Released Edit AFI11-231
Released Edit AFI11-231
Released Edit AFI11-231
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Flying Operations
NOTICE: This publication is available digitally on the AFDPO WWW site at:
This instruction implements AFPD 11-2, Flight Rules and Procedures, by prescribing standard methods
and terminology for employment of the Computed Air Release Point (CARP) system. This system gov-
erns aircrew involved computing air release point data during employment phases of aerial delivery oper-
This revision incorporates Interim Change IC 2005-1. This change incorporates Table 8.7. Part 1; Table
8.7. Part 2; Table 8.7. Part 4; Table 8.7. Part 5; Table 8.7. Part 6; and Table 8.8. Part 2 that were inadvert-
ently omitted when IC 2004-1 was released and incorporated. A bar ( | ) indicates a revision from the pre-
vious edition.
1.1. General ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.2. Applicability. ............................................................................................................. 8
1.3. Administration. .......................................................................................................... 8
1.4. Recommended Changes. ............................................................................................ 8
1.5. Deviations. ................................................................................................................. 8
1.6. Individual Circular Error Record.................................................................................. 8
1.7. Successful Airdrop Criteria: ...................................................................................... 9
Table 9.3. Surface Wind Limits for Equipment Airdrops. ......................................................... 131
Table 9.4. Surface Wind Limits for Personnel Airdrops. ........................................................... 131
9.4. Aerial Delivery Parachute Ballistics. ......................................................................... 131
Table 9.5. C-130 G-11A Heavy Equipment Ballistic Data. ....................................................... 132
Table 9.6. Part 1, C-130 Exit Times for Heavy Equipment. ....................................................... 133
Table 9.7. C-130 G-11B Heavy Equipment Ballistic Data. ....................................................... 134
Table 9.8. C-130 G-11C Heavy Equipment Ballistic Data. ....................................................... 135
Table 9.9. C-130 G-12D Heavy Equipment Ballistic Data. ...................................................... 135
Table 9.10. C-130 G-12E Heavy Equipment Ballistic Data. ....................................................... 136
Table 9.11. C-130 G-12D CDS Ballistic Data. ............................................................................. 136
Table 9.12. C-130 G-12E CDS Ballistic Data. ............................................................................. 137
Table 9.13. C-130 G-13 Ballistic Data. ........................................................................................ 138
Table 9.14. C-130 G-14 Ballistic Data. ........................................................................................ 139
Table 9.15. C-130 High Velocity CDS Ballistic Data. ................................................................. 140
Table 9.16. Part 1, C-130 22’ and 26’ Ring Slot Ballistic Data. .................................................. 141
Table 9.17. C-130 G-12E HAARS Ballistic Data. ...................................................................... 142
Table 9.18. C-130 G-14 HAARS Ballistic Data.. ......................................................................... 143
Table 9.19. CDS/CRS and CDS Tow Plate Exit Times. .............................................................. 143
Table 9.20. C-130 Personnel Ballistic Data. ................................................................................. 144
Table 9.21. C-130 Personnel HALO Ballistic Data. ..................................................................... 145
Table 9.22. C-130 SATB and Door Bundle Ballistic Data. .......................................................... 145
Table 9.23. C-130 HSLLADS/CRS and Recovery Kit Ballistic Data. ......................................... 146
Table 9.24. C-130 BLU-82 Ballistic Data. ................................................................................... 146
Table 9.25. BLU-82 Ballistic Wind Table. ................................................................................... 147
Table 9.26. Free Fall Ballistic Data. ............................................................................................. 148
10.1. General. ....................................................................................................................... 149
10.2. Personnel. ................................................................................................................... 149
Table 10.1. Personnel (USA) Parachutes. ..................................................................................... 149
Chapter 2
2.1. General. The CARP solution is based on average parachute ballistics and fundamental dead reckon-
ing principles. These principles, laid out in this instruction, minimize errors while providing ease of pre-
flight and inflight mission planning.
2.2. Responsibility. The aircrew member who initiates the airdrop sequence computes the release point
solution for all airdrops. The actual computation of the computed release point may be accomplished for
a formation by a designated qualified aircrew member. However, each individual aircrew is responsible
for its accuracy. The pilot flying the aircraft assumes responsibility for maintaining drift offset and
required track during run-in. The navigator (or pilot not flying the aircraft when a navigator is not part of
the crew) controls the time to airdrop sequence initiation, “Green Light.” This crewmember also controls
the end of usable drop zone time “Red Light” and updates the required drift offset for the pilot to fly. Air-
crew members must have a thorough understanding of this system. Complete cooperation and teamwork
between these crew positions is essential for best results. Exception: HC-130 unique airdrops maybe ini-
tiated IAW mission specific procedures.
2.7. Drop Winds. Use a composite of altitude and surface winds (if known) to determine drift effect. The
most accurate drop wind is one obtained at drop altitude and airspeed shortly before the drop. When inter-
polating a mean effective wind (vectorial average from all sources), take care to consider direction as well
as velocity, and consider weather or other phenomena that may cause wind shear between drop altitude
and the surface. Remember, the higher the drop altitude, the greater the drift effect per knot of wind. Note:
When averaging winds to arrive at a ballistic wind, use a vectorial wind average. Using a mathematical
average will introduce errors into the CARP solution. Wind sources include, but are not limited to the fol-
2.7.1. Forecast winds.
NOTE: Weather facilities report winds in true bearing.
2.7.2. Inflight visual indications of wind (smoke, dust, etc.).
2.7.3. Electronic and navigation systems (Doppler, SCNS, INS, GPS, LIDAR, etc.).
2.7.4. Ground party (CCT, STT, and DZC) furnished magnetic winds. Normally, the ground party
reports winds as a Mean Effective Wind (MEW). The MEW is a theoretical wind, referenced in con-
stant speed and direction, extending from the DZ surface to drop altitude. When verified with inflight
data, aircrews should consider the MEW a very desirable source.
Chapter 3
3.1. General. The primary solution for computing the air release point is the basic computer solution
where all requirements are solved using the MB-4 or MAJCOM approved computer software.
3.2. Basic Computed Air Release Point (CARP) Solutions. The AF Form
4018, Computed Air Release Point Computation, or MAJCOM approved software generate products,
will be used to solve and record data. Figure 3.1. provides sample CARP solutions for CDS, Heavy
Equipment and Personnel. The basic steps for the AF Form 4018 are as follows:
3.2.1. Item 1. Drop altitude: Selected AGL drop altitude (absolute altitude) in feet.
3.2.2. Item 2. Terrain Elevation: Elevation, in feet, of the highest point on the surveyed DZ.
3.2.3. Item 3. True Altitude: Computed mean sea level (MSL) drop altitude, in feet (item 1 plus item
2). True altitude is the altitude to be flown when the altimeter setting is derived by in-flight altimeter
3.2.4. Item 4. Pressure Altitude Variation (PAV): The pressure difference, in feet, between mean sea
level and the standard datum plane. PAV is computed by taking the difference between the forecast DZ
altimeter setting and the standard day pressure (29.92 in Hg) and multiplying by 10. PAV is positive if
the forecast altimeter setting is less than 29.92 and negative if the forecast altimeter setting is greater
than 29.92 (formula A).
3.2.5. Item 5. Pressure Altitude: Drop altitude, in feet above the standard datum plane (item 3 plus
item 4). Used to compute true airspeed and corrected drop altitude.
3.2.6. Item 6. Corrected Drop Altitude: Drop altitude corrected for air density by using formula B and
the ALTITUDE CALCULATIONS window on the MB-4 computer.
True Alt Temp = Drop Altitude
Pressure Altitude (Corrected Drop Altitude)
3.2.7. Item 7. Terrain Elevation: Same as item 2.
3.2.8. Item 8. Indicated Altitude: The altitude to be flown with the DZ altimeter setting set in the
barometric scale of the aircraft altimeter.
3.2.9. Item 9. True Altitude Temperature: Temperature in degrees Celsius. Used to compute item 6
and item 11.
3.2.10. Item 10. IAS/CAS/EAS: Indicated airspeed (IAS) for the drop as specified by the appropriate
directives. Calibrated airspeed (CAS) equals IAS corrected for pitot static error, aircraft attitude, and
instrument error. Equivalent airspeed (EAS) equals CAS corrected for compressibility. Log CAS/EAS
only when different from IAS.
3.2.11. Item 11. True Airspeed: True airspeed (TAS) is computed on the MB-4 using the DENSITY
ALTITUDE COMPUTATIONS window and the formula:
Temperature = (TAS)
Pressure Altitude EAS
3.2.12. Item 12. Rate of Fall (RF): Extracted from the parachute ballistic data. This velocity is
expressed in feet per second.
3.2.13. Item 13. Adjusted Rate of Fall: RF corrected for air density. Compute on the MB-4 computer
using the DENSITY ALTITUDE COMPUTATIONS window and formula C.
Average Temperature = (Adjusted Rate of Fall)
Average Pressure Alt. Rate of Fall
NOTE: Average Pressure Altitude is calculated by taking item 5 minus one-half of item 1.
3.2.14. Item 14. Altitude Above Point of Impact: The difference in feet between the PI and the highest
point on the DZ (terrain elevation) measured in feet AGL (formula D).
3.2.15. Item 15. Vertical Distance: Extracted from the parachute ballistic data.
3.2.16. Item 16. Stabilization Altitude: Item 14 minus item 15.
3.2.17. Item 17. Time of Fall: The elapsed time, in seconds, it takes for the load to fall from stabiliza-
tion altitude to the PI. Compute using formula E.
Adjusted Rate of Fall = 1.0
Stabilization Altitude (Time of Fall)
3.2.18. Item 18. Time of Fall Constant: Extracted from the parachute ballistic data.
3.2.19. Item 19. Total time of Fall: Item 17 plus item 18.
3.2.20. Item 20. Ballistic Wind: The expected wind, interpolated from all available sources, which
will affect the load on its way the ground.
NOTE: CCT/STT furnished surface and mean effective winds are reported as magnetic, while onboard
computers may provide winds in magnetic, true or grid reference.
3.2.21. Item 21. Drift Effect: Distance in yards computed using formula F.
Total Time of Fall = (Drift Effect)
1.78 Wind Speed
NOTE: The 1.78 constant is used to convert knots to yards per second. 1.94 constant is used to convert
knots to meters per second. Item 21 may be divided to include space for drift effect based the increment
used in constructing the wind circle (see paragraph 4.5.).
3.2.22. Item 22. Drop Altitude Wind: Expected wind at drop altitude. Used to compute drift and
3.2.23. Item 23. DZ Course: DZ centerline course referenced in magnetic, true, or grid obtained from
the DZ survey or Assault Zone Availability Report (AZAR).
