IS 4771 (1985) - Abrasion-Resistant Iron Castings
IS 4771 (1985) - Abrasion-Resistant Iron Castings
IS 4771 (1985) - Abrasion-Resistant Iron Castings
Indian Standard
( Second Revision 1
First Reprint JULY 1991
Q Copyrfght 1986
Gr 3 Jdy 1986
IS :4771- 1985
Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
Pig Iron and Cast Iron Sectional Committee, SMDC 9
Chumnqn Representing
SHRI B. G. SAsTRY Ductron Castings Ltd, Hyderabad
SHRI M. S. DALVI ( Alternate to
Shri B. G. Sastry )
SHSI P. K. ARORA Mechanical Engineering Research & Development
Organization ( CMERI ), Ludhiana
!&RI R. K. BA~ERJEE Indian Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Burnpur
SHRI R. DAYAL (Altern&)
SHRI K. B. D. BPZRIAH Visvesvarya Iron & Steel Ltd, Bhadravati
SHRI B. S. UMAPATEY ( Allcrnate )
SHRI A. M. BIEWAS National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI K. L. BARVI ( Alfernate )
PROF .A.K. CHAKBABORTY Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
SHRI S. CHANDRA Indian Register of Shipping, Bombay
SRRI H. K. TANEJA ( Alternate )
CHEMIST & METALLURGIST, E.As- Ministry of Railways
SHRI P. P. CROPRA Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd, Bangalore
SHRI P. RAMPRASAD ( Alter&e 11 ) I
SHRI A. SHANTARAU ( Alternate IV )
SHRI S. H. COMYISSARIAT Mercury Iron & Steel Co, Bombay
SHRI B. K. DUTTA Iron 82 Steel Control, Calcutta
SHRI S. Y. GHORPADE Sandur Manganese & Iron Ores Ltd, Mysore
&ax K. N. KINKAX Institute of Indian Foundrymen, Calcutta
SHRI B. P. Snva~ ( Alternate )
SARI V. B. KEANNA Djrectorate General of Supplies & Disposals ( Ins-
pection Wing ), New D&hi
SHRI T. N. UBOVEJA ( Ahrnata )
SHBI B. V. Ln Electrosteel Castings Ltd, Calcutta
SH~I S. B. .%NQTJ~TA( Ahmats )
( C&nud on paga 2 )
@ f&vi& 1986
Thii publication is protected under the Indiun Co&ri&f Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and .* i
reproductionin whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publiier shall be deamd to be an intrigement of copyright under the said Act. ),
IS I 4771 - 1985
( Conhued from
pap1 )
&ficmbetJ i?@riscniing
SHRIM.h'fOHAN Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd ( Foundry
Forge Plant ), Ranchi
SIIHI I. ALI ( Alfcrnals)
DR P. S. PATTIBAL Tata Engineering & Locomotive Co Ltd, Jamshedpur
SH~I U. M. NAIXAR ( ANcrnafc )
Da G. RAI Steel Authority of India Ltd ( Bhilai Steel Plant ),
’ Bhilai
SIIRI M. M. RAJU New Standard Engineering Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI P. M. MUKIIERJEE ( Altcrnnfe 1
SHRI S. V. RAJWADE Steel Authority of India Ltd ( Bhilai Steel Plant ),
Saar R. R. SARIN ( Alternak )
SHRI C. P. RAMAMURTRY Shah Malleable Caatinga Ltd. Bombay
SHRI D. VASUDEVA RAN Ennore Foundries Ltd, Madras
P.___ D
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_bBT”U‘ Steel cau,r.",rL,
A...,.,.,:,., ,d- T..saL
V. II&Uaa
b&& I *.""saF..a
\ la,...-Lair "..zV.
Plant ), Roulbta
SHRI S. CHOWBEY ( Alternate)
REPRESENTATIVE Miniatrr of Railways
REPREYENTATIVII Bhagwati Spherocast Ltd., Hyderabad
REPREB~NTATIVE Development CornmissIoner ( Small Scale In-
dustries ), New Delhi
REPRESENTATIVE Maruti Udyog Ltd, Gurgaon
SH~I A. K. SAHA Bokaro Steel Plant, Bokaro
SIIRI B. P. SINQH ( Aftermale )
SHRI u. SEN Directorate General of Technical Developnrent,
New Delhi
SHRI K.R. SENCWPTA Joint Plant Committee, Calcutta
SERI P. J. SHENOY Kesoram Spun Piper 81 Foundriea, Calcutta
SBSI S. C. NARSABIA ( Alfwttefc I
SHUI I. s. P. SIIIIEY Tata Iron 6 Steel Co Ltd, Jarnalntdpur
SHRI M. P. SINIXi Ministry of Defence ( DGOF )
SRRI R. It. SINHA Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd, Sindri
SARI P. S. N. Svaoarm Walchandnagar Indwtry Ltd, Satara
SHRI S. THIA~HARAJAN Southern Alloy Foundries Pvt Ltd, Madras
DR S. K. TIWARY National Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR ),
SHRI V. N. UPADRAYA Fed?:&,;! Engineering Indmtrier of India,
SHRI H. L. BHARDWAJ ( Ahrnatr )
DR G. VENKATARX~AN Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
SHRI A. K. MITTAL ( Al&n& )
SHRI K. RAOIIAVENDRAN, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-o&i0 M~u )
Director ( Strut & Met )
Joint Director ( Metals ), ISI
( Contintud es m# 10 )
IS r-4771- 1985
Indian S&m&d
( Second RevisionJ
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revis ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 26 December 198
iang,after the draft finalized by
the Pig Iron and Cast Iron Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Structural and Metals Division Council.
