Dgp2023 Ceat Limited
Dgp2023 Ceat Limited
Dgp2023 Ceat Limited
CEAT Limited
CEAT is an autonomous company within the RPG group with its board of directors and Managing Director,
independent customers, and markets. The company makes its financial decisions and controls its people practices,
business functions, and quality management systems. It is a listed company on the national stock exchanges of India.
The promoters, including the RPG Group, own 47.2% of CEAT as on Dec 22. Foreign Institutional Investors and
Domestic Institutions, including Mutual Funds, own about 36.8%, and the public holds the balance. The company
has two key subsidiaries, namely, CEAT Sri Lanka and CEAT Bangladesh, which are not in the scope of the Deming
Application. These contribute to less than 10% to the overall CEAT turnover.
1.3 Tyre Industry Demonetization of Fig 3: India GDP Growth %
1.3.1 Indian Economic Scenario high value currency
notes New Indirect tax
The external environment has been challenging over the 10.0% 8.3%
regime (GST)
past five years. Indian GDP growth witnessed a declining 8.0% 6.5% 7.2%
trend with a slowdown in the manufacturing and 6.0% 8.0% 6.8% 3.7%
GDP Growth rate
Russia Ukraine
construction sectors and muted consumer demand 4.0%
Non-banking financial war
growth (Fig 3). The government of India announced the companies (NBFC) crisis
demonetization of high-value currency notes in FY17. A -2.0% FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24
new indirect tax regime, GST (Goods and Service Tax), -4.0%
Est Est
India GDP
was implemented in FY18. The new tax regime, coupled -6.0%
COVID 19 Growth %
Estimated GDP
with currency demonetisation, severely impacted the -8.0% -6.6% growth%
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% of Radialization
178 177 180 98% 98% 98% 98% 98%
211 80%
Number in Mn
180 169
167 200 129 128 141 60% 48% 50%
97 112 44% 53%
160 38%
40% T&B
16.8 PCR
140 0 20%
FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21
have sharply grown in FY22, registering 50% growth vs the previous year, with Indian manufacturers taking
advantage of geopolitical situations (China + 1 policy) and establishing brand equity of Indian tyres in international
markets (Fig 5). On the other hand, tyre imports in India, which were on a downward trend from FY18 to FY21,
have seen an uptick of 44% in FY22 year on year.
Radialization in the truck & bus segment has been growing at a fast clip in the last few years. With the improvement
in road infrastructure and the launch of multi-axle vehicles, the radialization in trucks and buses has gained
momentum, reaching 53% in 2021 (Source: Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association). The passenger cars
segment almost exclusively comprises radial tyres (Fig 6). Radialization in 2-wheelers is still at a nascent stage. In
the farm and OHT categories, bias tyres are dominant in the Indian domestic market. However, the exports are
predominantly radial tyres.
1.4 Markets & Distribution Network
CEAT operates in domestic market and in international business. The domestic market is further segregated into
OEM and Replacement segments. International Business comprises of international exports for the global
replacement market (Fig 7).
Fig 7: CEAT’s Markets & Distribution Network
International Business
Replacement OEM
¥ Replacement footprint is spread over 620+ ¥ Regular supplier of tyres to most major OEMs ¥ One of the leading exporter amongst the Indian tyre
districts out of the total 751 in the country, in India companies with sales to 110+ countries worldwide
through a pan-India network of dealers, ¥ Currently serving 25 Mainstream and 70 Start- ¥ Divided our exports market in seven clusters which helps us
distributors and franchisees
up OEM customers understand customer requirements better and accordingly
¥ Have 2700+ dealers and 340+ distributors
servicing over 55,000+ Sub dealers. ¥ Key among them are: Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, develop market specific products
¥ 400+ Exclusive CEAT Shoppes and 81 Hero MotoCorp, Honda, Royal Enfield, Tata ¥ Strategic entry into the EU market and Off-highway tyres
CEAT Tyre service hubs. Motors, Ashok Leyland, Volvo Eicher, and (OHT) category; partnerships with premium OEMs like
Mahindra & Mahindra AGCO, John Deere, CNH, JCB, and Bourgault
Constitutes 56% of CEAT net sales in Constitutes 24% of CEAT net sales in FY22 Constitutes 20% of CEAT net sales in FY22
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CEAT has now created frictionless user journeys as a differentiator, developed connected products leading to unique
business models, implemented industry 4.0 to drive cost advantage in plants and supply chains and unleashed the
power of data for better decision-making. We are building Digital capability across departments to identify
opportunities across the value chain.
