TOZEN Expansion Joint SJT

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6 SJT-0221
7 SJT-0221
Intermediate Anchor Loading Force
FIA = Fm + Fg

Main Anchor Loading Force

Fma = Fs + Fm+ Fg
*Fs = Pd x A e

Main Anchor Force Pipe Line Reduce

Fma = Fs1 + Fm1 + Fg1 - F -f
m2 g2

* Fs1 = Pd x ( Ae1- Ae2)


P.G. P.G.


Fma = Main Anchor Force Pd = Design pressure
FIA = Intermediate Anchor Force Ae = Effective area of Bellows
FS = Force due to internal pressure Ae1 = Effective area of Bellows,
Fm = Force due to Joint deflection large pipe section
Fm1 = Force due to Joint deflection, large pipe section Ae2 = Effective area of Bellows,
Fm2 = Force due to Joint deflection, small pipe section small pipe section
Fg = Friction force of pipe guide I.A. = Intermediate Anchor
Fg1 = Friction force of pipe guide, large pipe section M.A. = Main Anchor
Fg2 = Friction force of pipe guide, small pipe section P.G. = Planar Pipe Guide
G = Pipe Guide

SJT - - , ,

FLANGE (none) Both Ends Fixed Flanges
BELLOW 0 Mild Steel
1 JIS10K FL Fixed x Loose Flanges
1 Single 1 All SUS304 2 JIS20K LL Both Ends Loose Flanges
2 Double
2 SS400(Dry Part + 3 ANSI150LB BB Both Ends Pipe
0 Others SUS304 (Wet Part)
4 ANSI300LB FB Fixed Flange x End Pipe
3 All SUS316
5 PN10 LB Loose Flange x End Pipe
4 SS400(Dry Part + 6 PN16 O Others
SUS316 (Wet Part)
5 Carbon Steel 7 PN25
S User defined
6 SUS304(Dry Part +
SUS316 (Wet Part)
S User defined


1 Axial Free Type (none) (none) with Shipping Rods

NS No Inner Sleeve
2 Axial Covered Type 316 SUS316
LR with Limit Rod
3 Axial Reinforced Type 316L SUS316L
VS Vanstone Type
4 External Pressurised Type 316Ti SUS316Ti
NP No Pipe
5 Hinged Type --- Others (specify) ---
--- Others
6 Gimbal Type
7 Universal Type
8 Tied Type

9 Pressure Balanced Type

0 Others

11 SJT-0221

To compensate moderate amount of pipe thermal expansion

or contraction in axial direction.
Item Qty Name Standard Material
1 2 Flange SS400
1 2 3 4
2 2 Short Pipe CS

3 4 Bellows SUS316L

4 1 Internal Sleeve SUS316L

Proper pipe guide and anchoring against the pressure

thrust shall be considered.
Maximum Axial Movement; 25, 35 mm.
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars.

Maximum Axial SJT-1100 SJT-1100-BB L (mm) of SJT-1100 Other Type

Axial Spring
Size Area
Movement Rate L Weight L Weight
(cm2 ) VS NP FL LL
(mm) (N/mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)

40A 25 68 25 250 4 250 1 150 145 245 245

50A 25 79 36 250 5 250 1 150 150 250 250
65A 35 87 51 250 8 250 2 200 200 265 265
80A 35 90 79 250 10 250 2 200 200 250 250
100A 35 105 131 275 14 275 4 220 200 280 280
125A 35 101 198 275 17 275 5 220 200 280 280
150A 35 136 265 300 21 300 7 220 200 305 305
200A 35 166 440 300 32 300 9 250 230 305 305
250A 35 169 679 350 43 350 13 300 270 355 355
300A 35 217 943 350 65 350 18 300 290 365 365
350A 35 225 1125 350 84 350 22 300 290 375 375
400A 35 337 1469 350 106 350 26 300 290 375 375
450A 35 344 1844 375 123 375 36 300 290 405 405
500A 35 377 2252 375 153 375 42 300 290 405 405
600A 35 602 3215 375 216 375 62 300 290 420 420

SJT 1100 (Cont.)
Maximum Axial Movement; 40, 50 mm.
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars.