3.2.24. Item 24. Drift Correction: Expected run-in heading correction necessary to parallel DZ
3.2.25. Item 25. DZ Heading: Item 23 corrected by item 24.
3.2.26. Item 26. Groundspeed: Expected aircraft speed relative to the ground. Aircraft TAS corrected
for forecast wind.
3.2.27. Item 27. Exit Time: Extracted from the parachute ballistic data.
3.2.28. Item 28. Deceleration Quotient: Extracted from the parachute ballistic data.
3.2.29. Item 29. Forward Travel Time: Item 27 plus item 28 or extracted from the parachute ballistic
3.2.30. Item 30. Forward Travel Distance: Item 29 converted to distance using formula G.
Ground Speed = (Forward Travel Distance)
1.78 Forward Travel Time
3.2.31. Item 31. Stop Watch Distance: Ground distance in yards along track from a timing point to the
3.2.32. Item 32. Stop Watch Time: Item 31 converted to time, in seconds, using formula H.
Groundspeed = Distance
1.78 (Time)
3.2.33. Item 33. Usable Drop Zone Length: The distance in yards from the PI to the end of the DZ,
minus the safety zone distance (if required) use formula I.
3.2.34. Item 34. Usable Drop Zone Time: Item 33 converted to time, in seconds, using formula H.
Never less than 3 seconds.
The planned interval between each parachutist’s exit is one second, therefore, this value equates to the
number (in addition to the first person out) of paratroopers who can safely be dropped in a single stick.
This is equal to the total number of jumpers divided by the number of troop doors in use.
Groundspeed = Distance
1.78 (Time)
3.2.35. Item 35. Sight Angle: Extracted from AF Form 4018 (Reverse), Drop Zone Timing and Sight
Angle Graph or derived from clinometer measurements.
3.3. Plotting Instructions. Using any drop zone mosaic, plot the drift effect upwind from the PI. Plot the
forward travel distance back-track from the end of the drift effect vector, parallel to the run-in course. The
end of this plot is the CARP. The reverse may also be used. Plot the forward travel distance back along DZ
run-in axis. Then plot the drift effect vector from the end of forward travel distance vector. The end of this
combined vector is the CARP (Figure 3.2.). Chapter 4 details other means of plotting CARPs.
Chapter 4
4.1. General. With the development of new equipment and procedures, additional methods of CARP
solutions have been designed. Four modified CARP solutions and aids are the wind circle, Doppler Grid
and Circle Overlay, and AF Form 4014. Alternate methods of updating CARP inflight, including tech-
niques for wind analysis and T-CARP constant-angle timing, are included in this chapter. These solutions
incorporate special techniques and tabulated data as aids to expedite the solution of the final CARP when
close-in to the DZ.
4.1.1. All personnel involved in airdrop must realize aerial delivery using a CARP system is not an
exact science. The system permits revisions close to the DZ and takes into considerations winds at
various levels through which the parachute and load pass. When the aircrew member has a graphic
presentation of the wind vectors and understands the characteristics of the parachutes used, they are
better able to estimate the best release point.
4.1.2. Aircrew should be alert for changes in surface and altitude winds in the vicinity of the DZ.
Often it is possible to spot a wind shear by observing a column of smoke. Information on winds at the
different levels may not always be available. If not, the aircrew member still can use the best known
drop altitude and surface winds.
4.1.3. Last minute CARP changes may preclude detailed study of the CARP track by the pilot. The
aircrew member should be prepared to give directions and assist the pilot flying the aircraft in estab-
lishing the desired cross track drift offset.
4.2. AF Form 4013 Modified CARP Solution. Use the AF Form 4013, Modified CARP Solution, or
MAJCOM approved software for modified CARP solutions. The AF Form 4013 is based on a forward
travel computation and the formula D=KAV, where D is the drift effect in yards/meters, K is an average
constant value for the type load being airdropped, A is the drop altitude in feet AGL divided by 1000, and
V is the ballistic wind velocity in knots. The AF Form 4013 is designed primarily to provide all the data
required for an airdrop mission computer (SCNS, INS, GPS, etc.). Figure 4.1., provides an example of a
filled-in AF Form 4013:
4.2.1. Items 1 through 8. Complete in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1.through paragraph 3.2.8.
4.2.2. Item 9. Type load/weight: Enter C, H, P, or T for type and number of chutes being used.
4.2.3. Item 10. Usable Drop Zone Length/Time: Usable length in yards/meters and seconds. Convert
length to time using formula C.
NOTE: Never less than 3 seconds
4.2.4. Item 11. PI Elevation: MSL elevation, in feet, of the PI. Extracted from the DZ survey or
Assault Zone Availability Report (AZAR).
4.2.5. Item 12. Turn Delay: SCNS only. Number of seconds the computer will use to compute the
delay between the trailing edge (TE) and the escape point (EP).
4.2.6. Item 13. DZ course: DZ centerline course referenced to true, magnetic, or grid and obtained
from the DZ survey or AZAR.
4.2.7. Item 14. Rate of Fall: Extracted from the parachute ballistic data.
4.2.8. Item 15. Vertical distance: Extracted from the parachute ballistics data.
4.2.9. Item 16. Time of Fall Constant: Extracted from the parachute ballistics data.
4.2.10. Item 17. Exit Time: Extracted from the parachute ballistics data.
4.2.11. Item 18. Deceleration Quotient: Extracted from the parachute ballistics data.
4.2.12. Item 19. Forward Travel Time: Item 17 plus Item 18 or extracted from the parachute ballistics
4.2.13. Item 20. Forward Travel Distance: Item 29 converted to distance using formula G (AF Form
4.2.14. Item 21. Altimeter Setting: Expected DZ altimeter setting.
4.2.15. Item 22. True Altitude Temperature: Expected temperature in degrees Celsius at drop altitude.
4.2.16. Item 23. Preflight average drop wind direction and velocity. Used to compute drift effect.
4.2.17. Item 24. Drift Effect: Distance in yards/meters computed using formula F (AF Form 4018).
4.2.18. Item 25. Blank space for local use. May be used for green light timing, sight angle value, wind
circle values, or any other information considered important by the individual aircrew member.
4.3.1. Description. AF Form 4014 is a clear plastic overlay depicting both grid plotter and generic
wind circle cut-outs. The generic wind circle contains two rings scaled to match both the timing graph
and the sight angle tables on AF Form 4018 (Reverse). The outer ring is marked with azimuth lines at
30 degrees intervals. At the center of the inner circle is a dot used to position the wind circle correctly
on AF Form 4018 (Reverse).
4.3.2. Use of the grid plotter is prescribed later in this instruction. To use the wind circles, clip out
along the dotted line. The loose wind circles can now be overlaid on the AF Form 4018 (Reverse).
Using either side of the AF Form 4018, measure FTD back from the depicted PI. Place the dot in the
center of the wind circles on this point. Turn the wind circles so the surveyed DZ course (on the cir-
cles) is overlaid along the DZ axis (depicted on the AF Form 4018). Magnetic or true course can be
used depending on whether the aircrew member is using magnetic or true winds to plot the CARP Plot
the drift effect along the wind azimuth. This is your CARP. Converting the CARP to an elapsed time
or a sight angle is discussed in paragraph 4.4.
The wind circles are calibrated to multiples of 400 yards on the timing graph and multiples of 200
yards on the sight angle graph. Use caution when interpolating drift effect.
Use formula H (AF Form 4018, CARP Computation). The wind circle size can be converted to a wind
speed for ease of inflight plotting.
4.4. Inflight use of AF Form 4018 (Reverse). AF Form 4018 (Reverse) allows for inflight CARP deter-
mination. This form depicts a generic drop zone mosaic modified with the addition of a timing graph. The
from is designed to be used with the wind circle cut-out from AF Form 4014.
4.4.1. Timing Graph. Plot the PI location on the depicted DZ axis so the bottom of the DZ grid equates to the
selected timing point (distance from bottom of grid to block letter equals distance from selected
timing point to surveyed PI). Plot the CARP in accordance with para. 4.3. Along a line perpendicular to the DZ axis, move the CARP to the column on the right
equating to the aircraft groundspeed. Proceed diagonally along the timing lines to obtain the stopwatch timing. Interpolate
between whole seconds. Result is the elapsed time from the selected timing point to the release
NOTE: If the AF Form 4014 overlay is not available, plot the drift effect from the PI location and deter-
mine a raw time in accordance with and above. Subtract forward travel time from raw
time to obtain stopwatch time.
4.5. Wind Circle Solution. The wind circle solution is designed to permit the aircrew member to evalu-
ate wind conditions very close to the DZ and at levels other than drop altitude. All work in constructing
the wind circle is done on the ground. The drift effect for three or more wind velocities (usually 10, 20 and
30 knots) is drawn on the DZ depiction centered on the point of impact, or on the FTD plot. Wind circles
may also be constructed using any convenient distance increment (usually 200 yards). A true or magnetic
north arrow is drawn through the center of the circle with azimuth lines, normally at 30 degree incre-
ments, around the circle to facilitate speedy plotting of wind directions. In-flight, the aircrew member
determines winds, plots them on the wind circle, and applies FTD (if required) to provide an instanta-
neous CARP. It is possible to completely re-evaluate the CARP inside the one-minute advisory.
4.5.1. Preflight Select a properly scaled DZ chart, photograph or drawing. The wind circle may be drawn
on clear acetate or similar material for reproduction. These reproductions may be attached to DZ
photos for in-flight use. Complete the AF Form 4018. TTF is needed to construct the wind circle, except when
constant wind circle spacing is used. Determine the drift effect for a 10 knot wind using the formula:
TTF = (Drift Effect)
1.78 10 Draw circles on the DZ depiction representing the drift effect for selected wind velocities
up to 40 knots. Wind circles should be centered on the PI. It may be centered on the FTD plot, but
an error is induced along the run-in axis for any in-flight change from the original preflight value
of groundspeed used to make the plot. Even though small errors (2.8 yards each second of FTT for
each 5 knots change in preflight CARP groundspeed) are induced by positioning the wind circles
on the FTD plot, such errors may be acceptable in relation to possible plotting and computation
errors made possible by attempting to do so inflight. Draw azimuth lines from the PI or FTD plot outward to the outer circle each 30 degrees
or selected increment. Label each with the appropriate value. Magnetic values are desirable since
DZCT winds are passed as magnetic values. Label the DZ depiction or acetate overlay with the constants used to construct the wind
circles; i.e., type parachute, load weight, TTF, or size of constant wind circles used. The aircrew
member should always recompute the CARP before each mission to verify the wind values. Plot the preflight drift effect from the PI or FTD plot. Measure the distance from the end of the drift effect plot or the CARP to the timing line
and convert to time using the preflight groundspeed. If the wind circle is centered on the FTD plot,
the result is the timing point time. If the wind circle is centered on the PI, subtract the FTT from
this time. The result is the timing point time.