4d.2 Digital House of Strategy
The driving principle of digitalisation
at CEAT is to solve business problems
or capitalize on opportunities
(especially the advancement of
customer centricity). The digital-led
business transformation house as
shown in fig 2 was developed to
establish the relationship with
business objectives with Digital being
one the four enablers in CEAT’s
vision document.
4d.2.1 Joyous Customer Experience
To drive significant sales and retention through online channels, we mapped CX journeys of digital savvy customers
to identify the friction points and leveraged digital to remove the friction and improve satisfaction.
4d.2.1.1 Website UX 2.0: Post-launch of CEAT.com, we looked at analytics data and analysed customer responses,
to realize that there were gaps in user journey that needed to be plugged to enhance experience and improve on key
KPI's. Basis feedback, we prepared new wireframes incorporating customer inputs and creating alternate designs
and went back to Fig 3: Tangible and intangible effects of UX2.0
customers to decide
on which option
works best. Basis their
preference, we
selected the final
design which was
implemented on the
website and the impact of the changes, both tangible and intangible as shown in figure 3.
4d.2.2 Sales Transformation Channel partners in CEAT used to be highly dependent on sales team for information
on their business which involved the sales team to carry downloaded copies of dated reports to share with dealers.
Digital transformation of system was required to ensure availability of data in real time and also provide access to
this information to channels partners in a convenient manner.
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Rs Billion Annual
from a wide range of categories ranging 11.0 11.1 10.5 10.7
10.0 10.0 9.8
from Specialty Tyres like Off-Highway 10 7.7 7.9 8.1
Tyres (OHT) and Farm Tyres to non-
CEAT + CEAT Speciality
Specialty Tyres like Truck Tyres, Passenger 5 Lack of growth in traditional markets overall Sales trend
Car and 2-Wheeler Tyres. CEAT
international sales has grown significantly, FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23
especially in the last 3 years (Fig 1)
CEAT’s international business is more profitable vs. overall CEAT. It has also helped increase organisational
capability in product development, manufacturing, and global sales as CEAT has needed to develop products tailored
for international market needs which did not exist within India. CEAT aims to grow its international business to
achieve vision by FY 26.
Build capability of OHT Radial product development One of the key requirements of the strategy was to have
fast launch of multiple new products. For this an OHT R&D centre was set up which had a dedicated facility for
Radial testing and employed a separate team of domain experts to ensure infusion of knowledge and experience.
Special domain expertise for design & development of tyre, testing, compounding, and heat engineering were
introduced. For faster & first time right New Product Development (NPD), 7 stage process was developed with a
gate review system. (Fig 2) In-house product and material testing facilities are also validated through external third-
party Performance testing (Institutions/Universities) to determine critical performance parameters viz competition.
Latest design platforms such as advanced software’s with 2D & 3D designs, were introduced to ensure first time
right product design. Inhouse Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for 100% of NPDs, first time used in OHT segment
to ensure that each of the NPDs are virtually tested through simulation before mould manufacturing. This ensured
fast introduction of the products in the market with limited iterations and minimum chance of failure in the field.
The product validation system was strengthened through independent testing at globally recognised Agencies. Latest
technology equipment/ machineries are installed in tyre manufacturing & testing to produce quality products are
offered to the market. This has resulted in CEAT having the following:
¥ Satisfied customers with Product performance, dubbed as “defect-free tyre” by our customers, with best in the
industry manufacturing claim figures at low as compared to competition.
¥ 80% of the products were released with single prototyping.
¥ 605 NPDs released in a span of 6 years till FY23
¥ Entry in premium OEM (AGCO, JD, CNH, JCB, BOURGAULT) and next level of OEM (FLIEGL,
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% Participation
59 70
6660 85
5238 5798 5985 11% 70
4040 4322 4456 5037 10% 13% 16% 16% 16% 52 78
43 65
1198 1252 1321 1401 1396 1637 1547 11% 50 60 Actual
40 50 Plan
0% 30
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23
FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Management + Associates Diversity has almost doubled over Out of total 5073 workmen/associates, 4946 participated as on FY23
Management Workmen & Associates Total Workforce the past 5 Years in making the Sparsh Circle a success.
