Master Test Plan

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Version <1.0>

1.1 Description of the system to be tested

1.2 Objectives of the test plan

1.3 Methods of testing


2.1 Schedule for each of the testing

2.2 Criteria for passing test


3.1 Hardware requirements

3.2 Software requirements

3.3 Personnel


4.1 Test Initialization

4.2 Test Execution

4.3 Test Failure

4.4 Document Control

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Description of the system to be tested
The system that will be tested is Inventory Management System. The system is
made for EazyGo KPMB. Below are the items of the system.

a. Function
- Maintain Item Information
- Maintain Item Transaction
- Maintain Supplier Information
- Generate Weekly Inventory Transaction Report

b. Input
- User Information
- Item Information
- Item Transaction
- Supplier Information
c. Output
- Weekly Inventory Transaction Report
- Stock Balance Form

d. Data
- UserID
- Password
- ItemCode
- ItemName
- ItemQuantity
- ItemType
- SupplierID
- SupplierName
- SupplierCompanyName
- SupplierDateOfArrival
- TransactionNo
- StockQuantity
- StockOutQuantity
- StockBalance
- StockDateOfArrival
1.2 Objectives of the test plan
a. To provide a guideline for the personnel on how to conduct a proper
testing to ensure the system are error free and with working functions
This test plan will provide a step by step procedure on how to perform a test
with the available method of testing within the scheduled time for each
testing. This can ensure that the system has go a process of a completed and
thorough testing phase.

b. To provide guideline for the development team on how to handle

changes of the system after performing tests which impacted on how
the system performs.
This test plan will provide a necessary change for the system to be
implemented by the development team with data collected during the testing
of the system.

1.3 Methods of testing

a. Black box Testing
Black box testing is a testing technique in which functionality of the
Application Under Test (AUT) is tested without looking at the internal code
structure, implementation details and knowledge of internal paths of the
software. This type of testing is based entirely on software requirement and
specifications. In Blackbox testing, the focus is on inputs and output of the
software system without bothering about internal knowledge of the software

b. Functional Testing
Functional testing is a testing technique whereby the system is tested against
the functional requirement or specifications. The features or functions of the
system are tested by feeding them input and examining the output. Functional
testing ensures that the requirement is properly satisfied by the application.
This type of testing is mostly concerned about the results of the processing. It
simulates actual system usage but does not make any system structure
2.0 Overall Plan
2.1 Schedule for each of the testing

Date Activities Responsible Location

3/4/2020 Conducting testing on Access System Tester Office
3/4/2020 Conducting testing on Login System Tester Office
3/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Staff System Tester Office
Main Menu Form
3/4/2020 Conducting Testing on System Tester Office
Manager Main Menu Form
4/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Item System Tester Office
Information Main Menu Form
4/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Item System Tester Office
Transaction Main Menu Form
4/4/2020 Conducting Testing on System Tester Office
Supplier Main Menu Form
5/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Add System Tester Office
Item Information Form
5/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Delete System Tester Office
Item Information Form
5/4/2020 Conducting Testing on System Tester Office
Update Item Information
6/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Add System Tester Office
Item Transaction Form
6/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Delete System Tester Office
Item Transaction Form
6/4/2020 Conducting Testing on System Tester Office
Update Item Transaction
7/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Add System Tester Office
Supplier Information Form
7/4/2020 Conducting Testing on Delete System Tester Office
Supplier Information Form
7/4/2020 Conducting Testing on System Tester Office
Update Supplier Information
8/4/2020 Conducting Testing on System Tester Office
Inventory Transaction Report
8/4/2020 Conducting Testing on System Tester Office
Access Database Loading

2.2 Criteria for passing test

a. All the spelling and grammar of the text boxes and command buttons have
been checked corrected and fixed if necessary
b. All the command buttons are working correctly and function]
c. All the field are at the right place
d. All pop ups buttons are correctly displayed
e. All the test cased for unit test need to be fixed and closed
3.0 Testing Requirement
3.1 Hardware requirement
- Minimum Hardware Requirement

Items Minimum Requirements

Processor AMD Ryzen 3 2500U 2.1GHZ or better
RAM 8GB DDR4 RAM or better
Storage 1TB HDD Hard Disk or better
Graphics Card AMD Radeon VEGA 3 or better
Peripherals Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit or better

- Recommended Hardware Requirement

Items Recommended Requirements

Processor AMD Ryzen 5 2500U 2.1GHZ or better
RAM 8GB DDR4 RAM or better
Storage 1TB HDD Hard Disk or better
Graphics Card AMD Radeon VEGA 5 or better
Peripherals Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit or better

3.2 Software requirement

Items Requirement
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit
IDE/Text Editor Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
Database App Microsoft Excel 2019

3.3 Personnel

Personnel Name Position Types of Testing

Amin Abdullah System Analyst Blackbox testing
Razik Rahimi System Analyst Blackbox testing
Nur Amira Shamsul System Tester Functional Testing
Hannani Murfiqah System Tester Functional Testing
4.0 Procedure Control
4.1 Test Initial
a. Level of testing
In the normal testing process, there will be two major levels of testing phase
that is Blackbox testing and Functional Testing. The testing will be conducted
by the test team. The responsible people for the testing are:
- Amin Abdullah
- Razik Rahimi
- Nur Amira Shamsul
- Hannani Murfiqah

b. Role and responsibilities

In any testing project, the project manager, the lead testers will be the one
who manage the testing phase. Most of the responsibilities is to help conduct
the test phase.

c. Test bed requirement

- Hardware requirement

Items Minimum Requirements

Processor AMD Ryzen 3 2500U 2.1GHZ or better
RAM 8GB DDR4 RAM or better
Storage 1TB HDD Hard Disk or better
Graphics Card AMD Radeon VEGA 3 or better
Peripherals Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit or better

- Operating System
 Microsoft Windows 10 Home Edition

- Supporting software
 MS Access 2019
 MS Visual Studio
d. Test Priorities
In the testing, the test is prioritizing on the test cases. The team executes the
high priority test case first, to ensure the higher or more prone bug to be fixed

e. Test Closure
After the testing has been conducted, the documents of the testing phase will
be analyzed thoroughly and be shared with the customer if any improvement
need to be added.

4.2 Test Execution

Factors that are to be considered for a test execution process
- The selected subset of test suite will be executed for this cycle
- The test case will be assigning for each test suite for execution
- The test will be executed, bugs will be reported, and test status will be
- Daily report status adjust assignment and considering plans and priorities.

4.3 Test Failure

- The main role of the QA team to make sure that the software is ready to
- Fixing problem that are discovered during testing is usually developers’

4.4 Access/Change Control

- Change control is a general term describing the process of managing how
changes are introduced into a controlled system. Change controls
demonstrate to regulatory authorities that validate system remain under
control during and after system changes.
- Request the change
 The system owner formally requests a change to the system

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