Nickell-Biases DynamicModels-1981
Nickell-Biases DynamicModels-1981
Nickell-Biases DynamicModels-1981
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It is well known from the Monte-Carlo work of Nerlove that using the standard
within-group estimator for dynamic models with fixed individual effects generates esti-
mates which are inconsistent as the number of "individuals" tends to infinity if the number
of time periods is kept fixed. In this paper we present analytical expressions for these
inconsistencies for the first order autoregressive case.
'I should like to thank Jim Heckman for encouraging me to write this paper and John Ham,
David Hendry, two referees of Econometrica, and members of the econometrics group at the London
School of Economics for their useful comments on an earlier draft. Financial support was provided
by the Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University, and the Social Science Research Council.
2See Nerlove [13, p. 3611.
3See Ashenfelter [1, p. 491.
being correlated with the extent to which the individual participates in training
programs. Hausman [4] takes a similar view in his brief discussion of wage
equations in which he finds strong evidence that the individual effects are
correlated with the observed exogenous variables and uncompromisingly rejects
the uncorrelated random effects model. This is very important point because if
one takes the view that, in any particular model, the individual effects are likely
to be correlated with all the observed exogenous variables, then one is lead
inexorably to the fixed effects model.4 This will enable one to obtain coefficients
on the exogenous variables which do not suffer from bias due to the omission of
relevant individual attributes. Indeed, Mundlak [11] and Chamberlin [3] have
shown, in the context of linear regression with strictly exogenous regressors, that
the random effects model leads to the same estimators as the fixed effects model
in situations where the individual effects are correlated with the exogenous
variables and thus, in these hardly unusual circumstances, the fixed effects model
assumes paramount importance.5
Unfortunately, as the Monte-Carlo work of Nerlove [12, 13] makes clear, the
fixed effects model suffers from an important drawback. Standard methods of
estimation are liable to lead to seriously biased coefficients in dynamic models. A
typical set of panel data has a rather large number of individuals and a rather
small number of time periods and it is in just these circumstances that the biases,
which are essentially of the Hurwicz type, are most serious.6 The fact that they
will go to zero when the number of time periods becomes infinite is scant
consolation. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate these biases analytically
for the first-order autoregressive case. Two models will be considered. These are,
omitting the time effects for simplicity of exposition,
Concentrating our exposition on the lagged dependent variable model (2), the
standard estimation procedure is to start by eliminating the fixed effects f
may be done in any number of ways but the standard technique is to subtract the
time mean of (2) from (2) itself to yield
where for any variable z,, z1 =(l/T)T Izi, and zi. = (l/T) T-jzi,. It is
clear that OLS estimates based on (6) will be biased even if N, the number of
individuals, goes to infinity. This arises because in these circumstances the
correlation between yi, - and Ej., for example, does not go to z
remainder of the paper is devoted to an analysis of these biases and is set out as
follows. In the next section we shall compute the bias as N -x oc in the model
with no exogenous variables and we shall then look at the effect of including
exogenous variables on these results. In subsequent sections we compare our
analytical computations with some of the extensive Monte-Carlo results pre-
sented in Nerlove [12, 13] and Maddala [9].
Note that this equation follows from both the lagged dependent variable and the
residual autoregression model. In order to estimate p we have a number of
options. The standard method is to use OLS on (7) pooling all the cross-sections.
It is perfectly legitimate, however, to use directly only one cross-section in
estimating (7) although the data on all the others have, of course, already been
used to compute the time means. If we use the tth cross-section we may define an
OLS estimate
noting that EiY, - Eit = 0. Before proceeding it is worth pointing out that station-
arity implies the following result. Removing the exogenous variables and time
effects, (2) implies
( /O ) T
i 5,i)
- i(
(F T -E oi-iI
where we have us
independent of t, we have after some manipulation
_T1 + p- 12 T(1-p)J
T 1-p T 1-p T1-p
7Our analysis of the bias does not depend on the normality of Ei,. So long
and independently distributed for each t, then the results will go through.
l T oo 2
B, = Ei Pi, tj - I P-j_,
1=0 s= 1 j=O
+ 12 E.(Xit I E Pe-I_l-
= I-E, = 0
T (I1-p) J
x 2p [ tI p -
x 1-(T - 1)(I p)[1p -
(I _-p
+{ T I }-
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The first of these expansions is computationally simpler but the second reveals
clearly that the inconsistency is 0(1 / T). There are a number of interesting
points about this bias. First, if p > 0, it is invariably negative since At <0.
