01 Matthew MCQuestions
01 Matthew MCQuestions
01 Matthew MCQuestions
Matthew 1
1. The book of Matthew opens in the first verse with Jesus Christ being described as the
son of what two figures (Mat 1:1)?
A. Adam and Abraham
B. Abraham and Isaac
C. Abraham and David
D. David and Joseph
2. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Isaac (Mat 1:2)?
A. David
B. Abraham
C. Joseph
D. Jacob
3. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Jacob (Mat 1:2)?
A. Abraham
B. David
C. Judah
D. Isaac
4. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Judah and his brothers (Mat
A. Abraham
B. David
C. Jacob
D. Isaac
5. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the mother of Perze and Zerah (Mat 1:3)?
A. Rahab
B. Ruth
C. Bathsheba
D. Tamar
6. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Perez and Zerah (Mat 1:3)?
A. Jacob
B. Judah
C. Obed
D. Solomon
7. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Boaz (Mat 1:5)?
A. Perez
B. Salmon
C. Obed
D. Judah
8. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the mother of Boaz (Mat 1:5)?
A. Rahab
B. Ruth
C. Bathsheba
D. Tamar
9. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Obed (Mat 1:5)
A. Perez
B. Salmon
C. Boaz
D. Jesse
10. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Jesse (Mat 1:5)?
A. David
B. Obed
C. Hezron
D. Boaz
11. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the mother of Obed (Mat 1:5)?
A. Rahab
B. Ruth
C. Bathsheba
D. Tamar
12. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of King David (Mat 1:6)?
A. Boaz
B. Hezron
C. Ram
D. Jesse
13. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Solomon (Mat 1:6)?
A. Jesse
B. Boaz
C. David
D. Jehoshaphat
14. In the genealogy of Jesus Chrsit, Solomon’s mother was called _____ (Mat 1:6)?
A. Uriah’s wife
B. The Moabitess
C. The Canannite
D. Rahab
15. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who alone is given the title of “king” (Mat 1:5)?
A. Solomon
B. David
C. Hezekiah
D. Josiah
16. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Rehoboam (Mat 1:7)?
A. Abijah
B. David
C. Solomon
D. Jehoshaphat
17. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Abijah (Mat 1:7)?
A. Salmon
B. Rehoboam
C. Solomon
D. Jehoshaphat
18. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Asa (Mat 1:7)?
A. Abijah
B. Rehoboam
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Jehoram
19. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Jehoshaphat (Mat 1:8)?
A. Abijah
B. Rehoboam
C. Jotham
D. Asa
20. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Jehoram (Mat 1:8)?
A. Abijah
B. Rehoboam
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Asa
21. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Uzziah (Mat 1:8)?
A. Jehoram
B. Rehoboam
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Asa
22. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Jotham (Mat 1:8)?
A. Jehoram
B. Uzziah
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Asa
23. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Jotham (Mat 1:9)?
A. Jehoram
B. Uzziah
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Asa
24. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Ahaz (Mat 1:9)?
A. Jehoram
B. Asa
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Jotham
25. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Hezekiah (Mat 1:9)?
A. Jehoram
B. Jehoshaphat
C. Ahaz
D. Asa
26. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Manasseh (Mat 1:10)?
A. Hezekiah
B. Jotham
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Asa
27. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Amon (Mat 1:10)?
A. Jehoram
B. Jehoshaphat
C. Asa
D. Manasseh
28. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Josiah (Mat 1:10)?
A. Amon
B. Jehoram
C. Hezekiah
D. Asa
29. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Jeconiah (Mat 1:11)?
A. Jehoram
B. Josiah
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Hezekiah
30. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was linked with his brothers to the exile in
Babylon (Mat 1:11)?
A. Jehoram
B. Jehoshaphat
C. Josiah
D. Jeconiah
31. Jeconiah and his brothers are linked to what historical event in the genealogy of
Jesus Christ (Mat 1:11)?
A. The exile to Assyria
B. The burning of the temple
C. The exile to Babylon
D. The release under Cyrus
32. What historical event is singled out and listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Mat
A. Abrham’s leaving Ur
B. The covenant God made with David
C. The Babylonian exile
D. The scattering of the northern tribes
33. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Shealtiel (Mat 1:12)?
A. Jeconiah
B. Asa
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Manasseh
34. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Zerubbabel (Mat 1:12)?
A. Jeconiah
B. Shealtiel
C. Jehoshaphat
D. Jotham
35. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the father of Joseph, the grandfather of
Jesus (Mat 1:16)?
A. Zadok
B. Eliakim
C. Akim
D. Jacob
36. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the husband of Mary (Mat 1:16)?
A. Jacob
B. Zadok
C. Joseph
D. Judah
37. In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, who was the mother of Jesus (Mat 1:16)?
A. Ruth
B. Rahab
C. Bathsheba
D. Mary
38. How many generations from Abraham to David in the genealogy of Jesus Christ
given in Mathew (Mat 1:17)?
A. Seven
B. Fourteen
C. Twenty-one
D. Forty
39. Fourteen generations after David what is noted in the genealogy of Jesus Christ
presented by Mathew (Mat 1:17)?
A. The capture of Samaria
B. The burning of the temple
C. The exile to Babylon
D. The return under Ezra
40. What happened fourteen generations before the birth of Jesus in Mathew’s genealogy
(Mat 1:17)?
A. The capture of Samaria
B. The exile to Babylon
C. The burning of the temple
D. The return under Ezra
41. What happened fourteen generations after the exile to Babylon (Mat 1:17)?
A. The birth of Jesus
B. The birth of Mary
C. The burning of the temple
D. The carrying away into Egypt
42. What was the relationship of Mary and Joseph at the time of the birth of Christ (Mat
A. Mary was married to Joseph
B. Mary was the step sister of Joseph
C. Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph
D. Mary was a friend of Joseph
C. Joseph
D. It is unknown
44. What adjective was used to characterize Joseph the husband of Mary (Mat 1:19)?
A. Righteous
B. Holy
C. Good
D. Loving
45. In order not to expose Mary to public disgrace what was Joseph considering (Mat
A. To break off the engagement
B. To send her to her mother’s home
C. To divorce her quietly
D. To marry her without a public wedding
46. Why was Joseph thinking about divorcing Mary quietly (Mat 1:19)?
A. So she could be free to remarry
B. So not to expose her to public disgrace
C. In order to follow the law of Moses
D. In order to follow Mary’s desires
47. As Joseph was thinking about divorcing Mary how did the angel of the Lord appear
to him (Mat 1:20)?
A. In a vision
B. In a burning bush
C. In a dream
D. In a still small voice
48. As Joseph was thinking about divorcing Mary who appeared to him in a dream (Mat
A. Gabriel
B. The voice of the Lord
C. Jesus
49. The angel of the Lord calls Joseph “the son of ______” (Mat 1:20)?
A. David
B. Abraham
C. Israel
D. Judah
50. The angel of the Lord told Joseph that what had been conceived in her was from
_______ (Mat 1:20)
A. God
B. The Holy Spirit
C. The promise of God
D. Heaven
51. Why was Joseph to name Mary’s son Jesus (Mat 1:21)?
A. Because he was born of the Holy Spirit
B. Because he would be the Messiah promised of old
C. Because he would save his people from their sins
D. Because he would be the rising and fall of many
52. Joseph as instructed to name the child “Jesus” because he would save his people
from what (Mat 1:20)?
A. Eternal punishment
B. Their enemies
C. Themselves
D. Their sins
53. Who had said “The virgin will be with child” (Mat 1:22)?
A. David
B. The prophet
C. The priest
D. Moses
54. What had the Lord said through the prophet (Mat 1:23)?
A. He would be the son of David
B. She would give birth to the king of Israel
C. The virgin will be with child
D. Through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed
55. What name had the prophet predicted would be associated with the virgin born child
(Mat 1:23)?
A. Jesus
B. Christ
C. The son of God
D. Immanuel
58. What did Joseph not do with Mary until after she gave birth to Jesus (Mat 1:25)?
A. He did not tell her what the angel had said
B. He had no union with her
C. He divorce her
D. Took her to Bethlehem
59. Who gave the child the name “Jesus” (Mat 1:25)?
A. Joseph
B. Mary
Matthew 2
1. Where was Jesus born (Mat 2:1)?
A. Jerusalem
B. Hebron
C. Nazareth
D. Bethlehem
4. Who came from the east to Jerusalem after the birth of Jesus (Mat 2:2)?
A. Two prophets
B. The Joseph and Mary
C. The magi
D. The shepherds
7. What triggered the magi coming to Jerusalem to seek the king of the Jews (Mat 2:2)?
A. The word of the prophet
B. They were struck with lightning and fell to the earth
C. They saw a cloud
D. They saw a star
9. What was Herod’s response after hearing the magi (Mat 2:3)?
A. He was angry
B. He was suspicious
C. He was disturbed
D. He was inquisative
10. Who was disturbed at the coming of the magi along with Herod (Mat 2:3)?
A. The priests and Levites
B. The servants of the king
C. The Pharisees and Sudducees
D. All Jerusalem
11. Who did Herod ask where Christ should be born (Mat 2:4)?
A. The chief priests and teachers of the law
B. The Pharisees and Sadducees
C. The Sanhedrin and high priest
D. The scribes and sages
12. Which prophet had predicted that the Christ should be born in Bethlehem of Judea
(Mat 2:5)?
A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Hosea
D. Micah
13. The prophet foretelling that the Christ would be born in Bethlehem characterized that
town as _______ (Mat 2:6)
A. The royal city and home of the Great King of Israel, David
B. By no means the least among the rulers of Judah
C. The least city in all of Israel
D. The town that was favored by God
14. Who was predicted to come out of the town of Bethlehem by the prophet (Mat 2:6)?
A. A priest of the most high God
B. The son of God
C. A ruler of Israel
D. The great prophet
15. What would the ruler who would be born in Bethlehem be according to the prophet
who foretold his birth there (Mat 2:6)?
A. Shepherd
B. A watchman
C. A husband
D. Gardener
16. When Herod called the magi secretly what did he seek to find out from them (Mat
A. Where the star had appeared to them
B. When the star had appeared to them
C. Why they had come to Jersualem
D. How he could find out who this king of the Jews was
17. Why did Herod allege that he was sending the magi to Bethlehem (Mat 2:8)?
A. To kill the young child
B. To see if what the prophet spoke had come true
C. To set up a banquet for the child
D. To search for the child
18. What did Herod allege he would do when the child of Bethlehem was found by the
magi (Mat 2:8)?
A. Serve him
B. Worship him
C. Give him the crown
D. Hide him from the Romans
19. Where did the star stop that the magi were following (Mat 2:9)?
A. Over the temple in Jerusalem
B. Over the tents of the shepherds
C. Over the place where the child was
D. Over Rachel’s tomb outside of Bethlehem
20. What was the magi’s reaction to the reappearance of the star guiding them to the
place where the child was born (Mat 2:10)?
A. They were overjoyed
B. They were troubled
C. They were puzzled
D. They were obedient
22. When the magi came to Jesus what was their response (Mat 2:11)?
A. They fell backward in fear
23. All of the following are listed as presents the magi presented to Jesus EXCEPT (Mat
A. Gold
B. Purple
C. Incense
D. Myrrh
24. What were the magi warned about in a dream (Mat 2:12)?
A. The danger of remaining in Bethlehem
B. The envy of the High Priest
C. Not to return to Herod
D. To repent for the kingdom was near
25. How were the magi warned not to return to Herod (Mat 2:12)?
A. In a vision
B. By the star
C. By the word of the Lord
D. In a dream
26. What did the magi do after being warned not to return to Herod in a dream (Mat
A. They fled for their lives to Egypt
B. They returned to their country by another route
C. They got on a ship and departed from the land of Israel
D. They wondered what all these things meant
27. To whom did the angel appear to warn Jesus’ family to take him to Egypt (Mat 2:13)?
A. Joseph
B. Mary
C. The magi
28. How did the Lord warn Jesus’ family to go to Egypt to evade the persecution of
Herod (Mat 2:13)?
A. In a dream
B. In a vision
C. An angel appeared
D. The magi told them
29. Where did the angel initially instruct Joseph to take Jesus and Mary to escape death at
the hands of Herod (Mat 2:13)?
A. Galilee
B. Egypt
C. Damascus
D. The desert
30. What did the angel tell Joseph Herod was planning to do (Mat 2:13)?
A. Search and attempt to lill Jesus
B. Send an army to bring them to Jerusalem
C. Kill the magi
D. Destroy the town of Bethlehem
31. When did Joseph begin his trip to Egypt to escape Herod’s plot against Jesus (Mat
A. In the morning
B. In the heat of the day
C. As the evening set in
D. At night
32. How long did Jesus’ family stay in Egypt (Mat 2:15)?
A. Three years
B. Until the death of Herod
C. Until Herod forgot
33. What prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus returned to Israel (Mat 2:15)?
A. Out of Egypt I have called my son
B. I desire to do your will O God
C. He shall be like a tree planted by the temple of God
D. Light has departed from Egypt
34. Which prophet said, “Out of Egypt I have called my son” (Mat 2:15)?
A. Micah
B. Isaiah
C. Hosea
D. Jeremiah
35. What was Herod’s response when he realized the magi had outwitted him (Mat 2:16)?
A. He ordered their deaths
B. He ordered the boys of Bethlehem killed
C. He ordered his army to burn the town of Bethlehem
D. He ordered the death of the high priest
36. Whose death did Herod order after being outwitted by the magi (Mat 2:16)?
A. All Bethlehem boys under 2 years of age
B. All Jewish children under 2 years of age
C. All circumcized children in Judah
D. All who would not pledge loyalty to him
37. Where did Jeremiah say a voice of weeping was heard all the way from Bethlehem to
________ (Mat 2:18)
A. Shechem
B. Jericho
C. Ramah
D. Jerusalem
39. Who did the prophet Jeremiah say was weeping for her children refusing to be
comforted (Mat 2:18)?
A. Sarah
B. Rebekah
C. Rachel
D. Leah
40. When did the angel appear in a dream to Joseph in Egypt (Mat 2:19)?
A. After two years
B. After the death of the high priest
C. After the infants of Bethlehem were killed
D. After the death of Herod
41. Who in Judea was Joseph concerned to avoid while returning from Egypt (Mat 2:22)?
A. Herod Antipas
B. Archelaus
C. Herod the Great
D. Pilate
42. Over what region did Archelaus reign after the death of Herod (Mat 2:22)?
A. Judea
B. Gilead
C. Galilee
D. Jezreel
C. Galilee
D. Jezreel
44. After returning from Egypt to what town did Joseph take his family (Mat 2:23)?
A. Capernaum
B. Bethsaida
C. Caesarea Philippi
D. Nazareth
45. The prophet said “He will be called a __________” (Mat 2:23)?
A. Shepherd
B. Nazarene
C. Son of David
D. Messiah
Matthew 3
3. What was the summary of John’s preaching in the wilderness (Mat 3:2)?
A. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
B. Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites rend your hearts not your garments
C. The kingdom is coming on earth as it is in heaven
D. Behold, the Christ has come
4. John the Baptist was predicted by what prophet as a voice calling in the desert (Mat
A. Jeremiah
B. Hosea
C. Daniel
D. Isaiah
6. What task did Isaiah say John the Baptist was to do (Mat 3:3)?
A. Prepare the hearts of God’s people
10. All of the following are listed by Matthew as going out to see John the Baptist
EXCEPT ________ (Mat 3:5)
A. Jerusalem
B. All Judea
C. Galilee
D. The region of the Jordan
11. What did the people coming to John the Baptist do before being baptized by him (Mat
A. Threw dust in the air
B. Tore their garments
C. Confessed their loyalty to Christ
12. Where did John the Baptist baptize people (Mat 3:6)?
A. In the Jordan River
B. In the Sea of Galilee
C. In the Gihon Spring in Jerusalem
D. By the Dead Sea
13. To whom did John the Baptist give the label “a brood of vipers” (Mat 3:7)?
A. The priests
B. The Pharisees and Sadducees
C. The tax collectors and sinners
D. The Gentiles of Galilee
14. What did John the Baptist call the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him (Mat
A. Sons of Satan
B. A deceptive stream
C. A brood of vipers
D. Vultures devouring God’s flock
15. What did John rhetorically ask the Pharisees and Sadducees who were coming to him
(Mat 3:7)?
A. Will baptism wash away your sins?
B. What sign of repentance to you bring?
C. Why are your garments not torn?
D. Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
16. Who did John the Baptist warn the Pharisees not to call their father (Mat 3:9)?
A. Abraham
B. Jacob
C. David
D. Moses
17. From what did John the Baptist say God could raise up children for Abraham (Mat
A. The sand of the sea
B. The stars of the heaven
C. These stones
D. The grass
18. What tree will be cut down according to John the Baptist (Mat 3:10)?
A. Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit
B. Every tree which breaks in the wind
C. Every tree not marked by the hand of God
D. Every tree not planted by the streams of water
19. What will happen to the fruitless tree cut down according to John the Baptist (Mat
A. It will rot by the side of the road
B. It will be thrown into the fire
C. It will be used in the temple of God
D. It will ground to sawdust
20. What did John the Baptist say would be at the root of the trees (Mat 3:10)?
A. The shovel
B. The plow
C. The axe
D. The fire
21. What did John the Baptist cite as the purpose of his baptism with water (Mat 3:11)?
A. Grace
B. Mercy
C. Redemption
D. Repentance
22. How did John the Baptist describe his relation to the one coming after after him (Mat
23. With what will the one coming after John the Baptist baptize with (Mat 3:12)?
A. Wind and fire
B. Bread and wine
C. The Holy Spirit and fire
D. Water and the Holy Spirit
24. What does John the Baptist say is in the hand of the one coming after him (Mat
A. His sword
B. His shepherd’s crook
C. His royal staff
D. His winnowing fork
25. What will the one coming after John the Baptist gather into his barn (Mat 3:12)?
A. His wheat
B. His figs
C. The fruit of his children
D. His grapes and olives
26. What will the one coming after John the Baptist burn up (Mat 3:12)?
A. The thorns and thistles
B. The chaff
C. The withered leaves
D. The temple
27. Where was Jesus prior to coming to John the Baptist to be baptized (Mat 3:13)?
A. Jerusalem
B. The Jordan River
C. Galilee
D. Samaria
28. What was John’s response when Jesus came to him to be baptized (Mat 3:14)?
A. I need to be baptized by you
B. I repent in dust and ashes
C. How can I baptize my Lord
D. May it never be
29. On what basis did Jesus say John was to baptize him (Mat 3:15)?
A. In order that others may learn repentance
B. So that God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven
C. In order to fulfill all righteousness
D. In order to fulfill the word of the prophet
30. How did the Spirit of God come on him after he was baptized by John (Mat 3:16)?
A. As a bread from heaven
B. As a dove
C. As a tongue of fire
D. As a still small voice
31. All of the following were said when Jesus came up from being baptized by John the
Baptist EXCEPT __________ (Mat 3:17)
A. This is my son
B. Whom I love
C. With him I am well pleased
D. Listen to the word of the Lord
32. How did the voice from heaven identify Jesus after coming up from his baptism (Mat
A. My beloved
B. My son
C. The Son of Man
D. The One who was to come
33. When Jesus came up from being baptized what descended on him like a dove (Mat
A. The Spirit of God
B. The Word of the Lord
C. A tongue of fire
D. The glory of the Lord
Matthew 4
1. How was Jesus led out into the wilderness (Mat 4:1)?
A. By his desire to be alone with God
B. By the Spirit
C. By the devil
D. By the crowds
2. What was the purpose of the Spirit leading Jesus into the desert (Mat 4:1)?
A. To fast and pray
B. To leave the crowds behind
C. To do battle with the evil one
D. To be tempted
4. Who initially came to Jesus when he was fasting in the desert (Mat 4:3)?
A. Angels
B. The Spirit
C. His disciples
D. The tempter
5. The tempter addressed Jesus with what conditional “If you are _______” (Mat 4:3)?
A. The Coming One
B. The Son of God
C. The Son of Man
D. The Messiah
6. What was the tempter’s first temptation to Jesus in the desert (Mat 4:3)?
A. Bow down and worship me
7. What was the tempter’s second temptation to Jesus in the desert (Mat 4:3)?
A. Bow down and worship me
B. Turn these stones into bread
C. Throw yourself down
D. Deny your Father in heaven
8. What was the tempter’s third temptation to Jesus in the desert (Mat 4:3)?
A. Bow down and worship me
B. Turn these stones into bread
C. Throw yourself down
D. Deny your Father in heaven
9. How did Jesus respond all three times when the devil tempted him in the desert (Mat
3:4, 7, 10)?
A. I know who you are
B. Away from me Satan
C. I trust in my Father
D. It is written
10. How did Jesus respond to the devil’s temptation to make stones into bread (Mat 4:4)?
A. Man does not live by bread alone
B. Do not put the Lord your God to the test
C. Worship the Lord your God
D. God alone is to be feared
11. In Jesus’ response to the first temptation of the devil in the desert he noted that
human’s live not on bread alone but on _________ (Mat 4:4)?
A. The bread and wine from the hand of God
B. The living water from the throne of God
C. Every word that comes from the mouth of God
12. Where did the devil take Jesus for his second temptation (Mat 4:5)?
A. The wall of Jerusalem
B. A very high mountain
C. The spring of Gihon in Jerusalem
D. The highest point of the temple
13. What temptation did the devil direct Jesus to when he was on the highest point of the
temple (Mat 4:6)?
A. To make stones into bread
B. To throw himself down
C. To worship and serve him
D. To fly up to heaven
14. In the temptation to have Jesus throw himself down what does the devil use to
support his temptation (Mat 4:6)?
A. He quotes Scripture
B. He points to Jesus’ disciples
C. Jesus’ control of angels
D. The prophetic fulfillment of Scripture
15. In the devil’s second temptation who did the devil say would rescue Jesus from his
fall (Mat 4:6)?
A. His Father
B. The Holy Spirit as a dove
C. His angels
D. His followers
16. What did the Psalm quoted by the devil say would not be damaged (Mat 4:6)?
A. His head
B. His hand
C. His heart
D. His foot
17. What material object is mentioned explicitly in the first two temptations of Christ
(Mat 4:4, 6)?
A. Trees
B. Water
C. Stone
D. Ground
18. How did Jesus respond to the devil’s second temptation (Mat 4:7)?
A. Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only
B. Man does not live by bread alone but on every word of God
C. Do not put the Lord your God to the test
D. Resist the devil and he will flee
19. For the final temptation where did the devil take Jesus to (Mat 4:8)?
A. The desert
B. The highest point of the temple
C. The well of Shechem
D. A very high mountain
20. What did the devil offer Jesus in the last temptation in the desert (Mat 4:8f)?
A. All the kingdoms of the world and their splendor
B. The souls of all humankind
C. The divine crown of heaven without a cross
D. His control of evil in this present age
21. What did the devil demand in the final temptation of Jesus in the desert (Mat 4:9)?
A. That Jesus turn stones to bread
B. That Jesus bow down and worship him
C. That Jesus trust God by throwing himself down
D. That Jesus acknowledge Satan’s authority
22. After the devil left him in the desert who came and tended to him (Mat 4:11)?
A. His disciples
B. The crowds
C. His family
D. Angels
24. What town did Jesus go to after leaving Nazareth (Mat 4:13)?
A. Capernaum
B. Bethsaida
C. Caesarea Philippi
D. Gergasa
26. What “way” were Zebulun and Naphtali associated with in the prophecy of Isaiah
(Mat 4:15)?
A. The Way of Galilee
B. The Way of Jerusalem
C. The Way of the Sea
D. The Kings’ Highway
27. The people living in Galilee were characterized by all of the following in the Isaiah
prophecy EXCEPT _______ (Mat 4:15f)
A. Gentiles
B. Living in darkness
C. Living in the shadow of death
D. The land of our fathers
28. Who gave the prophecy about the people living in darkness seeing a great light (Mat
A. Isaiah
B. Amos
C. Jeremiah
D. John the Baptist
29. What was the summary of Jesus early preaching (Mat 4:17)?
A. Make disciples of all peoples
B. You are the light of the world
C. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near
D. Come and follow me the light of the world who was to come
30. How did Jesus initially describe the kingdom of heaven (Mat 4:17)?
A. As being among you
B. As being near
C. As belonging to the Father in heaven
D. As a kingdom of righteousness and justice
31. Who did Jesus initially meet as he was walking by the Sea of Galilee (Mat 4:18)?
A. James and John
B. Matthew and Thomas
C. Judas and Phillip
D. Peter and Andrew
D. Matthew
34. What were Peter and Andrew doing when they initially met Jesus (Mat 4:18)?
A. Mending their nets
B. Casting their nets
C. Rowing their boats
D. Dragging their boat ashore
35. What was Jesus’ initial call of Peter and Andrew (Mat 4:19)?
A. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
B. Take up your cross
C. Who will go for us?
D. Come and follow me
36. What was Jesus’ initial call of Peter and Andrew (Mat 4:19)?
A. I will send you out to fish for people
B. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
C. Take up your cross
D. Who will go for us?
37. What did Peter and Andrew do at once after Jesus’ call (Mat 4:20)?
A. They rejoiced and praised God
B. They left their nets
C. They repented in dust and ashes
D. They fell at Jesus’ feet
38. Where were James and John when Jesus originally met them (Mat 4:21)?
A. Preparing their nets
39. Who was the father of James and John (Mat 4:21)?
A. Boanerges
B. Zacharias
C. Zebedee
D. Simon
41. What did James and John leave to follow Jesus (Mat 4:22)?
A. Their fish
B. Their father and boat
C. Their nets
D. Their home
43. What two things are cited as involved in Jesus’ ministry in the synagogues of Galilee
(Mat 4:23)?
