1 s2.0 S2213343714002498 Main
1 s2.0 S2213343714002498 Main
1 s2.0 S2213343714002498 Main
Article history: Rice husk does not have substantial commercial value and generally present an environmental problem
Received 17 July 2014 concerning its disposal. This investigation determines the suitability of producing cardboard from rice
Accepted 12 November 2014 husk, thus, reducing the amount of pulping material required from virgin wood. Maceration process was
Available online 4 December 2014
used to produce cardboards from their pulps. For comparative evaluation, along with rice husk, bagasse
and waste paper were used. The latter were blended in different ratios and their mechanical strength
Keywords: determined. Rice husk contained 15.2% lignin, 20.56% ash with kappa number of 99.48 while bagasse had
Non-wood fibre
13.70% lignin and 2.23% ash with kappa number of 88.39. The maceration period of rice husk and bagasse
Rice husk
was between 6 and 15 days and 5–10 days with the corresponding pulp yield of 40.44–46.55% and
Maceration 46.01–36.76%, respectively. The average lignin content of rice husk pulp and bagasse pulp was 3.09–2.9%
Mechanical strength and 2.95–2.43%, respectively. The tensile index, edgewise crush resistance, average bursting index of
cardboard from rice husk was 11.31 N m/g, 1.11 kN/m and 0.84 kPa m2/g, respectively. For the rice husk
mixed bagasse cardboard, the optimal ratios were (20/80), (40/60), and (60/40) with a tensile index of
17.96, 16.66 and 12.94 N m/g, respectively. The edgewise compressive resistance was 2.91, 2.42 and
1.99 kN/m, respectively. The bursting index was 1.88, 1.55, and 1.26 kPa m2/g, respectively. The optimal
rice husk mixed waste paper ratio was (20/80) with a tensile index of 21.52 N m/g with an edgewise
compressive resistance of 2.75 kN/m and a bursting index of 1.35 kPa m2/g. Thus, these cardboards are
suitable for packaging as corrugating medium, wrapping and insulating board.
ã 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cardboard can be manufactured from virgin wood pulp. From There is insignificant damage on ecological balance since they
an environmental point of view, using virgin wood can be avoided are based on annually renewable raw materials often plentiful in
by utilization of other substitute. The increased demand for supply and with disposal problems.
wooden supplies can be met through enlarged utilization of forest No outflow of foreign exchange is needed to import raw
waste, increased utilization of waste paper, increased utilization of materials.
non-wood fibrous plants, or other environmentally sound pulping Sale of agricultural-residue provides further revenue to farmers
process [1]. Rice hulls are a by-product of the rice industry, who have little other opportunities for outside income.
with a total of 75 million tons worldwide. Despite numerous Employment is provided to rural labour.
exploitations and broad researches have been proliferated, such
efforts are handicapped by the limitations of its low nutritive Agricultural-residues like rice husk and bagasse are locally
properties, degradation resistance, abrasiveness, low apparent available either for free or at a very small cost. The major cost in
density and high ash content, attributed to another form of such cases is incurred on collecting and transporting these raw
pollution phenomenon, rice husk ash [2]. Consequently, useful materials. Due to the bulk of these raw materials, transportation
applications for rice husk are required to solve this problem [3]. can as well be a major cost factor in processing. Nearly all of these
raw materials are collected manually and as such the labour costs
constitute a big percentage of the total raw material costs. Thus, in
countries with very low labour rates, pulp production with these
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +230 4037891; fax: +230 4647144.
raw materials can be extremely encouraging relative to wood
E-mail addresses: p.jeetah@uom.ac.mu (P. Jeetah),
nisha.golaup@umail.uom.ac.mu (N. Golaup), pulping [4]. Consequently, the possibility of manufacturing
karishma.buddynauth@umail.uom.ac.mu (K. Buddynauth). cardboard from rice husk residues together with bagasse and
2213-3437/ ã 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Jeetah et al. / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (2015) 52–59 53
waste paper was investigated. Their strengths were compared to pulps were washed and screened into accept and reject (the one
that of virgin fibres normally used in the production of cardboard with knots and uncooked rice husk, due to incomplete reaction of
for packaging, to see whether the cardboard obtained from rice the sample with the macerating chemicals). Finally, the accepted
hulls residues could replace to some extent the pulping material in pulp was oven dried so as to determine the yield.
