SSLD 2 Floor Finishes

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Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions TWO

Floor finishes in schools

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We are grateful to the following individuals and Paul Hetherington, Alumasc Interiors Ltd
organisations that have contributed to the Richard Parker, AMEC Design and project services
production of this guidance: Andrew Williams, BRE
Bill Healy, Build Offsite
Ian Morris, Atkins
Richard Ogden, Build Offsite
Rita Singh, Construction Products Association
Mike Entwisle, Buro Happold
Stephen Taylor, HSE
Rita Singh, Construction Products Association
Mark Cleverly, EC Harris
Michael Ankers,
Construction Products Association
We are also grateful to the following members Bea Etayo, Fulcrum Consulting
of the Standard Specifications, Layouts and Peter Blunt, Mtech Group
Dimensions (SSLD) Forum who have helped Martin Goss, Mtech Group
shape the broad approach to standardisation David Mackness, SCAPE System Build Ltd
in this and other guidance documents in Martin Lipson, 4Ps
this series: Mairi Johnson, CABE
Richard Saxon, CBE
Mukund Patel, DfES (SSLD Forum Chair) Peter Woolliscroft, OGC
Alan Jones, DfES (SSLD Policy Lead) Richard Brindley, RIBA
Ian Morris, Atkins (SSLD Project Manager) Vic Ebdon, Devon County Council
Beech Williamson, Partnerships for Schools Don Bryson, DBS Consultancy
Stephen Reffitt, Atkins Kevin Kendall, Nottinghamshire County Council
Mark Cleverly, EC Harris Sui Te Wu, Southwark Borough Council
Paul Foster, EC Harris
Michál Cohen, Walters and Cohen, Architects
Karen Rogers, Walters and Cohen, Architects
Christian Held, Penoyre and Prasad Architects
Sunand Prasad, Penoyre and Prasad Architects
Linton Ross, Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects
Peter Clegg, Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects
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1 Introduction 2 3 Performance specifications
Who this guidance is for 2 and materials 13
How the guidance should be used 2 Performance specifications 16
Background to Standard Specifications, Example materials 16
Layouts and Dimensions (SSLD) 4 Floor type allocation: Table 1 17
Performance criteria for
2 Key performance requirements 6 types A to E: Table 2 17
Flooring properties 6 TYPE A – General flooring 22
Disability issues 12 TYPE B – Light practical flooring 24
Installation 13 TYPE C – Heavy practical flooring 26
Maintenance 14 TYPE D – Wet area flooring 28
Furniture 14 TYPE E – Hall flooring 30
Cost comment 15 Entrances 32
Capital costs 15
Whole-life costs 15 4 References 34
Enhanced specifications in
heavy traffic areas 15
Impact on capital costs for
specifying a 10 year minimum
life span for BSF 15

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This guidance is one of a series Who this guidance is for

of Standard Specifications, Layouts • Teachers and governors acting as clients
for school capital projects
and Dimensions (SSLD) guidance
notes produced to inform the • Local authority officers responsible for
procuring school capital projects
Building Schools for the Future
• Diocesan building officers
(BSF) programme.
• Local authority and private sector school
designers and specifiers
• Manufacturers and suppliers
• Contractors

How the guidance should be used

This guidance sets out the standards of
performance for floor finishes in schools
in the Building Schools for the Future (BSF)
programme and shows how they might be
delivered through some example materials.
The aim is to disseminate best practice and
avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’ every time a
school building is designed, so that consistently
high quality environments can be delivered,
offering best whole-life value for money.

2 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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School building clients, their professional

advisers, contractors and their supply chains
should use the guidance to inform their
decisions on floor finishes and specification
standards at the early stages of a project’s
development – whether that be new build,
extension or refurbishment – at RIBA stages A-F.

To help encourage the take up of these

performance specifications, this guidance will
become the standard in BSF programme
documentation and the Government will
expect it to be adopted in the majority of
situations where it is reasonable and
appropriate to do so. While we would expect
projects to comply with the standards, other Above floorings may help create a non institutional feel

solutions – possibly based on new products or

technologies, or reflecting local factors – may
equally comply with the performance
specification and could be used. We do not
want to stifle innovation by being
too prescriptive.

When local authorities are compiling

specifications, they may simply state a
‘floor type’ (A to E) for a space, or
alternatively name a particular material
that meets the requirements.

Above for hall flooring, see Section 3

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Contractors and specifiers should consult with Background to Standard Specifications,

relevant manufacturers to find out which Layouts and Dimensions (SSLD)
products are appropriate and compliant. The BSF programme offers a unique
Specifiers should also refer to the guidance opportunity over the next 10-15 years
given in the National Building Specification. to transform our secondary schools,
It is for users to exercise their own skill and providing innovative learning environments
expertise in deciding whether an example that will inspire pupils to achieve more.
shown in this publication is reasonable High quality, modern school buildings will
and appropriate for their circumstances. help to raise standards and play a crucial
The guidance here does not affect obligations part in the Government’s programme of
and liabilities under the law relating to educational reform.
construction and building. With the huge increases in funding associated
Though principally aimed at secondary with this programme, there is considerable
school building projects delivered through scope for using standardised specifications,
the BSF programme, the specifications and layouts and dimensions to speed up design
example materials may also apply to other and construction, reduce whole-life costs and
educational buildings. deliver consistently high quality and better
value school buildings. Standardisation of
We will keep this guidance under review requirements will support the use of more
and update it as necessary to reflect the off-site fabrication and modern methods of
development of new products, processes, and construction, which should help to improve
regulations. A web-based version is available at: heath and safety performance, reduce waste and deliver more sustainable solutions.
sfinanceandbuilding/schoolbuildings/ For the supply industry, being involved in
standardisation will help to demonstrate market
leadership – and help firms reduce risk and
increase sales, profitability, and market size.

