Module 3

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Module 3

Definition: P
The property of concrete which determines the amount of useful internal work necessary to
produce full compaction.”
It is defined as the “ease with which concrete can be compacted hundred per cent.
Factors Affecting Workability
The factors affecting workability of concrete are given below:
(a) Water Content
(b) Mix Proportions
(c ) Size of Aggregates
(d) Shape of Aggregates
(e) Surface Texture of Aggregate
(f ) Grading of Aggregate
(g) Use of Admixtures
Water Content
Water content in a given volume of concrete, will have significant influences on the workability.
The higher the water content per cubic meter of concrete, the higher will be the fluidity of concrete,
which is one of the important factors affecting workability.
Mix Proportions
Aggregate/ cement ratio is an important factor influencing workability. The higher the
aggregate/cement ratio, the leaner is the concrete. In lean concrete, less quantity of paste is
available for providing lubrication, per unit surface area of aggregate and hence the mobility of
aggregate is restrained. On the other hand, in case of rich concrete with lower aggregate/cement
ratio, more paste is available to make the mix cohesive and fatty to give better workability.
Size of Aggregates
The bigger the size of the aggregate, the less the surface area and hence less amount of water is
required for wetting the surface and less matrix or paste is required for lubricating the surface to
reduce internal friction. For a given quantity of water and paste, bigger size of aggregates will give
higher workability. The above of course will be true within certain limits.
Shape of Aggregates
The shape of the aggregate influences the workability in good measure. Angular, elongated or flaky
aggregate makes the concrete very harsh when compared to rounded aggregates or cubical shaped
Surface Texture of Aggregate
The influence of surface texture on workability is again due to the fact that the total surface area of
rough textured aggregate is more than the surface area of smooth rounded aggregate of same volume.
The rough textured aggregate will show poor workability and smooth or glassy textured aggregate will
give better workability. A reduction of inter particle frictional resistance offered by smooth aggregates
also contributes to higher workability.
Grading of Aggregate
This is one of the factors which will have maximum influence on workability. A well graded
aggregate is the one which has least amount of voids in a given volume. Other factors being
constant, when the total voids are less, excess paste is available to give better lubricating effect.
Use of Admixtures
Of all the factors mentioned above, the most import factor which affects the workability is the use
of admixtures. There are many types of admixtures used in concrete for enhancing its properties.
There are some workability enhancer admixtures such as plasticizers and superplasticizers which
increases the workability of concrete even with low water/cement ratio.
Measurement of Workability
The following tests are commonly employed to measure workability.
(a) Slump Test
(b) Compacting Factor Test
(c) Flow Test
(d) Vee Bee Consistometer Test.
Slump Test
Slump test is the most commonly used method of measuring consistency of concrete which can be
employed either in laboratory or at site of work. It is not a suitable method for very wet or very
dry concrete. It does not measure all factors contributing to workability, nor is it always
representative of the placability of the concrete.
The apparatus for conducting the slump test essentially consists of a metallic mould in the form of
a frustum of a cone having the internal dimensions as under:
Bottom diameter : 20 cm
Top diameter : 10 cm
Height : 30 cm
For tamping the concrete, a steel tamping rod 16 mm dia, 0.6 meter along with bullet end is used.
The mould is placed on a smooth, horizontal, rigid and non-absorbant surface The mould is then
filled in four layers, each approximately 1/4 of the height of the mould. Each layer is tamped 25
times by the tamping rod taking care to distribute the strokes evenly over the cross section. After
the top layer has been rodded, the concrete is struck off level with a trowel and tamping rod. The
mould is removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly and carefully in a vertical
direction. This allows the concrete to subside. This subsidence is referred as SLUMP of concrete.
The difference in level between the height of the mould and that of the highest point of the subsided
concrete is measured. This difference in height in mm. is taken as Slump of Concrete.
The pattern of slump is shown in Fig. 6.2. It indicates the characteristic of concrete in addition to
the slump value. If the concrete slumps evenly it is called true slamp. If one half of the cone slides
down, it is called shear slump. In case of a shear slump, the slump value is measured as the
difference in height between the height of the mould and the average value of the subsidence.
Shear slump also indicates that the concrete is non-cohesive and shows the characteristic of
This test is not sensitive for a stiff-mix. In case of dry-mix, no variation can be detected between
mixes of different workability.
Workability, Slump and Compacting Factor of Concretes with 20 mm or 40 mm Maximum
Size of Aggregate