normal cardboard production. For that purpose, it was important
to determine the optimum pulping time in terms of yield, kappa Determination of optimum maceration conditions, in terms of pulp
number and lignin content various mixtures of various mixtures of yield, kappa number and lignin content
waste papers and rice husk pulp and bagasse pulp and rice husk Samples of 15 g of bagasse and rice husk were soaked in 80 ml of
pulp and to compare the mechanical properties of cardboards the macerating liquor. They were allowed to macerate for 5, 6, 9, 10,
manufactured from these mixtures. The optimal amount of virgin 12, 15, 20 and 25 days. At the end, the pulps were washed with
fibre to be added also had to be determined so as to maintain equal bathing ratio and finally screened into accept and reject.
Determination of kappa number and lignin content for raw rice husk
Fibre morphology in non-wood plants used in cardboard making 600 ml of distilled water were added to 0.5 g of the rice husk.
75 ml of 4 N sulphuric acid and 75 ml of 0.1 N potassium
Morphological characteristics, such as fibre length and width, permanganate were mixed, and added to the above solution.
are essential in estimating pulp quality of fibres [5]. Kiaie et al. [6] The mixture was stirred and its temperature was maintained at
stated that the flexibility coefficient of bagasse and rice residues is 25 C for about 10 min using a water bath. After 10 min, 15 ml of the
included in high rigid fibres group and thick wall fibre group. 1 N potassium iodide was added to the mixture and stirred. 25 ml
Consequently, they do not have efficient elasticity and they are of the mixture was titrated against 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate to
used more on fibre plate, rigid cardboard and cardboard pale colour, two drops of starch indicator solution was added and
production [7]. Kiaie et al. [6] also concluded the following as the titration continued to colourless solution.
shown in Table 1. The Hussain et al. [9] method was used to determine the kappa
Benefits of using rice husk include: number and lignin content:
Materials and methods Pulp kappa number and lignin content of rice husk pulp
This method was used by Ibrahim [8] which was adapted from
Raw material TAPPI 236 om-06.
1500 ml of distilled water was added to 1.0 g of dry weight of
Rice husks and depithed bagasse were oven-dried and stored pulp and stirred thoroughly. 40 ml of 4 N sulphuric acid solution
for further use. The oven dried samples of bagasse were cut into was added to the mixture and stirred. After about 5 min, 40 ml of
pieces of about 2 cm long following research done by Madakadze 0.1 N potassium permanganate was added and stirred. After
et al. [30]. Waste papers were cut into small papers, about 2–3 cm another 5 min, 5 ml of the 1 N potassium iodide was added and
on a side and oven dried. stirred. The reaction temperature was noted. 25 ml of the solution
was titrated against the 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate to pale colour.
Production of cardboard Two drops of starch indicator solution was added and the titration
continued to colourless solution.
Pulping by cold maceration Kappa number and the lignin content were evaluated as
The maceration fluid is prepared by mixing 1 part of 30% follows:
hydrogen peroxide solution, 4 parts of distilled water, and 5 parts P No ¼ 40 v
of glacial acetic acid. The risk husks chips were then soaked in the
maceration mixture for days until digestion. The mixture was
thoroughly stirred each day. According to Ibrahim [8], digestion is u ¼ Tr To
achieved when the pulp is formed, that is when the rice husk has
softened. The average room temperature was 29 C. At the end, the
Table 1
Biometric properties, chemical composition and morphology characteristics of bagasse and rice.
Source: [6].
Biometric properties Chemical composition Morphology characteristics
Fibre length: bagasse > rice (lowest) Lignin: (highest) rice > bagasse Slenderness ratio: bagasse > rice
Fibre diameter: bagasse (highest) > rice Cellulose: bagasse > rice Flexibility ratio: bagasse > rice
Cell wall thickness: bagasse > rice (lowest) Extractive: bagasse > rice Runkel ratio: bagasse > rice
Lumen width: bagasse > rice Ash: (highest) rice > bagasse –
54 P. Jeetah et al. / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (2015) 52–59
Table 2
Initial characteristics of the raw materials.