This publication and the others in the SSLD

series have been developed based on extensive
consultation under the auspices of the SSLD
Forum. Set up by the Department for Education
and Skills (DfES), this forum represents key
stakeholders in the building design, research,
contracting, and supply communities, as well
as local authority construction clients.

4 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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For the purposes of this guide the
following applies:

• Flooring: The uppermost layer of a floor that

is designed to provide a wearing surface.
• Floor covering: A product prefabricated in
sheet or tile form, which can be used to cover
a floor.
• Material: What the flooring is made of.
• Product: A proprietary flooring available
on the market.
Above consider how the floor is to be used • Resilient flooring: Flooring composed of
vinyl, linoleum or rubber.
Aims and scope of this guidance • Composition flooring: Flooring composed of
This publication provides a standard wood particles and binder formed into blocks.
performance specification and some • Textile floor covering: Carpet.
examples for floor finishes for use in
• Base or sub-floor: The primary structural
BSF secondary schools. It is structured
floor (usually concrete or screed) that
as follows:
supports the flooring.
• Section 2: The generic performance
requirements for floor finishes in secondary
schools. This section also includes guidance
on costs.
• Section 3: Performance specifications for floor
finishes in different spaces, together with a
number of examples that meet the
performance requirements.
• Section 4: References to relevant British
Standards, DfES and other design guidance..

Above consider acoustics, furniture, airability

and maintenance

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Key performance requirements

The following key performance The primary function of a floor finish is to

requirements set the minimum provide a durable, safe, clean, acoustically
compatible, attractive and affordable surface.
standards that DfES would expect to be The flooring may vary depending on the
adopted in BSF schools wherever it is function of the space within the school.
reasonable and appropriate. Section 3
Generic key performance requirements for all
defines the floor type requirements school floors are contained in this section of
and suggests some examples that the guide.
address them. Flooring properties
As the floor of any room represents a significant
proportion of the surface area defining the
space, its acoustic qualities play a role in
establishing the acoustic environment of the
room. For larger spaces, this proportion is
particularly high. Good acoustic standards in
teaching areas are crucial because if pupils
cannot hear properly, their ability to learn is
likely to be adversely affected.

6 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Internal surfaces should be considered as a

whole to achieve the reverberation times set
out in Building Bulletin 93 (BB 93)1 – all the
surfaces surrounding a space will have an
impact on the acoustic environment, and
wall and ceiling finishes should be assessed
alongside the floor. For this reason, it is not
possible to prescribe in isolation a specific
‘acoustic performance’ for the floor to a
particular space.

BB 93 also specifies the maximum noise level

to be generated in a ‘receiving room’ by impact Above circulation spaces need to be
particularly durable
on the floor surface in the room above or next
to it. For new construction, the main floor
structure should be designed to achieve
sufficient acoustic attenuation. It should not be
necessary to rely on the floor finish to achieve
the BB 93 standard. In refurbishment work, the
finish can contribute to a reduction in noise
transfer and manufacturers should be consulted
for appropriate products. This may render some
finishes unsuitable.

NB This is a specialist technical area and

advice from an acoustics expert should be
sought at an early stage.

Above consider carefully the function of the space


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Durability Flooring should accommodate thermal and

Resilient and textile floor finishes are structural movement in both the finish and
classified to BS EN 685. The flooring types in the sub-floor. Any movement joint in the base
Section 3 should conform to the appropriate should be carried through the finish unless the
section of this standard where these materials designer can show that the finish is flexible
are appropriate. enough to accommodate the movement
without distortion. With some finishing
Each material type is subject to its own
materials, such as ceramics or terrazzo,
standards and criteria. Reference should be
movement joints may be required over
made to the National Building Specification
day-work joints in the slab. Many defects
(NBS) for further details.
occur because floor movement has not
Floor finishes should have the capability to been properly considered.
support furniture and equipment and withstand
pedestrian traffic without undue deformation The lifespan of a floor finish depends on the
or permanent marking. It is recognised, nature of the material, the type and extent of
however, that the softer floor coverings may traffic and how well the floor is maintained.
show some indentation from furniture, It is important to keep the floors clean,
particularly when new. reasonably contaminant free and in good
repair. The life spans specified in Section 3
Specifiers will need to consider the particular
are required for flooring under normal
type of traffic the floor finish will have, as
conditions of use for the specific situation.
this will affect the final choice of material.
The floor should last a minimum of 10 years
The performance data in Section 3 provides
before it requires replacement.
the basic criteria for selection but the specifier
should discuss with manufacturers the final
choice of product to suit specific circumstances.
The type of footwear, the potential use of non-
sporting footwear in sports halls, damage by
heavy or point loads in workshops, continuous
wear from bleacher seating in multi-purpose
halls, and movement of furniture in dining and
other spaces will all influence durability and the
choice of finish.

