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Journal of Signal Processing

Volume 6 Issue 1

ARDUINO based Accident Indication and

Message Alert System
Sushmitha B K1, Sree Samanvitha M Vadhoolas1, Tejashwini M1, Swathi P R1, Payal
UG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of
Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of
Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Corresponding Author Increment in population is the significant purpose
E-mail Id: payal-ece@dsu.edu.in behind quick development of innovation and vehicles,
which is additionally liable for some number of mishaps
DOI: in this quick moving world. Numerous passing is caused
because of absence of crisis administrations. Along
these lines, in this undertaking we intend to give crisis
Cite as: administrations to the individual who meet with a
mishap as quickly as time permits. At the point when a
vehicle meets with a mishap, promptly the accelerometer
sends varieties to the Arduino and subsequently the
Arduino sends the alarm message through the GSM
MODULE, including the area which is distinguished by
GPS MODULE to recently spared crisis contacts. In the
event that the mishap is not serious, at that point the
alarm message can be ended by the driver by a key gave.
This paper points in giving crisis benefits as quickly as
time permits for future extension, we include numerous
applications like liquor recognition and rest discovery
and so forth.

Keywords: Arduino, accelerometer, GPS, GSM

INTRODUCTION Reports from Autocarpro express, that on

Quick development in populace has regular routine street mishaps have taken
expanded the interest of vehicles, in this 405 lives and harmed 1020 individuals in
occupied and quick moving life mishaps 2017 [3]. On yearly premise, 1.5 lakh
may happen anytime of time. Numerous individuals are seen to have passed on in
individuals lose their life in mishaps mishaps by a study directed by WHO [4].
because of the absence of medical aid or There have been circumstances where
crisis administrations. In India, mishaps delay in crisis administrations have
are the significant wellspring of death just additionally caused passings [5]. Since
as wounds [1]. As per the National Crime anticipation of mishaps is not in our grasp,
Records Bureau 2016 report, there were we expect to give crisis benefits as quickly
496,762 streets, railroads and rail line as time permits through our task. In this
crossing-related car crashes in 2015 [2]. task we intend to follow the vehicle, so at

5 Page 5-12 © MAT Journals 2020. All Rights Reserved

any place the mishap happens, since the COMPONENTS USED FOR THE
vehicle is under following, promptly the SYSTEM
spot of mishap can be followed and sent to Arduino UNO
crisis contacts in a couple of moments Arduino is fundamentally an open source
seconds so that the closest medical clinic stage utilized from building electronic
can arrive at the spot as quickly as time ventures (Fig. 1). UNO is the most well-
permits and spare the life of the individual. known board utilized [6]. It chips away at
On the off chance that the mishap is not 5V supply at 16MHz clock speed and the
extreme, we give a key which lets the processor is ATMega328. ATMega328 is
driver end the framework, with the goal a 8-piece AVR RISC-based
that the message has not been sent microcontroller which has 32KB glimmer
consequently helping in sparing the hour memory, 1KB EEPROM, 2KB SRAM, 23
of rescue vehicle. The message is sent GPIOs, 32 universally useful registers,
through GSM MODULE and the area is three adaptable clock/counters with look at
followed by GPS module. The mishap is modes, inner and outer intrudes on,
recognized with the assistance of sequential programmable USART, a byte-
accelerometer sensor. The accelerometer is arranged 2-wire sequential interface, SPI
utilized as an accident or rollover identifier sequential port, 6-channel 10-piece A/D
of the vehicle during and after an accident. converter (8-diverts in TQFP and
With signals from an accelerometer, a QFN/MLF bundles), programmable guard
seriousness of the mishap can be dog clock with inward oscillator and five
perceived. This venture gives answer for programming selectable force sparing
some serious issues. Vehicle following modes. Arduino IDE is a product used to
framework furnishes security to vehicles type the code and transfer it on to the load
and furthermore with the assistance of up (Fig. 2). Arduino board can be
GPS an individual can follow his vehicle controlled in two different ways. One,
and discover the vehicle development and utilizing the USB link from the PC and
its past exercises. Mishap ready two, from the AC mains utilizing the force
framework primarily means to spare the barrel jack. The board has a voltage
valuable existence to the individuals. The controller for giving balanced out DC
gear is little and can be fit into any vehicle voltages to all components. It has a
effectively. Taken vehicle recuperation precious stone oscillator to give the
will be simpler since we are following the 16MHz clock recurrence, a reset catch to
vehicle. A basic framework can be utilized reset the framework, a 3.3V and a 5V yield
for different purposes. supply pins and a ground pin.

