Vaccination EDGC

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Jedinstveni identifikator sertifikata:

Unique certificate identifier /
Datum rođenja:
Date of birth /
EU digitalna Prezime i ime:
Surname(s) and forename(s) /
COVID Certificate
EU Digital
Montenegro / Crna Gora Vaccination Certificate
Vakcinalni sertifikat
This certificate is not a travel document. Before travelling, Disease or agent targeted / Ciljana bolest ili uzročnik:
please check the applicable public health measures and COVID-19
related restrictions applicable at the point of destination.
Ovaj sertifikat ne predstavlja putnu ispravu. Prije putovanja, COVID-19 vaccine or prophylaxis / Tip vakcine protiv
molimo Vas da provjerite režim ulaska u državu u koju COVID-19 ili profilaksa:
putujete. covid-19 vaccines
Relevant information can be found here: COVID-19 vaccine medicinal product / Naziv vakcine
Relevantne informacije možete pronaći ovdje: protiv COVID-19: BBIBP-CorV
COVID-19 vaccine marketing authorisation
holder or manufacturer / Proizvođač vakcine:
China Sinopharm International Corp. - Beijing location
Number in a series of doses as well as the overall number
of doses in the series / Doza i serije vakcine:
Date of vaccination, indicating the
Folding instructions / date of the latest dose received / Datum vakcinacije:
Instrukcije savijanja 2021-08-28
Member State in which the vaccine was administered /
Zemlja vakcinacije:
Certificate issuer / Sertifikat izdaje:
Ministry of Health, Montenegro

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