4.5.2. In-Flight Wind Determination. The wind circle allows aircrew members to average and plot a number of different winds
with relative ease and speed. These include surface, intermediate, mean-effective, drop altitude,
forecast, and estimated winds. The aircrew member is encouraged to obtain and plot several winds
from different sources in order to get the best picture possible of actual wind conditions. The deci-
sion on which wind or combination of winds to use is up to the individual. Aircrew members must
insure they compute drop altitude drift and groundspeed for line up and timing. During combat
conditions, drift effect is normally plotted based on an average of surface wind indications and
navigation computer readouts.
4.6. Grid Overlay Solution. The grid overlay solution is a mathematically derived, visual presentation
for rapid computation of a CARP in-flight. Its use is preceded by completing the CARP computations, AF
Form 4018. Small deviations from preflight values computed are acceptable. Wind information (GS and
drift), obtained at and below drop altitude, can be used to compute the in-flight CARP. After the final
slowdown and arrival at drop altitude, the CARP can be reconfirmed or adjusted for winds over the DZ.
The basic idea of the solution is to provide the aircrew member an instantaneous CARP for any combina-
tion of head/tail winds and drift effect.
4.6.1. Preflight: Complete the AF Form 4018. TTF, FTT, and aircraft TAS are needed to construct the
overlay. Determine the cross track drift effect offset, in yards, for two degrees of drift using the
"AC" constant, see Figure 4.3. for the values, and the formula:
Chord("AC") = (2o Offset Distance)
1.78 TTF
(1.94 for meters) Determine the head/tail wind effect distance, in yards, for 5 knots of wind using the for-
5 = (Head/Tail Wind Distance)
1.78 TTF + FTT
NOTE: FTT is added to compensate for changes in the forward travel vector caused by changes in
groundspeed. Select a properly scaled DZ depiction to be used for the airdrop. Insure that all plots use
the corresponding scale. Grid overlays may be drawn on clear acetate or similar material for repro-
duction. These reproductions may be attached to DZ photos for in-flight use. Plot the FTD based on drop TAS using the formula:
1.78 FTT Starting with the FTD plot, mark the desired number of 5 knot head/tail wind distance
fore and aft of this plot on the run-in axis. A maximum wind circle may be drawn to determine the
size desired; however, five in each direction normally are drawn. Graduations (see (A), Figure
4.4. ) are provided to measure the distance between plots and leading edge of the grid overlay plot-
ter as a guide for drawing the groundspeed lines.
NOTE: Drift angle is accurate only at drop airspeed. The 5kt groundspeed increments represent differ-
ences from "CARPed" true airspeed. When off true airspeed a reasonably accurate correction can be made
by applying planned and actual true airspeed differences to the actual groundspeed. On a line perpendicular to the run-in axis and running through one of the head/tail wind
plots, mark the desired number, normally five, of the 2o offset distances on each side of the axis.
The graduations/lines, (see (B), Figure 4.4.) are provided for measuring and drawing the lines.
TAS=130 Complete the grid overlay, as shown in Figure 4.4., using the grid overlay plotter.
NOTE: The grid overlay may be drawn using dividers to mark all plots (see (C), Figure 4.4.), and the
standard air navigation plotter to draw in the lines. Groundspeed lines are 5o from the perpendicular to the
run-in axis (see (D), Figure 4.4.). The line through the FTD plot is a zero head/tail wind effect line and will be labeled with
the computed drop TAS (for any CARP on this line, GS = TAS) or with "0" head/tail wind effect.
Succeeding lines will be labeled with the appropriate groundspeed, in 5 knot increments, or with
the appropriate head/tail wind effect (i.e., -5, -10, +5, +10, etc.).
NOTE: Labeling head/tail wind effect lines with groundspeed increments normally is the most desirable.
It eliminates conversion of Doppler readouts into TAS - GS differences, thereby making last second
changes to the timing problem simple by having to monitor only a single instrument. Label each parallel drift offset line with the appropriate offset value. Care must be taken
to label with the correct +/- drift correction (left drift to the right of the DZ and vice versa). Label the grid overlay with the constants used in its construction; Type parachute, load
weight, TTF, FTT, and TAS. Insure the preflight drift effect is plotted from a FTD plot using preflight groundspeed.
4.6.2. Sample Problem. Information used in drawing the grid overlay shown in Figure 4.4. Constants: Parachute - T-10. Load Weight - 250 lbs. TTF - 51.6 secs. FTT - 3.2 secs. TAS - 130 knots. Cross Track Drift Offset - 132 yards.
4.54 = (132)
1.78 51.6 Head/Tail Wind Distance - 154 yards.
5 = (154)
1.78 54.8 Forward Travel Distance - 234 yards.
130 = (234)
1.78 3.2
4.6.3. In-flight Use: The aircrew member will determine from all available sources the effective wind acting
upon the parachutist/load from drop altitude to ground level. It will be necessary to convert this
mean wind to drift and groundspeed values. The intersection of these two values is the CARP. The aircrew member should be aware that final wind drift values (as read from the grid
overlay) will not necessarily represent the drift value used to determine the heading to fly at
release. Also, the direct groundspeed readouts of navigation computer systems may not corre-
spond to the values which affect the object dropped. One disadvantage of the grid overlay, when used alone, is the time required to convert the
wind selected into drift and groundspeed values; however, it does interface with the close-in solu-
tion of the CARP using direct navigation computer system readouts, especially in solving the tim-
ing problem. Once the CARP is plotted, measure the distance from the timing line to the CARP and
convert it to time (using formula H on the AF Form 4018) to determine timing point time.
4.7. Modified Grid Overlay Solution. The modified grid overlay combines the grid overlay with the
wind circle method. It allows the aircrew member to take into account the navigation system supplied
drift and groundspeed, as well as other wind information such as DZCT MEW, surface winds, etc., and
project them on the DZ depiction. A rapid determination of the CARP can be made from this graphic pre-
sentation, well within the one-minute advisor.
4.7.1. Preflight: Select a properly scaled DZ chart, photo or drawing. Compute a CARP using preflight wind information and the standard computer solution. Construct the grid overlay IAW paragraph 4.6. Draw the wind circle IAW paragraph 4.5. The wind circle is centered on the FTD plot
used for the grid overlay.
NOTE: An option is to make the wind circle an ellipse. Based on the groundspeed increments at 6 and 12
o'clock and the wind circles at 3 and 9 o'clock. This method is the most accurate for drops with high for-
ward travel times Plot the preflight ballistic wind using preflight FTD. Convert the distance from the CARP to the timing point to time using preflight ground-
speed. Enter this distance and time in the AF Form 4018, Items 33 and 34. The CARP may be plotted using one of three methods: Plot the drift effect from the FTD plot computed using preflight (110 knots) ground-
speed (see (A), Figure 4.5.). Plot the ballistic wind azimuth (200o) and velocity (20 knots) on the wind circle
(see (B), Figure 4.5.). Plot ballistic wind drift (- 6o) and the groundspeed (114 knots) values using the grid
overlay (see (C), Figure 4.5.).
NOTE: As indicated, these plots will not necessarily fall at the same point. The only time a common
CARP occurs is when a direct 25 knot head or tail wind is used. To reduce the clutter of the numerous lines drawn on the DZ depiction, it may be desir-
able to omit the circles or to plot the Grid and circles in different colors. A quick method to plot
wind direction and velocity is available by using the dividers to arc the distance/velocity measured
on the run-in axis (the interval between grid overlay groundspeed lines equals five knots of veloc-
ity) to the appropriate azimuth line. Omitting alternating grid overlay line will also reduce clutter,
yet provide a usable solution to the wind plotting problem. See Figure 4.5. for a completed solution. Use the same data as paragraph 4.6.2.
4.7.2. In-flight: Plot navigation system drift and groundspeed, surface winds, MEW, and any other avail-
able wind information. Evaluate the winds to determine the CARP you plan to use. Compute timing point distance using the current or projected groundspeed.
4.8. Timing Graph Solution. The timing graph combines the wind circle and grid overlay methods with
a groundspeed-time graph. This provides the aircrew member a form upon which a PI-Timing point con-
figuration for any DZ may be constructed. The in-flight CARP can be plotted to allow the aircrew mem-
ber to extract a final timing point time quickly. The groundspeed-time graph (Figure 4.6., right hand side
of figure) may be duplicated to use in conjunction with a DZ chart/photo, provided it is constructed using
the same scale. This form may be best used for use with timing panels or lights. This does not restrict its
use when timing from any prominent surface feature.
4.8.1. Preflight: Plot the point of impact the required number of yards away from the timing line. The line
may be an extension of timing light/panels or a selected geographical timing point. Complete wind circle, grid overlay or modified grid IAW paragraphs 4.5.,4.6. or 4.7. Predominate DZ features may be annotated to aid line-up.
4.8.2. In-flight: Timing point time may be obtained by plotting the drift effect from the point of impact,
proceeding horizontally to groundspeed, then diagonally to timing point time. Subtract the for-
ward travel time to obtain actual timing point time. The procedure is recommended since it mini-
mizes the forward travel distance error induced by the difference in preflight and actual
groundspeed. Plot the CARP based on FTD and drift effect, proceeding horizontally to groundspeed,
then diagonally to timing point time in seconds.
NOTE: A negative number indicates a CARP prior to the timing line. The timing graph may be used to compute UDZL.
4.8.3. Sample Problem: Given: FTT - 3.2 secs TAS - 130 knots GS - 110 knots W/V - 200o/20 kts Drift Effect - 580 yards
4.8.4. The CARP is plotted from the forward travel distance plot and drift effect from the point of
impact. The offset is the same for both methods, 370 yards left and 16.9 seconds is the resultant timing
point timing. If the FTD is not plotted, a time of 20.1 seconds would be extracted from the chart.
When the FTT of 3.2 seconds is subtracted, the resulting solution is the same 16.9 seconds as in the
first method. The wind circle, grid overlay or modified grid from the point of impact or FTD plot was
not shown to avoid confusion.
4.9. Other Timing Graphs. Timing graphs may be constructed to be used in conjunction with other
types of drops using a specific parachute. FTT is the governing factor. Figure 4.6. is an example for per-
sonnel (T-10 parachute) which incorporates FTT to provide the aircrew member a final timing point time
readout once drift effect is plotted.