A. Preaching the good news and healing the sick
B. Preaching repentance and turning to God
C. Multiplying food and forgiving sin
44. When Jesus began his ministry in Galilee, news of him spread as far as _______ (Mat
A. Jerusalem
B. Eypt
C. Syria
D. Cyprus
45. All of the following were listed as being brought to Jesus for healing EXCEPT (Mat
A. Those suffering with severe pain
B. Those having seizures
C. Demon-possessed
D. Blind
E. Paralyzed
46. All of the following are listed as regions from which those following Jesus in the
crowds were from EXCEPT (Mat 4:25)
A. Decapolis
B. Samaria
C. Jerusalem
D. Judea
E. Galilee
Matthew 5
2. Who were the explicit recipients of the Sermon on the Mount (Mat 5:1)?
A. The crowds
B. The lame, blind and paralyzed
C. The Pharisees and Sadducees
D. His disciples
8. Those are blessed who hunger and thirst for _______ (Mat 5:6)
A. Peace
B. Mercy
C. Righteousness
D. Justice
14. Those are blessed have all of the following things against them EXCEPT (Mat 5:11)
A. People insult you
B. People persecute you
C. People put you in jail
D. People say all kinds of evil falsely
16. What is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out (Mat 5:13)?
A. Salt that has lost its saltiness
B. Fruit that has rotted and gone bad
C. A linen clothe that has been torn
D. A wheel that has broken
17. Jesus said, “You are the _______ of the earth” (Mat 5:13)
A. Soil
B. Rock
C. Salt
D. Gold
18. Jesus said, “You are the ________ of the world” (Mat 5:14)
A. Gold
B. Wine
C. Hope
D. Light
19. What did Jesus say could not be hidden (Mat 5:14)?
A. A large treasure
B. A city on a hill
C. A tree on a mountain
D. The shining of the sun
21. What did Jesus liken to letting your light shine (Mat 5:16)?
A. Your good deeds
B. God’s glory
C. God’s grace
D. Your faith
22. What should be the response of those seeing your good deeds (Mat 5:16)?
A. They should want to become like you
B. They should follow Jesus
C. They should praise the Father
D. They should rejoice and be glad
24. Jesus came to ________ the Law and the Prophets (Mat 5:17)
A. Fulfill
B. Keep
C. Honor
D. Obey
25. What will never disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (Mat 5:18)
A. The least of these my brethren
B. The least commandment
C. The smallest letter
D. The mercy of the Lord
26. What teachers are called “least” in the kingdom of heaven (Mat 5:19)?
A. Anyone who breaks one of least of the law commandments
B. Anyone who condemns the least of the law commandments
C. Anyone who does not listen to the least of the law commandments
D. Anyone who walks not by these commandments
27. What teachers will be called “great” in the kingdom of heaven (Mat 5:19)?
A. Those who fulfill all righteousness
B. Those who practice the commandments
C. Those who interpret the commandments
D. Those who listen to the commandments
28. Your _________ must surpass that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law or you
will not enter the kingdom (Mat 5:20)?
A. Mercy
B. Compassion
C. Faith
D. Righteousness
29. Besides the Pharisees, who did Jesus single out as ones that your righteousness must
surpass to enter the kingdom (Mat 5:20)?
A. The Sadducees
B. The priests and Levites
C. The teachers of the law
D. The rulers of the synagogue
30. Unless your righteousness surpasses the Pharisees’ what will not happen (Mat 5:20)?
A. You will not enter the kingdom
B. You will not be justified
C. You will not be blessed
D. You will not be a follower of Jesus
31. Jesus said they had heard it said to people long ago “Do not ______” (Mat 5:21)
A. Lie
B. Steal
C. Covet
D. Murder
32. Who did Jesus say would be subject to judgment similar to murder (Mat 5:21)?
A. Anyone plotting murder in his heart
B. Anyone angry with his brother
C. Anyone who is a hypocrite
D. Anyone who has stolen
33. Jesus said not to call one’s brother “Raca” possibly meaning ________ (Mat 5:22)?
A. Hypocrite
B. Thief
C. Empty-headed
D. Murderer
34. To what did Jesus say one calling his brother “Raca” would be answerable to (Mat
A. The Sanhedrin
B. The high priest
C. The heavenly council
D. The Father in heaven
35. To what did Jesus say one calling his brother a “fool” would be in danger of (Mat
A. The being condemned by his neighbor
B. Being deceived by the devil
C. Being a hypocrite
D. The fire of hell
36. What should one do before offering a gift on the altar (Mat 5:24)?
A. Repent
B. Believe in Jesus
C. Be reconciled to one’s brother
D. Forgive the sins of those who have sinned against you
37. One should be reconciled to one’s brother before ________ (Mat 5:24)
A. Fasting and praying
B. Offering a gift on the altar
C. Telling a brother what to do
D. Teaching the law
38. With whom does Jesus say we should settle matters quickly (Mat 5:25)?
A. One taking you to court
B. An offended brother
C. The taxcollector
D. Our debtors
39. Why should one settle quickly with one taking you to court (Mat 5:25)?
A. Lest you be chastised for your offense
41. What had they heard that they should not commit (Mat 5:27)?
A. Murder
B. Theft
C. Hypocrisy
D. Adultery
42. Whom did Jesus say had already committed adultery (Mat 5:28)?
A. One who looked on a woman lustfully
B. One who had taken another man’s wife
C. One who had divorced his wife
D. One who remarries after divorce
43. If your eye offends you what should you do (Mat 5:29)?
A. Close it
B. Look away
C. Gouge it out
D. Forgive your enemy
44. What should one do if their right hand causes them to sin (Mat 5:30)?
A. Break it until it stop its offense
B. Cut it off and throw it away
C. Force it to do acts of kindness
D. Bind it to one’s body
45. Jesus said it is better to loose one part than for what to happen (Mat 5:30)?
A. One’s whole body to go to hell
B. Than that all be lost from the kingdom
C. One fall under judgment
D. One become a hypocrite
46. What must one who divorces his wife give his wife (Mat 5:33)?
A. Half of his property
B. Enough to care for the children
C. A certificate of divorce
D. A document allowing remarriage
47. What was a reason or an exception made allowing for divorce (Mat 5:32)?
A. Apostasy
B. Sexual immorality
C. Abandonment
D. Unkindness
49. What does Jesus say people of old have said regarding oaths and vows (Mat 5:33)?
A. They should not be broke but kept
B. They should be reserved only for the marriage vows
C. They should never be made
D. They should be made only with prayer and fasting
50. Jesus said vows should not be made using any of the following EXCEPT (which
one did Jesus not say anything about) (Mat 5:34f)
A. Jerusalem
B. Your head
C. Heaven
D. The altar
E. Earth
51. Jesus says not to make a vow by swearing using the earth because it is God’s
_______ (Mat 5:35)
A. Throne
B. Footstool
C. Land of the Great King
D. Garden
52. Jesus says not to make a vow by swearing using the heaven because it is God’s
_______ (Mat 5:35)
A. Throne
B. Footstool
C. Land of the Great King
D. Garden
53. How is Jerusalem identified by Jesus in his admonition against making oaths (Mat
A. The city of David
B. Mount Zion
C. The city of the Great King
D. The throne of God
54. Why did Jesus say simply say “Yes” or “No” rather than making vows (Mat 5:37)?
A. Because vows are only to be made with prayer and fasting
B. Because vows make people liars
C. Vows comprise the truth
D. Anything beyond that come from the evil one
55. What was Jesus’ response to the statement “an eye for an eye” (Mat 5:39)?
A. Do not offend at all
B. Do not resist the evil person
56. If one is slapped on the right cheek Jesus says one should _______ (Mat 5:39)?
A. Turn the other cheek
B. Count one’s blessings
C. Flee from evil
D. Remember the norm “an eye for an eye”
57. What does Jesus say one should do if one is sued for one’s shirt (Mat 5:40)?
A. If one is wrong, give it up
B. Render righteous judgments
C. Hand over one’s coat as well
D. Give one’s sandal as well
58. If someone forces you to go one mile what should be your response (Mat 5:41)?
A. Carry his bags as well
B. Refuse to go on the Sabbath
C. Do it with joy
D. Go with him two miles
59. Jesus said who should not be turned away (Mat 5:42)?
A. The one who wants to borrow from you
B. The one knocking at your door
C. The fatherless and widow
D. The least of these my brothers
60. Jesus said people have heard “Love your neighbor and ________” (Mat 5:43)
A. Love the Lord your God
B. Hate your enemy
C. Do good
D. Forgive your enemy
61. For whom did Jesus explicitly say to pray (Mat 5:44)?
A. Your brothers and sisters
B. The leaders of the nation
C. Those that persecute you
D. Those who reject the kingdom
62. What does God do for both the evil and good (Mat 5:45)?
A. Causes the sun to rise
B. Gives them rest
C. Sends rain
D. Feeds them with bread and wine
62. What does God do for both the righteous and unrighteous (Mat 5:45)?
A. Causes the sun to rise
B. Gives them rest
C. Sends rain
D. Feeds them with bread and wine
63. What does Jesus say even the tax collectors do (Mat 5:46)?
A. Are fair to those who pay their taxes
B. Serve those that are over them
C. Protect their own
D. Love those that love them
64. Jesus said that we are to be ________ as our Father in heaven is _______ (Mat 5:48)
A. Righteous
B. Perfect
C. Loving
D. Merciful
Matthew 6
1. What should not be done before people to be seen by them (Mat 6:1)?
A. Fasting
B. Giving of tithes and offerings
C. Acts of righteousness
D. Praying
3. Where do the hypocritics announce their giving to the needy with trumpets (Mat 6:2)?
A. In the temple
B. In the synagogues
C. In the market place
D. In the street corners
C. To be seen by men
D. They think they lead others to God
8. Where does Jesus tell his disciples to go when they pray (Mat 6:6)?
A. The synagogue
B. The street corner
C. Their room
D. Into the desert
9. When instructing on prayer what does Jesus say about the Father (Mat 6:6)?
A. He hears all prayers
B. He listens to the prayers of the needy
C. He answers the prayers of the righteous
D. He sees what is done in secret
11. Why do pagans think they will be heard by God (Mat 6:7)?
A. Because of their righteousness
B. Because of their many words
C. Because they pray in public
D. Because they weep and fast
12. In prayer, how does Jesus portray the Father in opposition to the babbling of the
pagans (Mat 6:8)?
A. Seeing all things done among all the people
B. Carefully listening to every word that you say
C. Knowing what you need before you ask
D. Concerned about his children
13. In the Lord’s prayer, how is the Father identified (Mat 6:9)?
A. As in Jerusalem
B. As listening
C. As compassionate
D. As in heaven
15. For what does the Lord’s prayer request would come (Mat 6:10)?
A. Jesus
B. Your kingdom
C. Your glory
D. Your will
16. Where does the Lord’s prayer request God’s will be done (Mat 6:10)?
A. On earth
B. In heaven
C. In Jerusalem
D. In our hearts
17. What does the Lord’s prayer ask be given to us (Mat 6:11)?
A. Mercy
B. Forgiveness
18. What does the Lord’s prayer ask to be forgiven (Mat 6:12)?
A. Our sins
B. Our debts
C. All evil
D. The rejection of God
19. On what does the Lord’s prayer condition our debts being forgiven (Mat 6:12)?
A. The blood of Jesus
B. As God forgives those who love him
C. As Jesus forgave those against him
D. As we have forgiven our debtors
20. Where does the Lord’s prayer request that we not be led (Mat 6:13)?
A. Into temptation
B. Into trouble
C. Into evil
D. Into the path of those despising God
21. From what/whom does the Lord’s prayer ask for deliverance (Mat 6:13)?
A. All harm
B. Those who would persecute the righteous
C. The evil one
D. Pride and arrogance
22. According to Jesus when will your heavenly Father forgive you (Mat 6:14)?
A. When you turn in repentance to him
B. When you believe on Jesus
C. When you turn away from your sin
D. When you forgive those who sin against you
23. According to Jesus, when will your heavenly Father not forgive you (Mat 6:14)?
A. If you do not forgive others their sins
B. If you do not repent and turn to him
C. If you do not believe that Jesus is the son of God
D. If the Spirit does not make you alive
24. How are you not to look when you fast (Mat 6:16)?
A. Happy
B. Somber
C. Proud
D. Judgmental of others
25. How do the hypocritics indicate to others that they are fasting (Mat 6:16)?
A. They put dust on their heads
B. They wear sackcloth
C. They disfigure their faces
D. They walk around with bowed heads
26. Besides washing your face what other thing did Jesus say to do in order that it would
not be obvious to others that you are fasting (Mat 6:17)?
A. Wash your hands
B. Put on new set of clothes
C. Offer food and drink to one’s neighbors
D. Put oil on your head
27. What does Jesus say the Father sees (Mat 6:18)?
A. What is done in secret
B. What is done with a pure heart
C. What is done for the sake of the kingdom
D. All things
28. Jesus says we should not store up _________ on earth (Mat 6:19)
A. Food
B. Treasures
C. Goods
D. Good works before men
29. All of the following Jesus cites as reasons why it is not wise to store up treasure on
earth EXCEPT (Mat 6:20)
A. Vermin destroy
B. Moths destroy
C. Thieves steal
D. Death removes
30. Where does Jesus recommend one store up treasure (Mat 6:21)?
A. On earth
B. On Zion
C. In heaven
D. In one’s heart
33. If the eye is unhealthy what will the body be full of (Mat 6:23)?
A. Evil
B. Sadness
C. Darkness
D. Sickness
35. Jesus said one cannot serve both God and ______ (Mat 6:24)?
A. Self
B. Money
C. The praise of people
D. The devil
36. Jesus says one should not ______ about one’s life (Mat 6:25)?
A. Worry
B. Plan
C. Think
D. Weep
37. Jesus lists all of the following as things one should not worry about EXCEPT (Mat
A. What you will eat
B. What you will drink
C. What one will buy
D. What one will wear
38. What do birds not do, yet the heavenly Father takes care of them (Mat 6:26)?
A. Put on clothes
B. Build homes
C. Treasure up riches
D. Sow or reap
40. What did Jesus say neither labors or spins clothes (Mat 6:28)?
A. Birds
B. Sheep
C. Flowers
D. Trees
41. Who does Jesus say even in all his splendor was not dressed as magnificently as a
flower (Mat 6:28f)?
A. Solomon
B. David
C. Moses
D. Caesar
42. What does God clothe which is here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow (Mat
A. Lambs
B. Grass
C. Birds
D. Flowers
43. In matters of worry Jesus told them they had little _________ (Mat 6:30)
A. Wisdom
B. Righteousness
C. Faith
D. Discipline
44. Jesus condemned all of the following expressions of worry EXCEPT (Mat 6:31)?
A. What shall we eat?
B. What shall we drink?
C. What shall we wear?
45. Who run after things that they eat, drink and wear (Mat 6:32)?
A. Hypocritics
B. Pagans
C. Pharisees
D. Taxcollectors and sinners
46. What does Jesus say we should seek first along with God’s kingdom (Mat 6:33)?
A. Righteousness
B. Faith
C. Love
D. Mercy
47. What should one not worry about because it will take care of itself (Mat 6:34)?
A. Clothes
B. Food
C. Tomorrow
D. Shelter
48. What does each day have enough of on its own (Mat 6:34)?
A. Blessing
B. Mercy
C. Worry
D. Trouble
Matthew 7
2. Jesus says you should not judge or try to take the ______ out of your brother’s
eye (Mat 7:3)
A. Thorn
B. Hair
C. Speck
D. Plank
3. What does Jesus say one should pull out of his own eye before taking anything
out of your brother’s eye (Mat 7:4)?
A. Thorn
B. Hair
C. Speck
D. Plank
8. Jesus recommended we do all of the following in the context of prayer EXCEPT (Mat
A. Ask
B. Enter
C. Seek
D. Knock
10. What will a father not give a son if he asks for bread (Mat 7:9)?
A. A stone
B. A snake
C. A stick
D. An empty plate
11. What will a father not give a son if he asks for a fish (Mat 7:9)?
A. A stone
B. A snake
C. A stick
D. An sheep
12. Jesus said what do you, being evil, know how to do (Mat 7:11)?
A. Care for your father and mother
B. Pray in the synagogues day and night
C. Help those who are in need
D. Give good gifts to your children
13. To whom will the Father in heaven give good gifts too (Mat 7:11)?
A. All this children
B. Those who are in need
C. Those who ask him
D. Those who walk in his ways
15. What does the rule: do to others what you would have them do to you summarize
(Mat 7:12)?
A. All righteousness
B. The Law and the Prophets
C. The message of Christ
D. The whole of the gospel to all nations
16. Where does the wide gate and broad road lead to (Mat 7:13)?
A. Heaven
B. Life
C. Evil
D. Destruction
17. Where does the small gate and narrow road lead to (Mat 7:14)?
A. Heaven
B. Life
C. The Father’s house
D. The land
21. To what does Jesus liken false prophets inwardly (Mat 7:15)?
A. Lions
B. Snakes
C. Wolves
D. Vultures
D. By their path
24. What happens to a tree that does not bear good fruit (Mat 7:19)?
A. It is trimmed back and pruned
B. It is watered and fertilized
C. It is cut down and burned
D. It is overgrown with thornes
25. Not everyone who says _______will enter into the kingdom of heaven (Mat 7:21)?
A. Lord, Lord
B. I believe
C. I followed you will
D. Jesus is Lord
26. Who alone will be the ones who allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven according to
Jesus (Mat 7:21)?
A. Those who believe
B. Those who do the will of the Father
C. Those who help the poor
D. Those who repent and have faith
27. All of the following are claimed by evildoers whom Jesus rejects EXCEPT (Mat
A. We prophesied in your name
B. We drove out demons in your name
C. We performed many miracles in your name
D. We prayed to God in your name
28. What will be the ultimate condemnation of evildoers from Jesus (Mat 7:23)?
A. I never knew you
B. Depart from the kingdom
C. Your sins are not forgiven
D. Follow your own desires
29. Who is like the rock house building wise man (Mat 7:24)?
A. Everyone who hears Jesus’ words and puts them into practice
B. Everyone who hears Jesus’ teachings and teaches them to others
C. Everyone who fears God and keeps his commandments
D. Everyone who takes up his cross and follows Christ
30. Where does the wise man build his house (Mat 7:24)?
A. By the king’s palace
B. Inside the city wall
C. Near trees
D. On a rock
31. All of the following came against the wise man’s house built on the rock EXCEPT
(Mat 7:25)?
A. Winds
B. Rains
C. Earthquakes
D. Floods
33. On what did the foolish man build his house (Mat 7:26)?
A. Rock
B. Water
C. Sand
D. Logs
34. What happen when the foolish man’s house was hit with the winds and rain (Mat
A. It was burned down
B. It fell
C. It was shaken
D. It was moved
34. What was the crowd’s response to Jesus teaching in the Sermon on the Mount (Mat
A. They repented
B. They rejoiced
C. They were delighted
D. They were amazed
35. Why were the crowds amazed at Jesus teaching (Mat 7:29)?
A. Because he taught them the word of God
B. Because he disagreed with the Pharisees and Sadducees
C. Because he taught them with authority
D. Because he taught them from the Scriptures
36. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount it said Jesus did not teach as what group of
people taught (Mat 7:29)?
A. The Pharisees
B. The Sadducees
C. The priests
D. The teachers of the law
Matthew 8
2. How did the man with leprosy approach Jesus (Mat 8:2)?
A. He cried out to him
B. He raised his hands to him
C. He knelt before him
D. He hid his face from him
3. What did the man with leprosy request from Jesus (Mat 8:2)?
A. To be made clean
B. To be forgiven
C. To be healed
D. To become a follower of Christ
4. How did Jesus make the man with leprosy clean (Mat 8:4)?
A. He forgave his sins
B. He said “Be clean”
C. He put mud on the man’s leprosy
D. He told him to wash in the pool of Siloam
5. After curing the leper what did Jesus tell the man not to do (Mat 8:4)?
A. Tell anyone
B. Sin any more
C. Go to the priests
D. Return to his parents
6. To whom did Jesus send the man cured of leprosy (Mat 8:4)?
A. The priest
B. The Pharisees
C. The ruler of the synagogue
D. His parents
8. Why did Jesus send the cured man with leprosy to the priest (Mat 8:4)?
A. To fulfill all righteousness
B. As sign confirming his power
C. As a gift to the temple
D. As a testimony to them
9. Where did Jesus meet the centurion asking him for help (Mat 8:5)?
A. Bethsaida
B. Capernaum
C. Gergasa
D. Jerusalem
10. Who asked Jesus to help his servant who was paralyzed (Mat 8:6)?
A. A centurion
B. The ruler of the synagogue
C. The high priest
D. The governor
11. For whom did the centurion ask Jesus for help (Mat 8:6)?
A. His daughter
B. His wife
C. His servant
D. His brother
12. What was wrong with the centurion’s servant (Mat 8:6)?
A. He was lame
B. He was blind
C. He was deaf and mute
D. He was paralyzed
13. What did the centurion say he did not deserve (Mat 8:8)?
A. To have Jesus come under his roof
B. To eat with Jesus and the disciples
C. To have Jesus do a miracle for him
D. To have any mercy from Jesus
14. How did the centurion suggest that Jesus heal his servant (Mat 8:8)?
A. By coming to his house
B. By just saying the word
C. By sending one of his disciples
D. By touching his garment
15. How did the centurion understand that Jesus could heal just by speaking (Mat 8:9)?
A. Because God spoke the world into being
B. Because nothing is too hard for God
C. Because he too was a man under authority
D. Because he saw Jesus do it before that way
16. At what was Jesus astonished in regard to the healing of the centurion’s servant (Mat
A. The unbelief of his disciples
B. The unbelief of the Pharisees
C. The faith of the servant
D. The centurion’s great faith
17. Where did Jesus say he had not found faith to match that of the centurion’s (Mat
A. In Israel
B. In Galilee
C. In Jeruslaem
D. On earth
18. To what will many from the east and west come according to Jesus (Mat 8:11)?
A. The Great White Throne judgment
B. The Spirit’s descent at Pentecost
C. The feast with Abraham in the kingdom
D. The resurrection of the living
19. Jesus said many would come from outside Israel and eat at the feast in the kingdom
with all of the following EXCEPT (Mat 8:11)
A. Isaac
B. Jacob
C. David
D. Abraham
20. What did Jesus say would happen to the subjects of the kingdom (Mat 8:12)?
A. They would not be forgiven in this world or in the one to come
B. They would be thrown out into the darkness
C. They would be rejected and the temple destroyed
D. They would be have to pay the final judge
21. How did Jesus characterize the darkness of hell (Mat 8:12)?
A. Weeping and gnashing of teeth
B. Fire and brimstone
C. Loneliness and punishment
D. Emptiness and falling down
22. Jesus told the centurion to go and what would happen (Mat 8:13)?
A. His son would be raised
B. What he had asked for would happen
C. What he believed would happen
25. How did Jesus heal Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever (Mat 8:15)?
A. He touched her
B. He spoke a word
C. He spit on the ground
D. He had her eat some food
26. How did Jesus drive out the spirits of the demon possessed (Mat 8:16)?
A. He touched those possessed
B. He spoke a word
C. He spit on the ground
D. He had music played and the spirits left
27. What does Matthew cite as the basis for why Jesus healed many (Mat 8:17)?
A. He shall crush the serpent’s head
B. No disease shall stand before him
C. He carried our diseases
D. His kingdom will heal all disease
28. Which prophet said, “He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases” (Mat 8:17)?
A. Jeremiah
B. Hosea
C. Ezekiel
D. Isaiah
29. Who said “Teacher I will follow you wherever you go” (Mat 8:19)?
A. A teacher of the law
B. A Pharisee
C. A Sadducee
D. A centurion
30. When Jesus says “the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” to what two things did
he contrast himself with (Mat 8:20)?
A. Lions and lambs
B. Sheep and goats
C. Foxes and birds
D. Ants and rabbits
31. What did another disciple ask Jesus’ permission to do before he came and followed
Jesus (Mat 8:21)?
A. To sell his house
B. To bury his father
C. To ask permission from his family
D. To get married
32. Who did Jesus say should bury their dead (Mat 8:22)?
A. His followers
B. The children
C. Those who loved him
D. The dead
33. What happened when Jesus and his disciples got into a boat after the Sermon on the
Mount (Mat 8:24)?
A. Waves swept over the boat
B. They cast their nets on the other side to catch fish
34. What was Jesus doing when the boat was hit with a furious storm (Mat 8:24)?
A. He was walking on the water
B. He was sleeping
C. He was fishing
D. He was reading the Scripture
35. What did Jesus say to the disciples when they woke him up during the furious storm
on the Sea of Galilee (Mat 8:26)?
A. This was to fulfill all righteousness
B. Trust in your heavenly Father
C. You of little faith
D. Why did you doubt?
36. How did Jesus react to the furious storm (Mat 8:26)?
A. He walked on the water
B. He cast in a fishing line
C. He told the disciples to believe in him
D. He calmed the wind and waves
37. What was the response of the disciples when they saw Jesus still the wind and waves
(Mat 8:27)?
A. They were amazed
B. They believed in him
C. They followed him
D. They feared him
38. After the furious wind storm where did Jesus and the disciples land (Mat 8:28)?
A. In the region of Bethsaida
B. In the region of the Gadarenes
C. In the region of the Decapolis
39. How many demon possessed men came out of the tombs to meet Jesus (Mat 8:28)?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. Twelve
40. How did the demon possessed men identify Jesus (Mat 8:29)?
A. The Son of Man
B. The Christ
C. The Holy one of God
D. The Son of God
41. What did the demon possessed men accuse Jesus of attempting to do (Mat 8:29)?
A. Come to save them
B. Come to torture them
C. Come to expell them from the men
D. Come to judge them
42. What were feeding near the demon possessed men (Mat 8:30)?
A. Sheep
B. Goats
C. Pigs
D. Cattle
44. What did the pigs do after the demons entered them (Mat 8:32)?
A. They ran into the wilderness
45. Who brought the message of what had happened to the two demon-possessed men
(Mat 8:33)?
