List of Available LLMs
List of Available LLMs
List of Available LLMs
From Tyler Allen - list of different types of LLM-powered apps for specific uses, could be that
one will suit you or be a fun one to experiment with:
From summer AI certificate students:
LeetCode extension for ChatGPT
Example prompts
● Provide a structure for the following topic, "Natural Language Processing and
Suicide Prevention."
● Clarify what the professor meant I should do. Here is my original email to her:
<text>. Professor's Reply: <text>.
● Grade the following student submission out of 10. Explain your assessment and
comment on improving the response to the prompt. Assignment Prompt: <the
description of the assignment>. Submission: <copy-paste student submission>.
● [copy paste table] Analyze: Coefficient Correlations Model Self-Concept at Time
2 Centered Interaction of Class Anxiety at Time 1 and Math Comfortability 1
Correlations Self-Concept at Time 2 Centered 1.000 -.073 Interaction of Class
Anxiety at Time 1 and Math Comfortability -.073 1.000 Math Comfortability .078
-.105 Class Anxiety at Time 1 Centered .063 -.989 Interaction of Self-Concept at
Time 2 and Math Comfortability -.991 .080 Covariances Self-Concept at Time 2
Centered .573 .000 Interaction of Class Anxiety at Time 1 and Math
Comfortability .000 4.259E-5 Math Comfortability .004 -4.247E-5 Class Anxiety at
Time 1 Centered .023 -.003 Interaction of Self-Concept at Time 2 and Math
Comfortability -.008 5.258E-6
● What other statistical tests should I run to get more analytic details about the
latter output?
● [at a conference, after asking it to summarize an instant transcript] Dr. X also
discussed <theme>, but it is missing. Please rewrite the latter output
incorporating the mentioned ideas.
● Compare and contrast the following two texts, Text1 and Text2. They are written
on the same topic but differ in approaches. Explain the approach differences.
Text1: <inserted text>. End of Text1. Text2: <inserted text>. End of Text2.