MCM - User Manual

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The information in this document has been carefully checked and is considered
reliable. No responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.
KP reserves the right to introduce changes in its products to improve reliability,
function or design.
KP does not assume any liability arising from the application or use of any of its
products or any product described in this document, nor does it convey any license
under its patent rights or the rights of others.
This document contains proprietary information and may not be reproduced in any
form without prior written consent of KP Copyright 2007 by KP, 109 Tudor Drive,
North Wales, PA 19454.

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1.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Receiver 7
1.1.2 Minimum Computer Hardware Requirements 7
1.1.3 Minimum Software Requirements 7
1.2 HARDWARE KEY ........................................................................................................... 8
2.1 LOGIN ........................................................................................................... 9
2.2 ADDING AN OPERATOR ......................................................................................................... 11
2.3 EDITING AN OPERATOR ......................................................................................................... 13
2.4 CHANGING OPERATOR PASSWORD ..................................................................................... 13
2.5 DELETING AN EXISTING OPERATOR ................................................................................... 13
2.6 EXITING OPERATOR PERMISSION WINDOW ........................................................................ 13
4.1 ADDING A NEW ACCOUNT ..................................................................................................... 15
4.1.1 Account Details Fields Description 16
4.2 DISPLAYING ACCOUNT DETAILS ........................................................................................ 17
4.2.1 Reading History 20
4.2.2 Event History 21
4.3 VIEW / EDIT ACCOUNT ......................................................................................................... 22
4.3.1 Changing existing Account Number 23
4.3.2 Replacing Meter S.N 23
4.3.3 Replacing Meter Type 24
4.3.4 Replacing MTU ID 25
4.3.5 Replacing MTU S.N 26
4.3.6 Clone Account 27
5.1 INSTALLATION VERIFICATION ............................................................................................ 28
5.2 CREATING NEW ACCOUNT FROM NEW MTUS WINDOW .................................................... 28
5.3 LINKING AN EXISTING ACCOUNT WITH A NEW MTU ......................................................... 29
5.4 CLONING AN EXISTING ACCOUNT ...................................................................................... 30
6.1 INCOMING SIGNALS FIELDS DESCRIPTION .......................................................................... 32
7.1 GRAPHING BY GROUPS ......................................................................................................... 37
7.2 DISPLAY IN ......................................................................................................... 37
7.3 GRAPH TYPE ......................................................................................................... 37
8.1 CONSUMPTION REPORTS ....................................................................................................... 39
8.1.1 Negative Consumption Report 40
8.1.2 Critical Consumption Report 41
8.1.3 High Consumption Report 42

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8.1.4 Low Consumption Report 43
8.1.5 Total Consumption Report 44
8.1.6 Zero Consumption Report 45
8.1.7 Average Consumption Report 46
8.2 READINGS REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 47
8.2.1 Reading History Report 48
8.2.2 Current Readings Report 50
8.3 EXCEPTIONS REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 51
8.3.1 Non Active MTUs Report 52
8.3.2 Flagged Accounts Report 53
8.3.3 Frozen Accounts Report 54
8.3.4 Tamper Report 55
8.4 SYSTEM REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 56
8.4.1 Account Details Report 57
8.4.2 Repeaters / Receivers Report 58
8.4.3 New MTUs Report 59
9.1 HANDLING CRITICAL CONSUMPTION EVENT ...................................................................... 61
9.1.1 Critical Consumption Event Fields Description 62
9.2 HANDLING NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION EVENT .................................................................... 63
9.2.1 Negative Consumption Event Fields Description 64
9.3 HANDLING USAGE ON FIRE LINE EVENT ............................................................................ 65
10.1 ENABLE REGISTERS/METERS ............................................................................................. 66
10.2 DISABLE REGISTERS/METERS ............................................................................................ 67
11.1 ADD AN ACCOUNT TYPE ...................................................................................................... 68
11.2 EDIT AN ACCOUNT TYPE ..................................................................................................... 68
11.3 DELETE AN ACCOUNT TYPE ............................................................................................... 69
12.1 ADD AN INSTALLER ......................................................................................................... 70
12.2 EDIT AN INSTALLER ......................................................................................................... 70
12.3 DELETE AN INSTALLER ........................................................................................................ 71
15.1 ADD A REPEATER/RECEIVER TO THE SYSTEM .................................................................... 74
15.2 EDIT A REPEATER/RECEIVER TO EDIT A REPEATER/RECEIVER: ......................................... 75
15.3 DELETE A REPEATER/RECEIVER TO DELETE A REPEATER/RECEIVER: ............................... 76
17 CYCLES 79
17.1 ADD A CYCLE ......................................................................................................... 79
17.2 EDIT A CYCLE ......................................................................................................... 79
17.3 DELETE A CYCLE ......................................................................................................... 80

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About MCM
MCM Software is an innovative Meter Control & Management application for
Automatic Meter Reading.
MCM receives real time data from meter transmission units (MTUs) and
immediately displays it for exceptional events processing and historical meter
data collection.
MCM makes Meter Reading easier, faster and more accurate.
The MCM application is divided into three modules: MCM Communication
Module, MCM Communication Settings and MCM GUI (Graphic User

MCM Communication Module

MCM Communication Module is a beackground application transfering signals from
hardware to automation.

