Unit 4 - 5

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Architecture for Intelligent Agents –Agent communication –Negotiation and Bargaining –Argumentation
among Agents –Trust and Reputation in Multi-agent systems.

Intelligent Agent is an autonomous entity that exists in an environment and acts in a rational way.

An agent is commonly made up of a number of elements. These include one or more sensors that are used
to perceive the environment, one or more effectors that manipulate the environment, and a control system.
The control system provides a mapping from sensors to effectors, and provides intelligent (or rational)

This can also be applied to other types of agents, both virtual and physical.
EXAMPLE: web spider

Virtual agent that gathers and filters information for another party.
A web spider uses a primary sensor of the HyperText Transport Protocol, or HTTP, as a means to gather data
from web pages.

Its control system is an application, which can be written in almost any language, that drives the behavior
of the web spider.
This behavior includes web-data parsing and filtering. The web spider can identify new links to follow to
collect additional information, and use the HTTP protocol to navigate the web environment.
Finally, the web spider can communicate with a managing user through email using the Simple Mail
Transport Protocol, or SMTP.
The user can configure the web spider for collection, navigation, or filtering, and also receive emails
indicating its current status
The web spider is an intermediary agent for web-data gathering and filtering for a user. The web spider acts
on the user’s behalf for data gathering, given a set of constraints from the user

A robot can also be considered an agent.
A robot includes a variety of sensors including vision (cameras, ultrasonic transducers, infrared detectors),
hearing (microphones), touch (bump sensors), as well as other types of sensors for pressure, temperature, and
movement detection (accelerometers).
Effectors include motors (to drive wheels, tracks, or limbs), and a speaker for sound vocalization. A robot can
also include a number of other effectors that can manipulate the environment, such as a vacuum, a water pump,
or even a weapon.


an agent is that it utilizes one or more properties that exhibit some type of intelligence

The property of rationality simply means that the agent does the right thing at the right time, given a
known outcome. This depends on the actions that are available to the agent (can it achieve the best
outcome), and also how the agent‘s performance is measured.

Autonomy simply means that the agent is able to navigate its environment without guidance from an
external entity (such as a human operator). The autonomous agent can therefore seek out goals in its
environment, whether to sustain itself or solve problems. An example of an autonomous agent is the
remote agent that rode along in NASA‘s Deep Space 1 spacecraft.

Persistence implies that the agent exists over time and continuously exists in its environment. This property
can also imply that the agent is stateful in conditions where the agent must be serialized and moved to a new
location (as would be the case for mobile agents).

A n a g e n t h a v i n g th e a b i l i ty to c o m m u n i c a te p ro v i d es o b v i o u s advantages to agent systems.
Agents can communicate with other agents to provide them with information, or communicate with users
(for whom the agent represents). An example of agent communication was shown in Figure 11.2.

Whether an agent‘s environment is the Internet, virtual landscape of a game, or the unique space of a problem
environment, all environments share a common set of characteristics
Property Description
Observability Are all elements visible to the agent?
Dynamic Does the environment change (dynamic) or does it stay the same (static) and change
only when the agent performs an action to initiate change?
Deterministic Does the state of the environment change as the agent expects after an action
(deterministic), or is there some randomness to the environment change from agent
actions (stochastic)?
Episodic Does the agent need prior understanding of the environment (prior experience) to
take an action (sequential), or can the agent perceive the environment and take an
action (episodic)?
Continuous Does the environment consist of a finite or infinite number of potential states (during
action selection by the agent)? If the number of possible states is large, then the task
envirionment is continuous, otherwise it is discrete.
Multi-Agent Does the environment contain a single agent, or possibly multiple agents acting in a
cooperative or competitive fashion.


Agent architectures, like software architectures, are formally a description of the elements from which a system
is built and the manner in which they communicate. Further, these elements can be defined from patterns
with specific constraints.
A number of common architectures exist that go by the names pipe-and- filter or layered architecture. Note that
these define the interconnections between components. Pipe-and-Filter defines a model where data is moved
through a set of one or more objects that perform a transformation. Layered simply means that the system is
comprised of a set of layers that provide a specific set of logical functionality and that connectivity is
commonly restricted to the layers contiguous to one another.

Types of Architectures
Reactive Architectures
Deliberative Architectures
Blackboard Architectures
Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) Architecture
Mobile Architectures
Reactive Architectures

A reactive architecture is the simplest architecture for agents. In this architecture, agent behaviors are simply
a mapping between stimulus and response. The agent has no decision-making skills, only reactions to the
environment in which it exists.

Agent simply reads the environment and then maps the state of the environment to one or more actions.
Given the environment, more than one action may be appropriate, and therefore the agent must choose.

They are extremely fast.
This kind of architecture can be implemented easily in hardware, or fast in software lookup.

They apply only to simple environments.
Sequences of actions require the presence of state, which is not encoded into the mapping function.

Deliberative Architectures

A deliberative architecture includes some deliberation over the action to perform given the current set of
It considers the sensors, state, prior results of given actions, and other information in order to select
the best action to perform.
The mechanism for action selection could be a variety of mechanisms including a production system, neural
network, or any other intelligent algorithm.

It can be used to solve much more complex problems than the reactive architecture.
It can perform planning, and perform sequences of actions to achieve a goal.
It is slower than the reactive architecture due to the deliberation for the action to select

Blackboard Architectures
The blackboard architecture is a very common architecture that is also very interesting. The first blackboard
architecture was HEARSAY-II, which was a speech understanding system.
This architecture operates around a global work area call the blackboard.
The blackboard is a common work area for a number of agents that work cooperatively to solve a given
problem. The blackboard therefore contains information about the environment, but also intermediate work
results by the cooperative agents

In this example, two separate agents are used to sample the environment through the available sensors (the
sensor agent) and also through the available actuators (action agent).
The blackboard contains the current state of the environment that is constantly updated by the sensor agent, and
when an action can be performed (as specified in the blackboard), the action agent translates this action into
control of the actuators.
The control of the agent system is provided by one or more reasoning agents. These agents work together to
achieve the goals, which would also be contained in the blackboard. In this example, the first reasoning agent
could implement the goal definition behaviors, where the second reasoning agent could implement the planning
portion (to translate goals into sequences of actions).

Since the blackboard is a common work area, coordination must be provided such that agents don‘t
step over one another. For this reason, agents are scheduled based on their need. For example, agents can
monitor the blackboard, and as information is added, they can request the ability to operate. The scheduler
can then identify which agents desire to operate on the blackboard, and then invoke them accordingly.
The blackboard architecture, with its globally available work area, is easily implemented with a multi-
threading system. Each agent becomes one or more system threads. From this perspective, the blackboard
architecture is very common for agent and non-agent systems

Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) Architecture
BDI, which stands for Belief-Desire-Intention, is an architecture that follows the theory of human
reasoning as defined by Michael Bratman.
Belief represents the view of the world by the agent (what it believes to be the state of the environment in
which it exists).
Desires are the goals that define the motivation of the agent (what it wants to achieve). The agent may have
numerous desires, which must be consistent.
Intentions specify that the agent uses the Beliefs and Desires in order to choose one or more actions in
order to meet the desires

BDI architecture defines the basic architecture of any deliberative agent. It stores a representation
of the state of the environment (beliefs), maintains a set of goals (desires), and finally, an intentional
element that maps desires to beliefs (to provide one or more actions that modify the state of the environment
based on the agent‘s needs).

Mobile Architectures
Mobile architectural pattern introduces the ability for agents to migrate themselves between hosts. The
agent architecture includes the mobility element, which allows an agent to migrate from one host to another.
An agent can migrate to any host that implements the mobile framework.

The mobile agent framework provides a protocol that permits communication between hosts for
agent migration.
This framework also requires some kind of authentication and security, to avoid a mobile agent framework
from becoming a conduit for viruses.
Also implicit in the mobile agent framework is a means for discovery. For example, which hosts are available
for migration, and what services do they provide?
Communication is also implicit, as agents can communicate with one another on a host, or across hosts in
preparation for migration.

The mobile agent architecture is advantageous as it supports the development of intelligent distributed
systems. But a distributed system that is dynamic, and whose configuration and loading is defined by the
agents themselves.


An agent is an active object with the ability to perceive, reason, and act.
Agent has explicitly represented knowledge and a mechanism for operating on or drawing inferences from its
Agent has the ability to communicate. This ability is part perception (the receiving of messages) and part
action (the sending of messages).


A taxonomy of some of the different ways in which agents can coordinate their behavior and activities
Agents communicate in order to achieve better goals of themselves or of the society/system in which they exist.
Note that the goals might or might not be known to the agents explicitly, depending on whether or not the
agents are goal- based.
Communication can enable the agents to coordinate their actions and behavior, resulting in systems that are
more coherent.

Coordination is a property of a system of agents performing some activity in a shared environment.
The degree of coordination is the extent to which they avoid extraneous activity by reducing resource
contention, avoiding livelock and deadlock, and maintaining applicable safety conditions.
Cooperation is coordination among nonantagonistic agents, while negotiation is coordination among
competitive or simply self-interested agents.
To cooperate successfully, each agent must maintain a model of the other agents, and also develop a model of
future interactions. This presupposes sociability.

Coherence is how well a system behaves as a unit. A problem for a multiagent system is how it can maintain
global coherence without explicit global control.
The agents must be able on their own to determine goals they share with other agents, determine common
tasks, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and pool knowledge and evidence. It is helpful if there is some form of
organization among the agents.
Social commitments can be a means to achieving coherence

Dimensions of Meaning
Three aspects to the formal study of communication:
Syntax (how the symbols of communication are structured),
Semantics (what the symbols denote), and
Pragmatics (how the symbols are interpreted).

Meaning is a combination of semantics and pragmatics. Agents communicate in order to understand and be
understood, so it is important to consider the different dimensions of meaning that are associated with

Descriptive vs. Prescriptive. Descriptions are important for human comprehension, but are difficult for agents
to mimic. Most agent communication languages are designed for the exchange of information about activities
and behavior.