8 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Fire Slip Resistance

There is very little under the UK Building The slipperiness of a floor depends not just on
Regulations2 covering the fire performance the material and surface texture but also on
of floor finishes. additional factors, notably whether it is wet or
dry, the type of footwear, and whether it is
Building Regulations currently (2007) only
worn, dirty or badly maintained.
require non-combustible floor finishes in fire
fighting shafts. Part B2 (ii) of the Regulations Water or other contaminants can track from one
states: ‘The provisions (for fire spread) do not surface to another and consequently affect the
apply to the upper surfaces of floors and stairs properties of a floor that was not envisaged to
because they are not significantly involved in be slippery. Wetness can be caused by
a fire until well developed.’ condensation, particularly on harder finishes.

Manufacturers are aware of the need to It is important to adopt an holistic approach

market their products abroad, where different to selecting, using and maintaining flooring
standards may apply, and often the fire so that factors such as correct cleaning,
performance of a product may exceed what appropriate footwear, good environmental
is strictly necessary in this country. There is conditions and acceptable user behaviour
currently debate within the flooring industry as are taken into account.
to the appropriate standard of fire performance
The required slip resistance is set out for each
to be achieved. This may vary between the
of the standard floor performance categories
differing spaces within a school. BS EN 13501
in Section 3. This is stated as a Ramp Test
is the relevant standard, although there is
rating (R value), which is commonly referred
currently no UK recommendation for minimum
to in the flooring industry, and a Slip Resistance
Euroclass ratings. It is not the purpose of this
Value (SRV).
specification at this stage to set a precedent
on such an important matter but it is hoped
that further editions will be able to set out The slip resistance of a floor may change
specific requirements when these have with the extent of its wear. If it is becoming
been determined. slippery it can be assessed by a pendulum
test (or other test method approved by HSE)
to determine its acceptability. For areas that
get wet there is an HSE requirement for a
SRV36, as well as a minimum surface
roughness of 20 microns.


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Sustainability BRE categorises materials into ‘hard floor

The Building Research Establishment finishes’ (timber, tile and sheet materials)
Environmental Assessment Method for and ‘soft floor finishes’ (carpets and matting).
Schools (BREEAM Schools) is the standard Each material is given a rating, from A+ to E,
tool for assessing the environmental impact depending on its sustainability performance.
of a school. An ‘A’ or ‘A+’ rating should generally be
specified where a suitable product is available.
Schools are required to meet the BREEAM
However, ‘A’ products may not currently exist
standard ‘Very Good’ and must specify
for all specified spaces in schools. Some
sustainable products – the environmental
materials on the market may well be suitable
performance of building materials is published
but have yet to be assessed. In some
in the Building Research Establishment (BRE)’s
circumstances, where no suitable alternative is
The Green Guide to Specification3.
available, a lower standard could be considered.
Flooring can have the greatest environmental
Specific products should be checked with
impact of all building materials over the
manufacturers, as variants of a material can
lifespan of a building – and encompass a
have different ratings.
wide range of environmental performance.
Floors can have both some of the highest and
NB This specification does not exclude the
the lowest Ecopoints per square metre of any
reuse of reclaimed materials, providing they
material. (An Ecopoint is a measure of
meet the specified performance
environmental impact.)

Static electricity
Where electronic equipment is present, the
floor may need anti–static properties to avoid
the build up of static charge. There is a general
level of conductivity required for normal traffic
areas (to avoid people getting a shock when
they have walked across the room and touch
any metal object) and a higher level for areas
where there are electrostatic sensitive devices.

Above information on sports flooring can be obtained

from Sport England


10 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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All floors need cleaning but the importance
of hygiene in kitchens, food technology,
dining, toilets and shower areas is
particularly important.

If ceramic tiling is used, it should be jointed

with epoxy grout.

The specified Slip Resistance Value will need

to be achieved but highly textured surfaces
should be avoided, as they trap dirt.

Floors should be non-porous, reasonably joint

free, with no dirt traps (a ceramic floor with
Above consider the risk of spillages together with the
epoxy grout is classed as joint free) and all
ease of cleaning
welds in sheet material if required, should be
smooth. Skirtings should be coved.
When it is understood what devices are likely To distinguish the requirement for a higher
to be present, the flooring requirements of standard of hygiene in these areas, the Floor
the spaces, particularly server rooms, should be Type tables (page 17-18) include the term ‘high’,
discussed and agreed with the manufacturers. although it is self evident that all floors will
For server rooms, for example, EN 1081 would require a basic standard of cleanliness.
be relevant. For general areas, EN 1815 is
relevant, which means that the floor does not In all cases, floors should be cleaned and
accumulate a static charge above 2kV. maintained to manufacturers’ instructions.
There is detailed information in BS 2050
(partly superseded by BS ISO 2878), CEN Codes
of Practice TS 14472-2 & 4 and BS EN 14041
(which refers to EN 1081 and EN 1815) for
carpets and resilients, and ISO 6356.