MCM Communication Settings

MCM Communication Settings is a Log application allowing the system
administrators to monitor real-time data incoming from the receiver. These
signals are then transferred to MCM software for operator viewing/response.
MCM Communication Settings also displays hardware and system faults.

MCM is used by the operator/s to view and respond to real time events. The
messages indicate reading and events from the field. Using an easy
Windows® interface, operators can efficiently respond to events and manage

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1 Getting Started
MCM Software is designed to accommodate the needs of various sized utilities.
Compatible with Windows® operating systems, the software can be installed as a
stand-alone application for smaller, offices or can be networked for larger
utilities requiring multiple operators.

Figure1: MCM Configuration for Stand Alone

Figure 1: MCM Configuration for Network

1) SQL Server

2) MCM Communication Module/Settings


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1.1 System Requirements
1.1.1 Receiver
RCI5000™, or DTRCI5000™ Radio Communication Interface units.

1.1.2 Minimum Computer Hardware Requirements

MCM runs on Microsoft Windows® operating systems. To install MCM and

begin using the application, you will need the following computer hardware:
• An Intel Pentium IV® processor or better
• RAM sufficient to meet your operating system’s requirements plus 256
MB application memory
• 40 GB available hard disk space for server, 50MB for workstation
• CD-ROM drive
• Floppy disk drive
• Serial Port RS232 for each receiver connected to the server
• USB port for Hardware Key
• A 17" color monitor capable of 1024-by-768 pixel resolution and 16 Bit-
color display

It is recommended that you use a dedicated computer in order to avoid
any software conflict that may affect MCM operations.

1.1.3 Minimum Software Requirements

MCM requires the following software for successful operations

• Microsoft Windows 2000, Window 2003 Server, Windows XP, Windows
XP Server, or Windows NT4
• Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE2000®) for less than
500 accounts (supplied with MCM installation CD)
• Microsoft SQL Server 2003® for more than 500 accounts or network

If SQL Server 2003 is already installed, MSDE2003 is not required.

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1.2 Hardware Key
The Hardware Key is provided with your MCM Software.

Once MCM is installed, any attempt to open the software
without a Hardware Key will initiate an error message.

Plug the Hardware Key into the USB Port of the computer which is connected to the
DTRCI5000 or RCI5000 receiver.

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2 User & Security

Once MCM is installed on the server/workstation, software parameters are ready to be


2.1 Login

To enter MCM, click Start ► Programs ► KP Electronic Systems ►

MCM UI ► MCM or, go to the Desktop and click the MCM Shortcut Icon.
A Log in Window will appear requiring User Name and Password.
MCM requires authorized entry to access the software. The following Login
Window will appear requiring User Name and Password.

Figure 3: Login Window

MCM Communication Settings and MCM installations are
both supplied with a pre-set User Name (KP) and Password
(KP) as displayed in Login is case sensitive.
The pre-set Username and Password allows access to all
software options.
To ensure that options within the software are accessible by
authorized users only, it is recommended that partitioned
security passwords be configured within MCM (Operator

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Enter the User Name and Password that has been assigned within MCM by
the utility administrator or pre-set User Name and Password.
Choose the OK button to login to MCM or choose the CANCEL button to
terminate software.

The system will alert the user if an incorrect User Name or
Password has been typed.

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2.2 Adding an Operator

To add a new operator, choose Tools ► Operator Permission ► New.

Blank fields will appear and the system is now ready for new data.
Fill the fields with the new Operator’s details, Select the operator’s level and assign
the functions allocated to the operator by checking each box.

Figure 4: Operator Permission

Any functions that have not been assigned to the Operator
will be inaccessible in both MCM Communication
Settings and MCM.

Click the Apply button to save the new User Name.

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If you do not click the Apply button before closing the
screen, all data will be erased and you will automatically
return to the Main Window without saving the new User

Once you click the Apply button to save the changes, the following Password
Window will appear requesting a new password and confirmation.

Figure 5: Operator Permission Password

Type the new password in the Password Window. Type the new password
again to confirm, and click the Save/Close button to return to the Operator
Permission Window.