4.9.1. Construction. Refer to Figure 4.6.. A FTT of 3.2 seconds was used to determine the points in construct-
ing the one second timing line. Use the formula:
GS (90 and 190) = (Distance)
1.78 4.2(3.2 + 1 sec) Plot and join these distances (212 and 448 yards) on the graph. Repeat procedures for
each additional second; i.e., 5.2, 6.2, etc., or find the yardage for a one second interval using the
following formula, then plot succeeding lines:
GS(90 and 190) = [51 and 107 yds]
1.78 1 Plot distances as applicable to complete the GS/Time graph. Use the same procedure and
applicable FTT when constructing a graph for other type parachutes.
4.9.2. Preflight. Complete graph using the desired modified CARP solution. Insure the following
rules are followed: Wind Circle - Must be centered on the PI. Grid Overlay - The preflight TAS line is plotted through the PI. Use the following for-
mula instead of the formula in paragraph; i.e., do not add FTT to TTF in that formula:
5 = (5 Knot Head/Tail Wind Distance)
1.78 TTF
4.9.3. In-flight. The same data as in paragraph 4.8.3., above was used in this example. Plot drift effect,
proceed vertically to the GS (at release) line, then diagonally to the final timing point time. This graph
may be used to convert distance, timing point to the drift effect plot, from a separate DZ depiction pro-
vided the same rules as in paragraph 4.9.2., above, are followed on the depiction. Distance may also
be converted to time, using this graph, when used in conjunction with a grid overlay drawn on the DZ
depiction. To do so, measure the distance from the CARP to the timing point, extract timing point time
from the graph and add FTT.
4.10. Sight AngleTechniques. Another variation of timing graphs is shown in this example problem:
4.10.1. Complete AF Form 4018 per Chapter 3 given the following: Drop altitude - 650 feet AGL Highest terrain elevation on DZ - 1443 feet MSL
4.11. Inflight Forms Completion. The actual inflight data block is the same for both the AF Form 4013
and the AF Form 4018.
4.11.1. RCRD Data. Record the reported surface and mean effective winds, and the actual altitude
winds at the time of the drop. Indicate the source of the winds if other than CCT/STS.
4.11.2. Drop Data. Should contain the data actually used to compute the updated CARP inflight. Ballistic Wind: Wind used to compute the drift effect. Indicate whether measured (M) or
interpolated (I). Ground Speed: ground speed used to compute the FTD and usable DZ time inflight.
Indicate whether computed by the aircrew member (C), displayed by INS, GPS, Doppler (D), or
obtained from formation lead in a SKE formation (S). Drift: Drift angle used to compute SKE offset. Indicate whether computed by the air-
crew member (C), displayed by INS, GPS, Doppler (D), or obtained from formation lead in a SKE
formation (S). Green Light Time: Actual elapsed time, in seconds, from the timing point to the release
point for a visual drop, or from lead’s EXECUTE to the wingman’s release point for a SKE drop.
Use this block to indicate release method (A for AWADS, S for SKE, V for Visual) as well. Red Light Time: Actual elapse time, in seconds, from release point to “red light” call.
Chapter 5
5.1. General . The high altitude release point (HARP) solution is a basic CARP solution with the addi-
tion of a third (high-velocity, free fall) vector. High altitude-low opening (HALO) drops are primarily per-
sonnel drops, although CDS may be dropped using a timer or barometrically actuated second-stage
parachute release. The reverse side of the AF Form 4018, CARP Computation, or MAJCOM approved
software product, will be used to solve and record HARP data.
5.2. Responsibilities:
5.2.1. Compute a HARP for every high altitude airdrop. For multiple passes, recompute the HARP
whenever drop altitude, actuation altitude, or significant wind changes occur.
5.2.2. An experienced parachutist can maneuver approximately 500 feet horizontally for each 1000
feet of free fall. In the event a parachutist cannot maneuver after exiting the aircraft (due to loss of
visual ground references, injury, unconsciousness, or uncontrollable attitudes), or in the case of equip-
ment delivery, an accurate HARP will ensure the load arrives in the vicinity of the intended point of
impact. Additional modified HARP procedures are included in this chapter.
5.2.3. Due to the altitudes involved in this type of airdrops, visual methods of directing the aircraft to
the HARP are normally less accurate than other electronic methods. These methods include INS/
SCNS, GPS, GRADS, radar and radar beacon. All of these systems still require use of HARP compu-
tations, but they generally lead to better results. If the objective area or surrounding area is obscured,
the airdrops when the ground is obscured there may be no way to steer toward the computed release
point. Operational procedures and directives may require use of these systems for high altitude deliv-
5.3. Equipment:
5.3.1. HALO personnel. Personnel parachutes normally used are the MC1, the MC3 Para-Com-
mander, the MT1X, and the MT1S Ram-Air. The standard United States Army free fall parachute
assembly (Type AP 28S-3) consists of a main pack and canopy, reserve pack and canopy, and harness.
An F-1B automatic ripcord release is incorporated into the assembly to automatically open the para-
chute during preplanned jumping. This release allows automatic actuation down to an altitude of
4,500 feet. When lower actuation is desired, a modified F-1B, designated the FF-1, can be used. The
FF-1 release can be set for altitudes down to 3,000 feet. The barometric device activates an adjustable
0-13 second timer which automatically pulls the ripcord. The FF-2 release is used with the MC3 para-
chute. Any of these automatic systems can be used; however, manual ripcord actuation is normal pro-
5.3.2. HALO CDS: Stabilized. Containers are rigged with a small stabilization parachute which, when
inflated, is used to achieve a high velocity rate of fall, 200+ feet per second, to a selected altitude
where a barometric sensing device actuates a timing device and cutter to deploy a larger cargo
parachute. Reefed or Confined Ballistic System (CBS). Containers are rigged with a 22 or 28 foot
ring slot, G-12D or similar type cargo parachute which is reefed down to a specific diameter and
equipped with one or more dereefing devices. The load descends with the chute in a reefed condi-
tion at approximately 130 feet per second until a predetermined burn time has expired and actua-
tion of the cutter system occurs. This system cuts the reefing lines, allowing the chute to inflate
fully and slow the load descent to approximately 70 feet per second for the 22 or 28 foot ring slot
and 26 feet per second for the 12 foot ring slot.
5.3.3. High Velocity CDS. These loads are rigged with a ring slot parachute and descend at approxi-
mately 65-100 feet per second. Loads normally consist of indestructible type supplies which can with-
stand the high velocity impact. Normally, staging devices are not utilized.
5.3.4. High Altitude Airdrop Resupply System (HAARS). The HAARS delivers containers from an
aircraft flying at altitudes up to 25,000 feet. The containers can be dropped singly or in multiples to
two. Up to 16 containers can be dropped from the C-130 aircraft and up to 40 from the C-141 . When
the container leaves the aircraft, a modified 68 inch pilot chute opens and keeps the load upright while
it falls at a terminal velocity of 250 feet per second. when the right altitude is reached, the sensor cuts
a sheer web. This allows a cargo parachute to open and the load to land at an acceptable rate of speed.
5.4. Basic Assumptions. The deployment altitude obtained from the jumpmaster is considered to be the
altitude where full parachute deployment occurs and a constant rate of descent is established. Actuation
altitude (for manual ripcord pull) is normally considered to be 500 feet above the deployment altitude.
The aircrew member should confirm which altitude, deployment or actuation, corresponds to the altitude
figure received. When the FF-1, FB-1, or similar device is used for HALO CDS, actuation altitude is the
altitude at which the ripcord/cutter starts deployment of the second stage parachute.
5.5. Altitudes:
5.5.1. Pressure altitude or indicated true altitude is used as the aircraft drop altitude reference. The
drop altitude and actuation altitude must be converted to absolute altitudes for HARP computations.
Indicated altitude is the altitude to be flown with an externally supplied (surface) DZ altimeter setting.
Pressure altitude is the altitude to be flown with an altimeter setting of 29.92.
5.5.2. The HALO parachutist can use any of three altimeter types to determine desired parachute
actuation/deployment altitude: An adjustable pressure altimeter with a Kollsman window. This enables parachutists to
manually activate their own parachute, based on indicated true altitude or indicated pressure alti-
tude. An adjustable pressure altimeter without Kollsman window. The parachutist will usually
adjust this type of altimeter so that it displays altitudes with respect to point of impact elevation.
This enables parachutist to normally activate their own parachute, based on indicated altitude
above ground level. This is the most common method used by US Army personnel. A non-adjustable pressure altimeter (29.92 in Hg/1013.2 Mb). This enables parachutists
to manually activate their own parachute, based on indicated pressure altitude.
5.7. Completion of the AF Form 4015, High Altitude Release Point Computations:
5.7.1. Item 1. Drop Indicated True Altitude - Altitude, in feet above mean sea level, to be flown with
the DZ altimeter setting in the barometric scale of the pressure altimeter.
5.7.2. Item 2. Pressure Altitude Variation - Pressure difference, in feet, between mean sea level and
the standard datum plane, The pressure altitude variation (PAV) is computed using the DZ altimeter
setting. If the DZ altimeter setting is greater than 29.92, the PAV is subtracted from the indicated true
altitude to obtain pressure altitude. The PAV is added when the altimeter setting is less than 29.92
(compute using formula A).
5.7.3. Item 3. Drop Pressure Altitude - Drop altitude, in feet above the standard datum plane. The alti-
tude to be flown with 29.92 set in the pressure altimeter. Item 1 plus item 2.
5.7.4. Item 4. “D” Value - The difference, in feet, between the true altitude of the aircraft and the pres-
sure altitude of the aircraft. The “D” is obtained from the weather forecaster or can be measured en
route by radar altitude plus terrain elevation minus pressure altitude.
5.7.5. Item 5. Drop True Altitude - Altitude, in feet above mean sea level. Item 3 plus item 4. To ver-
ify forecast “D: values or if a “D” value cannot be obtained, drop true altitude may be approximated
by using the ALTITUDE COMPUTATIONS window of the MB-4 computer and the formula:
Drop Altitude Temp = (Drop True Altitude)
Drop Pressure Alt Indicated True Altitude
5.7.6. Item 6. Point of Impact Elevation - MSL elevation, in feet, of the PI.
5.7.7. Item 7. Drop Altitude - Absolute altitude, in feet, above the PI (Item 5 minus item 6)
5.7.8. Item 8. Drop Altitude Temperature - Temperature, in degrees Celsius, at the drop altitude.
5.7.9. Item 9. Point of Impact Elevation - For computing PI pressure altitude. Same as item 6.
5.7.10. Item 10. Pressure Altitude Variation - same as item 2.
5.7.11. Item 11. Point of Impact Pressure Altitude - Item 9 plus item 10.
5.7.12. Item 12. Point of Impact Temperature - Temperature, in degrees Celsius, at the PI.
NOTE: Items 13 through 32 need not be accomplished for single stage airdrops.