0.2 This standard. was first published in 1968 and revised in 1972.
As a result of further experience gained during these years, the
standard has been revised again incorporating provisions in regard to
&chemical analysis and making the hardness values mandatory.
0.3 Iron castings included in this standard have good resistance to both
low- and high-stress abrasion in the application of mining, millin& earth
moving and manufacturing industries. These iron castings are expected
to have a microstructure of carbides in a metrix of martensite, bainits
and austenite and essentially free from. pearlite. They are expected
to be free’from graphite except where its presen’ce is intentionally desired
for specific applications.
0.3.1 Attempts are being made to develop commercially nickel and
molybdenum-free abrasion-resistant iron castings which may be included
in this standard at a later date.
0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accord-
ance with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places re\Eainedin the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
1.1 This standard covers the requirements of abrasion-resistant iron
*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( rcuissd ).
IS t 4771 - 1385
1.2 Iron castings consisting essentially of iron carbide and pearlite are
excluded from this standard irrespective of alloy content.
2.1 Abrasion-resistant iron castings shall be of the following grades:
N~TB~ -These types are further designated by two digits to represent mean
arbon content of the range and three digits to represent the minimum Brine11 Hard-
naa, the example, NiLCr 30/500 means a low-chromium grade with carbon in the
range 29-3.3 percent and having a minimum Brine11 Hardness of 500 HBW.
3.1 General requirements relating to the supply of abrasion-resistant iron
castings shall be as laid down in IS : 1387-1967*.
4.1 The castings shall be made by any suitable melting process.
5.3 The chemical composition of the metal for different grades of abra-
sion-resistant iron castings shall be as given in Table 1.
6.1 Chemical analysis for the determination of various constituents in
casting shall be done in accordance with IS : 228-1959t.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
:ssto 0.3 to
83 to
03 to
83 to
“d:‘9’” 89
0.4 to 1.5 Mar 1.5 Me*
Chromium 1’5 to I’5 10 8-oto 8.0 to 7.5 to 146 to 140 to 240 to 240 to
2’5 2’5 180 180 95 180 180 280 280
Molybdenum od Max V5M8# 85 Max 85 Max 05Max 2.5 to 2’5 to 86 Max 86 Max
3.5 3’5
Sulphur, Max 0.15 815 0’15 815 815 0.15 8.1: 815 615
NOTE 1 - For Types la.and lb, low-nickel, high-silicon and low-chromium contents are preferred for the smaller
sections. High-nickel, low-silicon and high-chromium con’~nts are preferred for the heavier sections.
NOTE2 - Toughness and resistance to repeated shock increase as carbon content decreams.
NOTE3 - Resistance to abrasive wear increases as carbon content increases.
IS : 4771.1985
9.5 When specified by the purchaser, the manufacturer shall harden the
castings of Type 2 and 3 by heating to a suitable temperature for a
minimum of 1 h/250 mm of section thickness, but in no case for less than
1 hour, followed by air cooling. The austenitizing temperature for this
hardening treatment shall be between 950 and 1 OlO’C for the Type 2
irons and between 980 and 1 120°C for Type 3 irons. The same
procedure may also be used for hardening annealed and machined
9.6 Both annealing and hardening treatments shall not be specified for
castings of Type 2 and Type 3 grades. If annealing is specified for these
grades, it is expected that the purchaser will carry out both machining
and hardening operations.
10.1 The material shall conform to the requirements stipulated in
Table 2.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (81 (9) (‘?a
Sand-cast 500 550 500 550 600 500 500 400 400
Hardened - - - - 600 550 550 550
Annealed - - - - - 380 380 - _380
I&x &f#?#x Maw
\NOTE - Minimum hardness values up to 50 Brine11 pointr lower than those speci-
fied in thir table shall be permitted in castings with section thickness greater than
125 mm.
‘Method for Brine11 hardness test for metallic materials ( sdwlJ r&ion ).