Figure 1: Arduino UNO board.

Arduino UNO has six simple pins for and 1 is UART pin. Arduino UNO board
perusing information from simple sensors additionally comprises if the Tx and Rx
and to change over it to computerized LEDs and force LEDs. It gives a standard
structure for comprehensibility of the structure factor that breaks the elements of
microcontroller. It has 14 computerized the smaller scale controller into an
I/O sticks in which 6 are PWM age pins increasingly available bundle.

Figure 2: Arduino IDE.

GPS MODULE gets data signals from GPS satellites and

Global positioning system (GPS) is a figures its good ways from satellites. This
satellite-based framework that utilizes is finished by estimating the time required
satellites and ground to quantify and for the sign to make a trip from satellite to
registers its situation on earth (Fig. 3). GPS the beneficiary.

Figure 3: GPS Module.

GPS beneficiary module gives yield in Association) NMEA string design.

standard (National Marine Electronics It
furnishes yield sequentially on Tx pin with
default 9600 Baud rate. This NMEA string
yields from GPS recipient contains various
parameters isolated by commas like
longitude, scope, elevation, time and so
forth. Each string starts with '$' and closes
with carriage return/line feed arrangement.

GSM module or a GPRS module is a chip
or circuit that is utilized to set up
correspondence between a cell phone or a
registering machine and a GSM or GPRS
framework (Fig. 4). A GSM modem can
be a devoted modem gadget with a
sequential, USB or Bluetooth connection, Figure 4: GSM Module.
or it can be tending to be a cell phone that
gives GSM modem abilities. It needs AT ACCELEROMETER
directions, for collaborating with processor Accelerometer (when all is said and done)
or controller, which are imparted through is an electromechanical gadget that
sequential correspondence. estimates the quickening powers. These
1. These directions are sent be the powers can be dynamic like any vibrations
controller/processor. to the accelerometer or static like the
2. The MODEM sends back an outcome consistent power following up on the body
after it gets an order. because of gravity. Accelerometer works
3. Different AT directions upheld by the in various manners. One such route is by
MODEM can be sent by the utilizing piezoelectric impact this contains
processor/controller/PC to a gem like infinitesimal structures which
communicate with the GSM and GPRS produces voltages when the accelerative
cell arrangements. powers follow up on it.

Figure 5: ADXL355 Accelerometer.

The other method for working is by the

utilizing capacitance sensor. This detects
any adjustments in the capacitance if the
microstructure is put beside the gadget. In
event that if there is any development of
these structures because of accelerative
powers, at that point the capacitance will be
meant to the voltage by the accelerometer.
(Fig. 6 (a).
Figure 6 (a): Capacitive accelerometer.

The ADXL335 (Fig. 5) gives total 3-pivot hardware. As in Fig. 6 (b), speeding up
speeding up estimation. This module avoids the moving mass and unbalances
estimates increasing speed inside range the differential capacitor which brings
±3g in the x, y and z pivot. The yield about a sensor yield voltage plentifulness
signals are simple voltages which are that is relative to the increasing speed.
relative to the increasing speed. It contains Stage delicate demodulation procedures
a poly-silicon surface-small scale are then used to decide the size and
machined sensor and sign moulding bearing of the increasing speed.

Figure 6 (b): Working of accelerometer.

LCD DISPLAY In contrast to CRTs and LCDs permit

Liquid crystal display (Fig. 7) is one of the presentations to be a lot slenderer. As
advancements normally utilized as screens opposed to discharging light, they use
in screens, telephones, workstations and so backdrop illumination to create pictures in
forth. It is a mix of two conditions of issue, shading or monochrome. An LCD contains
strong and fluid. LCD utilizes fluid gem to backdrop illumination which gives lights
show an obvious picture. to the pixels. It has red, blue and green sub
pixel which can be turned on or off
utilizing pixels. The presentation seems
dark when every one of the pixels and sub
pixels gets off and it seems white when all
the sub pixels are turned on. The backdrop
illumination in the fluid precious stone
Figure 7: 16x2 LCD display. showcase spellbinds the light by sending
just 50% of the light through the layers. By
applying voltages, the strong and fluid accelerometer, GPS and the GSM module.
parts in the presentation can be curved. Co-ordinates identified utilizing GPS
This aids in actuating and deactivating the module and the GSM module for sending
lights of the showcase. messages (SMS). The LCD show is
utilized for showing the status of the
IMPLEMENTATION AND WORKING framework and even the co-ordinates. Fig.
The Arduino UNO board is utilized for 8 shows the square graph of the
controlling the total system with the framework.

