CV Sathyan
CV Sathyan
CV Sathyan
Ph.D in Astro-Physics Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
2012 - 2018
Thesis title : “Diffuse ultra-violet observations near Taurus Molecular Cloud with GALEX data”.
Supervisors: Prof. Jayant Murthy, Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bengaluru, India & Prof. Narayanankutty Karuppath,
Department of Physics, Amritapuri campus, Amrita Vishwva Vidyapeetham, India.
Assistant Professor The Cochin College, Cochin, India
June. 2019 - Present
Assistant Professor of Physics in the department of Physics, The Cochin College, Cochin-682002 (Govt Aided college affiliated
to MG University, Kerala), since 6th June 2019.
International journals
“Dust scattering from the Taurus Molecular Cloud” published in Monthly Notices of the Royal
2017 M.N.R.A.S
Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 3, p.3199-3205 ,
“Diffuse GALEX Observations Near MBM 12: Preliminary Results” published in International
2018 IJPAM
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 120, Issue 6, p. 6415-6424,
“Dust-reddening studies near the Taurus molecular cloud” published in International Journal
2019 IJEAT
of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue-2S2,
Conference presentations
“Modeling the Dust Scattered Radiation Near the Taurus Region” in the conference “From
2022 Sweden
Stars to Galaxies II” at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden,
“Dust reddening in the Taurus molecular cloud and modeling dust-scattered radiation” in the
2018 14th Rencontres du Vietnam: Cosmic Cycle-2018 conference at International Centre for Viet Nam
Interdisciplinary Science Education (ICISE) in the city of Quy Nhon, Central Vietnam,
“Dust Reddening studies in the Taurus region” in the 10th COSMIC DUST conference at
2017 Japan
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka Campus, Tokyo,
“Diffuse GALEX observations near Taurus Cloud” in the international symposium on UV SKY
2017 Israel
SURVEYS: THE NEEDS & MEANS’ at Tel-Aviv university, Tel Aviv,
“Diffuse Ultraviolet Radiation near Taurus Molecular Cloud” in the 13th Asia Pacific Regional
2017 Taiwan
IAU Meeting (APRIM) at Taipei international convention center, Taipei,
“Diffuse Ultra-Violet Radiation from Taurus Molecular Cloud” in the 34th Meeting of the
2016 India
Astronomical Society of India (ASI) at university of Kashmir at Srinagar,
Events participation
2017 Workshop on Astrosat data analysis, IUCAA, Pune
2017 10th COSMIC-DUST conference, Tokyo, Japan
2017 Intenational symposium on UV sky-surveys, Tel-Aviv, Israel
2017 13th Asia-Pacific regional IAU meeting, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Refresher course in Astronomy & Astrophysics, IUCAA, Pune
2017 Workshop on Data Intensive Science, IUCAA, Pune
2016 34th meeting of Astronomical Society of India, Kashmir, India
2016 International School for Young Astronomers, Tehran, Iran
2015 CLOUDY workshop, IUCAA, Pune
2014 Workshop on Python programming in Astronomy, IUCAA, Pune
2014 Workshop on Galaxies & Cosmology, NCRA-TIFR, Pune
2013 Workshop on Astronomy research, Thiruvalla, Kerala
2013 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress, Kottayam, Kerala
2012 Workshop on Advanced data analysis techniques in Astrophysics, Calicut, Kerala
2012 Winter school on Astronomical & Cosmological surveys, TIFR, Mumbai
Computer literacy
Communication skills
National Cadet Corpse (NCC) 29&30 Kerala Battalion
1998-2000; 2002-2005
• C certificate with B grade
• B certificate with A grade
I hereby declare that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any
of the above information is found incorrect my candidature/application is liable to be cancelled/terminated.