A. Those who had tried to shackle them
B. The grave keeper
C. Those who tended the pigs
D. The disciples
46. What did the town desire of Jesus after he had cast the demons out of the two tomb
dwellers (Mat 8:34)?
A. To leave the region
B. To come and heal their relatives
C. To come and rule over them
D. To have dinner with them
Matthew 9
1. In what town did Jesus meet the paralytic lying on a mat (Mat 9:1)?
A. The town of Matthew
B. His own town
C. The governor’s town
D. The town of the synagogue
2. To whom did Jesus say, “your sins are forgiven” (Mat 9:2)?
A. A blind man
B. A leper
C. A paralytic
D. A demon-possessed man
3. In response to what did Jesus tell the paralytic his sins were forgiven (Mat 9:2)?
A. When he looked at the paralytic
B. When he looked at the crowd
C. When he saw the man’s faith
D. When he saw the faith of those that brought him
4. What conclusion did the teachers of the law come to when they heard Jesus say, “Your
sins are forgiven.” (Mat 9:3)?
A. He was blaspheming
B. He was pretending to be a priest
C. He was out of his mind
D. He had divine authority
5. What did Jesus say was as easier to say “Your sins are forgiven” or ________ (Mat
A. Be healed
B. Open your eyes and see
C. Get up and walk
D. Be cleansed
6. Why did Jesus tell the paralytic to get up and go home (Mat 9:6)?
A. So that they might believe that he was the Son of Man
B. So that they might know he had authority to forgive sins
C. So that they might follow him
D. So that they might have compassion on the sick
7. What was the response of the crowd after the paralytic got up and walked home (Mat
A. The crowd brought more sick for him to heal
B. The crowd murmured against him
C. The crowd whispered “Could this be the Son of Man”
D. The crowd was filled with awe and praised God
11. After Jesus called Matthew where did he have dinner (Mat 9:10)?
A. At the synagogue ruler’s home
B. Beside the Sea of Galilee
C. At Matthew’s home
D. On the side of a mountain
12. Who came to eat with Jesus at Matthew’s house (Mat 9:10)?
A. Scribes and Pharisees
B. Jesus’ mother and brothers
C. The blind and lame
D. Tax collectors and sinners
13. Who did the Pharisees ask why Jesus ate with tax collectors (Mat 9:11)?
A. Jesus’ disciples
B. Jesus’ family
C. Matthew
D. Jesus
14. Who questioned the disciples about why Jesus ate with tax collectors and “sinners”
(Mat 9:11)?
A. The scribes
B. The Pharisees
C. The Sadducees
D. The ruler of the synagogue
15. Jesus responded to the Phariseees’ criticism of his eating with tax collectors by saying
________ (Mat 9:12)?
A. Sacrifices are for those who have sinned not the righteous
B. Repent and believe the gospel
C. The healthy don’t need a doctor but the sick do
D. A little leaven leavens the whole lump
16. What did Jesus tell the Pharisees to go and learn when they criticized him for eating
with tax collectors (Mat 9:13)?
A. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
B. Take the plank out of your own eye before helping with the speck in your
17. Who did Jesus say he had not come to call (Mat 9:13)?
A. The healthy
B. The righteous
C. The holy
D. The rich
18. Who did Jesus say he had come to call (Mat 9:13)?
A. The sick
B. The poor of this world
C. Sinners
D. Those who believed in him
19. Who asked Jesus why his disciples did not fast (Mat 9:14)?
A. The Pharisees
B. The teachers of the law
C. The ruler of the synagogue
D. John the Baptist’s disciples
20. When did Jesus say, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with
them?” (Mat 9:14)
A. In response to a question about fasting
B. In response to a question on healing
C. In response to a question on forgiving sins
D. In response to a question about the kingdom
21. What did Jesus say his disciples would do when the bridegroom is taken from them
(Mat 9:15)?
A. They would follow him
B. They would fast
C. They would mourn
22. Jesus said, what does one not put a patch on (Mat 9:16)?
A. On sandals
B. On a soiled table cloth
C. On an old garment
D. On a broken chair
23. Why does one not sew a patch on an old garment (Mat 9:16)?
A. It will pull away and make the tear worse
B. There is nothing left to sew it onto
C. It will defile the garment
D. The new patch will make the garment look old
24. Jesus said where do people not put new wine (Mat 9:17)?
A. In old jugs
B. In already used bottles
C. In old vats
D. In old wineskins
25. Why does one not put new wine in old wineskins (Mat 9:17)?
A. Lest the wine be spoiled
B. Lest the wineskins burst
C. Lest the wineskins are confused
D. Lest the wine turns sour
26. Who came asking Jesus to come and raise his daughter from the dead (Mat 9:18)?
A. A Pharisee
B. A grieving mother
C. A synagogue leader
D. A centurion
27. How did the synagogue leader suggest that Jesus raise his daughter (Mat 9:18)?
A. By just speaking the word
28. Where was Jesus going when he was touched by the woman who had been subject to
bleeding (Mat 9:20)?
A. To raise the synagogue leader’s daughter
B. To heal the centurion’s servant
C. To visit Peter’s sick mother-in-law
D. To heal the paralytic
29. How long had the bleeding woman had that malaldy (Mat 9:20)?
A. Six months
B. A year
C. Three years
D. Twelve years
31. What did Jesus say to the bleeding woman (Mat 9:22)?
A. Be healed and follow me
B. Your sins are forgiven
C. Your faith has healed you
D. I cannot give the children’s bread to dogs
32. When Jesus came to the synagogue leader’s house what were people playing (Mat
A. Harps
B. Cymbals
C. Drums
D. Pipes
33. What did Jesus say that made the people laugh at him (Mat 9:24)?
A. The girl is asleep
B. The girl is in need of rest
C. Be quiet and all will be well
D. Only believe and she will live again
34. How did Jesus raise the synagogue leader’s dead daughter (Mat 9:25)?
A. He spoke the word
B. He took her by the hand
C. He anointed her with oil
D. He had her parents wash her with water seven times
35. What did the blind men cry out to Jesus (Mat 9:27)?
A. We would see Jesus
B. Son of God, give us our sight
C. Have mercy on us, Son of David
D. O Lord, how long until we can see the kingdom
36. How many blind man/men called out to Jesus as the Son of David (Mat 9:27)?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Five
37. The two blind men addressed Jesus as _________ (Mat 9:27)
A. The Son of God
B. The Son of Abraham
C. The Son of Righteousness
D. The Son of David
38. How did Jesus heal the blind men (Mat 9:29)?
A. He anointed them with oil
39. According to what did Jesus say the eyes of the blind men were opened (Mat 9:29)?
A. Their righteousness
B. Their faith
C. God’s mercy
D. The kingdom of heaven
40. After healing the blind men what did Jesus tell them (Mat 9:30)?
A. See that no one knows about this
B. Come and follow me
C. Let the light of the kingdom fill your eyes
D. I am the light of the world
41. What did the blind men do after they were healed (Mat 9:31)?
A. They worshipped God
B. They rejoiced in the city gate
C. They went home
D. They spread the news about Jesus
42. Who came to Jesus while the blind men were leaving (Mat 9:32)?
A. The ruler of the synagogue
B. A man with leprosy
C. A demon-possessed mute man
D. A centurion
43. What did Jesus do that allowed the mute man to talk (Mat 9:33)?
A. He put his fingers into his mouth
B. He drove out the demon
C. He spoke the word
D. He told him to offering the sacrifices Moses had commanded
44. How did the Pharisees react to Jesus casting out the demon of the mute man (Mat
A. They said he drives out demons by the prince of demons
B. They said he himself was demon-possessed
C. They said he was fooling the people
D. They said only God can drive out demons
45. Where did Jesus teach as he went through the towns of Galilee (Mat 9:35)?
A. In the temple
B. On the mountain sides
C. In their synagogues
D. On the sea
47. What was Jesus’ general reaction to the crowds (Mat 9:36)?
A. He left them behind
B. He wanted to feed them
C. He had compassion on them
D. He taught them
C. The farmers
D. The clouds bringing water
50. What did Jesus say his disciples should ask the Lord of harvest for (Mat 9:38)?
A. The kingdom to come
B. To send workers into the harvest
C. To call many for the fall and rising of Israel
D. To ripen the harvest
Matthew 10
1. What authority did Jesus give to his twelve disciples before sending them out (Mat
A. Drive out evil spirits and heal diseases
B. Preach that the kingdom was near
C. To do everything he had done
D. The power of the Holy Spirit
3. Who were the disciples who were the sons of Zebedee (Mat 10:2)?
A. Peter and Andrew
B. Philip and Bartholomew
C. Thomas and Thaddaeus
D. James and John
4. Besides James and John who was the other set of brothers that were disciples (Mat
A. Philip and Bartholomew
B. Thomas and Matthew
C. Peter and Andrew
D. James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddeus
7. Of the disciples, who was idenitifed as the tax collector (Mat 10:3)?
A. Matthew
B. Thaddaeus
C. Thomas
D. Philip
10. Where were the disciples instructed not to go by Jesus (Mat 10:8)?
A. To Jerusalem
B. To the decapolis
C. To the coastal plain
D. To the Samaritans
11. When Jesus sent his disciples out what metaphor did he use for sending them to
Israel (Mat 10:6)?
A. Treacherous snakes
B. Lost sheep
C. Olive tree
D. Fluttering birds
12. What message did Jesus tell his disciples to preach when he sent them out (Mat
A. Repent and believe the good news
B. The Son of Man is coming in the clouds of heaven
C. The kingdom of heaven is near
D. Seek first the kingdom
13. In verifying the message the disciples were to preach, they were to do all of the
following EXCEPT (Mat 10:8)
A. Heal the sick
B. Raise the dead
C. Cleanse the lepers
D. Open the eyes of the blind
E. Drive out demons
14. When sending out his disciples Jesus told them not to take all of the following in their
belts EXCEPT (Mat 10:9)
A. Iron
B. Gold
C. Silver
D. Copper
15. When sending out his disciples Jesus told them not to take an extra of each of the
following EXCEPT (Mat 10:10)
A. Staff
B. Belt
C. Tunic
D. Sandals
16. In each town, who did Jesus direct them to search out (Mat 10:11)?
A. An elder of the city
17. Jesus instructed his disciples as he sent them out that if a home was worthy what
should he let rest on that home (Mat 10:13)?
A. Your peace
B. Your blessing
C. Your grace
D. Your thanks
18. If anyone does not welcome Jesus’ disciples what was to be there response (Mat
A. Wash their hands of that home and leave
B. Turn the other cheek and stay
C. Dialogue with them about why they did not welcome them
D. Shake the dust off their feet and leave
19. If a town rejects the disciples Jesus was sending it will be more tolerable for _______
in the day of judgment than for that town (Mat 10:15)
A. Tyre and Sidon
B. Sodom and Gomorrah
C. Nineveh and Babylon
D. Gaza and Ashkelon
20. Jesus said he was sending his disciples out like _________ (Mat 10:16)?
A. Sheep among lions
B. Sheep among wolves
C. Doves among snakes
D. Lambs to the slaughter
C. As shrewd as snakes
D. A quick as birds
22. Jesus warned his disciples that they would be flogged in what location (Mat 10:17)?
A. The synagogues
B. The temple
C. Their homes
D. In the desert
23. Jesus warned his disciples they would be brought before _________ as a witness
(Mat 10:18)?
A. Elders
B. The chief priests
C. Governors
D. The Pharisees
24. Jesus warned his disciples that they would be brought before kings at which time they
would be witnesses to the __________ (Mat 10:18)
A. Pharisees
B. Chief priests
C. Sanhedrin
D. The Gentiles
25. What did Jesus tell his disciples they should not worry about when they are arrested
(Mat 10:19)?
A. Whether they would get free
B. What they would say
C. Whether they would stay faithful
D. What would happen to them
26. Who would speak through the disciples when they are arrested (Mat 10:20)?
A. The Spirit of your Father
B. The angel of the Lord
C. Their consciences
27. Because of the gospel, what will brother do to brother (Mat 10:21)?
A. Forgive him
B. Become jealous of him
C. Betray brother to death
D. Turn him in to the Romans
28. Why did Jesus say all people would hate the disciples (Mat 10:22)?
A. Because of the kingdom
B. Because of your message
C. Because of their hatred of God
D. Because of me
29. Who does Jesus tell his disciples will be saved (Mat 10:22)?
A. Those who stand firm until the end
B. Those who preach the kingdom of heaven
C. Those who follow Jesus
D. Those who believe in Jesus
30. What did Jesus tell his disciples to do when they were persecuted in one place (Mat
A. Resist unto the point of death
B. Flee to another place
C. Turn the other cheek
D. Go into their closet and pray to the Lord of harvest
31. What did Jesus say would happen before they had fled throughout all the cities of
Israel (Mat 10:23)?
A. The end willl come
B. God will open the door to the Gentiles
C. The Son of Man will come
D. All Israel will be saved
32. What did Jesus say a student is not above (Mat 10:24)?
A. His teacher
B. His parents
C. His priest
D. His king
33. Jesus warned his disciples as he was sending them out, what had the head of the
household been called (Mat 10:25)?
A. False prophet
B. Deceiver
C. Traitor
D. Beelzebub
34. Why did Jesus tell his disciples not to be afraid (Mat 10:26)?
A. God would be their rock and refuge
B. There is nothing concealed that would not be disclosed
C. He would give them rest in the midst of their struggles
D. They could flee in safety
35. Where were they to proclaim what Jesus whispered in their ear (Mat 10:27)?
A. In the highways and byways
B. In the city gates
C. On the roofs
D. In the king’s palace
36. Why did Jesus tell his disciples not to fear those who would kill them (Mat 10:28)?
A. While they can kill the body they cannot kill their souls
B. While they are more powerful they cannot hurt them
C. While they can punish them in their synagogues only God will judge in the
D. God would forgive them
37. Of whom does Jesus say his disciples should be afraid (Mat 10:28)?
A. The one who judges righteous judgment
39. What did Jesus take particular note saying God had numbered them (Mat 10:29)?
A. The sand of the seashore
B. The stars of the heavens
C. The righeous on the earth
D. The hairs of our head
40. What did Jesus say a human was worth more than (Mat 10:31)?
A. Many sparrows
B. Much gold
C. Many sheep
D. Many thrones on this earth
41. Jesus said he did not come to bring peace but _________ (Mat 10:34)
A. Redemption
B. Forgiveness of sins
C. A sword
D. A scepter of righteousness
42. Where would a man following Christ’s enemies come from (Mat 10:36)?
A. The Jews
B. The rulers of the synagogue
C. The governors of this wold
D. One’s own household
43. Valuing any of these more than Christ makes one not worthy of Christ EXCEPT
[which one did Jesus not list] (Mat 10:37)?
A. Father
B. Mother
C. Son
D. Daughter
E. Wife
45. What did Jesus say his followers were to take up (Mat 10:37)?
A. Their sword
B. Their cross
C. Their yoke
D. Their cloaks
46. What will happen to the one who “finds” his life (Mat 10:38)?
A. He will loose it
B. He will keep it unto eternal life
C. He will never die
D. He will treasure it
48. The one who receives Jesus also receives ________ (Mat 10:40)
A. The one the good news
49. What will one who receives a prophet get (Mat 10:41)?
A. A prophet’s reward
B. The fulfillment of the prophecy
C. A crown in heaven
D. A gift from the Father in heaven
50. What must one give to one of Jesus’ disciples not to lose his reward (Mat 10:42)?
A. Bread and wine
B. A staff and sandals
C. A cup of cold water
D. A place to lay their heads
Matthew 11
1. After instructing and sending out the twelve where did Jesus go to preach (Mat 11:1)?
A. In the Decapolis
B. To Jerusalem
C. On the mountains of the Samaritans
D. In the towns of Galilee
2. Who heard what Jesus was doing and sent to ask him things (Mat 11:2)?
A. John the Baptist
B. Herod
C. Caiaphas the high priest
D. Joseph of Arimathea
3. Where was John the Baptist when Jesus was preaching in Galilee (Mat 11:2)?
A. By the Jordan River
B. By the Sea of Galilee
C. In Prison
D. On a boat
4. Who asked Jesus “are you the one who was to come?” (Mat 11:3)?
A. Matthew
B. Peter
C. Zebedee
D. John the Baptist
5. Jesus told John’s disciples to report back to him in prison all of the following EXCEPT
(Mat 11:4)
A. The blind receive their sight
B. The hungry are fed
C. The dead are raised
D. The goodnews is preached to the poor
E. The deaf hear
6. Who did Jesus say was blessed in the context of John being in prison (Mat 11:6)?
A. The one who does not fall away on account of me
B. Those who are persecuted for righteousness sake
C. The one who believes in me
D. The one who seeks first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
7. When John’s disciples were leaving Jesus, what did Jesus do (Mat 11:7)?
A. He went out into the desert
B. He told his disciples about John
C. He warned his disciples not to doubt as John had
D. He got into a boat to cross the sea
8. What did Jesus say some may have gone out into the desert to see John as a _______
(Mat 11:7)
A. A withered flower
B. An well giving water to all
C. A reed swayed by the wind
D. Dust blown in the wind
10. What did Jesus say was written about John (Mat 11:10)?
A. He would be killed for his faith
B. He will prepare your way before you
C. He will baptize the one who is to come
D. He would baptize many for the remission of their sins
11. Jesus said John the Baptist was greater than ________ (Mat 11:11)?
A. All the kings of the earth
B. All the priests in the temple
12. Who did Jesus say was greater than John the Baptist (Mat 11:11)?
A. Those who follow Jesus
B. The prophets of old
C. Those who believe in the Son of Man
D. The least in the kingdom of heaven
13. From the time of John the Baptist until Jesus time how had the kingdom been
advancing (Mat 11:12)?
A. By force
B. By the light of God’s word
C. By truth
D. By faith
14. Until when did all the prophets and Law prophesy (Mat 11:13)?
A. Until Jesus
B. Until the redemption of all
C. Until John
D. Until now
15. Who did Jesus identify John the Baptist with, if they would receive it (Mat 11:14)?
A. Moses
B. Elijah
C. Elisha
D. Malachi
17. What did the children in the marketplace say the people did not do when they played
their flutes (Mat 11:16)?
A. They did not sing
B. They did not clap their hands
C. The did not mourn
D. They did not dance
18. What did the children in the marketplace say the people did not do when they sang a
dirge (Mat 11:16)?
A. They did not sing
B. They did not clap their hands
C. They did not mourn
D. They did not dance
19. What did Jesus say John came to them doing (Mat 11:18)?
A. Singing a dirge
B. Neither eating or drinking
C. Eating locusts in the desert
D. Prophesying
20. Who did Jesus say came eating and drinking in contrast to John the Baptist (Mat
A. The Son of Man
B. The Christ
C. The Son of God
D. The Anointed One
21. The Son of Man was caricatured as all of the following EXCEPT (Mat 11:19)
A. A glutton
B. A drunkard
C. A sluggard
D. Friend of sinners
22. What did Jesus say was proved right by its actions (Mat 11:19)?
A. Righteousness
B. Justice
C. Friendship
D. Wisdom
24. What was the acceptable response Jesus was looking for in the cities in which he did
his miracles (Mat 11:20)?
A. Forgivness
B. Repentance
C. Belief
D. Redemption
25. What two cities did Jesus denounce where he had done miracles (Mat 11:21)?
A. Tiberius and Gergasa
B. Jericho and Bethlehem
C. Korazin and Bethsaida
D. Jerusalem and Samaria
26. How would Tyre have responded had Jesus done his miracles there (Mat 11:21)?
A. They would have repented long ago
B. They would have followed Jesus
C. They would have welcomed Jesus
D. They would have entered the kingdom of heaven
27. What would Tyre have used to show its repentance in that culture (Mat 11:21)?
A. Dust and ashes
B. Torn clothes and barefoot
28. For what two cities will it be more tolerable than Korazin and Bethsaida in the
judgment (Mat 11:22)?
A. Jerusalem and Jericho
B. Tyre and Sidon
C. Caesarea and Jezreel
D. Gergasa and Arbel
29. What city was “lifted up to the skies” in their own minds (Mat 11:23)?
A. Jerusalem
B. Bethlehem
C. Capernaum
D. Nazareth
30. What would have happened had the miracles that were done in Capernaum been
done in Sodom (Mat 11:23)?
A. It would have remained until this day
B. It would not have been turned into salt
C. It would have repented long ago
D. It would have been lifted up to the skies
31. For what city will it be more bearable in the judgment than Capernaum (Mat 11:24)?
A. Jericho
B. Shechem
C. Sodom
D. Samaria
32. From whom did the Father hide things concerning Christ (Mat 11:25)?
A. The Pharisees
B. The fools
C. The rulers of this world
D. The wise
33. To whom did the Father reveal things concerning Christ (Mat 11:25)?
A. The disciples
B. The children
C. The poor of this world
D. The foolish of this world
36. What does Jesus say we should take upon us and learn from him (Mat 11:29)?
A. His cross
B. His way
C. His tunic
D. His yoke
B. Unbreakable
C. Easy
D. Light
Matthew 12
2. What did the disciples pick when they were hungry on the Sabbath (Mat 12:1)?
A. Some grapes
B. Some heads of grain
C. Some figs
D. Some honey from the comb
3. What did the Pharisees accuse the disciples of doing by eating the heads of grain on the
Sabbath (Mat 12:2)?
A. What is unlawful
B. What was against tradition
C. Blasphemy
D. A sin worthy of death
4. What Old Testament figure did Jesus use to counter the Pharisees’ accusation against
his disciples picking grain on the Sabbath (Mat 12:3)?
A. Abraham
B. Moses
C. Gideon
D. David
5. What did David’s men eat which was unlawful (Mat 12:4)?
A. Heads of grain on the Sabbath
B. The consecrated bread from the house of God
C. The children’s bread who had nothing else to eat
D. The lamb that was sacrificed on the altar
6. Who alone was allowed to eat the consecrated bread from the house of God (Mat
A. The priests
B. The high priest
C. The prophets
D. The poor
7. Who desecrate the Sabbath in the temple and are considered innocent (Mat 12:5)?
A. The high priest
B. Those bringing their offerings
C. The priests
D. The poor
8. Jesus, in arguing against the accusation of Sabbath violation, argued that one greater
than the __________ was here (Mat 12:6)
A. Sabbath
B. Altar
C. Law
D. Temple
9. Jesus, in arguing against the accusation of Sabbath violation said what concerning the
Son of Man (Mat 12:8)?
A. He did not have to keep the law
B. He was Lord of the Sabbath
C. He was greater than the Sabbath
D. He was the one who gave us the Sabbath
10. What did God desire more than sacrifice (Mat 12:7)?
A. Mercy
B. Righteousness
C. Forgiveness
D. Redemption
11. Where did Jesus meet a man with a shriveled hand (Mat 12:9)?
A. By a boat
B. In a field
C. In the city gate
D. In the synagogue
12. What did Jesus ask his accusers when he saw the man with a shriveled hand (Mat
A. How long this man had had the shriveled hand
B. Whether it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath
C. Whether it was his sin or his parents that had caused it
D. If they hand any oil to anoint this man
13. What kind of work did Jesus suggest the Pharisees would do even on the Sabbath
(Mat 12:11)?
A. Gather grapes before they went bad
B. Do what a governor commanded
C. Pull a sheep out of a pit
D. Fight against any enemy in war
14. What did Jesus say it was lawful to do on the Sabbath (Mat 12:12)?
A. Good
B. Anything that helps a neighbor
C. The will of the Father
D. The works of the kingdom of heaven
15. In Jesus’ Sabbath discussion what animal did he say a man was better than (Mat
A. A donkey
B. A lion
C. A sheep
D. A dog
16. How did Jesus heal the man’s shriveled hand (Mat 12:13)?
A. He told him to stretch it out
B. He told him to hold his hands up in praise to God
C. He told him to pick up a glass on the table
D. He shook his hand
17. What was the Pharisees’ response to Jesus healing the man with a shriveled hand on
the Sabbath (Mat 12:14)?
A. They tried to stone him
B. They accused him of doing it by the power of Beelezebub
C. They accused him of violating the Sabbath
D. They plotted how to kill him
18. What was Jesus response when the Pharisees plotted to kill him (Mat 12:15)?
A. He stood his ground saying he had done nothing wrong
B. He withdrew from that place
C. He sent his disciples out to defend him
D. He set out in a boat on the Sea of Galilee
19. When Jesus healed all their sick, what did he warned them to do (Mat 12:15)?
A. Praise the Father in heaven
B. Rejoice and be exceeding glad
C. Not to tell who he was
D. To remember these things when he had risen from the dead
20. Which prophet said, “Here is my servant whom I have chosen” (Mat 12:17f)?
A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Hosea
D. Zechariah
E. Daniel
21. What did Isaiah predict would be “put on” the servant (Mat 12:18)?
A. The anointing oil
B. A crown of David
C. An easy yoke
D. God’s Spirit
22. What did Isaiah say the servant would proclaim (Mat 12:18)?
A. The kingdom of heaven is near
B. Repent and turn to God
C. Justice to the nations
D. The goodnews of the kingdom
25. Who did Isaiah say would put their hope in the servant (Mat 12:21)?
A. The nations
B. Those who were chosen
C. All humankind
D. The children of Abraham
26. What two problems did the demon possessed man who was brought to Jesus have
(Mat 12:22)?
A. Leprosy and mute
B. Deaf and mute
C. Blind and mute
27. After Jesus healed the blind/mute demon possessed man what did the people wonder
(Mat 12:23)?
A. If Jesus was the Son of David
B. If Jesus was the Son of Man
C. If Jesus was the Christ
D. If Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead
28. After Jesus healed the blind/mute demon possessed man what did the Pharisees say
(Mat 12:23)?