Maximum Axial SJT-1100 SJT-1100-BB L (mm) of SJT-1100 Other Type

Axial Spring
Size Area
Movement Rate L Weight L Weight
(cm2 ) VS NP FL LL
(mm) (N/mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)

80A 40 77 77 250 10 250 2 200 200 260 260

100A 50 107 135 300 15 300 5 290 240 305 310
125A 50 124 198 300 18 300 6 290 240 315 330
150A 50 96 275 300 21 300 7 290 240 305 310
200A 50 122 443 300 33 300 10 290 240 305 310
250A 50 165 677 350 44 350 14 300 300 360 365
300A 50 189 945 350 66 350 19 325 300 365 370
350A 50 202 1127 350 84 350 22 325 300 375 380
400A 50 158 1469 375 111 375 31 335 300 375 380
450A 50 220 1822 375 125 375 38 335 300 405 410
500A 50 252 2223 375 155 375 44 370 300 405 410
600A 50 397 3210 385 217 385 63 370 355 420 425

•• SJT-0221
To compensate double amount of pipe thermal expansion or
or contraction in axial direction. Intermediate anchor base is
built-in for easy installation.
1 2 3 4 5 Item Qty Name Standard Material

1 2 Flange SS400

2 2 Short Pipe CS

3 1 Bellows SUS316L

4 1 Internal Sleeve SUS316L

5 1 Middle Pipe

6 CS
6 1 Anchor Base SS400

K J SJT-1201,1203,1205 10 bars (150 PSI)

SJT-1202,1204 20 bars (300 PSI)
Design Working Pressure 10-25 Bars (150-360 PSI) SJT-1206 16 bars (232 PSI)
SJT-1207 25 bars (360 PSI)
Design Working o
250 C Please consult us for other material, temperature and
Water, Hot Water, Oil, movement designs.
Applicable Fluid Steam, Gas, and Shipping devices (yellow sticker) must be removed
Exhaust Air prior to start-up or testing the system.
Proper pipe guide and anchoring against the pressure
Maximum Axial Movement; 50, 70 mm. thrust shall be considered.
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars.

Maximum Axial SJT-1200 SJT-1200-BB

H J K Ød Axial Spring
Size Movement Area
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Rate L Weight L Weight
(mm) (cm2 )
(N/mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)

40A 120 100 70 12 50 68 25 450 6 450 3

50A 130 100 80 15 50 79 36 470 9 470 4
65A 140 120 100 15 70 87 51 570 13 570 7
80A 150 120 110 15 70 90 79 570 16 570 8
100A 170 120 130 19 70 105 131 570 21 570 11
125A 200 120 150 19 70 101 198 600 28 600 17
150A 220 160 180 23 70 136 265 650 36 650 23
200A 250 160 220 25 70 166 440 650 58 650 35
250A 300 180 280 27 70 169 679 750 80 750 50
300A 350 200 300 27 70 217 943 750 110 750 63
350A 450 250 350 33 70 225 1125 770 151 770 88
400A 500 300 400 33 70 337 1469 800 195 800 115
450A 550 350 450 39 70 344 1844 840 237 840 150
500A 600 400 500 39 70 377 2252 900 295 900 184
600A 700 500 600 39 70 602 3215 900 402 900 248

•• SJT-0221
SJT 1200 (Cont.)
Maximum Axial Movement; 80, 100 mm.
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars.