T ¼ u½1:8
Sample Moisture content Ash content (%) Kappa number Lignin
(%) (%)
K No ¼ P No T
Rice husk 37.30 20.56 99.48 15.20
Bagasse 39.10 2.23 88.39 13.70
The kappa number K-No is corrected to 50% Waste paper 7.40 17.54 – –
%L ¼ K No 0:147
where u = temperature difference ( C); v = titre value (ml);
Tr = reaction temperature ( C); To = ambient temperature ( C); obtained for rice husk was 37.3%, which fall between the values
and T = temperature ( C). of 31.0 and 38.3% reported by Zhang et al. [11]. Virgin fibres
demonstrate a slightly superior resistance to moisture than
Forming of cardboard sheets recycled fibres, however, as corrugated carton moisture content
Oven dried sample of the pulp corresponding to (200 4) g/m2 (16.4%) increases from 7.7% to 16.4%, edge compressive strength
was soaked in distilled water for at least 4 h. The pulp was washed reduces by 42.6%, compressive strength reduces by 52% [12].
and diluted to 1000 ml at 0.3% consistency for each sheet. Therefore, only when the moisture content of corrugated carton is
Disintegration was performed in the standard disintegrator at controlled at 8–10% can optimal mechanical properties of
18,000 rpm for 4 min and until all fibre bundles are dispersed corrugated carton be achieved.
(TAPPI 205 sp-12). The stock was poured on a sheet former; the
sheet formed on the wire screen was drain for about 5 min and Chemical composition
pressed at (400 10) kPa for 2 min 15 s and then released. The
sheets were dried in the conditioning room at 23 C and 50% RH. A The chemical compositions of rice husk and bagasse varies from
drying period of 2 days was appropriate (SCAN-CM 64:00). sample to sample depending on the type of paddy, geographical
conditions, sample preparation and method of analysis and also
Burst index (TAPPI 807 om-94) due to variations in climatic conditions (temperature, precipitation
Test piece of at least 100 mm 100 mm in area was clamped in and length of cultivation season), soil type (alluvial, luvisols
between the clamping rings. The bursting pressure was applied and black), methods of cultivation (transplanting and seeding) and
until the specimen is ruptured and the maximum pressure was type of fertilizer used [11].
recorded. Burst index X, in kPa m2/g was obtained as follows: Kiaie et al. [6] states that a high lignin content make the fibre
tougher and stiffer compared to other fibres. Panshin and Dezeeuw
P [13] stated that when producing cardboard, decreasing the value of
g lignin and ash causes an increase of yield of cardboard, a decrease
where P is the mean bursting strength, in kPa; g is the grammage, in consumption of chemical material and a decrease in cooking
in g m2/g. time. The kappa number and lignin content was 99.48 and 15.42%
for rice husk and 88.39 and 13.7% for bagasse, respectively. Thus,
Edgewise compressive strength (adapted from TAPPI 811 om-02) given that both rice husks and bagasse have low lignin content, the
The test specimen was cut to a height of 15 mm and length of yield of cardboard production will be higher and lesser chemicals
150 mm. The rate of platen movement for each rigid support will be required, thus, making such substitution of material
compression machines was set to 12.5 0.25 mm/min. A economically viable.
compressive force was applied to the specimen. Record the
maximum load in newtons and the specimen width. Digestion analysis
R ¼ 0:01F max Maceration analyses for the rice husk and bagasse are presented
where R is the Edge crush resistance (kN/m); F max is the mean in Tables 3 and 4. The moisture content of the uncooked samples of
value of the maximum force (N). rice husk and bagasse was found on the average to 37.3% and 18.8%,
respectively. The moisture content of bagasse was different from
Results and discussion the one calculated previously because of different collection and
storage procedures.
The raw materials used was characterized as shown in Table 2. 130.65 g of dry weight of rice husk was soaked in 1000 ml of the
macerated liquor. This yielded a bath ratio of 7.65:1. Bath ratio is
Moisture content the ratio of volume of liquor in millilitre to mass of chips in grams.