Compacting Factor Test

The compacting factor test is designed primarily for use in the laboratory but it can also be used
in the field. It is more precise and sensitive than the slump test and is particularly useful for
concrete mixes of very low workability as are normally used when concrete is to be compacted by
Essential Dimension of the Compacting Factor Appartus for use with Aggregate not
exceeding 40 mm Nominal Max. Size

This test works on the principle of determining the degree of compaction achieved by a standard
amount of work done by allowing the concrete to fall through a standard height. The degree of
compaction, called the compacting factor is measured by the density ratio i.e., the ratio of the
density actually achieved in the test to density of same concrete fully compacted.
The sample of concrete to be tested is placed in the upper hopper up to the brim. The trap-door is
opened so that the concrete falls into the lower hopper. Then the trap-door of the lower hopper is
opened and the concrete is allowed to fall into the cylinder. The excess concrete remaining above
the top level of the cylinder is then cut off with the help of plane blades supplied with the apparatus.
The outside of the cylinder is wiped clean. The concrete is filled up exactly upto the top level of
the cylinder. It is weighed to the nearest 10 grams. This weight is known as “Weight of partially
compacted concrete”. The cylinder is emptied and then refilled with the concrete from the same
sample in layers. The top surface of the fully compacted concrete is then carefully struck off level
with the top of the cylinder and weighed to the nearest 10 gm. This weight is known as “Weight
of fully compacted concrete”.
The Compacting Factor =Weight of partially compacted concrete/Weight of fully compacted

Flow Test
This is a laboratory test, which gives an indication of the quality of concrete with respect to
consistency, cohesiveness and the proneness to segregation. In this test, a standard mass of
concrete is subjected to jolting. The spread or the flow of the concrete is measured and this flow
is related to workability.

The table top is cleaned of all gritty material and is wetted. The mould is kept on the centre of the
table, firmly held and is filled in two layers. Each layer is rodded 25 times with a tamping rod 1.6
cm in diameter and 61 cm long rounded at the lower tamping end. After the top layer is rodded
evenly, the excess of concrete which has overflowed the mould is removed. The mould is lifted
vertically upward and the concrete stands on its own without support. The table is then raised and
dropped 12.5 mm 15 times in about 15 seconds. The diameter of the spread concrete is measured
in about 6 directions to the nearest 5 mm and the average spread is noted. The flow of concrete is
the percentage increase in the average diameter of the spread concrete over the base diameter of
the mould
Flow, per cent = (Spread diameter in cm 25/25) x 100
The value could range anything from 0 to 150 per cent.
Vee Bee Consistometer Test
This is a good laboratory test to measure indirectly the workability of concrete. This test consists
of a vibrating table, a metal pot, a sheet metal cone, a standard iron rod. Slump test as described
earlier is performed, placing the slump cone inside the sheet metal cylindrical pot of the
consistometer. The glass disc attached to the swivel arm is turned and placed on the top of the
concrete in the pot. The electrical vibrator is then switched on and simultaneously a stop watch
started. The vibration is continued till such a time as the conical shape of the concrete disappears
and the concrete assumes a cylindrical shape. Immediately when the concrete fully assumes a
cylindrical shape, the stop watch is switched off. The time required for the shape of concrete to
change from slump cone shape to cylindrical shape in seconds is known as Vee Bee Degree. This
method is very suitable for very dry concrete whose slump value cannot be measured by Slump
Test, but the vibration is too vigorous for concrete with a slump greater than about 50 mm.