Heat Resistance
Some floors should be particularly resistant to
heat. For example:

• A kitchen floor will need to withstand thermal

shock from spillages of boiling water or fat as
well as the heat from cooking appliances.
• The plant/equipment/processes in art rooms
and workshops should be assessed to ensure
the floor is suitable.

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Safety Disability issues

Under the Construction, Design and General
Management (CDM) Regulations, the The correct specification of flooring is
designer must carry out an assessment of particularly important for people with
potential hazards associated with floor disabilities. Factors include:
coverings. This includes:
• texture and slip resistance
• material selection to avoid hazardous
substances • colour, pattern and contrast

• unloading and site handling • acoustics

• safe storage Texture and slip resistance

• installation methods and the need for Surface roughness and Slip Resistance Value
protective clothing (SRV) are particularly important for wheelchair
users and people who have difficulty walking –
• adequate lighting and ventilation
to avoid slipping on ramps and level surfaces,
• safety in the use of the floor and to ease wheelchair movement.
• safe methods of cleaning, maintenance
Carpets are not generally a problem but
and replacement.
materials with deep or uneven pile are
Risks and counter measures should discouraged. Guidance on entrance flooring
be scheduled. and disabled access is available in BS 7953 and
BS 8300 section 9.
NB This specification cannot envisage the Variation in the texture of a floor may help
risks inherent in each project. These should be to identify the transition from one space
established by the designer’s risk assessment to another for people with impaired vision.
for each floor. However, it is inadvisable for very smooth and
very rough floors to be next to each other as
safety may be compromised by very abrupt
changes in slip resistance.

Changes in floor texture to indicate a difference

in floor function – through using textured or
tactile surfaces at the approaches to ramps and
stairs externally – has been embodied as a
principle in Building Regulations and may be
incorporated in subtler form internally.

ADM and BS 8300 have important guidance on

stairs and in particular the importance of correct
nosing design.

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Colour, pattern and contrast Acoustics

Contrast in colour and pattern can Please refer to page 6 for further details
help disabled people identify different on acoustics.
building elements.
Advice should be sought from an acoustics
The entire colour environment should be expert to ensure that the acoustic environment
considered as a whole in terms of hue, tone meets the needs of all its users.
and emphasis.
For people who are visually impaired, contrast is Installers
essential for identifying the junctions between Floor finishes require experienced, skilled
surfaces (e.g. between a floor and a wall), as labour. The specifier should identify the
similar colours could make the change of requirements for installers, including
direction difficult to see. membership of a recognised trade organisation
The Building Regulations require contrasting and, for some materials, belonging to a list of
colour for stair nosings. the manufacturer’s approved contractors.

Similarly, changes in floor colour can help to Responsibilities for delivery, offloading, storage
identify different spaces and differing functions and handling should be defined.
within spaces. All installation should be in accordance
A well-designed floor pattern can help people with relevant manufacturer’s instructions.
orientate themselves by providing a sense of The designer should carry out a CDM risk
scale and perspective. assessment of the installation methods as
Confusing floor images and highly reflective part of the overall risk review.
surfaces should be avoided.
The specifier should identify the requirements
Further guidance on disability can be
for the sub-floor – in terms of its moisture
obtained from the Centre for Accessible
content, strength, hardness, level and
Environments4, the Building Regulations
smoothness – to ensure that it is suitable to
Part M and BS 8300.
receive the proposed finish.

In some situations the choice of floor finish

will be influenced by its ability to cope with a
floor base that is not yet fully dried out. It is
important to consult manufacturers to ensure
that the appropriate required moisture content
of the sub-floor is specified.


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Fixing Maintenance
Fixing, bedding and jointing of materials A floor’s longevity, appearance, safety
should be adequate to ensure and maintain and hygiene depend on the correct
the requirements for stability and structural maintenance regime.
resistance under normal loading conditions.
• The flooring manufacturer’s written
There should be no detrimental reactions from recommendations should be followed
contact between the floorings, their fixings, in all cases
beddings or adjoining materials.
• Cleaning materials should be included in the
Protection designer’s risk assessment for the project
To avoid damage, the provision and type • Cleaning and maintenance regimes should
of floor protection should be specified be incorporated in the Health and Safety
for work both during and after installation, file, which should be made available at
up to handover. building handover

Standards Furniture
Refer to the following standards for guidance Furniture and equipment chosen will influence
on installation: the selection of flooring material. They should
all be considered together early in the design
• Resilients, BS 8203
process to ensure that they are compatible.
• Concrete/Resins, BS 8204
Indentation from chairs for example can be
• Textiles, BS 5325
avoided by choosing suitable leg detail to
• Ceramics, BS 5385. spread the load.
All these codes have substantial text on
consultation during design and statements Key issues are the indentation and marking
on the responsibilities of the different parties or scratching of the finish; and the choice of
involved and later maintenance. The philosophy furniture and floor to minimise this damage,
of the codes is for issues to be resolved early both initially and over the life of the school.
in the process so that action can be identified
in sufficient time to avoid costly remedial
site work.