Personal vs. Conventional Meaning.

An agent might have its own meaning for a message, but this might differ from the meaning conventionally
accepted by the other agents with which the agent communicates.
Multiagent systems should opt for conventional meanings, especially since these systems are typically open
environments in which new agents might be introduced at any time.

Subjective vs. Objective Meaning

A message often has an explicit effect on the environment, which can be perceived objectively. The effect
might be different than that understood internally, i.e., subjectively, by the sender or receiver of the message.

Semantics vs. Pragmatics The pragmatics of a communication are concerned with how the communicators
use the communication. This includes considerationsof the mental states of the communicators and the
environment in which they exist, considerations that are external to the syntax and semantics of the

Contextuality Messages cannot be understood in isolation, but must be interpreted in terms of the mental
states of the agents, the present state of the environment, and the environment's history: how it arrived at its
present state. Interpretations are directly affected by previous messages and actions of the agents.

Coverage Smaller languages are more manageable, but they must be large enough so that an agent can convey
the meanings it intends.

Identity When a communication occurs among agents, its meaning is dependent on the identities and roles of
the agents involved, and on how the involved agents are specified. A message might be sent to a particular
agent, or to just any agent satisfying a specified criterion.

Cardinality A message sent privately to one agent would be understood differently than the same message
broadcast publicly

Message Types
Two basic message types:
Every agent, whether active or passive, must have the ability to accept information. Information is
communicated to the agent from an external source by means of an assertion.
In order to assume a passive role in a dialog, an agent must additionally be able to answer questions, i.e., it
must be able to accept a query from an external source and

Communication Levels
Communication protocols are typically specified at several levels.
Lowest level of the protocol specifies the method of interconnection;
Middle level specifies the format, or syntax, of the information being transfered;
Top level specifies the meaning, or semantics, of the information. The semantics refers not only to the
substance of the message, but also to the type of the message.

There are both binary and n-ary communication protocols.

A binary protocol involves a single sender and a single receiver, whereas an n-ary protocol involves a single
sender and multiple receivers (sometimes called broadcast or multicast).

A protocol is specified by a data structure with the following five fields:

1. sender
2. receiver(s)
3. language in the protocol
4. encoding and decoding functions
5. actions to be taken by the receiver(s)

Speech Acts
Spoken human communication is used as the model for communication among computational agents. Speech
act theory views human natural language as actions, such as requests, suggestions, commitments, and replies.
A speech act has three aspects:
1. Locution, the physical utterance by the speaker
2. Illocution, the intended meaning of the utterance by the speaker
3. Perlocution, the action that results from the locution

In communication among humans, the intent of the message is not always easily identified. For example, "I am
cold," can be viewed as an assertion, a request for a sweater, or a demand for an increase in room temperature.
However, for communication among agents, we want to insure that there is no doubt about the type of

Speech act theory helps define the type of message by using the concept of the illocutionary force, which
constrains the semantics of the communication act itself.
The sender's intended communication act is clearly defined, and the receiver has no doubt as to the type of
message sent. This constraint simplifies the design of our software agents. The message contained within the
protocol may be ambiguous, may have no simple response, or may require decomposition and the assistance of
other agents; however, the communication protocol itself should clearly identify the type of message being

Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML)
A fundamental decision for the interaction of agents is to separate the semantics of the communication
protocol (which must be domain independent) from the semantics of the enclosed message (which may depend
on the domain).
The communication protocol must be universally shared by all agents. It should be concise and have only a
limited number of primitive communication acts.

The knowledge query and manipulation language (KQML) is a protocol for exchanging information and

The elegance of KQML is that all information for understanding the content of the message is included in the
communication itself. The basic protocol is defined by the following structure:
:sender <word>
:receiver <word>
:language <word>
:ontology <word>
:content <expression>

KQML is a protocol for communications among both agents and application programs.

The KQML-performatives are modeled on speech act performatives. Thus, the semantics of KQML
performatives is domain independent, while the semanatics of the message is defined by the fields

:content (the message itself),

:language (the langauge in which the message is expressed), and
:ontology (the vocabulary of the "words" in the message).

In effect, KQML "wraps" a message in a structure that can be understood by any agent. (To understand the
message itself, the recipient must understand the language and have access to the ontology.)

The terms :content, :language, and :ontology delineate the semantics of the message.
Other arguments, including :sender, :receiver, :reply-with, and :in-reply-to, are parameters of the message

KQML assumes asynchronous communications; the fields: reply-with from a sender and: in-reply-to from a
responding agent link an outgoing message with an expected response.

KQML is part of a broad research effort to develop a methodology for distributing information among
different systems.

One part of the effort involves defining the Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF), a formal syntax for
representing knowledge KIF is largely based on first-order predicate calculus.
Another part of the effort is defining ontologies that define the common concepts, attributes, and relationships
for different subsets of world knowledge.
The definitions of the ontology terms give meaning to expressions represented in KIF.

For example, in a Blocks-World ontology, if the concept of a wooden block of a given size is represented by
the unary predicate Block, then the fact that block A is on top of block B could be communicated as follows:
:sender Agent1
:receiver Agent2
:language: KIF
:ontology: Blocks-World
:content (AND (Block A) (Block B) (On A B))
The language in a KQML message is not restricted to KIF; other languages such as PROLOG, LISP, SQL, or
any other defined agent communication language can be used.

A frequent form of interaction that occurs among agents with different goals is termed negotiation.
Negotiation is a process by which a joint decision is reached by two or more agents, each trying to reach an
individual goal or objective.
The agents first communicate their positions, which might conflict, and then try to move towards agreement by
making concessions or searching for alternatives.

The major features of negotiation are

(1) Language used by the participating agents,
(2) Protocol followed by the agents as they negotiate, and
(3) Decision process that each agent uses to determine its positions, concessions, and criteria for agreement.

Two types of systems and techniques for negotiation:

Agent centered.

Environment-centered techniques
Developers of environment-centered techniques focus on the following problem:
"How can the rules of the environment be designed so that the agents in it, regardless of their origin,
capabilities, or intentions, will interact productively and fairly?"

The resultant negotiation mechanism should ideally have the following attributes
Efficiency: the agents should not waste resources in coming to an agreement. Stability: no agent should have
anincentive to deviate from agreed-upon strategies.
Simplicity: the negotiation mechanism should impose low computational and bandwidth demands on the
Distribution: the mechanism should not require a central decision maker.
Symmetry: the mechanism should not be biased against any agent for arbitrary or inappropriate reasons.

Three types of environments have been identified:

Worth-oriented domains,
State-oriented domains,
Task-oriented domains.
A task-oriented domain is one where agents have a set of tasks to achieve, all resources needed to achieve the
tasks are available, and the agents can achieve the tasks without help or interference from each other. However,
the agents can benefit by sharing some of the tasks.

An example is the "Internet downloading domain", where each agent is given a list of documents that it must
access over the Internet. There is a cost associated with downloading, which each agent would like to minimize. If
a document is common to several agents, then they can save downloading cost by accessing the document once
and then sharing it.

The environment might provide the following simple negotiation mechanism and constraints:
(1) Each agent declares the documents it wants,
(2) Documents found to be common to two or more agents are assigned to agents based on the toss of a coin,
(3) Agents pay for the documents they download, and
(4) Agents are granted access to the documents they download as well as any in their common sets.

This mechanism is simple, symmetric, distributed, and efficient (no document is downloaded twice). To
determine stability, the agents' strategies must be considered.

Agents' Strategies
An optimal strategy is for an agent to declare the true set of documents that it needs, regardless of what strategy
the other agents adopt or the documents they need. Because there is no incentive for an agent to diverge from
this strategy, it is stable.

Agent-centered negotiation mechanisms

Developers of agent-centered negotiation mechanisms focus on the following problem: "Given an environment
in which my agent must operate, what is the best strategy for it to follow?"

Most such negotiation strategies have been developed for specific problems, so few general principles of
negotiation have emerged.
Two general approaches:
Speech-act classifiers with a possible world semantics
For the first approach, speech-act classifiers together with a possible world semantics are used to formalize
negotiation protocols and their components. This clarifies the conditions of satisfaction for different kinds of

This rule states that an agent forms and maintains its commitment to achieve ø individually iff (1) it has not pre-
committed itself to another agent to adopt and achieve ø, (2) it has a goal to achieve ø individually, and (3) it is
willing to achieve ø individually.

Agents are economically rational

The second approach is based on an assumption that the agents are economically rational. Further, the set
of agents must be small, they must have a common language and common problem abstraction, and they must
reach a common solution. Under these assumptions, Rosenschein and Zlotkin developed a unified negotiation

In a bargaining setting, agents can make a mutually beneficial agreement, but have a conflict of interest
about which agreement to make.

A monopolist gets all of the gains from interaction while an agent facing perfect competition can make no
profit. Real world settings usually consist of a finite number of competing agents, so neither monopoly nor
perfect competition assumptions strictly apply. Bargaining theory fits in this gap.

There are two major subfields of bargaining theory: axiomatic and


.Axiomatic Bargaining Theory

Axiomatic bargaining theory uses strategies form of equilibrium.
Desirable properties for a solution, called axioms of the bargaining solution, are postulated
Solution concept that satisfies these axioms is sought
2-agent setting where the agents have to decide on an outcome ,
Decide fallback outcome Ofallback. occurs if no agreement is reached.

There is a utility function : for each agent [1,2].

It is assumed that the set of feasible utility vectors is convex. This occurs, for
example, if outcomes include all possible lotteries over actual alternatives.

When many deals are individually rational—i.e. have higher utility than the fallback—to both agents, multiple
Nash equilibria often exist.

