CHP 5 Concept and Accounting of Depreciation
CHP 5 Concept and Accounting of Depreciation
CHP 5 Concept and Accounting of Depreciation
Concept of PPE
Property, plant and equipment
(PPE) are tangible items that:
Factors affecting the amount of depreciation
(a) are held for use in the
production or supply of goods or Estimated life of asset
services, for rental to others, or
for administrative purposes; and
Depreciation should be charged for Value of the Property, Plant & Generation of adequate funds in the For ascertaining the
proper estimation of periodic profit Equipment should be adjusted hands of the business for replacement cost of the production,
or loss. In case an enterprise does not for depreciation charged in order of the asset at the end of its useful life. it is necessary to charge
account for depreciation on Property, to depict the actual financial Depreciation is a good indication of depreciation as an item of
Plant & Equipment, it will not be position. In case depreciation is the amount an enterprise should set cost of production. Further
considering loss in value of property, not accounted for appropriately, aside to replace a fixed asset after its depreciation is a non-cash
plant & equipment due to their use the property, plant and economic useful life is over. However, expense and unlike other
in production or operations of the equipment would be disclosed the replacement cost of a fixed asset normal expenditure (e.g.
enterprise and will not result in true in financial statements at a value may be impacted by inflation or other wages, rent, etc.) does not
profit or loss for the period. higher than their true value. technological changes. result in any cash outflow.
Further depreciation by itself does not create funds it merely draws attention to the fact that out of gross revenue receipts, a certain amount should be retained
for replacement of assets used for carrying on operation.
The Chartered Accountant Student October 2020 27
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depreciation to be charged
If such value is
considered as it is normally
regarded as nil.
Here it is (a) significant
(b) and estimated
important to cost when Residual
useful life or value
note that a part compared to
depreciation it is estimated at the
of Property, Plant overall cost of If the residual
method different time of acquisition/
& Equipment item of property, value is considered installation, or at the
from rest of
to be identified plant and significant, time of subsequent
the parts of the revaluation of asset.
as a separate equipment and
property, plant
component should
and equipment
have both:
Depreciable amount
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Thus all the expenses which are necessary for asset to bring it in
condition and location of desired use will become part of cost of the Methods for providing depreciation
Generally, methods for providing depreciation are based on formula,
developed on a study of the behavior of the assets over a period of
Expenses should not become part of cost years for readily computing the amount of depreciation suffered by
of asset different forms of assets. Each of the methods, however, should be
applied only after carefully considering nature of the asset and the
conditions under which it is being used.
Methods of Depreciation
(a) costs of (b) cost of (c) cost of (d)
opening new introducing conducting administration
facility or new product business in a and other Straight-line Diminishing Units of Production
business, or service (for new location or general Method Balance Method Method
such as example cost of with a new class overhead costs
inauguration advertisement of customer Results in a
costs; or promotional (including constant charge Results in a Results in a charge
activities). cost of staff over the useful decreasing based on the
training); and life if the residual charge over the expected use or
value of the asset useful life output
does not change
Where it is practicable The machine hour rate of the It would be observed that Under this method it is It prescribes that depreciation
to keep a record of depreciation, is calculated the method is only a slight calculated for each hour the should be charged using
the actual running after estimating the total variation of the Straight machine works. Schedule II estimate useful life suggested
hours of each machine, number of hours that machine Line Method under which to the Companies Act 2013, in it, however, in certain
depreciation may would work during its whole depreciation is calculated per prescribes estimated useful category of plant and
be calculated on the life; however, it may have to year. life of different assets for machinery it prescribes to
basis of hours that the be varied from time to time, companies, also recognizes charge higher amount of
concerned machine on a consideration of the this method to some extent. depreciation if these assets are
worked. changes in the economic and used for 2 shifts or 3 shifts. In
technological conditions which a way, schedule II combines
might take place, to ensure straight line method and
that the amount provided for machine hour method.
depreciation corresponds to
that considered appropriate in
the changed circumstances.
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The method is applicable to machines producing product of uniform Its effect needs to be quantified and disclosed.
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