5.7.13. Item 13. Actuation Indicated Altitude - Uncorrected absolute altitude, in feet, above the PI.
Start the computations here when a barometric altimeter is used which is set to read zero (0) feet at the
intended landing location.
5.7.14. Item 14. Point of Impact Elevation - same as item 6.
5.7.15. Item 15. Actuation Indicated True Altitude - Uncorrected actuation altitude, in feet above
mean sea level. Item 13 plus item 14. Start computations here when an altimeter with the local altim-
eter setting is used for a parachute actuation.
5.7.16. Item 16. Pressure Altitude Variation - Same as item 2.
5.7.17. Item 17. Actuation Altitude Temperature - Temperature in degrees Celsius at actuation alti-
5.7.18. Item 18. Actuation Pressure Altitude - Actuation altitude, in feet above the standard datum
plane. Item 15 plus item 16. Start computations here when the standard atmosphere setting of 29.92 in
Hg or 1013 Mb is set in the altimeter used for parachute actuation. Compute actuation indicated true
altitude (item 15) before going on.
5.7.19. Item 19. Actuation True Altitude - Altitude in feet, above ground level where actuation
occurs. compute on the DR computer using the ALTITUDE COMPUTATIONS window and the for-
Act Alt Temp (item 17) = (Act True Alt)
Act Press Alt (item 18) Act Ind Alt (item 13)
5.7.20. Item 20. Point of Impact Elevation - Same as item 6.
5.7.21. Item 21. Actuation Altitude - Corrected actuation altitude, in feet above mean sea level. Item
19 minus item 20.
5.7.22. Item 22. Deceleration Distance - Vertical distance, in feet, the parachutist/load falls from stag-
ing system actuation until full deployment of the recovery parachute(s). Obtain from parachute ballis-
tic data.
NOTE: The FF-1, FB-1, and similar timers can be set to utilize a 0-13 second delay upon reaching the
actuation altitude. It is necessary to convert the selected delay to altitude lost during the delay period. Add
this distance to the deceleration distance extracted from the ballistic data. Use the formula:
High Velocity Adj Rate of Fall = 1.0
(Delay Distance) Delay Time
5.7.23. Item 23. Deployment Altitude - Item 21 minus item 22.
5.7.24. Item 24. Deployed Midpressure Altitude - Average altitude used to compute the deployed
adjusted rate of fall. This altitude is the actuation pressure altitude (item 18) minus deceleration dis-
tance (item 22) plus the PI pressure altitude (item 11) divided by two.
5.7.25. Item 25. Deployed Temperature - Temperature, in degrees Celsius, used to compute deployed
adjusted rate of fall. Compute by averaging surface temperature and deployment altitude temperature.
5.7.26. Item 26. Deployed Rate of Fall - Sea level, standard day rate of fall, in feet per second.
Obtained from the parachute ballistic data.
5.7.27. Item 27. Deployed Adjusted Rate of Fall - Deployed rate of fall, in feet per second, corrected
for air density. Compute on the MB-4 computer using the Density Altitude Computations window and
the formula:
Deployed Temp (item 25) = (Deployed adjusted rate of fall)
Deployed Mid-Pressure Altitude (item 24) Deployed Rate of Fall (item 26)
5.7.28. Item 28. Deployed Time of Fall - Elapsed time, in seconds, from deployment altitude until the
parachutist/load reaches ground level. Compute using the formula:
Deployed Adjusted Rate of Fall (item 27) = 1
Deployment Altitude (item 23) (Deployed Time of Fall)
5.7.29. Item 29. Deceleration Time - Elapsed time, in seconds, form actuation of the staging system
to deployment of the recovery parachute(s). Obtain form the parachute ballistic data. When using a
time delay with the FF-1, FB-1 or similar device, add the number of seconds delay.
5.7.30. Item 30. Total Time of Fall - Total elapsed time, in seconds, from actuation of the staging sys-
tem to ground impact. Item 28 plus item 29.
5.7.31. Item 31. Deployed Wind see paragraph
5.7.32. Item 32. Deployed Drift Effect - Total drift, in yards, incurred by the parachutist/load during
the descent from actuation altitude to the ground.
Total Time of Fall (item 30) (Deployed Drift Effect)
1.78 (1.94 to convert meters) = Deployed Wind Speed (item 31)
5.7.33. Item 33. Drop Altitude - Same as item 7.
5.7.34. Item 34. Vertical Distance - Distance, in feet, the load/parachutist descends after exiting the
aircraft until reaching a stabilized condition. Obtain from the parachute ballistic data.
5.7.35. Item 35. Stabilization Altitude - Item 33 minus item 34.
5.7.36. Item 36. Actuation Altitude - Use actuation altitude (item 21) for two-stage airdrop. Use zero
(0) when dropping high velocity loads or loads not using second stage recovery parachutes.
5.7.37. Item 37. High Velocity Fall Distance - Distance, in feet, the parachutist/load descends form
stabilization to actuation of the second stage recovery system or until reaching ground level. Item 35
minus time 36.
5.7.38. Item 38. High Velocity Mid-Pressure Altitude (HVMPA) - The average pressure altitude used
to compute the adjusted rate of fall. Compute using the following formula:
HVMPA = Item 3-Item 34 + Item 18 (Item 11 for single stage) - all divided by 2
5.7.39. Item 39. High Velocity Temperature - Temperature, in degrees Celsius, used to compute
adjusted rate of fall. Compute by averaging drop altitude and actuation/surface altitude temperatures.
5.7.40. Item 40. High Velocity Rate of Fall - Sea level standard day rate of fall, in feet per second,
obtained from the parachute ballistic data.
5.7.41. Item 41. High Velocity Adjusted Rate of Fall - High velocity rate of fall, in feet per second,
corrected for air density. Compute on the MB-4 computer using the DENSITY ALTITUDE COMPU-
TATION window and the formula:
High Velocity Temperature (item 39) = (High Velocity Adj Rate of Fall)
HVMPA (item 38) High Velocity Rate of Fall (item 40)
5.7.42. Item 42. High Velocity Time of Fall - Elapsed time, in seconds, form stabilization altitude
until actuation altitude or ground impact. Compute using the formula:
High Velocity Adj Rate of Fall (item 41) = 1.0
High Velocity Fall Distance (item 37) (High Velocity Time of Fall)
5.7.43. Item 43. Time of Fall Constant - A false time constant in seconds used to determine drift effect
during the time the parachutist/load falls after exiting the aircraft until reaching the stabilization alti-
tude. Obtain from the parachute ballistic data.
5.7.44. Item 44. High Velocity Total Time of Fall - Time (used to determine drift effect, Item 42 plus
item 43), in seconds, from parachutist/load exiting the aircraft until reaching actuation altitude or
ground level.
5.7.45. Item 45. Ballistic wind - see
5.7.46. Item 46. High Velocity Drift Effect - Total drift in yards incurred by the parachutist/load while
descending from drop altitude to actuation altitude or ground level. compute using the formula:
High Velocity Total Time of Fall (item 44) = (High Velocity Drift Effect)
1.78 (1.94 to convert meters) Ballistic Wind Speed (item 45)
5.7.47. Item 47. Indicated/Calibrated/Equivalent Airspeed - Drop IAS as specified in operational reg-
ulations; the IAS corrected for pitot-static error, aircraft altitude and instrument error. CAS is IAS cor-
rected for compressibility. EAS is determined from aircraft performance data.
5.7.48. Item 48. True Airspeed - Airspeed determined on the MB-4 computer knowing EAS, drop
pressure altitude, and drop altitude temperature.
5.7.49. Item 49. Drop Altitude Wind - Forecast or inflight wind which dictates/affects the heading of
the aircraft at release, forward travel distance, and the timing problem (may substitute true winds).
5.7.50. Item 50. Course - Run-in course. Obtain from planning sheet or DZ.
5.7.51. Item 51. Drift Correction - Calculated using drop altitude wind, TAS, and course.
5.7.52. Item 52. Heading - Heading to be flown at time of load release.
5.7.53. Item 53. Goundspeed - Preflight or actual groundspeed calculated.
5.7.54. Item 54. Exit Time - Elapsed time, in seconds, from “green light” until the parachutist/load
exits the aircraft. Obtain from the parachute ballistic data.
5.7.55. Item 55. Deceleration Quotient - A time, in seconds, added to exit time to determine the for-
ward travel time. Obtain from the parachute ballistic data.
5.7.56. Item 56. Forward Travel Time - Item 54 plus item 55.
5.7.57. Item 57. Forward Travel Distance - Ground distance in yards along track the parachutist/load
travels after “green light “ until reaching a determined percentage of terminal vertical or horizontal
velocity. Compute using the formula:
Groundspeed (item 53) = (Forward Travel Distance)
1.78 (1.94 to convert to meters) Forward Travel Time (item 56)
5.7.58. Item 58. Stop Watch Distance - Ground distance in yards measured on the DZ depiction from
a ground reference point, or from an electronic aid, down track to the HARP.
5.7.59. Item 59. Stop Watch Time - Time, in seconds, that will elapse as the aircraft traverses the stop
watch distance. Compute using the formula:
Groundspeed (item 53) = Stop Watch Distance (item 58)
1.78 (1.94 to convert form meters) (Stop Watch Time)
5.7.60. Item 60. Usable Drop Zone Length - distance in yards from the PI to the end of the DZ. Dur-
ing CDS multiple container airdrops, 50 yards will be subtracted for each additional lateral row of
5.7.61. Item 61. Usable Drop Zone Time - Usable DZ length convert to time, in seconds, minus a
one-second safety factor. Compute using the formula:
Groundspeed (item 53) = Usable DZ length (item 60
1.78 (1.94 to convert form meters) (Usable DZ Time)
5.7.62. Item 62. Red Light Time - Elapsed time from the timing point after which airdrops cannot be
initiated safely. Item 59 plus item 61.
5.8. Personnel HARP Computations. To compute a personnel HARP, only the following blocks of the
AF For 4015 need be filled in 13-15, 24-28, 31-33, 36-41, 43-57, 60-61.
5.11.16. Item 19. Drop Altitude Temperature - The temperature, in degrees Celsius, at the drop true
5.11.17. Item 20. IAS/CAS/EAS/TAS - The drop indicated airspeed, equivalent airspeed, calibrated
airspeed, or true airspeed as specified in operational regulations; the IAS corrected for pitot-static
error, aircraft attitude and instrument error; CAS corrected for compressibility. EAS is determined
from aircraft performance data; TAS determined on the DR computer.