For example, if the agents are bargaining over how to split a dollar, all splits that give each agent
more than zero are in equilibrium.
If agent one's strategy is to offer p and no more, agent two's best response is to take the offer as opposed to the
fallback which is zero.
Now, one's best response to this is to offer p and no more. Thus, a Nash equilibrium exists for any p that
defines a contract that is individually rational for both agents, and feasible (0 <<
1). Due to the nonuniqueness of the equilibrium, a stronger (axiomatic) solution concept such as the Nash
bargaining solution is needed to prescribe a unique solution.

The axioms of the Nash bargaining solution u* = (u1 (o*), u2 (o*)) are:

Invariance: The agents' numeric utility functions really only represent ordinal preferences
among outcomes—the actual cardinalities of the utilities do not matter. Therefore, it
should be possible to transform the utility functions in tile following way: for any strictly
increasing linear function f, u*(f(o), f(Ofallback)) = f(u*(o, Ofallback)).
• Anonymity (symmetry): switching labels on the players does not affect the outcome.
• Independence of irrelevant alternatives: if some outcomes o axe removed, but
o* is not, then o* still remains the solution.
• Pareto efficiency: it is not feasible to give both players higher utility than under u* =

The unique solution that satisfies these four axioms is:

The Nash bargaining solution can be directly extended to more than two agents, as long as the fallback occurs
if at least one agent disagrees. The 2-agent Nash bargaining solution is also the 2-agent special case of the
Shapley value—a particular solution concept for payoff division in coalition formation, discussed later in
Section 5.8.3—where coalitions of agents can cooperate even if all agents do not agree.

Sequential bargaining
Another model of sequential bargaining does not use discounts, but assumes a fixed bargaining cost per
negotiation round.

• If the agents have symmetric bargaining costs, the solution concept is again powerless because any split of
the dollar can be supported in subgame perfect Nash equilibrium.

• If 1's bargaining cost is greater than 2's, then 1 receives a payoff that equals the second agent's bargaining
cost, and agent 2 receives the rest. Agreement is again reached on the first round. This case is equivalent to the
previous case except that the agent with the smaller bargaining cost is willing to give the other agent c2 in
order to avoid going through the first period of bargaining.


Argumentation theory with AI offers argumentation theory a laboratory for examining implementations of its
rules and concepts.
Approaches to argumentation in AI integrate insights from different perspectives. In the artificial systems
perspective, the aim is to build computer programs that model or support argumentative tasks.

Argumentation theory, or argumentation, is the interdisciplinary study of how conclusions can be reached
through logical reasoning; that is, claims based, soundly or not, on premises. It includes the arts and sciences of
civil debate, dialogue, conversation, and persuasion. It studies rules of inference, logic, and procedural rules in
both artificial and real world settings

Argumentation includes deliberation and negotiation which are concerned with collaborative decision-
making procedures.

Argumentation is one of four rhetorical modes (also known as modes of discourse), along
with exposition, description, and narration.

Key components of argumentation

Understanding and identifying arguments
Identifying the premises from which conclusions are derived
Establishing the "burden of proof" – determining who made the initial claim and is thus responsible for
providing evidence why his/her position merits acceptance.
For the one carrying the "burden of proof", the advocate, to marshal evidence for his/her position in order to
convince or force the opponent's acceptance.
In a debate, fulfillment of the burden of proof creates a burden of rejoinder. One must try to identify faulty
reasoning in the opponent's argument, to attack the reasons/premises of the argument, to provide
counterexamples if possible, to identify any fallacies, and to show why a valid conclusion cannot be derived
from the reasons provided for his/her argument
Internal structure of arguments
Typically an argument has an internal structure, comprising the following
a set of assumptions or premises
a method of reasoning or deduction and
a conclusion or point.
An argument has one or more premises and one conclusion.
Often classical logic is used as the method of reasoning so that the conclusion follows logically from the
assumptions or support. One challenge is that if the set of assumptions is inconsistent then anything can follow
logically from inconsistency.
In its most common form, argumentation involves an individual and an interlocutor or opponent engaged in
dialogue, each contending differing positions and trying to persuade each other. Other types of dialogue in
addition to persuasion are eristic, information seeking, inquiry, negotiation, deliberation, and
the dialectical method

Forms of Argument Defeat

1. An argument can be undermined. In this form of defeat, the premises or assumptions of an
argument are attacked. This form of defeat corresponds to Hart‘s denial of the premises.
2. An argument can be undercut. In this form of defeat, the connection between a
(set of) reason(s) and a conclusion in an argument is attacked.
3. An argument can be rebutted. In this form of defeat, an argument is attacked by giving an argument for an
opposite conclusion.


Trust is subjective and contingent on the uncertainty of future outcome (as a result of trusting).
It depends on the level we apply it:
User confidence
• Can we trust the user behind the agent?
– Is he/she a trustworthy source of some/ kind of knowledge? (fe.g. an expef rt in field)
– Does he/she acts in the agent system (through his agents in a trustworthy way?
– Trust of users in agents
• Issues of autonomy: the more autonomy, less trust
• How to create trust?
– Reliability testing for agents
– Formal methods for open MAS
– Security and verifiability
Trust of agents in agents
• Reputation mechanisms
• Contracts
• Norms and Social Structures

Why Trust?
Closed environments

closed environments, cooperation among agents is included as part of the designing process:
The multi-agent system is usually built by a single developer or a single team of developers and
the chosen developer or a single team of developers, and the chosen option to reduce complexity is to
ensure cooperation among the agents they build including it as an important system requirement.
Benevolence assumption: an agent ai requesting information or a certain service from agent aj
can be sure that such agent will answer him if aj has the capabilities and the resources needed,
otherwise aj will inform ai that it cannot perform the action requested.

Open environment trust

However, in an open environment trust is not easy to achieve, as
expected to be nice trustworthy, this
be ensured for alien agents out of the designer control
r agents or betray them if
such actions allow them to fulfill their individual goals.

maximize its own expected utility at agents.

nly be constructed by means of cooperative problem solving?
uncertainty about the other agent‘s

Trust and Reputation
Most authors in literature make a mix between trust and reputation
Some authors make a distinction between them
Trust is an individual measure of confidence that a given gent has over other gent(s)
Reputation is a social measure of confidence that a group of agents or a society has over agents
or groups
(social) Reputation is one mechanism to compute (individual) Trust
• I will trust more an agent that has good reputation
• My reputation clearly affects the amount of trust that others have towards me.
• Reputation can have a sanctioning role in social groups: a bad reputation can be very costly to one‘s
future transactions.
Most authors combine (individual) Trust with some form of (social) Reputation in their models

n be used to describe an individual or a group of individuals

ion can help compute the reputation of an individual.

Direct experiences are the most relevant and reliable information source for individual
Type 1: Experience based on direct interaction with the partner
Used by almost all models
How to:
• trust value about that partner increases with good experiences,
• it decreases with bad ones
Problem: how to compute trust if there is no previous interaction?
Type 2: Experience based on observed interaction of other members
Used only in scenarios prepared for this.

a) agents can access to the log of past interactions of other agents

b) agents can access some feedback from agents about their past interactions (e.g., in eBay)

Indirect experiences as source

agents bring with them prior beliefs about strangers
Used by some models to initialize trust/reputation values
a) designer or human user assigns prior values
b) a uniform distribution for reputation priors is set
c) give new agents the lowest possible reputation value
• there is no incentive to throw away a cyber identity when an agent‘s reputation falls below a starting
d) assume neither good nor bad reputation for unknown agents.
• Avoid lowest reputation for new, valid agents as an obstacle for other agents to realise that they are
Problem: prior beliefs are common in human societies (sexual or racial prejudices), but hard to set in
software agents

models for groups can been extended to provide prior reputation estimates for agents in social groups.
Used by some models to initialize individual trust/reputation values.
• mapping between the initial individual reputation of a stranger and the group from which he or she
comes from.
Problem: highly domain-dependant and model-dependant.
agent can attempt to estimate the stranger‘s reputation based on information garnered from others in the
environment. Also called word-of-mouth.
Used by several models. See [5] as example.
How-to: reputation values can be exchanged (recommended)
from one agent to another...
a) Upon request: one agent request another agent(s) to provide their estimate (a
recommendation) of the stranger‘s reputation, then combines the results coming from these
agents depending on the recommenders‘ reputation
b) Propagation mechanism: some mechanism to have a distributed reputation computation.
Problem: the combination of the different reputation values tends to be an ad-hoc solution with no
social basis.
• E.g. a weighted sum of a combination of the stranger agent‘s
reputation values and the recommender agents‘ reputation values


AI applications –Language Models –Information Retrieval-Information Extraction –Natural Language
Processing -Machine Translation –Speech Recognition –Robot –Hardware –Perception –Planning –Moving


AI programs are developed to perform specific tasks, that is being utilized for a wide range of
activities including medical diagnosis, electronic trading platforms, robot control, and remote sensing.
AI has been used to develop and advance numerous fields and industries, including finance,
healthcare, education, transportation, and more.
 Information Retrieval  Agriculture
 Natural Language Processing  HealthCare
 Machine Translation  Gaming
 Speech Recognition  Space Exploration
 Robot Marketing  Autonomous Vehicles
 Banking  Chatbots
 Finance  Artificial Creativity

 we search for an item on any e-commerce store, we get all possible results related to the item.
It’s like these search engines read our minds! In a matter of seconds, we get a list of all relevant
With the growing advancement in AI, in the near future, it may be possible for consumers on the web
to buy products by snapping a photo of it
 A lot of banks have already adopted AI-based systems to provide customer support, detect
anomalies and credit card frauds. An example of this is HDFC Bank.
 HDFC Bank has developed an AI-based chatbot called EVA (Electronic Virtual Assistant),
built by Bengaluru-based Senseforth AI Research.
 Since its launch, Eva has addressed over 3 million customer queries, interacted with over half a
million unique users, and held over a million conversations.
 Eva can collect knowledge from thousands of sources and provide simple answers in less than
0.4 seconds.
 AI solutions can be used to enhance security across a number of business sectors, including
retail and finance.
 By tracing card usage and endpoint access, security specialists are more effectively preventing
fraud. Organizations rely on AI to trace those steps by analyzing the behaviors of transactions.
Companies such as MasterCard and RBS WorldPay have relied on AI and Deep Learning to detect
fraudulent transaction patterns and prevent card fraud for years now. This has saved millions of

