Diagnosa Terbanyak Agustus

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Kantor Cabang : MEULABOH - 0104

FKTP : SUKA MULIA - 01191202

Bulan : Agustus 2023

pelayanan : Semua

indikator : Semua


1 I10 Essential (primary) hypertension 197

2 A38 Scarlet fever 153

3 J06.9 Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified 115

4 E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 94

5 K30 Dyspepsia 58

6 L20 Atopic dermatitis 38

7 M54.5 Low back pain 38

8 A16 Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically 27

9 J05 Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis 27

10 R51 Headache 23

11 M79.1 Myalgia 21

12 F20 Schizophrenia 18

13 H10 Conjunctivitis 16

14 K04.0 Pulpitis 16

15 K59.1 Functional diarrhoea 13

16 M06.9 Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified 13

17 T14 Injury of unspecified body region 12

18 J44 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 10

19 Z35.3 Supervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient antenatal care 10

20 I50.0 Congestive heart failure 9

21 J45 Asthma 8

22 E78 Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias 7

23 D21 Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue 7

24 H11.0 Pterygium 7

25 Z48 Other surgical follow-up care 7

26 H26.9 Cataract, unspecified 6

27 H54.2 Low vision, both eyes 6

28 Z34.9 Supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified 6

29 B86 Scabies 5

30 H66 Suppurative and unspecified otitis media 5

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