212 449 2 PB
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Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
Currently, in Kebun Kelapa Village, located in Secanggang District, Langkat
Regency, the village population administration service system is still conventional, such
as: (a) recording village population data in books; (b) preparing application papers that
still use typewriters. This affects village officials and villagers, where human error often
occurs, as well as waste of time and costs. Therefore, a system is needed to overcome
existing problems. Cloud computing is a paradigm that allows users to access information
electronically using fixed devices or mobile devices connected to the internet network.
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
The research methodology used in this study is as follows:
1. Data collection stage
a. Studi Literature
Data collection by collecting literature, journals, papers, and readings related to
the research title
b. Field Studies
1) Observation
Data collection techniques by conducting research and a direct review of the
problems taken.
2) Interview
Data collection techniques with direct questions and answers that have
something to do with the theme taken.
2. Software development model
The development model used in making this software uses the waterfall model, which
includes several processes, including:
a. Definition of Requirements
The services, limitations, and objectives of the system are determined in
consultation with the users of the system.
b. System design and software design
The system design process divides the requirements for a hardware or software
system. This activity determines the overall architecture of the system. Software
design involves identifying and describing fundamental software system
abstractions and their relationships.
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
by villages. In the use of village equipment, and villagers need to have a network
connected to the Internet, besides that for village officials who will implement the service
must rent, this is more profitable than having to buy. A general overview of the village
administration application as a Platform as a Service can be seen in the picture
Hardware and software, as well as systems and cloud computing, used to implement
and test applications are as follows:
1. Implementing cloud computing
The implementation used in cloud computing is divided into two parts, namely the
front end and the back end. The front end is located on the user or client side. While
the back end is the "cloud" part of this system (in the internet network diagram, it is
often depicted as a cloud), The front end includes the user's computer and the
applications required to access the cloud computing system. Meanwhile, on the back
end of the cloud computing system, there are various computers, servers, and data
storage systems, all of which create a "cloud" for computing services. The
implementation of the Cloud Computing Front End of the Village Administration
application is divided into two parts, namely:
a. Hardware Implementation
The specifications of the hardware used can be seen in the table.
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
d. Database Implementation
Some tables are the result of database creation.
Table 4. Database Implementation
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
SKTM Table
`nosktm` varchar(17) NOT NULL,
`tujuan_pembuatan` text NOT NULL,
`tanggal_pengajuan` date NOT NULL,
`tanggal_penetapan` date default NULL,
'status_sktm' enum('Accept','Reject','Processed')
`status_download_sktm` enum('Ya','Tidak') default
`keterangan` text,
`nik` varchar(17) NOT NULL,
`nip` varchar(17) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY
(`nosktm`), KEY `nik` (`nik`),
KEY 'nip' ('nip')
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
The registration process for residents who want to use this administrative application
service is as follows:
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
VILLAGERS http:applicationdesa.id/home
Features within the app site that can be accessed by site visitors include:
a. Access information related to coconut plantation villages.
b. The latest news about Coconut Garden Village
c. Download village documents and archives.
d. Communication with village officials and between site visitors
e. Village administration application.
The conclusion that can be drawn after going through the stages of developing cloud
computing applications for village administration is that with this application:
1. Provide convenience to village officials in managing village population data.
2. Accelerate village equipment in village population administration services, thereby
improving the quality of village administration services.
3. Provide convenience to villagers in the process of submitting application papers.
Proceedings The 1st Annual Dharmawangsa International Conference P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853
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