 Ventures have been relying on computers and data scientists to determine future patterns in the
market. Trading mainly depends on the ability to predict the future accurately.
 Machines are great at this because they can crunch a huge amount of data in a short span.
Machines can also learn to observe patterns in past data and predict how these patterns might
repeat in the future.
 Financial organizations are turning to AI to improve their stock trading performance and boost
 AI can help farmers get more from the land while using resources more sustainably.
 Issues such as climate change, population growth, and food security concerns have pushed the
industry into seeking more innovative approaches to improve crop yield.
 Organizations are using automation and robotics to help farmers find more efficient ways to
protect their crops from weeds.
 Blue River Technology has developed a robot called See & Spray which uses computer vision
technologies like object detection to monitor and precisely spray weedicide on cotton plants.
Precision spraying can help prevent herbicide resistance
 The image recognition app identifies possible defects through images captured by the user’s
smartphone camera. Users are then provided with soil restoration techniques, tips, and other
possible solutions. The company claims that its software can achieve pattern detection with an
estimated accuracy of up to 95%.
Health Care
 When it comes to saving our lives, a lot of organizations and medical care centers are relying on
 clinical decision support system for stroke prevention that can give the physician a warning when
there’s a patient at risk of having a heart stroke.
 Preventive care
 Personalized medicine
 Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of the gaming industry. In fact, one of the
biggest accomplishments of AI is in the gaming industry.
 DeepMind’s AI-based AlphaGo software, which is known for defeating Lee Sedol, the world
champion in the game of GO, is considered to be one of the most significant accomplishment in the
field of AI
 The actions taken by the opponent AI are unpredictable because the game is designed in such a
way that the opponents are trained throughout the game and never repeat the same mistakes.
 They get better as the game gets harder. This makes the game very challenging and prompts the
players to constantly switch strategies and never sit in the same position.

Space Exploration
 Space expeditions and discoveries always require analyzing vast amounts of data.
 Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning is the best way to handle and process data on this
 After rigorous research, astronomers used Artificial Intelligence to sift through years of data
obtained by the Kepler telescope in order to identify a distant eight-planet solar system.

 Artificial Intelligence is also being used for NASA’s next rover mission to Mars, the Mars 2020
Rover. The AEGIS, which is an AI-based Mars rover is already on the red planet.
 The rover is responsible for autonomous targeting of cameras in order to perform investigations on
Autonomous Vehicles
 For the longest time, self-driving cars have been a buzzword in the AI industry. The development
of autonomous vehicles will definitely revolutionaries the transport system.
 Companies like Waymo conducted several test drives in Phoenix before deploying their first AI-
based public ride-hailing service.
 The AI system collects data from the vehicles radar, cameras, GPS, and cloud services to produce
control signals that operate the vehicle.
 Advanced Deep Learning algorithms can accurately predict what objects in the vehicle’s vicinity
are likely to do. This makes Waymo cars more effective and safer.
 Another famous example of an autonomous vehicle is Tesla’s self-driving car. Artificial
Intelligence implements computer vision, image detection and deep learning to build cars that can
automatically detect objects and drive around without human intervention


Humans use a limited number of conventional signs (smiling, shaking hands) to communicatein much
the same way as other animals. Humans have also developed a complex, structuredsystem of signs
known as language that enables them to communicate most of what they knowabout the world.

One of the actions that is available to an agent is to produce language.

This is called a speechact. "Speech" is used in the same sense as in "free speech," not "talking," so
typing, skywriting,and using sign language all count as speech acts.
English has no neutral word for an agent thatproduces language, either by speaking or writing or
anything else. We will use speaker, hearer, andutterance as generic terms referring to any mode of

Imagine a group of agents are exploring the wumpus world together. The group gains anadvantage
(collectively and individually) by being able to do the following:
• Inform each other about the part of the world each has explored, so that each agent hasless exploring
to do. This is done by making statements: There's a breeze here in 3 4.
• Query other agents about particular aspects of the world. This is typically done by askingquestions:
Have you smelled the wumpus anywhere?
• Answer questions. This is a kind of informing. Yes, I smelled the wumpus in 2 5.
• Request or command other agents to perform actions: Please help me carry the gold. Itcan be seen
as impolite to make a direct requests, so often an indirect speech act (a requestin the form of a
statement or question) is used instead: / could use some help carrying thisorCould you help me cany
• Promise to do things or offer deals: /'// shoot the wumpus if you let me share the gold.
• Acknowledge requests and offers: OK.
• Share feelings and experiences with each other: You know, old chap, when I get in a spotlike that, I
usually go back to the start and head out in another direction, or Man, thatwumpus sure needs some

Planning problem
The hard part for an agent is to decide when a speech act of some kind is called for,and to decide which
speech act, out of all the possibilities, is the right one. At one level,this is just the familiar planning
problem—an agent has a set of possible actions to choosefrom, and must somehow try to choose

actions that achieve the goal of communicating someinformation to another agent.

Understanding problems
 The problem of understanding speech acts is much like other understanding problems,such as
image understanding or medical diagnosis.
 Part of the speech act understanding problem is specific to language.
 We need to know something about the syntax and semantics of a language to determine why
anotheragent performed a given speech act.
 The understanding problem also includes the more generalproblem of plan recognition.
 Part of the understanding problem can be handled by logical reasoning.
 We will see thatlogical implications are a good way of describing the ways that words and
phrases combine toform larger phrases. Another part of the understanding problem can only be
handled by uncertainreasoning techniques.
 Usually, there will be several states of the world that could all lead to thesame speech act, so
the understander has to decide which one is more probable.

Fundamentals of language
Formal languages—the ones like Lisp and first-order logic that areinvented and rigidly defined
Natural languages—the ones like Chinese, Danish, andEnglish that humans use to talk to one

Formal language
 A formal language is defined as a set of strings, where each string is a sequence of
symbolstaken from a finite set called the terminal symbols.
 most of them are similar in that they are based onthe idea of phrase structure
 Strings are composed of substrings called phrases, whichcome in different categories.
 Categorizing phrases helps us to describe the allowable strings of thelanguage.
 Any of the noun phrases can combine with a verb phrase (or VP) suchas "is dead" to form a
phrase of category sentence
 Grammatical categories are essentially posited as part of ascientific theory of language that
attempts to account for the difference between grammatical andungrammatical categories.

noun phrase"the wumpus," "the king,"
verb phrase : "is dead"
sentence :"the wumpus is dead"
Grammatical categories :"the wumpus is dead" , "wumpus the dead is"

Categories such as NP, VP, and S are called nonterminal symbols. In the BNF notation,rewrite rules
consist of a single nonterminal symbol on the left-hand side, and a sequence ofterminals or
nonterminals on the right-hand side

The meaning of a rule such as S— NP VP

Grammatical formalisms can be classified by their generative capacity: the set oflanguages they can
representfour classes of grammaticalformalisms that differ only in the form of the rewrite rules.

 Recursively enumerable grammars use unrestricted rules: both sides of therewrite rules can
have any number of terminal and nonterminal symbols. Thesegrammars are equivalent to
Turing machines in their expressive power.
 Context-sensitive grammars are restricted only in that the right-hand hand sidemust contain at
least as many symbols as the left-hand side. The name contextsensitivecomes from the fact that
a rule such as
says that an S can berewritten as an X in the context of a preceding A and a following B.

 In context-free grammars (or CFGs), the left-hand side consists of a singlenonterminal
symbol. Thus, each rule licenses rewriting the nonterminal as the righthandside in any
context. CFGs are popular for natural language grammars, althoughit is now widely accepted
that at least some natural languages are not context-free.
 Regular grammars are the most restricted class. Every rule has a single nonterminalon the left-
hand side, and a terminal symbol optionally followed by a nonterminalon the right-hand side.
Regular grammars are equivalent in power to finite-statemachines. They are poorly suited for
programming languages because, for example,they cannot represent constructs such as
balanced opening and closing parentheses.

To give you an idea of which languages can be handled by which classes, thelanguagea"b" (a
sequence of n copies of a followed by the same number of b) canbe generated by a context-free
grammar, but not a regular grammar. The languagea"b"c" requires a context-sensitive grammar,
whereas the language a*b* (a sequenceof any number of a followed by any number of b) can be
described by any of the fourclasses. A summary of the four classes follows.

Two main parts:
syntactic interpretation (or parsing) and semantic interpretation.