Before editing or deleting an operator, make sure the
operator is not logged to the system, otherwise the
administrator cannot modify or delete the operator.

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2.3 Editing an Operator
To edit an Operator, select the Operator’s name from the Name drop down
menu. Choose the Edit button.
The fields that were grayed and inaccessible are now black and accessible.
Make the desired changes and click the Apply button to save the changes.

2.4 Changing Operator Password

To change existing operator’s Password, select the Operator from the Name
drop down menu.
Click the Change Password button. Type the new password in the Password
Window. Type the new password again to confirm, and click the Save/Close
button to return to the Operator Permission Window.

2.5 Deleting an Existing Operator

To delete an existing Operator select the name from the drop down menu and
click the Delete button. The software will ask confirmation to delete the user.
Click the OK button to confirm or click the Cancel button and return to the
Operator Permission Window.

At least one Operator must appear in the operator
permission table. It is impossible to delete the last
remaining Operator.

2.6 Exiting Operator Permission Window

Once changes are made and saved, click the close button to exit the Operator
Permission Window and return to the main Window.

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3 Main Window
Once the user has logged in, the Main Window will appear. The main window
consists of five sections.

Figure 6: Main Screen

1. Tool Bar
2. Shortcut icons
3. Exceptional events
4. System Status section
5. Search Bar

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4 Account Details
This section describes how to enter / view, and edit accounts.

4.1 Adding a new Account

To add a new account to the software, a new account card must be created.
To do so, go to the Shortcut bar and select Accounts ► mark the New
Account option (Left portion of the screen) ► and click the Create button.
A New Account Details Window will be displayed:

Figure 7: Account Details

Type the required information in the blank fields and save changed before closing the

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4.1.1 Account Details Fields Description

Field Description
Account Number The account number assigned to the
individual account. Maximum 20
Name The name of the property owner served
by this account.
Address The street address of this account.
City, State, Zip Additional information on account.
Dynamic 1, Dynamic 2 User defined fields.
Phone Number Additional information on account.
Cycle A user defined text field.
Email Property owner’s email address.
Account Type Additional information on account.
Meter S.N The serial number of the meter.
Meter / Register Make, register model, number of digits,
number of stationary zeroes, and meter
Irrigation Meter An indication field for irrigation meters.
Fire Line An indication field for fire line.
MTU ID The identification number of MTU
(factory programmed).
MTU S.N The serial number of the MTU.
Installation Date The date the MTU was connected to the
meter and activated.
Installed By Installer’s name.
Created On The date the account was defined.
Last Update The date the operator made last update on
the account.
Current Reading The last value that was transmitted from
the MTU.
Multiplier A reading multiplier.
Min Monthly Consumption Min monthly consumption setting.
Max Monthly Consumption Max monthly consumption setting.
Critical Daily Consumption Critical daily consumption setting.
Comments Comments field.
Reading History Display reading history.
Events History Display events history

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4.2 Displaying Account Details

To display information about an account:

1. Click Accounts. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 8: Accounts

2. One method to find an account is sorting the columns by clicking on top of

each column. (The columns will be sorted A to Z, and Z to A).

3. Then mark the desired account and double click it.

4. To search for a specific account, type information in the search fields. Wild
cards are allowed. For instance, typing Smith in the Name search field would
return a list of accounts which include the word smith in their name field.
Wild card search can be performed in any search field.

5. Click Search.

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6. If more than one account matches the search criteria, the following Screen is
displayed. Mark the desired account and double click it.

Figure 9: Accounts Search

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7. The Account Details Screen is displayed. This screen includes information &
data relating to the Account, Meter, MTU, Readings History, and Events History.
Descriptions of the fields are provided in section 4.2 (Account Details Field

Figure 10: Account Details

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4.2.1 Reading History

To access Reading History Click Accounts ► sort the accounts and double click the
desired account ► click the Reading History button. The following screen is

Figure 11: Reading History

To view the reading history of a specific time frame, choose the From and To dates
and click the Select button.

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4.2.2 Event History

To access Event History Click Accounts ► sort the accounts and double click the
desired account ► click the Event History button. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 12: Events History

To view the event history for a specific time frame, choose the From and To dates
and click the Select button.
To see the comments related to a specific event, mark the event with the mouse.

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4.3 View / Edit Account
The MCM software allows you to view or edit existing Accounts.