Segregation can be defined as the separation of the constituent materials of concrete.
Segregation may be of three types
1) The coarse aggregate separating out or settling down from the rest of the matrix,
2) The paste or matrix separating away from coarse aggregate and
3) Water separating out from the rest of the material being a material of lowest specific gravity.
The conditions favourable for segregation are,
1) The badly proportioned mix where sufficient matrix is not there to bind and contain the
2) Insufficiently mixed concrete with excess water content shows a higher tendency for
3) Dropping of concrete from heights as in the case of placing concrete.
A well made concrete, taking into consideration various parameters such as grading, size, shape
and surface texture of aggregate with optimum quantity of waters makes a cohesive mix. Such
concrete will not exhibit any tendency for segregation.
The conditions favourable for segregation are
1) The badly proportioned mix where sufficient matrix is not there to bind and contain the
2) Insufficiently mixed concrete with excess water content shows a higher tendency for
3) Dropping of concrete from heights as in the case of placing concrete in column concreting will
result in segregation.
4) When concrete is discharged from a badly designed mixer, or from a mixer with worn out
blades, concrete shows a tendency for segregation.
5) Conveyance of concrete by conveyor belts, wheel barrow, long distance haul by dumper, long
lift by skip and hoist are the other situations promoting segregation of concrete.
6) If the vibration is continued for a long time, particularly, in too wet a mix, it is likely to result
in segregation of concrete due to settlement of coarse aggregate in matrix.

The tendency for segregation can be remedied by

1) Correctly proportioning the mix, by proper handling, transporting, placing, compacting and
2) If segregation is observed, remixing for a short time would make the concrete again
3) A cohesive mix would reduce the tendency for segregation.
4) Use of certain workability agents and pozzolanic materials greatly help in reducing segregation.
The use of air-entraining agent appreciably reduces segregation.

1) It is a particular form of segregation, in which some of the water from the concrete comes out
to the surface of the concrete, being of the lowest specific gravity among all the ingredients of
2) Bleeding is predominantly observed in a highly wet mix, badly proportioned and insufficiently
mixed concrete.
In thin members like roof slab or road slabs and when concrete is placed in sunny weather show
excessive bleeding.
3) Due to bleeding, water comes up and accumulates at the surface. Sometimes, along with this
water, certain quantity of cement also comes to the surface.
4) When the surface is worked up with the trowel and floats, the aggregate goes down and the
cement and water come up to the top surface. This formation of cement paste at the surface is
known as “Laitance”.
5) In such a case, the top surface of slabs and pavements will not have good wearing quality. This
laitance formed on roads produces dust in summer and mud in rainy season. Owing to the fact that
the top surface has a higher content of water and is also devoid of aggregate matter; it also develops
higher shrinkage cracks. If laitance is formed on a particular lift, a plane of weakness would form
and the bond with the next lift would be poor. This could be avoided by removing the laitance
fully before the next lift is poured.
6) Water while traversing from bottom to top, makes continuous channels. If the water cement
ratio used is more than 0.7, the bleeding channels will remain continuous and unsegmented by the
development of gel. This continuous bleeding channels are often responsible for causing
permeability of the concrete structures.
7) While the mixing water is in the process of coming up, it may be intercepted by aggregates. The
bleeding water is likely to accumulate below the aggregate. This accumulation of water creates
water voids and reduces the bond between the aggregates and the paste. The above aspect is more
pronounced in the case of flaky aggregate.
8) Similarly, the water that accumulates below the reinforcing bars, particularly below the cranked
bars, reduces the bond between the reinforcement and the concrete. The poor bond between the
aggregate and the paste or the reinforcement and the paste due to bleeding can be remedied by
revibration of concrete. The formation of laitance and the consequent bad effect can be reduced by
delayed finishing operations.
9) Bleeding rate increases with time up to about one hour or so and thereafter the rate decreases
but continues more or less till the final setting time of cement.
10) Bleeding is an inherent phenomenon in concrete. All the same, it can be reduced by proper
proportioning and uniform and complete mixing. Use of finely divided pozzolanic materials
reduces bleeding by creating a longer path for the water to traverse.
11) Rich mixes are less susceptible to bleeding than lean mixes.