SJT-1200 SJT-1200-BB
Maximum Axial
H J K Ød Axial Spring
Size Area L Weight L Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Movement Rate
(cm 2 ) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)
(mm) (N/mm)

80A 150 120 110 15 80 38 77 600 17 600 9

100A 170 120 130 19 100 53 135 685 24 685 14
125A 200 120 150 19 100 62 198 765 32 765 21
150A 220 160 180 23 100 48 275 765 40 765 26
200A 250 160 220 25 100 61 443 765 64 765 41
250A 300 180 280 27 100 82 677 855 88 855 58
300A 350 200 300 27 100 95 945 855 121 855 74
350A 450 250 350 33 100 101 1127 860 160 860 97
400A 500 300 400 33 100 79 1469 885 207 885 128
450A 550 350 450 39 100 110 1822 905 249 905 162
500A 600 400 500 39 100 126 2223 960 308 960 197
600A 700 500 600 39 100 198 3210 975 415 975 261

To compensate moderate amount of pipe thermal expansion
or contraction in axial direction. External cover for protection
and easy insulation. Item Qty Name Standard
1 2 Flange SS400
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 1 Short Pipe 1 CS

3 1 Neck Ring 1 SS400

4 1 Internal Sleeve SUS316L

5 1 Bellow SUS316L

6 1 Cover SS400

7 1 Neck Ring 2 SS400

8 - Shipping Bolt, Nut, Washer SS400

9 1 Short Pipe 2 CS

Shipping devices (yellow sticker) must be

Design Working Pressure 10-25 bars(150-360 PSI) Please consult us for other material, temperature
Design Working o removed prior to start-up or testing the system.
Temperature 250 C
and movement designs.
Water, Hot Water, Oil, SJT-2101,2103,2105 10 bars (150 PSI)
Applicable Fluid Steam, Gas, and SJT-2102,2104 20 bars (300 PSI)
Exhaust Air SJT-2106 16 bars (232 PSI)
SJT-2107 25 bars (360 PSI)
Maximum Axial Movement; 25, 35 mm. Proper pipe guide and anchoring against the pressure
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars. thrust shall be considered.

Maximum SJT-2100 SJT-2100-BB

Axial Axial Effective
Size Spring Rate Area L Weight L Weight
(mm) (N/mm) (cm2 ) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)

40A 25 68 25 365 5 365 2

50A 25 79 36 365 7 365 3
65A 35 87 51 415 12 415 5
80A 35 90 79 415 14 415 6
100A 35 105 131 415 20 415 9
125A 35 101 198 440 24 440 12
150A 35 136 265 440 30 440 15
200A 35 166 440 440 48 440 24
250A 35 169 679 465 64 465 33
300A 35 217 943 465 91 465 42
350A 35 225 1125 465 117 465 52
400A 35 337 1469 490 149 490 66
450A 35 344 1844 490 171 490 79
500A 35 377 2252 490 207 490 90
600A 35 602 3215 520 288 520 126

16 SJT-0221
SJT 2100 (Cont.)
MaximumAxial Movement; 40, 50 mm.
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars.

Maximum SJT-2100 SJT-2100-BB

Axial Axial Effective
Size Spring Rate Area L Weight L Weight
(mm) (N/mm) (cm2 ) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)

80A 40 77 77 440 15 440 7

100A 50 107 135 460 21 460 10
125A 50 124 198 460 26 460 13
150A 50 96 275 460 30 460 16
200A 50 122 443 460 50 460 25
250A 50 165 677 490 67 490 35
300A 50 189 945 490 95 490 45
350A 50 202 1127 490 120 490 54
400A 50 158 1469 510 154 510 70
450A 50 220 1822 510 176 510 84
500A 50 252 2223 510 213 510 96
600A 50 397 3210 545 301 545 140