*Method for statistical quality control during production:
Part 1 Control charts for variables (jrst nuGoa ).
Part 2 Control charts for attributes and count of defects ( jbst mkiea ).
IS : 4771- 1985
tests done at the place of manufacture along with the material supplied
may be made available, to enable the purchaser to judge its accept-
11.2 Sampling for Chemical Analysis - Chemical analysis shall be
carried out either on finished casting or test bar representing each melt.
In the case of continuous melting, samples shall be provided at the rate
of one sample per hour of production.
11.3 Sampling for Hardness Test - If specified by the purchaser,
test shall be carried out either on finished casting or test bar representing
each heat-treatment batch; at least one test shall be carried out from each
meit in case the castings from two or more meits are heat-ireated in one
batch. ‘In the case of continuous melting, sufficient number of samples
shall be provided to ensure at least one test per hour of production.
12.1 Chemical ,Analysis - If a sample selected under 11.2 fails to
meet the requirements given in Table 1, the purchaser shall select two
further samples from the same lot. If both the samples satisfy the
specified requirements, the castings represented shall be accepted. If
either of the samples fails, the castings represented shall be deemed as
not complying with this standard.
t2.2 Hardness Test - If a sample selected under 11.3 fails to meet
\ he requirements given in Table 2, two further samples shall be selected
4 rom the same lot and in case the castings have been heat-treated from
the same heat-treatment batch. The consignment shall be considered to
conform to the requirements if both the additional tests are satisfactory.
Should either of the samples fail, the castings represented shall be deemed
as not complying with this standard. If the castings are supplied in the
heat-treated condition, the manufacturer shall have the right to reheat-
treat the product, if he so desires, in any suitable manner before two
fresh samples are taken for testing. Should the two tests satisfy the
requirements of this standard, the lot shall be accepted. Should either
of the samples fail, the castings represented shall be taken as not comply-
ing with this standard.
13.1 Where practicable, each casting shall be legibly marked with an
identification mark by which it can be traced to the melt and the batch
of heat-treatment, where applicable, from which it was made.
13.2 By agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer, cast-
ings complying with the requirements of this standard, may, after
inspection, be legibly marked with an acceptance mark.
c___ ._.. ._._ . . . .
IS : 4771- 1985
13.3 The castings may also be marked with the ISI Certification Mark.
‘Non - The use bf the IS1 firtification Mark is governed by the provisions of the
Indian Standarda Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Ruled and Regu-
14ons made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian
Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the
requirements of t&t rt~ndard under a w&defined ryqtem of inspection, testing and
uality control which ia denied and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer.
851 marked products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that
mndard as a further nfeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
un of the IS1 CertiCcation Mark may be grpnted to manufacturera or proceuom,
may be obtained from t4e Indiin Standards Institution.
IS : 4771- 1985
( Continwdfrom page 2 )
CoaDmet fiwm
SHRI P. P. CHOPRA Hindustan Machine Tooh Ltd, Pinjore
REPIUCSENTATIVE Best and Crom ton, Bangaloro
REFTWSMTATIVE Mahindra & b.fahindra, Bombay
Headquarters :
hianak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 1lOOOZ
Telephones : 331 01 31 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
331 13 75 (Common to all Offices)
Regional Offices : Telephone
Central : Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. 331 01 31
NEW DELHI 110002 ! 331 13 75
* Eastern .: l/l4 C.I.T. Scheme VII M. 37 86 62
V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C, CHANDIGARH 160036 21843
Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 41 29 16
t Western : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC. Marol, Andheri (East), 6 32 92 95
BOMBAY 400093
Branch Offices :
‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMADABAD 380003 2 63 48
t Peenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road. 39 49 55
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar. 55 40 21
BHOPAL 462003
Plot No. 82/83, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27
Kalai Kathir Building, 6/48-A Avanasi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 2 67 05
Quality Marking Centre, N.H. IV, N.I.T., FARIDABAD 121001 -
Savitri Complex, 116 G. T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 8-71 19 96
5315 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, 3 31 77
5-8-56C L. N. Gupta Marg, ( Nampally Station Road ) 231083
RI4 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 6 34 71
__-.._- _ _ .-I. ,-.n Th
11 I/418 6 Sarvbdaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 LI oo I0
Plot No. A-9, House No. 561/63, Sindhu Nagar, Kanpur Road 5 55 07
LUCKNOW 226005
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 6 23 05
District Industries Centre Complex, Bagh-e-Ali Maidan. -
SRI NAGAR 190011
T. C. No. 14/1421, University P. 0.. Palayam. 6 21 04
inspection Offices (With Sale Point) :
Pushpanjali, First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road. 52 51 71
Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010
Institution of Engineers (India) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar. 5 24 35
PUNE 411005