Manufacture of Concrete
The various stages of manufacture of concrete are:
(a ) Batching (b) Mixing (c) Transporting (d) Placing (e) Compacting (f) Curing (g)Finishing

(a) Batching
The measurement of materials for making concrete is known as batching. There are two methods
of batching:
(i ) Volume batching (ii ) Weigh batching
(i) Volume batching:
Batching is done by weight of each ingredient. The volume of one bag of cement is taken as thirty
five (35) litres. For unimportant concrete or for any small job, concrete may be batched by volume.
Gauge boxes are used for measuring the fine and coarse aggregates.
(ii) Weigh Batching:
Batching is done by weight of each ingredient.
For important concrete, invariably, weigh batching system should be adopted.
Use of weight system in batching, facilitates accuracy, flexibility and simplicity.
On large work sites, the batching is done by batching plants.
Batching Plants:
● Batching is done by weigh batching and to get better efficiency.
● Automatic batching plants are available in small or large capacity. In this, the operator press
one or two buttons to put into motion the weighing of all the different materials, the flow of
each being cut off when the correct weight is reached. In their most advanced forms,
automatic plants are electrically operated on a punched card system.
● In modern batching plants sophisticated automatic microprocessor controlled weigh batching
arrangements, not only accurately measures the constituent materials, but also the moisture
content of aggregates.
● Moisture content is automatically measured by sensor probes and corrective action is taken to
deduct that much quantity of water contained in sand from the total quantity of water. A
number of such sophisticated batching plants are working in our country, for the last 4-5
It is the process of maintaining a satisfactory moisture content and a favourable temperature in
concrete during the period immediately following placement, so that hydration of cement may
continue until the desired properties are developed to a sufficient degree to meet the requirement
of service.
Concrete derives its strength by the hydration of cement particles. The hydration of cement is not a
momentary action but a process continuing for long time. Of course, the rate of hydration is fast to
start with, but continues over a very long time at a decreasing rate.
Curing Methods:
Curing methods may be divided broadly into four categories:
(a) Water curing (b) Membrane curing (c ) Application of heat (d) Miscellaneous
Water Curing
This is by far the best method of curing as it satisfies all the requirements of curing, namely,
promotion of hydration, elimination of shrinkage and absorption of the heat of hydration.
Water curing can be done in the following ways:
(a ) Immersion (b) Ponding (c ) Spraying or Fogging (d ) Wet covering
⮚ The precast concrete items are normally immersed in curing tanks for certain duration.
⮚ Pavement slabs, roof slab etc. are covered under water by making small ponds.
⮚ Vertical retaining wall or plastered surfaces or concrete columns etc. are cured by spraying
⮚ In some cases, wet coverings such as wet gunny bags, hessian cloth, jute matting, straw etc.,
are wrapped to vertical surface for keeping the concrete wet. For horizontal surfaces saw dust,
earth or sand are used as wet covering to keep the concrete in wet condition for a longer time
so that the concrete is not unduly dried to prevent hydration.
Membrane Curing:
✔ Concrete works are carried out in places where there is acute shortage of water. The lavish
application of water for water curing is not possible for reasons of economy. C oncrete could
be covered with membrane which will effectively seal off the evaporation of water from
✔ Sometimes, concrete is placed in some inaccessible, difficult or far off places. In such
cases, it is much safer to adopt membrane curing.
✔ Large numbers of sealing compounds have been developed in recent years. Some of the
materials that can be used for this purpose are bituminous compounds, polyethylene or
polyester film, waterproof paper, rubber compounds etc.
✔ Bituminous compound being black in colour, absorbs heat when it is applied on the top
surface of the concrete. This results in the increase of temperature in the body of concrete
which is undesirable. For this purpose, other modified materials which are not black in
colour are in use. Such compounds are known as “Clear Compounds”. It is also suggested
that a lime wash may be given over the black coating to prevent heat absorption.
Application of heat