To compensate double amount of pipe thermal expansion or

contraction in axial direction. Intermediate anchor base is built-in
for easy installation. External cover for protection and easy insulation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Standard
Item Qty Name Material
1 2 Flange SS400
2 2 Short Pipe CS
FLOW 3 2 Cover SS400
4 2 Bellows SUS316L
5 1 Internal Sleeve SUS316L
6 1 Middle Pipe CS
7 2 Neck Ring 1 SS400
8 2 Neck Ring 2 SS400
10 Shipping Bolt,
J 9 - SS400
Nut, Washer
Design Working Pressure 10-25 Bars (150-360 PSI) 10 1 Anchor Base SS400
Design Working o SJT-2201,2103,2105 10 bars (150 PSI)
250 C
Temperature SJT-2202,2104 20 bars (300 PSI)
Water, Hot Water, Oil, Steam, SJT-2206 16 bars (232 PSI)
Applicable Fluid SJT-2207 25 bars (360 PSI)
Gas, and Exhaust Air
Please consult us for other material, temperature and movement Shipping devices (yellow sticker) must
designs. be removed prior to start-up or testing
the system.
Maximum Axial Movement; 50, 70 mm. Proper pipe guide and anchoring against
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars. the pressure thrust shall be considered.

Maximum Axial SJT-2200 SJT-2200-BB

H J K Ød Axial Spring
Size Area L Weight L Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Movement Rate
(cm2 )
(mm) (N/mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)

40A 120 100 70 12 50 68 25 680 8 680 6

50A 130 100 80 15 50 79 36 680 12 680 8
65A 140 120 100 15 70 87 51 780 19 780 12
80A 150 120 110 15 70 90 79 780 23 780 15
100A 170 120 130 19 70 105 131 880 33 880 22
125A 200 120 150 19 70 101 198 880 42 880 30
150A 220 160 180 23 70 136 265 930 54 930 39
200A 250 160 220 25 70 166 440 930 89 930 65
250A 300 180 280 27 70 169 679 980 120 980 89
300A 350 200 300 27 70 217 943 980 159 980 110
350A 450 250 350 33 70 225 1125 1030 216 1030 150
400A 500 300 400 33 70 337 1469 1030 270 1030 186
450A 550 350 450 39 70 344 1844 1080 329 1080 237
500A 600 400 500 39 70 377 2252 1080 388 1080 271
600A 700 500 600 39 70 602 3215 1200 524 1200 362

18 SJT-0221
SJT 2200 (Cont.)
Maximum Axial Movement; 80, 100 mm.
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars.

Maximum Axial SJT-2200 SJT-2200-BB

H J K Ød Axial Spring
Size Area L Weight L Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Movement Rate
(cm2 )
(mm) (N/mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)

80A 150 120 110 15 80 38 77 830 24 830 15

100A 170 120 130 19 100 53 135 960 36 960 24
125A 200 120 150 19 100 62 198 960 44 960 32
150A 220 160 180 23 100 48 275 970 55 970 41
200A 250 160 220 25 100 61 443 970 92 970 68
250A 300 180 280 27 100 82 677 1030 125 1030 94
300A 350 200 300 27 100 95 945 1030 166 1030 116
350A 450 250 350 33 100 101 1127 1050 221 1050 156
400A 500 300 400 33 100 79 1469 1100 281 1100 197
450A 550 350 450 39 100 110 1822 1125 338 1125 246
500A 600 400 500 39 100 126 2223 1160 405 1160 289
600A 700 500 600 39 100 198 3210 1250 563 1250 401

To compensate large amount of pipe thermal expansion or 1 2 3 4 5 6
contraction in axial direction.

