Astm A325m 1997
Astm A325m 1997
Astm A325m 1997
1. Scope F 436M and shall be of a surface finish for each type of bolt as
1.1 This spccificalion 2
covers requirements of various types follows:
of quenched and tempered steel bolts in nominal thread Bolt Type and Finish Washer Finish
diameters MI6to M36 inclusive, commonly known as "high- 1 and 2. plain (uncoated) plain (uncoaled)
strength structural bolts," intended for use in structural joints 1 and 2. zir.c-<:ooled zir.c-<:oated
that are comparable to those made under the Specifications for 3, plain wealhering sleel. plain
Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Boits,) issued NOTf. I- Thi s specification is the metric companion 10 Specification
by the Research Council on Structural Connections of the A 325.
Engineering Foundation. Types of bolts covered in this speci- 1.5 Zinc-coated bolts and nuts shall be shipped in the same
fication are: container.
1.1. 1 Type I- BoilS made of medium-carbon steel.
1.1.2 Type 2-Bolts made from what is generally described 2. Referenced Documents
as low-carbon martensite steel. 2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.1.3 Type 3-Bohs made of steel having atmospheric A 242/A242M Specification for High-Strength Ulw-Alloy
corrosion resistance and weathering characteristics comparable Structural Steel 4
to that of the steel covered in Specifications A 588/A 588M, A 325 Specification for Structural Bolts. Steel, Heal
A 242JA A 242M, and A 709/A 709M. The atmospheric cor- Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile StrengthS
rosion resistance of these steels is substantially better than that A 490 Specification for Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts,
of carbon steel with or without copper addition (see 5.3). When 150 ksi Minimum Tensile S trengthS
properly exposed to the atmosphere. these steels can be used A 563M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
bare (uncoated) for many applications. [MetricJ5
1.2 This specification provides that heavy hex structural A 588/A588M Specification for High-Strength Ulw-Alloy
bolts shall be furn ished unless other dimensional requirements Structural Steel with 50 ksi [345 MPal Minimum Yield
are slipulated in the purchase inquiry and order. Point to 4 in. [100 mm] Thick4
1.3 Unless otherwise specified, all nuts used on these bolts A 709/A709M Specification for StruclUral Steel for
shall conform to the requirements of Specification A 563M Bridges4
shall be heavy hex, and shall be of the class and surface fi nish A 75 1 Test Methods, Practices. and Terminology for
for each type of bolt as fo llows: Chemical Analysi s of Steel Products6
Boil Type and Finish NUl Class and Finish D 395 1 Practice for Commercial Packaging7
1 and 2. plain (noocoaled) 8S or 853, plain
F 436M Specification for Hardened Steel Washers [Metricl!!
1 and 2, zlr.c-coated 105. zinc-coaled F 568 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Externally
3, plain 8S3. plain Threaded Metric Fasteners!!
1.4 Unless otherwise specified, all washers used on these F 606 Test Methods for Detennining the Mechanical Prop-
bolts shall conform to the requirements of Specification erties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners.
Washers, and Rivets!!
F 788/F788M Specification for Surface Discontinuities of
I This specitication is under the j urisdiction of ASTM Committee F-t6 on
Bolts. Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric Series5
Fasleners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.02 o n Steel BoltS.
Nuts. RivetS. and Washers. G 101 Guide for Estimating the Atmospheric Corrosion
Current edition approvoo Oct. 10, 1997. Publishoo June 1998. Originally
published as A 325M - 79. Lasl previous cdition A 325M _ 93.
~ For ASME Boilu w,d Preuure VesseJ Cod~ applications see related Specifi_ • AnnUllI Book of ASTM Standards. Vol 01.04.
calion SA-325M in Section II of lhal Code. ' Annual Book of AS/M Standards. Vol 15.08.
) Published by American In stitute of Sleel COnStruction, Wrigley Building, 400 • A1InUllI Book of ASTM Stondards. Vol OLO).
N. Michigan Av~. , Chicago. IL 6061 1. 1 AnnUilI Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
~t A 325M
Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels 8 in Specification F 568.
2.2 ANSI Szandards: 9 5.2 Type 2 bolts shall conform to the chemical composition
ANSI B 1.13M Metric Screw Threads requirements specified for low-carbon martensite steel class
ANSTB \S.2.3.7M Metric Heavy Hex Structural Bolts 8.8 bolts in Specification F 568.