A. Jesus was a son of the devil
B. Jesus had nothing to do with the healing
C. Jesus was a prophet of Satan
D. Jesus cast out demons by Beelzebub
29. Jesus said all of the following, if divided, could not stand EXCEPT (Mat 12:25)
A. Kingdom
B. Synagogue
C. City
D. Houshold
30. What did Jesus say if he indeed drove out demons by the Spirit of God then what
could be concluded (Mat 12:28)?
A. That he was the Son of God
B. That he had power over the demons
C. The kingdom of God has come upon you
D. The hand of God is revealed among you
31. By what did Jesus say he cast out demons (Mat 12:28)?
A. By his word
B. By the will of his Father in heaven
C. By the power of the kingdom
32. What must one do first before one can rob a strong man’s house (Mat 12:29)?
A. Tie up the strong man
B. Kill the strong man
C. Wait till the strong man leaves
D. Attack him at night
37. What did Jesus call those who were opposing him (Mat 12:34)?
A. Friends
B. Beloved
C. Brood of vipers
D. Children of Satan
39. What does the evil man bring out (Mat 12:35)?
A. Both good and evil things
B. Cursings and blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
C. Bad fruit which cannot be eaten but must be thrown out
D. Evil things out of the evil stored up in him
42. Who did Jesus say asks for a miraculous sign (Mat 12:39)?
A. A sinful and rebellious nation
B. The hypocrites
C. A wicked and adulterous generation
D. The evil and unfaithful among men
43. After being requested for a miraculous sign, what sign did Jesus say would be given
(Mat 12:39)?
A. The sign of Isaiah the prophet
B. The sign of Elijah
C. The sign of the Holy Spirit
D. The sign of Jonah
44. As Jonah was in the belly of the fish where would the Son of Man be (Mat 12:40)?
A. In the heart of the earth
B. In the belly of the grave
C. In the grips of death
D. In Abraham’s bosom
45. How long was Jonah in the belly of the huge fish (Mat 12:40)?
A. One day and one night
B. Three days and three nights
C. Seven days and seven nights
D. Six days and six nights
46. Who will rise up and condemn this generation according to Jesus (Mat 12:41)?
A. Jonah
B. The king of Tyre
C. The men of Nineveh
D. The men of Sodom
47. Who will rise against this generation and condemn it (Mat 12:42)?
A. The King of Tyre
B. Pharaoh’s daughter
C. Hiram king of the North
D. The Queen of the South
48. Why did the Queen of the South come from the ends of the earth (Mat 12:42)?
A. To listen to Solomon’s wisdom
B. To see the temple Solomon had built
49. Jesus said one greater than both of these was now here (Mat 12:42)?
A. Moses and Elijah
B. David and Isaiah
C. Jonah and Solomon
D. Noah and Abraham
50. Where does an evil spirit that comes out of a man seek rest (Mat 12:43)?
A. In the gates of the city
B. In arid places
C. By streams of water
D. On the tops of mountains
51. When the evil spirit returns to its original house it finds all of the following EXCEPT
(Mat 12:44)?
A. It is swept clean
B. It is unoccupied
C. It is furnished
D. It is put in order
52. When the evil spirit returns to its original home what does it take with it (Mat 12:45)?
A. Cursings and bitterness
B. Pride and arrogance
C. All wickedness
D. Seven evil spirits
53. To what does Jesus liken this evil generation (Mat 12:45)?
A. A demon possessed man
B. A blind man
C. A snake that bites
D. A king who refuses to listen
54. Who stood outside waiting to speak with Jesus (Mat 12:46)?
A. His father and mother
B. His disciples
C. His mother and brothers
D. A blind man
55. Who did Jesus point to identifying them as his mother and brothers (Mat 12:49)?
A. The crowds
B. Those in the synagogue
C. Those seeking healing
D. His disciples
56. What trait did Jesus say his “mother and brothers” have (Mat 12:50)?
A. They do the will of the Father
B. They believe in him
C. They follow him wherever he goes
D. They give alms to the fatherless and poor
Matthew 13
1. What did Jesus do as a result of the crowds being so large (Mat 13:1)?
A. Stood on a small hill
B. Left the synagogue to go into the fields
C. Got into a boat and sat
D. Walked among the crowds
2. In the parable of the farmer sowing seed, the seed fell in all of the following places
EXCEPT (Mat 13:4ff)
A. Along the path
B. Rocky places
C. Among thorns
D. Under trees
E. On good soil
3. In the parable of the sower from which “soil” did the birds devour the seed (Mat 13:4)?
A. Along the path
B. Rocky places
C. Among thorns
D. Under trees
E. On good soil
4. In the parable of the sower from which “soil” did the sun scorch and wither the plants
(Mat 13:5)?
A. Along the path
B. Rocky places
C. Among thorns
D. Under trees
E. On good soil
5. In the parable of the sower in which “soil” did the plant not have root (Mat 13:6)?
A. Along the path
B. Rocky places
C. Among thorns
D. Under trees
E. On good soil
6. In the parable of the sower the good “soil” produced all of the following amounts
EXCEPT (Mat 13:8)
A. Twenty
B. Thirty
C. Sixty
D. Hundred
7. Who does Jesus say should hear his parables (Mat 13:9)?
A. All people
B. The poor and needy
C. Whoever has ears
D. Those who believe in him
8. After Jesus told the parable of the sower what question did his disciples ask him (Mat
A. What is the meaning of this parable?
B. How can we understand this and all parables?
C. Why did the sower’s seed not fall on good ground?
D. Why do you speak to the people in parables?
9. What did Jesus say was given to the disciples but not to others (Mat 13:11)?
A. The power of the Holy Spirit
B. The secrets of the kingdom of heaven
C. The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven
D. Eyes to see the kingdom of heaven
10. What will happen to whoever has been given more (Mat 13:12)?
A. What they have been given will be taken from them
B. They will lose what has been given them
C. They will have an abudance
11. What will happen to the one who does not have (Mat 13:12)?
A. Even what they have will be taken from them
B. They will be receive from the Father in heaven
C. They will be given more
D. They will be blessed of the Father in heaven
13. What prophet said the people would be ever hearing but never understanding (Mat
A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Daniel
D. Hosea
14. Isaiah describes the hearts of the people as _________ (Mat 13:15)
A. Soft
B. Stubborn
C. Dead
D. Calloused
15. When did Isaiah say God would heal them (Mat 13:15)?
A. When they opened their eyes
B. When they turned
C. When they heard
D. When they believed
16. What body parts did Jesus say to his disciples were blessed in the context of his
parables (Mat 13:16)?
A. Eyes and ears
B. Hands and heart
C. Hands and feet
D. Heart and mind
17. Who longed to see what the disciples were seeing (Mat 13:17)?
A. Kings
B. The humble
C. Prophets
D. Priests
18. What is the meaning of the seed sown along the path (Mat 13:19)?
A. One who hears and receives but only lasts for a short time
B. One who hears the message of the kingdom but does not understand
C. One that is choked out by wealth and the worries of this life
D. One that turns back and refused to enter the kingdom of heaven
19. What is the meaning of the seed that fell on the rocks (Mat 13:20)?
A. One who hears and receives but only lasts for a short time
B. One who hears the message of the kingdom but does not understand
C. One that is choked out by wealth and the worries of this life
D. One that turns back and refused to enter the kingdom of heaven
20. What is the meaning of the seed sown among thorns (Mat 13:22)?
A. One who hears and receives but only lasts for a short time
B. One who hears the message of the kingdom but does not understand
C. One that is choked out by wealth and the worries of this life
D. One that turns back and refused to enter the kingdom of heaven
21. What happens to the seed that fell along the path (Mat 13:19)?
A. It dies because of the lack of water
B. It was trampled under foot
22. The one who receives the seed on good soil is the one __________ (Mat 13:23)
A. Who hears the word and understands it
B. Who believes the word and turns from his sin
C. Who receives the word and does it
D. Who reproduces the word in the lives of others
23. In one of Jesus’ parables he tells of a man who plants good seed and what happens
(Mat 13:25)?
A. The ground was not plowed
B. An enemy sowed weeds
C. An enemy burned down the field
D. Some of the seed was unfruitful
24. What did the servants ask the owner about his fields (Mat 13:27)?
A. Why he did not water the field?
B. How long until the harvest?
C. Didn’t he plant good seed?
D. How did the enemy get into his field?
25. What did the field owner say about how the weeds got in his field (Mat 13:28)?
A. The wicked had done it
B. The evil one did it
C. The hypocritics did it
D. An enemy had done it
26. What “solution” did the servants propose for ridding the field of weeds (Mat 13:28)?
A. Burn the field with fire
B. Replow the field
C. Reseed the field
D. Pull up the weeds
27. Why did the owner not want the servants pulling up the weeds (Mat 13:29)?
A. Because they might hurt the wheat
B. Because the weeds would just come up again
C. Because the weeds would not hurt the true wheat
D. The kingdom is a mixture
28. When would the wheat and weeds be separated (Mat 13:30)?
A. When the heads of grain appeared
B. When it was the time of the harvest
C. When the kingdom had come upon them
D. When the weeds produced thorns
30. What kind of seed did Jesus say the kingdom of heaven was like (Mat 13:31)?
A. Wheat
B. Figs
C. Pomegranate
D. Mustard
31. What characteristic does Jesus note about the mustard seed (Mat 13:32)?
A. Its small size
B. Its aroma
C. Its ability to multiply
D. Its need of water
32. How does Jesus express the great growth of the mustard seed (Mat 13:32)?
A. It grows as tall as a cedar tree
B. People use it to heat their homes
C. Birds perch in its branches
33. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven was like ______ (Mat 13:33)
A. Honey
B. A trumpet
C. A camel
D. Yeast
35. The prophet predicted that Jesus would utter what types of things (Mat 13:35)?
A. Things hidden since the creation
B. Things that could only be heard by those in the kingdom
C. Things of the kingdom of heaven
D. Things never heard before
36. When Jesus entered the house what parable did the disciples ask him to explain (Mat
A. The parable of the mustard seed
B. The parable of the yeast
C. The parable of the weeds
D. The parable of the sower
37. Who did Jesus say was the one sowing the good seen in the parable of the weeds (Mat
A. The Father in heaven
B. An angel
C. John the Baptist
D. The Son of Man
38. Who did Jesus say sowed the weeds (Mat 13:39)?
A. The evil one
B. The Pharisees
C. The teachers of the law
D. The wicked
39. What does the good seed in the parable stand for (Mat 13:38)?
A. Those who listen to Jesus’ words
B. The doers of the law
C. The sons of the kingdom
D. The children of God
40. Who are the weeds that were sown in the field (Mat 13:39)?
A. The hypocritics
B. The sons of the evil one
C. The wicked
D. Those who have turned away
41. Who are the harvesters of the wheat and the weeds (Mat 13:39)?
A. The disciples
B. The sons of the kingdom
C. Those who do the will of the Father
D. The angels
42. When will the weeds be pulled up and burned (Mat 13:40)?
A. At the end of the age
B. Just before the coming of the Son of Man
C. When the temple is destroyed
D. When the Son of Man is crucified
43. What will the angels at the end of the age weed out of his kingdom (Mat 13:41)?
A. The children of the devil
B. All the self-righteous
C. The enemies of the Son of Man
44. What characterizes the fiery furnace where the weeds are burned (Mat 13:42)?
A. Pulling out of hair and cutting themselves
B. Crying out for mercy in the midst of suffering
C. Weeping and gnashing of teeth
D. Pain and sorrow
45. Who will shine like the sun in the kingdom of the Father (Mat 13:43)?
A. The children of God
B. The righteous
C. The wise
D. Those who believe
48. What did the man do to acquire the treasure hidden in the field (Mat 13:44)?
A. He guarded the field day and night
B. He dug up the treasure and with it bought the field
C. He built a wall around the field
D. He sold all he had and bought the field
B. A golden crown
C. A purple robe
D. A house made of cedar
50. How did the merchant acquire the pearl of great value (Mat 13:45)?
A. He traded his house for it
B. He sold everything he had for it
C. He bought it for a bag of gold
D. He told the king to purchase it
53. What did the good and bad fish in the parable of the net represent (Mat 13:49)?
A. The righteous and wicked
B. The wise and foolish
C. The rich and poor
D. Believers and unbelievers
54. Where does Jesus say the wicked will be thrown (Mat 13:50)?
A. Into the lake of fire
B. Into a place of deep darkness
C. Into a blazing furnace
D. Into the depths of the earth
55. Who is like a house owner bringing out new and old treasures (Mat 13:52)?
A. The wise and righteous
B. The disciple in the kingdom of heaven
C. Those who do the will of the Father in heaven
D. The one who turns from his way to follow Jesus
56. What does every teacher of the law who has become a disciple of the kingdom bring
out of his house (Mat 13:52)?
A. Pearls
B. Seed ready to be sown
C. A net full of fish
D. Old and new treasures
57. After entering his hometown where did Jesus teach the people (Mat 13:54)?
A. In the marketplace
B. In the gates of the city
C. In the synagogue
D. In the school
58. Of what were the people in Jesus’ hometown amazed (Mat 13:54)?
A. His wisdom and miracles
B. His power and authority
C. His learning and understanding
D. His ability to speak and lead
59. All of the following were listed as Jesus’ brothers EXCEPT (Mat 13:55)
A. James
B. Joseph
C. Thomas
D. Simon
E. Judas
A. A fisherman
B. A carpenter
C. A tax collector
D. A weaver
61. What did Jesus say a prophet was without in his hometown (Mat 13:57)?
A. Honor
B. An audience
C. Supporters
D. Protection
62. Where did Jesus say a prophet was without honor (Mat 13:57)?
A. In Jerusalem
B. In Galilee
C. In his hometown
D. In all of Israel
63. Why did Jesus not do many miracles in his hometown (Mat 13:58)?
A. Because they would not listen
B. Because of there were not many sick there
C. Because of the Pharisees and Sadducees
D. Because of their lack of faith
Matthew 14
1. Herod who had put John into prison was a(n) ________ (Mat 14:1)
A. Ethnarch
B. Monarch
C. Tetrarch
D. Pentarch
2. When Herod the tetrarch heard about Jesus what conclusion did he draw (Mat 14:2)?
A. Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead
B. Jesus was the Son of Man predicted by Daniel the prophet
C. Jesus was the Son of God
D. Jesus was the Messiah as announced by Isaiah the prophet
3. Who, after hearing reports about Jesus, concluded that he was John the Baptist risen
from the dead (Mat 14:2)?
A. Pilate
B. Gamaliel
C. Caiaphas
D. Herod
5. Herodias had formerly been the wife of Herod’s brother ______ (Mat 14:3)?
A. Philip
B. Augustus
C. Gamaliel
D. Tiberius
7. What inhibited Herod from killing John the Baptist (Mat 14:4)?
A. He feared God
B. He feared the people who held John as a prophet
C. He feared his wife who liked to listen to John
D. He feared the religious authorities who defended John
9. What did Herodias’ daughter ask for when Herod said he would give her whatever she
asked for (Mat 14:6)?
A. John the Baptist’s head on a platter
B. The body of John the Baptist fed to vultures
C. A golden crown given to her mother
D. A room full of silver
10. Although distressed why did Herod order John to be beheaded (Mat 14:9)?
A. Because of the crowd
B. Because of John’s disciples
C. Because of the dinner guests
D. Because of the soldiers
11. To whom did the girl give the head of John the Baptist (Mat 14:11)?
A. The Pharisees
B. The high priest
C. Herod
D. Herodias
13. What did the disciples of John do after they buried the body of Jesus (Mat 14:12)?
A. They went and told Jesus
B. They went into the wilderness
C. They fasted and wept
D. They tore their clothes and put dust on their heads
14. How did Jesus react after hearing of John’s death (Mat 14:13)?
A. He wept
B. He condemn Herod of his evil deed
C. He withdrew to a solitary place
D. He taught his disciples
15. What did the disciples suggest for handling the large crowd in a remote place (Mat
A. That the crowds bring their food to Jesus
B. That the crowds be sent into the villages to buy food
C. That Jesus make food for the crowds
D. That they go fishing to catch food for the crowd
16. Who did Jesus tell to feed the 5,000 (Mat 14:16)?
A. The Pharisees
B. The priests
C. The young boy
D. The disciples
17. In the feeding of the 5,000, the disciples told Jesus they only had how much food
(Mat 14:17)?
A. Twelve loaves and five fish
B. One loaf and three fish
C. Five loaves and two fish
D. Twenty-four loaves and ten fish
18. Before taking the loaves and fish, what did Jesus command the people to do (Mat
A. Sit down on the grass
B. Go into the villages to get food
C. Pray to their heavenly Father
D. Remember God feeding Israel with manna
19. After feeding the 5,000 how many baskets full did the disciples pick up (Mat 14:20)?
A. Five
B. Seven
C. Ten
D. Twelve
20. How many ate of Jesus’ multiplying the fives loaves and two fish (Mat 14:21)?
A. 1,000
B. 4,000
C. 5,0000
D. 12,000
21. What did Jesus do with the disciples while he dismissed the crowds after the feeding
of the 5,000 (Mat 14:22)?
A. He sent them into the city to buy food
B. He made them get into a boat and go on ahead of him
C. He sent them out to proclaim the gospel
D. He had them bring the sick to him
22. What did Jesus do after he dismissed the crowd of 5,000 (Mat 14:23)?
A. He went up on a mountainside to pray
B. He came into the city of Capernaum
C. He went into the desert to pray
D. He taught his disciples about John the Baptist
23. What watch of the night did Jesus come to the disciples walking on the water (Mat
A. The first
B. The second
C. The third
D. The fourth
24. What was the disciples’ reaction when they saw Jesus walking on the water (Mat
A. They recjoiced
B. They were silent
C. They cried out in fear
D. They offered to pick him up
26. While walking on the water, when did Peter get afraid (Mat 14:30)?
A. When Jesus was out of sight
B. When he fell into the water
C. When he lost site of the boat
D. When he saw the wind
27. What did Peter cry out when he began to sink into the water (Mat 14:30)?
A. Lord, save me!
28. How did Jesus save Peter from falling into the water (Mat 14:31)?
A. He spoke a word
B. He stilled the waves
C. He reached out his hand
D. He pulled him into the boat
29. What did Jesus identify as Peter’s problem when he began sinking into the water (Mat
A. He had little faith
B. He was fearful
C. He looked at the waves
D. He trusted in himself
30. When Peter and Jesus got into the boat and the wind died down what did the disciples
do (Mat 14:33)?
A. They were terrified
B. They worshiped him
C. They wondered what kind of man this could be
D. They fell at his feet
31. After Peter walked on the water, where did they land the boat (Mat 14:34)?
A. At Capernaum
B. At Bethsaida
C. At Nazareth
D. At Gennesaret
32. At Genessaret, how did Jesus heal those who were brought to him (Mat 14:36)?
A. He spoke the word
B. He put mud on their diseases
C. They touched the edge of his cloak
Matthew 15
1. What were the Pharisees from Jerusalem upset with and questioned Jesus about his
disciples (Mat 15:2)?
A. They do no pay the temple tax
B. They do not fast
C. They eat with unwashed hands
D. They do not keep the Sabbath
2. How did Jesus say the Pharisees from Jerusalem break the command of God (Mat
A. For the sake of their tradition
B. For the sake of keeping the Sabbath
C. Through unbelief
D. For the sake of retaining their power
3. Jesus quoted what Old Testament law in parallel with the command to “honor your
father and mother” (Mat 15:4)?
A. Listen my son to your father’s instruction
B. Anyone cursing father should be put to death
C. The child should care for their aging father and mother
D. Who does not honor their parents deserves no mercy
4. What was the Old Testament penalty for one cursing a parent (Mat 15:4)?
A. 40 lashes
B. 5 days in prison
C. No food for 3 days
D. Death
5. How were the Pharisees getting around the command to honor their parents (Mat
A. They were devoting to God what should have been used for their parents
B. They were using for their own children what should have their parents’
C. They travel to a distant region and synagogues leaving their parents behind
D. They accepted visitors into their houses so they would not have to care for
6. What did Jesus accuse the Pharisees from Jerusalem of nullifying for the sake of their
tradition (Mat 15:6)?
A. Right ways
B. The word of God
C. Justice and mercy
D. Common courtesy
7. Who did Jesus say prophesied about the hypocritic Pharisees from Jerusalem (Mat
A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Daniel
D. Hosea
8. What did Isaiah put in contrast with those that honored God with their lips (Mat 15:8)?
A. Their hearts are hardened to the ways of the Lord
B. Their deeds fell far short of what the law commands
C. Their hearts are far from God
D. Their deceitful tongues
9. What did Jesus say Isaiah accused the Pharisees from Jerusalem of teaching (Mat
A. The ways of the evil one
B. Their hypocrisy
C. The devil’s commands
D. Merely human rules
10. What did Jesus say does not defile a person (Mat 15:11)?
A. Not fasting
B. What goes into a person’s mouth
C. Eating grain on the Sabbath
12. What response of the Pharisees did the disciples bring to Jesus’ attention (Mat
A. They were furious
B. They were puzzled
C. They were offended
D. They were disappointed
13. What plants did Jesus say would be pulled up by the roots (Mat 15:13)?
A. The ones not planted by his heavenly Father
B. The ones planted by the evil one
C. The ones not planted by the Holy Spirit
D. The one planted by the Pharisees and Sadducees
14. What kind of guides did Jesus call the Pharisees (Mat 15:14)?
A. Wicked guides
B. Lame guides
C. Lost guides
D. Blind guides
15. What did Jesus say happens when the blind lead the blind (Mat 15:14)?
A. They both fall off a cliff
B. They both fall into a pit
C. They both walk into a wall
D. They both fall into the river
16. Where did Jesus say things that come out of the mouth come from (Mat 15:18)?
A. The soul
B. The stomach
C. The heart
D. The evil one
17. Jesus lists all of the following as coming out of the heart and defiling a person
EXCEPT (Mat 15:19)
A. Murder
B. Adultery
C. Theft
D. Blasphemy
E. Slander
18. What did Jesus say does not defile a person (Mat 15:20)?
A. To be baptized by his disciples
B. Eat with unwashed hands
C. To gather grain on the Sabbath
D. To eat fat and drink blood
20. What problem did the Canaanite woman come to Jesus with (Mat 15:22)?
A. A demon-possessed daughter
B. A paralyzed husband
C. An issue of blood
D. A son who was deaf and mute
21. What did the disciples urge Jesus to do concerning the Canaanite woman (Mat
22. What was Jesus’ initial reaction to the request of the Canaanite woman (Mat 15:23)?
A. He told her to believe
B. He did not answer her
C. He told her she did not have enough faith
D. He asked her to follow him
23. To whom did Jesus tell the Canaanite woman he was sent (Mat 15:24)?
A. The lost sheep of Israel
B. The sons and daughters of Israel
C. Those who had been circumcised
D. The house of David
24. What did Jesus say was not to be cast to the dogs (Mat 15:26)?
A. The servants’ food
B. That which is holy
C. The children’s food
D. The lost sheep of Israel
25. How did the Canaanite woman respond to Jesus saying it was not right to cast the
children’s food to the dogs (Mat 15:27)?
A. The dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from their master’s table
B. The dogs find their food on the plates that the master gives them
C. The Canaanites are not to be treated like dogs
D. Her daughter was not a dog and deserved better
26. How did Jesus respond to the Canaanite’s woman response that the dogs eat crumbs
(Mat 15:28)?
A. O you of little faith
B. You have great faith
27. When Jesus returned from Tyre to the Sea of Galilee all of the following were listed
as brought to Jesus EXCEPT (Mat 15:29)
A. Crippled
B. Blind
C. Demon possessed
D. Mute
E. Lame
28. What was the reaction of the people when they saw the mute speaking (Mat 15:31)?
A. They shouted for joy
B. They carried Jesus on their shoulders
C. They spread their robes on the road in front of Jesus
D. They were amazed and praised God
29. After healing many Jesus expressed his concern for the people saying they had been
with him ______ days (Mat 15:32)?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Seven
30. Why was Jesus concerned that the people had not eaten in three days (Mat (15:32)?
A. They might collapse on the way
B. They might riot
C. They might steal food on the way home
D. They might reject the kingdom of heaven
31. In the feeding of the 4,000 what was the disciples response when Jesus asked them
how many loaves they had (Mat 15:34)?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Twelve
32. How many basketful did the disciples pick up after the feeding of the 4,000 (Mat
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Twelve
33. After Jesus fed the 4,000 where did he go to next (Mat 15:39)?
A. Genesaret
B. Capernaum
C. Tiberius
D. Magadan
Matthew 16
1. What did the Pharisees and Sadducees ask in order to tempt Jesus (Mat 16:1)?
A. To make stones into bread
B. To call God his Father
C. To show them a sign from heaven
D. To heal a blind man on the Sabbath
4. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees because they could not interpret ________ (Mat 16:3)
A. The appearance of the sky
B. The olive tree’s blooming
C. The prophecies of Scripture
D. The signs of the times
5. What does a wicked and adulterous generation look for (Mat 16:4)?
A. A miraculous sign
B. Signs in the sky
C. Signs in the stars
D. The end of the age
6. What would be the only miraculous sign given to that adulterous generation (Mat
A. The sign of Elijah
7. When they went across the lake, what had the disciples forgotten (Mat 16:5)?
A. To take water
B. To take bread
C. To take wine
D. To bring their fishing net
8. What of the Pharisees and Sadducees did Jesus warn his disciples as they went across
the lake (Mat 16:6)?
A. Their blindness
B. Their hypocrisy
C. Their greed
D. Their yeast
9. Jesus rebuked the disciples about talking about having no bread for all of the following
reasons EXCEPT (Mat 16:8)?
A. Their not remembering the feeding of the 5,000
B. Their not preparing for following Jesus
C. Their little faith
D. Their not understanding
10. How many loaves did the disciples pick up after the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000
respectively (Mat 16:9f)?