14 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Cost comment • Environmental costs (re-cycling, toxicity,

embodied carbon dioxide)
Capital costs • Risk (both financial risks and health and safety,
The flooring finishes element in a school will e.g., indoor air quality, accidents etc)
comprise 3% to 4% of the total construction
• Taxation, VAT and capital allowance
cost. Total costs (excluding screeds and raised
floors) range from approximately £35m2 to Professional advisors should take due regard of
£40m2 of gross internal floor area (based on these factors and carry out option appraisals in
4th quarter 2006 tender prices). Including developing project budgets, including
raised floors or screeds, the total cost of the discounting procedures5.
floor element will range between £67m2
Over the lifetime of a typical 30 year PFI
and £82m2.
concession for a new school, the total
Whole-life costs discounted floor finish costs can be
Whole-life costs are crucial to the design, around £200-£250m2.
procurement, selection and maintenance of Enhanced specifications in heavy traffic areas
flooring. Whichever specification is chosen,
Approximately 14% to 20% of the gross floor
an holistic approach to decision making will
area in a typical 10,000m2 school is made up by
deliver maximum benefits, as opposed to floor
circulation space. Harder wearing, more durable
finishes selected on capital cost criteria alone.
finishes are possible, for example, in corridors
The overall equation to be evaluated and reception areas, as the higher initial on-
when selecting a material should factor costs can be offset by the whole-life cost
in the following: advantages, particularly longer replacement
cycles. However it is important to consider
• Initial installation costs and affordability targets
other factors such as the acoustic environment
• Cleaning and planned maintenance costs of the space.
• Repairs and reactive maintenance Impact on capital costs for specifying a
• Replacement costs including disposal 10 year minimum life span for BSF
• Life span of the asset compared to life Research indicates that there should not be a
expectancy of the floor significant cost premium under BSF if a
minimum life span of 10 years is applied to floor
• Trade offs (e.g. acoustic or programme)
finishes. Manufacturers typically quote life spans
• Consequential costs (e.g. on servicing strategy, in excess of 10 years providing their materials
IT access and flexibility) are appropriately specified to match the
• Disruption costs (operational continuity) expected footfall.

5 Further information on option appraisal is available in Finding the Right Solution at:
docbank/index.cfm?id=4730. A whole-life cost model, including a discounting procedure, is available at:

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Performance specifications and

example materials
To simplify the specification of floorings, For some spaces there will be a requirement for
we can group these into five categories. a sub-type with slightly different characteristics
The floor for a space within the school to those in the general group. This is indicated
will fall into one of the following types: by a suffix (e.g. B.1.2), which is explained in the
notes below table 1.
Type A General flooring
Type B Light practical flooring Example materials
Type C Heavy practical flooring Some example materials are given for each
Type D Wet area flooring type. They are listed in alphabetical order –
Type E Hall flooring there is no intention to rank them in terms of
suitability. This does not preclude the designer
Within these types there will be
from using other materials to achieve a
some variants; these are listed
particular aesthetic or functional effect –
in the tables.
but the alternative must comply with the key
performance requirements for the intended
Performance specifications room. Within any material category, certain
products may or may not be suitable and it is
This section provides key performance
essential to consult manufacturers before
requirements and recommended locations
making a decision. This specification does not
for five floor types.
intend to prescribe materials but to offer some
Table 1 contains the majority of secondary examples of those that meet requirements.
school spaces as defined in Building Bulletin
98. It can be used to identify the finish (type
A B C D or E) required for a particular space.
The finish types are defined in the tables
that follow.

16 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Floor type allocation: Table 1

For explanation of codes see notes after table.

Room type Floor type Room type Floor type

General teaching A Atria A.3
Seminar room A Corridors and stairs A.3
Classroom A IT room A
Small group room A Science lab B1.2
Music recital room A 3D and 2D art B1.2
Music classroom A Dark room B1.2
Music practice room A Electronics and control B
Music ensemble room A Textiles B2
Recording studio A Graphics B
Control room A Art/Design resource area B1.2
A/V studio – video conference A Food room B1.4
Small lecture theatre A Drama studio B or E
Large lecture theatre A Walk-in store B
SEN base A Science prep room B1.2
Library A Chemical store B1.2
Study area A Physical education store B
Staff meeting room A Non-teaching stores B
Office A Locker areas A or B
Staff room A Chair store B
Common room (6th form) A Continued

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Room type Floor type Notes on suffixes (see relevant floor type table)
• Suffix 1 denotes a sub-type with an increased
Cleaners’ store B1.2
slip resistance requirement.
Kitchen staff and stores B1.2.4 • Suffix 2 denotes a sub-type with an increased
Server room B chemical resistance requirement.
• Suffix 3 denotes a sub-type with an increased
Dining area B3.4.6
durability requirement.
Serveries B1.3.4.6
• Suffix 4 denotes a sub-type with a high
Kiln room C hygiene requirement.

