Ae S3 Instructions
Ae S3 Instructions
Ae S3 Instructions
1 Introduction
In this third seminar, we will focus on understanding the importance of sam-
pling frequency and we will take a look at audio compression techniques.
Audio compression is a process that reduces the file size of audio files
while trying to maintain most of the original audio quality. This is super
useful for storage and transmission, especially in the world of music stream-
ing and digital media. There are many types of audio compression since
different scenarios might require different types of compression.
– Take one or two audio signals, from the ones you have selected in
previous seminars, and load them into a jupyter notebook using
SoundFile. Make sure you print out and verify that you are clear
about the sampling frequency at which this audio file has been
originally sampled. Now do two experiments:
∗ Directly save or reproduce the audio signal, using SoundFile
at a different sampling frequency. Try one higher and one
lower. Standard values for sampling frequencies are {8000,
16000, 22050, 24000, 44100, 48000}Hz. Listen to the result
and explain what happened and why.
∗ Undersample your signal, i.e. remove samples from your au-
dio array to mimic how the audio array would look like if we
had initially sampled it at a lower sampling frequency. Note
that, if your audio is sampled at 44100Hz, and you want to
undersample it to 8000Hz, then the new length of the under-
sampled audio must be X, being X the original length
in samples. Also, you need to remove the samples equiva-
lently. That can be done using an audio processing library or
by NumPy array manipulation. Listen to the result and explain
what happened and why. Do you hear any noticeable dif-
ference? Why?
NOTE: Use the sounds chosen for the previous seminar sessions for the
experiments today.
• SciPy’s: It has several functions for 1D signal processing, including
audio. Have a look at online resources to find out more.
• Librosa: Useful Python library for for music and audio analysis. Find
out more about this library through the online documentation.
• Introduction:
• Methodology: Present briefly the steps you have followed to obtain
your results. You should include:
– Which software and tools you have used for the spectral analysis.
– Description of the audio filters used and software used for their
implementation. Remember to include the type of filter, the cut-
off frequency, and all the relevant parameters of the filters used.
– Present briefly the different experiments you have performed re-
garding the sampling frequency.
– Techniques used for sound compression.
• Results:
– Spectral analysis:
∗ Present the results obtained from your experiments and anal-
ysis using the provided resources or others of your choice.
∗ Use graphs or charts to illustrate the results.
∗ Explain the significance of the results and any patterns or
trends you observe.
– Audio filtering:
∗ Present the results obtained from your experiments.
∗ Use graphs or charts to illustrate the results.
∗ Explain the significance of the results and what you observe
after applying the different audio filters.
– Sampling frequency and audio compression:
∗ Present the results obtained from your experiments.
∗ Use graphs or charts to illustrate the results.
∗ Explain the significance of the results. What do you ob-
serve when reducing the sampling frequency? What happens
when you save the signal using the wrong sampling frequency?
Which is the best audio compression technique? etc.
– Delve into a detailed discussion of the differences among the out-
comes of the selected items.
– Relate these differences to the processes of sound generation and
– Consider the implications of these variations regarding the overall
characteristics and quality of the sounds.
– What is the contribution of audio filters? How you could take
advantage of them and in which situations?
– What is the importance of sampling frequency?
– Identify why some audio compression methods are better than
others. Present the main differences.
• Conclusions:
– Summarize the key findings from your results and their analysis.
– Highlight the importance of the conducted research.
• References: List all the sources you used throughout your report.