Ganeshram IC
Ganeshram IC
Ganeshram IC
Table of Contents
What are Fundamental Rights
o Right to Equality (Articles 14-18)
o Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)
o Right against Exploitation (Articles 23-24)
o Right to freedom of religion (Articles 25-28)
o Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30)
What are Fundamental Duties
Enforcement of Fundamental Rights
How is the performance of Fundamental Duties ensured
Can one be punished if they do not perform their Fundamental Duties
Difference between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are Fundamental Rights absolute or qualified?
What is the difference between Fundamental Rights and Duties?
What is the relationship between Fundamental Rights and
Fundamental Duties?
The Indian Constitution is the supreme law of the country. It contains within
it the Fundamental Rights, Duties, Directive Principles, and Duties of the
government. It was drafted by the Constituent Assembly chaired by Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar in the year 1947, and it came into force on 26th January 1950.
Since then, there have been various amendments to the Constitution, among
which were the additions of Fundamental Duties by the 42nd and 86th
Constitutional Amendments. The existence of two “fundamentals” raises the
question as to what is the difference between the two? Are both legally
enforceable? What is the need of either of the two? In this article, we’ll
endeavour to answer these and a few other questions.
What are Fundamental Rights
As the name suggests, fundamental means something that is necessary in
order for something else to function. Thus, Fundamental Rights are basic
human rights that are available to the citizens of India irrespective of place of
birth, religion, or gender. They are the foundation of any democracy as it
enables the people living in a democratic society to achieve their potential
without fearing suppression. These rights ensure individual liberty. In India,
these rights are provided in Part III of the Indian Constitution, from Article
14 to Article 35. The Indian Constitution guarantees and protects these
Fundamental Rights. Let’s look at each one of these rights:
Right to Equality
Right to Freedom
Right against Exploitation
Right to Freedom of Religion
Culture and Educational Rights
Right to Constitutional Remedies
1. Article 16 (1) – This Article states that all citizens should be given
equal opportunity in matters of employment.
2. Article 16 (2) – This Article prohibits discrimination in matters of
employment provided by the State.
3. Article 16 (3) – This Article allows the parliament to make laws that
require residential requirements for public employment.
4. Article 16 (4) – This Article allows the parliament to make special
provisions for weaker sections of the society in matters related to
public employment.
5. Article 16 (5) – This Article permits the parliament to make laws that
require a person belonging to a particular religion to be appointed in an
institution of that religion.
Article 20 (1)- this Article provides that no person shall be punished for
acts that were not punishable at the time of commission.
Article 20 (2)- this Article states that a person cannot be prosecuted
and punished for the same offence more than once.
Article 20 (3)- this Article states that no person accused of a crime can
be compelled to be a witness against himself.
Article 21
Protection of life and personal liberty
This Article provides the right to life and personal liberty. No person can be
deprived of this right except according to the procedure established by law.
Article 22
Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
Article 23
Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour
This Article prohibits human trafficking and any kind of forced labour.
Article 24
Prohibition of employment of children
This Article ensures freedom of religion for every citizen of the country.
Article 26
Freedom to manage religious affairs
This Article gives every religious order the right to establish and maintain
religious institutions and manage their affairs.
Article 27
Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular
This Article provides that no taxes shall be imposed by the state for the
promotion and maintenance of a particular religion.
Article 28
Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious
worship in certain educational institutions
This Article provides that a community of people has the right to conserve
their language, script, or culture.
Article 30
Right of minorities to establish and administer educational
Article 32
This Article guarantees remedies in cases of violation of the fundamental
rights of citizens. This permits citizens to approach the Supreme Court if their
fundamental rights are violated.
At first, there were 10 Fundamental Duties that were added by the 42nd
Amendment, and later on, one more was added by the 86th Amendment.
The 11 Fundamental Duties are as follows:
1. To abide by the Constitution and respect the Indian flag and the
National Anthem.
2. To follow the ideas that inspired the freedom struggle.
3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India.
4. To defend the country and serve the nation when called upon.
5. To promote harmony and brotherhood among the people of India; to
renounce derogatory practices that demean women.
6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our culture.
7. To protect and improve the natural environment and have compassion
for living creatures.
8. To develop scientific temper, humanism, and spirit of inquiry.
9. To protect public property.
10. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective
11. To provide educational opportunities to children between 6-14 years of
age and the duty of parents to ensure the same.
Enforcement of Fundamental Rights
We have seen that there are certain fundamental rights available to the
citizens of this country. Now the question that arises is how are these rights
enforced? What gives these rights the power to eclipse a proposed law?
To ensure the performance of the duty given in Article 51A (g), which
is the duty to protect the environment, the Supreme Court held that it
is the duty of the government to take steps to make this provision
effective. It also issued some directions to the government:
Basic human rights are available to every Moral obligation of the citizens towards
Definition citizen, irrespective of race, place of birth, the country to protect the sovereignty,
religion, caste, creed, or gender. unity, and integrity of the country.
Part of
Present in Part III of the Constitution. Present in Part IV A of the Constitution.
Nature Political and Social in nature. Political, Social, and economic in nature.