Resistant materials C • Suffix 5 denotes a sub-type with an increased

heat resistance requirement.
Resistant materials prep room C
• Suffix 6 denotes a sub-type with an increased
Kitchen D5 water resistance over other floors of that type.
Changing rooms D
Showers D
Toilets D
Sports hall E
Activity studio E
Multi purpose E4.6
Gymnasium E

Above floorings offer opportunities for creative design

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Performance criteria for types A to E: Table 2

Each floor type is defined by its requirements when assessed against the following criteria:

1. Essential characteristics: Covers resilient, textile and laminate floorings.

BS EN 14041

2. BS EN 685 Covers resilient, textile and laminate floorings. It relates primarily

to durability. Because ceramics, resin and concrete surfaces can
be used in industrial applications, it is likely that their durability
for school use is more than adequate. In all cases, manufacturers
should be referred to for advice on suitable products.
3. Other applicable Different floor types are covered by separate standards specific to
standards the floor function or material. The floor is required to meet these
standards if applicable.
4. Required life The floor should maintain its characteristics and performance
under normal conditions of use for the minimum period listed.

5. Slip resistance See page 9. The floor is required to maintain the specified slip
(Ramp Test) resistance over its required life.

6 Slip Resistance Value As above.

(SRV) and surface

7. Water resistance All floors should withstand a reasonable degree of spillage and
dampness from footwear etc. However, the floors specified to be
water resistant allow frequent spillage or wetting without damage,
staining or absorption. Requirements for resilients are covered in
BS EN 661 1995 and BS EN 662 1995.

8. Fire performance See page 9

9. Electrostatic See page 10


10. Hygiene performance See page 11


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11. Under-floor heating Where required, flooring types should be suitable to withstand the
effects of under-floor heating up to a temperature of 27˚C. BS 8203
has requirements for resilients. The advice on comfort in CP 1018
should be followed. BS EN 14041 should also be referred to. The
Contract Flooring Association has published a Code of Practice for
under-floor heating.

12. Chemical resistance If chemicals are used in the space, the flooring must be resistant
to it. General guidance is given but the specific risk assessment
should identify chemicals applicable for a specific project.
Manufacturers should then be consulted for appropriate flooring
solutions. If a particular chemical is of concern, a floor covering’s
resistance to it can be determined using BS EN 423. This standard
is also applicable for resistance to staining for resilient coverings.

13. Heat resistance See page 11

20 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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TYPE A Type A floors would be used for the typical

general teaching spaces in a school, together
GENERAL FLOORING with associated circulation areas.

It is not envisaged that they would normally

become wet, either through spillages or tracking
in of rainwater. If this is likely to happen, for
example with stairs or circulation areas, a
more slip resistant floor should be specified.

There may be parts of a classroom or staff room

where a sink is included – a type B1 floor should
be inset here.

Corridors using type A floors would be

general circulation zones, not areas where
more onerous standards are required to
cope with situations such as dirt from
outside sports footwear or the delivery
of heavy materials.

Above consider the effect of shadow to enliven

the floor

22 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Performance requirements – type A

1. BS EN 14041 Essential characteristics Yes

2. BS EN 685 European Flooring Use Type A: Commercial 32

classification Type A.3: Commercial 33

3 Other applicable standards Refer to standards applicable to selected

product type.

4 Minimum required life (years) 10

5 Slip resistance (Ramp Test) No

6 Slip Resistance Value (SRV) No

7 Water resistance No

8 Fire performance Refer to page 9

9 Hygiene performance Moderate. Cleaning to be in accordance with

manufacturers’ instructions.

10 Electrostatic Yes – Refer to BS EN 14041 – see also page 10

11 Suitable for under-floor heating Yes – Refer to BS EN 14041

12 Chemical resistance No

13 Heat resistance No

Example materials – type A • NBS (National Building Specification).

• Materials are listed alphabetically and
Carpet Refer to NBS section M50*
not ranked by suitability.
Linoleum Refer to NBS section M50* • Refer to manufacturers for product details.
Rubber Refer to NBS section M50*

Vinyl Refer to NBS section M50*

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TYPE B Type B floors are intended for spaces that are

normally dry but where there could be some
LIGHT PRACTICAL FLOORING likelihood of spillages. They are typically more
durable than type A.

Where the suffix 2 appears in Table 1, the

specifier should ensure that the material is
resistant to chemicals used.

Dining areas fall into this category and have

been allocated a B3.4.6 rating. (see notes to
Table 1.) Slip resistant surfaces may not be
necessary if the risk is considered to be small.
Note that the more slip resistant a surface, the
more difficult it will be to clean. Spillages could
be likely but it may be considered that the
management would deal with these quickly.
Serveries have perhaps a greater risk and have
therefore been allocated a B1.3.4.6 (slip
resistant) rating. The circumstances for each
Above consider chemicals and materials used in school may differ and it is important to discuss
the space
the issue with the relevant staff, operators and
flooring manufacturers to ensure that any risks
are addressed and the correct surface provided.

This performance type does not require

the floor to be especially heat resistant.
However, if, for example, art rooms are to
include hot processes (e.g. welding or
soldering), then a type C floor should be
installed in the relevant area.