116.95 g of dry weight of bagasse was soaked in 900 ml of liquor
Rice hulls are hygroscopic materials, i.e. they change their with a bath ratio of 7.69:1. The pulp moisture content was found
equilibrium moisture content depending on temperature and to be 79.3% for rice husk and 84.98% for bagasse, this is required to
relative air humidity [10]. Many strength properties alter with compute the pulp yield. The yield of rice husk was found to be
changes in moisture content. The average moisture content 42.43% and bagasse was found to be 48.67%. The lower yield for rice
Table 3
Digestion analysis of rice husk.
Properties Green weight (g) Dry weight (g) Moisture content (g) % Moisture content Maceration fluid volume (ml) Bath ratio % Yield
Moisture content 208.4 130.65 77.75 37.3 – – –
Maceration analysis 208.4 130.65 77.75 37.3 1000 7.65:1 42.43
Pulp moisture content 140.3 30.01 110.29 79.3 – – –
Moisture content at optimum 35.1 30.4 4.65 13.4 220 7.24:1 –
maceration time
P. Jeetah et al. / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (2015) 52–59 55
Table 4
Digestion analysis of bagasse.
Properties Green weight (g) Dry weight (g) Moisture content (g) % Moisture content Maceration fluid volume (ml) Bath ratio % Yield
Moisture content 146.9 116.95 29.95 18.8 – – –
Maceration analysis 146.9 116.95 29.95 18.8 900 7.69:1 48.67
Pulp moisture content 40.61 6.3 34.31 84.98 – – –
Moisture content at optimum 30 21 9 30.1 152 7.24:1 –
maceration time
husks could be as a result of incomplete maceration or due to microfibrils, which are organized into microfibrils that mediate
degradation of pulp by macerating chemicals. structural stability in the plant cell [16].
According to Nieschlag et al. [17], a new fibre crop have to fit the
Fibre colours technical requirements for processing into pulp of suitable quality.
It must also be flexible to practical agricultural methods and
From the visual macroscopic evolution of the rice husk fibres, generate adequate dry matter and fibre yield at economically
the colour of the untreated rice husk and bagasse changes from attractive levels. It has also been shown that non-wood species
brown to brownish-orange after the treatment. These colour have higher pulp yields than those from wood species. Thus, the
changes are due to the removal of non-cellulosic materials and rice husks and bagasse have good potential to be used in
other impurities such as lignin, hemicelluloses, pectin, and wax the pulping process for cardboard manufacturing.
upon chemical treatment of the rice husks.
Optimum maceration on pulp yield, kappa number and lignin content Fig. 2 shows that for the increasing rice pulp yield that is during
the 6th, 9th and 10th days, the lignin content was reduced to 3.09%,
To determine the optimum maceration time that yields the best 3.03% and 2.90%, respectively. In contrast, the lignin content for
quality of pulp in terms of pulp yield, kappa number and lignin bagasse was 2.96% during the maximum yield which in turns
content, 9 samples of equal weight of bagasse and rice husk were correspond to the 5th day. The lignin content during the optimal
macerated for 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 25 days with equal bath maceration time of bagasse during 5–10 days was between 2.95%
ratio (Fig. 1). and 2.43%. Raw bagasse has a lignin content of 13.7% and rice husk
has a lignin content of 15.2%. This suggests that this material can
Pulp yield undergo bleaching more easily and with the utilization of lower
The rice husk showed no indication of being pulped up to amounts of chemicals than other agricultural residues and virgin
6 days; this is due to its chemical composition. Rice hulls have wood [6].
higher amount of lignin as compared to bagasse, therefore, they The hydrogen peroxide reaction with the lignin is mainly to
require more energy and chemicals. The pulp yield increased break the bond between the basic building blocks [8]. Chemically
during the 6th, 9th and 10th day for rice husk pulp with a pulp yield separated and bleached fibre is pure cellulose, and this has
40.44%, 45.35% and 46.55%, respectively. The optimal maceration particular significance in cardboard packaging products where
time for rice husk is therefore between 6 and 15 days. On the other there is a necessity to prevent materials originating from the
hand, bagasse showed short cooking time resulting in a pulp yield packaging affecting the flavour, odour or aroma of the product [18].
of 6.02% on the 5th day. Optimal maceration time for bagasse in Consequently, it is found that rice husks and bagasse are separated
terms of maximum pulp yield is between 5 and 10 days with a pulp more easily as they are more easily bleached implying that they are
yield of 46.01–36.76%. Beyond 10 days, there is a loss of yield of more suitable for cardboard manufacturing than virgin wood.
bagasse pulp.