To view/edit Account Details:

1. Click – Accounts.

2. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

3. Double click the desired account or – click the Open button (located at the left
portion of Accounts screen). The following screen is displayed:

Figure 13: Account Details

4. View or edit any of the fields on the screen.

5. Click Save/Close.

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4.3.1 Changing existing Account Number

To change existing Account Number:

1. Click – Accounts.

2. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

3. Double click the desired account or – click the Open button (located at the left
portion of Accounts screen).

4. Delete the old Account Number.

5. Type in the new Account Number.

6. Click – Save/Close.

4.3.2 Replacing Meter S.N

To replace Meter S.N:

1. Click – Accounts.

2. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

3. Double click the desired account or – click the Open button (located at the left
portion of Accounts screen).

4. Click – Replace Meter. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 14: Replace Meter

5. Enter the new Meter S.N.

6. Click – Save/Close.

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4.3.3 Replacing Meter Type

To replace Meter Type:

1. Click – Accounts.

2. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

3. Double click the desired account or – click the Open button (located at the left
portion of Accounts screen).

4. Click the scroll down menu next to the Meter/Register field. The following
screen is displayed:

Figure 15: Replace Meter

5. Choose the correct Meter Type from the list.

6. Click – Save/Close.

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4.3.4 Replacing MTU ID

To replace MTU ID:

1. Click – Accounts.

2. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

3. Double click the desired account or – click the Open button (located at the left
portion of Accounts screen).

4. Click – Replace MTU ID. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 16: Replace MTU ID

5. Enter the new MTU ID.

6. Click – Save/Close.

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4.3.5 Replacing MTU S.N

To change MTU S.N:

1. Click – Accounts.

2. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

3. Double click the desire account or – click the Open button (located at the left
portion of Accounts screen).

4. Delete the old MTU S.N.

5. Type in the new MTU S.N.

6. Click – Save/Close.

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4.3.6 Clone Account

The MCM software allows you to clone existing Accounts.

To clone Account:

1. Click – Accounts.

2. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

3. Mark the Clone Account option.

4. Click Clone. The following screen will be displayed:

Figure 17: Clone account from Accounts screen

5. Mark the fields you would like to clone, and then press Clone.

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5 New MTUs

Once an MTU is activated and received by the MCM, it will be displayed on this
screen. The operator will be able to see the date and time of the installation, signal
level, and new accounts (if any) that are waiting to be linked (married) to MTUs.

5.1 Installation Verification

MCM allows the operator to track installation in real time. Once the MTU is
activated, by looking at the NEW MTUs windows, the operator will be able to tell the
date, time and the signal level of the installation.

5.2 Creating New Account from New MTUs window

MCM allows the operator to define new accounts either from the Accounts window or
from the New MTUs window. To create a new account from the New MTUs window:

1. Click the New MTUs icon.

2. Mark an MTU. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 18: New MTUs

3. Click – New Account or double click on the MTU and a new Account Details
screen will appear. Note that the MTU ID field already includes the MTU ID.

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5.3 Linking an Existing Account with a New MTU

MCM allows the operator to link MTUs to accounts that were created in advance but
do not have an MTU linked to them yet.

To link an MTU with an Account:

1. Click the New MTUs icon.

2. Mark both the desired MTU and Account.

3. Click – Link.

Figure19: New MTUs

4. MCM will ask for your confirmation (make sure you linked the correct
account with the correct MTU before you click yes). Once you hit yes the
Account Details screen will open with all the information of that account,
including the new linked MTU.

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5.4 Cloning an Existing Account

The MCM software allows you to clone existing Accounts from New MTUs

To clone an MTU:

1. Click the New MTUs icon.

2. Mark the desired MTU.

3. Click – Clone. The following screen will be displayed:

Figure 20: Clone account from New MTUs screen

4. Search for the desired account using the sort columns or the wildcard search
fields, and mark it.

5. Mark the fields you would like to clone, and then press Clone

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6 Incoming Signals
MCM software allows you to track all the signals as they are received. The incoming
Signal window keeps a list of all MTUs, readings, arrival times, and additional
information of all accounts that called in that day. By default, the signals are sorted by
arrival time. However, they can be sorted by any of the columns. Clicking on top of
the column will sort it A-Z, another click will sort it Z-A.

To access Incoming Signal Screen, click – Incoming icon. The following screen is

Figure 21: Incoming Signal

Note - a double click on any of the accounts will bring

you into the Account Details window of that account.

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6.1 Incoming Signals Fields Description

Field Description
Arrival Time Indicates the arrival time of the signal.
MTU ID The identification number of MTU
(factory programmed).
Current Reading The last reading that was transmitted
from the MTU.
Previous Reading The previous reading that was transmitted
from the MTU.
Average Consumption Calculate the avg. daily consumption of
the consumers.
Name The name of the property owner.
Address The street address of this account.
Cycle Additional information on account.

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7 Graphs

The MCM provides a diagnostic graphing utility which allows the operator to display
the collected data as daily, monthly, or yearly graphs.