5.11.18. Item 21. Drop Altitude Wind - The forecast magnetic wind at drop altitude.
5.11.19. Item 22. Course - The course from IP to the release point. Obtain from DZ data or depiction.
5.11.20. Item 23. Drift Correction - Compute on the DR computer using drop altitude wind, TAS, and
magnetic course.
5.11.21. Item 24. Heading - The heading to be flown at parachutist release. Item 22 plus Item 23.
5.11.22. Item 25. Groundspeed - The preflight groundspeed obtained from the DR computer using
magnetic course and TAS.
5.11.23. Item 26. Forward Travel Time or Forward Travel Distance - The time or distance the para-
chutist travels along IP-DZ track after green light until reaching terminal velocity. Compute FTD
using a FTT of 4.6 seconds, groundspeed and formula C.
5.11.24. Item 27. Timing Point Distance - The ground distance in yards (meters) measured on the DZ
depiction from a ground reference point or from an electronic aid, downtrack to the HARP.
5.11.25. Item 28. Timing Point Time - The time in seconds that will elapse as the aircraft traverses the
timing point distance. Compute using formula C.
5.11.26. Item 29. Usable DZ Length (UDZL) - The distance in yards from the PI to the end of the DZ.
5.11.27. Item 30. Usable DZ Time (UDZT) - The UDZL converted to time, in seconds. Compute
using formula C.
5.11.28. Item 31. Red Light Time - The elapsed time from the timing point after which airdrops can-
not be made safely. Item 28 plus Item 30.
5.11.29. Using SCNS for HALO/HAHO Airdrops. Programming the SCNS for a HARP solution
requires several additional items which are not on the AF Form 4017. SCNS requires Deployed Rate
of Fall, High Velocity Rate of Fall, Deceleration Time, Deceleration Distance, Vertical Distance, Time
of Fall Constant, and Forward Travel Time. All other items SCNS requires to compute its HARP solu-
tion can be found on the AF Form 4017.
5.12. Modified High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) General. The square ram-air parachutes
HAHO jumpers use have considerable maneuverability and forward speed. The ram-air parachute design
is an air inflated airfoil allowing it to glide in a controlled direction. The jumper operates hand controls
that allow turns and attitude changes. Square parachutes have approximately a 8:1 glide ratio; even in still
air, these parachutes can travel at a forward speed of 20.8 knots. Three square parachutes are currently in
use. The MT1-X is a 7 cell, 370 ft2 canopy with a maximum suspended weight of 450 lbs. It has the slow-
est descent rate and the highest glide ratio. For this reason, it is normally selected as the main canopy. The
MT1-S is slightly smaller (5 cell, 280 ft2 and a maximum suspended weight of 350 lbs) than the MT1-X
and is normally used as the reserve parachute. The MT1 is the smallest chute (7 cell, 270 ft2 and a maxi-
mum suspended weight of 350 lbs) and has the highest rate of descent. The total time of fall determines
how far a parachutist can travel, consequently, the higher the drop absolute altitude, the greater the dis-
tance the jumper(s) can travel.
5.12.1. Release Point Considerations. The parachute drive distance is computed at 20.8 knots. In a no
wind condition, the drop could be made anywhere inside an imaginary circle with radius equal to the
drive distance, and centered on the intended point of impact, Figure 5.4. However, wind adds drift
distance upwind of the PI, so the drop circle is shifted upwind the distance of the wind drift, figure
5.4b. The PI will be inside the circle unless the average wind speed exceeds the parachute's forward
drive velocity of 20.8 knots. On a drop outside of the circle, the parachute drive will not overcome the
wind drift, so the jumper cannot reach the PI.
5.12.2. There are two methods of computing a HAHO solution. The first is as follows: The acceptable release area is a circle within which it is possible for the jumper to exit
the aircraft and reach the objective area. In a no-wind situation, this area will be centered on the
end of the forward travel vector and will have a radius equal to the no-wind parachute glide dis-
tance. In a wind condition, two separate computations must be performed. First, compute a
no-wind glide distance using “X” in the formula below. Then make another computation using
“V” in the same formula. This gives the required distance to move the center of the acceptable
release area UPWIND from the PI. A no-wind acceptable release area will be precomputed for
each planned drop altitude and will be recomputed for any change in drop altitude. A maximum
glide distance will be computed for each drop and will be expressed in nautical miles upwind
along the average ballistic wind vector. Use the following formula and contents to compute the HAHO acceptable release area:
(A-2)(V or X)/K = Maximum glide distance in nautical miles
A = AGL drop altitude in thousands of feet (item 7 of AF Form 4015).
V = Wind speed in knots
X = Parachute forward speed (20.8)
K = 48 for MT1X parachutes
60 for MT1S parachutes
66 for MT1 parachutes
Wind drift distance = (A-2)(V/K)
Acceptable release area radius = (A-2)(X/K) Required Radial HAHO Computations. Tactics may dictate that drops cannot be made
on the upwind line. In a situation where the release location is determined by a restricted area, bor-
der, or threat ring, plan to drop on a "required radial," figure 5.4c. Pick a radial or sector centered
on the point of impact and passing through the allowed area for release. Plot area on a 1:250,000
scale chart or larger. Solve the wind drift vector (in nautical miles) using the formula:
D = (A - SF) X (V)
K x 1000
Plot the wind drift vector on the chart upwind of the point of impact. Next, solve the drive dis-
tance (in nautical miles):
D = (A - SF) X (20.8)
K x 1000
Use the drive distance as a radius and plot from the end of the wind line. If the circle crosses the
required radial or sector in an area where the drop can be done, then you have an acceptable solu-
tion. Plotting Instructions: Select a properly scaled chart (1:250,000 scale or larger scale is recommended). Plot the total drive distance upwind of the PI using the averaged wind vector. If
there is a significant change in wind direction (i.e., a wind shear), it may be necessary to com-
pute the drive distance as two rather than one vector. Should this occur, inform the jumpmaster
of where the shear occurs and the desired dogleg headings to optimize drive distance.
NOTE: The aircrew member must examine the parachutists' descent profile in relation to surrounding
terrain, if intervening terrain exists, an alternate approach to the drop zone may be required. Move the plot the computed FTD in the reciprocal direction of the run-in course to
compensate for forward throw. This is the release point.
5.12.4. In-flight AF Form 4015 Completion Requirements. Use the AF Form 4015, High Altitude
Release Point Computations, to solve and record in-flight personnel HARP data. Obtain and record
actual in-flight winds, if different from preflight, the ballistic winds (averages) used to compute the
HARP, and the groundspeed and drift at drop altitude.
5.12.5. Sample Problem: Refer to Figure 5.2., column 1, and the following information: Parachute - MT1-X (with a MT1-S reserve) Drop Absolute Altitude - 20,000 feet AGL Drop Zone Elevation - 250 feet "D" Value - +750 feet Preflight Altimeter Setting - 30.30 in Hg Safety Factor - Team leader desires 1,000 feet, opening delay, and 1,000 feet for
approach. Safety factor = 2,000 feet. Winds:
20,000ft-150o/60 8,000ft-180o/40
18,000ft-155o/55 6,000ft-170o/35
16,000ft-150o/47 5,000ft-170o/30
14,000ft-160o/50 3,000ft-165o/25
12,000ft-170o/42 1,000ft-160o/20
10,000ft-175o/40 Surface-150o/13 Magnetic Course - 180o Drop Airspeed - 125 KIAS Temperature at 20,000 feet = -18oC Solution. The modified HARP solution is completed on AF Form 4015 using the fol-
lowing procedures, refer to Figure 5.2., column 1. Items are self-explanatory except as outlined
below: Enter the desired drop altitude Item 1, Item 3, or Item 7, as appropriate. Work for-
ward or backward to determine altitude to be flown. Enter 20,000 feet in Item 7 in the above
example. Item 9. Subtract safety factor Item 8 from Item 7. Item 10. Enter the appropriate "K" Factor for the most restrictive parachute used.
Since the parachutists are using MT1-S reserves, base "K" Factor on this parachute (i.e., K =
60). Record preflight winds in the wind data block on the form. Item 11. Enter average of preflight winds. Do not include winds at drop altitude or
surface winds in the average, since the first 1,000 feet is normally used for assembly, and the
last 1,000 feet is used for approach. Item 12. Compute the total drive distance in nautical miles. This block may be split
to accommodate an additional team safety factor (i.e., a percentage of the total drive distance).
When a safety factor is used, indicate total drive distance, safety factor (percentage) used, and
revised drive distance.
WARNING: For HAHO operations, this puts the parachutists at their maximum theoretical drive dis-
tance. In the interest of safety, a percentage (e.g., 80%) of the total computed drive distance may be used.
When a percentage safety factor is used, split item 12 indicating; the total drive distance, percentage of
total drive distance used, and its corresponding value. Item 13. Actuation Altitude - The altitude, in feet, above ground level where the
parachutist deploys his recovery parachute. Item 14. Approach Factor (Ram-Air)(HALO) - The altitude, in feet, above the
ground the parachutist desires to be overhead the DZ in order to maneuver for approach. No
entry required for MC-1/3 HALO operations. Item 15. Deployed Drift Distance (HALO) - The altitude, in feet, the parachutist
falls from actuation of recovery parachute and ground level (Item 13 minus Item 14). Item 16. Deployed Ballistic Wind - The magnetic wind affecting the parachutist
from actuation altitude until ground level. Item 17. Deployed "K" Factor - The constant used to calculate drift or drive dis-
tance during the deployed phase of flight. Item 18. Deployed Drift Effect (HALO) - The drift, in meters, incurred by the
parachutist during descent from actuation altitude to the ground.
WARNING: This puts the parachutists at their maximum theoretical drive distance. In the interest of
safety, a percentage (e.g., 80%) of the total computed drive distance may be used. When a percentage
safety factor is used, split item 18 indicating; the total drive distance, percentage of total drive distance
used, and its corresponding value. Item 19. Drop Altitude Temperature - The temperature, in degrees Celsius, at the
drop true altitude. Item 20. IAS/CAS/EAS/TAS - The drop indicated airspeed, equivalent airspeed,
calibrated airspeed, or true airspeed as specified in operational regulations; the IAS corrected
for pitot-static error, aircraft attitude and instrument error; CAS corrected for compressibility.
EAS is determined from aircraft performance data; TAS determined on the DR computer. Item 21. Drop Altitude Wind - The forecast magnetic wind at drop altitude. Item 22. Magnetic Course - The course from IP to the release point. Obtain from
DZ data or depiction. Item 23. Drift Correction - Compute on the DR computer using drop altitude
wind, TAS, and magnetic course. Item 24. Magnetic Heading - The magnetic heading to be flown at parachutist
release. Item 22 plus Item 23. Item 25. Groundspeed - The preflight groundspeed obtained from the DR com-
puter using magnetic course and TAS. Item 26. Forward Travel Time or Forward Travel Distance - The time or distance
the parachutist travels along IP-DZ track after green light until reaching terminal velocity.