 Semantic interpretation includes both understanding the meanings of words and

incorporating knowledge of the current situation (also called pragmatic interpretation).
 The word parsing is derived from the the Latin phrase pars orationis, or "part of speech," and
refers to the process of assigning a part of speech (noun, verb, and so on) to each word in a
sentence and grouping the words into phrases.
 One way of displaying the result of a syntactic analysis is with a parse tree.
 A parse tree is a tree in which interior nodes represents phrases, links represent applications of
grammar rules, and leaf nodes represent words.
 We define the yield of a node as the list of all the leaves below the node, in left-to-right
order, then we can say that the meaning of a parse tree is that each node with label X asserts
that the yield of the node is a phrase of category X.
 Semantic interpretation is the process of extracting the meaning of an utterance as an
expression in some representation language.
 Two possible semantic interpretations: that the wumpus is not alive, and that it is tired (a
colloquial meaning of dead).
 Utterances with several possible interpretations are said to be ambiguous.
 lexical ambiguity, where a word has more than one meaning.
 Syntactic ambiguity (also known as structural ambiguity) can occur with or without lexical
For example, the string "I smelled a wumpus in 2,2" has two parses: one where the propositional
phrase modifies the noun, and one where it modifies the verb.
 semantic ambiguity :The syntactic ambiguity leads to a semantic ambiguity, because one
parse means the wumpus is in 2,2 and the other means that a stench is in 2,2.
 Referential ambiguity occurs because natural languages consist almost entirely of words for
categories, not for individual objects. There is no word for the-apple-I-had-for-lunch-
today,]\\sicategories like apple.
 Pragmatic ambiguity occurs when the speaker and hearer disagree on what the current
situation is. If the speaker says "I'll meet you next Friday" thinking that they're talking about
the 17th, and the hearer thinks that they are talking about the 24th, then there is
 Local ambiguity :Sometimes a phrase or sentence has local ambiguity, where a substring can
be parsed several ways, but only one of those ways fits into the larger context of the whole
string. For example, in the C programming language, the string *c means "pointer to c" when it
appears in the declaration char *c; but it means "multiply by c" when it appears in the
expression 2 *c.
Information retrieval is the task of finding documents that are relevant to a user’s need for information.
The best-known examples of information retrieval systems are search engines on the World Wide Web. A
Web user can type a query such as [AI book] into a search engine and see a list of relevant pages.

An information retrieval (henceforth IR) system can be characterized by

1. A corpus of documents. Each system must decide what it wants to treat as a document: a paragraph, a
page, or a multipage text.
2. Queries posed in a query language. A query specifies what the user wants to know.
The query language can be just a list of words, such as [AI book]; or it can specify a phrase of words
that must be adjacent, as in [―AI book‖]; it can contain Boolean operators as in [AI AND book]; it can
include non-Boolean operators such as [AI NEAR book] or [AI book site:www.aaai.org].
3. A result set. This is the subset of documents that the IR system judges to be relevant to the query. By
relevant, we mean likely to be of use to the person who posed the query, for the particular information need
expressed in the query.

4. A presentation of the result set. This can be as simple as a ranked list of document titles or as complex as a
rotating color map of the result set projected onto a three- dimensional space, rendered as a two-dimensional
Boolean keyword model
Each word in the document collection is treated as a Boolean feature that is true of a document if the word
occurs in the document and false if it does not. The query language is the language of Boolean expressions
over features. A document is relevant only if the expression evaluates to true.


1. Simple to explain and implement.
1. The degree of relevance of a document is a single bit, so there is no guidance as to how to order the
relevant documents for presentation.
2. Boolean expressions are unfamiliar to users who are not programmers or logicians.

IR system evaluation
Two measures used in the scoring: recall and precision.
Precision measures the proportion of documents in the result set that are actually relevant.
Recall measures the proportion of all the relevant documents in the collection that are in the result set
A summary of both measures is the F1 score, a single number that is the harmonic mean of precision and
recall, 2P R/(P + R).

IR refinements
There are many possible refinements to the system described here, and indeed Web search engines are
continually updating their algorithms as they discover new approaches and as the Web grows and changes.

pivoted document length normalization scheme; the idea is that the pivot is the document length at which the
old-style normalization is correct; documents shorter than that get a boost and longer ones get a penalty.

Most IR systems do case folding of ―COUCH‖ to ―couch,‖ and some use a stemming algorithm to reduce.
―couches‖ to the stem form ―couch,‖ both in the query and the documents. This typically yields a small increase
in recall but can harm precision

Recognize synonyms, such as ―sofa‖ for ―couch.‖

anytime there are two words that mean the same thing, speakers of the language conspire to evolve the meanings
to remove the confusion.
Related words that are not synonyms also play an important role in ranking—terms like ―leather‖, ―wooden,‖
or ―modern‖ can serve to confirm that the document really is about ―couch.‖

Synonyms and related words can be found in dictionaries or by looking for correlations in documents or in
queries—if we find that many users who ask the query [new sofa] follow it up with the query [new couch], we
can in the future alter [new sofa] to be [new sofa OR new couch]

As a final refinement, IR can be improved by considering metadata—data outside of the text of the document.
Examples include human-supplied keywords and publication data. On the Web, hypertext links between
documents are a crucial source of information

The PageRank algorithm

PageRank3 was one of the two original ideas that set Google’s search apart from other Web search engines
when it was introduced in 1997.

PageRank was invented to solve the problem of the tyranny of TF scores: if the query is [IBM], how do we make
sure that IBM’s home page, ibm.com, is the first result, even if another page mentions the term ―IBM‖ more
frequently? The idea is that ibm.com has many in-links (links to the page), so it should be ranked higher: each in-
link is a vote for the quality of the linked-to page.


Information extraction is the process of acquiring knowledge by skimming a text and looking for
occurrences of a particular class of object and for relationships among objects. A typical task is to extract
instances of addresses from Web pages, with database fields for street, city, state, and zip code; or instances of
storms from weather reports, with fields for temperature, wind speed, and precipitation.

Information extraction is the process of extracting information from unstructured textual

sources to enable finding entities as well as classifying and storing them in a database.
Semantically enhanced information extraction (also known as semantic annotation) couples
those entities with their semantic descriptions and connections from a knowledge graph. By
adding metadata to the extracted concepts, this technology solves many challenges in
enterprise content management and knowledge discovery.

Information extraction is the process of extracting specific (pre-specified) information from

textual sources. One of the most trivial examples is when your email extracts only the data from
the message for you to add in your Calendar.

Other free-flowing textual sources from which information extraction can still structured
information are legal acts, medical records, social media interactions and streams, online news,
government documents, corporate reports and more.

Gathering detailed structured data from texts, information extraction enables:

 The automation of tasks such as smart content classification, integrated search,

management and delivery;
 Data-driven activities such as mining for patterns and trends, uncovering hidden
relationships, etc.

Typically, for structured information to be extracted from unstructured texts, the following main
subtasks are involved:

 Pre-processing of the text – this is where the text is prepared for processing with the help
of computational linguistics tools such as tokenization, sentence splitting, morphological
analysis, etc.
 Finding and classifying concepts – this is where mentions of people, things, locations,
events and other pre-specified types of concepts are detected and classified.
 Connecting the concepts – this is the task of identifying relationships between the
extracted concepts.
 Unifying – this subtask is about presenting the extracted data into a standard form.
 Getting rid of the noise – this subtask involves eliminating duplicate data.
 Enriching your knowledge base – this is where the extracted knowledge is ingested in
your database for further use.

Information extraction can be entirely automated or performed with the help of human input.

Typical Information Extraction Applications

Information extraction can be applied to a wide range of textual sources: from emails and Web
pages to reports, presentations, legal documents and scientific papers. The technology
successfully solves challenges related to content management and knowledge discovery in the
areas of:

 Business intelligence (for enabling analysts to gather structured information from multiple
 Financial investigation (for analysis and discovery of hidden relationships);
 Scientific research (for automated references discovery or relevant papers suggestion);
 Media monitoring (for mentions of companies, brands, people);
 Healthcare records management (for structuring and summarizing patients records);
 Pharma research (for drug discovery, adverse effects discovery and clinical trials automated

Different approaches to information extraction

1. Ontology extraction from large corpora

2. Automated template construction

Ontology extraction from large corpora

Information extraction is finding a specific set of relations (e.g., speaker, time, location) in a specific text (e.g.,
a talk announcement). A different applica- tion of extraction technology is building a large knowledge base or
ontology of facts from a corpus.

1. First it is open-ended—we want to acquire facts about all types of domains, not just one specific
2. Second, with a large corpus, this task is dominated by precision, not recall—just as with question
answering on the Web.
3. Third, the results can be statistical aggregates gathered from multiple sources, rather than being extracted
from one specific text.

NP such as NP (, NP )* (,)? ((and | or) NP )? .
NP is a variable standing for a noun phrase

This template matches the texts ―diseases such as rabies affect your dog‖ and ―supports network protocols such
as DNS,‖ concluding that rabies is a disease and DNS is a network protocol.

With a large corpus we can afford to be picky; to use only the high-precision templates. We’ll miss many
statements of a subcategory relationship, but most likely we’ll find a paraphrase of the statement somewhere
else in the corpus in a form we can use.

Automated template construction

The subcategory relation is so fundamental that is worthwhile to handcraft a few templates to help identify
instances of it occurring in natural language text.

It is possible to learn templates from a few examples, then use the templates to learn more examples, from
which more templates can be learned, and so on. In one of the first experiments of this kind, Brin (1999) started
with a data set of just five examples:
(―Isaac Asimov‖, ―The Robots of Dawn‖)
(―David Brin‖, ―Startide Rising‖)
(―James Gleick‖, ―Chaos—Making a New Science‖)
(―Charles Dickens‖, ―Great Expectations‖) (―William
Shakespeare‖, ―The Comedy of Errors‖)
Clearly these are examples of the author–title relation, but the learning system had no knowl- edge of authors or
Each match is defined as a tuple of seven strings,
(Author, Title, Order, Prefix, Middle, Postfix, URL) ,
where Order is true if the author came first and false if the title came first, Middle is the characters between the
author and title, Prefix is the 10 characters before the match, Suffix is the 10 characters after the match, and URL
is the Web address where the match was made.

 Given a set of matches, a simple template-generation scheme can find templates to explain the
 The biggest weakness in this approach is the sensitivity to noise. If one of the first few templates is
incorrect, errors can propagate quickly.
 One way to limit this problem is to not accept a new example unless it is verified by multiple
templates, and not accept a new template unless it discovers multiple examples that are also found by
other templates.


 Natural language Processing is that subfield of computer science, more specifically of AI, which enables
computers/machines to understand, process and manipulate human language

 Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to AI method of communicating with an intelligent systems
using a natural language such as English.

 Processing of Natural Language is required when you want an intelligent system like robot to perform as
per your instructions, when you want to hear decision from a dialogue based clinical expert system, etc.