The development of strength of concrete is a function of not only time but also that of temperature.
When concrete is subjected to higher temperature it accelerates the hydration process resulting in
faster development of strength.
A faster attainment of strength will contribute to many other advantages mentioned below.
(a ) Concrete is vulnerable to damage only for short time.
(b) Concrete member can be handled very quickly.
(c ) Less space will be sufficient in the casting yerd.
(d ) A smaller curing tank will be sufficient.
(e ) A higher outturn is possible for a given capital outlay.
(f ) The work can be put on to service at a much early time,
(g) A fewer number of formwork will be sufficient or alternatively with the given number
of formwork more outturn will be achieved.
(h) Prestressing bed can be released early for further casting.
The exposure of concrete to higher temperature is done in the following manner:
(a) Steam curing at ordinary pressure.
(b) Steam curing at high pressure.
(c) Curing by Infra-red radiation.
(d) Electrical curing.
Steam curing at ordinary pressure
● This method of curing is often adopted for pefabricated concrete elements.
● Steam curing at ordinary pressure is applied mostly on prefabricated elements stored in a
● The chamber should be big enough to hold a day’s production. The door is closed and
steam is applied. The steam may be applied either continuously or intermittently.
● An accelerated hydration takes place at this higher temperature and the concrete products
attain the 28 days strength of normal concrete in about 3 days.
High Pressure Steam Curing
● The high pressure steam curing is something different from ordinary steam curing, in that
the curing is carried out in a closed chamber.
● The following advantages are derived from high pressure steam curing process:
(a) High pressure steam cured concrete develops in one day, or less the strength as much
as the 28 days’ strength of normally cured concrete. The strength developed does not show
(b) High pressure steam cured concrete exhibits higher resistance to sulphate attack,
freezing and thawing action and chemical action. It also shows less efflorescence.
(c) High pressure steam cured concrete exhibits lower drying shrinkage, and moisture
● In high pressure steam curing, concrete is subjected to a maximum temperature of about
175°C which corresponds to a steam pressure of about 8.5 kg/
● When the concrete is to be subjected to high pressure steam curing, it is invariably made
by admixing with 20 to 30 per cent of pozzolanic material such as crushed stone dust.
Curing by Infra-red Radiation
● Curing of concrete by Infra-red Radiation has been practised in very cold climatic regions.
● Much more rapid gain of strength can be obtained than with steam curing and that rapid
initial temperature does not cause a decrease in the ultimate strength.
● The system is very often adopted for the curing of hollow concrete products.
● The normal operative temperature is kept at about 90°C.
Electrical Curing
● Another method of curing concrete, which is applicable mostly to very cold climatic
regions is the use of electricity.
● Concrete can be cured electrically by passing an alternating current (Electrolysis trouble
will be encountered if direct current is used) through the concrete itself between two
electrodes either buried in or applied to the surface of the concrete.
● This method is not likely to find much application in ordinary climate owing to economic
Miscellaneous Methods of Curing
Calcium chloride is used either as a surface coating or as an admixture.
Strength of Concrete
Water/Cement Ratio
Strength of concrete primarily depends upon the strength of cement paste.
i) Abrams presented his classic law in the form:
S = A/ Bx
where x =water/cement ratio by volume and for 28 days results the constants
A and B are 14,000 lbs/sq. in. and 7 respectively.
Abrams water/cement ratio law states that the strength of concrete is only dependent upon
water/cement ratio provided the mix is workable.
ii) Feret formulated a general rule defining the strength of the concrete paste and concrete in
terms of volume fractions of the constituents by the equation:
S = K (c/c+e+a)2
where S = Strength of concrete
c, e and a = volume of cement, water and air respectively and
K = a constant.
In this expression the volume of air is also included because it is not only the water/cement ratio
but also the degree of compaction, which indirectly means the volume of air filled voids in the
concrete is taken into account in estimating the strength of concrete.
The relation between the water/cement ratio and strength of concrete is shown in Fig.