The obstacle to the pulping of lignocellulosic waste is the 3.5.3. Kappa number
structure of lignocellulose which has evolved to resist degradation According to TAPPI 236 om-06, the kappa number is a
owing to crosslinking between the polysaccharides (cellulose and fundamental test method for determining the level of lignin
hemicellulose) and the lignin via ester and ether linkages [14,15].
Cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin form structures called
[(Fig._1)TD$IG] 14
% Lignin
0 5 10 15 20 25
Maceraon Time, days
Maceraon of Rice Husk Maceraon of Bagasse
Fig. 1. Shows the variation of pulp yield with maceration time. Fig. 2. Variation of lignin with maceration time.
56 P. Jeetah et al. / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (2015) 52–59
120 waste paper respectively and Fig. 4 shows samples of the
cardboard manufactured.
Mechanical strength
Kappa Number
Tensile strength
60 The strength, or force, needed to rupture a strip of the material
is known as the tensile strength. The material exhibits elastic
behaviour up to a certain point. This indicates that the force,
or stress, applied to the strip is proportional to the deformation or
elongation caused by the applied force. Consequently, if the force is
removed, the sample will recover its original shape. The tensile
value at the point of rupture will differ with the rate of applying the
0 5 10 15 20 25 load.
Maceraon Time, days Fig. 5 shows that the maximum tensile index of cardboard made
Maceraon of Rice Husk Maceraon of Bagasse from rice husk mixed bagasse was 17.96 N m/g and that of rice husk
mixed waste paper was 21.52 N m/g. Therefore, the optimal rice
Fig. 3. Variation of kappa number with maceration time. husk mixed bagasse ratios were (20/80), (40/60), and (60/40) with
a tensile index of 17.96, 16.66 and 12.94 N m/g, respectively. Out of
remaining in a sample of finished or in-process pulp. Therefore, it is the three mix, the best mix was found to be 20/80 as it gave the
a measure of the completeness of the pulping process for chemical highest tensile strength. The optimal rice husk mixed waste paper
and pulps, both bleached and semi-bleached. It is based upon the ratios were (20/80), (40/60), and (60/40) with a tensile index
reaction of a strong oxidizing chemical, potassium permanganate, of 21.52, 18.59, and 16.23 N m/g, respectively, out of which the mix
with lignin and small levels of certain other organic impurities of 20/80 was found to the best as it gave the highest tensile index.
remaining in the pulp at various stages of its processing. It gives the The tensile index for rice husk mixed bagasse was lower as
maker of the pulp valuable information about the properties of the compared to that of rice husk mixed waste paper.
pulp and the cardboard made from it, particularly with reference to The above finding does not support the statement that cellulose
the level of residual lignin present. ISO 302 (2012) mentioned that fibres undergo a decrease in quality during recycling [19]. The main
the kappa number of cardboard ranges from 1 to 100. reason could be the presence of strong binding agent in the waste
Fig. 3 shows the variation of kappa number with maceration paper pulp which helps to prevent fibre damage.
time. The initial kappa number of the raw rice husk was 98.07. The
kappa number for rice husk pulp at maximum yield was 21, 20.6 Edgewise compression strength
and 19.7 for the 6th, 9th and 10th days, respectively. This indicates It is the basic element in establishing the dynamic compression
a decreasing trend of kappa number with increasing maceration strength of the container made from that board. As cardboard
time. This is because kappa number refers to the amount of shipping containers are often subjected to top loads and are
residual lignin in the pulp. Therefore as the lignin content expected to withstand those loads, the edge crush capability of
decreases, the kappa number will also decrease. The optimal cardboard is an essential characteristic. It is the major contributor
maceration time of 6–15 days corresponds to a kappa number in to the box stacking strength [20].