Above consider the range of 2D and 3D art activities

24 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Performance requirements – type B

1 BS EN 14041 General characteristics. Yes
Note that resin floors are not included in
this standard. Refer to BS 8204-6
2 BS EN 685 European Flooring Use B commercial 33
classification. Note that resin floors are B3 commercial 34
not included in this standard
3 Other applicable standards Refer to standards applicable to selected
product type.
4 Minimum required life (years) 10

5 Slip resistance (Ramp Test) Type B: Not applicable

Type B1: R10

6 Slip Resistance Value (SRV) and roughness Type B: Not applicable

Type B1: SRV36 + 20 microns

7 Water resistance Yes

8 Fire performance Refer to page 9

9 Hygiene performance Type B: Moderate

Type B4: High

10 Electrostatic Yes – see also page 10

11 Suitable for under-floor heating Yes

12 Chemical resistance Type B: No

Type B2: Yes

13 Heat resistance No

Example materials – type B • NBS (National Building Specification).

• Materials are listed alphabetically and
Linoleum Refer to NBS section M50*
not ranked by suitability.
Resin Refer to NBS section M12* • Refer to manufacturers for product details.
Rubber Refer to NBS section M50*

Vinyl Refer to NBS section M50*

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TYPE C Type C floors are intended for heavy duty areas

such as technology workshops, and should be

Spillages and contaminants may be present.

The floor is not normally wet but contaminants

such as oil or sawdust may be present at times
and the floor will require the appropriate
degree of slip resistance.

There is the likelihood of hot processes such

as welding. If this is the case then some
sheet materials may be inappropriate.
Check with manufacturers.

Risk assessment will be important, as

this specification can state general
requirements only.

26 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Performance requirements – type C

1 BS EN 14041 Essential requirements Applicable for rubber and vinyl. Resins and
concrete wearing surfaces to comply with
relevant material standards.
2 BS EN 685 European Flooring Use Commercial 34 for rubber and vinyl. Resins and
classification concrete wearing surfaces to comply with
relevant material standards.
3 Other applicable standards Refer to standards applicable to selected
product type.

4 Minimum required life (years) 10

5 Slip resistance (Ramp Test) R11

6 Slip Resistance Value (SRV) and roughness Minimum SRV 36 – but see notes below

7 Water resistance Yes

8 Fire performance Refer to page 9

9 Hygiene performance Moderate

10 Electrostatic Yes – see also page 10

11 Suitable for under-floor heating Yes

12 Chemical resistance Yes

13 Heat resistance Yes

Example materials – type C Note on slip resistance

1. SRV should be tailored to the worst
Concrete wearing Refer to NBS section E41* case contaminant identified through an
surfaces assessment of use. The more viscous the
Resin Refer to NBS section M12* agent, the higher the SRV needed to
combat it. See HSE guidance (listed in
Rubber Refer to NBS section M50* Section 4) for required levels for common
Vinyl Refer to NBS section M50* contaminants. The floor finishes used in
technology workshops would be
• NBS (National Building Specification). dependent upon the viscosity of the
contaminant present but have a
• Materials are listed alphabetically and
minimum SRV of 36.
not ranked by suitability.
• Refer to manufacturers for product details.

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TYPE D The main characteristics of a type D floor are

that it is often wet, either through spillages,
WET AREA FLOORING showering, wet footwear or wet processes.
These floors need to be durable, easily cleaned,
hygienic and slip resistant.

There is a degree of conflict between

slip resistance and ease of cleaning
because the rougher surfaces can trap dirt.
Designers should discuss this issue with
floor manufacturers to arrive at the
optimum product.

Example materials – type D

Ceramic Refer to NBS section M40

Resin Refer to NBS section M12

Rubber Refer to NBS section M50

Vinyl Refer to NBS section M50*

• NBS (National Building Specification).

• Materials are listed alphabetically and
not ranked by suitability.
• Refer to manufacturers for product details.

28 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Performance requirements – type D

1. BS EN 14041 Essential characteristics Applicable for vinyl. Resins and ceramics to
comply with relevant material standards.

2. BS EN 685 European Flooring Commercial 34 for vinyl. Resins and ceramics

Use classification to comply with relevant material standards.

3. Other applicable standards Refer to standards applicable to selected product

type. BS EN 661 covers the spreading of water and
BS EN 13553 covers the use of vinyl in wet areas.

4. Minimum required life (years) 10

5. Slip resistance (Ramp Test) R10 or R11 (not relevant for showers –
see note 2 below.)

6. Slip Resistance Value (SRV) Minimum SRV 36 – but see note below

7. Water resistance Yes

8. Fire performance Refer to page 9

9. Hygiene performance High

10. Electrostatic No – see page 10

11. Suitable for under-floor heating Yes

12. Chemical resistance Yes

13. Heat resistance D: No

D5: Yes

Note on slip resistance

1. SRV should be tailored to the worst case contaminant identified through an assessment of use.
The more viscous the agent, the higher the SRV needed to combat it. See HSE guidance (listed
in Section 4). Kitchens will be the worst case as there are likely to be fats and semi-solid material
present – hence an SRV in excess of 36 may be required. The floor should be R10 as a minimum
standard where there are water-based contaminants. Where there is a significant risk of more
viscous contaminants R11 would be appropriate. Toilets are likely to have water-based
contaminants, and SRV at 36 should suffice.
2. Barefoot areas need to be ‘Barefoot slip resistance category B’.
3. For areas that get wet there is an HSE requirement for a pendulum result of SRV36 measured
with a 4S Rubber (now called Slider 96), as well as a minimum surface roughness of 20 microns.