The relation between strength and water/cement ratio of concrete.

Gel/Space Ratio
Many research workers commented on the validity of water/cement ratio law as propounded by
Duff Abrams.
Instead of relating the strength to water/cement ratio, the strength can be more correctly related to
the solid products of hydration of cement to the space available for formation of this product.
Powers and Brownyard have established the relationship between the strength and gel/space ratio.
Power’s experiment showed that the strength of concrete bears a specific relationship with the
gel/space ratio.
He found the relationship to be 240 x3,
x is the gel/space ratio and 240 represents the intrinsic strength of the gel in MPa for the type of
cement and specimen used.
Fig. shows the relationship between strength and gel/space ratio.

1) Calculation of gel/space ratio for complete hydration

Let C = weight of cement in gm.
VC = specific volume of cement = 0.319 ml/gm.
WO = volume of mixing water in ml.
Assuming that 1 ml. of cement on hydration will produce 2.06 ml of gel,
Volume of gel = C x 0.319 x 2.06
Space available = C x 0.319 + WO
∴Gel/Space ratio = x = Volume of gel / Space available = 0.657 C / 0.319 C+ W O
2) Calculation of gel/space ratio for partial hydration
Let α = Fraction of cement that has hydrated
Volume of gel = C x α x 0.319 x 2.06
Total space available C VC α + WO
∴Gel/Space ratio = x = Volume of gel / Space available = C x α x 0.319 x 2.06/ C VC α + WO
Maturity Concept of Concrete
The strength development of concrete depends on both time and temperature it can be said that
strength is a function of summation of product of time and temperature. This summation is called
maturity of concrete.
Maturity = Σ (time x temperature)
The temperature is reckoned from an origin lying between –12 and –10°C.
Maturity is measured in degree centigrade hours (°C hrs) or degree centigrade days (°C days).
A sample of concrete cured at 18°C for 28 days is taken as fully matured concrete. Its maturity
would be equal to
28 x 24 x [18 – (–11)] = 19488°C h.
Maturity concept is useful for estimating the strength of concrete at any other maturity as a
percentage of strength of concrete of known maturity. In other words, if we know the strength of
concrete at full maturity (19,800°Ch), we can calculate the percentage strength of identical
concrete at any other maturity by using the following equation given by Plowman. Strength at any
maturity as a percentage of strength at maturity of19,800°Ch.
= A + B log10(maturity/103)
The values of coefficients, A and B depend on the strength level of concrete. The values are given
in Table