Figure 8: Block diagram of accident indication and message alert system.

This system is basically used for ACCIDENT DETECTION

performing two operations, i.e., Vehicle The extra part of the mishap identification
Tracking and Accident detection. activity is the accelerometer. The
accelerometer recognizes the mishap on
VEHICLE TRACKING premise of the adjustment in the pivot of
On fuelling up the framework and development. In this way at whatever point
establishment in the vehicle to be there is a mishap, the tilt in the vehicle is
followed, a SMS is to be sent: "Track the utilized to change the hub estimations of
vehicle" to the framework set in the the accelerometer. This adjustment in
vehicle. For appropriate ID of the string pivot esteems is perused by the Arduino
the prefix (#) or the postfix (*) can be and the qualities are contrasted and the
utilized. ("#Track the vehicle*"). The SMS edge esteems. When the variety is
that is sent is gotten by the GSM module distinguished, the Arduino peruses the co-
and it sends the information to the Arduino ordinates utilizing the $GPGGA string
and henceforth the SMS is perused and from GPS module information and the
removed by the Arduino on examination framework checks for the terminate key
with the pre-characterized message. On status. In the event that the driver can press
coordinating with the pre-characterized the end key, the co-ordinates removed are
message Arduino peruses the co-ordinates disposed of and the framework is reset.
utilizing the GPS module by extricating Else, the extricated co-ordinates are sent to
the $GPGGA string. When the co- the crisis contacts like police, rescue
ordinates are gotten, they are sent to the vehicle, family and so on. These co-
client utilizing the GSM module. ordinates can be utilized to find the mishap
Henceforth the vehicle is followed. area and henceforth crisis administrations
can be effectively given.
The status messages of the framework like proper emergency service when an
"Prepared", "CALLIBERATING", accident has occurred. The automatic
"Introducing", "Instated location and accident detection will
SUCCESSFULLY", "Hanging tight FOR provide safety and security to the vehicles.
GPS" and "PLEASE WAIT" are imprinted It can also be used for location tracking
on the LCD show. Additionally, the speed when the vehicle is stolen. It can also
of the vehicle is likewise shown on the collaborate with alcohol detection and
LCD. On Arduino Serial Monitor, this sleep detection for future scope.
information is printed alongside the scope
and longitude esteems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Hence the system is used for vehicle The authors would like to acknowledge
tracking by sending a message and their Dean Dr. A. Srinivas, Dayananda
accident detection. Sagar University, Bangalore, for his
valuable guidance. They would also like to
APPLICATIONS thank to Dr. Vaibhav A. M, Head,
1. Stolen vehicle recovery without extra Department of Electronics and
cost. Communication Engineering for his co-
2. Providing faster emergency services. operation and support.
3. Tracking of trucks carrying valuable
4. Home delivery and food delivery status 1. National Crime Records
tracking. Bureau (NCRB) (2016), “Traffic
5. Vehicle security and smooth fleet accidents in India”, [Online] Available
management. from:
FUTURE SCOPE _accidents_in_India.
This framework can be additionally 2. “Traffic accidents-Accidental Deaths
created to distinguish the liquor levels of and Suicides in India (2015)”,
the driver. A sign on the measure of liquor [Online] Available from:
expended can be sent to family/crisis http://ncrb.gov.in/StatPublications/AD
numbers to ensure the driver is not driving SI/ADSI2015/chapter-
while he is drunk. Another expansion to 1A%20traffic%20accidents.pdf.
this framework can be rest level 3. Nilesh Wadhwa (2017), “Road
recognition. This can be utilized to show accidents in india claimed 405 lives,
the sluggishness and the rest level of the injured 1,290 each day in 2017”,
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strategic distance from further causalities. claimed-405-lives--injured-1-290-
CONCLUSION 4. WHO Survey, [Online] Available
To give the on-time crisis administrations from:
we have structured a framework utilizing https://www.drivespark.com/four-
GSM and GPS modules which track the wheelers/2018/road-accidents-india-
area of the client and sends the alarm survey-who-deaths-1-5-lakh-
messages to the crisis contacts separately 027027.html.
and furthermore to identify the mishap 5. H Brodsky (1992), “Delay in
accelerometer is utilized. The main aim of ambulance dispatch”, Am. J. Public
this paper is to save lives by providing Health, Volume 82, Issue 6, pp. 873–
875, DOI: 10.2105/ajph.82.6.873. Electronics, [Online] Available from:
6. Robin Mitchell (2018), “A Comparison https://maker.pro/arduino/tutorial/a-
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