportorial requirements,
especially those meeting the grounds for revocation or delinquency status pursuant to the Republic Act No.
11232 or the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines (RCC);
WHEREAS, the Commission on 17 October 2023 issued separate Notices informing the public of (i)
those corporations whose certificates of incorporation are deemed revoked for non-use of charter pursuant to
Section 21 ofthe RCC, and (li) those carparations which may be placed under delinquent status for failing to file
reportorial requirements pursuant to Section 177 of the RCC, as well as encouraging these same corporations to
avail the amnesty; and
WHEREAS, the Commission will strictly impose an updated scale of fines and penalties for certain,
reportorial requirements after the amnesty period;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission hereby resolves to EXTEND, FOR THE FINAL TIME, the deadline
for amnesty applications until 31 December 2023, and amends previous memorandum circulars for the
purpose. Accordingly, the Commission also resolves to provide the following guidelines:
SECTION 1. PROCEDURE. The Commission reminds the public of the following in relation to the
amnesty application process:
A. Filing of Amnesty Application. The Commission shall continue to accept an Expression of
Interest (EOI), a web-based form integrated in the amnesty application in eFAST, to avail of
the amnesty until 31 December 2023 through eFAST:
B. Submission of Reportorial Requirements. Non-compliant corporations and corporations
whose Certificates of Incorporation have been suspended or revoked shall upload and submit
their APS, General Information Sheet (GIS) until 31 January 2024. In addition to the APS and
GIS, corporations whose Certificates of Incorporation have been suspended or revoked shall
also upload and submit their respective Petition to Lift Order (PLO) of Suspension/Revocation
via eFAST.
For corporations whose Certificates of Incorporation have been suspended or revoked, the
following must also be submitted to the designated emails depending on thelr respective
Published: Filed with the UP Law Center: 6 November 2023 1of3
‘Philippine Daily Inquirer, 6 November 2023
Pnitppine Star 6 Novethbar 2023jurisdictions in support of their Petitions to Lift Order of Suspension/Revocation not later
than 31 January 2024
1. Directors’ or Trustees’ Certificate;
2. Latest due ABS, as received by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and.
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR);
Latest due GIS, as received by the SEC;
Copies of Certificate of Incorporation and latest Certificate of filing of Amended
Articles or By-laws (ifany) together with latest Articles of Incorporation and By-laws;
Copy of registration of stock and transfer book or membership book;
Secretary's Certificate of No Intra Corporate Controversy;
Sworn Certification by the External Auditor;
Proof of ongoing operation, such as but not limited to:
+ Audited Financial Statements;
Income Tax Returns;
Mayor's or Business Permits;
Receipts showing payment of Real Bstate Tax;
Certification/Recognitions/Annual Conventions; or
Any simllar/related documents
9. Latest Mayor's/Business Permit;
10. BIR Certificate of Registration;
11, Certification from the Corporate Secretary that the Latest Financial Statement and
Income Tax Return was received by the SEC and BIR, respectively; and
12. Compliance with SEC Memorandum Circular No, 28, Series of 2020.
Corporations whose Certificates of Incorporation have been suspended or revoked shall
initially submit the digital copies of the aforementioned additional requirements to the SEC
Company Registration and Monitoring Department or to the nearest SEC Extension Office
through email
“The SEC Headquarters