To access the Graphs:

1. Click – Graphs icon. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 22: Graphs

2. In order to display daily graph, mark the Daily check box.

3. Use the search fields to look up the desired account.

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The following screen is displayed:

Figure 23: Graphs

4. Mark the desired account.

5. Choose the from and to dates.

6. Click – Generate.

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The following screen is displayed:

Figure 24: Daily Graph

7. In order to display monthly or yearly graphs, check the desired box and repeat
steps 3 through 6.

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The following screens are displayed:

Figure 25: Monthly Graph

Figure 26: Yearly Graph

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7.1 Graphing by groups

The Graphs screen also includes an option of displaying graphs for groups of accounts
(instead of individual accounts).

To create graphs by groups, mark the required sort by group filed (such as all meters
or account type), and click generate.

7.2 Display In

The data can be displayed on the graphs in the following formats –

Calculate and display data in Cu. Ft.

Calculate and display data in Cu. Mr.
Calculate and display data in Gallons
Calculate and display data in Expected profit (based on rates entered in general screen)
Calculate and display data in Billing units (based on data entered in general screen)

7.3 Graph type

Two graph types can be generated by the MCM – Line graph or Bar graph.

To choose type of graph, Click the graph type drop down menu, and choose required
graph type.

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8 Reports

The MCM provides various management reports. These reports include: consumption
reports, readings reports, exceptions reports, and system reports.

To access the reports screen:

1. Click – Reports icon. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 27: Reports

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8.1 Consumption Reports
MCM generates reports containing consumption information. These reports are:

• Negative Consumption Report – Displays accounts that are registering

reverse readings.

• Critical Consumption Report – Displays accounts that register extreme


• High / Low Consumption Report – Informs you of anomalies in your user

profiles that might be an indication of a problem at the consumer site.

• Total Consumption Report – Displays total consumption for an entire

system, account type, cycle, route, or sequence for a specified time frame.

• Zero Consumption Report – Displays meters that have registered no usage.

• Average Consumption Report – Displays Daily/Monthly/Yearly average


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8.1.1 Negative Consumption Report

Negative Consumption report displays accounts that are registering reverse readings.
This is indicative of the meter being in a reversed condition (physically reversed in
the field) or a recent meter replacement (new meter has lower read that old meter).

To access the Negative Consumption Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Negative Consumption – Select.

2. Mark a sort field.

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 28: Negative Consumption Report

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8.1.2 Critical Consumption Report

Critical consumption report displays accounts that are registering extreme usage.

To access the Negative Consumption Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Critical Consumption – Select.

2. Mark a sort field.

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 29: Critical Consumption Report

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8.1.3 High Consumption Report

The High Consumption Report informs you of anomalies within your user profiles
that might be an indication of a problem at the consumer site. The report displays
users that excided their defined Max Monthly Consumption.

To access Hi Consumption Report screens:

1. Click Reports – High Consumption – Select.

2. Mark a sort field.

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 30: High Consumption

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8.1.4 Low Consumption Report

The Low Consumption Report informs you of anomalies within your user profiles that
might be an indication of a problem at the consumer site. The report displays users
that did not reach their defined Min Monthly Consumption.

To access Low Consumption Report screens:

1. Click Reports – Low Consumption – Select.

2. Mark a sort field.

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 31: Low Consumption Report

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8.1.5 Total Consumption Report

The Total Consumption Report summarizes consumption data for different groups of

To access Total Consumption Report screen:

1. Click Reports – Total Consumption – Select.

2. Choose a condition (optional).

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 32: Total Consumption Report

If you do not choose any condition (Cycle, Accout type,
etc), the software will generate the report for all accounts.

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8.1.6 Zero Consumption Report

Zero Consumption report shows meters that had no usage for a certain period of time.
This could be indicative of a stopped meter, vacant property, or a customer on

To access Zero Consumption Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Zero Consumption – Select.

2. Choose to display MTUs that had zero consumption for at least 7, 14, 21, or
28 days.

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 33: Zero Consumption Report

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8.1.7 Average Consumption Report

Average Consumption report displays Daily / Monthly / Yearly Avg. consumption for
all the accounts on the system.

To access Average Consumption Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Average Consumption – Select.

2. Choose a condition (optional).

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 34: Average Consumption Report

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8.2 Readings Reports
The following reading related reports are generated by the MCM:

• Reading History Report – provides historical reading data per account.

• Current Readings – provides a list of all current readings

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8.2.1 Reading History Report

The Reading History Report displays the total consumption for an individual account
within a specified period.