ANSI B lS.2.4.6M Metric Heavy Hex Nuts 5.3 Type 3 bolts shall confonn to the chemical composition
--2.L Military SrQluiard:!!. ___ ~_ requirements-spccificd_for_ Glass ·8.8.3 bolts-in Specification
M fL-STD-J05 Sampling Procedure and Tables for Inspec- F 568. See Guide G 101 for methods of estimating the atmo-
tion by Attributes spheric corrosion resistance of low alloy steels.
3. Ordering Information 5.4 Chemical analyses shall be perfonned in accordance
with Test Methods A 751.
3.1 Orders for products under this specification shall include
_ _ lhe..iollowing:o·-----------------6-;-Mec ba n kal-Propnties~-------------'~-
3.1. 1 Quantity (number of pieces of bolts and accessories).
3.1.2 Name of products, including accessories such as nuts 6.1 Bolts shall meet the mechanical requirements specified
and washers when desired. for classes 8.8 and 8.8.3 bolts in Specification F 568. For
3. 1.3 Zinc Coaring-Specify the zinc-coating process re- information purposes only, the mechanical properties of bolts
quired, for example, hot-dip, mechanically deposite d . or no are given in Appendix XI.
preference (see 4. 1). 6.2 In addition, when zinc-coated bolts and nuts are sup-
3. 1.4 Other Finishes-Specify other protective finis h if plied, the bolt/nut assembly shall be tested full size in an
required. assembled joint as specified in 9.2. After initial tightening, the
3.1.5 Dimensions including nominal bolt d iameter, thread nut shall be capable of being turned through the following
pi tch, aod length. For bolts of dimensional requirements other rotation with respect to the bolt without producing bolt or nut
than heavy hex structural bolts (see 1.2), it is nonnally. failure:
necessary to specify grip length. Bolt Length" Nut Rotation , •
Up to and incl 4D 300
3.1.6 Type of bolt (that is, Type I, 2, or 3). Over 4Dto BD When the bolt type is not specified, either Type I or Over BD ""
Type 2 may be supplied at the option of the manufacturer. Type " D is nominal boH diameler.
3 bolts may be supplied by the manu facturer if agreed upon by
the purchaser. 7. Dimensions
3. 1.6.2 Where elevated temperature applications are in- 7. 1 Bolts with hex heads shall be full-body bolts confonn-
volved, Type I bolts shall be specified by the purchaser. ing to the dimensions for heavy hex structural bolts specified in
3.1 .6.3 When atmospheric corrosion resistance is required, ANS I B,
Type 3 bolts shall be specified by the purchaser. 7.2 Threads shall be Metric Coarse Thread Series as speci-
3.1 .6.4 When zinc-coated high-strength structural bolts are fied in ANSI B 1.13M, and shall have grade 6g tolerances.
specified, the bolts shall be either Types 1 or 2, at the 7.3 Unless otherwise specified, zinc-coated bolts, to be used
manufacturer's option, unless otherwise ordered by the pur-
with zinc-coated nuts which have been tapped oversize in
accordance with Specification A 563M shall have grade 6g
3. 1.7 ASTM designation and year of issue.
threads before hot dip or mechanically deposited zinc-coating.
3.1.8 Any special requirements. After zinc-coating the maximum limits of pitch diameter and
NOTl! 2- l'wo e~amples of ordering descriptions follow: (1) 10013 major d iameter may exceed grade 6g limits by the following
pieces, heavy hex stroclural bolts, each with one hardened washer and one amount:
heavy hex nut. hOI-dip zinc-coaled. M 24X 3 X 100, ASTM A 325M NominaJ Bolt Diameter Oversize Umit. mm
- XX. (2) 1000 pieces. heavy hex structural bolts. no nuts or washers,
M 20 X 2.5 X 80 Type 3. ASTM A 325M - XX. ""
"22 0.53
4. Materia ls a nd Manufacture "24 0"
4. 1 Steel for bolts, and the heading, threading, heat treat- "27 0"
ment and zinc-coating of bolts shall be in accordance with "36 0.86
requirements specified for classes 8.8 and 8.8.3 bolts in 7.4 The acceptability of assemblage of zinc-coated bolts
Specification F 568. shall be verified during manufacture or use by assembly with a
S. Chem ical Composition nut tapped as nearly as practical to the oversize limit shown
above. In case of dis pute, a calibrated thread ring gage of that
5. 1 Type I bolts shall confonn to the chemical composition
same size (Class X tolerance, gage tolerance plus) shall be
requirements specified for medi um carbon steel class 8.8 bolts
used. Assembly of the gage, or the nut described above, shall
be possible with hand effort fo llowing application of light
S A",,,,,,l Book of ASTM Slm,dards. Vol 03.02.