 The input and output of an NLP system can be −

Written Text

Advantages of Natural Language Processing

 Automated Content Creation

 Significant Reduction in Human Involvement

 Predictive Inventory Management

 Performance Activity Management at Call Centre

Application of NLP

Sentiment Analysis
Mostly used on the web & social media monitoring, Natural Language Processing is a great tool to comprehend
and analyse the responses to the business messages published on social media platforms. It helps to analyse the
attitude and emotional state of the writer (person commenting/engaging with posts).

Chatbots & Virtual Assistants

Chatbots and virtual assistants are used for automatic questionanswering, designed to understand natural language
and deliver an appropriate response through natural language generation. Standard question answering systems
follow pre-defined rules, while AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are able to learn from every interaction
and understand how they should respond. The best part: they learn from interactions and improve over time.

Speech Recognition
Speech recognition technology uses natural language processing to transform spoken language into a machine-
readable format. Speech recognition systems are an essential part of virtual assistants, like Siri, Alexa, and Google
Assistant, for example. However, there are more and more use cases of speech recognition in business. For
example, adding speech-to-text capabilities to business software, companies are able to automatically transcribe
calls, send emails, and even translate


Natural Language Processing plays a vital role in grammar checking software and auto-correct functions. Tools
like Grammarly, for example, use NLP to help you improve your writing, by detecting grammar, spelling, or
sentence structure errors.

Market Intelligence
Marketers can benefit from natural language processing to learn more about their customers and use those insights
to create more effective strategies.

Analyzing topics, sentiment, keywords, and intent in unstructured data can really boost your market research,
shedding light on trends and business opportunities. You can also analyze data to identify customer pain points and
to keep an eye on your competitors (by seeing what things are working well for them and which are not).

Text Summarization
Automatic summarization is pretty self-explanatory. It summarizes text, by extracting the most important
information. Its main goal is to simplify the process of going through vast amounts of data, such as scientific
papers, news content, or legal documentation

Machine Translation

Machine translation (MT) is one of the first applications of natural language processing. Even though Facebooks’s
translations have been declared superhuman, machine translation still faces the challenge of understanding context.

However, if you’ve been an avid user of Google Translate over the years, you’ll know that it has come a long way
since its inception, mainly thanks to huge advances in the field of neural networks and the increased availability of
large amounts of data.

Text Extraction

Text extraction, or information extraction, automatically detects specific information in a text, such as names,
companies, places, and more. This is also known as named entity recognition. You can also extract
keywords within a text, as well as pre-defined features such as product serial numbers and models.
Applications of text extraction include sifting through incoming support tickets and identifying specific data, like
company names, order numbers, and email addresses without needing to open and read every ticket.

What are the different types of NLP. or Component of NLP

 Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

 Mapping the given input in natural language into useful representations.

 Analyzing different aspects of the language.

 Natural language understanding (NLU) is a sub-topic of natural language processing, which focuses on
machines understanding human language. Interesting applications include text categorization, machine
translation, and question answering.

 NLU makes it possible for machines to understands the overall context and meaning of “natural language,”
beyond literal definitions. Its goal is to understand written or spoken language the way a human would.

 NLU is used in natural language processing (NLP) tasks like topic classification, language detection, and
sentiment analysis:

 Sentiment analysis automatically interprets emotions within a text and categorizes them as positive,
negative, or neutral. By quickly understanding, processing, and analyzing thousands of online
conversations, sentiment analysis tools can deliver valuable insights about how customers view your brand
and products.

 Language detection automatically understands the language of written text. An essential tool to help
businesses route tickets to the correct local teams, avoid wasting time passing tickets from one customer
agent to the next, and respond to customer issues faster.

 Topic classification is able to understand natural language to automatically sort texts into predefined
groups or topics. Software company Atlassian, for example, uses the tags Reliability, Usability,
and Functionality to sort incoming customer support tickets, enabling them to deal with customer issues

Natural Language Understanding Examples

 Machine Translation (MT)

Accurately translating text or speech from one language to another is one of the toughest challenges of natural
language processing and natural language understanding.

 Automated Reasoning

Automated reasoning is a subfield of cognitive science that is used to automatically prove mathematical theorems
or make logical inferences about a medical diagnosis. It gives machines a form of reasoning or logic, and allows
them to infer new facts by deduction.

 Question Answering

Question answering is a subfield of NLP and speech recognition that uses NLU to help computers automatically
understand natural language questions

 Natural Language Generation (NLG)

It is the process of producing meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of natural language from some
internal representation.

 Natural Language Generation (NLG), a subcategory of Natural Language Processing (NLP), is a software
process that automatically transforms structured data into human-readable text.

 Using NLG, Businesses can generate thousands of pages of data-driven narratives in minutes using the
right data in the right format. NLG generates text generated based on structured data

 NLG is an AI-driven software solution that extracts data from complex sources to produce naturally
worded content.

 It Creates unlimited content variations for personas for hyper-personalized digital experiences and better
customer engagement.

 It Influences buying behavior with more targeted and individualized content for increased sales.

 It Means you have to spend less time on routine tasks and more time perfecting digital experiences that
compel customers to action.

Example of NLG
 Text planning − It includes retrieving the relevant content from knowledge base.

 Sentence planning − It includes choosing required words, forming meaningful phrases, setting tone of the

 Text Realization − It is mapping sentence plan into sentence structure.

Text categorization

NLP techniques have proven successful in a related task: sorting text into fixed topic categories.
There are several commercial services that provide access to news wire stories in this manner.
A subscriber can ask for all the news on a particular industry, company, or geographic area,
for example. The providers of these services have traditionally used human experts to assign

the categories. In the last few years, NLP systems have proven to be just as accurate, correctly
categorizing over 90% of the news stories. They are also far faster and more consistent, so there
has been a switch from humans to automated systems.
Text categorization is amenable to NLP techniques where IR is not because the categories
are fixed, and thus the system builders can spend the time tuning their program to the problem.
For example, in a dictionary, the primary definition of the word "crude" is vulgar, but in a large
sample of the Wall Street Journal, "crude" refers to oil 100% of the time.


Machine translation (MT) is automated translation. It is the process by which computer software is
used to translate a text from one natural language (such as English) to another (such as Spanish).

To do translation well, a translator (human or machine) must read the original text, understandthe
situation to which it is referring, and find a corresponding text in the target language that does a
good job of describing the same or a similar situation.

Often this involves a choice. For example, the English word "you" can be translated into French as
either the formal "vous" or the informal "tu." There is just no way that one can refer to the concept of
"you" in French without also making a choice of formal or informal. Translators (both machine and
human) sometimes find it difficult to make this choice.

To process any translation, human or automated, the meaning of a text in the original (source)
language must be fully restored in the target language, i.e. the translation. While on the surface this
seems straightforward, it is far more complex.

Translation is not a mere word-for-word substitution. A translator must interpret and analyze all of the
elements in the text and know how each word may influence another. This requires extensive expertise
in grammar, syntax (sentence structure), semantics (meanings), etc., in the source and target languages,
as well as familiarity with each local region.

Human and machine translation each have their share of challenges. For example, no two individual
translators can produce identical translations of the same text in the same language pair, and it may
take several rounds of revisions to meet customer satisfaction. But the greater challenge lies in how
machine translation can produce publishable quality translations.

A representation language that makes all the distinctions necessary for a set of languages is called an
Interlingua. Some systems attempt to analyze the source language text all the way into an Interlingua
knowledgerepresentation and then generate sentences in the target language from that representation.

This is difficult because it involves three unsolved problems:

1. Creating a complete knowledge representation of everything;
2. Parsing into that representation; and
3. Generating sentences from that representation.

Rule-Based Machine Translation Technology

 Rule-based machine translation relies on countless built-in linguistic rules and millions of bilingual
dictionaries for each language pair.
 The software parses text and creates a transitional representation from which the text in the target
language is generated.
 This process requires extensive lexicons with morphological, syntactic, and semantic information,
and large sets of rules. The software uses these complex rule sets and then transfers the
grammatical structure of the source language into the target language.
 Translations are built on gigantic dictionaries and sophisticated linguistic rules. Users can improve
the out-of-the-box translation quality by adding their terminology into the translation process. They
create user-defined dictionaries which override the system’s default settings.

In most cases, there are two steps:

 An initial investment that significantly increases the quality at a limited cost, and
 An ongoing investment to increase quality incrementally.
 While rule-based MT brings companies to the quality threshold and beyond, the quality
improvement process may be long and expensive.

Statistical Machine Translation Technology

Statistical machine translation utilizes statistical translation models whose parameters stem from the
analysis of monolingual and bilingual corpora.

Building statistical translation models is a quick process, but the technology relies heavily on
existing multilingual corpora.

A minimum of 2 million words for a specific domain and even more for general language are required.
Theoretically it is possible to reach the quality threshold but most companies do not have such large
amounts of existing multilingual corpora to build the necessary translation models.

Additionally, statistical machine translation is CPU intensive and requires an extensive hardware
configuration to run translation models for average performance levels.

Rule-BasedMT vs. Statistical MT

 Rule-based MT provides good out-of-domain quality and is by nature predictable.

 Dictionary-based customization guarantees improved quality and compliance with corporate
terminology. But translation results may lack the fluency readers expect.
 In terms of investment, the customization cycle needed to reach the quality threshold can be long
and costly. The performance is high even on standard hardware.

Statistical MT provides good quality when large and qualified corpora are available. The translation is
fluent, meaning it reads well and therefore meets user expectations. However, the translation is neither
predictable nor consistent. Training from good corpora is automated and cheaper. But training on
general language corpora, meaning text other than the specified domain, is poor. Furthermore,
statistical MT requires significant hardware to build and manage large translation models.