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TYPE E Type E floors are characterised by durability,

and the capacity to accommodate a variety
HALL FLOORING of functions. Sports halls have particular needs
and designers should consult Sport England
for further information.

Multi-purpose halls should not normally be

used for specialist sports where a dedicated
sports hall and gymnasium/activity space
would be available.

30 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Performance requirements – type E

1. BS EN 14041 Essential characteristics Yes for vinyl. Timber and composition flooring
should comply with relevant material standards.

2. BS EN 685 European Flooring Commercial 34. Timber and composition flooring

Use classification should comply with relevant material standards.

3. Other applicable standards Refer to standards applicable to selected product

type. All sports floors should comply with BS EN
14904. For timber floors BS 8201 has useful
guidance. Ensure that only sustainable timbers
are selected from the available lists.

4. Minimum required life (years) 10

5. Slip resistance (Ramp Test) No

6. Slip Resistance Value (SRV) No

7. Water resistance E: No
E6: Yes

8. Fire performance Refer to page 9

9. Hygiene performance E: Moderate

E4: High

10. Electrostatic performance No – see page 10

11. Suitable for under-floor heating Yes

12. Chemical resistance No

13. Heat resistance No

Example materials – type E • NBS (National Building Specification).

• Materials are listed alphabetically and
Composition Refer to NBS section M40*
not ranked by suitability.
Linoleum Refer to NBS section M50* • Refer to manufacturers for product details.
Rubber Refer to NBS section M50*

Timber Refer to NBS section K21*

Vinyl Refer to NBS section M50*

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Entrances Because every project is different, it is not

It is essential to provide sufficient flooring possible to prescribe exact dimensions – but
that both absorbs water and cleans off experience tends to suggest that this area is
dirt efficiently. often undersized and greater lengths of
entrance flooring should be installed. Part
The objective with any entrance flooring system M of Building Regulations prescribes lobby
is to achieve the maximum number of footfalls dimensions to facilitate wheelchair use.
within the space available.
Refer also to BS 7953 and BS 8300
The relationship between entrances and
section 9 for guidance on entrance
adjacent floors is important to ensure that
areas and disabled access.
water-based contaminants are not transferred
by wet shoes to smoother surfaces.

Damage, soiling and slips can be caused by dirt, An external canopy is helpful in reducing
grit and water entering the building on shoes wetness immediately outside the door.
and clothing. The entrance area should include
three zones: The orientation and a sheltering design for the
entrance will also reduce wind-blown rain, sleet
• an external zone with a slip resistant surface and snow entering the area. Guidance on
• an intermediate zone including a rigid materials is given in BS 7953.
entrance flooring system with built-in The entrance flooring should extend up to the
scraper action threshold and there should be no strips of
• an inner zone with textile entrance unprotected floor between matting and
flooring system threshold.

The material should be designed to fit securely

into the floor – loose mats are not acceptable.

The designer should carry out a risk

assessment for the specific site conditions
but in most cases a drained mat well is
not necessary.

32 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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This document was published in Legislation

April 2007. After this date readers • Building Regulations ADB Fire Safety, 2006
should ensure they use the latest • Building Regulations ADM Access to and use
edition for all references. of Buildings, 2004
• Construction (Design and Management
Regulations) 2007, HMSO 2007
• Disability Discrimination Act 1995, HMSO 1995
• Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Regulations 1992, HMSO 1992

34 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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Publications • Cleaning hard floors, BS CP 202 and BS 5385-3:

• DfES Building Bulletin BB 93 Acoustic Design 1989 for cleaning ceramics
of Schools • The Tile Association, Cleaning of ceramic tiles,
• DfES Building Bulletin BB 98 Briefing 2000
Framework for Secondary School Projects • British Board of Agrement Product Certificates
• The National Building Specification (NBS) Associations
• Contract Flooring Association, Guide to Guidance is available from:
contract flooring
• Resin Flooring Formulators and Applicators
• The National Federation of Terrazzo, Marble
and Mosaic Specialists –Specification sheet for
pre-cast and in-situ terrazzo and mosaic • The Concrete Society

• CIRIA Document C652 (2006), Safer surfaces to • Contract Flooring Association
walk on • The Carpet Foundation
• HSE Information Sheet, Preventing slips and
trips in the education sector • National Institute of Carpet and Floor Layers
• HSE Information Sheet, Preventing slips and
trips in kitchens and food service • The British Coatings Federation
• HSE Information Sheet, Slips and trips, the
importance of floor cleaning • The British Plastics Federation
• HSE Information Sheet, The assessment of • The Centre for Accessible Environments
pedestrian slip risk
• Building Research Establishment, The Green • British Board of Agrement
Guide to Specification
• Cleaning timber floors, BS 8201:1987 and • The Tile Association
BS CP 209
• The Stone Federation
• Cleaning flexible sheet floors, BS 6263
Part 2 1982

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36 Standard specifications, layouts and dimensions

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