the range of 21–13.3. Bagasse had a kappa number of 20.1 on the As per Fig. 6, the maximum edgewise compressive resistance of
5th days, which is during the maximum yield period and for the cardboard made from rice husk mixed bagasse was 2.91 kN/m and
optimal pulp yield it had a kappa number of 20.1–17.5. This value is that of rice husk mixed waste paper was 2.75 kN/m. Therefore, the
well within the range stated by the ISO 302 which implies that they optimal rice husk mixed bagasse ratios were (20/80), (40/60), and
can be used for cardboard manufacturing. (60/40) with an edgewise compressive resistance of 2.91, 2.42 and
1.99 kN/m, respectively. The optimal rice husk mixed waste paper
Physical properties of cardboard ratios were again (20/80), (40/60), and (60/40) with an edgewise
compressive resistance of 2.75, 2.49 and 1.82 kN/m, respectively
Tables 5 and 6 show the physical properties of cardboard The edgewise compressive resistance of rice husk mixed paper was
manufactured from rice husk pulp mixed with bagasse pulp and lower as compared to rice husk mixed bagasse. This is because the
Table 5
Physical properties of cardboard made from rice husk pulp mixed bagasse pulp.
Classification of cardboard (% by mass rice husk) Bulk value (cm3/g) Basis weight/sheet (g/m2) Average thickness (mm) Density (kg/m3)
20 12.1 208 2.51 82.9
40 10.2 209 2.40 98.2
60 9.60 211 2.17 104
80 7.51 210 2.01 133
Table 6
Physical properties of cardboard made from rice husk pulp mixed waste paper pulp.
Classification of cardboard (% by mass rice husk) Bulk value (cm3/g) Basis weight/sheet (g/m2) Average thickness (mm) Density (kg/m3)
20 12.3 213 2.61 81.4
40 11.5 218 2.50 87.3
60 12.1 211 2.57 82.4
80 11.6 214 2.49 85.9
P. Jeetah et al. / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (2015) 52–59 57
Fig. 4. Samples of cardboard from rice husk and bagasse and rice husk and waste paper.
strength of paper decreases, and the decay will amplify with each Fig. 7 shows the maximum bursting index of cardboard made
successive recycling, which diminishes the cardboard making from rice husk mixed bagasse was 1.88 kPa m2/g and that of rice
potential of recycled cellulose fibre [26]. The edgewise compres- husk mixed waste paper was 1.35 kPa m2/g. Therefore, the optimal
sive strength was found to be much less than that of corrugated rice husk mixed bagasse ratios were (20/80), (40/60), and (60/40)
cardboard, hence, cardboard manufactured from rice husk and with a bursting index of 1.88, 1.55, and 1.26 kPa m2/g, respectively.
waste paper/bagasse cannot be used for shipping containers or for The optimal rice husk mixed waste paper ratios were again (20/80),
stacking one on top of the other. It should be used for other (40/60), and (60/40) with a bursting index of 1.35, 1.19, and
purposes. 1.06 kPa m2/g, respectively.
The bursting index rice husk mixed paper was lower as
Bursting strength compared to rice husk mixed bagasse. Cardboard making
It describes the intensity of the cardboard in resisting a disc properties decay when recycled fibres go through the pulping
shaped diaphragm trying to burst it. Other properties comprising and papermaking processes as exhibited through a decline in fibre
fibre length, fibre quality, internal sizing, and surface treatment as swelling ability and loss in strength properties [26]. This will result
well have an effect on the burst strength of cardboard. in a lower yield for a recycling mill, which will have negative
[(Fig._5)TD$IG] economic impacts [23]. The results of this deficit in flexibility and
conformability are inferior strength and less bonding amongst the
fibres, which result in a weaker, lower grade of cardboard.
However, weaker grades cardboard can be used in construction
20 or for decoration purposes, thus, rice husk can be used as a
substitute to maintain the strength of the fibres.
Tensile Index, Nm/g
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