A. Three and seven
B. Five and seven
C. Seven and twelve
D. Twelve and twelve
11. What was Jesus really warning his disciples when he warned them of the yeast of the
Pharisees and Sadducees (Mat 16:12)?
A. Their hypocrisy
B. Their sinfulness
C. Their teaching
D. Their treachery
12. Where was Jesus when he asked his disciples “who do people say the Son of Man
is?” (Mat 16:13)
A. Capernaum
B. Bethsaida
C. Gergasa
D. Caesarea Philippi
E. Nazareth
13. What did Jesus ask his disciples at Caesarea Philippi (Mat 16:13)?
A. When will the Son of Man come in power?
B. Who do people say the Son of Man is?
C. How long until you believe?
D. Who do the Pharisees say is the Son of David?
14. All of the following were responses from the disciples to Jesus’ question on who
people say the Son of Man was EXCEPT (Mat 16:14)?
A. Enoch
B. Elijah
C. John the Baptist
D. Jeremiah
15. How did Peter answer Jesus’ question about “who do you say I am?” (Mat 16:15)?
A. You are the Son of David
B. You are the Son of the living God
C. You are the Son of Man
D. You are the one who is to come
16. When Jesus blessed Peter for his confession he mentioned that Peter was the son of
_______ (Mat 16:17)
A. Zebedee
B. Zacharias
C. Jonah
D. Barzillai
17. Who did Jesus say revealed to Peter that he was the Christ (Mat 16:17)?
A. The Scripture
B. The Holy Spirit
C. Peter’s eyes and ears
D. His heavenly Father
18. On what did Jesus say he would build his church (Mat 16:18)?
A. On this rock
B. On this faith
C. On this mountain
D. On this foundation
19. What did Jesus say would not prevail against his church (Mat 16:18)?
A. The works of the evil one
B. The gates of Hades
C. The walls of Hades
D. The enemies of the gospel
22. What did Jesus warn his disciples that they not tell anyone at Caesarea Philippi [who
he was] (Mat 16:20)?
A. The Son of Man
B. The Christ
C. The Son of David
D. The Suffering Servant
23. What did Jesus begin to explain to his disciples about going to Jerusalem (Mat
A. That he must go there to heal many
B. That he must go there to save many
C. That he must go there to fulfill all righteousness
D. That he must go there to suffer and die
24. At the hands of all of the following Jesus said he would suffer EXCEPT (Mat 16:21)
A. Chief priests
B. Elders
C. Pharisees
D. Teachers of the law
25. Jesus told his disciples all of the following would happen to him in Jerusalem
EXCEPT (Mat 16:21)
A. Honored by the people
B. Suffer
C. Be killed
D. Raised to life on the third day
27. Who said, “Lord this shall never happen to you” (Mat 16:22)?
A. Thomas
B. James
C. Judas
D. Peter
28. What was Jesus’ response to Peter saying he would not suffer and die (Mat 16:23)?
A. Get behind me Satan
B. How can you say such a thing?
C. O you of little faith
D. How would the Scripture be fulfilled
29. What did Jesus tell Peter he was, when he objected to his statements that Jesus would
suffer and die in Jerusalem (Mat 16:23)?
A. An underwater rock
B. A stumbling block
C. A snake
D. A rock of offense
30. What two things did Jesus tell the disciples they must do if they would come after
him (Mat 16:24)?
A. Confess their sins and believe in him
B. Look not to the things of men but to things of God
C. Deny themselves and take up their cross
D. Serve him only and deny all others
31. What will happen to the one who wants to save his life (Mat 16:25)?
A. He must find it
B. He must lay it down
C. He must give it up
D. He will lose it
32. Jesus said that even for this it would not be worth forfeiting one’s soul (Mat 16:26)?
A. Gaining the whole world
34. How will Jesus reward each person when he returns (Mat 16:27)?
A. According to their faith
B. According to his righteousness
C. According to the Father’s mercy
D. According to what they have done
35. Who did Jesus say would see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom (Mat 16:28)?
A. All men
B. Some standing there
C. Those who remain faithful to the end
D. The righteous
36. What did Jesus say some of them would not taste of death until they had seen (Mat
A. The coming of the Son of Man in his kingdom
B. His being killed and raised on the third day in Jerusalem
C. The coming of the Holy Spirit on his followers in fire
D. The clouds of heaven open
Matthew 17
1. Jesus took all of the following up on a high mountain where he was transfigured
EXCEPT (Mat 17:1)
A. Peter
B. Thomas
C. James
D. John
2. What two things were mentioned in describing Christ’s transfiguration (Mat 17:2)?
A. His eyes became flames of fire and his skin became white
B. His hair became white and this voice became like thunder
C. His face shone and his clothes became white
D. His hair became white and he had eyes of fire
4. What did Peter offer to do when he was on the Mount of Transfiguration (Mat 17:4)?
A. Build three shelters
B. Build an altar to worship
C. To cook a lamb
D. To wash their feet
5. Where did the voice come that said “This is my Son” on the Mount of Transfiguration
(Mat 17:5)?
A. From a cloud
B. From the thunder and lightning
C. From heaven
D. From a mighty wind
6. All of the following were spoken out of the cloud on the Mount of Transfiguration
EXCEPT (Mat 17:5)
A. Don’t be afraid
B. This is my Son
C. With him I am well pleased
D. Listen to him
7. When the disciples heard the voice on the Mount of Transfiguration what was their
response (Mat 17:6)?
A. They trembled in fear
B. They were unable to speak
C. They ran and hid behind a large rock
D. They fell facedown to the ground
8. What did Jesus tell the disciples who were facedown on the ground on the Mount of
Transfiguration (Mat 17:8)?
A. Why did you doubt
B. O ye of little faith
C. Don’t be afraid
D. Believe in me and you shall see greater things than these
9. When they came down from the Mount of Transfiguration what Jesus tell them to do
(Mat 17:9)?
A. To get in the boat to cross the sea
B. To not tell anyone what they had seen
C. To proclaim the goodnews to the poor
D. To not forgot what they had seen
10. When did Jesus tell the disciples they could tell people what they had seen on the
Mount of Transfiguration (Mat 17:9)?
A. After the Son of Man was raised from the dead
B. After he had been crucified by the Romans
C. After they had gone up to Jerusalem for the Passover
D. After the coming of the Holy Spirit
11. What question did the disciples ask Jesus after they came down from the Mount of
Transfiguration (Mat 17:10)?
A. Who has spoken to them on the mount
B. How long it would be until the kingdom of heaven comes
C. Why the teachers of the law say Elijah must come first
D. Why the Pharisees did not receive or believe in him
12. What did Jesus say Elijah would come and do (Mat 17:11)?
A. Destroy the works of darkness
B. Restore all things
C. Bring everyone to repentance
D. Bring in righteousness and justice
13. Who did the disciples understand Jesus to be identifying with Elijah who was to come
(Mat 17:13)?
A. The magi at his birth
B. The prophet, Agabus
C. Peter, the rock
D. John the Baptist
14. Who did Jesus say that his suffering would be the same as (Mat 17:11)?
A. Elijah’s
B. Moses’
C. Isaiah’s
D. Jeremiah’s
15. What problem did the man who came and knelt before Jesus tell him about (Mat
A. His son’s demon possession
B. His blind son who had fallen into the fire
C. His son’s seizures and suffering
D. His daughter’s high fever
16. Who said to Jesus, “Lord, have mercy on my son” (Mat 17:15)?
A. A mother
B. A father
C. A servant
D. A ruler of the synaogue
17. What complaint did the father of the boy with seizures have (Mat 17:16)?
A. He could not bring the boy to Jesus
B. The Pharisees could do nothing for the boy
C. The boy was now dead
D. Jesus’ disciples could not heal him
18. When the disciples could not heal the son with seizures, what did Jesus say to them
(Mat 17:17)?
A. O unbelieving and perverse generation
B. O you of little faith
C. O Father, how long must I be with them
D. Why did you not ask the Father in my name
19. Why did Jesus say the disciples could not drive out the demon of the boy with
seizures (Mat 17:20)?
A. Because this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting
B. Because the father was a hypocrite
C. Because they had so little faith
D. Because they has sin on their hands and tongues
20. How much faith did Jesus say it would take to move a mountain (Mat 17:20)?
A. A spoonful size
B. An ounce
C. A speck size
D. A mustard seed size
21. What did Jesus tell the disciples would happen before he was to be killed (Mat
22. When Jesus told the disciples he would be betrayed, killed and raised to life what was
the disciples response (Mat 17:23)?
A. They rejoiced a great joy
B. They wondered who it was who would betray him
C. They were filled with grief
D. They refused to believe it
23. What tax did the collectors ask Peter about (Mat 17:24)?
A. Income tax
B. Roman tax
C. Toll tax
D. Temple tax
24. Where did the tax collectors ask Peter about the temple tax (Mat 17:24)?
A. Bethsaida
B. Capernaum
C. Jerusalem
D. Caesarea Philippi
25. How much was the temple tax that the collectors asked Peter about (Mat 17:24)?
A. Two drachmas
B. Two shekels
C. One silver piece
D. Two pence
26. Who did Jesus ask from whom the kings of the earth collect taxes (Mat 17:25)?
A. Judas
B. Thomas
C. Matthew
D. Peter
27. Who did Jesus say kings exempt from taxes (Mat 17:26)?
A. The king’s servants
B. The king’s sons
C. The king’s parents
D. The king’s city
28. How did Jesus instruct Peter to catch a fish for the temple tax (Mat 17:27)?
A. By throwing a hand net
B. By dragging a net to shore
C. By throwing in a line
D. By using a fishing spear
29. Where did Jesus tell Peter to get a four drachma coin to pay the temple tax (Mat
A. From the mouth of a fish
B. From the mouth of a bird
C. Buried in the ground by the gate
D. Near an olive tree
30. How much was the coin worth that Jesus told Peter to take from the mouth of the fish
(Mat 17:26)?
A. Two drachmas
B. Four drachmas
C. Two shekels
D. Four shekels
Matthew 18
1. What question was Jesus asked just prior to him calling over a little child (Mat 18:1)?
A. Who then can be saved?
B. When will the Son of Man come in power and glory?
C. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
D. Will the Christ really have to suffer and die?
2. After being asked who would be the greatest in the kingdom, what did Jesus do (Mat
A. Got into a boat
B. Called a little child over
C. Healed a centurion’s servant because of his great faith
D. Told them that that was up to the Father in heaven
3. What did Jesus say one must become like in order to enter the kingdom (Mat 18:3)?
A. Little child
B. A trusting baby
C. A bird that waits on God for its food
D. Humble servant
4. Who did Jesus say would be the greatest in the kingdom (Mat 18:4)?
A. One with faith like a child
B. One who believes but has never seen
C. One who humbles himself like a child
D. One who serves others
6. Jesus said of what person that it would be better to have a millstone hung around the
neck and drowned in the sea than do what (Mat 18:6)?
7. What did Jesus say would be better than causing one of these little ones to sin (Mat
A. To be burned with fire in the place where the worm doesn’t die
B. To be hung on a tree and then cast on the ground
C. To have a millstone hung on one’s neck and drowned in the sea
D. To lose their life, family and home in this world and in the next
8. What did Jesus say to do if a hand or foot cause you to sin (Mat 18:8)?
A. Break hand and foot
B. Cut them off and throw them away
C. Burn them with fire in this life
D. Bind it with ropes to restrain it from doing sin
9. How is better to enter into life than be thrown into eternal fire (Mat 18:8)?
A. As a child
B. Lame and crippled
C. As a leper
D. Unable to speak
10. When should an eye be gouged out and thrown away (Mat 18:9)?
A. If it leads one astray
B. If it can only see darkness
C. If it looks away from Jesus
D. If it causes you to sin
11. Who always see the face of the Father in heaven (Mat 18:10)?
A. The angels of these little ones
B. The fatherless and orphans
C. Those who have nothing
12. Of what does Jesus warn his disciples in treating these little ones (Mat 18:10)?
A. Not to stop them from coming to Jesus
B. Not to force them to go away
C. Not to look down on them
D. Not to allow them to ask questions
13. How many sheep did the shepherd leave to go after the one lost one (Mat 18:12)?
A. Nine
B. Eleven
C. Forty-nine
D. Ninety-nine
14. What had happened to the one sheep the shepherd later rejoiced over (Mat 18:13)?
A. It was devoured by a wolf
B. It wandered off
C. It fell into a pit
D. It was trapped in a cave
15. The point of the shepherd going after the one sheep was to show the Father is not
willing that ____________ be lost (Mat 18:14)?
A. Any of these little ones
B. Any of those in the world
C. Any who are called
D. Any of his children
16. If a brother sins against you what is the first thing you should do (Mat 18:15)?
A. Pray to the Father in heaven for him
B. Go and show him his fault
C. Take one or two with you to establish every matter
D. Tell it to the church
17. If a brother who has sinned against you listens to you, what is the result (Mat 18:15)?
A. Great rejoicing in heaven
B. He will have forgiven you
C. You have won your brother over
D. The church will rejoice
18. If one’s sinning brother doesn’t listen to you what is the next step that should be
taken (Mat 18:16)?
A. Pray to the Father in heaven for him
B. Go and show him his fault a second time privately
C. Take one or two with you to establish every matter
D. Tell it to the church
19. If one’s sinning brother doesn’t listen to the two witnesses then what is the next step
that should be taken (Mat 18:17)?
A. Pray to the Father in heaven for him
B. Go and show him his fault again privately
C. Take one or two with you to establish every matter
D. Tell it to the church
20. If one’s sinning brother doesn’t listen to the church what is the next step that should
be taken (Mat 18:17)?
A. Treat him like a tax collector
B. Treat him with the grace of Christ
C. Treat him like a brother
D. Forgive him as you have been forgiven
22. What will be done for you by the Father in heaven (Mat 18:19)?
A. If you ask anything of your Father in heaven
B. All things that are according to his will in heaven as it is on earth
C. If two of you agree about anything you ask for
D. If the church binds it on earth
23. What happens where two or three come together in Jesus’ name (Mat 18:20)?
A. He will bind in heaven what they have bound on earth
B. He will forgive their sins
C. He will guide them into all truth
D. He will there with them
24. Who asked Jesus how often his brother should be forgiven (Mat 18:21)?
A. James
B. Peter
C. John
D. Thomas
25. How many times did Peter suggest that he should forgive a brother (Mat 18:21)?
A. Three times
B. Seven times
C. Twelve times
D. Seventy-seven times
26. How many times did Jesus tell Peter he should forgive his brother (Mat 18:22)?
A. One hundred times
B. A thousand times
C. Twelve times
D. Seventy-seven times
27. When the king wanted to settle accounts with his servants which one did he start with
(Mat 18:24)? The one who owed him _______
A. Ten thousand talents
B. A million talents
C. A ten talents
D. A hundred talents
28. Because the first servant could not pay, what did the king order be done (Mat 18:25)?
A. He be put in prison forever
B. His head be cut off
C. His wife and children be sold
D. His house and land be sold
29. What did the first servant do to get relief from paying the huge debt he owed (Mat
A. He promised to pay back double
B. He sold his house and lands to come up with the money
C. He sold his father’s inheritance
D. He fell on his knees and begged
30. What did the master do for the first debtor who owed a huge amount (Mat 18:27)?
A. He cut the debt in half
B. He had pity and cancelled the debt
C. He paid the debt for the debtor himself
D. He owner sold his own son to pay the debt
31. What did the servant forgiven of the huge debt do when he left the master (Mat
A. He choked a fellow servant that owed him just a little
B. He found a tax collector and began to accuse him
C. He went out trying to raise the money that he owed the master
D. He went out and sold his wife and children to pay the debt
32. How much did the second servant owe his fellow servant (Mat 18:28)?
A. Ten pence
B. 100 denarii
C. 500 denarii
D. Five talents
33. What did the first servant do with his fellow servant that begged him for patience in
paying the debt (Mat 18:30)?
A. He had the fellow servant’s wife and children sold to pay the debt
B. He had the fellow servant beaten
C. He had the fellow servant thrown into prison
D. He had the fellow servant sell his house to repay the debt
34. What did the second servant do to get relief from paying the huge debt he owed the
first servant (Mat 18:26)?
A. He promised to pay back double
B. He sold his house and lands to come up with the money
C. He sold his father’s inheritance
D. He fell on his knees and begged
35. Who told the master what the unforgiving servant did to his fellow servant (Mat
A. The master’s son
B. The wife of the fellow servant
C. The other servants
D. The ruler of the synagogue
36. What did the master say the unforgiving servant should have done to his fellow
servant (Mat 18:33)?
A. Paid the debt himself
B. Had mercy on him just as the master had on him
C. Taken the money the master had given to him and paid the other’s debt
D. Allowed his fellow servant to work off the debt
37. What did the master do with the unforgiving servant (Mat 18:34)?
A. Turned him over to be tortured until he paid his debt
B. Sold him into slavery
C. Sold his wife and children to pay the original debt
D. Made him work in his fields until the debt was paid
38. When Jesus explained the story of the unforgiving servant who did he say was the
master (Mat 18:35)?
A. The Christ
B. The angels in heaven
C. The heavenly Father
D. The disciples
39. What was the ultimate lesson of the story of the unforgiving servant (Mat 18:35)?
A. Beware or you will be thrown into prison until you pay the debt
B. Forgive your brother from the heart
C. Mercy received is mercy required
D. One should forgive seventy times
Matthew 19
1. Where did Jesus go after teaching on the unforgiving servant and leaving Galilee (Mat
A. Into Samaria
B. Into Philistia
C. Into Tyre and Sidon
D. Into Judea
3. What question did the Pharisees ask Jesus in order to test him (Mat 19:3)?
A. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar?
B. Is it right to rebel against the Romans?
C. Is it right for a man to divorce his wife?
D. Is it right for a man to eat with unwashed hands?
4. How did Jesus say the Creator made humankind (Mat 19:4)?
A. Male and female
B. Out of the dust of the ground
C. By speaking on the sixth day
D. Perfect and without sin
5. What will happen when a man leaves his father and mother (Mat 19:5)?
A. He come and follow Jesus
B. He will be united to his wife
C. He will seek his own home
D. He will work for himself and his family
7. What did Jesus say man should not separate (Mat 19:6)?
A. What has been united into one
B. Two who are pledged in marriage
C. Those who have agreed to become one
D. What God has joined together
8. What did Moses command concerning divorce according to the Pharisees (Mat 19:8)?
A. A man could not divorce his wife in Israel
B. A man could give his wife a certificate of divorce
C. A man could divorce his wife only if she were unfaithful
D. A man could divorce his wife for any cause
10. What was the only exception Jesus allowed for divorce (Mat 19:9)?
A. Death
B. Abuse
C. Marital unfaithfulness
D. Abandonment
11. What did the disciples conclude after hearing Jesus’ position on divorce (Mat 19:10)?
A. One must divorce only as a last resort
B. It is better to stay married
C. It is better not to have children
D. It is better not to marry
12. Who did Jesus say it was better if they do not marry (Mat 19:11)?
A. Only those to whom it has been given
B. Only those who are committed to God
C. Only those who take such a vow of chastity
D. Only those who are sons of the kingdom
13. All of the following are reasons Jesus cites for being eunuch’s EXCEPT (Mat 19:12)
A. Some are born that way
B. Some are made eunuchs by men
C. Some are committed to that by their parents
D. Some have renounced marriage for the kingdom
14. Who did the disciples rebuke from coming to Jesus (Mat 19:13)?
A. The tax collectors and sinners
B. Those bringing little children
C. Those bringing blind and lame
D. The Pharisees
15. Who rebuked those bringing little children to Jesus (Mat 19:13)?
A. The Pharisees
B. The crowds
C. The chief priests and elders
D. The disciples
16. To whom did Jesus say the kingdom of heaven belonged (Mat 19:14)?
A. Little children
B. Those who believe
C. Those in need of healing
D. The poor and needy
17. After rebuking his disciples, upon whom did Jesus place his hands (Mat 19:15)?
A. The blindman
B. The paralyzed man
C. The little children
18. What did the person ask Jesus when Jesus responded asking what is good (Mat
A. What is good in the kingdom of heaven?
B. What good thing must I do to get eternal life?
C. What is good on earth and in heaven?
D. Why do you do good to sinners?
19. What did Jesus tell the man asking what good things he must do to get eternal life
(Mat 19:17)?
A. Believe in me
B. Leave everything and follow me
C. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
D. Obey the commandments
20. Jesus listed all of the following “commandments” to the man asking what he must do
to get eternal life EXCEPT (Mat 19:19)
A. Do not covet
B. Do not murder
C. Do not commit adultery
D. Love your neighbor as yourself
21. When Jesus told the young man all the things he must do to get eternal life, how did
the young man respond (Mat 19:20)?
A. He confessed his sins to Jesus
B. He said, it is impossible
C. He had kept all these things
D. He said, how can these things be?
22. What did Jesus tell the young man he needed to do if he wanted to be perfect (Mat
A. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
B. Sell his possessions and give to the poor
23. Why did the young man asking Jesus what he must do to get eternal life leave sad
(Mat 19:22)?
A. Because he could not leave his father and mother
B. Because he could not keep the law and become perfect
C. Because he was proud
D. Because he had great wealth
24. Jesus said it was hard for what type of person to enter the kingdom of heaven (Mat
A. Rich
B. Proud
C. A Pharisees
D. A ruler
25. What is easier than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Mat 19:24)?
A. For a bird to fly against the windw
B. For a fish to swim upstream
C. For a camel to go through the eye of a needle
D. For a sheep to pass through a lion’s den
26. When the disciples heard that the rich would not easily enter the kingdom what was
their response (Mat 19:25)?
A. What about us?
B. Who then can be saved?
C. Will they get what they deserve?
D. What if the rich person is righteous?
27. When the disciples asked, who can be saved what was Jesus’ response (Mat 19:26)?
A. Only those who believe
B. One must give his goods to the poor
C. Not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord” will be saved
28. What did Peter say the disciples had done to merit being saved (Mat 19:27)?
A. Left everything to follow Jesus
B. Given all their money to the poor
C. Believed that he was the Son of Man
D. Prayed the sinners prayer
29. What did Jesus say would happen at the renewal of all things (Mat 19:28)?
A. The Son of Man will come in the clouds of heaven
B. The Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne
C. The Son of Man will separate the wheat from the chaff
D. The Son of Man will come with fiery eyes sifting all men
30. When the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, what did Jesus say his disciples
would be doing (Mat 19:28)?
A. Praising God day and night
B. Ruling over his church
C. Judging the twelve tribes of Israel
D. Guarding the twelve pearly gates of Jerusalem
31. Jesus said those who had left all of the following EXCEPT _______ would receive
much more and eternal life (Mat 19:29)
A. Houses
B. Brothers or sisters
C. Mother or father
D. Silver and gold
E. Fields
32. What did Jesus say those who have left homes and fields would inherit (Mat 19:29)?
A. Streets of gold
B. Heavenly homes
C. Eternal life
D. Forgiveness of sins
33. What did Jesus say would happen to those who are first (Mat 19:30)?
A. They will be last
B. They will be cast into outer darkness
C. He will say he never knew them
D. They will serve the least of these
Matthew 20
1. What did the kingdom landowner do early in the morning (Mat 20:1)?
A. Plowed his ground and planted his seed
B. Harvested his wheat
C. Hired workmen for his vineyard
D. Pruned his olive trees
2. How much did the landowner agree to pay those he hired in the morning (Mat 20:2)?
A. A talent
B. A denarius
C. A shekel
D. A drachma
3. Where did the landowner hire workmen at the third hour of the day (Mat 20:3)?
A. In the fields harvesting grain
B. In the city gate discussing and making judgment
C. In the highways traveling to a distant country
D. In the marketplace doing nothing
4. How did those standing around answer the landowner’s question about why they had
been doing nothing all day (Mat 20:6)?
A. No one had hired them
B. They had no desire to work
C. They had other responsibilities
D. It was too hot for them to work
6. In what order did the landowner pay those he had hired (Mat 20:8)?
A. The first hired were paid first
7. How much did those who started working in the eleventh hour get paid by the
landowner (Mat 20:9)?
A. A talent
B. A shekel
C. A drachma
D. A denarius
9. When those workers who worked all day received the same as those who had only
worked one hour, what was their response (Mat 20:11)?
A. They attacked the landowner and killed his son
B. They refused to work the next day
C. They grumbled against the landowner
D. They stamped on the grapes they had harvested
10. The equal paying landowner defended himself by saying _______ (Mat 20:13)
A. I have kept my promise and now should you not keep yours?
B. I am not unfair, are you envious because I am generous?
C. I have given you what you asked for now take it and go
D. Take what you have and give it to the poor even as I have done
11. What was the summary of the lesson of the landowner who paid equal wages (Mat
A. What’s fair is fair
B. Grace overcomes works
12. As they were going up to Jerusalem whom did Jesus warn the disciples he would be
delivered over to (Mat 20:18)?
A. Pharisees and Sadducees
B. Scribes and elders
C. Chief priests and teachers of the law
D. The Roman governor and the leaders of the Sanhedrin
13. Jesus told his disciples that the Gentiles at Jerusalem would do all of the following to
the Son of Man EXCEPT (Mat 20:19)
A. Bury him
B. Mock him
C. Flog him
D. Crucify him
14. Who did Jesus tell his disciples would condemn him to death (Mat 20:18)?
A. The people
B. The chief priests
C. The Romans
D. The governor
15. Jesus told his disciples on the way to Jerusalem all of the following EXCEPT (Mat
A. He would be condemned to death
B. He would be delivered over to the chief priests and teachers of the law
C. He would be hailed as king by the people
D. The Gentiles would mock and crucify him
16. Who asked a favor of Jesus for her sons (Mat 20:20)?
A. Peter and Andrew’s mother
B. The wife of Didymus
C. The mother of the sons of Zebedee
17. What did James and John’s mother request from Jesus (Mat 20:21)?
A. That her sons be given authority to do miracles
B. That her sons be allowed to go home and bury their father
C. That her sons be the chief officers in Christ’s kingdom
D. That her sons sit on Jesus’ right and left in the kingdom
18. What did Jesus ask James and John after their mother made her request to Jesus (Mat
A. Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?