Compute FTD using a FTT of 4.6 seconds, groundspeed and formula C. Item 27. Timing Point Distance - The ground distance in yards (meters) measured
on the DZ depiction from a ground reference point or from an electronic aid, downtrack to the
HARP. Item 28. Timing Point Time - The time in seconds that will elapse as the aircraft
traverses the timing point distance. Compute using formula C. Item 29. Usable DZ Length (UDZL) - The distance in yards from the PI to the
end of the DZ. Item 30. Usable DZ Time (UDZT) - The UDZL converted to time, in seconds.
Compute using formula C. Item 31. Red Light Time - The elapsed time from the timing point after which air-
drops cannot be made safely. Item 28 plus Item 30. Using SCNS for HALO/HAHO Airdrops. Programming the SCNS for a HARP
solution requires several additional items which are not on the AF Form 4017. SCNS requires
Deployed Rate of Fall (RF, figure 12.14), High Velocity Rate of Fall (Free Fall RF, figure
12.15), Deceleration Time (DT, figure 12.15), Deceleration Distance (DD, figure 12.15), Ver-
tical Distance (VD, figure 12.15), Time of Fall Constant (TFC, figure 12.15), and Forward
Travel Time (the sum of ET and DQ, both from 12.15). All other items SCNS requires to com-
pute its HARP solution can be found on the AF Form 4017.
5.13. Modified High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) General. Modified High Altitude Low Opening
(HALO) personnel airdrops are similar to a basic CARP solution with an additional free fall/high velocity
vector. The MT1 Ram-Air and MC-1/3 paracommander parachutes are normally used. When the Ram-Air
parachutes are used, a combination of HAHO and HALO solutions are used in computing the HARP.
When the MC-1/3 paracommanders are used, the standard D = KAV/1000 formula may be applied to
compute the high velocity and deployed vectors to solve the HARP.
5.13.1. Release Point Considerations. Regardless of the type of parachute used, the high velocity/free
fall drift vector is computed using D = KAV/1000, where K equals a ballistic constant equal to three.
The ram-air parachute drive distance is computed as in a HAHO solution using the actuation altitude
minus the desired approach altitude. This is an accurate approximation of drift/drive the parachute is
capable of in determining the HARP. The same wind velocity considerations discussed in paragraph
5.12.1. apply. The MC-1/3 paracommanders are round steerable parachutes with limited maneuvering
capability. Since these parachutes lack the performance of the ram-air parachutes, the computed drift/
drive under canopy is considerably less. Compute the deployed drift using D = KAV/1000, with K =
25, and A equal to the actuation altitude, in feet, above ground level. When using the D = KAV
method, the forward travel vector must be applied to the equation to determine the HARP.
5.13.2. HALO Computations: The formula D = KAV/1000 is an accurate approximation of drift effect where:
D = drift effect in meters
K = a ballistic constant
A = altitude in feet
V = average wind velocity
WARNING: The forward travel vector must be applied to the D = KAV equation to accurately determine
the HARP.
WARNING: The D = KAV/1000 method can be used to compute personnel HALO release points when
MC1-1 and MC1-3 parachutes are used. Use the AF Form 4015 to compute and record HARP computa-
tion data. When the MT1-X, MT1-S, or MT1 ram-air parachutes are used, a modification of the HAHO
formula can be used to calculate the deployed drift/drive, see paragraph Method used will be
determined between the aircrew member and the jumpmaster prior to takeoff. MC-1/3 parachutes: The HARP computation is divided into three components: .High velocity drift effect (HVDE). Determined by computing the average
wind velocity and direction from exit to opening altitude and using the formula D = KAV/
1000, where K = 3. Deployed drift effect (DDE). Determined by computing the average wind
velocity and direction from activation altitude to the ground and using the formula D =
KAV/1000, where K = 25. Forward travel distance (FTD). Computed using Item 25, 26 and formula C
on the AF Form 4015. Ram-Air Parachutes:
5.14. Modified High Altitude CDS, General. High altitude container delivery system airdrops may be
conducted as single or two-stage deliveries. A single stage delivery consists of load rigged with a stabiliz-
ing, high velocity or reefed parachute that allows the load to descend at approximately 65-250 feet per
second. A high velocity CDS, or BLU-82 are examples of single stage airdrops. A two-stage delivery con-
sists of a load rigged with a stabilizing, or reefed parachute allowing the load to descend at approximately
65-250 feet per second to a selected altitude. Once this altitude is reached, a barometric sensing device
actuates a timing device or cutter to deploy a larger cargo parachute, or dereef the partially inflated cargo
parachute. The confined ballistic system (CBS) and high altitude airdrop resupply system (HAARS) use
two-stage recoveries.
5.14.1. High Altitude CDS Computations. The basic high altitude CDS HARP solution is completed
on the AF Form 4018, Computed Air Release Point Computations. Computations require a DR
computer and an appropriate scale chart or graph paper. Sample Problem #1 (single stage recovery, high altitude CDS) (Figure 5.4., first col-
umn): Drop altitude = 11,500 feet indicated pressure altitude Terrain elevation = 100 feet Temperature at drop altitude = + 5oC "D" Value = + 500 ft IAS = 130 knots Parachute - one 26' ring slot parachute Load weight = 2000 lbs Ballistics (Chapter 12): Rate of Fall = 79.2 feet/sec Vertical Distance = 940 feet TFC = 8.5 sec ET (FS 737) = 4.1 sec DQ = 3.7 sec Solution. The basic CARP solution is completed on the AF Form 4018 using the follow-
ing procedures: Item 5. Pressure altitude - Enter the altitude. In the example - 11,500 feet. Item 4. PAV - Enter the "D" Value obtained from weather with the reverse sign. Item 3. True altitude - Subtract Item 4 from Item 5. Item 2. Terrain elevation - Enter the point of impact elevation. Item 1. Drop altitude - Subtract Item 2 from Item 3. Item 6, 7, 8 are not required. Item 9. True altitude temperature - Enter drop altitude temperature and the temper-
ature at two-thirds drop altitude. Item 10. IAS/CAS/EAS - Enter cargo drop airspeed. Item 11. TAS - Compute and record TAS using drop altitude temperature. Item 12. Rate of fall - Obtain from ballistic data. Item 13. Adjusted rate of fall - Compute using two-thirds drop altitude, the tem-
perature at that altitude, and formula C. Item 14. Altitude above PI - Same as Item 1. Item 15. Vertical Distance - Obtain from ballistic data. Item 16. Stabilization altitude - Subtract Item 15 from Item 14. Item 17. Time of fall - Compute using formula E. Item 18. Time of fall constant - Obtain from ballistic data. Item 19. Total Time of fall - Item 17 + Item 18. Item 20 - 35 - Self-explanatory. Sample Problem #2 (two-stage delivery, HAARS) (Figure 5.5., second and third col-
umns): Drop altitude = 20,000 feet indicated pressure altitude Terrain elevation = 350 feet Temperature at drop altitude = - 15oC, actuation altitude temperature = + 16oC,
surface temperature = + 20oC "D" Value = + 500 feet IAS = 130 knots Parachute - one G-12E parachute Load weight = 1500 lbs Actuation altitude = 1700 feet AGL Ballistics (Chapter 12): High velocity rate of fall = 203.0 feet/sec Vertical Distance = 5330 feet TFC = 18.5 sec ET (FS 737) = 4.1 sec DQ = 8.3 sec
Figure 5.5. High Altitude CDS (Single and Two Stage) Examples.
Chapter 9
9.1. C-130 Aerial Delivery Airspeeds. Aerial delivery airspeeds are a function of the force required to
inflate the parachute and the airdrop altitude to minimize damage to the airdropped object. For AFSOC
only, when the mission requires use of airspeeds other than those recommended, ensure airspeed falls
within the parachute airspeed range listed in Chapter 10. All crewmembers will be briefed on the drop
9.2. C-130 Aerial Delivery Altitudes. The altitudes listed in Table 9.2. are the minimum altitudes above
the highest point on the drop zone. Commanders may agree to higher altitudes. For formation drops, no
aircraft will drop at a lower altitude than a preceding aircraft in the formation. When load compatibility or
operational considerations permit, stack elements beginning with the lowest drop altitude. No aircraft will
drop lower than its computed drop altitude. For combination drops, the load requiring the highest drop
altitude determines the aircraft drop altitude. Airdrops at or above 3,000 feet AGL will be conducted with
high altitude parachutes, either high velocity ring slot or high altitude high/low opening (HAHO/HALO).
Minimum altitudes shown are intended to provide guidance and do not restrict the Army and Air Force
commanders in their planning of combat operations. Altitudes are based on the technical design character-
istics of the parachutes and represent the minimum at which the parachutes may be expected to perform
their intended function with acceptable reliability. Use of lower altitudes than shown may result in the
parachute(s) failing to achieve their design performance and introduce safety hazards to jump personnel
or result in unacceptable damage to loads.
1. If the following criteria are not met, the minimum altitude is 1,000 feet AGL: (1) Static lines are used. (2) Para-
chutes are equipped with anti-inversion devices. (3) When using T-10 parachutes, use established exit control pro-
cedures. (4) When using MC1-1A/B/C parachutes, use alternating door exit procedures (ADEPT). ADEPT does
not apply to combat operations or special tactics personnel.
2. Plan minimum IMC airdrops altitudes at 500 feet above the highest man-made obstacle or terrain feature and spot
elevation, or 400 feet plus one contour interval above the highest depicted basic terrain contour, whichever is
highest, within 3 NMs either side of the run-in centerline from DZ entry point to DZ exit point. Not applicable to
aircraft with a fully operational terrain following system.
REMARK: A-22 containers with 26-foot ring slot chutes airdropped below 10,000 feet MSL during unilateral
training will be rigged with non-breakaway static lines, and those airdropped at 10,000 feet and above will be rigged
with breakaway static lines. EXCEPTION: A-22 containers with 26-foot ring slot chutes airdropped below 5,000 feet
AGL during unilateral training will be rigged with non-breakaway static lines.