It is the task of mapping from a digitally encoded acoustic signal to a string of words. Speech
understanding is the task of mapping from the acoustic signal all the way to an interpretation of the
meaning of the utterance.
A speech understanding system must answer three questions:
1. What speech sounds did the speaker utter?
2. What words did the speaker intend to express with those speech sounds?
3. What meaning did the speaker intend to express with those words?

To answer question 1, we have to first decide what a speech sound is. It turns out that all human
languages use a limited repertoire of about 40 or 50 sounds, called phones. Roughly speaking, a phone
is the sound that corresponds to a single vowel or consonant, but there are some complications:

Combinations of letters such as "th" and "ng" produce single phones, and some letters produce
different phones in different contexts (for example, the "a" in rat and rate. Once we know what the
possible sounds are, we need to characterize them in terms of features that we can pick out of the
acoustic signal, such as the frequency or amplitude of the sound waves.

Speech processing system has mainly three tasks −

 First, speech recognition that allows the machine to catch the words, phrases and sentences we speak
 Second, natural language processing to allow the machine to understand what we speak, and
 Third, speech synthesis to allow the machine to speak.

What are the Components of Speech Recognition

 A speech capturing Device: It consists of a microphone, which converts the sound wave signals to
electrical signals and an Analog to Digital Converter which samples and digitizes the analog signals to
obtain the discrete data that the computer can understand.

 A Digital Signal Module or a Processor: It performs processing on the raw speech signal like frequency
domain conversion, restoring only the required information etc.

 Preprocessed signal storage: The preprocessed speech is stored in the memory to carry out further task of
speech recognition.

 Reference Speech patterns: The computer or the system consists of predefined speech patterns or
templates already stored in the memory, to be used as the reference for matching.

 Pattern matching algorithm: The unknown speech signal is compared with the reference speech pattern
to determine the actual words or the pattern of words.

Application of Speech Reorganization

 Digital assistants,
 Smart speakers, Smart homes
 Automation for a variety of services,
 Products, and solutions.
 Security devices
 Smartphones for call routing, speech-to-text processing, voice dialling and voice search.
 Word processing applications like Microsoft Word, where users can dictate what they want to show up as
Markov model
Two sources of phonetic
First, different dialects have different pronunciations.
The top of Figure. gives an example of this: for "tomato," you say [tow mey tow] and I say [tow maa
tow]. The alternative pronunciations are specified as a Markov model.

In general, a Markov model is a way of describing a process that goes through a series of states.
The model describes all the possible paths through the state space and assigns a probability to each
one. The probability of transitioning from the current state to another one depends only on the current
state, not on any prior part of the path.

Markov model with seven states (circles), each corresponding to the production of a phone. The
arrows denote allowable transitions between states, and each transition has a probability associated
with it.3 There are only two possible paths through the model, one corresponding to the phone
sequence [t ow m ey t ow] and the other to [t ow m aa tow]. The probability of a path is the product of
the probabilities on the arcs that make up the path. In this case, most of the arc probabilities are 1 and
we have

P([towmeytow] ("tomato") = P([r«w»iaa?ow] ("tomato") = 0.5

The second source of phonetic variation is coarticulation.

Similar models would be constructed for every word we want to be able to recognize. Now if the speech
signal were a list of phones, then we would be done with the acoustic model. We could take a given
input signal (e.g., [towmeytow]) and compute P(signal\words) for various word strings (e.g., "tomato,"
"toe may tow," and so on). We could then combine these with P(words) values taken from the language
model to arrive at the words that maximize P(words\signal).

hidden Markov model or HMM

Unfortunately, signal processing does not give us a string of phones. So all we can do so far is
maximize P(words\phones). Figure 24.36 shows how we can compute P(signal\phone) using a model
called a hidden Markov model or HMM. The model is for a particular phone,[m], but all phones will
have models with similar topology.

A hidden Markov model is just like a regular Markov model in that it describes a process that goes
through a sequence of states. The difference is that in a regular Markov model, the output is a sequence
of state names, and because each state has a unique name, the output uniquely determines the path
through the model.
In a hidden Markov model, each state has a probability distribution of possible outputs, and the same
output can appear in more than one state.4
HMMs are called hidden models because the true state of the model is hidden from the observer. In
general, when you see that an HMM outputs some symbol, you can't be sure what state the symbol
came from.

Actually, most phones have a duration of 50-100 milliseconds, or 5-10 frames at 10 msec/frame. So
the [C1,C4,C6J sequence is unusually quick. Suppose we have a more typical speaker who generates
the sequence [C1,C1,C4,C4,C6,C6J while producing the phone. It turns out there are two paths
through the model that generate this sequence. In one of them both C4s come from the Mid state (note
the arcs that loop back), and in the other the second C4 comes from the End state. We calculate the
probability that this sequence came from the [m] model in the same way: take the sum over all possible
paths of the probability of the path times the probability that the path generates the sequence.

P([Cl,C\,C4, C4, C6, C6]jLm]) =

(0.3 x 0.7 x 0.9 x 0.1 x 0.4 x 0.6) x (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.5) +
(0.3 x 0.7 x 0.1 x 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.6) x (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.7 x 0.1 x 0.5 x 0.5)
= 0.0001477

Putting the models together
We have described three models.
The language bigram model gives us P(wordi\wordi-\}.
The word pronunciation HMM gives us P(phones\word).
The phone HMM gives us P(signal\phone).
If we want to compute P(words\signal), we will need to combine these models in some way.
Oneapproach is to combine them all into one big HMM. The bigram model can be thought of as an
HMM in which every state corresponds to a word and every word has a transition arc to every other
word. Now replace each word-state with the appropriate word model, yielding a bigger model in which
each state corresponds to a phone. Finally, replace each phone-state with the appropriate phone model,
yielding an even bigger model in which each state corresponds to a distribution of vector quantization

Some speech recognition systems complicate the picture by dealing with coarticulation effects at either
the word/word or phone/phone level. For example, we could use one phone model for [ow] when it
follows a [t] and a different model for [ow] when it follows a [g]. There are many trade-offs to be
made—a more complex model can handle subtle effects, but it will be harder to train. Regardless of
the details, we end up with one big HMM that can be used to computeP(words\signal).


Robots are physical agents that perform ROBOT tasks by manipulating the physical world. To do so
they are equipped with effectors such as legs, wheels, joints, and grippers Effectors have a single
purpose: to assert physical forces on the environment.
A robot is a re programmable multi-function manipulator designed to move material parts, tools or specialised
devices, through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. (Robotic Institute of
America, 1979)

Robotics is the engineering science and technology of robots, and their design, manufacture, application, and
structural disposition. It requires a working knowledge of electronics, mechanics, and software.

Classes of Robot
Most of physical robots fall into one of the three categories:
• Manipulators/robotic arms which are anchored to their workplace and built usually from sets of rigid links
connected by joints.

• Mobile robots which can move in their environment using wheels, legs, etc.

• Hybrid robots which include humanoid robots are mobile robots equipped with manipulators.

Robotics is a branch of engineering and science that includes electronics engineering, mechanical engineering and
computer science and so on. This branch deals with the design, construction, use to control robots, sensory
feedback and information processing. These are some technologies which will replace humans and human
activities in coming years.

There are some characteristics of robots given below:

 Appearance: Robots have a physical body. They are held by the structure of their body and are
moved by their mechanical parts. Without appearance, robots will be just a software program.
 Brain: Another name of brain in robots is On-board control unit. Using this robot receive
information and sends commands as output. With this control unit robot knows what to do else it’ll
be just a remote-controlled machine.
 Sensors: The use of these sensors in robots is to gather info from the outside world and send it to
Brain. Basically, these sensors have circuits in them that produces the voltage in them.
 Actuators: The robots move and the parts with the help of these robots move is called Actuators.
Some examples of actuators are motors, pumps, and compressor etc. The brain tells these actuators
when and how to respond or move.
 Program: Robots only works or responds to the instructions which are provided to them in the form
of a program. These programs only tell the brain when to perform which operation like when to

move, produce sounds etc. These programs only tell the robot how to use sensors data to make
 Behaviour: Robots behavior is decided by the program which has been built for it. Once the robot
starts making the movement, one can easily tell which kind of program is being installed inside the
The advantages of using robots are given below:
 They can get information that a human can’t get.
 They can perform tasks without any mistakes and very efficiently and fast.
 Maximum robots are automatic, so they can perform different tasks without needing human
 Robots are used in different factories to produce items like plane, car parts etc.
 They can be used for mining purposes and can be sent to earth’s nadris.


The disadvantages of using robots are given below:

 They need the power supply to keep going. People working in factories may lose their jobs as robots
can replace them.
 They need high maintenance to keep them working all day long. And the cost of maintaining the
robots can be expensive.
 They can store huge amount of data but they are not as efficient as our human brains.
 As we know that robots work on the program that has been installed in them. So other than the
program installed, robots can’t do anything different.
 The most important disadvantage is that if the program of robots comes in wrong hands they can
cause the huge amount of destruction.
There are some applications given below:
 Caterpillar plans which is aiming to develop remote-controlled machines and are expecting to
develop heavy robots by 2021.
 A robot can also do Herding task.
 Robots are increasingly been used more than humans in manufacturing while in auto-industry there
are more than half of the labors are “Robots”.
 Many of the robots are used as Military Robots.
 Robots have been used in cleaning up of areas like toxic waste or industrial wastes etc.
 Agricultural robots.
 Household robots.
 Domestic robots.

Robots are also equipped with sensors, which allow them to perceive their environment. Present day
robotics employs a diverse set of sensors, including cameras and lasers to measure the environment,
and gyroscopes and accelerometers to measure the robot’s own motion.
Manipulators, or robot arms are physically anchored to their workplace, for example in a factory
assembly line or on the International Space Station.