To access Reading History Report screen:

1. Click Reports – Reading History – Select. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 35: Reading History Report

2. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

3. Click - Generate to get a list of all the accounts, or mark a search field and
type in a wildcard. For example: mark the Name field and type in Fieldstone –
then press generate.

4. Mark the specified account from the list of accounts that matches the criteria
(list on the right), and press Generate.

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5. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 36: Reading History Report

If you do not choose any condition (MTU ID, Account
Number, Name, or Address), the software will display a
list with all accounts.

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8.2.2 Current Readings Report

The Current Readings Reports provides a list of all the accounts and their current

To access Current Readings Report screens:

1. Click Reports – Current Readings – Select. This screen is displayed:

2. Choose a Sort By field (optional).

3. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

4. Click – Generate to get a list of all accounts, or mark a specific condition to

filter the search.

5. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 37: Current Readings Report

If you do not choose any condition (Cycle, Accout Type,
etc), the software will generate the report for all accounts.

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8.3 Exceptions Reports
The MCM software generates the following exception reports:

• Non Active MTUs Report – Displays MTUs which have not been received.

• Flagged Accounts – Displays a list of Flagged Accounts.

• Frozen Accounts – Displays a list of Frozen Accounts.

• Tamper Report – Displays a list of MTUs which send a tamper code.

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8.3.1 Non Active MTUs Report

Non Active MTUs report displays MTUs which have not been received.

To access Non Active MTUs Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Non Active MTUs – Select.

2. Mark a condition field (optional).

3. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 38: Non Active MTUs Report

If you do not choose any condition (Installer, Cycle, or
Accout Type), the software will generate the report for all

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8.3.2 Flagged Accounts Report

Flagged Accounts report displays accounts that were marked as flagged by the
operator and need to be monitored. An operator would flag an account when anything
unusual occurs, such as extremely high consumption, and this way it is easy to follow
up and resolve any issue.

To access Flagged Accounts Report Screen, click Reports – Flagged Accounts. The
following screen is displayed:

Figure 39: Flagged Accounts Report

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8.3.3 Frozen Accounts Report

Frozen Accounts report displays accounts that were marked as frozen by the operator
and need to be monitored. An operator would freeze an account when he does not
want it to appear on zero consumption or non active reports. This would normally
apply to accounts which have no usage for a known reason (vacant house, long
vacation, etc.

To access Frozen Accounts Report Screen, click Reports – Frozen Accounts. The
following screen is displayed:

Figure 40: Frozen Accounts Report

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8.3.4 Tamper Report

Tamper report displays a list of all MTUs which send a tamper code. The tamper code
is sent for several reasons: cut wire, register problem, or wrong wiring.

To access Tamper Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Exceptional Events – Tamper.

2. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

3. Click Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 41: Tamper Report

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8.4 System Reports

MCM Software allows you to produce reports containing information regarding the
system. This reports are:

• Account Details Report – Displays information about customers that were

defined on the system.

• Repeaters/Receivers – Displays the current status of the repeaters/receivers.

• New MTUs – Displays a list of New MTUs that have been activated in the
field but have not been married with an account.

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8.4.1 Account Details Report

Account Details Report allows the operator to see all the details regarding customers
that were defined on the system.

To access Account Details Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Account Details – Select.

2. Click Generate to see all accounts, or mark a search field and type in a
wildcard. For example: mark the Name field and type in Fieldstone – then
press generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 42: Account Details Report

If you do not choose any of the condition, the software
will generate the report for all accounts.

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8.4.2 Repeaters / Receivers Report

The Repeaters / Receivers Report allows the operator to see the current status of
repeaters / receivers on the system.

To access Repeaters Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – Repeaters / Receivers – Select.

2. Mark Repeaters / Receivers.

3. Click – Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 43: Repeaters / Receivers Report

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8.4.3 New MTUs Report

New MTUs report displays a list of New MTUs that have been activated in the field
but have not been married with an account.

To access New MTUs Report Screen:

1. Click Reports – New MTUs – Select.

2. Choose a time frame using the From Date and To Date fields.

3. Click – Generate. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 44: New MTUs Report

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9 Exceptional Events

MCM software alerts the operator of exceptional events such as Critical Consumption
and Negative Consumption. Exceptional events pop up on the main screen as
displayed below in real time as they occur:

Figure 45: Main Screen - Exceptional Events

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9.1 Handling Critical Consumption Event

To handle Critical Consumption Event:

1. Double click the Event line. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 46: Critical Consumption Event

2. The operator has the following options -

2.1 Leave event open - clicking the Hold button will close the event
window, and it will remain on the main screen. Before placing an
event on hold, the operator can add comments in the comments
section on the right side of the screen.

2.2 Confirm value – if the reading is valid, the operator should click the
confirm value. This will save the reading into the account history, and
clear the event from the main screen. Before clicking the confirm value
button, the operator can add comments in the comments section on the
right side of the screen.