B. Can you follow me through the shadow of death?
C. Can you believe that I am able to do this?
D. Can you take up your cross and follow me?
19. What did Jesus say he didn’t have the authority to grant (Mat 20:23)?
A. To tell them when the end was to come
B. To let them sit on his right and left in the kingdom
C. To allow them to be raised from the dead even as he would be
D. To let them do miracles like Jesus had done
20. What was the reaction of the other ten disciples when they heard the mother of
Zebedee’s sons make a request for her sons of Jesus (Mat 20:24)?
A. They were silent
B. They were jealous
C. They were indignant
D. They too asked Jesus for themselves
22. What did Jesus say the one who would become great must do (Mat 20:26)?
A. Follow Jesus through thick and thin
B. Become your servant
C. Become a leader of men
D. Become a fisher of men
23. For what purpose did the Son of Man not come according to Jesus (Mat 10:28)?
A. To be served
B. To rule on this earth
C. To be granted a crown
D. To be a prophet
25. Where did two blind men meet Jesus (Mat 20:29)?
A. As Jesus was leaving Capernaum
B. As Jesus was leaving Jerusalem
C. As Jesus was leaving Nazareth
D. As Jesus was leaving Jericho
27. What did the two blind men by Jericho cry out to Jesus (Mat 20:30)?
A. Son of David, have mercy on us
B. Son of Man, we would see
C. Jesus, open our eyes so that we may see
28. How did the crowd react to the two blind men by Jericho (Mat 20:31)?
A. The crowd hushed while they cried out to Jesus
B. The crowd rebuked them telling them to be quiet
C. The crowd blocked their way so they could not get to Jesus
D. The crowd led the blind men to Jesus
29. How did Jesus heal the eyes of the blind men on the road by Jericho (Mat 20:34)?
A. He spoke and their eyes opened
B. He put mud on their eyes and told them to wash
C. He touched their eyes
D. He told them to show themselves to the priests
30. What did the blind men by Jericho do after they received their sight (Mat 20:34)?
A. They showed themselves to the priests
B. They went home praising God
C. They wept for joy
D. They followed Jesus
Matthew 21
1. What town did Jesus pass through on his way to Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives
(Mat 21:1)?
A. Jericho
B. Bethel
C. Gibeah
D. Bethphage
2. How many disciples did Jesus send to get a donkey and her colt (Mat 21:2)?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
3. From Bethphage why did Jesus send two disciples on ahead of him (Mat 21:2)?
A. To get a donkey and her colt
B. To prepare the way for the Lord
C. To prepare a place where they could eat
D. To bring him two turtle doves
4. What was to be the disciples’ response to any one questioning why they needed the
donkey and colt (Mat 21:3)?
A. They would fulfill Scripture
B. They would be returned shortly
C. The Lord needs them
D. The king of Israel will ride on them
5. What did the prophet say about the donkey (Mat 21:5)?
A. Your king comes to you gentle riding on a donkey
B. This donkey will help prepare the way of the Lord
C. Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, your king will ride a donkey’s colt
D. How is it that the king comes riding on a donkey?
6. Who did the prophet command should be addressed about Israel’s king coming on a
donkey (Mat 21:5)?
A. The leaders of Israel
B. The people of Jerusalem
C. The mountains of Jeruslaem
D. The daughter of Zion
7. What did the disciples do after they brought the donkey to Jesus (Mat 21:7)?
A. They placed their cloaks on the road before him
B. They got a saddle for him to ride on
C. They placed their cloaks on the donkey
D. They made steps for Jesus to mount the donkey
8. The crowds did all of the following as Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey EXCEPT
(Mat 21:8)
A. They shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David
B. They fell down and kissed his feet
C. They spread their cloaks on the road
D. They cut branches and spread them on the road
9. What did the crowds lay in the street in front of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem on a
donkey (Mat 21:8)?
A. Tree branches
B. Grapes and figs
C. A red carpet
D. Their children to be blessed by Jesus
10. What did the crowds shout as Jesus entered Jeruslaem on a donkey (Mat 21:9)?
A. Behold, this is the king of Israel
B. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
C. Hosanna to the Son of Man
D. Now Scripture has been fulfilled even as Isaiah has said
11. What did the city of Jerusalem ask concerning Jesus as he entered (Mat 21:10)?
A. Can this be the Christ who is to come?
B. How will the Romans react to this one?
C. Who is this?
D. He is not the Son of David, is he?
12. How did the crowds identify Jesus in response to the people of Jerusalem’s question
“Who is this” (Mat 21:11)?
A. This is Jesus the Son of David, the king of the Jews
B. This is John the Baptist raise from the dead
C. This is Jesus the son of the carpenter
D. This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee
13. As Jesus entered Jerusalem he was identified as from what town (Mat 21:11)?
A. Bethlehem
B. Nazareth
C. Capernaum
D. Bethsaida
15. Who did Jesus drive out of the temple area (Mat 21:12)?
A. The money changers
B. Those selling doves
C. Those buying and selling
D. Those preaching
16. Whose benches did Jesus overturn in the temple area (Mat 21:12)?
A. The money changers
B. Those selling doves
17. Jesus quoted the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah saying, “God’s house would be
called _______” (Mat 21:13)
A. The house of the Most High
B. The house of reconciliation
C. A house of prayer
D. A house of atonement
18. Jesus quoted the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah saying they had made God’s house
a __________ (Mat 21:13)
A. Den of robbers
B. A pit of vipers
C. A lion’s lair
D. A marketplace
19. Who came to Jesus for healing at the temple (Mat 21:14)?
A. The lame and sick
B. Those possessed with demons and the lame
C. The blind and mute
D. The blind and lame
20. What did the children in the temple area shout concerning Jesus (Mat 21:15)?
A. Hosanan in the highest
B. Hosanna to the Son of David
C. Hosanna to the Son of Man
D. Hosanna to the King of Israel
21. Who shouted in the temple area, Hosanna to the Son of David (Mat 21:15)?
A. The blind and lame
B. His disciples
C. Children
22. What was the reaction of the chief priests when they heard the children saying,
“Hosanna to the Son of David” (Mat 21:15)?
A. They were indignant
B. They were jealous
C. They accused Jesus of blasphemy
D. They were silent in fear of the Romans
23. When asked by the chief priests if Jesus heard what the children in the temple were
saying, what was Jesus’ response (Mat 21:16)?
A. The first shall be last and the last first in the kingdom of heaven
B. From the lips of infants you have ordained praise
C. If they did not shout out the rocks would cry out
D. From the mouth of children comes forth wisdom
24. Where did Jesus go after he cleansed the temple (Mat 21:17)?
A. Bethlehem
B. Jericho
C. Samaria
D. Bethany
25. What did Jesus see as he went back to Jerusalem after the temple cleansing (Mat
A. An olive tree
B. A sycamore tree
C. A fig tree
D. A pomegrante tree
26. What did Jesus find on the fig tree (Mat 21:19)?
A. Nothing but leaves
B. Nothing but green figs
C. Nothing but rotten figs
27. What happened when Jesus addressed the fig tree on his way into Jerusalem (Mat
A. It blossomed immediately
B. It withered immediately
C. It burned to the ground
D. It was uprooted and fell over
28. What did the disciples ask Jesus after he cursed the fig tree (Mat 21:20)?
A. How he could curse it when it was not time for there to be figs?
B. How many days until the fig tree of Israel would wither?
C. How did the fig tree wither so quickly?
D. Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?
29. How did Jesus tell the disciples they could do what was done to the fig tree (Mat
A. If they prayed in Jesus name
B. If they fasted and prayed
C. If they had pure hearts
D. If they had faith
30. What beyond the fig tree did Jesus tell the disciples they could do if they had faith
(Mat 21:21)?
A. Throw this mountain into the sea
B. Eat from this fig tree and others at their command
C. Have this tree uprooted and burned
D. Order the ground to split open
31. If they believed, what did Jesus say they would receive (Mat 21:22)?
A. All things
B. Whatever they asked for
C. Blessings from their heavenly father
32. What did the chief priests and elders of the people ask Jesus when he was teaching in
the temple courts (Mat 21:23)?
A. How he healed the blind and lame
B. Was he the Son of David
C. By what authority he did those things
D. If he was the one who was to come
33. What question did Jesus ask the chief priests to answer before he answered their
question (Mat 21:24)?
A. Did they really believed in the law and the prophets?
B. Why they were seeking to kill him?
C. Whether the prophets of old spoke concerning this time?
D. Whether John’s baptism was from heaven or men?
34. What was the chief priests’ objection to saying John’s baptism was from heaven (Mat
A. They feared the people would revolt
B. Jesus would ask them why they hadn’t believed John
C. Jesus would then tell them to repent just like John had
D. They were not sure where John had received his authority
35. What was the chief priests’ objection to saying John’s baptism was from men (Mat
A. They feared the people would revolt against the Romans
B. Jesus would ask them why they hadn’t believed John
C. They feared the people would go against them
D. They were not sure where John had received his authority
36. What did all the people think about John the Baptist (Mat 21:26)?
A. He was a man of God
B. He was a holy man
C. He was a righteous man
D. He was a prophet
37. How did the chief priests respond to Jesus question about what they thought about
John the Baptist (Mat 21:27)?
A. They said he was from God
B. They said they didn’t know
C. They said they thought he was a prophet
D. They said he was Elijah
38. What was Jesus’ response to the chief priests when they wouldn’t answer his question
about John the Baptist (Mat 21:27)?
A. He would not answer their question about his authority
B. He began to teach them that Elijah must first come
C. He quoted from Isaiah showing that John was the one who was to come
D. He left the area and would not talk to them
39. In Jesus’ story, what did the father of two sons ask his son to do (Mat 21:28)?
A. To plow his field
B. To bring him some figs from their fig tree
C. To work in the vineyard
D. To harvest the olives
40. How did the first son respond to the father’s request to work in the vineyard (Mat
A. He said he would go
B. He said he would go after the sun had gone down
C. He said he would go only if the father went too
D. He said he would not go
41. How did the second son respond to the father’s request to work in the vineyard (Mat
A. He said he would go
B. He said he would go after the sun had gone down
C. He said he would go only if the father went too
42. Who did the will of the father of the two sons who had been asked to work in the
vineyard (Mat 21:31) – how did the disciples respond?
A. Neither
B. The first
C. The second
D. All who believe
43. Who did Jesus equate to the first son who initially said he wouldn’t go to work in the
vineyard but then went (Mat 21:31)?
A. The chief priests and elders
B. The Pharisees and Sadducees
C. The children and blind
D. The tax collectors and prostitutes
44. Who did Jesus say would enter the kingdom after the tax collectors and prostitutes
(Mat 21:31)?
A. The chief priests and elders
B. The Pharisees and Sadducees
C. The blind and the lame
D. The widows and orphans
45. Why did Jesus say that John the Baptist had come (Mat 21:32)?
A. To show them the way to be saved
B. To open the door to the kingdom of heaven
C. To show them the way of righteousness
D. So that they would repent and turn to God
46. Who believed John the Baptist was showing them the way to righteousness (Mat
A. The children
B. The widows and orphans
C. The blind and lame
47. What did Jesus accuse the chief priests of not doing after seeing the tax collectors
believing John the Baptist (Mat 21:32)?
A. They still ignored the word of God
B. They did not repent
C. They did not forgive others their sins
D. They kept their traditions
48. The landowner in Jesus’ parable did all of the following EXCEPT (Mat 21:33)
A. Put a wall around it
B. Dug a winepress
C. Made a storage cave
D. Built a watchtower
49. When the harvest came what did the landowner first do to collect his fruit (Mat
A. Sent his son
B. Went to collect the fruit himself
C. Sent a request by a messenger
D. Sent servants to collect it
50. The wicked tenants did all of the following to the landowner’s servants EXCEPT
(Mat 21:35)
A. Beat them
B. Stabbed one
C. Killed another
D. Stoned one
51. Who did the landowner send at last to collect his fruit from the tenants (Mat 21:337)?
A. His son
B. He went himself
C. He sent his overseer
52. Why did the wicked tenants kill the landowner’s son (Mat 21:38)?
A. Because they hated the landowner
B. Because he was the heir
C. So they wouldn’t have to pay the rent
D. So they could keep all the fruit
53. What did the wicked tenants do before they killed the landowner’s son (Mat 21:39)?
A. They killed him on the temple mount
B. They threw him into a pit
C. They threw him out of the vineyard
D. They tied him to a tree
54. What did the listeners say the landowner would do to the wicked tenants (Mat 21:41)?
A. Charge them double
B. Bring them before the judge of all the earth
C. Bring them to a wretched end
D. Forgive their sins
55. What happened to the stone which the builders rejected (Mat 21:42)?
A. It was crushed into powder
B. It was anointed with oil
C. It was thrown out of the vineyard
D. It became the capstone
56. What was the message of the parable of the landowner with the wicked tenants (Mat
A. The kingdom will be taken away from them
B. The kingdom would be established forever
C. The kingdom would be ruled by the slain son
D. The kingdom would produce fruit unto eternal life
57. Who determined that Jesus’ parables were against them (Mat 21:45)?
A. The chief priests and Levites
B. The synagogue rulers and priests
C. The chief priests and Pharisees
D. The scribes and teachers of the law
58. What will happen to the one who falls on this stone (Mat 21:44)?
A. He will be broken to pieces
B. He will be crushed
C. He will break his leg
D. He will rise again
59. Why were the chief priests and Pharisees afraid to arrest Jesus (Mat 21:46)?
A. Because of the truth that he spoke
B. They feared God
C. They knew he was right
D. They feared the people
60. What did the people hold about Jesus as the Pharisees at the temple were thinking of
arresting him (Mat 21:46)?
A. He was the Son of Man
B. He was a prophet
C. He was Elijah
D. He was the Son of God
Matthew 22
1. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven was like a king who was about to do what (Mat
A. Preparing to go on a long journey
B. Set up his kingdom in a great city
C. Prepare a wedding banquet for his son
D. Preparing to build a temple for the Lord his God
2. How did the wedding guest respond to the king’s servants that were sent to invite them
(Mat 22:3)?
A. They were joyful at the king’s invitation
B. They refused to come
C. They beat up and killed his son
D. They mocked the king’s son
3. What did those invited do instead of coming to the king’s son’s wedding banquet (Mat
A. They went to their field and business
B. They went to their own banquet instead
C. They went on a journey out of the city
D. They locked their doors and windows
4. What did the king do after they abused and killed his servants who were inviting them
to the banquet (Mat 22:7)?
A. The king threw the men out of his presence
B. The king put those men in prison
C. The king enslaved them and exiled them from his city
D. The king destroyed them and burned their city
5. Where did the king send his second group of servants out to invite people for his son’s
wedding banquet (Mat 22:9)?
A. To the desert of Judea
B. To the street corners
C. To the towns and villages
6. Who did the king notice when he came into the wedding hall (Mat 22:11)?
A. A guest without wedding clothes
B. The guests had run out of wine
C. Some who were refusing to eat the king’s food
D. The doors had been shut
7. When the king asked the wedding guest how he got in without wedding clothes, what
was the ill-clothed guest’s response (Mat 22:12)?
A. He fell to his knees and beat his chest
B. He pleaded for mercy
C. He ran away from the king
D. He was speechless
8. What did the king order be done with the ill-clothed wedding guest (Mat 22:13)
A. He be put in prison until the wedding was over
B. He be thrown out into the street
C. Tied up and thown into the darkness
D. Be forced to leave the banquet
9. How did Jesus in his parable describe the place the ill-clothed guest was cast (Mat
A. Where the worm doesn’t die
B. Where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth
C. Where the fire never goes out and tears flow forever
D. A place from which there is no return
10. After the parable of the wedding banquet how did the Pharisees intend to trap Jesus
(Mat 22:15)?
A. In his words
B. Paying guards to kill him
C. By saying he broke the Sabbath
11. What question did the disciples of the Pharisees and Herdoians ask Jesus trying to
trap him (Mat 22:17)?
A. What is the greatest commandment
B. Why he didn’t pay the temple tax
C. Was it right to pay taxes to Caesar
D. Would he destroy the temple of God
12. How did the disciples of the Pharisees attempt to flatter Jesus before they trapped
him? They said he _______ (Mat 22:16)
A. Claimed to be the Son of God
B. Taught that the temple would be destroyed and raised
C. Taught against the traditions
D. Taught the way of God in truth
13. After being asked whether it was right to pay taxes to Caesar, what did Jesus ask
them (Mat 22:19)?
A. What would happen if they didn’t pay it
B. To show him a coin used in paying it
C. To show him the box where the taxes were collected
D. How long they would ask him such questions
14. What coin was brought to Jesus when they were trying to trap him about paying taxes
to Caesar (Mat 22:19)?
A. A denarius
B. A drachma
C. A shekel
D. A talent
15. When Jesus was brought a coin what question did he ask (Mat 22:20)?
A. How much it was worth
B. Whether this should be paid to God or to Caesar
C. Whose inscription was on it
D. Why the coin could not be used for the temple tax
16. What did Jesus say about paying the coin as tax to Caesar (Mat 22:21)?
A. Give God the firstfruits and then pay what you owe to Caesar
B. Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s
C. God needs not your silver and gold
D. Pay what is due to the rulers of this world
17. What did Jesus say about paying the coin as tax to Caesar (Mat 22:21)?
A. Give God the firstfruits and then pay what you owe to Caesar
B. God needs not your silver and gold
C. Pay what is due to the rulers of this world
D. Give to God what is God’s
18. What was the response of the Pharisees’ disciples when they heard Jesus respond to
their trap on whether taxes should be paid to Caesar (Mat 22:22)?
A. They were indignant
B. They were amazed
C. They were silenced
D. They followed Jesus
19. What position does the text say the Sadducees held (Mat 22:23)?
A. They believed in ranks of angels
B. They did not believe in the power of Rome
C. They did not believe in the temple and chief priests ruling there
D. They did not believe in the resurrection
20. Who did the Sadducees question Jesus about (Mat 22:24)?
A. What Moses said about a woman whose husband had died
B. What Jeremiah had said about the temple being destroyed
C. What Isaiah had said about the servant who would suffer for the nation
D. What Daniel said about the Son of Man coming in the clouds
21. If a husband died with no children, what was to be done for the woman according to
Moses (Mat 22:24)?
A. She must be put to death
B. She must return to her father’s home
C. The husband’s brother must marry her
D. She must stay as a servant of the temple
22. How many brothers married the woman whose husband had died according to the
Sadducees (Mat 22:26)?
A. Five
B. Seven
C. Ten
D. Twelve
23. Who asked Jesus about a husband dying and the wife remarrying (Mat 22:23)?
A. The Herodians
B. The Zealots
C. The Pharisees
D. The Sadducees
E. The Essenes
24. What was the Sadducees ultimate question about woman who had married seven
husbands and then died (Mat 22:28)?
A. Which was her true husband?
B. Does God allow for multiple husbands?
C. In the resurrection whose wife will she be?
D. Was her original husband the only true husband?
25. Why did Jesus say the Sadducees were in error (Mat 22:29)?
A. They didn’t know the Scriptures
B. They were twisting the law of Moses
C. Their hearts were evil
D. They were thinking the thoughts of men and not of God
26. What did Jesus say will not exist in the resurrection refuting the Sadducees (Mat
A. The wicked
B. Marriage
C. Taxes to anyone
D. The temple
28. What passage did Jesus cite as proving to the Sadducees the resurrection from the
dead (Mat 22:32)?
A. Those who sleep in the dust will awake
B. Enoch walked with God and was not for God took him
C. These will go into eternal life
D. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
29. Whom did Jesus say God was not the God of (Mat 22:32)?
A. The dead
B. The Pharisees
C. Those who do not believe
D. The wicked
30. What was the crowds reaction to Jesus’ teaching on the resurrection (Mat 22:33)?
A. They were surprised
B. They praised God
C. They knelt before Jesus
D. They were astonished
31. With whom did Jesus dialogue about whether there would be a resurrection from the
dead (Mat 22:23)?
A. The Herodians
B. The Zealots
C. The Pharisees
D. The Sadducees
E. The Essenes
32. After the Sadducees were silenced who of the Pharisees asked Jesus a question (Mat
A. A man of wealth
B. A leader of the synagogue
C. An expert in the law
D. A chief priest
33. What did the expert at law ask Jesus after the Sadducees were silenced (Mat 22:36)?
A. Whether they were required to pay taxes to Caesar
B. What was the greatest commandment
C. Who would enter the kingdom of heaven
D. How he knew the law
34. What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment in the law (Mat 22:37)?
A. Love your neighbor as yourself
B. Love the Lord your God with all your heart
C. Blessed are the peacemakers
D. Seek justice for the poor and walk humbly before your God
35. What did Jesus say was the second greatest command (Mat 22:38)?
A. Love your neighbor as yourself
B. Love the Lord your God with all your heart
C. Blessed are the peacemakers
D. Seek justice for the poor and walk humbly before your God
36. What hang on the commands to love God and love one’s neighbor (Mat 22:40)?
A. All the other commands in the law
B. All that which is righteous in the kingdom of heaven
37. How did the Pharisees respond when asked whose son the Christ was (Mat 22:42)?
A. The Son of the Blessed One
B. The Son of David
C. The Son of Righteousness with healing in his wings
D. Joseph’s son
38. What dilemma did Jesus point out to the Pharisees about calling the Messiah the Son
of David (Mat 22:43)?
A. David calls him Lord although he’s his son
B. The son of David died and was buried
C. David builds the temple which his son would destroy
D. David’s son was king yet sits on the right hand of God
39. Where were the enemies of David’s son put (Mat 22:44)?
A. In prison
B. In hell
C. With Satan and his demons
D. Under his feet
41. What was the response after no one could answer Jesus’ question about David’s son
(Mat 22:46)?
A. They did not ask him any more questions from that day on
B. They were silenced and went to their homes
C. They wondered where this man got all his wisdom
Matthew 23
1. Jesus said the teachers of the law and Pharisees sit in whose seat (Mat 23:2)?
A. Elijah’s
B. David’s
C. Moses’
D. Aaron’s
2. How did Jesus tell his disciples they were to respond to the teaching of the Pharisees
(Mat 23:3)?
A. Reject and refute whatever they say
B. Obey and do everything they say
C. Weigh and consider whatever they say
D. Do not listen to them
3. Why did Jesus tell his disciples not to do what the Pharisees do (Mat 23:3)?
A. They do not practice what they preach
B. They tell others things they themselves do not do
C. They sit in Moses’ seat without the power of God
D. They teach their traditions more than the word of God
5. What did Jesus say motivates the Pharisees in everything they do (Mat 23:5)?
A. To follow the law of the Lord
B. To satisfy their pride
C. To be seen by men
D. To gain power
6. Jesus used all of the following to show the Pharisees did things to be seen of men
EXCEPT (Mat 23:5f)
8. Why did Jesus say his disciples should not be called “Rabbi” (Mat 20:8)?
A. They have only one Master
B. Only the Messiah was their Rabbi
C. They have only one teacher
D. God alone was the great one
9. Besides “Rabbi” what else did Jesus say his disciples should never be called (Mat
A. Lord
B. Holy One
C. Father
D. Reverend
10. Jesus said they had only one Master and his disciples were all _______ (Mat 23:8)?
A. Children
B. Brothers
C. Servants
D. Rulers
11. Why did Jesus say they were not to be called “teacher” (Mat 23:10)?
A. They had one teacher, the Christ
B. They must learn first before they could be called that
C. All they had to teach was given to them
12. Who did Jesus say would be greatest among them (Mat 23:11)?
A. Peter
B. Your servant
C. A child
D. Those who believe
14. Why did Jesus call the Pharisees hypocritics (Mat 23:13)?
A. They do not practice what they preach
B. They teach the traditions of men
C. They abuse the poor and needy
D. They shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces
15. What is the Pharisee’s relation to the kingdom of heaven (Mat 23:14)?
A. They would not enter or let others
B. They were under the condemnation of the kingdom
C. They knew nothing of it
D. They claimed they were leading people into it
16. Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocritcs for all of the following reasons EXCEPT (Mat
A. They make converts twice as much a son of hell as they are
B. They clean the outside of the cup but inside are full of greed
C. They build the tombs of the prophets descending from those who murdered
D. They are like a two faced monument looking one way on the outside but
17. Why did Jesus say the Pharisees travel over land and sea (Mat 23:15)?
A. To pay the correct tithe
B. To make a single convert
C. To keep themselves clean
D. To avoid the Samaritans
18. What did the Pharisees do to those they converted (Mat 23:15)?
A. They made them as big hypocritcs as they are
B. They made them think they were better than everyone else
C. They made them twice as much a son of hell as they are
D. They made them carry all their heavy loads
19. What kind of guides did Jesus call the Pharisees (Mat 23:16)?
A. Blind
B. Lazy
C. Deceitful
D. Corrupt
20. According to the Pharisees, while swearing by the temple is nothing, they thought
one must swear by _________ to be bound (Mat 23:16)?
A. The pinnacle of the temple
B. The ark of the temple
C. The lampstand
D. The gold of the temple
21. What did Jesus say makes the temple gold sacred (Mat 23:17)?
A. God in heaven
B. The temple itself
C. The anointing of the temple
D. The builder of the temple
22. Which of the following meant nothing and was not binding in an oath according to
the Pharisees (Mat 23:18)?