working in all 3 shifts. We expanded our diversity footprint by inducting 29 specially-abled colleagues. We are one
of the first tyre company in India to induct 7 transgender associates. CEAT is a people-focused organization
continuously striving to improve employee’s Happiness, to enable achievement of envisioned Business Growth &
Strategy To assimilate new hires in CEAT Way of Working, our induction program “Parichay” improved through
successive PDCAs based on the inputs received from new joinees. Our openness through authentic 2-way
communication channels, including Quarterly MD Connect, Monthly Operational Reviews, Monthly Sales Call,
Leadership Open Houses & “Cheers with Anant”, continues to improve. Along with our focus on building digital
capability, internal job placement has improved by 31% from FY17, with 80% of employees rotated in 4 years. We
are proud that 3 members were promoted to Executive Committee. CEAT is now ranked at 27th in the Top 100
Companies in India, with our overall engagement score reaching 86% in FY22. Employee insighting conversations
helped us to gain deeper understanding and arrive at actionable points. Methodical execution of the actions has
resulted into improved engagement score. The level of trust with our workmen in our legacy plants is validated by
consistently high happiness scores between 95% - 98%+ from FY18 to FY23. Our total employee involvement
increased from 92% (FY17) to 100% (FY22). The workmen and associates participation in SPARSH Circles
enhanced to 90% plus levels (as shown in Fig 3). We are focusing on building digital capability across the
organisation. CEAT was the 1st tyre company in the world awarded the prestigious Lighthouse certification by the
World Economic Forum in January 2023. These business & functional achievements are a testament to the quantum
improvement in the capability & calibre of our people & processes.
7.2 CEAT Values - PACE! $ ‘Our Way of Life’
To achieve our vision, it was imperative to strengthen an open and collaborative working environment. Also, at
CEAT, it is our continuous endeavour to build a culture of caring, customer first and inclusion. During the formation
of the vision FY 22-25, we have articulated our values. We conducted multiple focus group discussions with
employees to assess the need for culture change. Accordingly, we replaced our old values CAIRO with “PACE😊😊 %”,
which we believe will help us achieve our Vision FY’22-26. We have retained our core values, like Customer
Obsession and Caring, and added aspirational values, like Agility & Empowerment. All CEATizens truly
demonstrate the 5 values by Playing to win, being Agile in the face of uncertainty, being absolutely obsessed in
meeting customer requirements, empowering our people to make key decisions while never ceasing to care for them.
We have aligned our reward system “CHAMP” with these values. The flat structure at CEAT (6 levels between
workmen to MD) and business partnership matrix reporting helped us to ingrain values in the culture. This unique
culture has led to 52 employees re-joining CEAT over the last 5 years.
Institutionalizing Action plans for the new value – set included:
1. Awareness - Values in Action Week touching 5020+ participants (management) & 3500+ (associates/workmen),
13 business leaders’ sessions on the meaning & importance, creating a game to validate understanding of values
& a quarterly values newsletter.
2. To validate the demonstration of PACE" % values ecosystem established for Agile project teams focus on
identifying critical business problems to be solved in a short time. We identified eight primary projects where
teams achieved benefits totalling 510 million vs a target of 490 million in FY21. We now have 58 more Agile
teams with a target of 50 working on similar projects. Empowerment ideas eliminate red tape by identifying
opportunities for decentralizing decision-making. Currently, 123 empowerment ideas have been identified to a
target of 150, and their validation & implementation is underway. We will continue to build on these initiatives
until we have achieved 100% demonstration of PACE" % values.
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FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 100%
80% Actual
Fig 2:Gender Diversity % G 60% Sampling Size random with 200 to 300 COVID-19
20% Management + Associates
O 40% numbers sample pandemic % of 'Yes' responding
20% overriding questions
13% 16% 16% 16%
FY 18 Q1
FY 18 Q2
FY 18 Q3
FY 18 Q4
FY 19 Q1
FY 19 Q2
FY 19 Q3
FY 19 Q4
FY20 Q1
FY20 Q2
FY20 Q3
FY20 Q4
FY21 Q1
FY21 Q2
FY21 Q3
FY21 Q4
FY 22 Q1
FY 22 Q2
FY 22 Q3
FY 22 Q4
FY 23 Q1
FY 23 Q2
FY 23 Q3
FY23 Q4
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Happiness score improved to 95%
90 73 79
consistent annual growth over the 63 93
next three years. While we have our 76 FY 24 A
57 62 68 67
building blocks in place for 40 FY 15 A+
achieving vision FY’22-26, we FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY 16 AA-
Fig 5: Improving Balance Sheet Strength - Net Worth FY 17 AA-
face the following challenges:
O FY 18 AA
1. Increasing volatility in demand 36 32 32 32 D
FY 19 AA
due to external shocks – the 32 28 28 FY 20 AA
Rs Bn
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9 BD Bangladesh
B 10 BM Benchmarking Benchmarking
11 Bn Billion Billion
12 BOM Bill of Material Material required for production
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Earnings Before
EBITDA = Revenue - Expenses
Interest, Taxes,
E 42 EBITDA (excluding taxes, interest, depreciation
Depreciation and
and amortization)
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50 FE Fuel Efficiency
Finite Element
51 FEA
Fleet Operational
F 52 FOE
Field Service Specialised role for selling Truck Bus
53 FSS
Specialist Radials through consultative selling
Financial Year starting from month of
54 FY Fiscal year
April till March next year
Gross domestic
55 GDP
56 GHG Greenhouse gas
It is a computer system for capturing,
57 GIS storing, checking, and displaying data
Information System
related to positions on Earth's surface
Global Positioning
58 GPS
G Great Place to Work® Institute is a
global research, consulting and training
Great Places to firm that helps organisations identify,
Work create and sustain great workplaces
through the development of high-trust
workplace cultures
A comprehensive indirect tax on
Goods and Service
60 GST manufacture, sale and consumption of
goods and services throughout India.
