Word Columns Challenge Montejo 6
Word Columns Challenge Montejo 6
Word Columns Challenge Montejo 6
Orlando, FL 32804
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00
Sunday 1:00-5:00
The celebration will last from dawn ‘til dusk. (After that, it’s up to you!) Fruit,
lemonade, slushies, and other cool treats will be served from 1:00-2:00 PM.
1000 Lake Sylvan Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32804
Community Reminders
Newsl Recycling is collected every Visitors are only allowed to
etter other Wednesday. For some
general recycling tips, please
park in visitor spots. Any car
without a visible Lime Grove
visit this website. decal parked in a residential
Please remember to pick up spot will be towed. Please
after your pets! Pet waste is a remind your guests of this
contributor to the spread of policy!
infectious diseases and Maintenance will be entering
contaminated drinking water. units in order to replace air
Baggies are provided by our filters between April 1st and
local Parks and Recreation April 15th. They will contact
chapter. If you notice an empty you 24 hours prior to entering
bag stand, please call your residence. Please be
321.555.4867. prepared to accommodate this
Glass containers are prohibited schedule. To pre-schedule your
in the pool area. Please air filter replacement, please
remember all guests must have call 321.555.5467 and ask for
their guest pass visible at all Jim.
times. The dog park hours are from
sunrise to sunset. The gate to
the park will be locked
otherwise. Outside of the park,
please make sure your pet is on
a leash at all times.