Item Qty Name Material
1 2 Flange SS400
2 1 Short Pipe CS
3 1 Purge Connection CS 7
4 1 Cover Pipe SS400
Design Working Pressure 10-25 Bars (150-360 PSI)
5 1 Stainless Steel Bellows SUS316L
Design Working o
200 C
6 1 Inner Pipe CS Temperature
7 1 Drain CS Water, Hot Water, Oil,
Applicable Fluid Steam, Gas, and
Exhaust Air
SJT4200 double design also available upon request.
SJT-4101,4103,4105 10 bars (150 PSI)
Besides the large amount of axial movement,
SJT-4102,4104 20 bars (300 PSI)
another special feature of external pressure
SJT-4106 16 bars (232 PSI)
balanced type expansion joint is the self-draining
SJT-4107 25 bars (360 PSI)
convolutions. It can prevent any the acumination
of corrosive or solid particles from building up. For steam application, it is advised using steam
Liquid media can 100% drains away from the trap with the drain connection which eliminates
drain connection, if needed,assists by the purging. the possibility of any condensate liquid "flashing"
to vapor during startups.
SUS 304 bellows and pipe are available upon requested.
Shipping devies (yellow sticker) must be removed
Please consult us for other material, temperature prior to start-up or testing the system.
and movement designs.
Proper pipe guide and anchoring against the pressure
thrust shall be considered.
Design Working Pressure; 10 bars.
Maximum Axial Effective
Axial Movement Spring Rate L Weight
Size Area
(mm) (kg)
(mm) (N/mm) (cm2)
25A -50 28 27 475 7
32A -50 28 27 475 8
40A -50 28 27 475 9
50A -50 31 53 500 13
65A -50 28 78 550 21
80A -75 33 86 750 31
100A -100 28 162 800 54
125A -100 45 232 800 60
150A -100 50 302 850 84
200A -100 57 481 850 114
250A -100 68 714 850 141
300A -100 98 1001 875 196
350A -100 98 1190 875 269
400A -100 118 1517 875 342

20 SJT-0221

Model SJT49000 External Pressurized And Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint is suitable for long run of
steam pipe in uncontrolled area. The external pressurized design enables extra-large axial movement and pressure
balanced design minimize anchor load. Both installation time and cost are greatly reduced with the number of
expansion joints, pipe guides, and the size of pipe anchors and relevant structures are greatly reduced at each corner.

Feature :

Squirm is the major design restriction in large

amount of axial movement for an internal pressurized
bellows expansion joint. External pressurized bellows
design is free from squirm consideration. Hence,
more convolutions can be designed into the bellows
for higher axial movement. As a result, number of Item Qty Name Standard
expansion joints, pipe guides and intermediate anchor
1 1 Inner Pipe ASME A106 Gr.B
supports are reduced in the piping system.
2 1 Balance Bellows SUS316L
3 1 Cover Pipe ASME A106 Gr.B
A balancing bellows is used to counterbalance the
4 1 Line Bellows no.1 SUS316L
thrust caused by internal pressure. When pressure
5 1 Middle Pipe ASME A106 Gr.B
thrust is out of consideration, anchor load is greatly
reduced. In such case, the main anchor load is 6 1 Line Bellows no.2 SUS316L
calculation by the spring rate of bellows plus friction 7 1 Inner Pipe 2 ASME A106 Gr.B
force of pipe guides which is the same load of an
8 2 Drain Plug CS
intermediate anchor.

Design Design Maximum Spring Rate

Size A OAL Working Working Axial Mass
(inch) (mm) Pressure Temperature Movement (Kg.)
(bar) ( oC ) (mm)
80A (3 ) 2,450 16 250 -200 141 295

100A (4 ) 2,450 16 250 -200 280 395

125A (5 ) 2,450 16 250 -200 438 625
150A (6 ) 2,450 16 250 -200 438 638
200A (4 ) 2,450 16 250 -200 438 650
250A (10 ) 2,450 16 250 -200 575 1,070

Proposed Specification: 200mm axial movement design for 16 bars working pressure at 250 degree C
Please consult Tozen for other movement designs for each application and piping layout.

21 SJT-0221

To compensate axial, lateral and angular movement of pipe.

Feature L
Absorbtion for large amount of thermal expansion: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Double Bellows Expansion Joints are employed in piping
systems to absorb large amount of differential thermal expansion
while and lateral displacment containing the system pressure.
Maximize the productivity:
Standard design of movement and material maximizes the
productivity while the custom design maximizes the suitability
for special applications.