machine oil to prevent galling and damage to the gage. These
9 Available from American National Slandards InslilUle. I I WeSt 42nd Streel.
13th Floor. York. NY 10036.
inspections, when performed to resolve disputes, shall be
, 0 Available from Standanli1.ation Documents Order Desk.. Bldg. 4 Section D. perfonned at the frequency and acceptability specified in Table
700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia. PA 19111 ·5094. Ann: NPODS . I.
~t A 325M
TABLE 1 Sample Sizes and Acceptance Numbers for Inspection 10.2.2 A production lot, for purposes of assigning an iden-
of Hot Dip or Mechanically Deposited Zinc-Coated Threads lification number and from which test samples shall be
selected, shall consist of all bolts processed essentially together
LOI Size Sample Size"'e Acceptance
Number" through all operations to the shipping container that are of the
--~,O'O:-;;;90;------------C,,;-------',,"~,~-- same nominal diameter, the same nominal length. and pro-
- 9 1-10 150 20 2 duced from the-same_mill heat of steel.
151 to 280
m 53 10.2.3 The manufacturer shall make tests for proof load,
501 to 1 200 80 7 tensi le strength (wedge test), and hardness of each lot of bolts.
201 to 3 200 125 10 Alternatively, in accordance with 6. 1, tests may be tensile
3 201 to 10 000 200 14 strength, yield strength, reduction of area, elongation, and
10 001 and over 315 21 hardness.
~ Sample S!?A,i; 01 acn>pIa/109...!lUmbara...extracted lrom..."SingI&..Sampling_ -A ...............n trprod· I h .. o..._ -<=---
Plan for Normal Irlspec!Joo- Table !lA. MIL.STD-l05. I V.""." ["'rom--e~c uctlon~
or,t e,mmmurrrnumlJ<;1 UI
8 Irlspe<:1 al l boks irl the 101 il Ihe 101 size is less Iharl the sample size. tests of each required property shall be as follows:
Number 01 Pieces Number of
8. Workmanship In Prod UClion Lot Specimerls
18. Keywords
... Sample sizes and accep\8llOe numbers are e~'racled from ' Single Sampling
Plan for Normallnspeetion" Tabla IIA. Mll·STO·l05. 18. 1 bolts; carbon steel: metric; steel; structural; weather-
e Inspecl all bolts In the 101 lithe lot size is less than the sample size. ing steel
~~ A 325M
(Nonmandatory Inrormation)
Nominal Boil Stress Area. Proof Load Proof Load Yield Tensile SlIenglh, Hardness
Diameter and mm' Length Measurement Strength Method, min , kN
Thread Pitch Rockwell Vickers
Method, kN kN
mm min
MI6 x 2 157 "., "" "0
M20)( 2.5
M22 K 2.5 '"303 '"
'"'" e" e,",
M24 K 3
M27 x 3
M30 K 3.5
M36 K 4
'" ""0 53' '"
The American Society for Testing and Malerials rakes no position respec;~'ng the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly IIdvised that determination of the validity of any such
palMI rights, Sfld the risk of infringement of such rights, are entke/y their own responsibility.
This standard Is subject 10 revision 81 any lime by the responsible technical rommittee and must /;16 reviewed eve/)' five years and
if nor revised. either reapproved or withdrawn. Your commenlS are invited either for revision of this standard or for additionat standards
and should be addressed 10 ASTM Headquarters. Your commenrs will f8CfJive careful consideration al a meeting of the responsible
technical committee. which you may attend. If you feelfhal your comments have nor received a fair hearing you should make your
views known 10 the ASTM Committee on Srandards, 100 Barr HartJor Drive. West Conshohocken, PA 19428.