I 62 IB
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71 km Kilometre
72 Kmph Kilometre per hour
K A measurable value that demonstrates
Key Performance
73 KPI how effectively a parameter has been
Mahindra and
76 M&M One of the key Indian OEM
77 MC Motorcycle
Person who controls a business or
78 MD Managing Director
Mahindra Institute A well-known statistical institute,
79 MIQ
of quality located in Nashik, Maharashtra
A branch of artificial intelligence (AI)
and computer science which focuses on
M 80 ML Machine Learning the use of data and algorithms to imitate
the way that humans learn, gradually
improving its accuracy.
81 MLT
Leadership Team
82 Mn Million
83 MOR Review process at CEAT
Operational Review
A unit of weight equal to 1,000
84 MT Metric Ton
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financial companies
National chapter on Quality circle competition events at
N Quality concepts country level
New Product The process of bringing a new product
88 NPD
Development or service to market.
89 NPS Net Promoter Score
Passenger Car
97 PCR Radial tyres for passenger cars
Passenger car,
98 PCUV Utility Vehicle
99 PD Process to develop or improve a product
100 PDCA Plan Do Check Act Management improvement tool
Process Flow Summary of sequential flow of a process
101 PFD
Diagram from start to end
Process Failure A structured analytical tool used to
P 102 PFMEA Mode Effects identify and evaluate the potential
Analysis failure modes of a process
Post Graduate
103 PGDQM Diploma in Quality
Product lifecycle
104 PLM Software to manage product life cycle
105 PMC Premature Claim
106 POC Proof of concepts
It is a value that represents the part of a
107 PPM Parts per Million
whole number in units of 1/1000000
108 PPU Pay-Per-Use
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Research and
115 R&D Research and Development Function
Reward and
116 R&R
117 RO Regional Office Local sales and service office
Return on
118 ROI Return on Investment
119 RPG Ram Prasad Goenka Name of the RPG Group Founder
120 RR Rolling Resistance
121 Rs Rupee Indian Currency (1 Rs ~ 1.8 JPY)
122 SDG
Development Goals
123 SEA Southeast Asia
Semi exclusive outlet with exclusive
branding space for CEAT and additional
124 SIS Shop In Shop
discount for selling prefixed quantity of
PCR/UVR tyres of CEAT
S 125 SKU Stock Keeping Unit distinct type of item for sale
126 SL Sri Lanka
CEAT’s market share against total
127 SOB Share of Business
requirement of OEM
Statement of
128 SOR
129 SPARSH CIRCLE A name given to CEAT Quality Circle
130 TBB Truck Bus Bias Bias tyres for Trucks and bus
Time based maintenance is planned
Time Based
131 TBM maintenance, as it must be scheduled in
Tyre Building
132 TBM
T 133 TBR Truck Bus Radials Radial tyres used in Trucks and buses
OEM. India’s largest commercial
134 TML Tata Motors Limited
vehicle manufacturer
135 TPD Tons per day Tonnage produced per day
Unit used to measure Production Output
136 TPM Tons per month
in Tonnage
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United States of
146 USA
Utility Vehicle
147 UVR Radial tyres for Utility Vehicles
U Radial
The user experience is how a user
148 UX User Experience interacts with and experiences a product,
system or service
World Economic
W 149 WEF World Economic Forum
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