A. The gift on the altar
B. The horns of the altar
C. The altar itself
D. The flames of the altar
23. By what does one swear when swearing by the altar (Mat 23:20)?
A. By everything on the altar
B. By everyone who serves at the altar
C. By all the stones of the altar
D. By the flames coming from the altar
24. By what does one swear who swears by heaven (Mat 23:22)?
A. By the temple in heaven
B. By the angels that inhabit heaven
C. By the heavenly streets of gold
D. By the one who sits on God’s throne
25. What were the hypocritical Pharisees careful to give a tenth of (Mat 23:23)?
A. Their crops
B. Their spices
C. Their income
D. That which they sold
26. Jesus lists all of the following spices that were given a tenth by the Pharisees
EXCEPT (Mat 23:23)
A. Mint
B. Dill
C. Ginger
D. Cummin
27. How much of their spices did the Pharisees give to God (Mat 23:23)?
A. A fifth
B. A quarter
C. A tenth
D. A third
28. Jesus said the Pharisees neglected the more important things of the law and lists all
of the following EXCEPT (Mat 23:23)
A. Justice
B. Righteousness
C. Mercy
D. Faithfulness
29. Jesus said, after straining out a gnat what did the Pharisees swallow (Mat 23:24)?
A. A donkey
B. An elephant
C. A grasshopper
D. A camel
30. While the teachers of the law were careful to clean the outside of the dish what were
they full of (Mat 23:25)?
A. Greed and self-indulgence
B. Corruption and slander
C. Baloney
D. Injustice and arrogance
31. What did Jesus say the Pharisees were like (Mat 23:27)?
A. Broken cisterns where there is no water
B. A dried up water brook in which there is no water
C. Whitewashed tombs full of dead men’s bones
D. Rotten figs
32. How did Jesus say the Pharisees like whitewashed tombs appeared on the outside to
people (Mat 23:28)?
A. As holy
B. As just
C. As pious
D. As righteous
33. Jesus said the Pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and that they were full of
______ (Mat 23:28)?
A. Evil
B. Wickedness
C. Unrighteousness
D. Sin
34. What did Jesus say the Pharisees build (Mat 23:29)?
A. The temple
B. The synagogues
C. The tombs for the prophets
D. The streets for the righteous
35. What did Jesus say the Pharisees decorated (Mat 23:29)?
A. The graves of the righteous
B. The altar
C. The synagogues of the people
D. The gates of Jerusalem
36. Who did Jesus say the Pharisees were the descendants of (Mat 23:31)?
A. Those who died rebelling against God in the wilderness
B. Those who worshipped the snake at Taberah
C. Those who descrated the temple
D. Those who murdered the prophets
37. What kind of animal did Jesus call the Pharisees (Mat 23:33)?
A. Wolves
B. Snakes
C. Vultures
D. Goats
38. Jesus listed all of the following as sent to the Pharisees whom they killed EXCEPT
(Mat 23:34)
A. Wise men
B. Prophets
C. Teachers
D. Priests
39. Jesus said the Pharisees did all of the following to the prophets sent to them
EXCEPT (Mat 23:34)
A. Put them in prison
B. Flogged them
C. Killed them
D. Pursued them from town to town
40. Where did the Pharisees flog the prophets sent to them (Mat 23:34)?
A. At the temple
B. In their synagogues
C. In the marketplaces
D. In the city gates
41. Jesus said all the righteous blood would come on the Pharisees from Abel to
________ (Mat 23:35)
A. Jeremiah son of Hilikiah
B. Hosea the son of Beeri
C. Zechariah son of Berekiah
B. Baruk the son of Shalitiel
42. Jesus said all the righteous blood would come on the Pharisees from ______ to
Zechariah son of Berekiah (Mat 23:35)
A. Isaiah
B. Joseph
C. Naboth
D. Abel
44. Who did Jesus say stone those sent to them (Mat 23:37)?
A. Jerusalem
B. The priests and Levites
C. The Pharisees and Sadducees
D. Israel
45. Jesus said, what did Jerusalem do to the prophets sent to it (Mat 23:37)?
A. Abused them
B. Beat them
C. Killed them
D. Crucified them
47. While Jesus wanted to gather Jerusalem like a hen gathers her chicks, what was
Jerusalem’s response (Mat 23:38)?
A. Their hearts were hard
B. They were not willing
C. They ran away
D. They pecked the mother
48. What will the people of Jerusalem say the next time they see Jesus (Mat 23:39)?
A. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
B. Lord have mercy on us
Matthew 24
1. Where was Jesus when his disciples called his attention to the temple buildings (Mat
A. He was walking away from the temple
B. He was entering the temple
C. He was overlooking the temple
D. He was outside the temple looking in
2. What did Jesus say about the stones of the temple to his disciples (Mat 24:2)?
A. They would remain forever
B. They would cry out
C. Not one would be left on another
D. They would be dragged away and thrown into the valley
3. Where was Jesus sitting when his disciples asked him about the end of the age (Mat
A. On the temple mount
B. On the pinnacle of the temple
C. In the Court of the Gentiles
D. On the Mount of Olives
4. What did Jesus’ disciples ask him as he sat on the Mount of Olives (Mat 24:3)?
A. How long would God spare Israel before the temple was destroyed
B. What will be the sign of Jesus’ coming and the end of the age
C. When would the kingdom of heaven come in power and glory
D. What would happen to Israel in the Day of the Lord
6. Concerning the end times what did Jesus say to beware of (Mat 24:4)?
A. The Pharisees
B. False prophets
C. No one deceives you
D. Idols
7. Of what will one hear at the end of the age (Mat 24:6)?
A. Famines
B. Earthquakes
C. Storms
D. Wars
8. What should one not be when hearing of end times wars and rumors of war (Mat
A. Frightened
B. Alarmed
C. Anxious
D. Excited
9. All of the following must happen before the end EXCEPT (Mat 24:5)
A. Wars
B. Many claiming to be the Christ
C. The earth warming
D. Rumours of war
10. All the following Jesus listed as the beginning of birth pains EXCEPT (Mat 24:7)
A. The sun darkened
B. Nation will rise against nation
C. Earthquakes
D. Famines
11. Jesus described the end times famines and earthquakes as __________ (Mat 24:8)
A. The time of fear and trembling
B. The great tribulation
C. A time of repentance
D. The beginning of birth pains
12. All of the following will be the lot of Christ’s disciples as the end approaches
EXCEPT (Mat 24:9)
A. Handed over to be persecuted
B. Many crucified for my name
C. Hated by all nations
D. Many will turn away
13. Who will deceive many people as the end approaches (Mat 24:11)?
A. The rulers of the synagogues
B. The kings of the earth
C. False prophets
D. False Christ’s
17. Which prophet spoke of the abomination that causes desolation (Mat 24:15)?
A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Ezekiel
D. Daniel
18. What did the prophet say would stand in the holy place (Mat 24:15)?
A. The man of sin
B. Violence against the children of the kingdom
C. The abomination that causes desolation
D. The son of the wicked one
19. Where did Jesus say those in Judea should flee in the end times (Mat 24:16)?
A. Into the wilderness
B. Into the mountains
C. Into the caves
D. Into the wall cities
20. Who should not take anything out of the house in the flight in the end times (Mat
A. One on the roof
B. One hiding in the basement
C. One outside the house
D. One looking out the window
21. What should a person in the field not go back for during the flight of the end times
(Mat 24:18)?
A. Their shoes
B. Their gold and silver
C. Their cloak
D. Their children
22. Who will have an especially difficult time in end times (Mat 24:19)?
A. Children
B. Widows
C. The elderly
D. Nursing mothers
23. When should they pray that their flight not be (Mat 24:20)?
A. In the heat of summer
B. On the Sabbath
C. On Passover
D. On the Day of Atonement
24. What season should they pray that their flight not be (Mat 24:20)?
A. Winter
B. Summer
C Fall
D. Spring
25. If the days of great distress were not cut short what would happen (Mat 24:22)?
A. The whole earth would crumble
B. Waters would once again destroy all living
C. No one would survive
D. Fire would consume all flesh
26. Why would the days of great distress be cut short (Mat 24:22)?
A. For the sake of those who believe
B. For the sake of the holy ones
C. For the sake of the righteous
D. For the sake of the elect
27. At the time of the days of distress what should one not believe (Mat 24:23)?
A. Look, the end is here
B. Look, here is Christ
C. Look, there are great wonders in the sky
D. Look, he rides upon the clouds
28. What will false Christs and false prophets do in the days of distress (Mat 24:24)?
A. Perform great miracles and signs
B. Prophecy of the coming of the end
C. Speak against the Most High
D. Pursue and persecute the people of God
29. Who would almost be deceived by the false prophets of the end times (Mat 24:25)?
A. The disciples
B. All people
C. The elect
D. The righteous
30. Where would some in the end time falsely say Christ is (Mat 24:26)?
A. In his temple
B. On the mountain top
C. In the clouds
D. In the desert
31. In the end times what should one not believe (Mat 24:26)?
A. That Christ is in the inner rooms
B. That Christ is up on the mountain
C. That Christ is on his throne
D. That Christ is riding the clouds
32. To what does Jesus liken the coming of the Son of Man (Mat 24:27)?
A. As a great earthquake shaking the mountanis
B. As lightning flash from east
C. As the rising of the sun
D. As the clapping of thunder
D. The vultures
34. All of the following will happen immediately after the distress of those days
EXCEPT (Mat 24:29)
A. The sun will be darkened
B. The moon will not give its light
C. The clouds will vanish from the sky
D. The stars will fall from the sky to the earth
35. What will appear after the distress of those days (Mat 24:30)
A. The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky
B. The anger of God will shake both the heavens and earth
C. A cloud in the sky like a man’s hand
D. The sign spoken of by Daniel the prophet
36. When the sign of the Son of Man appears what will all the nations of the earth do
(Mat 24:30)?
A. Rejoice
B. Be silent
C. Hide
D. Mourn
37. Who will the nations see coming on the clouds of the sky (Mat 24:30)?
A. The Son of David
B. The Son of Man
C. The Son of God
D. Elijah
38. With a loud trumpet what will the Son of Man’s angels do (Mat 24:31)?
A. Gather his children
B. Gather those who believe
C. Gather the elect
D. Gather his sheep
39. Who will the Son of Man send to gather his elect (Mat 24:31)?
A. His apostles
B. The twelve sons of Israel
C. The two witnesses
D. His angels
40. What did Jesus use to indicate that summer is near (Mat 24:32)?
A. An olive tree
B. A fig tree
C. A sycamore tree
D. A vineyard
41. When people see all these things that Jesus predicted in the Olivet Discourse happen,
what should they know (Mat 24:33)?
A. The end is near
B. The Son of Man is coming
C. All things are fulfilled
D. To look up
42. Who will see all these things spoken of by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse happen (Mat
A. The elect
B. Those who believe
C. This generation
D. Some standing here
43. What will pass away before Jesus’ words (Mat 24:35)?
A. All things
B. Heaven and earth
C. The mountains and the seas
D. This temple
44. Who did Jesus say did not know the day or the hour of the coming of the Son of Man
besides the angels (Mat 24:36)?
45. The coming of the Son of Man will be like the days of ________ (Mat 24:37)?
A. Moses
B. Sodom and Gomorrah
C. Noah
D. Babel
46. The unaware people of Noah’s day were doing all of the following EXCEPT (Mat
A. Eating
B. Drinking
C. Marrying and giving in marriage
D. Oppressing the poor
47. What happened in the days of Noah that the people were unaware of its coming (Mat
A. The clouds came
B. The flood
C. The rain
D. The mountains trembled
48. When the Son of Man comes what will happen to two men in the field (Mat 24:40)?
A. One will be taken the other left behind
B. They will work but the field will produce nothing
C. They will look up to the heavens
D. They will fall down and worship
49. What will two women be doing with one taken and one left behind when the Son of
Man comes (Mat 24:41)?
A. Washing dishes
50. What did Jesus say to do because we don’t know the day or the hour (Mat 24:42)?
A. Believe
B. Repent
C. Weep
D. Watch
53. What should the servant of the master be doing when he returns (Mat 24:45)?
A. Making a profit for his master
B. Looking for his return
C. Giving food to those of the household
D. Building the house with its doors and windows
54. What kind of servant will the master put over all his possessions (Mat 24:47)?
A. Trustworthy
B. Motivated
C. Diligent
D. Faithful
55. What will the wicked servant say to himself (Mat 24:48)?
A. My master is staying away for a long time
B. My master was unfair to me and owes me a share
C. My master is unaware of what is happening
D. My master has punished me cruelly
56. What did the wicked servant who assumed the master would not return do (Mat
A. Spend the masters wealth
B. Beat his fellow servants
C. Sit in his master’s seat
D. Kill his master’s son
57. What did the wicked servant who assumed the master would not return do (Mat
A. Spend the masters wealth
B. Throw his fellow servants out
C. Sit in his master’s seat
D. Eat and drink with drunkards
58. What will the master do to the wicked servant when he returns (Mat 24:51)?
A. Throw him out of the house
B. Put him in prison
C. Cut him to pieces
D. Make him repay all
60. Whom did Jesus say will be in the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mat
Matthew 25
1. What did Jesus say the kingdom heaven was like (Mat 25:1)?
A. 10 bridesmaids
B. 10 farmers planting
C. 10 treasure seekers
D. 10 skins of wine
2. What separated the five foolish and five wise bridesmaids (Mat 25:2)?
A. The foolish did not go out to meet the bridegroom
B. The foolish did not have one wedding garments
C. The foolish did not bring oil for their lamps
D. The foolish refused to come to the dinner
4. When did the cry go out announcing the bridegroom’s arrival (Mat 25:6)?
A. At sunset
B. As the stars came out
C. Before sunrise
D. At midnight
5. What was expected of the bridesmaids when the bridegroom arrived (Mat 25:6)?
A. They would come out to meet him
B. They would have the food prepared for him
C. They would join him entering the city
D. They would bring the bride to him
6. When the bridesmaids awoke, what was the first thing they did as the bridegroom
approached (Mat 25:7)?
A. They lit their lamps
7. What did the foolish bridesmaids request of the wise (Mat 25:8)?
A. To be given lamps
B. To be given wedding clothes
C. To be given oil for their lamps
D. To travel with the wise as they escorted the bride
8. What did the wise bridesmaids instruct the foolish in order for them to get the needed
oil for their lamps (Mat 25:9)?
A. Go to the bride’s house and get some
B. Go to the olive grove and harvest some
C. Go to the storage room and get it
D. Go to those that sell oil and buy it
10. Where did the wise bridesmaids go with the bridegroom (Mat 25:10)?
A. To the wedding banquet
B. To meet the bride
C. Into the city
D. To the palace of the king
11. What happened after the bridegroom and bridesmaids entered the wedding banquet
(Mat 25:10)?
A. The bride arrived
B. They brought wine for the banquet
C. The door was shut
12. What did the foolish bridesmaids do when they arrived late at the wedding banquet
(Mat 25:11)?
A. They asked why the bridegroom had come early
B. They asked to sit with the bride
C. They asked the wise to help them with their lamps
D. They asked that the door be opened
13. What was the response when the foolish bridesmaids asked that the door be opened
for them (Mat 25:12)?
A. It cannot be opened for those who are late
B. I don’t know you
C. Go into outer darkness where there is weeping
D. The bridegroom’s house is full of guests
15. What amounts did the man going on a journey give to his servants (Mat 25:15)?
A. 10, 5, 1
B. 12, 7, 1
C. 5, 2, 1
D. 3, 2, 1
16. On what basis the the man going on a journey distributed his money to his servants
(Mat 25:15)?
A. Each according to his need
B. He cast lots
C. Each according to their role in his kingdom
17. What did the ones who received five and two talents do with their master’s money
(Mat 25:16f)?
A. They hid it
B. They traded it in the market for goods
C. They bought the master presents
D. They both put the money to work
18. What did the ones who received five and two talents do with their master’s money
(Mat 25:16f)?
A. They doubled it
B. They tripled it
C. They made seven times
D. They made twelve times
19. What did the man with one talent do with the money given him (Mat 25:18)?
A. He put it in the bank
B. He hid it in a tree
C. He buried it
D. He kept it under his bed
20. How long was the master gone who had given the talents into his servants’ keeping
(Mat 25:19)?
A. Three months
B. Six months
C. A year
D. A long time
21. What did the master say to the servant that doubled his money (Mat 25:21)?
A. Righteous servant
B. Good and faithful servant
C. Blessed servant
22. What did the master offer to share with the servant who doubled his money (Mat
A. His palace
B. His land
C. His happiness
D. His kingdom
23. The master said to both servants who had doubled his money that they _______ (Mat
A. Been faithful with a few things
B. Been diligent with what was given them
C. Been trustworthy in all things
C. Were worthy of the kingdom prepared for them by the Father
24. How did the man who hid his talent in the ground perceive the character of the master
(Mat 25:24)?
A. A unjust man
B. A wicked man
C. A foolish man
D. A hard man
25. Why did the servant who buried his master’s money think he was a hard man (Mat
A. He harvested where he had not sown
B. He required more than he had given them
C. He should have generously given the money to them
D. He used money to rule over others
26. What did the master call the servant who buried his money (Mat 25:26)?
A. Unfaithful
B. Disloyal
C. Lazy
D. Selfish
27. What did the master tell the wicked servant he should have at least done with his
money (Mat 25:27)?
A. Not accepted it in the first place
B. Returned it to him with interest
C. Should have used it to make more
D. Given it to the poor
28. What happened to the one talent of the servant who buried it (Mat 25:28)?
A. It was given to the other servants
B. It was given to the poor
C. It was given to the one who had ten
D. It was given to the wicked servant’s family
29. In the parable of the talents to whom will be given more (Mat 25:29)?
A. To the faithful
B. To those who have none
C. To the one who has
D. To the one who is generous
30. What will be the outcome of the servant who does not have (Mat 25:29)?
A. Even what he has will be taken from him
B. Even his bed will be taken from under him
C. He will receive nothing from his master
D. He will lose his master’s favor
31. What was the final end of the servant that buried his master’s money (Mat 25:30)?
A. He was put in prison
B. He was thrown outside into darkness
C. He was buried with his money
D. He was thrown out into the city streets
32. When the Son of Man comes who will come with him (Mat 25:31)?
A. The Father from heaven
B. All his holy ones
C. All the angels
D. The disciples
33. When the Son of Man comes with his angels what will he do (Mat 25:31)?
A. Sit between the cherubim
B. Ride in on the clouds of heaven
C. Stand before all the kings of the earth
D. Sit on his throne of heavenly glory
34. Who will be gathered before the Son of Man when he comes (Mat 25:32)?
A. All the nations
B. All the tribes
C. All the wicked
D. All those believing in him
35. What will the Son of Man separate when he comes (Mat 25:32)?
A. The righteous and the wicked
B. The just and the unjust
C. The clean and unclean
D. The sheep and the goats
36. Who will the Son of Man put on his right hand when he comes (Mat 25:33)?
A. The donkeys
B. The sheep
C. The goats
D. The birds
D. The Christ
38. What inheritance did the sheep receive from the king (Mat 25:34)?
A. Mansions in heaven
B. Streets of gold in Jerusalem
C. A tree of life in the garden of God
D. The kingdom prepared for you
39. The king said the sheep had done all of the following EXCEPT (Mat 25:35f)
A. Gave him something to eat when he was hungry
B. Invited him in when he was a stranger
C. Paid his debts when he had nothing
D. Visited him when he was in prison
E. Looked after him when he was sick
40. What were the sheep also called in the parable of the sheep and goats (Mat 25:37)?
A. The disciples
B. The righteous
C. The saints
D. The children of God
41. What did the righteous sheep ask the Lord (Mat 25:38f)?
A. When did we see you sick or in prison?
B. When did we see you in need and give you a place to stay?
C. When did we see you beaten and rejected?
D. When did we see you coming in the clouds of heaven?
42. How had the sheep aided the King (Mat 25:40)?
A. Whatever they did for the elect of God
B. Whatever they did for one of the least of his brothers
C. Whatever they did to the widows and orphans
D. Whatever they did to those who believed in him
43. What will the king say to those on his left (Mat 25:41)?
A. Enter into my kingdom
B. Hypocritics, out of my presence forever
C. Depart from me you who are cursed
D. I never knew you
44. Where were those on the King’s left sent (Mat 25:41)?
A. Into eternal fire
B. Into the place of the dead
C. To where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth
D. Into the bowels of the earth
45. Who was the eternal fire prepared for (Mat 25:41)?
A. The unrighteous
B. The wicked
C. The evil one
D. The devil and his angels
46. When had the goats not invited the King in (Mat 25:43)?
A. When he was sick
B. When he was a stranger
C. When he had fallen
D. When he stood at the door and knocked
47. What did the goats ask the Lord (Mat 25:38f)?
A. When did we see you sick or in prison?
B. When did we see you in need and give you a place to stay?
C. When did we see you beaten and rejected?
D. When did we see you coming in the clouds of heaven?
D. Eternal death
Matthew 26
1. What feast did Jesus say was at hand when the Son of Man would be handed over to
be crucified (Mat 26:2)?
A. Sabbath
B. Pentecost
C. The Day of Atonement
D. Passover
2. Who was the high priest when Jesus was crucified (Mat 26:3)?
A. Ananias
B. Caiaphas
C. Hilkiah
D. Abiathar
3. Who plotted at the high priest’s palace how to slyly arrest and kill Jesus (Mat 26:4)?
A. The Pharisees and Sadducees
B. The Sanhedrin and leaders of the synagogues
C. The chief priests and elders of the people
D. The zealots and Herodians
4. Why did those plotting against Jesus not want to arrest him on a feast day (Mat 26:5)?
A. They feared the people might riot
B. They feared the Romans
C. They had to perform religious ceremonies that day
D. He would not be accessible among the crowds
6. Simon the leper’s house where Jesus stayed was located in what town (Mat 26:6)?
A. Bethlehem
B. Anathoth
C. Bethany
D. Bethphage
7. What did the woman come to Jeuss with in Simon the leper’s house (Mat 26:7)?
A. A jar of alabaster perfume
B. A crown of gold and silver
C. A towel to wipe Jesus’ feet
D. Bread and wine for Jesus to eat
8. What did the woman do with the perfume at Simon the leper’s house (Mat 26:7)?
A. Poured it on Jesus’ feet
B. Poured it on Jesus’ head
C. Poured it on the mat in the house
D. Poured it on her hair
9. What was the disciples’ response when the woman poured perfume on Jesus (Mat
A. They rejoiced
B. They honored her
C. They were jealous
D. They were indignant
10. Why were Jesus’ disciples indignant at the woman pouring perfume on Jesus (Mat
A. The perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor
B. The perfume was wasted filling the house and was soon gone
C. The woman was unclean and yet she touched Jesus
D. The woman was a Gentile
11. Who did Jesus say you always have with you (Mat 26:11)?
A. I am with you
B. Sinners
C. The poor
12. Jesus described the woman’s pouring perfume on him as (Mat 26:10)?
A. As an act of kindness
B. As a beautiful thing
C. As fulfilling Scripture
D. As a wonderful gift
13. What symbolic act did Jesus say the woman did when she poured the perfume on
Jesus (Mat 26:12)?
A. She was anointing him to do God’s will
B. She was showing how to serve
C. She was giving him all she had as a gift
D. She was preparing him for burial
14. Where did Jesus say the memory of the perfuming woman would be told (Mat
A. Wherever the gospel is preached
B. To the ends of the world
C. Every time you do celebrated his death
D. Whenever the word of God is read
17. For how much did Judas betray Jesus (Mat 26:15)?
A. Ten pieces of silver
B. Twenty pieces of silver
C. Thirty pieces of silver
D. Forty pieces of silver
18. On what feast day did the disciples ask Jesus about where to make preparation for the
Passover (Mat 26:17)?
A. The Day of Atonement
B. The first day of the Feast of Tabernacles
C. The first day of the Feast of Pentecost
D. The first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread
19. What did Jesus tell this disciples to say to the man at whose house he would celebrate
the Passover (Mat 26:18)?
A. The Teacher says, My appointed time is near
B. The Rabbi says, I am coming to your house today
C. The Lord says, Prepare the way of the Lord
D. Jesus says, I want to celebrate the Passover with you
20. Who prepared the final Passover for Jesus (Mat 26:19)?
A. The crowd
B. The blind man who had been healed
C. Lazarus, Mary and Martha
D. His disciples
21. What did Jesus say when reclining with his disciples at the evening Passover meal
(Mat 26:21)?
A. For this hour I have come
B. One of you will betray me
C. Peter do you love me?
D. The Son of Man is going to be the Passover lamb
22. How did Jesus identify the disciple who would betray him (Mat 26:23)?
A. The one with the 30 pieces of silver
B. The one who takes my food and drinks my cup
C. The one who dips his hand in the bowl with me
D. The one who leaves before the prayer
23. What did Jesus say about the destiny of the one who would betray him (Mat 26:24)?
A. He will be cast out of the kingdom
B. He will go to a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
C. He will end his own life in shame and disgrace
D. It would be better for him if he had not been born
24. What did Jesus say to Judas while reclining at the Passover meal after Judas denied
that it was he (Mat 26:25)?
A. Woe to you
B. Yes, it is you
C. We shall see
D. Repent and follow me
25. What did Jesus say concerning the bread on the night of the Passover meal (Mat
A. Take and eat; this is my body
B. Take this; it is broken for you
C. Take and break it; for my body will be broken
D. Take and eat; for you are my disciples
26. What did Jesus say concerning the cup on the night of the Passover meal (Mat
A. Drink so your sins will be forgiven
B. Drink from it all of you
C. Drink it to the full
D. Drink this to remember me
27. Why did Jesus say during the Passover meal that his blood would be poured out (Mat
A. For the salvation of many peoples
B. For the redemption of all those who believe
C. For many for the forgiveness of sins
D. For all who believe eternal life
28. What did Jesus say the cup represented (Mat 26:28)?
A. The blood of a sacrificial lamb
B. The death of the sins of many
C. A sacrifice to God
D. The blood of the covenant
29. Jesus told his disciples on Passover night meal that he would not drink with them
again until _________ (Mat 26:29)
A. The day when you enter into your heavenly house
B. The day when he drinks it anew in his Father’s kingdom
C. The day of the Lord be fully come
D. The day the kingdom of heaven is established on this earth
30. What did they do before they went out to the Mount of Olives after eating the
Passover together (Mat 26:30)?