9.3. Aerial Delivery Wind Limitations. Aerial delivery wind limits and restrictions will be based on the
information contained in Table 9.3. and Table 9.4. When surface winds are known, airdrop decisions will
be based solely on surface wind limitations. When surface winds are unknown (e.g., blind drops to
unmanned DZs), the jumpmaster and army airborne mission commander (if designated) will be advised
when drop altitude winds exceed 30 knots for personnel drops. For blind equipment and bundle aerial
deliveries to unmanned DZs, the aircraft commander will make the decision to drop. For operational res-
cue missions, the decision to deploy the jumpers is determined by the jumpmaster and aircraft com-
9.4. Aerial Delivery Parachute Ballistics. The ballistics of different types of parachutes vary. Each
parachute is designed for a specific purpose and has its own peculiar characteristics. The data represents
average information derived from aerial delivery test run by the US Army Airborne board, US Army Nat-
ick Laboratory, and the US Air force Mobility Center (USAFMOBCENT). Where exact data is not
depicted, interpolate between given values. In all cases: Load Weight = Suspended Weight + Parachute
Weight. Aircrews will not make airdrops using parachutes for which this instruction does not list ballistics
unless the user provides approved ballistic data or "K" factor. The ballistics or "K" factor must be
approved by the above mentioned agencies or the MAJCOM. This does not apply to formal tests
Table 9.16. Part 1, C-130 22’ and 26’ Ring Slot Ballistic Data.
Load Wt 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
RF 48.7 52.5 56.5 60.0 63.1 66.2 69.2 72.1 74.9 77.5 80.2 82.6 85.0 87.4 89.6 91.8 93.9
Press Alt VD
1000 890 900 910 920 930 938 946 953 962 971 980 990 1003 1013 1023 1032 1041
5000 945 955 965 975 985 995 1005 1012 1022 1030 1040 1052 1063 1074 1085 1095 1105
10000 1025 1038 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1142 1154 1165 1177 1188 1199
15000 1110 1120 1130 1142 1155 1165 1175 1187 1199 1210 1220 1230 1243 1255 1267 1278 1290
20000 1190 1201 1212 1225 1240 1251 1262 1273 1285 1297 1308 1320 1335 1346 1359 1370 1382
25000 1275 1285 1297 1312 1325 1338 1350 1361 1373 1385 1398 1410 1425 1438 1450 1462 1475
Press Alt TFC
1000 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.8
5000 13.8 13.8 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15.0
10000 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.2 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.2
15000 14.2 14.3 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4
20000 14.4 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.8 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6
25000 14.6 14.7 14.7 14.8 14.9 15.0 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8
Press Alt DQ
1000 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5
5000 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5
10000 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6
15000 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6
20000 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6
25000 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7
NOTE: See Table 9.19. for exit times.
Table 9.16. Part 2, C-130 22’ and 26’ Ring Slot Ballistic Data.
Press Alt TFC
1000 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.7
5000 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.1
10000 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6
15000 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1
20000 7.8 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.6
25000 8.1 8.2 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.9 10.0 10.1
Press Alt DQ
1000 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
5000 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
10000 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
15000 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.9
20000 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1
25000 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3
NOTE: See Table 9.19. for exit times.
NOTE: To compute the CARP data for RAMZ containers, divide the total container weight by two and
apply the ballistic data for a single personnel T-10A/B parachute.
1. To obtain Forward Travel Distance, multiply applicable exit time by groundspeed/1.78 (1.94 for
meters) and add to horizontal distance of fall table.
2. For drop altitudes above 600 feet, subtract 40 yards from Forward Travel Distance.
3. Values obtained are valid approximations only for roughly cube-shaped loads having a weight
range between 160 and 3840 pounds and with weight/volume ratios between 20 and 60 pounds/
cubic foot.
Attachment 1
DZ—Drop Zone
ETA—Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD—Estimated Time of Departure
FAR—Federal Aviation Regulation
FL—Fight Level
GPS—Global Positioning System
HUD—Head-Up Display
ICAO—International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR—Instrument Flight Rules
IMC—Instrument Meteorological Conditions
KCAS—Knots Calibrated Airspeed
KIAS—Knots Indicated Airspeed
MAJCOM—Major Command
MSL—Mean Sea Level
NAVAID—Navigational Aid
NM—Nautical Mile
NOTAM—Notice to Airmen
NVG—Night Vision Goggles
VFR—Visual Flight Rules
VMC—Visual Meteorological Conditions
Airdrop—The unloading of personnel or materiel from aircraft in flight.
AUTOCARP—An airdrop in which the Computed Air Release Point (CARP) is automatically calculated
in flight by aircraft avionics. Automatic or manual steering indications are provided to guide the aircraft
to the release point.
Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery System (AWADS)—The precise delivery of personnel, equipment,
and supplies during adverse weather, using a self-contained aircraft instrumentation system without
artificial ground assistance, or the use of ground navigation aids.
Computed Air Release Point (CARP)—A computed air position where the first paratroop or cargo item
is released to land on a specified impact point.
Flight Station—An internal aircraft reference system, expressed in inches, referenced from an imaginary
reference point in front of the aircraft. Fuselage station location for airdrop of equipment refers to the
load’s center of gravity.
Forward Travel Distance (FTD)—The ground distance traveled by the airdropped load from the green
light signal to stabilization. Plot FTD back from the point-of-impact (PI) along DZ axis.
Forward Travel Time (FTT)—Exit time plus deceleration quotient. A time constant that compensates
for the horizontal distance the object travels from the green light signal until reaching stabilization. This
factor is used to compute FTD.
Ground-to-Air Responder/Interrogator (GAR/I)—A beacon used to accomplish radar only airdrops
(MC-130 only).
Ground Marked Release System (GMRS)—A network of panels or lights marking the release point.
Ground Radar Aerial Delivery System (GRADS)—A method to position the aircraft for the airdrop
(usually at high altitude) by using a ground based radar.
High Altitude Airdrop Resupply System (HAARS)—CDS modified for airdrop from high altitude
with a sensor to deploy a cargo parachute when the right altitude is reached.
High Altitude High Opening (HAHO)—A high altitude airdrop in which parachutes deploy
immediately upon exit from the aircraft.
High Altitude Low Opening (HALO)—A high altitude airdrop in which a period of freefall precedes
actuation of the parachute(s). Does not include high altitude CDS using high velocity ring-slot parachutes
High Altitude Release Point (HARP)—HALO/HAHO only. A point in space, computed by any means,
over which the aircraft must be positioned at the time of release to ensure the load impacts the desired
point on the ground.
High Speed Low Level Aerial Delivery System (HSLLADS)—A sling airdrop system employed to
allow the aircraft to deliver loads from the aft cargo door and ramp at speeds up to 250 KIAS and at
minimum altitudes (MC-130).
High Velocity Rate of Fall/Free Fall Rate of Fall—This factor is the rate of fall in feet per second
derived from parachute ballistic data, corrected for sea level standard day.
Initial Point (IP)—1. The first point at which a moving target is located on a plotting board. 2 A
well-defined point, easily distinguishable visually and/or electronically, used as a starting point for the
bomb run to the target. 3. Airborne—An air control point close to the landing area where serials (troop
carrier air formations) make final alterations in course to pass over individual drop or landing zones. 4.
Helicopter—An air control point in the vicinity of the landing zone from which individual flights of
helicopters are directed to their prescribed landing sites. 5. Any designated place at which a column or
element thereof is formed by the successive arrival of its various subdivisions, and comes under the
control of the commander ordering the move.
Military Free Fall (MFF)—MFF is an employment concept encompassing both HALO and HAHO
techniques of parachuting.
Mean Effective Wind (MEW)—An average wind direction and speed measured from the DZ surface to
drop altitude as calculated by the DZC.
Parachute Deployment—The stage in the airdrop process when a parachute has achieved its full opening
Point of Impact (PI)—The specified location on the drop zone where the first object to exit the aircraft is
expected to land.
Psychological Operations (PSYOPS)—Planned operations to convey selected information and
indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately
the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of
psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the
originator’s objectives. Also call PSYOP.
Raised Angle Marker (RAM)—A “tented” panel device used in marking the intended point of impact of
the drop zone that enhances drop zone acquisition.
Rate of Fall (RF)—RF is the vertical velocity, in feet per second, of the airdropped load while under full
parachute canopy. RF is corrected to a standard day sea-level rate.
Safety Zone Distance—Use safety zone distance only during peacetime personnel airdrops (excluding
HALO/HAHO). A distance established by agreement between the airborne mission commander and the
supported forces' commander subtracted from the DZ trailing edge to reduce the potential for off-DZ
drops. For peacetime personnel airdrops, the safety zone will never be less than 200 yards. Do not
compute safety zone distances for airdrops supporting unconventional warfare forces as defined by the
HALO/HAHO airdrops.
Sequential Drop—Two or more extracted platforms released on a single pass over the DZ. Each
platform, in turn, deploys the extraction parachute of the following platform.
Sight Angle—The angle, in degrees below horizontal, along which the aircrew member, who initiates the
airdrop release, sights a point on the ground. This ground reference is used in determining the initiation of
the airdrop release sequence.
Stabilization—Stabilization is the point in the drop sequence where descent is within 10 percent of a
constant standard day sea-level rate of fall. Normally, forward velocity has decreased to zero.
Stabilization Altitude—The altitude, in feet Above Ground Level (AGL), where stabilization occurs.
Stabilization Time—Stabilization Time is the elapsed time from load exit to stabilization. Computation
of Time of Fall Constant (TFC) also uses this factor.
Stick—Number of parachutists or CDS loads exiting one side of the aircraft in one pass over the DZ.
Timing Point (TP)—Any visual or electronic reference used to measure the beginning of the release
sequence. The timing point should be as close to the release point as possible for maximum accuracy.
Time of Fall Constant (TFC)—A constant in seconds computed during airdrop tests that compensates
for the nonlinear rate of fall from load exit to stabilization. This factor is used to determine drift effect
during stabilization.
Towplate—A primary aircraft component used to control the equipment airdrop sequence. This assembly
allows for the transfer of force of the extraction chute from the towplate, connected to the aircraft, to the
airdrop load. In the event of an extraction chute malfunction, the towplate assembly allows for the release
of the chute without transferring the extraction force to the airdrop load.
Usable Drop Zone Length (UDZL)—Distance measured from the PI to the trailing edge (minus the
safety zone distance for peace time personnel).
Usable Drop Zone Time (UDZT)—Usable drop zone length converted to time in seconds. Subtract one
second for HARP computation. Minimum drop zone time is 3 seconds, regardless of DZ length.
Vertical Distance (VD)—The distance, in feet, a load falls after exiting the aircraft and prior to
Verbally Initiated Release System (VIRS)—VIRS is a method of positioning aircraft for airdrop by
verbal instruction from the DZC.
Visual and Verbal Signals:—
Green Light—Verbal command and/or aircraft indicator light used to announce the arrival of the aircraft
at the air release point. This action signals the start of the usable drop zone time.
Red Light—Verbal command and/or aircraft indicator light used to announce the end of useable drop
zone time.
Zone Marker—An electronic reference used by aircraft avionics to navigate to an air release point.