Pathfit 1

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PATHFIT 1 (PE)  Body Composition - The proportions of fat,

muscles, bones, and other vital body parts are

LESSON 1: referred to as…
FITNESS AND WELLNESS CONCEPTS  Flexibility - is related to the joint’s movement
range. Every human joint has a unique level of
It is well known that taking part in exercise flexibility. Because of this, there is no common test
programs or other physical activities is necessary for us to for flexibility, in contrast to the common test for
enhance our quality of life. However, we must recognize cardiorespiratory fitness.
that exercising, alone, does not always reduce the risk of  Cardiorespiratory fitness - Refers to the body’s
illness and does not fully guarantee a better body and mind. capacity to maintain an adequate supply of oxygen
throughout prolonged physical exertion.
A. Dimensions of Wellness (8 Dimensions)
 Muscular Strength - The capacity of a muscle to
1. Physical Wellness - It is up to each individual to produce force is referred to as muscular strength.
encourage adequate physical maintenance for optimum Muscular strength is also specific in nature.
growth and effective treatment of health issues.  Muscular Endurance - The muscle has the
capacity to work continuously without getting
2. Emotionally Healthy - being aware of and accepting exhausted. Each major muscle group in the body
your own emotions. It is the capacity to acknowledge has its requirements for muscular endurance, just as
limitations, achieve emotional stability, correctly express flexibility.
emotions, manage stress, accept and adapt to changes, and 2. Skill-related Fitness - Is made up of six parts that are
cherish life despite setbacks and regrets. mostly related to good athletic and motor skill
3. Intellectual Well-Being - also known as mental wellness, performance.
refers to your capacity to put what you have learned to used  Agility is the ability to change the position of the
and share it with others, engage in creative and cognitively body in space quickly and accurately.
challenging activities and generate additional possibilities  Speed is the capacity to execute moves in a small
for learning. amount of time.
 Balance is the ability to maintain stability, whether
4. Social Wellness - describes your interactions and stationary or while moving.
connections with those around you. Possessing the capacity  Power is the ability to apply the greatest amount of
to engage harmoniously with others both inside and outside force in the shortest amount of time.
of our family is an important characteristic of social well-
 Coordination is the capacity to perform many
motor actions simultaneously with precision and
5. Environmental Wellness - deals with how our fluidly.
surroundings affect our health. It denotes a way of living  Reaction time is the interval between a stimulus
that supports and defends wholesome environment. and the corresponding reaction.

6. Occupational Wellness - Our desire to be at work, where C. Significance of Physical Fitness Testing
we can experience personal growth and fulfilment, is
 Educate people about their present health-related
motivated by occupational wellness.
7. Spiritual Wellness - Prayer, faith, love, care for others,  Offer facts that may be utilized to generate tailored
serenity, happiness, satisfaction, and selflessness are all exercise prescriptions or programs;
ways to reach personal freedom.  Track change in the health-related fitness level of
participants and populations over time; and
8. Financial Wellness - It entails having enough money to
 If required, modify physical education courses.
cover essential bills and being able to manage personal and
family spending. Purpose/Benefits
B. Physical Fitness  To maintain and achieve the accelerating rate of
physical development and mental development.
The capacity of the body to perform properly and
 To develop the ideal physical fitness and health for
efficiently is referred to as physical fitness.
every individual so that can be capable of living in
2 Main Parts good life.
1. Health Related Fitness - has to do with a person’s  To improve proper work habits and being punctual,
capacity to carry out daily life activities without reliable, open-mindedness, accuracy and
experiencing excessive fatigue and having a low risk of cooperative.
developing illnesses associated with an early sedentary  To train the good leader and to develop the
lifestyle. Body composition, Muscular strength, desirable traits with moral integrity through
Muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory offering in different event such as intramurals,
fitness are the components of health-related fitness. sport fest and play days.
 Continue to develop the creativity inspired by 6. Prolonged Life - An increase in longevity by even 10
enduring faith in God and love of the country and minutes a day might be beneficial. Increased daily
community. activity also helps reduce the chance of early mortality
due to any reason. The risk of early death peaks for
Lesson 2: those below and above the age of 60 who take 6,000 to
7. Management of Chronic Diseases and Disabilities -
People are finding it more difficult to engage in People who regularly engage in physical exercise can
regular physical exercise due to our modern world’s better manage their chronic medical conditions and
dependence on technology, multiple methods of challenges.
transportation, and as well as an environment that does not
promote nor encourage an active lifestyle. Ways to strengthen Immune System

 1.4 Billion – Physically inactive 1. Healthy Eating Habits

 Seven Pieces of Advice on How to Keep a
 Women (23%) less active than Males (32%)
Healthy Diet
 Rate of inactivity in every nation (37%)
a. Eat a variety of foods, including fruits and
 Middle- Income Countries (26%)
 Low- Income Countries (16%)
b. Use less salt.
Ischemic Heart Disease & Stroke – Kill 15.2 million c. Eat fats and oils in small amounts.
globally each year. (Top 2 leading causes of Death in Last d. Eat less sugar.
15 years) e. Stay hydrated by drinking water.
f. Do not drink alcohol if it is dangerous or bad
for you.
g. Do not drink alcohol if it is dangerous or bad
Ischemic Heart Disease - major cause of mortality in the
for you.
Pinggang Pinoy - Is a new, easy-to-understand food guide
Top 10 Causes of Mortality in 2017 - Cerebrovascular
that tells Filipino adults how much of each food group to eat
disorders, Diabetes, Hypertension, and other Cardiac
at each meal to meet their body’s needs for nutrients and
Illnesses, all of which are non-communicable diseases.
Physical Activity and Exercise
2. Getting Adequate Sleep
Improving one’s day-to-day life may be a. Sleep and Cytokines - Cytokines are a type of
accomplished by encouraging people to be physically active protein that attacks infections and inflammation.
b. Stocking-up on Naps - This will keep your
and by maintaining a regular exercise routine.
immune system in good shape and protect you from
1. Immediate Benefits - Following a session of moderate- heart disease, diabetes, and obesity and other health
to-vigorous exercise, physical activity has some positive
3. Staying Active
effects on brain health.
2. Weight Management - Habits of engaging in physical
exercise and healthy eating habits are both essential for
managing weight.
3. Reduced Risk of Acquiring Lifestyle Diseases

Cardiovascular Disease

The two main causes of mortality in the world are heart

disease and stroke. Your chance of developing these
diseases can be decreased by engaging in at least 150
minutes of moderate physical exercise each week.

4. Development of Skeletal and Muscular Strength - It

is vital of safeguard your bones, joints, and muscles as
you age since support your body and facilitate
movement. Maintaining strong bones, joints and
muscles can make it easier for you to carry out
everyday tasks and engage in physical activity.
5. Enhanced Lifestyle Activities and Prevention of
Accidents - Stair climbing, supermarket shopping, and
playing with little kids are common daily activities
which can be hindered by functional restriction or the
inability to do common tasks.

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