2.3 Ignore event – if the operator does not want to record this reading,
clicking ignore event will close it and will not save it into the account

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9.1.1 Critical Consumption Event Fields Description

Field Description
Event Indicates the Event Type
MTU ID The identification number of MTU
(factory encoded).
Defined Critical Consumption Critical Consumption Parameter which
was defined in the account details screen.
Actual Critical Consumption Actual Consumption.
Total Daily Consumption Daily consumption.
Last Normal The last normal value that was
transmitted from the MTU prior to the
Event Cause The Value that caused the event.
Current The last value that was transmitted from
the MTU.

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9.2 Handling Negative Consumption Event

To handle Negative Consumption Event:

1. Double click the Event line. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 47: Negative Consumption Event

2. The operator has the following options -

2.1 Leave event open - clicking the Hold button will close the
event window, and it will remain on the main screen. Before
putting an event on hold, the operator can add comments in the
comments section on the right side of the screen.

2.2 Confirm value – if the reading is valid, the operator should click the
confirm value. This will save the reading into the accounts history, and
clear the event from the main screen. Before clicking the confirm value
button, the operator can add comments in the comments section on the
right side of the screen.

2.3 Ignore event – if the operator does not want to record this
reading, clicking ignore event will close it and will not save it into the
account history.

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9.2.1 Negative Consumption Event Fields Description

Field Description
Event Indicates the Event Type
MTU ID The identification number of MTU
(factory encoded).
Event Starts Time and date of the event.
Last Normal The last normal value that was
transmitted from the MTU prior to the
Event Cause The Value that caused the event.
Current Reading The last value that was transmitted from
the MTU.

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9.3 Handling Usage on Fire Line Event

To handle Usage on Fire Line Consumption Event:

1. Double click the Event line. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 48: Usage on Fire Line Event

2. The operator has the following options -

2.1 Leave event open - clicking the Hold button will close the
event window, and it will remain on the main screen. Before
putting an event on hold, the operator can add comments in the
comments section on the right side of the screen.

2.2 Confirm value – if the reading is valid, the operator should click the
confirm value. This will save the reading into the accounts history, and
clear the event from the main screen. Before clicking the confirm value
button, the operator can add comments in the comments section on the
right side of the screen.

2.3 Ignore event – if the operator does not want to record this reading,
clicking ignore event will close it and will not save it into the account

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10 Registers/Meters

MCM includes a comprehensive list of various registers and meters. The operator can
enable the registers/meters used by the utility, and by doing so create a shorter list of
registers/meters to choose from when creating a new customer.

10.1 Enable Registers/Meters

By Enabling Registers/Meters, the operators chooses which of the registers/meters
will be displayed when creating or editing an account (refer to Section 4.1 or 4.3
Add/Edit an account).

To access Register/Meter window:

1. Click Tools – Registers/Meters.

2. Browse through the list, Mark the desired Register/Meter and click Enable.

Figure 49: Registers/Meters

Enabled Registers/Meters are marked as In Use.

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10.2 Disable Registers/Meters

To access Register/Meter window:

1. Click Tools – Registers/Meters.

2. Browse through the list, Mark the desired Register/Meter and click Disable.

Figure 50: Registers/Meters

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11 Account Types

Account Type window allows the operator to define different account types.

11.1 Add an Account Type

To add a new Account Type:

1. Click Tools – Account Types.

2. Click Add, fill the blank field with the new Account Type and click Apply.

Figure 51: Account Types

11.2 Edit an Account Type

To edit an Account Type:

1. Click Tools – Account Types.

2. Mark the Account Type you would like to edit.
3. Click Edit, edit the Account Type and click Apply.

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11.3 Delete an Account Type

To delete an Account Type:

1. Click Tools – Account Types.

2. Mark the Account Type you would like to delete.
3. Click Delete, and then click Ok.

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12 Installers
The Installers window refers to the MTU installers. By defining a list of all the
Installers, the software allows the operator to match any installation (account) with an
installer. This way the operator can track back all installations made by each installer.

12.1 Add an Installer

To add a new Installer to the list or edit an existing one:

1. Click Tools – Installers.

2. Click Add, fill the blank fields and click Apply.

Figure 52: Installers

12.2 Edit an Installer

To edit existing installer:

1. Click Tools – Installers.

2. Mark the installer you would like to edit.

3. Click Edit, edit the installer and click Apply.

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12.3 Delete an Installer

To delete an Installer:

1. Click Tools – Installers.

2. Mark the Installer you would like to delete.
3. Click Delete, and then click Ok.

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13 General
General Screen is divided into three parts. The seasonal minimum/maximum
consumption bars allow the operator to change low / high consumption parameter
comprehensively for all accounts. Billing units, purchase rate and resell rate are
parameters which will be used for calculation of the expected profit feature at the
Signal Level Delay is the combined delay of all repeaters (parameter will be set by a
KP technician).