Mobile robot
Mobile robots move about their environment using wheels, legs, or similar mechanisms. They have
been put to use delivering food in hospitals, moving containers at loading docks, and similar tasks.
Unmanned ground vehicles, or UGVs, drive autonomously on streets, highways, and off-road. The
planetary rover explored Mars for a period of 3 months in 1997. Other types of mobile robots include
unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), commonly used for surveillance, crop-spraying,

Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are used in deep sea exploration. Mobile robots deliver
packages in the workplace and vacuum the floors at home.

The third type of robot combines mobility with manipulation, and is often called a mobile
manipulator. Humanoid robots mimic the human torso.

The field of robotics also includes prosthetic devices (artificial limbs, ears, and eyes for humans),
intelligent environments (such as an entire house that is equipped with sensors and effectors), and
multibody systems, wherein robotic action is achieved through swarms of small cooperating robots.
Real robots must cope with environments that are partially observable, stochastic, dynamic, and

Robotics brings together many of the concepts, including probabilistic state estimation, perception,
planning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Sensors are the perceptual interface between robot and environment.
Passive sensors, such as cameras, are true observers of the environment: they capture signals that are
generated by other sources in the environment.
Active sensors, such as sonar, send energy into the environment.

They rely on the fact that this energy is reflected back to the sensor. Active sensors tend to provide
more information than passive sensors, Range finders are sensors that measure the distance to nearby

Sonar sensors emit directional sound waves, which are reflected by objects, with some of the sound
making it back into the sensor. The time and intensity of the returning signal indicates the distance
to nearby objects.

Sonar is the technology of choice for autonomous underwater vehicles. Stereo vision relies on multiple
cameras to image the environment from slightly different viewpoints, analyzing the resulting parallax
in these images to compute the range of surrounding objects. For mobile ground robots, sonar and
stereo vision are now rarely used, because they are not reliably accurate.

Time of flight camera :Most ground robots are now equipped with optical range finders. Just like
sonar sensors, optical range sensors emit active signals (light) and measure the time until a reflection

Scanning lidars tend to provide longer ranges than time of flight cameras, and tend to perform better in
bright daylight.

End of range sensing are tactile sensors such as whiskers, bump panels, and touch-sensitive skin.
These sensors measure range based on physical contact, and can be deployed only for sensing objects
very close to the robot.
location sensors
Most location sensors use range sensing as a primary component to determine location. Outdoors, the
Global Positioning System (GPS) is the most common solution to the localization problem. GPS the
distance to satellites that emit pulsed signals. At present, there are 31 satellites in orbit, transmitting
signals on multiple frequencies. GPS receivers can recover the distance to these satellites by analyzing
phase shifts. By triangulating signals from multiple satellites, GPS receivers can determine their
absolute location on Earth to within a few meters.

Differential GPS involves a second ground receiver with known location, providing millimeter
accuracy under ideal conditions. Unfortunately, GPS does not work indoors or underwater.

Proprioceptive sensors, which inform the robot of its own motion. To measure the exact
configuration of a robotic joint, motors are often equipped with shaft decoders that count the
revolution of motors in small increments. On mobile robots, shaft decoders that report wheel
revolutions can be used for odometry—the measurement of distance traveled.

Inertial sensors, such as gyroscopes, rely on the resistance of mass to the change of velocity. They
can help reduce uncertainty.

Other important aspects of robot state are measured by force sensors and torque sensors. These are
indispensable when robots handle fragile objects or objects whose exact shape and location is
unknown. Imagine a one-ton robotic manipulator screwing in a light bulb. It would be all too easy to
apply too much force and break the bulb. Force sensors allow the robot to sense how hard it is gripping
the bulb, and torque sensors allow it to sense how hard it is turning. Good sensors can measure forces
in all three translational and three rotational directions. They do this at a frequency of several hundred
times a second, so that a robot can quickly detect unexpected forces and correct its actions before it
breaks a light bulb.

Effectors are the means by which robots move and change the shape of their bodies. To understand the
design of effectors, it will help to talk about motion and shape in the abstract, using the concept of a
degree of freedom (DOF)

 For nonrigid bodies, there are additional degrees of freedom within the robot itself.
 Robot joints also have one, two, or three degrees of freedom each.
 Six degrees of freedom are required to place an object, such as a hand, at a particular point in a
particular orientation.

the car has three effective degrees of freedom but two control DOF lable degrees of freedom.
Differential drive robots possess two independently actuated wheels (or tracks), one on each side, as
on a military tank.

Legs, unlike wheels, can handle rough terrain. However, legs are notoriously slow on flat surfaces, and
they are mechanically difficult to build.

A robot that can remain STABLE upright without moving its legs is called statically stable. A robot is
statically stable if its center of gravity is above the polygon spanned by its legs.

C omplete robot also needs a source of power to drive its effectors. The electric motor is the most
popular mechanism for both manipulator actuation and locomotion, but pneumatic actuation using
compressed gas and hydraulic actuation using pressurized fluids also have their application niches.


Perception is the process by which robots map sensor measurements into internal representations of the
environment. Perception is difficult because sensors are noisy, and the environment is partially
observable, unpredictable, and often dynamic.
The robot’s own past actions as observed variables in the model. Figure 25.7 shows the notation used
in this chapter: Xt is the state of the environment (including the robot) at time t, Zt is the observation
received at time t, and At is the action taken after the observation is received.

We would like to compute the new belief state, P(Xt+1 | z1:t+1, a1:t), from the current
belief state P(Xt | z1:t, a1:t−1) and the new observation zt+1.
we condition explicitly on the actions as well as the observations, and we deal with continuous rather
than discrete variables.

The probability P(Xt+1 | xt, at) : is the transition model or motion model, and
P(zt+1 | XMOTION MODEL t+1) : is the sensor model.

Localization and mapping

Localization is the problem of finding out where things are—including the robot itself. Knowledge
about where things are is at the core of any successful physical interaction with the environment. For
example, robot manipulators must know the location of objects they seek to manipulate; navigating
robots must know where they are to find their way around.

Machine learning in robot perception

Machine learning plays an important role in robot perception. One common approach is to map high
dimensional sensor streams into lower-dimensional spaces using unsupervised machine learning

Another machine learning technique enables robots to continuously adapt to broad changes in sensor
measurements. Adaptive perception techniques enable robots to adjust to such changes.
Methods that make robots collect their own training data (with labels!) are called selfsupervised. In
this instance, the robot SELF-SUPERVISED uses machine learning to leverage a short-range sensor
that works well for terrain classification into a sensor that can see much farther.


None of the robot motion-planning algorithms discussed thus far addresses a key characteristic of
robotics problems: uncertainty. In robotics, uncertainty arises from partial observability of the
environment and from the stochastic (or unmodeled) effects of the robot’s actions.

The field of robotics has adopted a range of techniques for accommodating uncertainty. If the robot
faces uncertainty only in its state transition, but its state is fully observable, the problem is best
modeled as a Markov decision process (MDP). The solution of an MDP is an optimal policy, which
tells the robot what to do in every possible state.

For example, the coastal navigation heuristic requires the robot to stay near known landmarks to
decrease its uncertainty. Another approach applies variants of the probabilistic roadmap planning
method to the belief space representation. Such methods tend to scale better to large discrete POMDPs.

Robust methods
Uncertainty can also be handled using so-called robust control methods rather than probabilistic
methods. A robust method is one that assumes a bounded amount of uncertainty in each aspect of a
problem, but does not assign probabilities to values within the allowed interval. A robust solution is
one that works no matter what actual values occur, provided they are within the assumed interval.

Fine-motion planning involves moving a robot arm in very close proximity to a static environment

A fine-motion plan consists of a series of guarded motions. The termination conditions are contact
with a surface. To model uncertainty in control, we assume that instead of moving in the commanded
direction, the robot’s actual motion lies in the cone Cv about it.

Dynamics and control

The transition model for a dynamic state representation includes the effect of forces on this rate of
change. the dynamic state has higher dimension than the kinematic space, and the curse of
dimensionality would render many motion planning algorithms inapplicable for all but the most simple
robots. For this reason, practical robot system often rely on simpler kinematic path planners.

A common technique to compensate for the limitations of kinematic plans is to use a CONTROLLER
separate mechanism, a controller, for keeping the robot on track.

Potential-field control
potential fields as an additional cost function in robot motion planning, but they can also be used for
generating robot motion directly, dispensing with the path planning phase altogether.

Define an attractive force that pulls the robot towards its goal configuration and a repellent potential
field that pushes the robot away from obstacles.
No planning was involved in generating the potential field
The potential field can be calculated efficiently for any given configuration. Moreover, optimizing the
potential amounts to calculating the gradient of the potential for the present robot configuration. These

calculations can be extremely efficient, especially when compared to path-planning algorithms, all of
which are exponential in the dimensionality of the configuration space (the DOFs) in the worst case.

Potential field control is great for local robot motion but sometimes we still need global planning.

Reactive control
control decisions that require some model of the environment for constructing either a reference path
or a potential field.
First, models that are sufficiently accurate are often difficult to obtain, especially in complex or remote
environments, such as the surface of Mars, or for robots that have few sensors. Second, even in cases
where we can devise a model with sufficient accuracy, computational difficulties and localization error
might render these techniques impractical.

A reflex agent architecture using reactive control is more appropriate

It is possible, nonetheless, to specify a controller directly without an explicit environmental model.

Variants of this simple feedback-driven controller have been found to generate remarkably robust
walking patterns, capable of maneuvering the robot over rugged terrain

Reinforcement learning control

One particularly exciting form of control is based on the policy search form of reinforcement
Learning. Policy search needs an accurate model of the domain before it can find a policy.

The controls are the manual controls of of the helicopter: throttle, pitch, elevator, aileron, and rudder.
All that remains is the resulting state—how are we going to define a model that accurately says how
the helicopter responds to each control? The answer is simple: Let an expert human pilot fly the
helicopter, and record the controls that the expert transmits over the radio and the state variables of the
helicopter. About four minutes of human-controlled flight suffices to build a predictive model that is
sufficiently accurate to simulate the vehicle.


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