Computer designed bellows element complies with EJMA criteria.
Item Qty Name Standard Material
Quality: 1 2 SS400
All products are tested before delivery according to relevant code Flange
or ISO quality control system. 2 2 Short Pipe CS
3 2 Bellows SUS316L
Design Working Pressure 10 bars
4 1 Middle Pipe CS
Design Working o
5 - Middle Holder
250 C SS400
6 - Limit Rods SS400
Applicable Fluid Water, Hot Water, Oil, Steam,
7 - Spherical Nut and Nut SS400
Gas, and Exhaust Air
8 - Thick Holder SS400
Maximum Axial Movement 25 mm
Maximum Lateral Movement 25 mm 9 - Conical Seat SS400

Spring Rate SJT-7200 SJT-7200-BB

(N/mm) Effective Area
Size L Weight L Weight
(cm2 )
Axial Lateral (mm) (Kg.) (mm) (Kg.)

40A 83 2 25 500 7 500 4

50A 95 3 36 500 9 500 5
65A 94 4 51 500 13 500 6
80A 89 5 79 500 17 500 8
100A 116 9 128 550 25 550 14
125A 122 16 187 550 29 550 18
150A 124 21 262 550 36 550 23
200A 124 27 441 600 58 600 36
250A 125 45 665 600 81 600 51
300A 144 83 948 600 109 600 62
350A 145 99 1133 600 138 600 76
400A 138 137 1452 600 170 600 90
450A 147 156 1822 650 204 650 117
500A 182 248 2290 650 270 650 159
600A 221 316 3230 700 373 700 219
Installation Guide
Nuts are fixed by welding for allowable movement setting Please read the instruction before designing and
Shipping devices (painted yellow) must be removed prior to start-up or testing the system.
Please consult us for other material, pressure, temperature and movement designs.

22 SJT-0221

Item Qty Name Standard Material

1 2 Fixed Flange & Pipe Carbon Steel (SS400)
1 3 4 5 6 2 7 8 9
2 1 Middle Pipe Carbon Steel (SS400)

3 2 Stainless Steel Bellows Stainless Steel (SUS316L)

4 2 Inner Sleeve Stainless Steel (SUS316L)

5 2 Cover Pipe Carbon Steel (SS400)

Rubber w/synthetic
6 2 Rubber Soil Shield reinforcement

7 2 Tied Rod Carbon Steel w/H.D. Galv

8 - Shipping Rod & Holder SS400

Design Working Pressure 10 bars 9 2 set Monitoring pressure (Optional)
Design Working Ambient
Temperature Shipping devices (yellow sticker) must be removed prior to
start-up or testing the system.
Applicable Fluid Fresh water Please consult us for other material,temperature and
movement designs.

Maximum Axial The Overall Length (OAL, mm) for the Lateral Movement, Y
Size A
(mm) Y = 200 mm Y = 500 mm Y = 800 mm

300A (12” ) +
- 50 1800 3200 3600
350A (12” ) +
- 50 1800 3200 3800
400A (12” ) +
- 50 1800 3200 3800
450A (12” ) +
- 50 1900 3200 4000
500A (12” ) +
- 50 2000 3500 4000
600A (12” ) +
- 50 2100 3500 4500
700A (12” ) +
- 50 2100 3500 4500
800A (12” ) - 50
+ 2200 4000 5000
900A (12” ) +
- 50 2300 4000 5400
1000A (12” ) +
- 50 2300 4000 5400
1200A (12” ) +
- 50 2500 4500 6000
1350A (12” ) +
- 50 2600 4500 6000
1400A (12” ) +
- 50 2600 4500 6000
1500A (12” ) +
- 50 2700 4500 6200
1800A (12” ) +
- 50 2900 5000 7000
Noted:1) Radiographic test (X-ray) on longitudinal welding and seam is available upon request.
2) Material of steel pipe refer to ASTM A283 or JIS G3101 or equivalent.
3) Steel pipe surface preparation standard to SSPC-SP10,(Gr 2-1/2).
4) All interior and exterior surface of carbon steel or mild steel parts (except stainless steel part) are coated with liquid epoxy
coating system (containing no coal tar) conforming to AWWA C210 with minimum thickness 406 microns or otherwise upon request.
5) Redundant ply design & monitoring pressure gauge is available upon request.

23 SJT-0221

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