The values of A and B are plotted against the cube strength at the maturity of 19,800° Ch.
Typical Stress-Strain Plot of Concrete
● At stress below 30% of ultimate strength, the transition zone cracks remain stable. The
stress-strain plot remains linear.
● At stress between 30% and 50% of ultimate strength, the transition zone micro cracks begin
to increase in length, width and numbers. The stress-strain plot becomes non-linear.
● At 50 to 60% of the ultimate stress, cracks begin to form in the matrix. With further increase
to about 75% of the ultimate stress, the cracks in the transition become unstable, and crack
propagation in the matrix will increase. The stress-strain curve bends towards the
● At 75 to 80% of the ultimate stress, the stress reaches a critical stress level for spontaneous
crack growth under a sustained stress. Cracks propagate rapidly inboth the matrix and the
transition zone. Failure occurs when the cracks join together and become continuous.
Modulus of Elasticity
Modulus of elasticity of concrete increases approximately with the square root of the strength.
The IS 456 of 2000 gives the Modulus of elasticity as E C = 5000 (fck)1/2
where EC is the short term static modulus of elasticity in N/mm 2.
Poisson’s Ratio
Poisson’s ratio is the ratio between lateral strain to the longitudinal strain. It is generally denoted
by the letter μ. For normal concrete the value of poisson’s ratio lies in the range of 0.15 to 0.20
when actually determined from strain measurements.
Creep can be defined as “the time-dependent” part of the strain resulting from stress. It is the
increase in strain under sustained stress.
Factors influencing creep
1. Effect of modulus of elasticity of aggregate.
2. Effect of aggregate content
3. Effect of water/cement ratio
4. Effect of age at application of load
5. Effect of relative humidity
6. Effect of volume/surface ratio of member
7. Effect of temperature
Concrete is subjected to changes in volume. Shrinkage can be classified in the following way:
(a ) Plastic Shrinkage ; (b) Drying Shrinkage;
(c ) Autogeneous Shrinkage; (d ) Carbonation Shrinkage.
Plastic Shrinkage
Shrinkage of this type manifests itself soon after the concrete is placed in the forms while the
concrete is still in the plastic state. Loss of water by evaporation from the surface of concrete or
by the absorption by aggregate or subgrade, is the reason of plastic shrinkage.
The loss of water results in the reduction of volume. Plastic concrete is sometimes subjected to
unintended vibration or yielding of formwork support which causes plastic shrinkage cracks. In
case of floors and pavements where the surface is exposed to hot sun and drying wind, the surface
of concrete dries very fast which results in plastic shrinkage.
Plastic shrinkage can be reduced mainly by preventing the rapid loss of water from surface. This
can be done by covering the surface with polyethylene sheeting immediately on finishing
operation; by monomolecular coatings by fog spray that keeps the surface moist; or by working at
night. An effective method of removing plastic shrinkage cracks is to revibrate the concrete in a
controlled manner. Use of small quantity of aluminium power is also suggested to offset the effect
of plastic shrinkage.
Drying Shrinkage
The loss of free water contained in hardened concrete, does not result in any appreciable dimension
change. It is the loss of water held in gel pores that causes the change in the volume. the drying
shrinkage is also an ever lasting process.
Autogeneous Shrinkage
In a conservative system i.e. where no moisture movement to or from the paste is permitted, when
temperature is constant some shrinkage may occur. The shrinkage of such a conservative system
is known as a autogeneous shrinkage. The magnitude of autogeneous shrinkage is in the order of
about 100 x 10–6.
Carbonation Shrinkage
Carbonation shrinkage is probably caused by the dissolution of crystals of calcium hydroxide and
deposition of calcium carbonate in its place. As the new product is less in volume than the product
replaced, shrinkage takes place.
Factors Affecting Shrinkage
1) The relative humidity of the atmosphere at which the concrete specimen is kept.
2) water/cement ratio of the concrete.
Compressive strength
One of the important properties of concrete is its strength in compression. In India cubical moulds
of size 15 cm × 15cm × 15 cm are commonly used.
The concrete is prepared with definite proportion is poured in the mould and tempered properly so
as not to have any voids. After 24 hours these moulds are removed and test specimens are put in
water for curing. The top surface of this specimen should be made even and smooth. These
specimens are tested by compression testing machine after 3, 7 or 28 days curing. Load should be
applied gradually at the rate of 14 N/mm2 per minute till the Specimens fails. Load at the failure
divided by area of specimen gives the compressive strength of concrete. At least three specimens
are tested at each selected age. The failure of the specimen is called as ‘hour glass’ type failure.
This happens due to lateral restraint provided by the plates to the cubes.
Relation Between Compressive and Tensile Strength
In reinforced concrete construction the strength of the concrete in compression is only taken into
consideration. The tensile strength of concrete is generally not taken into consideration.
It is seen that strength of concrete in compression and tension (both direct tension and flexural
tension) are closely related, but the relationship is not of the type of direct proportionality. The
ratio of the two strengths depends on general level of strength of concrete. In other words, for
higher compressive strength concrete shows higher tensile strength.
There are number of empirical relationships connecting tensile strength and compressive strength
of concrete. One of the common relationships is shown below.
Tensile Strength = K (Compressive Strength)n
where, value of K varies from 6.2 for gravels to 10.4 for crushed rock (average value is
8.3) and value of n may vary from 1/2 to 3/4
Flexural strength
Flexural strength is one measure of the tensile strength of concrete. It is a measure of an
unreinforced concrete beam to resist failure in bending.
It is measured by loading 150 x 150 mm concrete beams with a span length of 700 mm. This test
is performed by three point loading experiment. The Third point loading test applies the forces at
the 1/3 and 2/3 points equally from the top side by distributing a single centred force through a
steel beam to two points rather than one. The beam is supported at two points from below near the
ends. The bending moment is lower in a third point test than in a centre point test.
Relation Between Compressive and Flexural Strength
The Indian Standard IS = 456 of 2000 gives the following relationship between the compressive
strength and flexural strength
Flexural Strength = 0.7 (fck)1/2
where fck is the characteristic compressive strength of concrete in N/mm 2

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