Figure 53: General

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14 Min/Max/Critical Consumption
MCM allows the operator to define values for Minimum monthly consumption,
Maximum monthly consumption, and Critical daily consumption per meter size.

To edit the Min/Max/Critical Consumption table:

1. Click Tools – Min/Max/Critical Consumption. The following screen is


Figure 54: Min/Max/Critical Consumption

2. Choose the unit (Gallons, Cu.Ft, Cu.Mr…).

3. Mark the Meter Size you would like to edit.

4. Click – Edit.

5. Change the parameters, and press Apply.

6. Click Close to return to the main screen.

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15 System Status
System Status Screen allows the operator to define repeaters and receivers that
operate on the system. Once defined - repeaters and receivers appear on the main
screen (System status section) with the current status of each unit (Test, Ac Fail, Ac
restore, Low Battery, Low Battery restore, Tamper, Tamper Restore). If any of the
units is in trouble mode, it is colored in red notifying the operator of the trouble status.
If any of the units is in trouble mode, prompt troubleshooting should be performed in
order to assure proper operation of the system.

15.1 Add a Repeater/Receiver to the System

To add a repeater/receiver:

1. Click Tools – System Status. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 55: System Status Screen

2. Fill the parameters and click Add.

3. Click Close to return to the main screen.

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15.2 Edit a Repeater/Receiver
To edit a repeater/receiver:

1. Click Tools – System Status. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 56: System Status Screen

2. Mark the Repeater/Receiver you would like to edit.

3. Click – Edit.

4. Change the parameters and click Apply.

5. Click Close to return to the main screen.

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15.3 Delete a Repeater/Receiver
To delete a repeater/receiver:

1. Click Tools – System Status. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 57: System Status Screen

2. Mark the Repeater/Receiver you would like to delete.

3. Click – Delete, and then click Ok.

4. Click Close to return to the main screen.

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16 Dynamic Fields

Dynamic Fields allow the operator to modify fields within the account details screen.
The dynamic fields can contain both numbers and characters. For example, Dynamic
field 1 can be renamed to “Route” and contain values such as 0, 1,2, 3 …., or it could
be called “Sequence” or “Zone” and contain values such as A, B, C and so on.

To modify a Dynamic Field:

1. Click Tools – Dynamic Fields.

2. Mark Dynamic1 or Dynamic2 and press Edit.

3. Rename the dynamic field and press Apply.

Figure 58: Dynamic Fields

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Figure 59: Editing Dynamic Fields

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17 Cycles
The Cycles screen refers to the cycle field in the customer details screen.

17.1 Add a Cycle

To add a new Cycle to the list or edit an existing one:

1. Click Tools – Cycles.

2. Click Add, fill the blank fields and click Apply.

Figure 60: Cycles

17.2 Edit a Cycle

To edit existing cycle:

1. Click Tools – Cycles.

2. Mark the Cycle you would like to edit.

3. Click Edit, edit the cycle and click Apply.

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17.3 Delete a Cycle
To delete existing cycle:

1. Click Tools – Cycles.

2. Mark the Cycle you would like to delete.

3. Click Delete, and then click Ok.

18 MTU Installation Form

To make installation process more efficient, a sample installation form is included.

The paperwork contains all the required information from the field to create a new
account on the MCM software.

To get to the MTU Installation Form, Click Tools ► MTU Installation Form.

The form is saved in word format on the MCM computer, and can be modified to
include any additional utility required data.

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ACCOUNT #:______________________________ APPT. DATE:___________________

CUSTOMER NAME:__________________ ______ APPT. TIME:___________________

ADDRESS:________________________________ ARRIVAL TIME:________________

PHONE:___________________________________ DEPART. TIME:________________

INSTALLER NAME:________________________

OLD METER SIZE:_________________________ NEW METER SIZE:____________________

MFG:_____________________________________ MFG: _______________________________

REGISTER MODEL_________________________ REGISTER MODEL:___________________

SERIAL NUMBER:_________________________ □ 4 DIGITS □ 5 DIGITS □ 6 DIGITS

FINAL READING:__________________________ STATIONARY ZEROS: □ NONE □ ONE
SERIAL NUMBER:____________________

NEW READING:______________________

MTU S.N:____________________________

MTU ID:_____________________________

ACCOUNT TYPE:___________________________________________________________________

METER LOCATION:_________________________________________________________________



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