Second, the bias depends on t and hence varies with the cross-section which is
used to generate the estimate. Indeed, (15) clearly reveals that the bias will be
smaller if we use cross-sections at the ends of the sample period and it will be
largest if we use the middle one. More relevant for practical purposes, however, is
the bias if we generate our estimate, p, using the whole sample. Thus we have
plim (5 p) =EAtl E Bt
Nvx ot=1 t=1
which yields
F 2 I~ (1{ (iPT)\1
(17) plim (P p) | 2 ( T)
- (1-p)(T- 1) T I p ]}'
-(1 +p)
(19) plim(P -pP) T-1
-(1 +p)
plim (P -P)= 2 for T= 2,
Nx p ~~~2
-(2+ p)(1+ p) for T=3,
with the latter confirming the result in Chamberlin [3, p. 228]. These results are
of considerable interest. Apart from the fact that the bias is always negative if
p > 0, we can see how large it is if T is small. Even with T = 10, which is the
order of magnitude of most sets of panel data, if p = 0.5 then the bias is --0.167
which can hardly be ignored. Furthermore, the bias does not go to zero as p goes
to zero. However, these biases are not as severe as the standard Hurwicz biases
associated with first-order autoregressive processes with a constant term. In this
case, at least to order 1 / T, the bias is - (1 + 3p)/ T - 1 which is larger than
those considered above. This approximation and a large number of related
results may be found in Mariott and Pope [10] and Kendall [7]. The standard
Hurwicz bias differs from that given in (17) basically because if we let A
= ,(yI- yl- .. - 1)(i,- i. ) and B = .(yi.- _-yi. _ 1)2, the Hurwicz bias i
the standard regression (with one value of i) is given by E(A/B). We, of course,
are computing the bias as N-* ox and are thus considering E(A)/E(B) where
expectations are all taken across i. These expressions are related in the sense that
the approximation to the standard Hurwicz bias to order TJ- is given by
which yields the formula cited above. It is, of course, the sec
which make the standard bias bigger. Nevertheless it usually troubles us less
because the typical time series is very much longer than typical panel. Further-
more, when we introduce exogenous variables the situation gets worse as we shall
see in the next section.
In this section we shall concentrate on model (2) with the lagged endogenous
variable. If we define the following matrices
y, = [ y1,-y1. ], N x I vector,
2 - I [yi,-yi. -l] N x 1 vector,
= [ci-.e.], N x 1 vector,
b =[ ], J x I vector,
YT2 i2 j
(21) -1+D b
y ];XI
+ 61l
YT YT- I - XT eT
(22) =p_ - + Xb +
again in obvious notation. If p, b are the OLS estimates, using standard
procedures we obtain
(26) b-b) 'b-b'[(X'Xx)
=-plim ]plM(A_ )
Xy_l] plim (p-_p)
N-oo,c N-->c N-->
Note first from our previous analysis that we have already calculated
plimN- (1/NT)I'_1 and this is given by
8When p = 0.0. Nerlove reports a sequence of p's for various different values of var(j])/(total error
variance). All the numbers in this sequence bar one lie between -0.086 and -0.1 15. The odd man
out is -0.010 and this has been omitted in computing the average presented in the text on the
grounds that it is probably a typographical error.
[1] ASiHENFEITER. O.: "Estimating the Effect of Training Programs on Earnings," Review ofj
Economics and Statistics, 60(1978). 47-57.
[2] BALESTRA, P., AND M. NERLOVE: "Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data in the Esti
of a Dynamic Model: The Demand for Natural Gas," Econometrica. 34(1966), 585-612.
[3] CHAMBERLAIN, G.: "Analysis of Covariance with Qualitative Data, Review of Economic Stlidies,
47(1980). 225-238.