A. They sang a hymn
B. They washed their hands
C. Jesus washed their feet
D. They stood and kissed each other
31. After the Passover meal where did Jesus and his disciples go (Mat 26:30)?
A. To Bethany
B. To the temple
C. To Mount Zion
D. To the Mount of Olives
32. What did Jesus tell the disciples would happen “this very night” after eating the
Passover together (Mat 26:31)?
A. They all would flee into the desert
B. They all would weep
C. They all would fall away
D. They all would betray him
33. What did Jesus say would cause the sheep of the flock to be scattered (Mat 26:31)?
A. The striking of the shepherd
B. The striking of lightning
C. A great earthquake
D. The coming of a lion to attack
34. Where did Jesus say he would go ahead of the disciples after he had risen (Mat
A. To the temple
B. To the Mount of Olives
C. To Galilee
D. To the Jordan River
35. What was Peter’s response to Jesus comment that they would all fall away (Mat
A. Peter claimed he would never do it
B. Peter claimed they all would stay with Jesus
C. Peter claimed Jesus would not be crucified
D. Peter claimed that they would protect Jesus with their lives
36. What did Jesus say would happen when Peter would have disowned him three times
(Mat 26:34)?
A. The sun would rise
B. The rooster would crow
C. The moon would shine
D. The third watch of the night
37. How many times did Jesus say Peter would disown him by the time the rooster
crowed (Mat 26:34)?
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Thrice
D. Five times
38. How did Peter respond when Jesus told him he would disown him three times that
night (Mat 26:35)?
A. He went away saddened
B. He wept
C. He made a vow that he would not ever disown him
D. He claimed he would die with Jesus
39. What garden did Jesus go to pray after the Passover meal (Mat 26:36)?
A. Garden of the Kings
B. Garden of Gethsemane
C. Garden of Ramah
D. The temple garden
40. Who did Jesus separate to go with him to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mat
A. Peter and the sons of Zebedee
B. Peter and Thomas
C. Peter and John
D. Peter, Matthew and John
41. In Gethsemane what did Jesus tell his disciples the state of his soul was (Mat 26:38)?
A. Overcome with wonder
B. Heavy as the sand of the sea
C. Overwhelmed with sorrow
D. Anticipating what was to come
42. How did Jesus pray in the garden of Gethsemane (Mat 26:39)?
A. My Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing
B. My Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
C. My Father, there is no one like you in all the earth
D. My Father, if it is possible may this cup be taken from me
43. How did Jesus pray in the garden of Gethsemane (Mat 26:39)?
A. May your name receive glory, honor and power
B. Not as I will, but as you will
C. Your kingdom come your will be done
D. Into your hands I commend my spirit
44. When Jesus returned to his disciples after praying in Gethsemane what were they
doing (Mat 26:40)?
A. Sleeping
B. Walking around anxiously
C. Hiding
D. Running away
45. Jesus told the disciples after he found them sleeping in Gethsemane all of the
following EXCEPT (Mat 26:41)
A. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
B. Watch and pray
C. So that you do not enter into temptation
D. The Son of Man will be delivered up
46. What did Jesus do when he returned a second time and found the disciples sleeping in
Gethsemane (Mat 26:44)?
A. He woke them up and told them to follow him
B. He prayed that they might find rest
C. He left them and returned to pray a third time
D. He asked Peter why he could not stay awake one hour
47. After returning from praying a third time what did he tell his disciples (Mat 26:45)?
A. The Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners
B. The Son of Man will come in the clouds of heaven
C. Woe to the one who betrays the Son of Man
D. Why could you not watch with the Son of man for one hour
48. Who sent Judas to capture Jesus in Gethsemane (Mat 26:47) The chief priests and
A. Pharisees
B. Elders of the people
C. Sadducees
D. Leaders of the synagogues
49. What did the crowd have that came to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane (Mat 26:47)?
A. Helmets and clubs
B. Shackles and chains
C. Clubs and swords
D. Spears and swords
50. How did Judas tell the crowd how he would identify Jesus (Mat 26:49)?
A. With a hug
B. With a kiss
C. With a slap
D. With loosing his sandal
51. How did Judas address Jesus when he met him in the garden of Gethsemane (Mat
A. Lord
B. Master
C. Friend
D. Rabbi
53. When Jesus was arrested what did one of his companions do in defense of Jesus (Mat
A. He struck Judas in the face
B. He cut off the servant of the high priest’s ear
C. He stabbed the leader of the group
D. He hit the guard who had grasped Jesus’ arm
54. Why did Jesus tell his companion to put his sword back in its place (Mat 26:52)?
A. One who weilds the sword is like damaging lightning
B. The sword can take life but it cannot give life
C. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword
D. The sword can destroy and the sword can harm
55. What did Jesus tell the one cutting off the servant’s ear he could do if he wanted to
defend himself from arrest (Mat 26:53)?
A. Speak the word and those arresting him would all be dead
B. Pray to God for deliverance and he would send a whirlwind
C. Call down chariots of fire from heaven
D. Call on his Father for 12 legions of angels
56. Why did Jesus say he would not call on his Father to send angels to deliver him from
arrest (Mat 26:54)?
A. The Scripture would not then be fulfilled
B. His mission would not then be completed
C. It was not the will of his Father in heaven
D. Is it not written the Messiah must suffer?
57. What objection did Jesus make for being arrested in Gethsemane (Mat 26:55)?
A. Jesus claimed he had done nothing against the Law or the Prophets
B. Jesus asked for what miracle he was being arrested
58. How did the disciples respond to Jesus’ arrest by the crowd (Mat 26:56)?
A. They sent for the temple guards
B. They deserted him
C. They defended him
D. They tried to quiet the crowd
59. To whom did those who arrested Jesus take him (Mat 26:57)?
A. The governor
B. The leader of the great synagogue
C. The chief priest
D. The Roman centurion
60. Who was the high priest to whom Jesus was brought after being arrested (Mat 26:57)?
A. Pilate
B. Tiberius
C. Ananais
D. Caiaphas
61. Who were assembled after Jesus was arrested (Mat 26:57)?
A. The teachers of the law and elders
B. The Pharisees and Sadducees
C. The leaders of the synagogue and the scribes
D. The Romans and Jewish leaders
62. Who followed Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest (Mat 26:58)?
A. James
B. John
C. Peter
D. Thomas
63. How far did Peter follow Jesus after he was arrested (Mat 26:58)?
A. To the gate of the temple yard
B. To the courtyard of the high priest
C. Into the palace of the high priest
D. Into the praetorium where the Romans held him
64. Before what body was Jesus tried that was over seen by the high priest (Mat 26:59)?
A. The Great Council
B. The Great Synagogue
C. The Praetorium
D. The Sanhedrin
66. What charge did two false witnesses bring forward against Jesus (Mat 26:61)?
A. Jesus cast out demons by the spirit and power of Beelzebub prince of the
B. Jesus said he was able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it
C. Jesus called the Jewish leaders hypocritics
D. Jesus supported paying taxes to Caesar and Roman domination
67. What was Jesus’ initial response when accused of saying he would destroy the temple
(Mat 26:62f)?
A. He explained he was talking about the temple of his body
B. He acknowledged he had said that
C. He remained silent
D. He rebuked the high priest for claiming to serve God in the temple
68. What did the high priest charge Jesus under oath to declare (Mat 26:63)?
A. Whether Jesus had said he would destroy the temple of God
B. Whether Jesus had violated the Sabbath by healing the blind man
C. Whether Jesus had agreed to pay taxes to Rome
D. Whether Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God
69. How did Jesus respond to the charge as to the claim that he was the Son of God (Mat
A. Yes
B. No
C. He refused to answer
D. He asked why the high priest had asked him that
70. How did Jesus respond to the high priest’s charge of whether he was the Son of God
(Mat 26:64)?
A. The high priest would be cast out of the kingdom of heaven
B. You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One
C. Why had the high priest asked him that question had he believed in Jesus’
D. All this is done to fulfill the scripture
71. How did Jesus say the high priest would see him coming (Mat 26:64)?
A. On the clouds of heaven
B. In power and glory
C. With legions of angels
D. Riding a chariot of fire
72. How did the high priest react to Jesus’ claim that in the future the high priest would
see him coming in the clouds of heaven (Mat 26:65)?
A. He said Jesus would regret he ever said that
B. He said the Romans would put Jesus to death
C. He claimed it was blasphemy
D. He claimed that Jesus was a traitor
73. What charge was ultimately brought against Jesus at the Sanhedrin (Mat 26:66)?
A. Blasphemy
74. How did the Sanhedrin respond to Jesus after the accusation of blasphemy was
established (Mat 26:67)?
A. They put a crown of thorns on his head
B. They picked up stones to stone him
C. They tore his garments and beat his back
D. They spit in his face and punched him
75. When slapped, what did they demand that Christ tell them (Mat 26:68)?
A. Are you really the Christ?
B. Who his father was?
C. Who hit you?
D. How will you destroy the temple?
76. Who first accused Peter of being with Jesus (Mat 26:69)?
A. A Roman guard
B. A servant girl
C. A gate keeper
D. A Pharisee from Galilee
77. What was Peter’s response to the servant girl accusing him of being with Jesus (Mat
A. He was denied it
B. He was silent
C. He went quickly away
D. He hung his head in shame
78. Where did Peter deny Jesus the second time (Mat 26:71)?
A. In the courtyard
B. In the Court of the Gentiles
C. In the court room
D. In the gateway
79. How was Peter linked with Jesus by a third group accusing him of being with Jesus
(Mat 26:73)?
A. He was the one who cut off the servant’s ear in Gethsemane
B. One had seen him with Jesus in the temple
C. His accent gave him away
D. His clothes indicated he was a follower of Jesus
80. What happened the third time Peter denied the Lord (Mat 26:78)?
A. The ground shook
B. The rooster crowed
C. The dogs barked
D. The evening trumpet sounded
81. After Peter heard the rooster crow, what did he do (Mat 26:75)?
A. He went out and wept bitterly
B. He confessed that he had been with Jesus
C. He ran from the place where he had denied Jesus
D. He fell to his knees remembering what Jesus had said
Matthew 27
1. After Jesus’ trial who came to the decision to put Jesus to death (Mat 27:1)?
A. The chief priests and elders
B. The Pharisees and Sadducees
C. The crowd and the synagogue leaders
D. The Romans and the governor
2. Who did the chief priests and elders turn Jesus over to (Mat 27:2)?
A. Herod Agrippa
B. Pilate
C. Herod Anitpas
D. Caiaphas
3. When did Judas feel remorse for betraying Jesus (Mat 27:3)?
A. When Jesus was tried before the chief priests
B. When Jesus stood before Pilate
C. When Jesus looked at him during the trial
D. When Jesus was condemned
4. What did Judas do after feeling remorse for what he had done (Mat 27:3)?
A. He smote his breast
B. He sat in dust and ashes
C. He returned the 30 pieces of silver
D. He tried to free Jesus
5. What did Judas confess after feeling remorse for what he had done to Jesus (Mat
A. I have sinned for I have betrayed innocent blood
B. I am ruined for I have betrayed the Lord of glory
C. Woe is me for I am undone I have betrayed the Son of Man
D. Woe is me, for my name will be cursed forever
6. What did Judas do with the money he received for betraying Jesus (Mat 27:5)?
A. He threw it at the chief priests and elders
7. What did Judas do after returning the money for betraying Jesus to the chief priests and
elders (Mat 27:5)?
A. He shot himself
B. He hung himself
C. He cut his wrists
D. He jumped to his death
8. What did the chief priests object to doing with Judas’ 30 pieces of silver (Mat 27:6)?
A. Put the blood money into the treasury
B. Accept the blood money for the poor
C. Use the blood money to pay the priests
D. Send the blood money to Pilate
9. What did the chief priests do with Judas’ blood money (Mat 27:7)?
A. They bought food for the poor
B. They put it in the treasury
C. They used the money to pay their tax to the Romans
D. They bought a potter’s field to bury foreigners
10. What was the field that was purchased with Judas’ money called (Mat 27:8)?
A. The field of betrayal
B. The field of blasphemy
C. The field of blood
D. The field of the Nazarene
11. Who prophesied of the 30 silver coins used to buy the potter’s field (Mat 27:9)?
A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Daniel
D. Hosea
12. What was the first question the governor asked Jesus after this trial (Mat 27:11)?
A. Are you the king of the Jews?
B. Are you the Son of God?
C. Are you the Son of Man?
D. Why are they wanting to kill you?
13. When the chief priests made accusations against Jesus before Pilate what was Jesus’
response (Mat 27:12)?
A. They are white washed tombs
B. He spit on the ground
C. He gave no answer
D. He would not look up
15. What was a custom of the governor to do at the festival time (Mat 27:15)?
A. To announce all prisoners could be set free
B. To provide a celebration for all the Jews
C. To grant one wish of the high priest that year
D. To release a prisoner chosen by the crowd
16. Who was a prisoner that the crowd asked Pilate to release instead of Jesus (Mat
A. Jesus Barabbas
B. Justus Areleaus
C. Nathaniel of Arimathea
D. James the Just
17. When Pilate was on the judge’s seat what did he receive (Mat 27:19)?
A. A request from the high priest
B. A directive from Caesar
C. A message from his wife
D. A report from the Sanhedrin
19. How had Pilate’s wife been drawn into the discussion about sentencing of Jesus (Mat
A. By the word of the prophet
B. By a soothsayer
C. By a servant girl
D. By a dream
20. Who did the crowd pick to be released by Pilate (Mat 27:21)?
A. Barabbas
B. Justus
C. Aenias
D. Cornelius
21. Pilate, when requesting who the crowd wanted released, presented Jesus as ________
(Mat 27:22)?
A. The one called the Son of Man
B. The one called the Son of God
C. The one called the Messiah
D. The one called the Servant King
22. When Pilate inquired of the crowd what crime Jesus had committed what was the
crowd’s response (Mat 27:23)?
A. Blasphemy
B. He was going to destroy the temple of God
C. He is against Caesar
D. Crucify him
23. What did Pilate do when he saw that the crowd continued in an uproar demanding the
crucifixion of Jesus (Mat 27:24)?
A. He ordered his soldiers to take Jesus away
B. He washed his hands in front of the crowd
C. He spit in Jesus face
D. He took off his sandal and slapped Jesus with it
24. When Pilate announced that he was innocent of Jesus’ blood what did the crowd reply
(Mat 27:25)?
A. His blood be upon us and our children
B. You, Pilate, are responsible for his death
C. He is responsible for his own death
D. This man is guilty of blasphemy and should die
25. What did Pilate do with Jesus before he turned him over to be crucified (Mat 27:26)?
A. Gave him some food and wine
B. Told the crowds to leave his palace
C. Had him flogged
D. Stripped him naked before the people
26. Where did the governor’s soldiers take Jesus for mocking (Mat 27:27)?
A. To the Herodian fortress
B. To the prison of Ananias
C. To the barricks of the Roman legion
D. To the Praetorium
27. The soldiers, after stripping Jesus, put all of the following on Jesus EXCEPT
A. A scarlet robe
B. Iron shackles
C. A crown of thorns
D. A staff
28. How did the soldiers mock Jesus verbally (Mat 27:29)?
A. We bow before you, O Son of God
B. O mighty Caesar
C. Hail, king of the Jews
D. O prophet, who hit you that time
29. With what did the soldiers repeatedly hit Jesus on the head (Mat 27:30)?
A. With their fists
B. With a whip
C. With a belt
D. With a staff
30. Who was forced to carry the cross of Jesus (Mat 27: 32)?
A. Simon of Cyrene
B. Joseph of Arimathea
C. Justus of Tyre
D. Ananias of Jezreel
31. Where did the soldiers take Jesus to be crucified (Mat 27:33)?
A. Mount Zion
B. Mount of Olives
C. Gihon
D. Golgotha
34. When offered wine and gall what did Jesus do (Mat 27:34) ?
A. He refused to drink it
B. He spit it out
C. He drank it to the dregs
D. He drank only the gall
35. How did the soldiers divide Jesus’ clothes (Mat 27:35)?
A. To the highest bidder
B. They sold them online
C. They cast lots for them
D. They split them up equally
36. What was the charge written over Jesus’ head when he was crucified (Mat 27:37)?
A. This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth
B. This is the Christ, the Messiah
C. This is the Jewish Son of God
D. This is Jesus, king of the Jews
38. How did those passing by react to the crucifixion of Jesus (Mat 27:39)?
A. They hurled insults at him
B. They spit on him
C. They hung their heads in shame
D. They wept
39. All of the following mocked Jesus as he was crucified EXCEPT (Mat 27:41)?
A. Teachers of the law
B. Chief priests
C. Elders
D. The Pharisees
40. What did those who mocked Jesus say he should do in order for them to believe he
was the king of Israel (Mat 27:42)?
A. Call for a legion of angels
B. Destroy the temple
C. Come down from the cross
D. Turn the sun into blood
41. What did those mocking Jesus on the cross quote him as having said (Mat 27:43)?
A. I am the Son of Man
B. I am the Son of God
C. I am the King of Israel
D. I am who I am
42. Besides the Jewish leaders who also heaped insults on Jesus as he was crucified (Mat
A. The two rebels crucified with him
B. The soldiers that nailed him to the cross
C. The some foreigners who were standing by
D. Some children who threw stones
43. After Jesus was crucified how long was there darkness (Mat 27:45)?
A. From the third to the tenth hour
B. From the sixth to the twelfth hour
C. From the sixth to the ninth hour
D. From the twelfth to the twentieth hour
44. What did Jesus cry out in the ninth hour (Mat. 27:46)?
A. It is finished
B. I thirst
C. Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are donig
D. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me
45. What does “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani” mean (Mat 27:46)?
A. Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing
D. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me
B. O Lord, have mercy on me
C. How long, O Lord, will you forget me
46. Who did some think Jesus was calling for when he said “Eloi, Eloi” (Mat 27:47)?
A. Elijah
B. God
C. Moses
D. Isaiah
47. What did one man get Jesus to drink when he was on the cross (Mat 27:48)?
A. Gall
B. Wine vinegar
C. Water
D. Red wine
49. All of following happened the moment Jesus gave up his spirit EXCEPT (Mat
A. The curtain of the temple was torn
B. The earth shook and rocks split
50. How was the curtain temple torn when Jesus died (Mat 27:51)?
A. From side to side
B. It tore loose from the rings that held it up
C. From top to bottom
D. Into little pieces
51. Where did many who had been dead appear to people after Jesus death and
resurrection (Mat 27:53)?
A. In Galilee
B. In the holy city
C. On the Mount of Olives
D. In Bethlehem
52. Who exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God” (Mat 27:54)?
A. The centurion and those guarding Jesus
B. The people present at Jesus death
C. The chief priests and elders
D. Pontius Pilate
53. Who were at Jesus’ death watching from a distance (Mat 27:55)?
A. The disciples
B. The chief priests
C. Many women
D. The Romans
54. All the following were listed as observing Jesus death from a distance EXCEPT (Mat
A. Mary Magdalene
B. Mary, the sister of Lazarus
C. Mary, the mother of James and Joses
55. What role did the women from Galilee have in following Jesus (Mat 27:55)?
A. They gave witness to women of the mighty works of Jesus
B. They spread the teaching of Jesus among many
C. They financially supported the disciples and Jesus
D. They cared for the needs of Jesus
56. The man who requested permission to bury Jesus’ body was characterized as _____
(Mat 27:57)
A. Wealthy and from Arimathea
B. A leader of the Jews and from Galilee
C. A tax collector from Jericho
D. A follower of Jesus and a chief priest
57. Who was the person who requested permission from Pilate to bury Jesus’ body (Mat
A. Joses the son of Mary
B. James the son of Zebedee
C. Joseph from Arimathea
D. Justus from Bethany
58. From whom did Joseph of Arimathea ask permission to bury the body of Jesus (Mat
A. Caiaphas
B. Pilate
C. Herod Antipas
D. Ananias
D. Clean linen
61. Who was sitting opposite the tomb when Jesus was buried (Mat 27:61)?
A. Mary the mother of Jesus and Martha
B. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
C. Priscilla and Martha the sister of Lazarus
D. The mother of James and Mary the mother of Jesus
62. Why did the Pharisees and chief priests go to Pilate after the death of Jesus (Mat
A. They were worried that Pilate was going to start persecuting them for
killing Jesus
B. They wanted the cross taken down immediately
C. They worried that the disciples would steal the body of Jesus
D. They were worried that the people were going to riot
63. How did the Pharisees refer to Jesus to Pilate after his death (Mat 27:63)?
A. Liar
B. Rebel
C. False prophet
D. Deceiver
64. What claim from Jesus were the Phairsees worried about after the death of Jesus (Mat
A. That he would rise again in three days
B. That he would destroy the temple
C. That his followers spread the gospel all over the world
65. What did the Pharisees want Pilate to do after the death of Jesus (Mat 27:64)?
A. To give the order to incarcerate some of Jesus’ disciples
B. To give the order to secure the tomb of Jesus
C. To give the order freeing the Jews to persecute Jesus’ followers
D. To give the order that no one should mention Jesus any more
66. How did Pilate secure the tomb of Jesus (Mat 27:66)?
A. Putting a seal on the stone and posting a guard there
B. Posting an order that no one should move the stone
C. Posting a platoon of soldiers to secure the tomb
D. He refused to do it
Matthew 28
1. Who went to the tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week (Mat 28:1)?
A. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
B. Mary the mother of Jesus and Martha the sister of Lazarus
C. Mary Magdalene and Peter
D. Peter and John
3. What accompanied the angel’s rolling of the stone away from the tomb (Mat 28:2)?
A. Lightning
B. The angel spoke
C. The angel struck the rock
D. An earthquake
4. After the angel rolled the stone away from the tomb of Jesus what did he do (Mat
A. Ascended to heaven
B. Sat on the stone
C. Walked off
D. Pulled the body of Jesus out of the tomb
5. How is the angel that rolled the stone away described (Mat 28:3)?
A. Tall as a cedar tree
B. As strong as a lion with two wings
C. Clothes as white as snow
D. With a sword in his hand
6. What was the response of the guards to the coming of the angel to Jesus’ tomb (Mat
7. What was the first thing the angel said to the women at the tomb of Jesus (Mat 28:5)?
A. Do not be afraid
B. Why have you come?
C. I have come to set him free
D. I will move the stone for you
9. Where did the angel tell the women Jesus was going after he was raised from the dead
(Mat 28:7)?
A. Into heaven
B. Descending into hell
C. To Galilee
D. To the temple
10. Who did the women who talked to the angel after Jesus rose from the dead go and
announce that Jesus had risen (Mat 28:8)?
A. Mary the mother of Jesus
B. Peter
C. Pilate
D. The disciples
11. Who met the women as they left to tell the disciples that Jesus had risen (Mat 28:9)?
A. Jesus himself
B. An angel
12. How did Jesus refer to the disciples to the women after he had risen from the dead
(Mat 28:10)?
A. My followers
B. My disciples
C. My apostles
D. My brothers
13. To whom did the guards report what had happened at Jesus’ tomb (Mat 28:11)?
A. The Sanhedrin
B. The chief priests
C. The disciples
D. Pilate
14. Who cooked up the story that the disciples stole the body of Jesus while the guards
slept (Mat 28:12)?
A. Pilate
B. The high priest Caiaphas
C. The elders and chief priests
D. The members of the Sanhedrin
15. How did the chief priests get the guards to agree to spread the rumor that the disciples
stole the body of Jesus (Mat 28:12)?
A. They paid them money
B. They gave them the thirty pieces of silver Judas had returned
C. They promised they would not tell Pilate
D. They promoted them to be temple guards
16. What did the Jewish leaders promise the guards so they would spread the rumor that
the disciples stole the body of Jesus while they slept (Mat 28:14)?
A. They gave them the thirty pieces of silver Judas had returned
B. They promised they would not tell Pilate
17. Among whom does Matthew note the story of the disciples stealing the body of Jesus
is still prevalent “to this day” (Mat 28:15)?
A. The Romans
B. The chief priests
C. The Jews
D. Those who live in Jerusalem
18. What story is still widely circulated until this day (Mat 28:15)?
A. That Jesus rose from the dead
B. That Joseph of Arimathea stole Jesus’ body
C. That the women stole the body of Jesus
D. That the disciples stole Jesus’ body
19. Where in Galilee did the disciples go to meet Jesus (Mat 28:16)?
A. To a mountain
B. To the Sea of Galilee
C. To Capernaum
D. To Nazareth
20. When the disciples saw Jesus after the resurrection, what did the disciples do (Mat
A. They fell at his feet
B. They worshipped him
C. They hid from him
D. They ate a meal with him
21. What did Jesus after the resurrection tell his disciples to go and do (Mat 28:18)?
A. Follow Jesus
B. Become missionaries to the end of the earth
C. Go and make disciples of all nations
22. What did Jesus after the resurrection tell his disciples to do (Mat 28:18)?
A. Baptize disciples
B. Teach disciples
C. Proclaim the gospel
D. Tell of Jesus’ resurrection
23. How were the apostles to baptize those whom they made disciples (Mat 28:18)?
A. In Jesus name
B. In the Holy Spirit
C. In the name of the Son of Man
D. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
24. What did Jesus tell his disciples they were to teach after his resurrection (Mat
A. To preach the gospel of the kingdom
B. To obey everything he had commanded them
C. The Law and the Prophets and Jesus’ teachings
D. The greatness of the kingdom
25. What did Jesus after the resurrection say he would be doing to the very end of the age
(Mat 28:20)?
A. Interceding for them
B. He would listening to their prayers
C. He would be with them
D. He would be seated with the Father
26. After the resurrection what did Jesus say was given to him (Mat 28:18)?
A. All authority in heaven and on earth
B. The souls of those who were elect
C. The kingdom of heaven
D. The ability to make intercession at the throne of grace